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Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the State Comptroller Act. Requires each State agency to implement, by July 1, 2014, a secure website to provide its employees with electronic access to payroll earnings statements. Requires each retirement system to implement, by July 1, 2014, a secure website to provide its annuitants with electronic access to annuity earnings statements. Provides that if a State agency or retirement system is unable to establish a secure website before July 1, 2014, then it must submit documentation to the Illinois Comptroller's Office stating the reasons it is unable to comply with that requirement by that date, together with a schedule for implementing a secure website. Provides that if an employee or annuitant wants to continue receiving a paper version of an earnings statement or if the State agency or retirement system is granted a compliance extension, then the applicable State agency or retirement system shall be responsible for producing and distributing a paper version of the earnings statement. Provides that, beginning with State fiscal year 2015, the Illinois Comptroller's Office shall discontinue printing paper versions of these earnings statements. Defines "retirement system" and "State agency". Effective immediately.
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