Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB3442
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

 Bill Status of HB3442  103rd General Assembly


House Sponsors
Rep. Fred Crespo, Matt Hanson and Camille Y. Lilly

Senate Sponsors
(Sen. Meg Loughran Cappel - Doris Turner - Dale Fowler, Michael W. Halpin, Suzy Glowiak Hilton, Robert F. Martwick, Kimberly A. Lightford, Adriane Johnson, Laura M. Murphy, Paul Faraci, Andrew S. Chesney, Jil Tracy, Steve Stadelman, Elgie R. Sims, Jr., Emil Jones, III, Napoleon Harris, III, David Koehler and Mary Edly-Allen)

Last Action
DateChamber Action
  6/30/2023HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0193

Statutes Amended In Order of Appearance
105 ILCS 5/21B-20

Synopsis As Introduced
Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning Substitute Teaching Licenses, provides that if there is no licensed teacher under contract because of an emergency situation, then a district may employ a substitute teacher for no longer than 30 calendar days per each vacant position in the district if the district notifies the appropriate regional office of education within 5 business days after the employment of the substitute teacher in that vacant position (instead of employment of the substitute teacher in the emergency situation). Provides that a district may continue to employ that same substitute teacher in that same vacant position for one or more additional 30 calendar day periods if, prior to the expiration of the then-current 30 calendar day period, the district files a written request with the appropriate regional office of education for a 30 calendar day extension on the basis that the position remains vacant and the district continues to actively seek qualified candidates. Provides that each extension request shall be deemed granted unless denied in writing by the regional office of education. Provides that an emergency situation is one in which a vacancy has occurred (instead of an unforeseen vacancy has occurred) and (i) a teacher is unexpectedly unable to fulfill his or her contractual duties or (ii) teacher capacity needs of the district exceed previous indications or vacancies are unfilled due to a lack of qualified candidates, and the district is actively engaged in advertising to hire a fully licensed teacher for the vacant position (instead of (i) a teacher is unable to fulfill his or her contractual duties or (ii) teacher capacity needs of the district exceed previous indications, and the district is actively engaged in advertising to hire a fully licensed teacher for the vacant position).

House Floor Amendment No. 1
Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that a district may continue to employ that same substitute teacher in that same vacant position for 90 calendar days or until the end of the semester, whichever is greater, if, prior to the expiration of the 30-calendar-day period then current, the district files a written request with the appropriate regional office of education for a 30-calendar-day extension on the basis that the position remains vacant and the district continues to actively seek qualified candidates and provides documentation that it has provided training specific to the position, including training on meeting the needs of students with disabilities and English learners if applicable (instead of a district may continue to employ that same substitute teacher in that same vacant position for one or more additional 30 calendar day periods if, prior to the expiration of the then-current 30 calendar day period, the district files a written request with the appropriate regional office of education for a 30 calendar day extension on the basis that the position remains vacant and the district continues to actively seek qualified candidates). Provides that each extension request shall be granted in writing (instead of shall be deemed granted unless denied in writing) by the regional office of education. Restores current law to provide that an emergency situation is one in which an unforeseen vacancy (instead of a vacancy) has occurred.

DateChamber Action
  2/17/2023HouseFiled with the Clerk by Rep. Fred Crespo
  2/17/2023HouseFirst Reading
  2/17/2023HouseReferred to Rules Committee
  2/28/2023HouseAssigned to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools
  3/8/2023HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Matt Hanson
  3/8/2023HouseDo Pass / Short Debate Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools; 009-000-000
  3/10/2023HousePlaced on Calendar 2nd Reading - Short Debate
  3/13/2023HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Filed with Clerk by Rep. Fred Crespo
  3/13/2023HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Referred to Rules Committee
  3/14/2023HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Rules Refers to Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools
  3/15/2023HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Recommends Be Adopted Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools; 007-000-000
  3/21/2023HouseSecond Reading - Short Debate
  3/21/2023HouseHouse Floor Amendment No. 1 Adopted
  3/21/2023HousePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading - Short Debate
  3/22/2023HouseThird Reading - Short Debate - Passed 111-000-000
  3/22/2023HouseAdded Co-Sponsor Rep. Camille Y. Lilly
  3/23/2023SenateArrive in Senate
  3/23/2023SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of First Reading
  3/23/2023SenateChief Senate Sponsor Sen. Meg Loughran Cappel
  3/23/2023SenateFirst Reading
  3/23/2023SenateReferred to Assignments
  4/12/2023SenateAssigned to Transportation
  4/18/2023SenateRe-referred to Assignments
  4/18/2023SenateRe-assigned to Education
  4/25/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael W. Halpin
  4/25/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton
  4/26/2023SenateDo Pass Education; 012-000-000
  4/26/2023SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 2nd Reading April 27, 2023
  4/26/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Doris Turner
  4/27/2023SenateSecond Reading
  4/27/2023SenatePlaced on Calendar Order of 3rd Reading May 2, 2023
  4/27/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Robert F. Martwick
  5/1/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Kimberly A. Lightford
  5/2/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Adriane Johnson
  5/5/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Laura M. Murphy
  5/10/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Paul Faraci
  5/11/2023SenateThird Reading - Passed; 055-000-000
  5/11/2023HousePassed Both Houses
  5/11/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Sen. Dale Fowler
  5/11/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Andrew S. Chesney
  5/11/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Jil Tracy
  5/11/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Steve Stadelman
  5/15/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr.
  5/18/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Emil Jones, III
  5/25/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Napoleon Harris, III
  5/25/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. David Koehler
  5/25/2023SenateAdded as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Mary Edly-Allen
  6/9/2023HouseSent to the Governor
  6/30/2023HouseGovernor Approved
  6/30/2023HouseEffective Date January 1, 2024
  6/30/2023HousePublic Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0193

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