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Bill Status of SB0001 98th General Assembly
Senate Sponsors Sen. Kwame Raoul - Christine Radogno - Daniel Biss
House Sponsors (Rep. Michael J. Madigan - Jim Durkin - Elaine Nekritz - Darlene J. Senger)
Last Action
Date | Chamber | Action | 12/5/2013 | Senate | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 98-0599 |
Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
Synopsis As Introduced Amends the General Provisions, General Assembly, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), State Employee, State Universities, Downstate Teacher, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Contains a Part A, which is intended by the General Assembly as a stand-alone reform of the General Assembly, State Employee, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code and takes effect upon becoming law. Contains a Part B, which is intended to provide alternative provisions that take effect only if and when a corresponding portion of Part A is determined to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid or unenforceable. In Part A, caps pensionable salary, temporarily suspends and reduces the amount of automatic annual increases, requires the systems to be 100% funded by 2043, and increases required employee contributions. In Part B, requires persons to make an election either to accept reductions in the amount of, as well as delays in eligibility for, automatic annual increases or to forgo certain healthcare benefits and future increases in pensionable income. Effective upon becoming law, except that specified portions of Part B take effect upon the date following the date upon which certain contingencies occur.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 1
| Deletes reference to: | | PART A | |
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Replaces Part A with Senate Amendment No. 1 to Senate Bill 35 with the following changes: (i) replaces the inseverability clause with the original Part A severability clause, (ii) restricts participation in the General Assembly Retirement System to persons who become participants before January 1, 2014, (iii) deletes references to the Tier 3 retirement plan, and (iv) makes technical and other changes. Reinserts Part B with the following changes: (i) deletes changes to funding formulas, (ii) restricts participation in the General Assembly Retirement System to persons who become participants before January 1, 2014, (iii) makes changes concerning funding guarantees, and (iv) makes technical and other changes. Effective upon becoming law, except that specified portions of Part B take effect upon the date following the date upon which certain contingencies occur.
Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Requires the election packet provided to Tier I employees and Tier I retirees to include a notice advising them that they may be required to pay for the full cost of coverage provided through the group healthcare plan.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 3
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts only those provisions from Part B of Senate Amendment No.1 that affect Tier I employees in the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois. Removes provisions in the introductory clauses that made those changes take effect only if provisions in Part A of Senate Amendment No. 1 were determined to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid. Changes measured dates in the election provisions to dates certain. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.
House Committee Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Includes findings. Amends the General Provisions, General Assembly, State Employee, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Increases the retirement age for certain Tier I members and participants. Changes the conditions of eligibility for, and the amount of, automatic annual increases for Tier I retirees. Increases required employee contributions for Tier I members and participants. Limits pensionable salary for Tier I participants and, in future terms, for Tier II members of the General Assembly Retirement System. Changes the required State contribution to each of the affected retirement systems so that those systems are 100% funded by 2044, and changes the actuarial cost method from projected unit credit to entry age normal. Adds State funding guarantees. Provides that the System shall not use any contribution received by the System under the applicable Article to provide a subsidy for the cost of participation in a retiree health care program. Makes other changes. Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Cook County, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Chicago Teachers Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. For participants who first become participants on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act, prohibits (i) payments for unused sick or vacation time from being used to calculate pensionable earnings and salary and (ii) unused sick or vacation time from being used to establish service credit. Imposes limitations on participation by certain persons. Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act to provide that amendments to Articles 14, 15, and 16 of the Illinois Pension Code (and to Article 1 as it applies to those Articles) are not subject to collective bargaining and take precedence. Amends the State Finance Act; to the list of standardized items of appropriation, adds "State retirement contribution for annual normal cost" and "State retirement contribution for unfunded accrued liability" and defines those terms. Amends the Governor's Office of Management and Budget Act. Adds those terms to a list of classifications to be used in statements and estimates of expenditures submitted to the Office in connection with the preparation of a State budget. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Makes other changes. Includes an inseverability provision. Effective immediately.
