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2    WHEREAS, The work of Jan Craig Scruggs is familiar to
3every person who knows about the Vietnam War and its
4aftermath; and
5    WHEREAS, Jan Scruggs, born on March 11, 1950 in Maryland,
6was of an age to serve in this most divisive of all conflicts;
8    WHEREAS, Assigned to the 12th Infantry Regiment as a
9corporal, Jan Scruggs served in-country for prolonged tours of
10duty; wounded in action, he was awarded the Purple Heart; for
11valor in action, he was repeatedly decorated for his services;
13    WHEREAS, As a civilian after leaving the United States
14Army, Jan Scruggs fully experienced many of the challenges
15that Vietnam War veterans saw when they returned home; the
16overall pattern of public life in the United States in the late
171970s sought to ignore this war and to diminish or even
18belittle the men and women who had fought in it; and
19    WHEREAS, To counter this pattern, on April 27, 1979, Jan
20Scruggs and a small group of fellow veterans began the work of
21creating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) to erect



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1one or more tangible memorials to serve as memories of the
2services performed by veterans of this war; and
3    WHEREAS, To the surprise of skeptics, Jan Scruggs's
4advocacy generated an expression of grass-roots national
5determination that the services of Vietnam War veterans be
6recognized and honored; this movement led to the allocation of
7one of the most significant locations in Washington, D.C., the
8National Mall, home of installations such as the Lincoln
9Memorial, as a suitable place for a Vietnam Veterans Memorial;
11    WHEREAS, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington,
12D.C., dedicated on Veterans Day 1982, carries the names of
13more than 58,000 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in
14the Vietnam War; and
15    WHEREAS, After the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was
16completed, Jan Scruggs rededicated himself to the work of
17maintaining and expanding the work of community remembrance in
18locations throughout America for Vietnam veterans, all
19veterans of the United States armed services, and all persons
20who have fallen in defense of the United States of America and
21its communities, including persons who made the ultimate
22sacrifice on and after 9/11/01; and



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1    WHEREAS, The people of Illinois owe an enduring debt of
2gratitude to Jan Scruggs and his work, and it is agreed that
3his work, and the work of his comrades in and out of arms, to
4remember these sacrifices must never be forgotten; therefore,
5be it
8we recognize Jan Craig Scruggs for his work on behalf of his
9fellow Vietnam veterans, his fellow United States veterans of
10all wars, and especially his work on behalf of the people he
11had to leave behind when he came home; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That as we recognize and express our gratitude
13to Jan Craig Scruggs, we are also recognizing and expressing
14our gratitude to every warrior who has fought for America or
15who has worn any of the uniforms that signify service to our
16country, especially those who have been wounded in this
17service, and particularly to those who have made the ultimate
18sacrifice for their service; and be it further
19    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
20presented to Jan Scruggs as a symbol of our respect and esteem.