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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the School Code. With regard to the textbook block grant program, removes a provision requiring the State Board of Education to preapprove and designate textbooks authorized to be purchased under the program; makes a related change. With regard to special education classes for children from orphanages, foster family homes, children's homes, or State residential units, removes a provision requiring each school district claiming reimbursement for a program operated as a group program to have an approved budget on file with the State Board prior to the initiation of the program's operation; makes a related change and other changes regarding claims and reimbursements. With regard to the evidence-based funding formula, removes a provision requiring the State Superintendent of Education to certify the actual amounts of the New State Funds payable for each eligible Organizational Unit based on the equitable distribution calculation to the unit's treasurer and publish a yearly distribution schedule at its meeting in June. Provides that no publisher or retail dealer (rather than person) shall offer any school instructional materials for adoption, sale, or exchange in this State until it has complied with certain conditions; makes related changes. Makes other changes with regard to instructional materials.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the engrossed bill with the following changes. Further amends the School Code. With regard to property tax relief pool grants, provides that the intended relief may not be greater than 1% of the EAV for a unit district, 0.69% of the EAV for an elementary school district, or 0.31% of the EAV for a high school district, multiplied by the school district's local capacity percentage multiplier; defines "local capacity percentage multiplier". Provides that if more school districts apply for relief than there are funds available, the State Board of Education must distribute the grants and prorate any remaining funds to the final school district that qualifies for grant relief. Removes a provision requiring the State Board to publish an estimated threshold unit equivalent tax rate and granting eligibility for relief to a school district whose adjusted operating tax rate is greater than the estimated threshold unit equivalent tax rate; makes conforming changes. Provides that, beginning with Fiscal Year 2020, if a school district receives a grant, the school district must present to the county clerk a duly authorized and approved abatement resolution by March 30 for the year in which the school district receives the grant and the successive fiscal year following the receipt of the grant, authorizing the county clerk to lower the school district's levy by the amount designated in its original application to the State Board. Provides that after receiving a resolution, the county clerk must reduce the amount collected for the school district by the amount indicated in the school district's abatement resolution for that fiscal year. With regard to the evidence-based funding formula, makes changes to the duties and powers of the Professional Review Panel. Makes other changes. Adds an immediate effective date.
House Floor Amendment No. 3 With regard to the evidence-based funding formula, provides that the Professional Review Panel shall, within 5 years after the implementation of the funding formula, and every 5 years thereafter (rather than only within 5 years after the implementation of the funding formula), complete an evaluative study of the entire funding model.
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