State of Illinois
2017 and 2018


Introduced , by Rep. Michael J. Zalewski


See Index

    Creates the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. Adds language concerning: definitions; applicability; rulemaking; presumptively abandoned property; taking custody of property that is presumed abandoned; reporting requirements; notice to property owner; taking custody of property by the State Treasurer; sale of property; administration of property; claims to recover; liability; remedies; enforcement; agreements to locate property; confidentiality; uniformity of application and construction; relation to federal laws; transitional provisions; and severability. Repeals the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and makes corresponding changes in the following Acts: the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act; the Freedom of Information Act; the State Comptroller Act; the State Treasurer Act; the Financial Institutions Code; the State Finance Act; the State Officers and Employees Money Disposition Act; the Counties Code; the Illinois Banking Act; the Savings Bank Act; the Illinois Credit Union Act; the Currency Exchange Act; the Corporate Fiduciary Act; the Transmitters of Money Act; the Adverse Claims to Deposit Accounts Act; the Illinois Insurance Code; the Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act; the Real Estate License Act of 2000; the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963; the Probate Act of 1975; the Sale of Unclaimed Property Act; the Business Corporation Act of 1983; and the General Not For Profit Corporation Act of 1986. Effective January 1, 2018.

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1    AN ACT concerning civil law.
2    Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois,
3represented in the General Assembly:

5    Section 101. Short title. This Act may be cited as the
6Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
7    Section 102. Definitions. In this Act:
8        (1) "Administrator" means the State Treasurer.
9        (2) "Administrator's agent" means a person with which
10    the administrator contracts to conduct an examination
11    under Article 10 on behalf of the administrator. The term
12    includes an independent contractor of the person and each
13    individual participating in the examination on behalf of
14    the person or contractor.
15        (3) "Apparent owner" means a person whose name appears
16    on the records of a holder as the owner of property held,
17    issued, or owing by the holder.
18        (4) "Business association" means a corporation, joint
19    stock company, investment company, unincorporated
20    association, joint venture, limited liability company,
21    business trust, trust company, land bank, safe deposit
22    company, safekeeping depository, financial organization,



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1    insurance company, federally chartered entity, utility,
2    sole proprietorship, or other business entity, whether or
3    not for profit.
4        (5) "Confidential information" means information that
5    is "personal information" under the Personal Information
6    Protection Act, "private information" under the Freedom of
7    Information Act or personal information contained within
8    public records, the disclosure of which would constitute a
9    clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, unless
10    the disclosure is consented to in writing by the individual
11    subjects of the information as provided in the Freedom of
12    Information Act.
13        (6) "Domicile" means:
14            (A) for a corporation, the state of its
15        incorporation;
16            (B) for a business association whose formation
17        requires a filing with a state, other than a
18        corporation, the state of its filing;
19            (C) for a federally chartered entity or an
20        investment company registered under the Investment
21        Company Act of 1940, the state of its home office; and
22            (D) for any other holder, the state of its
23        principal place of business.
24        (7) "Electronic" means relating to technology having
25    electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical,
26    electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.



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1        (8) "Electronic mail" means a communication by
2    electronic means which is automatically retained and
3    stored and may be readily accessed or retrieved.
4        (9) "Financial organization" means a savings and loan
5    association, building and loan association, savings bank,
6    industrial bank, bank, banking organization, or credit
7    union.
8        (10) "Game-related digital content" means digital
9    content that exists only in an electronic game or
10    electronic-game platform. The term:
11            (A) includes:
12                (i) game-play currency such as a virtual
13            wallet, even if denominated in United States
14            currency; and
15                (ii) the following if for use or redemption
16            only within the game or platform or another
17            electronic game or electronic-game platform:
18                (I) points sometimes referred to as gems,
19            tokens, gold, and similar names; and
20                (II) digital codes; and
21            (B) does not include an item that the issuer:
22                (i) permits to be redeemed for use outside a
23            game or platform for:
24                    (I) money; or
25                    (II) goods or services that have more than
26                minimal value; or



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1                (ii) otherwise monetizes for use outside a
2            game or platform.
3        (11) "Gift card" means:
4            (A) a stored-value card:
5                (i) the value of which does not expire;
6                (ii) that may be decreased in value only by
7            redemption for merchandise, goods, or services;
8            and
9                (iii) that, unless required by law, may not be
10            redeemed for or converted into money or otherwise
11            monetized by the issuer; and
12            (B) includes a prepaid commercial mobile radio
13        service, as defined in 47 CFR 20.3, as amended.
14        (12) "Holder" means a person obligated to hold for the
15    account of, or to deliver or pay to, the owner, property
16    subject to this Act.
17        (13) "Insurance company" means an association,
18    corporation, or fraternal or mutual-benefit organization,
19    whether or not for profit, engaged in the business of
20    providing life endowments, annuities, or insurance,
21    including accident, burial, casualty, credit-life,
22    contract-performance, dental, disability, fidelity, fire,
23    health, hospitalization, illness, life, malpractice,
24    marine, mortgage, surety, wage-protection, and
25    worker-compensation insurance.
26        (14) "Loyalty card" means a record given without direct



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1    monetary consideration under an award, reward, benefit,
2    loyalty, incentive, rebate, or promotional program which
3    may be used or redeemed only to obtain goods or services or
4    a discount on goods or services. The term does not include
5    a record that may be redeemed for money or otherwise
6    monetized by the issuer.
7        (15) "Mineral" means gas, oil, coal, oil shale, other
8    gaseous liquid or solid hydrocarbon, cement material, sand
9    and gravel, road material, building stone, chemical raw
10    material, gemstone, fissionable and nonfissionable ores,
11    colloidal and other clay, steam and other geothermal
12    resources, and any other substance defined as a mineral by
13    law of this State other than this Act.
14        (16) "Mineral proceeds" means an amount payable for
15    extraction, production, or sale of minerals, or, on the
16    abandonment of the amount, an amount that becomes payable
17    after abandonment. The term includes an amount payable:
18            (A) for the acquisition and retention of a mineral
19        lease, including a bonus, royalty, compensatory
20        royalty, shut-in royalty, minimum royalty, and delay
21        rental;
22            (B) for the extraction, production, or sale of
23        minerals, including a net revenue interest, royalty,
24        overriding royalty, extraction payment, and production
25        payment; and
26            (C) under an agreement or option, including a



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1        joint-operating agreement, unit agreement, pooling
2        agreement, and farm-out agreement.
3        (17) "Money order" means a payment order for a
4    specified amount of money. The term includes an express
5    money order and a personal money order on which the
6    remitter is the purchaser.
7        (18) "Municipal bond" means a bond or evidence of
8    indebtedness issued by a municipality or other political
9    subdivision of a state.
10        (19) "Net card value" means the original purchase price
11    or original issued value of a stored-value card, plus
12    amounts added to the original price or value, minus amounts
13    used and any service charge, fee, or dormancy charge
14    permitted by law.
15        (20) "Non-freely transferable security" means a
16    security that cannot be delivered to the administrator by
17    the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation or similar
18    custodian of securities providing post-trade clearing and
19    settlement services to financial markets or cannot be
20    delivered because there is no agent to effect transfer. The
21    term includes a worthless security.
22        (21) "Owner" means a person that has a legal,
23    beneficial, or equitable interest in property subject to
24    this Act or the person's legal representative when acting
25    on behalf of the owner. The term includes:
26            (A) a depositor, for a deposit;



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1            (B) a beneficiary, for a trust other than a deposit
2        in trust;
3            (C) a creditor, claimant, or payee, for other
4        property; and
5            (D) the lawful bearer of a record that may be used
6        to obtain money, a reward, or a thing of value.
7        (22) "Payroll card" means a record that evidences a
8    payroll-card account as defined in Regulation E, 12 CFR
9    Part 1005, as amended.
10        (23) "Person" means an individual, estate, business
11    association, public corporation, government or
12    governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, or
13    other legal entity whether or not for profit.
14        (24) "Property" means tangible property described in
15    Section 205 or a fixed and certain interest in intangible
16    property held, issued, or owed in the course of a holder's
17    business or by a government, governmental subdivision,
18    agency, or instrumentality. The term:
19            (A) includes all income from or increments to the
20        property;
21            (B) includes property referred to as or evidenced
22        by:
23                (i) money, virtual currency, interest, or a
24            dividend, check, draft, deposit, or payroll card;
25                (ii) a credit balance, customer's overpayment,
26            stored-value card, security deposit, refund,



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1            credit memorandum, unpaid wage, unused ticket for
2            which the issuer has an obligation to provide a
3            refund, mineral proceeds, or unidentified
4            remittance;
5                (iii) a security except for:
6                    (I) a worthless security; or
7                    (II) a security that is subject to a lien,
8                legal hold, or restriction evidenced on the
9                records of the holder or imposed by operation
10                of law, if the lien, legal hold, or restriction
11                restricts the holder's or owner's ability to
12                receive, transfer, sell, or otherwise
13                negotiate the security;
14                (iv) a bond, debenture, note, or other
15            evidence of indebtedness;
16                (v) money deposited to redeem a security, make
17            a distribution, or pay a dividend;
18                (vi) an amount due and payable under an annuity
19            contract or insurance policy; and
20                (vii) an amount distributable from a trust or
21            custodial fund established under a plan to provide
22            health, welfare, pension, vacation, severance,
23            retirement, death, stock purchase, profit-sharing,
24            employee-savings, supplemental-unemployment
25            insurance, or a similar benefit; and
26            (C) does not include:



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1                (i) game-related digital content; or
2                (ii) a loyalty card.
3        (25) "Putative holder" means a person believed by the
4    administrator to be a holder, until the person pays or
5    delivers to the administrator property subject to this Act
6    or the administrator or a court makes a final determination
7    that the person is or is not a holder.
8        (26) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a
9    tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other
10    medium and is retrievable in perceivable form. The phrase
11    "records of the holder" includes records maintained by a
12    third party that has contracted with the holder.
13        (27) "Security" means:
14            (A) a security as defined in Article 8 of the
15        Uniform Commercial Code;
16            (B) a security entitlement as defined in Article 8
17        of the Uniform Commercial Code, including a customer
18        security account held by a registered broker-dealer,
19        to the extent the financial assets held in the security
20        account are not:
21                (i) registered on the books of the issuer in
22            the name of the person for which the broker-dealer
23            holds the assets;
24                (ii) payable to the order of the person; or
25                (iii) specifically indorsed to the person; or
26            (C) an equity interest in a business association



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1        not included in subparagraph (A) or (B).
2        (28) "Sign" means, with present intent to authenticate
3    or adopt a record:
4            (A) to execute or adopt a tangible symbol; or
5            (B) to attach to or logically associate with the
6        record an electronic symbol, sound, or process.
7        (29) "State" means a state of the United States, the
8    District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
9    United States Virgin Islands, or any territory or insular
10    possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United
11    States.
12        (30) "Stored-value card" means a record evidencing a
13    promise made for consideration by the seller or issuer of
14    the record that goods, services, or money will be provided
15    to the owner of the record to the value or amount shown in
16    the record. The term:
17            (A) includes:
18                (i) a record that contains or consists of a
19            microprocessor chip, magnetic strip, or other
20            means for the storage of information, which is
21            prefunded and whose value or amount is decreased on
22            each use and increased by payment of additional
23            consideration; and
24                (ii) a gift card and payroll card; and
25            (B) does not include a loyalty card or game-related
26        digital content.



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1        (31) "Utility" means a person that owns or operates for
2    public use a plant, equipment, real property, franchise, or
3    license for the following public services:
4            (A) transmission of communications or information;
5            (B) production, storage, transmission, sale,
6        delivery, or furnishing of electricity, water, steam,
7        or gas; or
8            (C) provision of sewage or septic services, or
9        trash, garbage, or recycling disposal.
10        (32) "Virtual currency" means a digital representation
11    of value used as a medium of exchange, unit of account, or
12    store of value, which does not have legal tender status
13    recognized by the United States. The term does not include:
14            (A) the software or protocols governing the
15        transfer of the digital representation of value;
16            (B) game-related digital content; or
17            (C) a loyalty card.
18        (33) "Worthless security" means a security whose cost
19    of liquidation and delivery to the administrator would
20    exceed the value of the security on the date a report is
21    due under this Act.
22    Section 103. Inapplicability to foreign transaction. This
23Act does not apply to property held, due, and owing in a
24foreign country if the transaction out of which the property
25arose was a foreign transaction.



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1    Section 104. Rulemaking. The administrator may adopt rules
2to implement and administer this Act pursuant to the Illinois
3Administrative Procedure Act.

5    Section 201. When property presumed abandoned. Subject to
6Section 210, the following property is presumed abandoned if it
7is unclaimed by the apparent owner during the period specified
9        (1) a traveler's check, 15 years after issuance;
10        (2) a money order, 7 years after issuance;
11        (3) funds represented by a non-activated stored value
12    card or other non-activated electronic payment medium that
13    require activation for use, including amounts held in a
14    payroll card, one year after the funds would have otherwise
15    first been available to the owner.
16        (4) a state or municipal bond, bearer bond, or
17    original-issue-discount bond, 3 years after the earliest
18    of the date the bond matures or is called or the obligation
19    to pay the principal of the bond arises;
20        (5) a debt of a business association, 3 years after the
21    obligation to pay arises;
22        (6) a demand, savings, or time deposit, 3 years after
23    the earlier of maturity or the date of the last indication



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1    of interest in the property by the apparent owner, except
2    for a deposit that is automatically renewable, 3 years
3    after its initial date of maturity unless the apparent
4    owner consented in a record on file with the holder to
5    renewal at or about the time of the renewal;
6        (7) money or a credit owed to a customer as a result of
7    a retail business transaction, including an in-store
8    credit for returned merchandise, 3 years after the
9    obligation arose;
10        (8) an amount owed by an insurance company on a life or
11    endowment insurance policy or an annuity contract that has
12    matured or terminated, 3 years after the obligation to pay
13    arose under the terms of the policy or contract or, if a
14    policy or contract for which an amount is owed on proof of
15    death has not matured by proof of the death of the insured
16    or annuitant, as follows:
17            (A) with respect to an amount owed on a life or
18        endowment insurance policy, the earlier of:
19                (i) 3 years after the death of the insured; or
20                (ii) 2 years after the insured has attained, or
21            would have attained if living, the limiting age
22            under the mortality table on which the reserve for
23            the policy is based; and
24            (B) with respect to an amount owed on an annuity
25        contract, 3 years after the death of the annuitant.
26        (9) funds on deposit or held in trust for the



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1    prepayment of a funeral or other funeral-related expenses,
2    the earliest of:
3            (A) 2 years after the date of death of the
4        beneficiary;
5            (B) one year after the date the beneficiary has
6        attained, or would have attained if living, the age of
7        105 where the holder does not know whether the
8        beneficiary is deceased;
9            (C) 30 years after the contract for prepayment was
10        executed;
11        (10) property distributable by a business association
12    in the course of dissolution or distributions from the
13    termination of a retirement plan, one year after the
14    property becomes distributable;
15        (11) property held by a court, including property
16    received as proceeds of a class action, one year after the
17    property becomes distributable;
18        (12) property held by a government or governmental
19    subdivision, agency, or instrumentality, including
20    municipal bond interest and unredeemed principal under the
21    administration of a paying agent or indenture trustee, 3
22    years after the property becomes distributable;
23        (13) wages, commissions, bonuses, or reimbursements to
24    which an employee is entitled, or other compensation for
25    personal services, including amounts held on a payroll
26    card, one year after the amount becomes payable;



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1        (14) a deposit or refund owed to a subscriber by a
2    utility, one year after the deposit or refund becomes
3    payable; and
4        (15) property not specified in this Section or Sections
5    202 through 208, the earlier of 3 years after the owner
6    first has a right to demand the property or the obligation
7    to pay or distribute the property arises.
8    Section 201.1. When abandonment period is accelerated.
9Notwithstanding Section 201, and subject to Section 210:
10        (1) If the holder has imposed a charge against property
11    for reason of owner inactivity or the failure of the owner
12    to claim the property within a specified period of time,
13    and the abandonment period for the property as specified in
14    Section 201 is greater than 2 years, the property shall
15    instead be presumed abandoned 2 years from the date of the
16    owner's last indication of interest in the property.
17        (2) A deceased owner cannot indicate interest in his or
18    her property. If the owner is deceased, and the abandonment
19    period for the owner's property as specified in Section 201
20    is greater than 2 years, the property shall instead be
21    presumed abandoned 2 years from the date of the owner's
22    last indication of interest in the property.
23    Section 202. When tax-deferred retirement account presumed



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1    (a) Subject to Section 210, property held in a pension
2account or retirement account that qualifies for tax deferral
3under the income-tax laws of the United States is presumed
4abandoned if it is unclaimed by the apparent owner after the
5later of:
6        (1) 3 years after the following dates:
7            (A) except as in subparagraph (B), the date a
8        communication sent by the holder by first-class United
9        States mail to the apparent owner is returned to the
10        holder undelivered by the United States Postal
11        Service; or
12            (B) if such communication is re-sent within 30 days
13        after the date the first communication is returned
14        undelivered, the date the second communication was
15        returned undelivered by the United States Postal
16        Service; or
17        (2) the earlier of the following dates:
18            (A) 3 years after the date the apparent owner
19        becomes 70.5 years of age, if determinable by the
20        holder; or
21            (B) one year after the date of mandatory
22        distribution following death if the Internal Revenue
23        Code requires distribution to avoid a tax penalty and
24        the holder:
25                (i) receives confirmation of the death of the
26            apparent owner in the ordinary course of its



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1            business; or
2                (ii) confirms the death of the apparent owner
3            under subsection (b).
4    (b) If a holder in the ordinary course of its business
5receives notice or an indication of the death of an apparent
6owner and subsection (a)(2) applies, the holder shall attempt
7not later than 90 days after receipt of the notice or
8indication to confirm whether the apparent owner is deceased.
9    (c) If the holder does not send communications to the
10apparent owner of an account described in subsection (a) by
11first-class United States mail on at least an annual basis, the
12holder shall attempt to confirm the apparent owner's interest
13in the property by sending the apparent owner an
14electronic-mail communication not later than 2 years after the
15apparent owner's last indication of interest in the property.
16However, the holder promptly shall attempt to contact the
17apparent owner by first-class United States mail if:
18        (1) the holder does not have information needed to send
19    the apparent owner an electronic mail communication or the
20    holder believes that the apparent owner's electronic mail
21    address in the holder's records is not valid;
22        (2) the holder receives notification that the
23    electronic-mail communication was not received; or
24        (3) the apparent owner does not respond to the
25    electronic-mail communication within 30 days after the
26    communication was sent.



