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2    WHEREAS, Many Illinois citizens are experiencing high
3rates of illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and
4cancer; these conditions are often linked to excessive sugar
5consumption; and
6    WHEREAS, It is predicted that by the year 2020, diabetes
7will increase in Illinois by an estimated 25%; and
8    WHEREAS, Sugary drinks are a main source of empty,
9dangerous calories; a diet high in sugar contributes to weight
10gain, which increases the risk for developing type 2 diabetes;
12    WHEREAS, The American Heart Association promotes going
13sugarless for one day a week in order to promote a healthier
14lifestyle; and
15    WHEREAS, Sugarless does not mean sugar-free; it means no
16sugary drinks such as soda and artificial fruit juice, and a
17reduction in the consumption of sugary desserts and snacks; and
18    WHEREAS, The American Heart Association created "Sugarless
19Wednesdays" in order to inform and educate communities on
20healthy alternatives, the health risks associated with



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1excessive consumption of sugary drinks, and the benefits of one
2sugarless day per week; and
3    WHEREAS, The American Heart Association asks Illinois to
4join them by participating in "Sugarless Wednesdays", and to
5take the pledge to "Do My Best to Go Sugarless"; and
6    WHEREAS, The American Heart Association urges people to
7tell friends, family, and loved ones about "Sugarless
8Wednesdays" and the benefits that going sugarless one day a
9week can have; therefore, be it
11ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS, that we designate each
12Wednesday in the month of February of 2017 as a "Sugarless
13Wednesday" in the State of Illinois; and be it further
14    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
15presented to the American Heart Association in appreciation of
16its work to promote a healthier Illinois.