| Correctional Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept of Corrections) | | There are no penalty enhancements associated with this bill. The bill would have no fiscal or population impact on the Department of Corrections
| Judicial Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts) | | This bill would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State. |
| State Debt Impact Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 1) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. Although the 2010 and 2011 Pension Obligation Notes will be paid off by the end of FY 2019, debt service payments on the 2003 Pension Obligation Bonds will start increasing from earlier years under $633 million, to almost $1.2 billion by the final payment in FY 2033. |
| Balanced Budget Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Office of Management and Budget) | | This bill does not require the affected retirement systems to re-certify the required State contributions during fiscal years 2013 or 2014, thus there is no immediate impact on the State budget. Savings resulting from SB 1 (H-AM 1) would not be realized until FY 2015. |
| State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) | | SB 1 (H-AM 1) does not create a State mandate. |
| Home Rule Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) | | SB 1 (H-AM 1) does not pre-empt home rule authority. |
| Fiscal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 1) will not have a discernible fiscal impact upon the operations or budget of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. |
| Housing Affordability Impact Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Housing Development Authority) | | This bill will have no effect on the cost of constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence. |
| Pension Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | The precise fiscal impact of SB 1 (H-AM 1) is not known, as an actuarial study has not been completed on the exact provisions contained in the amendment. The Commission's Pension Impact Note for HB 3411 (Cross-Nekritz) indicated long-term State contribution savings of $134 billion between FY 2014-FY 2045. The study also showed an immediate reduction in unfunded liabilities of approximately $30 billion. The Tier 1 retirement age increase and Tier 1 active employee contribution increase contained in HB 3411 is included in HA 1 to SB 1. In addition, the COLA delay is identical between HB 3411 and HA 1 to SB 1, while the COLA limitation is slightly different. CGFA’s cost study on HB 3411 did not contemplate the impact of changing actuarial cost methods, nor did it include the impact of pension stabilization transfers beginning in FY 2020, both of which are included in this amendment. A revised impact note will be issued when updated actuarial data becomes available from the retirement systems.
| Correctional Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Dept of Corrections) | | There are no penalty enhancements associated with this bill. The bill would have no fiscal or population impact on the Department of Corrections. |
| Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 2) will not have an appreciable impact upon the Commission's FY14 budget or operations. |
| State Debt Impact Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 1) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. Although the 2010 and 2011 Pension Obligation Notes will be paid off by the end of FY 2019, debt service payments on the 2003 Pension Obligation Bonds will start increasing from earlier years under $633 million, to almost $1.2 billion by the final payment in FY 2033. |
| State Debt Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 2) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. Although the 2010 and 2011 Pension Obligation Notes will be paid off by the end of FY 2019, debt service payments on the 2003 Pension Obligation Bonds will start increasing from earlier years under $633 million, to almost $1.2 billion by the final payment in FY 2033. |
| Home Rule Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) | | SB 1 (H-AM 2) does not pre-empt home rule authority. |
| State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) | | SB 1 (H-AM 2) does not create a State mandate. |
| Housing Affordability Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Housing Development Authority) | | This bill will have no effect on the cost of constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence. |
| Pension Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | The fiscal impact of the changes made by SB 1 (H-AM 2) cannot be readily determined. None of the changes in House Amendment 2 appear to significantly alter the benefit changes (retirement age, COLA limitation and delay, etc.) made by House Amendment 1. |
| Pension Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | The fiscal impact of the changes made by SB 1 (H-AM 2) cannot be readily determined. None of the changes in House Amendment 2 appear to significantly alter the benefit changes (retirement age, COLA limitation and delay, etc.) made by House Amendment 1. |
| Judicial Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts) | | This bill would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State. |
| Land Conveyance Appraisal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Dept. of Transportation) | | No land conveyances are included in this bill; therefore, there are no appraisals to be filed. |
House Floor Amendment No. 3 In each of the funding guarantees, provides that the State pledges not to impair the rights and remedies of the boards of trustees as set forth in the funding guarantees (rather than any rights and remedies of the boards of trustees); also makes changes in the State funding pledge. Provides that the changes, the impact of changes, and the implementation of changes made to the State Employees, State Universities, or Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code, or to the General Provisions Article of that Code as it applies to those Articles, made by the amendatory Act, and those Articles thereafter, are not subject to interest arbitration or any award issued pursuant to interest arbitration. In the Budget Stabilization Act, deletes the reference to terminating transfers into the Pension Stabilization Fund if any provision of the amendatory Act is held invalid, which duplicates the effect of the inseverability provision. Makes changes in the Findings Section. Makes changes to the inseverability provision. Also makes technical and other changes.