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1    (d) If first-class United States mail sent under subsection
2(c) is returned to the holder undelivered by the United States
3Postal Service, the property is presumed abandoned 3 years
4after the later of:
5        (1) except as in paragraph (2), the date a
6    communication to contact the apparent owner sent by
7    first-class United States mail is returned to the holder
8    undelivered;
9        (2) if such communication is re-sent within 30 days
10    after the date the first communication is returned
11    undelivered, the date the second communication was
12    returned undelivered; or
13        (3) the date established by subsection (a)(2).
14    Section 203. When other tax-deferred account presumed
16    (a) Subject to Section 210 and except for property
17described in Section 202, property held in an account or plan,
18including a health savings account, that qualifies for tax
19deferral under the income-tax laws of the United States is
20presumed abandoned if it is unclaimed by the apparent owner 3
21years after the earlier of:
22        (1) the date, if determinable by the holder, specified
23    in the income-tax laws and regulations of the United States
24    by which distribution of the property must begin to avoid a
25    tax penalty, with no distribution having been made; or



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1        (2) 30 years after the date the account was opened.
2    (b) If the owner is deceased, then property subject to this
3Section is presumed abandoned 2 years from the earliest of:
4        (1) the date of the distribution or attempted
5    distribution of the property;
6        (2) the date of the required distribution as stated in
7    the plan or trust agreement governing the plan; or
8        (3) the date, if determinable by the holder, specified
9    in the income tax laws of the United States by which
10    distribution of the property must begin in order to avoid a
11    tax penalty.
12    Section 204. When custodial account for minor presumed
14    (a) Subject to Section 210, and except as provided in
15subsections (c) and (d), property held in an account
16established under a state's Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or
17Uniform Transfers to Minors Act is presumed abandoned if it is
18unclaimed by or on behalf of the minor on whose behalf the
19account was opened 3 years after the later of:
20        (1) except as in subparagraph (2), the date a
21    communication sent by the holder by first-class United
22    States mail to the custodian of the minor on whose behalf
23    the account was opened is returned undelivered to the
24    holder by the United States Postal Service;
25        (2) if a communication is re-sent within 30 days after



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1    the date the first communication is returned undelivered,
2    the date the second communication was returned
3    undelivered; or
4        (3) the date on which the custodian is required to
5    transfer the property to the minor or the minor's estate in
6    accordance with the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or Uniform
7    Transfers to Minors Act of the state in which the account
8    was opened.
9    (b) If the holder does not send communications to the
10custodian of the minor on whose behalf an account described in
11subsection (a) was opened by first-class United States mail on
12at least an annual basis, the holder shall attempt to confirm
13the custodian's interest in the property by sending the
14custodian an electronic-mail communication not later than 2
15years after the custodian's last indication of interest in the
16property. However, the holder promptly shall attempt to contact
17the custodian by first-class United States mail if:
18        (1) the holder does not have information needed to send
19    the custodian an electronic mail communication or the
20    holder believes that the custodian's electronic-mail
21    address in the holder's records is not valid;
22        (2) the holder receives notification that the
23    electronic-mail communication was not received; or
24        (3) the custodian does not respond to the
25    electronic-mail communication within 30 days after the
26    communication was sent.



HB2603- 21 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (c) If first-class United States mail sent under subsection
2(b) is returned undelivered to the holder by the United States
3Postal Service, the property is presumed abandoned 3 years
4after the later of:
5        (1) the date a communication to contact the custodian
6    by first-class United States mail is returned to the holder
7    undelivered by the United States Postal Service; or
8        (2) the date established by subsection (a)(3).
9    (d) Subject to Section 210, if the custodian of the minor
10on whose behalf the account was opened is the holder, then
11property held in an account established under a state's Uniform
12Gifts to Minors Act or Uniform Transfers to Minors Act is
13presumed abandoned if it is unclaimed by or on behalf of the
14minor on whose behalf the account was opened 3 years after the
15date on which the custodian is required to transfer the
16property to the minor or the minor's estate in accordance with
17the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or Uniform Transfers to Minors
18Act of the state in which the account was opened.
19    (e) Subject to Section 210, if the custodian of the minor
20on whose behalf the account was opened is the parent or
21guardian of the minor, the then property held in an account
22established under a state's Uniform Gifts to Minors Act or
23Uniform Transfers to Minors Act is presumed abandoned if it is
24unclaimed by or on behalf of the minor on whose behalf the
25account was opened 3 years after the last indication of
26interest in the property by the custodian.



HB2603- 22 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (f) When the property in the account described in
2subsection (a) is transferred to the minor on whose behalf an
3account was opened or to the minor's estate, the property in
4the account is no longer subject to this Section.
5    Section 205. When contents of safe-deposit box presumed
6abandoned. Tangible property held in a safe-deposit box are
7presumed abandoned if the property remains unclaimed by the
8apparent owner 5 years after the expiration of the lease or
9rental period for the box.
10    Section 206. When stored-value card presumed abandoned.
11    (a) Subject to Section 210, the net card value of a
12stored-value card, other than a payroll card or a gift card, is
13presumed abandoned on the latest of 3 years after:
14        (1) December 31 of the year in which the card is issued
15    or additional funds are deposited into it;
16        (2) the most recent indication of interest in the card
17    by the apparent owner; or
18        (3) a verification or review of the balance by or on
19    behalf of the apparent owner.
20    (b) The amount presumed abandoned in a stored-value card is
21the net card value at the time it is presumed abandoned.
22    Section 207. When gift card presumed abandoned. Subject to
23Section 210, a gift card is presumed abandoned if it is



HB2603- 23 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1unclaimed by the apparent owner 5 years after the later of the
2date of purchase or its most recent use. However, an issuer
3that has reported and remitted to the administrator the net
4card value on a gift card presumed abandoned under this Section
5must honor the card on presentation indefinitely and may then
6request reimbursement from the administrator under Section
8    Section 208. When security presumed abandoned.
9    (a) Subject to Section 210, a security is presumed
10abandoned upon the earlier of the following:
11        (1) 3 years after the date a communication sent by the
12    holder by first-class United States mail to the apparent
13    owner is returned to the holder undelivered by the United
14    States Postal Service; however, if such returned
15    communication is re-sent within one month to the apparent
16    owner, the 3-year period does not begin to run until the
17    day the resent item is returned as undeliverable; or
18        (2) 5 years after the date of the apparent owner's last
19    indication of interest in the security.
20    (b) If the holder does not send communications to the
21apparent owner of a security by first-class United States mail
22on at least an annual basis, the holder shall attempt to
23confirm the apparent owner's interest in the security by
24sending the apparent owner an electronic-mail communication
25not later than 3 years after the apparent owner's last



HB2603- 24 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1indication of interest in the security. However, the holder
2promptly shall attempt to contact the apparent owner by
3first-class United States mail if:
4        (1) the holder does not have information needed to send
5    the apparent owner an electronic-mail communication or the
6    holder believes that the apparent owner's electronic-mail
7    address in the holder's records is not valid;
8        (2) the holder receives notification that the
9    electronic-mail communication was not received; or
10        (3) the apparent owner does not respond to the
11    electronic-mail communication within 30 days after the
12    communication was sent.
13    (c) If first-class United States mail sent under subsection
14(b) is returned to the holder undelivered by the United States
15Postal Service, the security is presumed abandoned in
16accordance with subsection (a)(2) above.
17    (d) Notwithstanding the standards set forth in subsections
18(a), (b) and (c), if the owner is deceased, the property is
19presumed abandoned 2 years after the date of death of the
21    Section 209. When related property presumed abandoned. At
22and after the time property is presumed abandoned under this
23Act, any other property right or interest accrued or accruing
24from the property and not previously presumed abandoned is also
25presumed abandoned.



HB2603- 25 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Section 210. Indication of apparent owner interest in
3    (a) The period after which property is presumed abandoned
4is measured from the later of:
5        (1) the date the property is presumed abandoned under
6    this Article; or
7        (2) the latest indication of interest by the apparent
8    owner in the property.
9    (b) Under this Act, an indication of an apparent owner's
10interest in property includes:
11        (1) a record communicated by the apparent owner to the
12    holder or agent of the holder concerning the property or
13    the account in which the property is held;
14        (2) an oral communication by the apparent owner to the
15    holder or agent of the holder concerning the property or
16    the account in which the property is held, if the holder or
17    its agent contemporaneously makes and preserves a record of
18    the fact of the apparent owner's communication;
19        (3) presentment of a check or other instrument of
20    payment of a dividend, interest payment, or other
21    distribution, or evidence of receipt of a distribution made
22    by electronic or similar means, with respect to an account,
23    underlying security, or interest in a business
24    association;
25        (4) activity directed by an apparent owner in the



HB2603- 26 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    account in which the property is held, including accessing
2    the account or information concerning the account, or a
3    direction by the apparent owner to increase, decrease, or
4    otherwise change the amount or type of property held in the
5    account;
6        (5) a deposit into or withdrawal from an account at a
7    financial organization, except for a recurring Automated
8    Clearing House (ACH) debit or credit previously authorized
9    by the apparent owner or an automatic reinvestment of
10    dividends or interest; and
11        (6) subject to subsection (e), payment of a premium on
12    an insurance policy.
13    (c) An action by an agent or other representative of an
14apparent owner, other than the holder acting as the apparent
15owner's agent, is presumed to be an action on behalf of the
16apparent owner.
17    (d) A communication with an apparent owner by a person
18other than the holder or the holder's representative is not an
19indication of interest in the property by the apparent owner
20unless a record of the communication evidences the apparent
21owner's knowledge of a right to the property.
22    (e) If the insured dies or the insured or beneficiary of an
23insurance policy otherwise becomes entitled to the proceeds
24before depletion of the cash surrender value of the policy by
25operation of an automatic-premium-loan provision or other
26nonforfeiture provision contained in the policy, the operation



HB2603- 27 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1does not prevent the policy from maturing or terminating.
2    Section 211. Knowledge of death of insured or annuitant.
3    (a) In this Section, "death master file" means the United
4States Social Security Administration Death Master File or
5other database or service that is at least as comprehensive as
6the United States Social Security Administration Death Master
7File for determining that an individual reportedly has died.
8    (b) With respect to a life or endowment insurance policy or
9annuity contract for which an amount is owed on proof of death,
10but which has not matured by proof of death of the insured or
11annuitant, the company has knowledge of the death of an insured
12or annuitant when:
13        (1) the company receives a death certificate or court
14    order determining that the insured or annuitant has died;
15        (2) the company:
16            (A) receives notice of the death of the insured or
17        annuitant from the administrator or an unclaimed
18        property administrator of another state, a
19        beneficiary, a policy owner, a relative of the insured,
20        a representative under the Probate Act of 1975, or from
21        an executor or other legal representative of the
22        insured's or annuitant's estate; and
23            (B) validates the death of the insured or
24        annuitant;
25        (3) the company conducts a comparison for any purpose



HB2603- 28 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    between a death master file and the names of some or all of
2    the company's insureds or annuitants, finds a match that
3    provides notice that the insured or annuitant has died; or
4        (4) the administrator or the administrator's agent
5    conducts a comparison for the purpose of finding matches
6    during an examination conducted under Article 10 between a
7    death master file and the names of some or all of the
8    company's insureds or annuitants, finds a match that
9    provides notice that the insured or annuitant has died.
10    (c) The following rules apply under this Section:
11        (1) A death-master-file match under subsection (b)(3)
12    or (4) occurs if the criteria for an exact or partial match
13    are satisfied as provided by either:
14            (A) the Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act or
15        other law of this State other than this Act; or
16            (B) a rule or policy adopted by the Director of the
17        Department of Insurance.
18        (2) The death-master-file match does not constitute
19    proof of death for the purpose of submission to an
20    insurance company of a claim by a beneficiary, annuitant,
21    or owner of the policy or contract for an amount due under
22    an insurance policy or annuity contract.
23        (3) The death-master-file match or validation of the
24    insured's or annuitant's death does not alter the
25    requirements for a beneficiary, annuitant, or owner of the
26    policy or contract to make a claim to receive proceeds



HB2603- 29 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    under the terms of the policy or contract.
2        (4) An insured or an annuitant is presumed dead if the
3    date of his or her death is indicated by the
4    death-master-file match under either subsection (b)(3) or
5    (b)(4), unless the insurer has competent and substantial
6    evidence that the person is living, including, but not
7    limited to, a contact made by the insurer with the person
8    or his or her legal representative.
9    (d) This Act does not affect the determination of the
10extent to which an insurance company before the effective date
11of this Act had knowledge of the death of an insured or
12annuitant or was required to conduct a death-master-file
13comparison to determine whether amounts owed by the company on
14a life or endowment insurance policy or annuity contract were
15presumed abandoned or unclaimed.
16    Section 212. Deposit account for proceeds of insurance
17policy or annuity contract. If proceeds payable under a life or
18endowment insurance policy or annuity contract are deposited
19into an account with check or draft-writing privileges for the
20beneficiary of the policy or contract and, under a
21supplementary contract not involving annuity benefits other
22than death benefits, the proceeds are retained by the insurance
23company or the financial organization where the account is
24held, the policy or contract includes the assets in the



HB2603- 30 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Section 213. United States savings bonds.
2    (a) As used in this Section, "United States savings bond"
3means property, tangible or intangible, in the form of a
4savings bond issued by the United States Treasury, whether in
5paper, electronic, or paperless form, along with all proceeds
6thereof in the possession of the administrator.
7    (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act to the
8contrary, a United States savings bond subject to this Section
9or held or owing in this State by any person is presumed
10abandoned when such bond has remained unclaimed and unredeemed
11for 5 years after its date of final extended maturity.
12    (c) United States savings bonds that are presumed abandoned
13and unclaimed under subsection (b) shall escheat to the State
14of Illinois and all property rights and legal title to and
15ownership of the United States savings bonds, or proceeds from
16the bonds, including all rights, powers, and privileges of
17survivorship of any owner, co-owner, or beneficiary, shall vest
18solely in the State according to the procedure set forth in
19subsections (d) through (f).
20    (d) Within 180 days after a United States savings bond has
21been presumed abandoned, in the absence of a claim having been
22filed with the administrator for the savings bond, the
23administrator shall commence a civil action in the Circuit
24Court of Sangamon County for a determination that the United
25States savings bonds has escheated to the State. The



HB2603- 31 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1administrator may postpone the bringing of the action until
2sufficient United States savings bonds have accumulated in the
3administrator's custody to justify the expense of the
5    (e) The administrator shall make service by publication in
6the civil action in accordance with Sections 2-206 and 2-207 of
7the Code of Civil Procedure, which shall include the filing
8with the Circuit Court of Sangamon County of the affidavit
9required in Section 2-206 of that Code by an employee of the
10administrator with personal knowledge of the efforts made to
11contact the owners of United States savings bonds presumed
12abandoned under this Section. In addition to the diligent
13inquiries made pursuant to Section 2-206 of the Code of Civil
14Procedure, the administrator may also utilize additional
15discretionary means to attempt to provide notice to persons who
16may own a United States savings bond registered to a person
17with a last known address in the State of Illinois subject to a
18civil action pursuant to subsection (d).
19    (f) The owner of a United States savings bond registered to
20a person with a last known address in the State of Illinois
21subject to a civil action pursuant to subsection (d) may file a
22claim for such United States savings bond with either the
23administrator or by filing a claim in the civil action in the
24Circuit Court of Sangamon County in which the savings bond
25registered to that person is at issue prior to the entry of a
26final judgment by the Circuit Court pursuant to this



HB2603- 32 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1subsection, and unless the Circuit Court determines that such
2United States savings bond is not owned by the claimant, then
3such United States savings bond shall no longer be presumed
4abandoned. If no person files a claim or appears at the hearing
5to substantiate a disputed claim or if the court determines
6that a claimant is not entitled to the property claimed by the
7claimant, then the court, if satisfied by evidence that the
8administrator has substantially complied with the laws of this
9State, shall enter a judgment that the United States savings
10bonds have escheated to this State, and all property rights and
11legal title to and ownership of such United States savings
12bonds or proceeds from such bonds, including all rights,
13powers, and privileges of survivorship of any owner, co-owner,
14or beneficiary, shall vest in this State.
15    (g) The administrator shall redeem from the Bureau of the
16Fiscal Service of the United States Treasury the United States
17savings bonds escheated to the State and deposit the proceeds
18from the redemption of United States savings bonds into the
19Unclaimed Property Trust Fund.
20    (h) Any person making a claim for the United States savings
21bonds escheated to the State under this subsection, or for the
22proceeds from such bonds, may file a claim with the
23administrator. Upon providing sufficient proof of the validity
24of such person's claim, the administrator may, in his or her
25sole discretion, pay such claim. If payment has been made to
26any claimant, no action thereafter may be maintained by any



HB2603- 33 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1other claimant against the State or any officer thereof for or
2on account of such funds.

