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2    WHEREAS, In November 2024, National Apprenticeship Week
3will celebrate its 10th anniversary of raising awareness of
4the vital role that apprenticeships play in providing
5opportunities to learn and earn on the pathway to good,
6quality jobs and well-paying careers with the opportunity for
7career advancement; and
8    WHEREAS, Building off of the success of National
9Apprenticeship Week, the U.S. Department of Labor and its
10Apprenticeship USA initiative will celebrate the first Youth
11Apprenticeship Week in 2024 to highlight the benefits and
12value of registered apprenticeships for young people ages
1316-24; and
14    WHEREAS, Registered Apprenticeship programs allow youth
15and young adults to obtain relevant training and experience to
16start their careers while earning competitive wages and often
17include the opportunity to earn college credit as well,
18creating a sustainable pipeline of skilled and diverse talent
19for critical industries; and
20    WHEREAS, The advancement and well-being of Illinois
21depends upon its ability to expand workforce opportunities for
22people in all areas of the State, including through Registered



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1Apprenticeship programs that are able to meet the changing
2demands of the economy while providing a path to success and
3stability and opportunity to contribute to America's
4industries for all qualified individuals regardless of their
5race, sexuality, involvement in the justice system, gender,
6geography, ethnicity, or disability status; and
7    WHEREAS, Registered Apprenticeship programs for youth are
8able to combine a proven, industry-driven training model for
9apprenticeships with colleges and universities, including
10community colleges, to provide access to a broader array of
11education and skills development for young people, allowing
12them greater opportunities for sustained success while
13addressing challenges, including, but not limited to,
14rebuilding our country's infrastructure, addressing critical
15supply chain demands, supporting a clean energy workforce,
16modernizing our cybersecurity response, and addressing care
17economy issues; and
18    WHEREAS, The United States Department of Labor is bringing
19together employers, industry associations, labor
20organizations, community-based organizations, workforce
21partners, educational institutions, and governments to
22celebrate Youth Apprenticeship Week from May 5-11, 2024; and
23    WHEREAS, Themes being highlighted for the inaugural Youth



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1Apprenticeship Week include the importance of parents and
2guardians, building awareness through partnerships with
3schools and creating pathways through pre-apprenticeship, and
4expanding youth apprenticeships for underserved populations in
5rural, suburban, and urban communities; therefore, be it
8we declare the week of May 5-11, 2024 as "Youth Apprenticeship
9Week" in the State of Illinois; and be it further
10    RESOLVED, That we encourage business leaders, educators,
11families, and young people to learn more about the
12opportunities that youth apprenticeship programs provide and
13to encourage the development and expansion of youth
14apprenticeship programs in Illinois.