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Synopsis As Introduced Amends the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Act. Changes the short title to the Energy Efficient Building Act. Provides a definition of "building". Applies the Act to residential and commercial buildings (now, all commercial buildings). Provides that the Capital Development Board must adopt the specified energy conservation code as the minimum requirements for commercial buildings and as the minimum and maximum requirements for the construction of residential buildings. Provides that units of local government may not regulate energy efficient building standards for residential buildings in a manner that is either less or more stringent than the standards in the Act. Provides that units of local government may not enact any annexation ordinance or resolution, or require or enter into any annexation agreement, that imposes energy efficiency building standards for residential buildings that are either less or more stringent than the energy efficiency standards in effect throughout the unit of local government. Provides that any unit of local government that has adopted any previously published editions of the International Energy Conservation Code on or before January 1, 2009 may continue to regulate energy efficient building standards under that Code and any supplements the unit of local government has adopted prior to January 1, 2009. Preempts home rule powers. Effective immediately.
House Floor Amendment No. 1 Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Inserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that the Board shall adopt the Code within 6 months after its publication (now, there is not a requirement that the Board adopt the Code). Provides that the Code shall take effect within 3 months after it is adopted by the Board (now, within one year after it is adopted by the Board). Redefines the term "residential building". Replaces a provision that exempts from the Code's requirements "additions, alterations, renovations, or repairs to existing residential structures" with a provision that exempts from the Code's requirements the following: "storm windows installed over existing fenestration; glass-only replacements in an existing sash and fame; existing ceiling, wall, or floor cavities exposed during construction, provided that these cavities are filled with insulation; and construction where the existing roof, wall, or floor is not exposed".
House Floor Amendment No. 3 Further amends the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Act. Provides that the Capital Development Board shall adopt the Code within 9 months (rather than 6 months) after its publication.
House Floor Amendment No. 4 Further amends the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Act. Provides that a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more may regulate energy efficient building standards for residential buildings in a manner that is more stringent than the standards established under the Act. Makes a conforming change in a provision that otherwise requires the Board to adopt the Code as the minimum and maximum requirements for residential buildings.
Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 Deletes everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the engrossed bill with the following changes. Further amends the Energy Efficient Commercial Building Act. Restores the definition of "residential building" with the following change. Provides that, when applied to a building located within the boundaries of a municipality having a population of 1,000,000 or more, the term "residential building" means a building containing one or more dwelling units, not exceeding 4 stories above grade, where occupants are primarily permanent. Provides that no unit of local government, including any home rule unit, may regulate energy efficient building standards for residential buildings in a manner that is either less or more stringent than the standards established pursuant to this Act. Exempts the following entities from that general prohibition: (i) a unit of local government, including a home rule unit, that has, on or before May 15, 2009, adopted or incorporated by reference energy efficient building standards for residential buildings that are equivalent to or more stringent than the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, (ii) a unit of local government, including a home rule unit, that has, on or before May 15, 2009, provided to the Capital Development Board, as required by Section 55 of the Illinois Building Commission Act, an identification of an energy efficient building code or amendment that is equivalent to or more stringent than the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, and (iii) a municipality with a population of 1,000,000 or more. Effective immediately.
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