5    Section 301. Address of apparent owner to establish
6priority. In this Article, the following rules apply:
7        (1) The last-known address of an apparent owner is any
8    description, code, or other indication of the location of
9    the apparent owner which identifies the state, even if the
10    description, code, or indication of location is not
11    sufficient to direct the delivery of first-class United
12    States mail to the apparent owner.
13        (2) If the United States postal zip code associated
14    with the apparent owner is for a post office located in
15    this State, this State is deemed to be the state of the
16    last-known address of the apparent owner unless other
17    records associated with the apparent owner specifically
18    identify the physical address of the apparent owner to be
19    in another state.
20        (3) If the address under paragraph (2) is in another
21    state, the other state is deemed to be the state of the
22    last-known address of the apparent owner.
23        (4) The address of the apparent owner of a life or
24    endowment insurance policy or annuity contract or its



HB2603- 34 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    proceeds is presumed to be the address of the insured or
2    annuitant if a person other than the insured or annuitant
3    is entitled to the amount owed under the policy or contract
4    and the address of the other person is not known by the
5    insurance company and cannot be determined under Section
6    302. The address of the apparent owner of other property
7    where ownership vests in a beneficiary upon the death of
8    the owner is presumed to be the address of the now-deceased
9    owner if the address of the beneficiary is not known by the
10    holder and cannot be determined under Section 302.
11    Section 302. Address of apparent owner in this State. The
12administrator may take custody of property that is presumed
13abandoned, whether located in this State, another state, or a
14foreign country if:
15        (1) the last-known address of the apparent owner in the
16    records of the holder is in this State; or
17        (2) the records of the holder do not reflect the
18    identity or last-known address of the apparent owner, but
19    the administrator has determined that the last-known
20    address of the apparent owner is in this State.
21    Section 303. If records show multiple addresses of apparent
23    (a) Except as in subsection (b), if records of a holder
24reflect multiple addresses for an apparent owner and this State



HB2603- 35 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1is the state of the most recently recorded address, this State
2may take custody of property presumed abandoned, whether
3located in this State or another state.
4    (b) If it appears from records of the holder that the most
5recently recorded address of the apparent owner under
6subsection (a) is a temporary address and this State is the
7state of the next most recently recorded address that is not a
8temporary address, this State may take custody of the property
9presumed abandoned.
10    Section 304. Holder domiciled in this State.
11    (a) Except as in subsection (b) or Section 302 or 303, the
12administrator may take custody of property presumed abandoned,
13whether located in this State, another state, or a foreign
14country, if the holder is domiciled in this State or is this
15State or a governmental subdivision, agency, or
16instrumentality of this State, and
17        (1) another state or foreign country is not entitled to
18    the property because there is no last-known address of the
19    apparent owner or other person entitled to the property in
20    the records of the holder; or
21        (2) the state or foreign country of the last-known
22    address of the apparent owner or other person entitled to
23    the property does not provide for custodial taking of the
24    property.
25    (b) Property is not subject to custody of the administrator



HB2603- 36 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1under subsection (a) if the property is specifically exempt
2from custodial taking under the law of this State or the state
3or foreign country of the last-known address of the apparent
5    (c) If a holder's state of domicile has changed since the
6time property was presumed abandoned, the holder's state of
7domicile under this Section is deemed to be the state where the
8holder was domiciled at the time the property was presumed
10    Section 305. Custody if transaction took place in this
11State. Except as in Section 302, 303, or 304, the administrator
12may take custody of property presumed abandoned whether located
13in this State or another state if:
14        (1) the transaction out of which the property arose
15    took place in this State;
16        (2) the holder is domiciled in a state that does not
17    provide for the custodial taking of the property, except
18    that if the property is specifically exempt from custodial
19    taking under the law of the state of the holder's domicile,
20    the property is not subject to the custody of the
21    administrator; and
22        (3) the last-known address of the apparent owner or
23    other person entitled to the property is unknown or in a
24    state that does not provide for the custodial taking of the
25    property, except that if the property is specifically



HB2603- 37 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    exempt from custodial taking under the law of the state of
2    the last-known address, the property is not subject to the
3    custody of the administrator.
4    Section 306. Traveler's check, money order, or similar
5instrument. The administrator may take custody of sums payable
6on a traveler's check, money order, or similar instrument
7presumed abandoned to the extent permissible under 12 U.S.C.
8Sections 2501 through 2503, as amended.
9    Section 307. Burden of proof to establish administrator's
10right to custody. Subject to Article 4 and Section 1005, if the
11administrator asserts a right to custody of unclaimed property
12and there is a dispute concerning such property, the
13administrator has the initial burden to prove:
14        (1) the amount of the property;
15        (2) the property is presumed abandoned; and
16        (3) the property is subject to the custody of the
17    administrator.

19    Section 401. Report required by holder.
20    (a) A holder of property presumed abandoned and subject to
21the custody of the administrator shall report in a record to
22the administrator concerning the property. A holder shall



HB2603- 38 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1report via the internet in a format approved by the
2administrator, unless the administrator gives a holder
3specific permission to file a paper report.
4    (b) A holder may contract with a third party to make the
5report required under subsection (a).
6    (c) Whether or not a holder contracts with a third party
7under subsection (b), the holder is responsible:
8        (1) to the administrator for the complete, accurate,
9    and timely reporting of property presumed abandoned; and
10        (2) for paying or delivering to the administrator
11    property described in the report.
12    Section 402. Content of report.
13    (a) The report required under Section 401 must:
14        (1) be signed by or on behalf of the holder and
15    verified as to its completeness and accuracy;
16        (2) if filed electronically, be in a secure format
17    approved by the administrator which protects confidential
18    information of the apparent owner;
19        (3) describe the property;
20        (4) except for a traveler's check, money order, or
21    similar instrument, contain the name, if known, last-known
22    address, if known, and Social Security number or taxpayer
23    identification number, if known or readily ascertainable,
24    of the apparent owner of property with a value of $5 or
25    more;



HB2603- 39 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (5) for an amount held or owing under a life or
2    endowment insurance policy, annuity contract, or other
3    property where ownership vests in a beneficiary upon the
4    death of the owner, contain the name and last-known address
5    of the insured, annuitant, or other apparent owner of the
6    policy or contract and of the beneficiary;
7        (6) for property held in or removed from a safe-deposit
8    box, indicate the location of the property, where it may be
9    inspected by the administrator, and any amounts owed to the
10    holder under Section 606;
11        (7) contain the commencement date for determining
12    abandonment under Article 2;
13        (8) state that the holder has complied with the notice
14    requirements of Section 501;
15        (9) identify property that is a non-freely
16    transferable security and explain why it is a non-freely
17    transferable security; and
18        (10) contain other information the administrator
19    prescribes by rules.
20    (b) A report under Section 401 may include in the aggregate
21items valued under $5 each. If the report includes items in the
22aggregate valued under $5 each, the administrator may not
23require the holder to provide the name and address of an
24apparent owner of an item unless the information is necessary
25to verify or process a claim in progress by the apparent owner.
26    (c) A report under Section 401 may include personal



HB2603- 40 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1information as defined in Section 1401(a) about the apparent
2owner or the apparent owner's property.
3    (d) If a holder has changed its name while holding property
4presumed abandoned or is a successor to another person that
5previously held the property for the apparent owner, the holder
6must include in the report under Section 401 its former name or
7the name of the previous holder, if any, and the known name and
8address of each previous holder of the property.
9    Section 403. When report to be filed.
10    (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) and
11subject to subsection (c), the report under Section 401 must be
12filed before November 1 of each year and cover the 12 months
13preceding July 1 of that year.
14    (b) Subject to subsection (c), the report under Section 401
15to be filed by business associations, utilities, and life
16insurance companies must be filed before May 1 of each year for
17the immediately preceding calendar year.
18    (c) Before the date for filing the report under Section
19401, the holder of property presumed abandoned may request the
20administrator to extend the time for filing. The administrator
21may grant an extension. If the extension is granted, the holder
22may pay or make a partial payment of the amount the holder
23estimates ultimately will be due. The payment or partial
24payment terminates accrual of interest on the amount paid.



HB2603- 41 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Section 404. Retention of records by holder. A holder
2required to file a report under Section 401 shall retain
3records for 10 years after the later of the date the report was
4filed or the last date a timely report was due to be filed,
5unless a shorter period is provided by rule of the
6administrator. The holder may satisfy the requirement to retain
7records under this Section through an agent. The records must
9        (1) the information required to be included in the
10    report;
11        (2) the date, place, and nature of the circumstances
12    that gave rise to the property right;
13        (3) the amount or value of the property;
14        (4) the last address of the apparent owner, if known to
15    the holder;
16        (5) sufficient records of items which were not reported
17    as unclaimed, to allow examination to determine whether the
18    holder has complied with the Act; and
19        (6) if the holder sells, issues, or provides to others
20    for sale or issue in this State traveler's checks, money
21    orders, or similar instruments, other than third-party
22    bank checks, on which the holder is directly liable, a
23    record of the instruments while they remain outstanding
24    indicating the state and date of issue.
25    Section 405. Property reportable and payable or



HB2603- 42 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1deliverable absent owner demand. Property is reportable and
2payable or deliverable under this Act even if the owner fails
3to make demand or present an instrument or document otherwise
4required to obtain payment.

7    Section 501. Notice to apparent owner by holder.
8    (a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c), the holder of
9property presumed abandoned shall send to the apparent owner
10notice by first-class United States mail that complies with
11Section 502 in a format acceptable to the administrator not
12more than one year nor less than 60 days before filing the
13report under Section 401 if:
14        (1) the holder has in its records an address for the
15    apparent owner which the holder's records do not disclose
16    to be invalid and is sufficient to direct the delivery of
17    first-class United States mail to the apparent owner; and
18        (2) the value of the property is $50 or more.
19    (b) If an apparent owner has consented to receive
20electronic-mail delivery from the holder, the holder shall send
21the notice described in subsection (a) both by first-class
22United States mail to the apparent owner's last-known mailing
23address and by electronic mail, unless the holder believes that
24the apparent owner's electronic-mail address is invalid.



HB2603- 43 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (c) The holder of securities presumed abandoned under
2Sections 202, 203, or 208 shall send to the apparent owner
3notice by certified United States mail that complies with
4Section 502 in a format acceptable to the administrator not
5less than 60 days before filing the report under Section 401
7        (1) the holder has in its records an address for the
8    apparent owner which the holder's records do not disclose
9    to be invalid and is sufficient to direct the delivery of
10    United States mail to the apparent owner; and
11        (2) the value of the property is $1,000 or more.
12    The administrator may issue rules allowing a holder to
13deduct reasonable costs incurred in sending a notice by
14certified United States mail under this subsection.
15    (d) In addition to other indications of an apparent owner's
16interest in property pursuant to Section 210, a signed return
17receipt in response to a notice sent pursuant to this Section
18by certified United States mail shall constitute a record
19communicated by the apparent owner to the holder concerning the
20property or the account in which the property is held.
21    Section 502. Contents of notice by holder.
22    (a) Notice under Section 501 must contain a heading that
23reads substantially as follows: "Notice. The State of Illinois
24requires us to notify you that your property may be transferred
25to the custody of the administrator if you do not contact us



HB2603- 44 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1before (insert date that is 30 days after the date of this
3    (b) The notice under Section 501 must:
4        (1) identify the nature and, except for property that
5    does not have a fixed value, the value of the property that
6    is the subject of the notice;
7        (2) state that the property will be turned over to the
8    State Treasurer;
9        (3) state that after the property is turned over to the
10    State Treasurer an apparent owner that seeks return of the
11    property may file a claim with the administrator;
12        (4) state that property that is not legal tender of the
13    United States may be sold by the State Treasurer;
14        (5) provide instructions that the apparent owner must
15    follow to prevent the holder from reporting and paying or
16    delivering the property to the State Treasurer; and
17        (6) provide the name, address, and e-mail address or
18    telephone number to contact the holder.
19    (c) The holder may supplement the required information by
20listing a website where apparent owners may obtain more
21information about how to prevent the holder from reporting and
22paying or delivering the property to the State Treasurer.
23    Section 503. Notice by administrator.
24    (a) The administrator shall give notice to an apparent
25owner that property presumed abandoned and appears to be owned



HB2603- 45 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1by the apparent owner is held by the administrator under this
3    (b) In providing notice under subsection (a), the
4administrator shall:
5        (1) except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2), send
6    written notice by first-class United States mail to each
7    apparent owner of property valued at $100 or more held by
8    the administrator, unless the administrator determines
9    that a mailing by first-class United States mail would not
10    be received by the apparent owner, and, in the case of a
11    security held in an account for which the apparent owner
12    had consented to receiving electronic mail from the holder,
13    send notice by electronic mail if the electronic-mail
14    address of the apparent owner is known to the administrator
15    instead of by first-class United States mail; or
16        (2) send the notice to the apparent owner's
17    electronic-mail address if the administrator does not have
18    a valid United States mail address for an apparent owner,
19    but has an electronic-mail address that the administrator
20    does not know to be invalid.
21    (c) In addition to the notice under subsection (b), the
22administrator shall:
23        (1) publish every 6 months in at least one English
24    language newspaper of general circulation in each county in
25    this State notice of property held by the administrator
26    which must include:



HB2603- 46 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1            (A) the total value of property received by the
2        administrator during the preceding 6-month period,
3        taken from the reports under Section 401;
4            (B) the total value of claims paid by the
5        administrator during the preceding 6-month period;
6            (C) the Internet web address of the unclaimed
7        property website maintained by the administrator;
8            (D) a telephone number and electronic-mail address
9        to contact the administrator to inquire about or claim
10        property; and
11            (E) a statement that a person may access the
12        Internet by a computer to search for unclaimed property
13        and a computer may be available as a service to the
14        public at a local public library.
15        (2) The administrator shall maintain a website
16    accessible by the public and electronically searchable
17    which contains the names reported to the administrator of
18    apparent owners for whom property is being held by the
19    administrator. The administrator need not list property on
20    such website when: no owner name was reported, a claim has
21    been initiated or is pending for the property, the
22    administrator has made direct contact with the apparent
23    owner of the property, and in other instances where the
24    administrator reasonably believes exclusion of the
25    property is in the best interests of both the State and the
26    owner of the property.



HB2603- 47 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (d) The website or database maintained under subsection
2(c)(2) must include instructions for filing with the
3administrator a claim to property and a printable claim form
4with instructions for its use.
5    (e) Tax return identification of apparent owners of
6abandoned property.
7        (1) At least annually the administrator shall notify
8    the Department of Revenue of the names of persons appearing
9    to be owners of abandoned property under this Section. The
10    administrator shall also provide to the Department of
11    Revenue the social security numbers of the persons, if
12    available.
13        (2) The Department of Revenue shall notify the
14    administrator if any person under subsection (e)(1) has
15    filed an Illinois income tax return and shall provide the
16    administrator with the address of the person as it appears
17    in Department of Revenue Records. The Department of Revenue
18    may also provide additional addresses for the same taxpayer
19    from the records of the Department.
20        (3) In order to facilitate the return of property under
21    this subsection, the administrator and the Department of
22    Revenue may enter into an interagency agreement concerning
23    protection of confidential information, data match rules,
24    and other issues.
25        (4) If the value of the property that is owed the
26    person is $2,000 or less, the person is not required to



HB2603- 48 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    file a claim under Section 903 and the administrator shall
2    deliver the property or pay the amount owing to the person
3    in the manner provided under Section 905.
4        (5) If the value of the property that is owed the
5    person is greater than $2,000, the administrator shall
6    provide notice to the person, informing the person that he
7    or she is the owner of abandoned property held by the State
8    and may file a claim with the administrator for return of
9    the property.
10        (6) The administrator may change the limit in
11    subsections (4) and (5) by administrative rules.
12    (f) The administrator may utilize publicly and
13commercially available databases to find and update or add
14information for apparent owners of property held by the
16    (g) In addition to giving notice under subsection (b),
17publishing the information under subsection (c)(1) and
18maintaining the website or database under subsection (c)(2),
19the administrator may use other printed publication,
20telecommunication, the Internet, or other media to inform the
21public of the existence of unclaimed property held by the
23    Section 504. Cooperation among State officers and agencies
24to locate apparent owner. Unless prohibited by law of this
25State other than this Act, on request of the administrator,



HB2603- 49 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1each officer, agency, board, commission, division, and
2department of this State, any body politic and corporate
3created by this State for a public purpose, and each political
4subdivision of this State shall make its books and records
5available to the administrator and cooperate with the
6administrator to determine the current address of an apparent
7owner of property held by the administrator under this Act or
8to otherwise assist the administrator in the administration of
9this Act. The administrator may also enter into data sharing
10agreements to enable such other governmental agencies to
11provide an additional notice to apparent owners of property
12held by the administrator.

