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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Clerks of the Court Act. Provides that filing fees for a petition for change name may not exceed $25, and the court may waive this fee for good cause shown. Amends the Name Change Article of the Code of Civil Procedure. Deletes the requirement that a petitioner must reside in the State for 6 months before the petitioner may file a petition under the Article. Allows a petitioner to request that the court file be impounded if public disclosure may be a hardship and have a negative impact on the petitioner's health or safety. Allows the petitioner to attach to the statement any supporting documents including relevant court orders. Allows the petitioner to request that his or her address be omitted from court documents if it would put the petitioner or petitioner's family at risk. Repeals the requirements to publish a notice of a petition to change a name.
Replaces everything after the enacting clause and reinserts provisions amending the name change provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure with these changes. Authorizes a person to file a petition to assume another name if the person has resided in this State for 3 months at the time of the name change hearing or entry of an order granting the name change. Deletes any changes to the Clerks of the Courts Act. Deletes provisions declaring that it is not the unauthorized practice of law for certain advocates to provide assistance in the preparation of a petition for change.
House Floor Amendment No. 3 Provides that a petitioner may file a motion to have the court file impounded. Provides that the motion shall include a statement, verified under oath, that the person believes that public disclosure would be a hardship and have a negative impact on the person's health or safety.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 Provides that if a court grants a motion to impound the file under the Code, it still requires that the name change be reported to the Illinois State Police, and the Illinois State Police must update any criminal history transcript or offender registration for each person 18 years of age or older to include the name change as well as the person's former name. Adds an effective date of March 1, 2025.
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