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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. To the list of purposes of the Act, adds recognizing that the involvement of each parent for equal time is presumptively in the children's best interests. Deletes language providing that nothing in the Act requires that each parent be allocated decision-making responsibilities. Provides that it is presumed that it is in the child's best interests to award equal time to each parent. Provides that it is presumed that both parents are fit and the court shall not place any restrictions on parenting time unless it finds by clear and convincing evidence (instead of a preponderance of the evidence) that a parent's exercise of parenting time would seriously endanger the child's physical, mental, moral, or emotional health. In specified situations, requires the court to issue a written decision stating its specific findings of fact and conclusions of law in support of its ruling. Provides that the court may restrict or modify parental responsibilities after a showing of clear and convincing evidence (instead of a preponderance of the evidence) that the restriction or modification is warranted.
House Committee Amendment No. 2 Relocates provisions listing factors for the court to consider in determining a child's bests interests for purposes of allocating parenting time. Removes language changing the burden of proof from preponderance of the evidence to clear and convincing evidence. Provides that the presumption in favor of equal parenting time is rebuttable.
Land Conveyance Appraisal Note, House Committee Amendment No. 2 (Dept. of Transportation)
No land conveyances are included in this bill; therefore, there are no appraisals to be filed.
State Debt Impact Note, House Committee Amendment No. 2 (Government Forecasting & Accountability)
This bill would not change the amount of authorization for any type of State-issued or State-supported bond, and, therefore, would not affect the level of State indebtedness.
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