| Housing Affordability Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Housing Development Authority) | | This bill will have no effect on the cost of constructing, purchasing, owning, or selling a single-family residence. |
| Correctional Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept of Corrections) | | There are no penalty enhancements associated with this bill. The bill would have no fiscal or population impact on the Department of Corrections. |
| Judicial Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Admin Office of the Illinois Courts) | | This bill would neither increase nor decrease the number of judges needed in the State. |
| Balanced Budget Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Office of Management and Budget) | | This bill does not require the affected retirement systems to re-certify the required State contributions during fiscal year 2014, thus there is no immediate impact on the State budget. Savings resulting from SB 1 (H-AM 3) would not be realized until FY 2015. |
| Land Conveyance Appraisal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Dept. of Transportation) | | No land conveyances are included in this bill; therefore, there are no appraisals to be filed. |
| Land Conveyance Appraisal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept. of Transportation) | | No land conveyances are included in this bill; therefore, there are no appraisals to be filed. |
| State Mandates Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) | | SB 1 (H-AM 3) does not create a State mandate. |
| Home Rule Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Dept. of Commerce & Economic Opportunity) | | SB 1 (H-AM 3) does not pre-empt home rule authority. |
| State Debt Impact Note, House Committee Amendment No. 1 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 1) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. Although the 2010 and 2011 Pension Obligation Notes will be paid off by the end of FY 2019, debt service payments on the 2003 Pension Obligation Bonds will start increasing from earlier years under $633 million, to almost $1.2 billion by the final payment in FY 2033. |
| State Debt Impact Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 3) would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness. Although the 2010 and 2011 Pension Obligation Notes will be paid off by the end of FY 2019, debt service payments on the 2003 Pension Obligation Bonds will start increasing from earlier years under $633 million, to almost $1.2 billion by the final payment in FY 2033. |
| Fiscal Note, House Floor Amendment No. 3 (Government Forecasting & Accountability) | | SB 1 (H-AM 3) will not have a discernible fiscal impact on the operations of the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability. |
| Balanced Budget Note, House Floor Amendment No. 2 (Office of Management and Budget) | | This bill does not require the affected retirement systems to re-certify the required State contributions during fiscal year 2014, thus there is no immediate impact on the State budget. Savings resulting from SB 1 (H-AM 2) would not be realized until FY 2015. |
Conference Committee No. 1
Recommends that the House recede from House Amendments Nos. 1 and 3 and that the bill be amended as follows: Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the General Provisions, General Assembly, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Cook County, State Employee, State Universities, Downstate Teacher, and Chicago Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. In the General Assembly, State Employee, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher Articles: (1) changes the amount of automatic annual increases in retirement annuities and supplemental annuities for certain active and inactive Tier 1 members; (2) for active and inactive Tier 1 members who have not begun to receive a retirement annuity, reduces some automatic annual increases in retirement annuity to zero; (3) reduces employee contributions for Tier 1 members by 1% of earnings; (4) changes the required State contributions so that the Systems are 100% (rather than 90%) funded by the end of State fiscal year 2044 (rather than 2045); (5) changes the actuarial cost method from projected unit credit to entry age normal; (6) adds State funding guarantees; (7) increases the retirement age for active and inactive Tier 1 members under age 46; (8) caps pensionable salary for Tier 1 members; (9) requires each system to create a new defined contribution plan; and (10) exempts the changes made in these Articles from provisions concerning new benefit increases. In the General Assembly Article, also changes the amount of automatic annual increases for Tier 2 members and survivors. In the State Universities Article: (1) redefines "effective rate of interest" and provides for the use of that rate in the actuarial assumptions used to calculate the amount of certain retirement annuities and (2) specifies that certain governmental entities will not qualify as employers. In the Downstate Teacher Article, redefines "regular interest" and provides for the use of that rate in the actuarial assumptions used to calculate the amount of certain retirement annuities. Amends the Budget Stabilization Act. Provides for the transfer of certain amounts from the General Revenue Fund to the Pension Stabilization Fund. Sets forth requirements pertaining to the accounting of payments received by the designated retirement systems from the Pension Stabilization Fund. Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act to provide that employers are not required to bargain over the changes, the impact of changes, or the implementation of changes that are made to Article 14, 15, or 16 of the Illinois Pension Code, or to Article 1 of the Code as it applies to those Articles, by the amendatory Act or any subsequent Public Act, nor be subject to interest arbitration or any award issued pursuant to interest arbitration in relation thereto. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Contains severability and inseverability provisions. Contains a legislative statement.