14    Section 601. Definition of good faith. In this Article,
15payment or delivery of property is made in good faith if a
17        (1) had a reasonable basis for believing, based on the
18    facts then known, that the property was required or
19    permitted to be paid or delivered to the administrator
20    under this Act; or
21        (2) made payment or delivery:
22            (A) in response to a demand by the administrator or
23        administrator's agent; or
24            (B) under a guidance or ruling issued by the



HB2603- 50 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        administrator which the holder reasonably believed
2        required or permitted the property to be paid or
3        delivered.
4    Section 602. Dormancy charge.
5    (a) A holder may deduct a dormancy charge from property
6required to be paid or delivered to the administrator if:
7        (1) a valid contract between the holder and the
8    apparent owner authorizes imposition of the charge for the
9    apparent owner's failure to claim the property within a
10    specified time; and
11        (2) the holder regularly imposes the charge and
12    regularly does not reverse or otherwise cancel the charge.
13    (b) The amount of the deduction under subsection (a) is
14limited to an amount that is not unconscionable considering all
15relevant factors, including the marginal transactional costs
16incurred by the holder in maintaining the apparent owner's
17property and any services received by the apparent owner.
18    (c) A holder may not deduct an escheat fee or other charges
19imposed solely by virtue of property being reported as presumed
21    Section 603. Payment or delivery of property to
23    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, on filing
24a report under Section 401, the holder shall pay or deliver to



HB2603- 51 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1the administrator the property described in the report.
2    (b) If property in a report under Section 401 is an
3automatically renewable deposit and a penalty or forfeiture in
4the payment of interest would result from paying the deposit to
5the administrator at the time of the report, the date for
6payment of the property to the administrator is extended until
7a penalty or forfeiture no longer would result from payment, if
8the holder informs the administrator of the extended date.
9    (c) Tangible property in a safe-deposit box may not be
10delivered to the administrator until a mutually agreed upon
11date that is no sooner than 60 days after filing the report
12under Section 401.
13    (d) If property reported to the administrator under Section
14401 is a security, the administrator may:
15        (1) make an endorsement, instruction, or entitlement
16    order on behalf of the apparent owner to invoke the duty of
17    the issuer, its transfer agent, or the securities
18    intermediary to transfer the security; or
19        (2) dispose of the security under Section 702.
20    (e) If the holder of property reported to the administrator
21under Section 401 is the issuer of a certificated security, the
22administrator may obtain a replacement certificate in physical
23or book-entry form under Section 8-405 of the Uniform
24Commercial Code. An indemnity bond is not required.
25    (f) The administrator shall establish procedures for the
26registration, issuance, method of delivery, transfer, and



HB2603- 52 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1maintenance of securities delivered to the administrator by a
3    (g) An issuer, holder, and transfer agent or other person
4acting in good faith under this Section under instructions of
5and on behalf of the issuer or holder is not liable to the
6apparent owner for a claim arising with respect to property
7after the property has been delivered to the administrator.
8    (h) A holder is not required to deliver to the
9administrator a security identified by the holder as a
10non-freely transferable security in a report filed under
11Section 401. If the administrator or holder determines that a
12security is no longer a non-freely transferable security, the
13holder shall report and deliver the security on the next
14regular date prescribed for delivery of securities under this
15Act. The holder shall make a determination annually whether a
16security identified in a report filed under Section 401 as a
17non-freely transferable security is no longer a non-freely
18transferable security.
19    Section 604. Effect of payment or delivery of property to
21    (a) On payment or delivery of property to the administrator
22under this Act, the administrator as agent for the State
23assumes custody and responsibility for safekeeping the
24property. A holder that pays or delivers property to the
25administrator in good faith and substantially complies with



HB2603- 53 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Sections 501 and 502 is relieved of all liability which
2thereafter may arise or be made in respect to the property to
3the extent of the value of the property so paid or delivered.
4    (b) If legal proceedings are instituted by any other state
5or states in any state or federal court with respect to
6unclaimed funds or abandoned property previously paid or
7delivered to the administrator, the holder shall give written
8notification to the administrator and the Attorney General of
9this State of such proceedings within 10 days after service of
10process, or in the alternative at least 10 days before the
11return date or date on which an answer or similar pleading is
12due (or any extension thereof secured by the holder). The
13Attorney General may take such action as he or she deems
14necessary or expedient to protect the interests of this State.
15The Attorney General by written notice prior to the return date
16or date on which an answer or similar pleading is due (or any
17extension thereof secured by the holder), but in any event in
18reasonably sufficient time for the holder to comply with the
19directions received, shall either direct the holder actively to
20defend in such proceedings or that no defense need be entered
21in such proceedings. If a direction is received from the
22Attorney General that the holder need not make a defense, such
23shall not preclude the holder from entering a defense in its
24own name if it should so choose. However, any defense made by
25the holder on its own initiative shall not entitle the holder
26to reimbursement for legal fees, costs and other expenses as is



HB2603- 54 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1hereinafter provided in respect to defenses made pursuant to
2the directions of the Attorney General. If, after the holder
3has actively defended in such proceedings pursuant to a
4direction of the Attorney General, or has been notified in
5writing by the Attorney General that no defense need be made
6with respect to such funds, a judgment is entered against the
7holder for any amount paid to the administrator under this Act,
8the administrator shall, upon being furnished with proof of
9payment in satisfaction of such judgment, reimburse the holder
10the amount so paid. The administrator shall also reimburse the
11holder for any legal fees, costs and other directly related
12expenses incurred in legal proceedings undertaken pursuant to
13the direction of the Attorney General.
14    Section 605. Recovery of property by holder from
16    (a) A holder that under this Act pays money to the
17administrator may file a claim for reimbursement from the
18administrator of the amount paid if the holder:
19        (1) paid the money in error; or
20        (2) after paying the money to the administrator, paid
21    money to a person the holder reasonably believed entitled
22    to the money.
23    (b) If a claim for reimbursement under subsection (a) is
24made for a payment made on a negotiable instrument, including a
25traveler's check, money order, or similar instrument, the



HB2603- 55 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1holder must submit proof that the instrument was presented and
2payment was made to a person the holder reasonably believed
3entitled to payment. The holder may claim reimbursement even if
4the payment was made to a person whose claim was made after
5expiration of a period of limitation on the owner's right to
6receive or recover property, whether specified by contract,
7statute, or court order.
8    (c) If a holder is reimbursed by the administrator under
9subsection (a)(2), the holder may also recover from the
10administrator income or gain under Section 607 that would have
11been paid to the owner if the money had been claimed from the
12administrator by the owner to the extent the income or gain was
13paid by the holder to the owner.
14    (d) A holder that under this Act delivers property other
15than money to the administrator may file a claim for return of
16the property from the administrator if:
17        (1) the holder delivered the property in error; or
18        (2) the apparent owner has claimed the property from
19    the holder.
20    (e) If a claim for return of property under subsection (d)
21is made, the holder shall include with the claim evidence
22sufficient to establish that the apparent owner has claimed the
23property from the holder or that the property was delivered by
24the holder to the administrator in error.
25    (f) The administrator may determine that an affidavit
26submitted by a holder is evidence sufficient to establish that



HB2603- 56 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1the holder is entitled to reimbursement or to recover property
2under this Section.
3    (g) A holder is not required to pay a fee or other charge
4for reimbursement or return of property under this Section.
5    (h) Unless extended for reasonable cause, not later than 90
6days after a holder's claim is complete the administrator shall
7allow or deny the claim and give the holder notice in a record
8of the decision. If a holder fails to provide all the
9information and documentation requested by the administrator
10as necessary to establish legal ownership of the property and
11the claim is inactive for at least 90 days, then the
12administrator may close the claim without issuing a final
13decision. However, if the claimant makes a request in writing
14for a final decision prior to the administrator's closing of
15the claim, the administrator shall issue a final decision. A
16claim will be considered complete when a holder has provided
17all the information and documentation requested by the
18administrator as necessary to establish legal ownership and
19such information or documentation is entered into the
20administrator's unclaimed property system.
21    (i) The claimant may initiate a proceeding under the
22Illinois Administrative Procedure Act for review of the
23administrator's decision or the deemed denial under subsection
24(h) not later than:
25        (1) 30 days following receipt of the notice of the
26    administrator's decision; or



HB2603- 57 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (2) 120 days following the filing of a claim under
2    subsection (a) or (d) in the case of a deemed denial under
3    subsection (h).
4    Section 606. Property removed from safe-deposit box.
5Property removed from a safe-deposit box and delivered under
6this Act to the administrator under this Act is subject to the
7holder's right to reimbursement for the cost of opening the box
8and a lien or contract providing reimbursement to the holder
9for unpaid rent charges for the box. Upon application by the
10holder, after the sale of the property, and after deducting the
11expense incurred by the administrator in selling the property,
12the administrator shall reimburse the holder from the proceeds
13remaining. The administrator shall promulgate administrative
14rules concerning the reimbursement process under this Section.
15    Section 607. Crediting income or gain to owner's account.
16If property other than money is delivered to the administrator,
17the owner is entitled to receive from the administrator income
18or gain realized or accrued on the property before the property
19is sold. Interest on money is not payable to an owner for
20periods where the property is in the possession of the
22    Section 608. Administrator's options as to custody.
23    (a) The administrator may decline to take custody of



HB2603- 58 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1property reported under Section 401 if the administrator
2determines that:
3        (1) the property has a value less than the estimated
4    expenses of notice and sale of the property; or
5        (2) taking custody of the property would be unlawful.
6    (b) A holder may pay or deliver property to the
7administrator before the property is presumed abandoned under
8this Act if the holder:
9        (1) provides the apparent owner of the property any
10    notice required by Section 501 and provides the
11    administrator evidence of the holder's compliance with
12    this paragraph;
13        (2) includes with the payment or delivery a report
14    regarding the property conforming to Section 402; and
15        (3) first obtains the administrator's consent in a
16    record to accept payment or delivery.
17    (c) A holder's request for the administrator's consent
18under subsection (b)(3) must be in a record. If the
19administrator fails to respond to the request not later than 30
20days after receipt of the request, the administrator is deemed
21to consent to the payment or delivery of the property and the
22payment or delivery is considered to have been made in good
24    (d) On payment or delivery of property under subsection
25(b), the property is presumed abandoned.



HB2603- 59 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Section 609. Disposition of property having no substantial
2value; immunity from liability.
3    (a) If the administrator takes custody of property
4delivered under this Act and later determines that the property
5has no substantial commercial value or that the cost of
6disposing of the property will exceed the value of the
7property, the administrator may return the property to the
8holder or destroy or otherwise dispose of the property.
9    (b) An action or proceeding may not be commenced against
10the State, an agency of the State, the administrator, another
11officer, employee, or agent of the State, or a holder for or
12because of an act of the administrator under this Section,
13except for intentional misconduct or malfeasance.
14    Section 610. Periods of limitation and repose.
15    (a) Expiration, before, on, or after the effective date of
16this Act, of a period of limitation on an owner's right to
17receive or recover property, whether specified by contract,
18statute, or court order, does not prevent the property from
19being presumed abandoned or affect the duty of a holder under
20this Act to file a report or pay or deliver property to the
22    (b) An action or proceeding may not be maintained by the
23administrator to enforce this Act in regard to the reporting,
24delivery, or payment of property more than 10 years after the
25holder specifically identified the property in a report filed



HB2603- 60 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1with the administrator or gave express notice to the
2administrator of a dispute regarding the property. In the
3absence of such a report or other express notice, the period of
4limitation is tolled. The period of limitation is also tolled
5by the filing of a report that is fraudulent.

7    Section 701. Public sale of property.
8    (a) Subject to Section 702, not earlier than 3 years after
9receipt of property presumed abandoned, the administrator may
10sell the property.
11    (b) Before selling property under subsection (a), the
12administrator shall give notice to the public of:
13        (1) the date of the sale; and
14        (2) a reasonable description of the property.
15    (c) A sale under subsection (a) must be to the highest
17        (1) at public sale at a location in this State which
18    the administrator determines to be the most favorable
19    market for the property;
20        (2) on the Internet; or
21        (3) on another forum the administrator determines is
22    likely to yield the highest net proceeds of sale.
23    (d) The administrator may decline the highest bid at a sale
24under this Section and reoffer the property for sale if the



HB2603- 61 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1administrator determines the highest bid is insufficient.
2    (e) If a sale held under this Section is to be conducted
3other than on the Internet, the administrator must cause to be
4published at least one notice of the sale, at least 2 weeks but
5not more than 5 weeks before the sale, in a newspaper of
6general circulation in the county in which the property is to
7be sold. For purposes of this subsection, the reasonable
8description of property to be sold required by subsection (b)
9above may be satisfied by posting such information on the
10administrator's website so long as the newspaper notice
11includes the website address where such information is posted.
12    (f) Property eligible for sale will not be sold when a
13claim has been filed with the administrator by an apparent
14owner, heir, or agent. However, upon approval of a claim, the
15owner, heir or, agent may request the administrator to dispose
16of the property by sale and remit the net proceeds to the
17owner, heir, or agent. Upon disapproval of the claim, the
18administrator may dispose of the property by sale.
19    Section 702. Disposal of securities.
20    (a) The administrator may not sell or otherwise liquidate a
21security until 3 years after the administrator receives the
22security and gives the apparent owner notice under Section 503
23that the administrator holds the security unless the
24administrator determines it would be in the best interests of
25the owner for the sale to occur prior to the expiration of the



HB2603- 62 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

13-year period after the administrator receives the security and
2gives the apparent owner notice under Section 503.
3    (b) The administrator may not sell a security listed on an
4established stock exchange for less than the price prevailing
5on the exchange at the time of sale. The administrator may sell
6a security not listed on an established exchange by any
7commercially reasonable method.
8    Section 703. Recovery of securities or value by owner.
9    (a) If the administrator sells a security before the
10expiration of 3 years after delivery of the security to the
11administrator, an apparent owner that files a valid claim under
12this Act of ownership of the security before the 3-year period
13expires is entitled, at the option of the owner, to receive:
14        (1) replacement of the security;
15        (2) the market value of the security at the time the
16    claim is filed, plus dividends, interest, and other
17    increments on the security up to the time the claim is
18    paid; or
19        (3) the net proceeds of the sale of the security, plus
20    dividends, interest, and other increments on the security
21    up to the time the security was sold.
22    (b) Replacement of the security or calculation of market
23value under subsection (a) must take into account a stock
24split, reverse stock split, stock dividend, or similar
25corporate action.



HB2603- 63 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (c) A person that makes a valid claim under this Act of
2ownership of a security after expiration of 3 years after
3delivery of the security to the administrator is entitled to
5        (1) the security the holder delivered to the
6    administrator, if it is in the custody of the
7    administrator, plus dividends, interest, and other
8    increments on the security up to the time the administrator
9    delivers the security to the person; or
10        (2) the net proceeds of the sale of the security, plus
11    dividends, interest, and other increments on the security
12    up to the time the security was sold.
13    (d) Securities eligible for sale will not be sold when a
14claim has been filed with the administrator by an apparent
15owner, heir, or agent. However, upon approval of a claim, the
16owner, heir or, agent may request the administrator to dispose
17of the securities by sale and remit the net proceeds to the
18owner, heir, or agent. Upon disapproval of the claim, the
19administrator may dispose of the securities by sale.
20    Section 704. Purchaser owns property after sale. A
21purchaser of property at a sale conducted by the administrator
22under this Act takes the property free of all claims of the
23owner, a previous holder, or a person claiming through the
24owner or holder. The administrator shall execute documents
25necessary to complete the transfer of ownership to the



HB2603- 64 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

2    Section 705. Exceptions to the sale of tangible property.
3The administrator shall dispose of tangible property
4identified by this Section in accordance with this Section.
5    (a) Military medals or decorations. The administrator may
6not sell a medal or decoration awarded for military service in
7the armed forces of the United States. Instead, the
8administrator, with the consent of the respective organization
9under paragraph (1), agency under paragraph (2), or entity
10under paragraph (3), may deliver a medal or decoration to be
11held in custody for the owner, to:
12        (1) a military veterans organization qualified under
13    Section 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code;
14        (2) the agency that awarded the medal or decoration; or
15        (3) a governmental entity.
16    After delivery, the administrator is not responsible for
17the safekeeping of the medal or decoration.
18    (b) Property with historical value. Property that the
19administrator reasonably believes may have historical value
20may be, at his or her discretion, loaned to an accredited
21museum in the United States where it will be kept until such
22time as the administrator orders it to be returned to his or
23her custody.
24    (c) Human remains. If human remains are delivered to the
25administrator under this Act, the administrator shall deliver



HB2603- 65 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1those human remains to the coroner of the county in which the
2human remains were abandoned for disposition under Section
33-3034 of the Counties Code. The only human remains that may be
4delivered to the administrator under this Act and that the
5administrator may receive are those that are reported and
6delivered as contents of a safe deposit box.
7    (d) Evidence in a criminal investigation. Property that may
8have been used in the commission of a crime or that may assist
9in the investigation of a crime, as determined after consulting
10with the Department of State Police, shall be delivered to the
11Department of State Police or other appropriate law enforcement
12authority to allow law enforcement to determine whether a
13criminal investigation should take place. Any such property
14delivered to a law enforcement authority shall be held in
15accordance with existing statutes and rules related to the
16gathering, retention, and release of evidence.
17    (e) Firearms.
18        (1) The administrator, in cooperation with the
19    Department of State Police, shall develop a procedure to
20    determine whether a firearm delivered to the administrator
21    under this Act has been stolen or used in the commission of
22    a crime. The Department of State Police shall determine the
23    appropriate disposition of a firearm that has been stolen
24    or used in the commission of a crime. The administrator
25    shall attempt to return a firearm that has not been stolen
26    or used in the commission of a crime to the rightful owner



HB2603- 66 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    if the Department of State Police determines that the owner
2    may lawfully possess the firearm.
3        (2) If the administrator is unable to return a firearm
4    to its owner, the administrator shall transfer custody of
5    the firearm to the Department of State Police. Legal title
6    to a firearm transferred to the Department of State Police
7    under this subsection (e) is vested in the Department of
8    State Police by operation of law if:
9            (i) the administrator cannot locate the owner of
10        the firearm;
11            (ii) the owner of the firearm may not lawfully
12        possess the firearm;
13            (iii) the apparent owner does not respond to notice
14        published under Section 503 of this Act; or
15            (iv) the apparent owner responds to notice
16        published under Section 502 and states that he or she
17        no longer claims an interest in the firearm.
18        (3) With respect to a firearm whose title is
19    transferred to the Department of State Police under this
20    subsection (e), the Department of State Police may:
21                (i) retain the firearm for use by the crime
22            laboratory system, for training purposes, or for
23            any other application as deemed appropriate by the
24            Department;
25                (ii) transfer the firearm to the Illinois
26            State Museum if the firearm has historical value;



HB2603- 67 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1            or
2                (iii) destroy the firearm if it is not retained
3            pursuant to subparagraph (i) or transferred
4            pursuant to subparagraph (ii).
5    As used in this subsection, "firearm" has the meaning
6provided in the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act.

