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Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Illinois Domestic Animals Running At Large Act. Defines "livestock" to include camelids, ratites, or fowl. Provides that animal control administrators and animal control officers may also give notice and cause stray animals which trespass to be impounded. Provides that if an owner refuses or fails to restrain, or the impounded animals are not claimed, the animals shall be sold, offered for adoption, or humanely euthanized (rather than sold). Provides that before any livestock can be sold, offered for adoption, or humanely euthanized, the person requesting the impoundment shall have published notice of the intended sale, adoption, or euthanization. Provides that if the livestock is not claimed within 10 days after the date of publication of the notice, then the livestock may be sold, adopted, or euthanized. Provides that if the lien and costs of the associated sale of the livestock is determined to exceed the expected value of the animal, then the animal may be deemed adoptable by the animal control facility and may be offered for adoption, and if no such placement is available, then the animal may be humanely euthanized. Effective immediately.
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