Date | Chamber | Action | 1/9/2013 | Senate | Filed with Secretary by Sen. John J. Cullerton | 1/9/2013 | Senate | First Reading | 1/9/2013 | Senate | Referred to Assignments | 1/30/2013 | Senate | Assigned to Executive | 2/5/2013 | Senate | Postponed - Executive | 2/13/2013 | Senate | Postponed - Executive | 2/28/2013 | Senate | Postponed - Executive | 3/6/2013 | Senate | Postponed - Executive | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Secretary by Sen. John J. Cullerton | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Assignments | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Filed with Secretary by Sen. John J. Cullerton | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Referred to Assignments | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Assignments Refers to Executive | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Assignments Refers to Executive | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 Adopted | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Do Pass as Amended Executive; 011-003-000 | 3/13/2013 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading March 14, 2013 | 3/14/2013 | Senate | Second Reading | 3/14/2013 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading March 19, 2013 | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Secretary by Sen. John J. Cullerton | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Assignments | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Be Approved for Consideration Assignments | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Recalled to Second Reading | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 Adopted; J. Cullerton | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Third Reading - Consideration Postponed | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Placed on Calendar - Consideration Postponed | 3/20/2013 | Senate | Third Reading - Passed; 030-022-002 | 3/21/2013 | House | Arrived in House | 3/21/2013 | House | Chief House Sponsor Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 3/21/2013 | House | First Reading | 3/21/2013 | House | Referred to Rules Committee | 4/8/2013 | House | Assigned to Personnel and Pensions Committee | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Personnel and Pensions Committee | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Correctional Note Filed as Amended | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Judicial Note Filed as Amended | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Balanced Budget Note Filed as Amended | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended | 4/30/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended | 5/1/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Fiscal Note Filed as Amended | 5/1/2013 | House | Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Tom Cross | 5/1/2013 | House | Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Elaine Nekritz | 5/1/2013 | House | Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Darlene J. Senger | 5/1/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/1/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Adopted in Personnel and Pensions Committee; by Voice Vote | 5/1/2013 | House | Do Pass as Amended / Short Debate Personnel and Pensions Committee; 009-001-000 | 5/1/2013 | House | Placed on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate | 5/1/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Pension Note Filed as Amended | 5/1/2013 | House | Second Reading - Short Debate | 5/1/2013 | House | Held on Calendar Order of Second Reading - Short Debate | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; 004-000-000 | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Correctional Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Fiscal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Pension Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Pension Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Judicial Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Referred to Rules Committee | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; 005-000-000 | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Housing Affordability Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Correctional Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Judicial Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Balanced Budget Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Withdrawn by Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 5/2/2013 | House | (M1) Moved to Suspend Rule 15(d) | 5/2/2013 | House | (M1) Motion to Suspend Rule 15(d) - Prevailed | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Adopted | 5/2/2013 | House | Placed on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Land Conveyance Appraisal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 State Mandates Fiscal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Home Rule Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 State Debt Impact Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Fiscal Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 2 Balanced Budget Note Filed as Amended | 5/2/2013 | House | Third Reading - Short Debate - Passed 062-051-002 | 5/2/2013 | House | (M2) Moved to Reconsider the Vote, by which the bill