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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Open Meetings Act. Provides that certain notice provisions that currently apply to regular meetings of a public body shall also apply to special meetings of a public body. Requires a public body that has a website maintained by a full-time staff to post the agenda and notice of meetings for both the governing body and all subsidiary bodies of the public body. Removes a provision stating that the failure of a public body to post on its website notice of any meeting or the agenda of any meeting shall not invalidate any meeting or any actions taken at a meeting. Requires a public body that has a website to post the minutes of a regular, special, or emergency meeting of its governing body (currently, only regular meeting). Allows a court to declare null and void any final action taken at a meeting in violation of the Act, regardless of whether or not the meeting was a closed meeting. Provides that a court shall (rather than may) assess against any party, except a State's Attorney, reasonable attorney's fees and other litigation costs reasonably incurred by any other party who substantially prevails in any action brought under specified provisions of the Act.
House Floor Amendment No. 1 Reinserts a stricken provision stating that the failure of a public body to post on its website notice of any meeting or the agenda of any meeting shall not invalidate any meeting or any actions taken at a meeting, and provides that such provision shall apply unless the failure to post notice was the result of bad faith on the part of the public body. Adds a provision requiring a court to consider the degree to which the relief obtained relates to the relief sought when determining reasonable attorney's fees.
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