8    Section 801. Deposit of funds by administrator.
9    (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the
10administrator shall deposit in the Unclaimed Property Trust
11Fund all funds received under this Act, including proceeds from
12the sale of property under Article 7. The administrator may
13deposit any amount in the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund into
14the State Pensions Fund during the fiscal year at his or her
15discretion; however, he or she shall, on April 15 and October
1615 of each year, deposit any amount in the Unclaimed Property
17Trust Fund exceeding $2,500,000 into the State Pensions Fund.
18If on either April 15 or October 15, the administrator
19determines that a balance of $2,500,000 is insufficient for the
20prompt payment of unclaimed property claims authorized under
21this Act, the administrator may retain more than $2,500,000 in
22the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund in order to ensure the prompt
23payment of claims. Beginning in State fiscal year 2018, all
24amounts that are deposited into the State Pensions Fund from



HB2603- 68 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund shall be apportioned to the
2designated retirement systems as provided in subsection (c-6)
3of Section 8.12 of the State Finance Act to reduce their
4actuarial reserve deficiencies.
5    (b) The administrator shall make prompt payment of claims
6he or she duly allows as provided for in this Act from the
7Unclaimed Property Trust Fund. This shall constitute an
8irrevocable and continuing appropriation of all amounts in the
9Unclaimed Property Trust Fund necessary to make prompt payment
10of claims duly allowed by the administrator pursuant to this
12    Section 802. Administrator to retain records of property.
13The administrator shall:
14        (1) record and retain the name and last-known address
15    of each person shown on a report filed under Section 401 to
16    be the apparent owner of property delivered to the
17    administrator;
18        (2) record and retain the name and last-known address
19    of each insured or annuitant and beneficiary shown on the
20    report;
21        (3) for each policy of insurance or annuity contract
22    listed in the report of an insurance company, record and
23    retain the policy or account number, the name of the
24    company, and the amount due or paid shown on the report;
25        (4) for each apparent owner listed in the report,



HB2603- 69 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    record and retain the name of the holder that filed the
2    report and the amount due or paid; and
3        (5) maintain records sufficient to indicate the filing
4    of reports required under Section 401 and the payment or
5    delivery of property to the administrator under Section
6    603.
7    Records created or maintained pursuant to this Section are
8subject to the requirements of the Illinois State Records Act.
9    Section 803. Expenses and service charges of
10administrator. Before making a deposit of funds received under
11this Act to the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund, the
12administrator may deduct expenses incurred in examining
13records of or collecting property from a putative holder or
14holder as provided in the State Officers and Employees Money
15Disposition Act.
16    Section 804. Administrator holds property as custodian for
17owner. Upon the payment or delivery of abandoned property to
18the administrator, the State shall assume custody and shall be
19responsible for the safekeeping thereof.

21    Section 901. Claim of another state to recover property.
22    (a) If the administrator knows that property held by the



HB2603- 70 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1administrator under this Act is subject to a superior claim of
2another state, the administrator shall:
3        (1) report and pay or deliver the property to the other
4    state; or
5        (2) return the property to the holder so that the
6    holder may pay or deliver the property to the other state.
7    (b) The administrator is not required to enter into an
8agreement to transfer property to the other state under
9subsection (a).
10    Section 902. Property subject to recovery by another state.
11    (a) Property held under this Act by the administrator is
12subject to the right of another state to take custody of the
13property if:
14        (1) the property was paid or delivered to the
15    administrator because the records of the holder did not
16    reflect a last-known address in the other state of the
17    apparent owner and:
18            (A) the other state establishes that the
19        last-known address of the apparent owner or other
20        person entitled to the property was in the other state;
21        or
22            (B) under the law of the other state, the property
23        has become subject to a claim by the other state of
24        abandonment;
25        (2) the records of the holder did not accurately



HB2603- 71 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    identify the owner of the property, the last-known address
2    of the owner was in another state, and, under the law of
3    the other state, the property has become subject to a claim
4    by the other state of abandonment;
5        (3) the property was subject to the custody of the
6    administrator of this State under Section 305 and, under
7    the law of the state of domicile of the holder, the
8    property has become subject to a claim by the state of
9    domicile of the holder of abandonment; or
10        (4) the property:
11            (A) is a sum payable on a traveler's check, money
12        order, or similar instrument that was purchased in the
13        other state and delivered to the administrator under
14        Section 306; and
15            (B) under the law of the other state, has become
16        subject to a claim by the other state of abandonment.
17    (b) A claim by another state to recover property under this
18Section must be presented in a form prescribed by the
19administrator, unless the administrator waives presentation of
20the form.
21    (c) The administrator shall decide a claim under this
22Section not later than 90 days after it is presented. If the
23administrator determines that the other state is entitled under
24subsection (a) to custody of the property, the administrator
25shall allow the claim and pay or deliver the property to the
26other state.



HB2603- 72 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (d) The administrator may require another state, before
2recovering property under this Section, to agree to indemnify
3this State and its agents, officers and employees against any
4liability on a claim to the property.
5    Section 903. Claim for property by person claiming to be
7    (a) A person claiming to be the owner of property held
8under this Act by the administrator or to the proceeds from the
9sale thereof may file a claim for the property on a form
10prescribed by the administrator. The claimant must verify the
11claim as to its completeness and accuracy.
12    (b) The administrator may waive the requirement in
13subsection (a) and may pay or deliver property directly to a
14person if:
15        (1) the person receiving the property or payment is
16    shown to be the apparent owner included on a report filed
17    under Section 401;
18        (2) the administrator reasonably believes the person
19    is entitled to receive the property or payment; and
20        (3) the property has a value of less than $500.
21    (c) The administrator may change the maximum value in
22subsection (b) by administrative rule.
23    Section 904. When administrator must honor claim for



HB2603- 73 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (a) The administrator shall pay or deliver property to a
2claimant under Section 903(a) if the administrator receives
3evidence sufficient to establish to the satisfaction of the
4administrator that the claimant is the owner of the property.
5    (b) A claim will be considered complete when a claimant has
6provided all the information and documentation requested by the
7administrator as necessary to establish legal ownership and
8such information or documentation is entered into the
9administrator's unclaimed property system. Unless extended for
10reasonable cause, not later than 90 days after a claim is
11complete the administrator shall allow or deny the claim and
12give the claimant notice in a record of the decision. If a
13claimant fails to provide all the information and documentation
14requested by the administrator as necessary to establish legal
15ownership of the property and the claim is inactive for at
16least 90 days, then the administrator may close the claim
17without issuing a final decision. However, if the claimant
18makes a request in writing for a final decision prior to the
19administrator's closing of the claim, the administrator shall
20issue a final decision.
21    (c) If the claim is denied or there is insufficient
22evidence to allow the claim under subsection (b):
23        (1) the administrator shall inform the claimant of the
24    reason for the denial and may specify what additional
25    evidence, if any, is required for the claim to be allowed;
26        (2) the claimant may file an amended claim with the



HB2603- 74 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    administrator or commence an action under Section 906; and
2        (3) the administrator shall consider an amended claim
3    filed under paragraph (2) as an initial claim.
4    Section 905. Allowance of claim for property.
5    (a) The administrator shall pay or deliver to the owner the
6property or pay to the owner the net proceeds of a sale of the
7property, together with income or gain to which the owner is
8entitled under Section 607. On request of the owner, the
9administrator may sell or liquidate property and pay the net
10proceeds to the owner, even if the property had been held by
11the administrator for less than 3 years or the administrator
12has not complied with the notice requirements under Section
14    (b) Property held under this Act by the administrator is
15subject to offset under Section 10.05 of the State Comptroller
17    Section 906. Action by person whose claim is denied. Not
18later than one year after filing a claim under Section 903(a),
19the claimant may commence a contested case pursuant to the
20Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to establish a claim by
21the preponderance of the evidence after either receiving notice
22under Section 903(b) or the claim is deemed denied under
23Section 903(d).



HB2603- 75 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b


2    Section 1001. Verified report of property. If a person does
3not file a report required by Section 401 or the administrator
4believes that a person may have filed an inaccurate,
5incomplete, or false report, the administrator may require the
6person to file a verified report in a form prescribed by the
7administrator. The verified report must:
8        (1) state whether the person is holding property
9    reportable under this Act;
10        (2) describe property not previously reported or about
11    which the administrator has inquired;
12        (3) specifically identify property described under
13    paragraph (2) about which there is a dispute whether it is
14    reportable under this Act; and
15        (4) state the amount or value of the property.
16    Section 1002. Examination of records to determine
17compliance. The administrator, at reasonable times and on
18reasonable notice, may:
19        (1) examine the records of any person to determine
20    whether the person has complied with this Act even if the
21    person believes it is not in possession of any property
22    that must be reported, paid, or delivered under this Act;
23        (2) issue an administrative subpoena requiring the
24    person or agent of the person to make records available for



HB2603- 76 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    examination; and
2        (3) bring an action seeking judicial enforcement of the
3    subpoena.
4    Section 1003. Rules for conducting examination.
5    (a) The administrator shall adopt rules governing
6procedures and standards for an examination under Section 1002;
7the rules may reference any standards concerning unclaimed
8property examinations promulgated by the National Association
9of Unclaimed Property Administrators and shall make provisions
10for multi-state examinations.
11    (b) After the adoption of rules under subsection (a), an
12examination under Section 1002 must be performed under the
13rules adopted under subsection (a).
14    (c) If a person subject to examination under Section 1002
15has filed the reports required under Section 401 and Section
161001 and has retained the records required by Section 404, the
17following rules apply:
18        (1) The examination must include a review of the
19    person's records.
20        (2) The examination may not be based on an estimate
21    unless the person expressly consents in a record to the use
22    of an estimate.
23        (3) The person conducting the examination shall
24    consider the evidence presented in good faith by the person
25    in preparing the findings of the examination under Section



HB2603- 77 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    1007.
2    Section 1004. Records obtained in examination. Records
3obtained and records, including work papers, compiled by the
4administrator in the course of conducting an examination under
5Section 1002:
6        (1) are subject to the confidentiality and security
7    provisions of Article 14 and are exempt from disclosure
8    under the Freedom of Information Act;
9        (2) may be used by the administrator in an action to
10    collect property or otherwise enforce this Act;
11        (3) may be used in a joint examination conducted with
12    another state, the United States, a foreign country or
13    subordinate unit of a foreign country, or any other
14    governmental entity if the governmental entity conducting
15    the examination is legally bound to maintain the
16    confidentiality and security of information obtained from
17    a person subject to examination in a manner substantially
18    equivalent to Article 14;
19        (4) may be disclosed, on request, to the person that
20    administers the unclaimed property law of another state for
21    that state's use in circumstances equivalent to
22    circumstances described in this Article, if the other state
23    is required to maintain the confidentiality and security of
24    information obtained in a manner substantially equivalent
25    to Article 14;



HB2603- 78 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (5) must be produced by the administrator under an
2    administrative or judicial subpoena or administrative or
3    court order; and
4        (6) must be produced by the administrator on request of
5    the person subject to the examination in an administrative
6    or judicial proceeding relating to the property.
7    Section 1005. Evidence of unpaid debt or undischarged
9    (a) A record of a putative holder showing an unpaid debt or
10undischarged obligation is prima facie evidence of the debt or
12    (b) A putative holder may establish by a preponderance of
13the evidence that there is no unpaid debt or undischarged
14obligation for a debt or obligation described in subsection (a)
15or that the debt or obligation was not, or no longer is, a
16fixed and certain obligation of the putative holder.
17    (c) A putative holder may overcome prima facie evidence
18under subsection (a) by establishing by a preponderance of the
19evidence that a check, draft, or similar instrument was:
20        (1) issued as an unaccepted offer in settlement of an
21    unliquidated amount;
22        (2) issued but later was replaced with another
23    instrument because the earlier instrument was lost or
24    contained an error that was corrected;
25        (3) issued to a party affiliated with the issuer;



HB2603- 79 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (4) paid, satisfied, or discharged;
2        (5) issued in error;
3        (6) issued without consideration;
4        (7) issued but there was a failure of consideration;
5        (8) voided not later than 90 days after issuance for a
6    valid business reason set forth in a contemporaneous
7    record; or
8        (9) issued but not delivered to the third-party payee
9    for a sufficient reason recorded within a reasonable time
10    after issuance.
11    (d) In asserting a defense under this Section, and subject
12to the records retention requirements of Section 404, a
13putative holder may present evidence of a course of dealing
14between the putative holder and the apparent owner.
15    Section 1006. Failure of person examined to retain records.
16If a person subject to examination under Section 1002 does not
17retain the records required by Section 404, the administrator
18may determine the value of property due using a reasonable
19method of estimation based on all information available to the
20administrator, including extrapolation and use of statistical
21sampling when appropriate and necessary, consistent with
22examination procedures and standards adopted under Section
231003. A payment made based on estimation under this Section is
24a penalty for failure to maintain the records required by
25Section 404 and does not relieve a person from an obligation to



HB2603- 80 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1report and deliver property to a State in which the holder is
3    Section 1007. Report to person whose records were examined.
4At the conclusion of an examination under Section 1002, unless
5waived in writing by the person being examined, the
6administrator shall provide to the person whose records were
7examined a report that specifies:
8        (1) the work performed;
9        (2) the property types reviewed;
10        (3) the methodology of any estimation technique,
11    extrapolation, or statistical sampling used in conducting
12    the examination;
13        (4) each calculation showing the value of property
14    determined to be due; and
15        (5) the findings of the person conducting the
16    examination.
17    Section 1008. Informal conference during examination.
18    (a) If a person subject to examination under Section 1002
19believes the person conducting the examination has made an
20unreasonable or unauthorized request or is not proceeding
21expeditiously to complete the examination, the person in a
22record may request an informal conference with the
24    (b) If a person in a record requests an informal conference



HB2603- 81 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1with the administrator, the administrator shall hold the
2informal conference not later than 30 days after receiving the
3request. For good cause, and after notice in a record to the
4person requesting an informal conference, the administrator
5may extend the time for the holding of an informal conference.
6The administrator may hold the informal conference in person,
7by telephone, or by electronic means.
8    (c) If an informal conference is held under subsection (b),
9not later than 30 days after the conference ends, the
10administrator shall provide a response to the person that
11requested the conference.
12    (d) The administrator may deny a request for an informal
13conference under this Section if the administrator reasonably
14believes that the request was made in bad faith or primarily to
15delay the examination. If the administrator denies a request
16for an informal conference the denial shall be in a record
17provided to the person requesting the informal conference.
18    Section 1009. Administrator's contract with another to
19conduct examination.
20    (a) The administrator may contract with a person to conduct
21an examination under this Article. The contract shall be
22awarded pursuant to a request for proposals issued in
23compliance with the procurement rules of the administrator.
24    (b) If the administrator contracts with a person under
25subsection (a):



HB2603- 82 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (1) the contract may provide for compensation of the
2    person based on a fixed fee, hourly fee, or contingent fee;
3        (2) a contingent fee arrangement may not provide for a
4    payment that exceeds 15% of the amount or value of property
5    paid or delivered as a result of the examination; and
6        (3) as authorized in the State Officers and Employees
7    Money Disposition Act, the administrator may permit the
8    deduction of fees from property recovered during an
9    examination under this Article prior to depositing funds
10    received under this Act into the Unclaimed Property Trust
11    Fund.
12    (c) A contract under subsection (a) is a public record
13under the Freedom of Information Act.
14    Section 1010. Report by administrator. As part of the
15report required by Section 15 of the State Treasurer Act, the
16administrator shall compile and include the following
17information about property presumed abandoned for the
18preceding fiscal year for the State:
19        (1) the total amount and value of all property paid or
20    delivered under this Act to the administrator, separated
21    into:
22            (A) the part voluntarily paid or delivered; and
23            (B) the part paid or delivered as a result of an
24        examination under Section 1002;
25        (2) the total amount and value of all property paid or



HB2603- 83 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    delivered by the administrator to persons that made claims
2    for property held by the administrator under this Act;
3        (3) the amounts expended from the State Pensions Fund;
4    and
5        (4) such other information as the administrator
6    believes would be useful or informative.
7    Section 1011. Determination of liability for unreported
8reportable property. If the administrator determines from an
9examination conducted under Section 1002 that a putative holder
10failed or refused to pay or deliver to the administrator
11property which is reportable under this Act, the administrator
12shall issue a determination of the putative holder's liability
13to pay or deliver and give notice in a record to the putative
14holder of the determination.

