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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate Dr. Roger Wujek on
4receiving the 2018 Rural Physician of Excellence Award from the
5Illinois Rural Health Association; and
6    WHEREAS, One of the biggest healthcare challenges across
7our nation is the shortage of physicians who practice in rural
8settings; and
9    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek graduated from Southern Illinois
10University School of Medicine's charter class of 1976; and
11    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek completed his residency in Family
12Practice in 1979 at Memorial Hospital in Carbondale; and
13    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek was a founding member of the Litchfield
14Family Practice Center (LFPC); over the past 40 years, he has
15worked with his colleagues to build their practice into a
16thriving rural health clinic; they offer an after-hours walk-in
17clinic known as Prime Time, a third party National Reference
18Laboratory, and a full-time family practice office; and
19    WHEREAS, In addition to Dr. Wujek's service to his
20community, he is dedicated to our country; he served in the



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1U.S. Air Force Reserve for 20 years as a flight surgeon and was
2on active duty in the Gulf War; after serving as a commander,
3he was promoted to the rank of colonel; he has received the
4USAF Achievement Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the
5Legion of Merit Medal; and
6    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek understands the importance of
7encouraging young people to pursue careers in rural healthcare,
8not only in his role as an instructor to medical students, but
9as a mentor to local high school students, working to cultivate
10their interest in healthcare; and
11    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek has been an active member of the board
12of directors of St. Francis Hospital for nearly a decade and
13currently serves as the Executive Director of Medical Affairs;
15    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek provides free skin cancer screenings
16every year to his local farming community as part of the St.
17Francis' Annual Farm Family Day; and
18    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek has been active in his community
19throughout his medical career and has volunteered his time with
20the Boy Scouts, the Ronald McDonald House, the Regional Health
21Education Center, and the Montgomery County Board of Health;



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1    WHEREAS, Dr. Wujek has made improving healthcare delivery
2in rural areas a family priority, not only with the support of
3his wife, but also through his son, Dan, and daughter,
4Michelle; and
5    WHEREAS, Whether he is flying overhead or more grounded in
6his daily practice, Dr. Wujek has made a huge impact in
7improving rural healthcare in south central Illinois;
8therefore, be it
11congratulate Dr. Roger Wujek on receiving the 2018 Rural
12Physician of Excellence Award and commend him for his over 40
13years of selfless service and dedication to his patients; and
14be it further
15    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
16presented to Dr. Wujek as a symbol of our respect and esteem.