passed Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 5/2/2013 | House | Motion to Reconsider Vote - Tabled | 5/6/2013 | Senate | Secretary's Desk - Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1, 3 | 5/6/2013 | Senate | Placed on Calendar Order of Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1, 3 - May 7, 2013 | 5/30/2013 | Senate | Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Christine Radogno | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. John J. Cullerton | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. John J. Cullerton | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Assignments Referred to Executive | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Assignments Referred to Executive | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Referred to Assignments | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Be Approved for Consideration Assignments | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Be Approved for Consideration Assignments | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Concur Lost 016-042-000 | 5/30/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Concur Lost 016-042-000 | 6/19/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion to Non-Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. John J. Cullerton | 6/19/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion to Non-Concur Filed with Secretary Sen. John J. Cullerton | 6/19/2013 | Senate | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Senate Non-Concurs 045-011-000 | 6/19/2013 | Senate | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Senate Non-Concurs 045-011-000 | 6/19/2013 | House | Placed on Calendar Order of Non-Concurrence House Amendment(s) 1, 3 | 6/19/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion Refuse to Recede Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 6/19/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion Refuse to Recede Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 6/19/2013 | House | House Committee Amendment No. 1 Motion Prevailed | 6/19/2013 | House | House Floor Amendment No. 3 Motion Prevailed | 6/19/2013 | House | House Refuses to Recede | 6/19/2013 | House | House Requests Conference Committee No. 1 | 6/19/2013 | House | Conference Committee No. 1 House Appointed Rep. Elaine Nekritz; Rep. Michael J. Zalewski; Rep. Arthur Turner; Rep. Darlene J. Senger; Rep. Jil Tracy | 6/19/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Senate Accede Request | 6/19/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Senate Appointed Sen. Kwame Raoul; Sen. Linda Holmes; Sen. Daniel Biss; Sen. William E. Brady; Sen. Matt Murphy | 6/21/2013 | Senate | 1st Conference Committee on Senate Bill 1 - Committee Posting - 98th General Assembly will hold a hearing on Thursday, June 27, 2013, @ 11:00 a.m. in Room C600 in the Bilandic Building, Chicago, Illinois - Subject Matter - Pension Legislation | 6/27/2013 | Senate | 1st Conference Committee on Senate Bill 1 - Committee Posting - 98th General Assembly will hold a hearing on Wednesday, July 3, 2013, @ 9:00 a.m. in Room C600 in the Bilandic Building, Chicago, Illinois - Subject Matter - Pension Legislation | 7/2/2013 | Senate | 1st Conference Committee on Senate Bill 1 - Committee Posting - 98th General Assembly will hold a hearing on Monday, July 8, 2013, @ 3:00 p.m. in Room 409 in the Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois - Subject Matter - Pension Legislation | 11/27/2013 | House | Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Changed to Rep. Jim Durkin | 11/29/2013 | Senate | 1st Conference Committee on Senate Bill 1 - Committee Posting - 98th General Assembly will hold a hearing on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 @ 8:30 a.m. in Room 212, Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois - Subject Matter - Proposed Conference Committee Report # 1 | 12/2/2013 | Senate | Chief Sponsor Changed to Sen. Kwame Raoul | 12/2/2013 | Senate | Added as Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Daniel Biss | 12/2/2013 | House | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Submitted in House by Rep. Michael J. Madigan | 12/2/2013 | House | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Referred to Rules Committee | 12/2/2013 | House | Conference Committee No. 1 Recommends Be Adopted Rules Committee; Rep. Michael J. Madigan; 005-000-000 | 12/2/2013 | House | Legislation Considered in Special Session No. 1 | 12/2/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Submitted in Senate by Sen. Kwame Raoul | 12/2/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Referred to Assignments | 12/3/2013 | Senate | Legislation Considered in Special Session No. 1 | 12/3/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Be Approved for Consideration Assignments | 12/3/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Adopted by the Senate 030-024-003 | 12/3/2013 | House | Conference Committee No. 1 Report Adopted by the House 062-053-001 | 12/3/2013 | Senate | Conference Committee No. 1 Report - Both Houses Adopted | 12/3/2013 | Senate | Passed Both Houses | 12/4/2013 | Senate | Sent to the Governor | 12/5/2013 | Senate | Governor Approved | 12/5/2013 | Senate | Effective Date June 1, 2014 | 12/5/2013 | Senate | Public Act . . . . . . . . . 98-0599 |