17    Section 1101. Informal conference.
18    (a) Not later than 30 days after receipt of a notice under
19Section 1011, the putative holder may request an informal
20conference with the administrator to review the determination.
21Except as otherwise provided in this Section, the administrator
22may designate an employee to act on behalf of the



HB2603- 84 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (b) If a putative holder makes a timely request under
2subsection (a) for an informal conference:
3        (1) not later than 30 days after the date of the
4    request, the administrator shall set the time and place of
5    the conference;
6        (2) the administrator shall give the putative holder
7    notice in a record of the time and place of the conference;
8        (3) the conference may be held in person, by telephone,
9    or by electronic means, as determined by the administrator;
10        (4) the request tolls the 90-day period under Sections
11    1103 and 1104 until notice of a decision under paragraph
12    (7) has been given to the putative holder or the putative
13    holder withdraws the request for the conference;
14        (5) the conference may be postponed, adjourned, and
15    reconvened as the administrator determines appropriate;
16        (6) the administrator or administrator's designee with
17    the approval of the administrator may modify a
18    determination made under Section 1011 or withdraw it; and
19        (7) the administrator shall issue a decision in a
20    record and provide a copy of the record to the putative
21    holder and examiner not later than 30 days after the
22    conference ends.
23    (c) A conference under subsection (b) is not an
24administrative remedy and is not a contested case subject to
25the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. An oath is not
26required and rules of evidence do not apply in the conference.



HB2603- 85 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (d) At a conference under subsection (b), the putative
2holder must be given an opportunity to confer informally with
3the administrator and the person that examined the records of
4the putative holder to:
5        (1) discuss the determination made under Section 1011;
6    and
7        (2) present any issue concerning the validity of the
8    determination.
9    (e) If the administrator fails to act within the period
10prescribed in subsection (b)(1) or (7), the failure does not
11affect a right of the administrator, except that interest does
12not accrue on the amount for which the putative holder was
13determined to be liable under Section 1011 during the period in
14which the administrator failed to act until the earlier of:
15        (1) the date under Section 1103 the putative holder
16    initiates administrative review or files an action under
17    Section 1104; or
18        (2) 90 days after the putative holder received notice
19    of the administrator's determination under Section 1011 if
20    no review was initiated under Section 1103 and no action
21    was filed under Section 1104.
22    (f) The administrator may hold an informal conference with
23a putative holder about a determination under Section 1011
24without a request at any time before the putative holder
25initiates administrative review under Section 1103 or files an
26action under Section 1104.



HB2603- 86 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (g) Interest and penalties under Section 1204 continue to
2accrue on property not reported, paid, or delivered as required
3by this Act after the initiation, and during the pendency, of
4an informal conference under this Section.
5    Section 1102. Administrative review.
6    (a) Not later than 90 days after receiving notice of the
7administrator's determination under Section 1011, a putative
8holder may initiate a contested case under the Illinois
9Administrative Procedure Act for review of the administrator's
11    (b) A final decision in an administrative proceeding
12initiated under subsection (a) is subject to judicial review
13under the Article III of Code of Civil Procedure.

15    Section 1201. Judicial action to enforce liability.
16    (a) If a determination under Section 1011 becomes final and
17is not subject to administrative or judicial review, the
18administrator may commence an action in the Circuit Court of
19Sangamon County or Cook County, federal court, or in an
20appropriate court of another state to enforce the determination
21and secure payment or delivery of past due, unpaid, or
22undelivered property. The action must be brought not later than
235 years after the determination becomes final.



HB2603- 87 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (b) In an action under subsection (a), if no court in this
2State has jurisdiction over the defendant, the administrator
3may commence an action in any court having jurisdiction over
4the defendant.
5    Section 1202. Interstate and international agreement;
7    (a) Subject to subsection (b), the administrator may:
8        (1) exchange information with another state or foreign
9    country relating to property presumed abandoned or
10    relating to the possible existence of property presumed
11    abandoned; and
12        (2) authorize in a record another state or foreign
13    country or a person acting on behalf of the other state or
14    country to examine its records of a putative holder as
15    provided in Article 10.
16    (b) An exchange or examination under subsection (a) may be
17done only if the state or foreign country has confidentiality
18and security requirements substantially equivalent to those in
19Article 14 or agrees in a record to be bound by this State's
20confidentiality and security requirements.
21    Section 1203. Action involving another state or foreign
23    (a) The administrator may join another state or foreign
24country to examine and seek enforcement of this Act against a



HB2603- 88 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1putative holder.
2    (b) On request of another state or foreign country, the
3Attorney General may commence an action on behalf of the other
4state or country to enforce, in this State, the law of the
5other state or country against a putative holder subject to a
6claim by the other state or country.
7    (c) The administrator may request the official authorized
8to enforce the unclaimed property law of another state or
9foreign country to commence an action to recover property in
10the other state or country on behalf of the administrator. This
11state may pay the costs, including reasonable attorney's fees
12and expenses, incurred by the other state or foreign country in
13an action under this subsection.
14    (d) The administrator may pursue an action on behalf of
15this State to recover property subject to this Act but
16delivered to the custody of another state if the administrator
17believes the property is subject to the custody of the
19    (e) At the request of the administrator, the Attorney
20General may commence an action to recover property on behalf of
21the administrator in this State, another state, or a foreign
22country. With the written consent of the Attorney General, the
23administrator may retain an attorney in this State, another
24state, or a foreign country to recover property on behalf of
25the administrator in this State, another state, or a foreign
26country and may agree to pay attorney's fees based in whole or



HB2603- 89 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1in part on a fixed fee, hourly fee, or a percentage of the
2amounts or value of property recovered in the action.
3    (f) Expenses incurred by this State in an action under this
4Section may be paid from property received under this Act or
5the net proceeds of the property. Expenses paid to recover
6property may not be deducted from the amount that is subject to
7a claim under this Act by the owner.
8    Section 1204. Interest and penalty for failure to act in
9timely manner.
10    (a) A holder that fails to report, pay, or deliver property
11within the time prescribed by this Act shall pay to the
12administrator interest at a rate of 1% per month on the
13property or value of the property from the date the property
14should have been reported, paid, or delivered to the
15administrator until the date reported, paid, or delivered.
16    (b) Except as otherwise provided in Section 1205 or 1206,
17the administrator may require a holder that fails to report,
18pay, or deliver property within the time prescribed by this Act
19to pay to the administrator, in addition to interest included
20under subsection (a), a civil penalty of $200 for each day the
21duty is not performed, up to a cumulative maximum amount of
23    (c) A holder who fails to report, pay, or deliver property
24within the time prescribed by this Act shall not be required to
25pay interest under subsection (a) above or be subject to



HB2603- 90 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1penalties under subsection (b) above if the failure to report,
2pay, or deliver the property was due to lack of knowledge of
3the death that established the period of abandonment under this
5    Section 1205. Other civil penalties.
6    (a) If a holder enters into a contract or other arrangement
7for the purpose of evading an obligation under this Act or
8otherwise willfully fails to perform a duty imposed on the
9holder under this Act, the administrator may require the holder
10to pay the administrator, in addition to interest as provided
11in Section 1204(a), a civil penalty of $1,000 for each day the
12obligation is evaded or the duty is not performed, up to a
13cumulative maximum amount of $25,000, plus 25% of the amount or
14value of property that should have been but was not reported,
15paid, or delivered as a result of the evasion or failure to
17    (b) If a holder makes a fraudulent report under this Act,
18the administrator may require the holder to pay to the
19administrator, in addition to interest under Section 1204(a), a
20civil penalty of $1,000 for each day from the date the report
21was made until corrected, up to a cumulative maximum of
22$25,000, plus 25% of the amount or value of any property that
23should have been reported but was not included in the report or
24was underreported.



HB2603- 91 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Section 1206. Waiver of interest and penalty. The
3        (1) may waive, in whole or in part, interest under
4    Section 1204(a) and penalties under Section 1204(b) or
5    1205; and
6        (2) shall waive a penalty under Section 1204(b) if the
7    administrator determines that the holder acted in good
8    faith and without negligence.

11    Section 1301. When agreement to locate property
12enforceable. An agreement by an apparent owner and another
13person, the primary purpose of which is to locate, deliver,
14recover, or assist in the location, delivery, or recovery of
15property held by the administrator, is enforceable only if the
17        (1) is in a record that clearly states the nature of
18    the property and the services to be provided;
19        (2) is signed by or on behalf of the apparent owner;
20    and
21        (3) states the amount or value of the property
22    reasonably expected to be recovered, computed before and
23    after a fee or other compensation to be paid to the person
24    has been deducted.



HB2603- 92 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Section 1302. When agreement to locate property void.
2    (a) Subject to subsection (b), an agreement under Section
31301 is void if it is entered into during the period beginning
4on the date the property was presumed abandoned under this Act
5and ending 24 months after the payment or delivery of the
6property to the administrator.
7    (b) If a provision in an agreement described in Section
81301 applies to mineral proceeds for which compensation is to
9be paid to the other person based in whole or in part on a part
10of the underlying minerals or mineral proceeds not then
11presumed abandoned, the provision is void regardless of when
12the agreement was entered into.
13    (c) An agreement under subsection (a) which provides for
14compensation in an amount that is more than 10% of the amount
15collected is unenforceable except by the apparent owner.
16    (d) An apparent owner or the administrator may assert that
17an agreement described in this Section is void on a ground
18other than it provides for payment of unconscionable
20    (e) A person attempting to collect a contingent fee for
21discovering, on behalf of an apparent owner, presumptively
22abandoned property must be licensed as a private detective
23pursuant to the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private
24Security, Fingerprint Vendor, and Locksmith Act of 2004.
25    (f) This Section does not apply to an apparent owner's



HB2603- 93 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1agreement with an attorney to pursue a claim for recovery of
2specifically identified property held by the administrator or
3to contest the administrator's denial of a claim for recovery
4of the property.

6    Section 1401. Confidential information.
7    (a) Except as otherwise provide in this Section,
8information that is confidential under law of this State other
9than this Act, another state, or the United States, including
10"private information" as defined in the Freedom of Information
11Act and "personal information" as defined in the Personal
12Information Protection Act, continues to be confidential when
13disclosed or delivered under this Act to the administrator or
14administrator's agent.
15    (b) Information provided in reports filed pursuant to
16Section 401, information obtained in the course of an
17examination pursuant to Section 1002, and the database required
18by Section 503 is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of
19Information Act.
20    (c) If reasonably necessary to enforce or implement this
21Act, the administrator or the administrator's agent may
22disclose confidential information concerning property held by
23the administrator or the administrator's agent to:
24        (1) an apparent owner or the apparent owner's



HB2603- 94 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    representative under the Probate Act of 1975, attorney,
2    other legal representative, or relative;
3        (2) the representative under the Probate Act of 1975,
4    other legal representative, relative of a deceased
5    apparent owner, or a person entitled to inherit from the
6    deceased apparent owner;
7        (3) another department or agency of this State or the
8    United States;
9        (4) the person that administers the unclaimed property
10    law of another state, if the other state accords
11    substantially reciprocal privileges to the administrator
12    of this State if the other state is required to maintain
13    the confidentiality and security of information obtained
14    in a manner substantially equivalent to Article 14;
15        (5) a person subject to an examination as required by
16    Section 1004; and
17        (6) an agent of the administrator.
18    (b) The administrator may include on the website or in the
19database the names and addresses of apparent owners of property
20held by the administrator as provided in Section 503. The
21administrator may include in published notices, printed
22publications, telecommunications, the Internet, or other media
23and on the website or in the database additional information
24concerning the apparent owner's property if the administrator
25believes the information will assist in identifying and
26returning property to the owner and does not disclose personal



HB2603- 95 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1information as defined in the Personal Information Protection
3    (c) The administrator and the administrator's agent may not
4use confidential information provided to them or in their
5possession except as expressly authorized by this Act or
6required by law other than this Act.
7    Section 1402. Confidentiality agreement. A person to be
8examined under Section 1002 may require, as a condition of
9disclosure of the records of the person to be examined, that
10the administrator or the administrator's agent execute and
11deliver to the person to be examined a confidentiality
12agreement that:
13        (1) is in a form that is reasonably satisfactory to the
14    administrator; and
15        (2) requires the person having access to the records to
16    comply with the provisions of this Article applicable to
17    the person.
18    Section 1403. No confidential information in notice.
19Except as otherwise provided in Sections 501 and 502, a holder
20is not required under this Act to include confidential
21information in a notice the holder is required to provide to an
22apparent owner under this Act.
23    Section 1404. Security of information.



HB2603- 96 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (a) If a holder is required to include confidential
2information in a report to the administrator, the information
3must be provided by a secure means.
4    (b) If confidential information in a record is provided to
5and maintained by the administrator or administrator's agent as
6required by this Act, the administrator or agent shall
7implement and maintain reasonable security measures to protect
8those records from unauthorized access, acquisition,
9destruction, use, modification, or disclosure as required by
10the Personal Information Protection Act. If a State or federal
11law requires the administrator or agent to provide greater
12protection to records that contain personal information that
13are maintained by the administrator or agent and the
14administrator or agent is in compliance with the provisions of
15that State or federal law, the administrator or agent is deemed
16to be in compliance with the provisions of this subsection.
17    (c) If there is any breach of the security of the system
18data or written material, the administrator and the
19administrator's agent shall comply with the notice
20requirements of Section 12 of the Personal Information
21Protection Act, and shall, if applicable, cooperate with a
22holder in complying with the notice requirements of Section 10
23of the Personal Information Protection Act.
24    (d) The administrator and the administrator's agent shall
25either return in a secure manner or destroy in a manner
26consistent with the Personal Information Protection Act all



HB2603- 97 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1confidential information no longer reasonably needed under
2this Act.

4    Section 1501. Uniformity of application and construction.
5In applying and construing this uniform Act consideration must
6be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with
7respect to its subject matter among states that enact it.
8    Section 1502. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global
9and National Commerce Act. This Act modifies, limits, or
10supersedes the Electronic Signatures in Global and National
11Commerce Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 7001 et seq., but does not
12modify, limit, or supersede Section 101(c) of that Act, 15
13U.S.C. Section 7001(c), or authorize electronic delivery of any
14of the notices described in Section 103(b) of that Act, 15
15U.S.C. Section 7003(b).
16    Section 1503. Transitional provision.
17    (a) An initial report filed under this Act for property
18that was not required to be reported before the effective date
19of this Act, but that is required to be reported under this
20Act, must include all items of property that would have been
21presumed abandoned during the 10-year period preceding the
22effective date of this Act as if this Act had been in effect



HB2603- 98 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1during that period.
2    (b) This Act does not relieve a holder of a duty that arose
3before the effective date of this Act to report, pay, or
4deliver property. Subject to Section 610(b) and (c), a holder
5that did not comply with the law governing unclaimed property
6before the effective date of this Act is subject to applicable
7provisions for enforcement and penalties in effect before the
8effective date of this Act.
9    Section 1504. Severability. If any provision of this Act or
10its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid,
11the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications
12of this Act which can be given effect without the invalid
13provision or application, and to this end the provisions of
14this Act are severable.
15    (765 ILCS 1025/Act rep.)
16    Section 1505. The Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
17Property Act is repealed.
18    Section 1505.1. The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act
19is amended by changing Section 1-5 as follows:
20    (5 ILCS 100/1-5)  (from Ch. 127, par. 1001-5)
21    Sec. 1-5. Applicability.
22    (a) This Act applies to every agency as defined in this



HB2603- 99 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Act. Beginning January 1, 1978, in case of conflict between the
2provisions of this Act and the Act creating or conferring power
3on an agency, this Act shall control. If, however, an agency
4(or its predecessor in the case of an agency that has been
5consolidated or reorganized) has existing procedures on July 1,
61977, specifically for contested cases or licensing, those
7existing provisions control, except that this exception
8respecting contested cases and licensing does not apply if the
9Act creating or conferring power on the agency adopts by
10express reference the provisions of this Act. Where the Act
11creating or conferring power on an agency establishes
12administrative procedures not covered by this Act, those
13procedures shall remain in effect.
14    (b) The provisions of this Act do not apply to (i)
15preliminary hearings, investigations, or practices where no
16final determinations affecting State funding are made by the
17State Board of Education, (ii) legal opinions issued under
18Section 2-3.7 of the School Code, (iii) as to State colleges
19and universities, their disciplinary and grievance
20proceedings, academic irregularity and capricious grading
21proceedings, and admission standards and procedures, and (iv)
22the class specifications for positions and individual position
23descriptions prepared and maintained under the Personnel Code.
24Those class specifications shall, however, be made reasonably
25available to the public for inspection and copying. The
26provisions of this Act do not apply to hearings under Section



