July 10, 2013


To the Honorable Members of the Illinois House of Representatives

98th General Assembly


Pursuant to Article IV, Section 9(d) of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return House Bill 214, entitled “AN ACT making appropriations,” with line item vetoes in appropriations totaling $13,852,700.


Item Vetoes


I hereby veto the appropriation items listed below:


Article             Section            Pages              Lines                Amount Enacted

11                     15                     75                     6-8                   7,766,100

11                     15                     75                     9-10                  3,947,800

11                     15                     75                     15-17                104,900

11                     15                     75                     18                     22,200

11                     15                     75                     19-20                216,800

11                     15                     75                     21-22                206,900

11                     15                     75                     23-24                39,500

11                     15                     75                     25 and

11                     15                     76                     1                      34,500

11                     15                     76                     2-3                   75,600

11                     15                     76                     4-7                   532,000

11                     15                     76                     8-10                  906,400


In addition to these specific line item vetoes, I hereby approve all other appropriation items in House Bill 214.