HB2603- 100 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

120 of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
2    (c) Section 5-35 of this Act relating to procedures for
3rulemaking does not apply to the following:
4        (1) Rules adopted by the Pollution Control Board that,
5    in accordance with Section 7.2 of the Environmental
6    Protection Act, are identical in substance to federal
7    regulations or amendments to those regulations
8    implementing the following: Sections 3001, 3002, 3003,
9    3004, 3005, and 9003 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act;
10    Section 105 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
11    Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980; Sections 307(b),
12    307(c), 307(d), 402(b)(8), and 402(b)(9) of the Federal
13    Water Pollution Control Act; Sections 1412(b), 1414(c),
14    1417(a), 1421, and 1445(a) of the Safe Drinking Water Act;
15    and Section 109 of the Clean Air Act.
16        (2) Rules adopted by the Pollution Control Board that
17    establish or amend standards for the emission of
18    hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide from gasoline powered
19    motor vehicles subject to inspection under the Vehicle
20    Emissions Inspection Law of 2005 or its predecessor laws.
21        (3) Procedural rules adopted by the Pollution Control
22    Board governing requests for exceptions under Section 14.2
23    of the Environmental Protection Act.
24        (4) The Pollution Control Board's grant, pursuant to an
25    adjudicatory determination, of an adjusted standard for
26    persons who can justify an adjustment consistent with



HB2603- 101 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    subsection (a) of Section 27 of the Environmental
2    Protection Act.
3        (5) Rules adopted by the Pollution Control Board that
4    are identical in substance to the regulations adopted by
5    the Office of the State Fire Marshal under clause (ii) of
6    paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of Section 2 of the
7    Gasoline Storage Act.
8    (d) Pay rates established under Section 8a of the Personnel
9Code shall be amended or repealed pursuant to the process set
10forth in Section 5-50 within 30 days after it becomes necessary
11to do so due to a conflict between the rates and the terms of a
12collective bargaining agreement covering the compensation of
13an employee subject to that Code.
14    (e) Section 10-45 of this Act shall not apply to any
15hearing, proceeding, or investigation conducted under Section
1613-515 of the Public Utilities Act.
17    (f) Article 10 of this Act does not apply to any hearing,
18proceeding, or investigation conducted by the State Council for
19the State of Illinois created under Section 3-3-11.05 of the
20Unified Code of Corrections or by the Interstate Commission for
21Adult Offender Supervision created under the Interstate
22Compact for Adult Offender Supervision or by the Interstate
23Commission for Juveniles created under the Interstate Compact
24for Juveniles.
25    (g) This Act is subject to the provisions of Article XXI of
26the Public Utilities Act. To the extent that any provision of



HB2603- 102 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1this Act conflicts with the provisions of that Article XXI, the
2provisions of that Article XXI control.
3(Source: P.A. 97-95, eff. 7-12-11; 97-945, eff. 8-10-12;
497-1081, eff. 8-24-12; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13.)
5    Section 1505.2. The Freedom of Information Act is amended
6by changing Section 7.5 as follows:
7    (5 ILCS 140/7.5)
8    Sec. 7.5. Statutory exemptions. To the extent provided for
9by the statutes referenced below, the following shall be exempt
10from inspection and copying:
11        (a) All information determined to be confidential
12    under Section 4002 of the Technology Advancement and
13    Development Act.
14        (b) Library circulation and order records identifying
15    library users with specific materials under the Library
16    Records Confidentiality Act.
17        (c) Applications, related documents, and medical
18    records received by the Experimental Organ Transplantation
19    Procedures Board and any and all documents or other records
20    prepared by the Experimental Organ Transplantation
21    Procedures Board or its staff relating to applications it
22    has received.
23        (d) Information and records held by the Department of
24    Public Health and its authorized representatives relating



HB2603- 103 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    to known or suspected cases of sexually transmissible
2    disease or any information the disclosure of which is
3    restricted under the Illinois Sexually Transmissible
4    Disease Control Act.
5        (e) Information the disclosure of which is exempted
6    under Section 30 of the Radon Industry Licensing Act.
7        (f) Firm performance evaluations under Section 55 of
8    the Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying
9    Qualifications Based Selection Act.
10        (g) Information the disclosure of which is restricted
11    and exempted under Section 50 of the Illinois Prepaid
12    Tuition Act.
13        (h) Information the disclosure of which is exempted
14    under the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, and
15    records of any lawfully created State or local inspector
16    general's office that would be exempt if created or
17    obtained by an Executive Inspector General's office under
18    that Act.
19        (i) Information contained in a local emergency energy
20    plan submitted to a municipality in accordance with a local
21    emergency energy plan ordinance that is adopted under
22    Section 11-21.5-5 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
23        (j) Information and data concerning the distribution
24    of surcharge moneys collected and remitted by wireless
25    carriers under the Wireless Emergency Telephone Safety
26    Act.



HB2603- 104 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (k) Law enforcement officer identification information
2    or driver identification information compiled by a law
3    enforcement agency or the Department of Transportation
4    under Section 11-212 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
5        (l) Records and information provided to a residential
6    health care facility resident sexual assault and death
7    review team or the Executive Council under the Abuse
8    Prevention Review Team Act.
9        (m) Information provided to the predatory lending
10    database created pursuant to Article 3 of the Residential
11    Real Property Disclosure Act, except to the extent
12    authorized under that Article.
13        (n) Defense budgets and petitions for certification of
14    compensation and expenses for court appointed trial
15    counsel as provided under Sections 10 and 15 of the Capital
16    Crimes Litigation Act. This subsection (n) shall apply
17    until the conclusion of the trial of the case, even if the
18    prosecution chooses not to pursue the death penalty prior
19    to trial or sentencing.
20        (o) Information that is prohibited from being
21    disclosed under Section 4 of the Illinois Health and
22    Hazardous Substances Registry Act.
23        (p) Security portions of system safety program plans,
24    investigation reports, surveys, schedules, lists, data, or
25    information compiled, collected, or prepared by or for the
26    Regional Transportation Authority under Section 2.11 of



HB2603- 105 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    the Regional Transportation Authority Act or the St. Clair
2    County Transit District under the Bi-State Transit Safety
3    Act.
4        (q) Information prohibited from being disclosed by the
5    Personnel Records Review Act.
6        (r) Information prohibited from being disclosed by the
7    Illinois School Student Records Act.
8        (s) Information the disclosure of which is restricted
9    under Section 5-108 of the Public Utilities Act.
10        (t) All identified or deidentified health information
11    in the form of health data or medical records contained in,
12    stored in, submitted to, transferred by, or released from
13    the Illinois Health Information Exchange, and identified
14    or deidentified health information in the form of health
15    data and medical records of the Illinois Health Information
16    Exchange in the possession of the Illinois Health
17    Information Exchange Authority due to its administration
18    of the Illinois Health Information Exchange. The terms
19    "identified" and "deidentified" shall be given the same
20    meaning as in the Health Insurance Portability and
21    Accountability Act of 1996, Public Law 104-191, or any
22    subsequent amendments thereto, and any regulations
23    promulgated thereunder.
24        (u) Records and information provided to an independent
25    team of experts under Brian's Law.
26        (v) Names and information of people who have applied



HB2603- 106 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    for or received Firearm Owner's Identification Cards under
2    the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act or applied for
3    or received a concealed carry license under the Firearm
4    Concealed Carry Act, unless otherwise authorized by the
5    Firearm Concealed Carry Act; and databases under the
6    Firearm Concealed Carry Act, records of the Concealed Carry
7    Licensing Review Board under the Firearm Concealed Carry
8    Act, and law enforcement agency objections under the
9    Firearm Concealed Carry Act.
10        (w) Personally identifiable information which is
11    exempted from disclosure under subsection (g) of Section
12    19.1 of the Toll Highway Act.
13        (x) Information which is exempted from disclosure
14    under Section 5-1014.3 of the Counties Code or Section
15    8-11-21 of the Illinois Municipal Code.
16        (y) Confidential information under the Adult
17    Protective Services Act and its predecessor enabling
18    statute, the Elder Abuse and Neglect Act, including
19    information about the identity and administrative finding
20    against any caregiver of a verified and substantiated
21    decision of abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of an
22    eligible adult maintained in the Registry established
23    under Section 7.5 of the Adult Protective Services Act.
24        (z) Records and information provided to a fatality
25    review team or the Illinois Fatality Review Team Advisory
26    Council under Section 15 of the Adult Protective Services



HB2603- 107 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Act.
2        (aa) Information which is exempted from disclosure
3    under Section 2.37 of the Wildlife Code.
4        (bb) Information which is or was prohibited from
5    disclosure by the Juvenile Court Act of 1987.
6        (cc) Recordings made under the Law Enforcement
7    Officer-Worn Body Camera Act, except to the extent
8    authorized under that Act.
9        (dd) Information that is prohibited from being
10    disclosed under Section 45 of the Condominium and Common
11    Interest Community Ombudsperson Act.
12        (ee) (dd) Information that is exempted from disclosure
13    under Section 30.1 of the Pharmacy Practice Act.
14        (ff) Information that is exempted from disclosure
15    under the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
16(Source: P.A. 98-49, eff. 7-1-13; 98-63, eff. 7-9-13; 98-756,
17eff. 7-16-14; 98-1039, eff. 8-25-14; 98-1045, eff. 8-25-14;
1899-78, eff. 7-20-15; 99-298, eff. 8-6-15; 99-352, eff. 1-1-16;
1999-642, eff. 7-28-16; 99-776, eff. 8-12-16; 99-863, eff.
208-19-16; revised 9-1-16.)
21    Section 1505.3. The State Comptroller Act is amended by
22changing Section 9 as follows:
23    (15 ILCS 405/9)  (from Ch. 15, par. 209)
24    Sec. 9. Warrants; vouchers; preaudit.



HB2603- 108 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (a) No payment may be made from public funds held by the
2State Treasurer in or outside of the State treasury, except by
3warrant drawn by the Comptroller and presented by him to the
4treasurer to be countersigned except for payments made pursuant
5to Section 9.03 or 9.05 of this Act.
6    (b) No warrant for the payment of money by the State
7Treasurer may be drawn by the Comptroller without the
8presentation of itemized vouchers indicating that the
9obligation or expenditure is pursuant to law and authorized,
10and authorizing the Comptroller to order payment.
11    (b-1) An itemized voucher for under $5 that is presented to
12the Comptroller for payment shall not be paid except through
13electronic funds transfer. This subsection (b-1) does not apply
14to (i) vouchers presented by the legislative branch of State
15government, (ii) vouchers presented by the State Treasurer's
16Office for the payment of unclaimed property claims authorized
17under the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property
18Act, or (iii) vouchers presented by the Department of Revenue
19for the payment of refunds of taxes administered by the
21    (c) The Comptroller shall examine each voucher required by
22law to be filed with him and determine whether unencumbered
23appropriations or unencumbered obligational or expenditure
24authority other than by appropriation are legally available to
25incur the obligation or to make the expenditure of public
26funds. If he determines that unencumbered appropriations or



HB2603- 109 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1other obligational or expenditure authority are not available
2from which to incur the obligation or make the expenditure, the
3Comptroller shall refuse to draw a warrant.
4    (d) The Comptroller shall examine each voucher and all
5other documentation required to accompany the voucher, and
6shall ascertain whether the voucher and documentation meet all
7requirements established by or pursuant to law. If the
8Comptroller determines that the voucher and documentation do
9not meet applicable requirements established by or pursuant to
10law, he shall refuse to draw a warrant. As used in this
11Section, "requirements established by or pursuant to law"
12includes statutory enactments and requirements established by
13rules and regulations adopted pursuant to this Act.
14    (e) Prior to drawing a warrant, the Comptroller may review
15the voucher, any documentation accompanying the voucher, and
16any other documentation related to the transaction on file with
17him, and determine if the transaction is in accordance with the
18law. If based on his review the Comptroller has reason to
19believe that such transaction is not in accordance with the
20law, he shall refuse to draw a warrant.
21    (f) Where the Comptroller refuses to draw a warrant
22pursuant to this Section, he shall maintain separate records of
23such transactions.
24    (g) State agencies shall have the principal responsibility
25for the preaudit of their encumbrances, expenditures, and other
26transactions as otherwise required by law.



HB2603- 110 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1(Source: P.A. 97-969, eff. 8-16-12; 97-1142, eff. 12-28-12;
298-421, eff. 8-16-13.)
3    Section 1505.4. The State Treasurer Act is amended by
4changing Sections 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, and 0.06 as follows:
5    (15 ILCS 505/0.02)
6    Sec. 0.02. Transfer of powers. The rights, powers, duties,
7and functions vested in the Department of Financial
8Institutions to administer the Uniform Disposition of
9Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform
10Unclaimed Property Act) are transferred to the State Treasurer
11on July 1, 1999; provided, however, that the rights, powers,
12duties, and functions involving the examination of the records
13of any person that the State Treasurer has reason to believe
14has failed to report properly under this Act shall be
15transferred to the Office of Banks and Real Estate if the
16person is regulated by the Office of Banks and Real Estate
17under the Illinois Banking Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act,
18the Foreign Banking Office Act, the Illinois Savings and Loan
19Act of 1985, or the Savings Bank Act and shall be retained by
20the Department of Financial Institutions if the person is doing
21business in the State under the supervision of the Department
22of Financial Institutions, the National Credit Union
23Administration, the Office of Thrift Supervision, or the
24Comptroller of the Currency.



HB2603- 111 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 6-4-99.)
2    (15 ILCS 505/0.03)
3    Sec. 0.03. Transfer of personnel.
4    (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), personnel
5employed by the Department of Financial Institutions on June
630, 1999 to perform duties pertaining to the administration of
7the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded
8by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) are transferred
9to the State Treasurer on July 1, 1999.
10    (b) In the case of a person employed by the Department of
11Financial Institutions to perform both duties pertaining to the
12administration of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
13Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed
14Property Act) and duties pertaining to a function retained by
15the Department of Financial Institutions, the State Treasurer,
16in consultation with the Director of Financial Institutions,
17shall determine whether to transfer the employee to the Office
18of the State Treasurer; until this determination has been made,
19the transfer shall not take effect.
20    (c) The rights of State employees, the State, and its
21agencies under the Personnel Code and applicable collective
22bargaining agreements and retirement plans are not affected by
23this amendatory Act of 1999, except that all positions
24transferred to the State Treasurer shall be subject to the
25State Treasurer Employment Code effective July 1, 2000.



HB2603- 112 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    All transferred employees who are members of collective
2bargaining units shall retain their seniority, continuous
3service, salary, and accrued benefits. During the pendency of
4the existing collective bargaining agreement, the rights
5provided for under that agreement and memoranda and supplements
6to that agreement, including but not limited to, the rights of
7employees performing duties pertaining to the administration
8of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act
9(superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) to
10positions in other State agencies and the right of employees in
11other State agencies covered by the agreement to positions
12performing duties pertaining to the administration of the
13Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by
14the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act), shall not be
16    The State Treasurer shall continue to honor during their
17pendency all bargaining agreements in effect at the time of the
18transfer and to recognize all collective bargaining
19representatives for the employees who perform or will perform
20functions transferred by this amendatory Act of 1999. For all
21purposes with respect to the management of the existing
22agreement and the negotiation and management of any successor
23agreements, the State Treasurer shall be deemed to be the
24employer of employees who perform or will perform functions
25transferred to the Office of the State Treasurer by this
26amendatory Act of 1999; provided that the Illinois Department



HB2603- 113 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1of Central Management Services shall be a party to any
2grievance or arbitration proceeding held pursuant to the
3provisions of the collective bargaining agreement which
4involves the movement of employees from the Office of the State
5Treasurer to an agency under the jurisdiction of the Governor
6covered by the agreement.
7(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 6-4-99.)
8    (15 ILCS 505/0.04)
9    Sec. 0.04. Transfer of property.
10    (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), all real and
11personal property, including but not limited to all books,
12records, and documents, and all unexpended appropriations and
13pending business pertaining to the administration of the
14Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by
15the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) shall be
16transferred and delivered to the State Treasurer effective July
171, 1999.
18    (b) In the case of books, records, or documents that
19pertain both to the administration of the Uniform Disposition
20of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform
21Unclaimed Property Act) and to a function retained by the
22Department of Financial Institutions, the State Treasurer, in
23consultation with the Director of Financial Institutions,
24shall determine whether the books, records, or documents shall
25be transferred, copied, or left with the Department of



HB2603- 114 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Financial Institutions; until this determination has been
2made, the transfer shall not take effect.
3    In the case of property or an unexpended appropriation that
4pertains both to the administration of the Uniform Disposition
5of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform
6Unclaimed Property Act) and to a function retained by the
7Department of Financial Institutions, the State Treasurer, in
8consultation with the Director of Financial Institutions,
9shall determine whether the property or unexpended
10appropriation shall be transferred, divided, or left with the
11Department of Financial Institutions; until this determination
12has been made (and, in the case of an unexpended appropriation,
13notice of the determination has been filed with the State
14Comptroller), the transfer shall not take effect.
15(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 6-4-99.)
16    (15 ILCS 505/0.05)
17    Sec. 0.05. Rules and standards.
18    (a) The rules and standards of the Department of Financial
19Institutions that are in effect on June 30, 1999 and pertain to
20the administration of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
21Property Act (superseded by the Revised Uniform Unclaimed
22Property Act) shall become the rules and standards of the State
23Treasurer on July 1, 1999 and shall continue in effect until
24amended or repealed by the State Treasurer.
25    (b) Any rules pertaining to the administration of the



HB2603- 115 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by
2the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) that have been
3proposed by the Department of Financial Institutions but have
4not taken effect or been finally adopted by June 30, 1999 shall
5become proposed rules of the State Treasurer on July 1, 1999,
6and any rulemaking procedures that have already been completed
7by the Department of Financial Institutions need not be
9    (c) As soon as practical after July 1, 1999, the State
10Treasurer shall revise and clarify the rules transferred to it
11under this amendatory Act of 1999 to reflect the reorganization
12of rights, powers, duties, and functions effected by this
13amendatory Act of 1999 using the procedures for recodification
14of rules available under the Illinois Administrative Procedure
15Act, except that existing title, part, and section numbering
16for the affected rules may be retained.
17    (d) As soon as practical after July 1, 1999, the Office of
18Banks and Real Estate and the Office of the State Treasurer
19shall jointly promulgate rules to reflect the transfer of
20examination functions to the Office of Banks and Real Estate
21under this amendatory Act of 1999 using the procedures
22available under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
23    (e) As soon as practical after July 1, 1999, the Department
24of Financial Institutions and the Office of the State Treasurer
25shall jointly promulgate rules to reflect the retention of
26examination functions by the Department of Financial



HB2603- 116 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Institutions under this amendatory Act of 1999 using the
2procedures available under the Illinois Administrative
3Procedure Act.
4(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 6-4-99.)
5    (15 ILCS 505/0.06)
6    Sec. 0.06. Savings provisions.
7    (a) The rights, powers, duties, and functions transferred
8to the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real
9Estate by this amendatory Act of 1999 shall be vested in and
10exercised by the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks
11and Real Estate subject to the provisions of this amendatory
12Act of 1999. An act done by the State Treasurer or the
13Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate or an officer, employee,
14or agent of the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks
15and Real Estate in the exercise of the transferred rights,
16powers, duties, or functions shall have the same legal effect
17as if done by the Department of Financial Institutions or an
18officer, employee, or agent of the Department of Financial
19Institutions prior to the effective date of this amendatory Act
20of 1999.
21    (b) The transfer of rights, powers, duties, and functions
22to the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real
23Estate under this amendatory Act of 1999 does not invalidate
24any previous action taken by or in respect to the Department of
25Financial Institutions or its officers, employees, or agents.



HB2603- 117 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1References to the Department of Financial Institutions or its
2officers, employees or agents in any document, contract,
3agreement, or law shall, in appropriate contexts, be deemed to
4refer to the State Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and
5Real Estate or the officers, employees, or agents of the State
6Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate.
7    (c) The transfer of rights, powers, duties, and functions
8from the Department of Financial Institutions to the State
9Treasurer or the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate under
10this amendatory Act of 1999 does not affect the rights,
11obligations, or duties of any other person or entity, including
12any civil or criminal penalties applicable thereto, arising out
13of those transferred rights, powers, duties, and functions.
14    (d) With respect to matters that pertain to a right, power,
15duty, or function transferred to the State Treasurer under this
16amendatory Act of 1999:
17        (1) Beginning July 1, 1999, any report or notice that
18    was previously required to be made or given by any person
19    to the Department of Financial Institutions or any of its
20    officers, employees, or agents under the Uniform
21    Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the
22    Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) or rules
23    promulgated pursuant to that Act shall be made or given in
24    the same manner to the State Treasurer or his or her
25    appropriate officer, employee, or agent.
26        (2) Beginning July 1, 1999, any document that was



HB2603- 118 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    previously required to be furnished or served by any person
2    to or upon the Department of Financial Institutions or any
3    of its officers, employees, or agents under the Uniform
4    Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the
5    Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) or rules
6    promulgated pursuant to that Act shall be furnished or
7    served in the same manner to or upon the State Treasurer or
8    his or her appropriate officer, employee, or agent.
9    (e) This amendatory Act of 1999 does not affect any act
10done, ratified, or canceled, any right occurring or
11established, or any action or proceeding had or commenced in an
12administrative, civil, or criminal cause before July 1, 1999.
13Any such action or proceeding that pertains to the Uniform
14Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the
15Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) or rules promulgated
16pursuant to that Act and that is pending on that date may be
17prosecuted, defended, or continued by the State Treasurer.
18(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 6-4-99.)
19    Section 1505.5. The Financial Institutions Code is amended
20by changing Sections 7 and 18.1 as follows:
21    (20 ILCS 1205/7)  (from Ch. 17, par. 108)
22    Sec. 7. The provisions of "The Illinois Administrative
23Procedure Act", as now or hereafter amended, are hereby
24expressly adopted and incorporated herein as though a part of



HB2603- 119 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1this Act, and shall apply to all administrative rules and
2procedures of the Director and the Department of Financial
3Institutions under this Act, except that the provisions of the
4Administrative Procedure Act regarding contested cases shall
5not apply to actions of the Director under Section 15.1 of "An
6Act in relation to the definition, licensing and regulation of
7community currency exchanges and ambulatory currency
8exchanges, and the operators and employees thereof, and to make
9an appropriation therefor, and to provide penalties and
10remedies for the violation thereof", approved June 30, 1943, as
11amended, or Sections 8 and 61 of "The Illinois Credit Union
12Act", or to hearings under Section 20 of the "Uniform
13Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act".
14(Source: P.A. 81-329.)
15    (20 ILCS 1205/18.1)
16    Sec. 18.1. Transfer of administration of Uniform
17Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act to State Treasurer. The
18rights, powers, duties, and functions vested in the Department
19of Financial Institutions to administer the Uniform
20Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act (superseded by the
21Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act) are transferred to the
22State Treasurer on July 1, 1999 in accordance with Sections
230.02 through 0.06 of the State Treasurer Act; provided,
24however, that the rights, powers, duties, and functions
25involving the examination of the records of any person that the



HB2603- 120 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1State Treasurer has reason to believe has failed to report
2properly under this Act shall be transferred to the Office of
3Banks and Real Estate if the person is regulated by the Office
4of Banks and Real Estate under the Illinois Banking Act, the
5Corporate Fiduciary Act, the Foreign Banking Office Act, the
6Illinois Savings and Loan Act of 1985, or the Savings Bank Act
7and shall be retained by the Department of Financial
8Institutions if the person is doing business in the State under
9the supervision of the Department of Financial Institutions,
10the National Credit Union Administration, the Office of Thrift
11Supervision, or the Comptroller of the Currency.
12(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 6-4-99.)
13    Section 1505.6. The State Finance Act is amended by
14changing Sections 6b-1 and 8.12 as follows:
15    (30 ILCS 105/6b-1)  (from Ch. 127, par. 142b1)
16    Sec. 6b-1. There shall be paid into the State Pensions Fund
17the funds and proceeds from the sale of abandoned property as
18provided in Section 18 of the Revised Uniform "Uniform
19Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act", enacted by the
20Seventy-second General Assembly.
21(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3423.)
22    (30 ILCS 105/8.12)   (from Ch. 127, par. 144.12)
23    Sec. 8.12. State Pensions Fund.



HB2603- 121 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (a) The moneys in the State Pensions Fund shall be used
2exclusively for the administration of the Revised Uniform
3Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and for the expenses
4incurred by the Auditor General for administering the
5provisions of Section 2-8.1 of the Illinois State Auditing Act
6and for operational expenses of the Office of the State
7Treasurer and for the funding of the unfunded liabilities of
8the designated retirement systems. Beginning in State fiscal
9year 2018, payments to the designated retirement systems under
10this Section shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any
11State contributions required under the Illinois Pension Code.
12    "Designated retirement systems" means:
13        (1) the State Employees' Retirement System of
14    Illinois;
15        (2) the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of
16    Illinois;
17        (3) the State Universities Retirement System;
18        (4) the Judges Retirement System of Illinois; and
19        (5) the General Assembly Retirement System.
20    (b) Each year the General Assembly may make appropriations
21from the State Pensions Fund for the administration of the
22Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
23    Each month, the Commissioner of the Office of Banks and
24Real Estate shall certify to the State Treasurer the actual
25expenditures that the Office of Banks and Real Estate incurred
26conducting unclaimed property examinations under the Uniform



HB2603- 122 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act during the immediately
2preceding month. Within a reasonable time following the
3acceptance of such certification by the State Treasurer, the
4State Treasurer shall pay from its appropriation from the State
5Pensions Fund to the Bank and Trust Company Fund, the Savings
6Bank Regulatory Fund, and the Residential Finance Regulatory
7Fund an amount equal to the expenditures incurred by each Fund
8for that month.
9    Each month, the Director of Financial Institutions shall
10certify to the State Treasurer the actual expenditures that the
11Department of Financial Institutions incurred conducting
12unclaimed property examinations under the Uniform Disposition
13of Unclaimed Property Act during the immediately preceding
14month. Within a reasonable time following the acceptance of
15such certification by the State Treasurer, the State Treasurer
16shall pay from its appropriation from the State Pensions Fund
17to the Financial Institution Fund and the Credit Union Fund an
18amount equal to the expenditures incurred by each Fund for that
20    (c) As soon as possible after the effective date of this
21amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the General
22Assembly shall appropriate from the State Pensions Fund (1) to
23the State Universities Retirement System the amount certified
24under Section 15-165 during the prior year, (2) to the Judges
25Retirement System of Illinois the amount certified under
26Section 18-140 during the prior year, and (3) to the General



HB2603- 123 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Assembly Retirement System the amount certified under Section
22-134 during the prior year as part of the required State
3contributions to each of those designated retirement systems;
4except that amounts appropriated under this subsection (c) in
5State fiscal year 2005 shall not reduce the amount in the State
6Pensions Fund below $5,000,000. If the amount in the State
7Pensions Fund does not exceed the sum of the amounts certified
8in Sections 15-165, 18-140, and 2-134 by at least $5,000,000,
9the amount paid to each designated retirement system under this
10subsection shall be reduced in proportion to the amount
11certified by each of those designated retirement systems.
12    (c-5) For fiscal years 2006 through 2017, the General
13Assembly shall appropriate from the State Pensions Fund to the
14State Universities Retirement System the amount estimated to be
15available during the fiscal year in the State Pensions Fund;
16provided, however, that the amounts appropriated under this
17subsection (c-5) shall not reduce the amount in the State
18Pensions Fund below $5,000,000.
19    (c-6) For fiscal year 2018 and each fiscal year thereafter,
20as soon as may be practical after any money is deposited into
21the State Pensions Fund from the Unclaimed Property Trust Fund,
22the State Treasurer shall apportion the deposited amount among
23the designated retirement systems as defined in subsection (a)
24to reduce their actuarial reserve deficiencies. The State
25Comptroller and State Treasurer shall pay the apportioned
26amounts to the designated retirement systems to fund the



HB2603- 124 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1unfunded liabilities of the designated retirement systems. The
2amount apportioned to each designated retirement system shall
3constitute a portion of the amount estimated to be available
4for appropriation from the State Pensions Fund that is the same
5as that retirement system's portion of the total actual reserve
6deficiency of the systems, as determined annually by the
7Governor's Office of Management and Budget at the request of
8the State Treasurer. The amounts apportioned under this
9subsection shall not reduce the amount in the State Pensions
10Fund below $5,000,000.
11    (d) The Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall
12determine the individual and total reserve deficiencies of the
13designated retirement systems. For this purpose, the
14Governor's Office of Management and Budget shall utilize the
15latest available audit and actuarial reports of each of the
16retirement systems and the relevant reports and statistics of
17the Public Employee Pension Fund Division of the Department of
19    (d-1) As soon as practicable after the effective date of
20this amendatory Act of the 93rd General Assembly, the
21Comptroller shall direct and the Treasurer shall transfer from
22the State Pensions Fund to the General Revenue Fund, as funds
23become available, a sum equal to the amounts that would have
24been paid from the State Pensions Fund to the Teachers'
25Retirement System of the State of Illinois, the State
26Universities Retirement System, the Judges Retirement System



HB2603- 125 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1of Illinois, the General Assembly Retirement System, and the
2State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois after the
3effective date of this amendatory Act during the remainder of
4fiscal year 2004 to the designated retirement systems from the
5appropriations provided for in this Section if the transfers
6provided in Section 6z-61 had not occurred. The transfers
7described in this subsection (d-1) are to partially repay the
8General Revenue Fund for the costs associated with the bonds
9used to fund the moneys transferred to the designated
10retirement systems under Section 6z-61.
11    (e) The changes to this Section made by this amendatory Act
12of 1994 shall first apply to distributions from the Fund for
13State fiscal year 1996.
14(Source: P.A. 98-24, eff. 6-19-13; 98-463, eff. 8-16-13;
1598-674, eff. 6-30-14; 98-1081, eff. 1-1-15; 99-8, eff. 7-9-15;
1699-78, eff. 7-20-15; 99-523, eff. 6-30-16.)
17    Section 1505.7. The State Officers and Employees Money
18Disposition Act is amended by changing Section 2 as follows:
19    (30 ILCS 230/2)  (from Ch. 127, par. 171)
20    Sec. 2. Accounts of money received; payment into State
22    (a) Every officer, board, commission, commissioner,
23department, institution, arm or agency brought within the
24provisions of this Act by Section 1 shall keep in proper books



HB2603- 126 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1a detailed itemized account of all moneys received for or on
2behalf of the State of Illinois, showing the date of receipt,
3the payor, and purpose and amount, and the date and manner of
4disbursement as hereinafter provided, and, unless a different
5time of payment is expressly provided by law or by rules or
6regulations promulgated under subsection (b) of this Section,
7shall pay into the State treasury the gross amount of money so
8received on the day of actual physical receipt with respect to
9any single item of receipt exceeding $10,000, within 24 hours
10of actual physical receipt with respect to an accumulation of
11receipts of $10,000 or more, or within 48 hours of actual
12physical receipt with respect to an accumulation of receipts
13exceeding $500 but less than $10,000, disregarding holidays,
14Saturdays and Sundays, after the receipt of same, without any
15deduction on account of salaries, fees, costs, charges,
16expenses or claims of any description whatever; provided that:
17        (1) the provisions of (i) Section 2505-475 of the
18    Department of Revenue Law (20 ILCS 2505/2505-475), (ii) any
19    specific taxing statute authorizing a claim for credit
20    procedure instead of the actual making of refunds, (iii)
21    Section 505 of the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, (iv)
22    Section 85 of the Methamphetamine Control and Community
23    Protection Act, authorizing the Director of State Police to
24    dispose of forfeited property, which includes the sale and
25    disposition of the proceeds of the sale of forfeited
26    property, and the Department of Central Management



HB2603- 127 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Services to be reimbursed for costs incurred with the sales
2    of forfeited vehicles, boats or aircraft and to pay to bona
3    fide or innocent purchasers, conditional sales vendors or
4    mortgagees of such vehicles, boats or aircraft their
5    interest in such vehicles, boats or aircraft, and (v)
6    Section 6b-2 of the State Finance Act, establishing
7    procedures for handling cash receipts from the sale of
8    pari-mutuel wagering tickets, shall not be deemed to be in
9    conflict with the requirements of this Section;
10        (2) any fees received by the State Registrar of Vital
11    Records pursuant to the Vital Records Act which are
12    insufficient in amount may be returned by the Registrar as
13    provided in that Act;
14        (3) any fees received by the Department of Public
15    Health under the Food Handling Regulation Enforcement Act
16    that are submitted for renewal of an expired food service
17    sanitation manager certificate may be returned by the
18    Director as provided in that Act;
19        (3.5) the State Treasurer may permit the deduction of
20    fees by third-party unclaimed property examiners from the
21    property recovered by the examiners for the State of
22    Illinois during examinations of holders located outside
23    the State under which the Office of the Treasurer has
24    agreed to pay for the examinations based upon a percentage,
25    set by rule by the State Treasurer in accordance with the
26    Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Illinois Administrative



HB2603- 128 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Procedure Act, of the property recovered during the
2    examination; and
3        (4) if the amount of money received does not exceed
4    $500, such money may be retained and need not be paid into
5    the State treasury until the total amount of money so
6    received exceeds $500, or until the next succeeding 1st or
7    15th day of each month (or until the next business day if
8    these days fall on Sunday or a holiday), whichever is
9    earlier, at which earlier time such money shall be paid
10    into the State treasury, except that if a local bank or
11    savings and loan association account has been authorized by
12    law, any balances shall be paid into the State treasury on
13    Monday of each week if more than $500 is to be deposited in
14    any fund.
15Single items of receipt exceeding $10,000 received after 2 p.m.
16on a working day may be deemed to have been received on the
17next working day for purposes of fulfilling the requirement
18that the item be deposited on the day of actual physical
20    No money belonging to or left for the use of the State
21shall be expended or applied except in consequence of an
22appropriation made by law and upon the warrant of the State
23Comptroller. However, payments made by the Comptroller to
24persons by direct deposit need not be made upon the warrant of
25the Comptroller, but if not made upon a warrant, shall be made
26in accordance with Section 9.02 of the State Comptroller Act.



HB2603- 129 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1All moneys so paid into the State treasury shall, unless
2required by some statute to be held in the State treasury in a
3separate or special fund, be covered into the General Revenue
4Fund in the State treasury. Moneys received in the form of
5checks, drafts or similar instruments shall be properly
6endorsed, if necessary, and delivered to the State Treasurer
7for collection. The State Treasurer shall remit such collected
8funds to the depositing officer, board, commission,
9commissioner, department, institution, arm or agency by
10Treasurers Draft or through electronic funds transfer. The
11draft or notification of the electronic funds transfer shall be
12provided to the State Comptroller to allow deposit into the
13appropriate fund.
14    (b) Different time periods for the payment of public funds
15into the State treasury or to the State Treasurer, in excess of
16the periods established in subsection (a) of this Section, but
17not in excess of 30 days after receipt of such funds, may be
18established and revised from time to time by rules or
19regulations promulgated jointly by the State Treasurer and the
20State Comptroller in accordance with the Illinois
21Administrative Procedure Act. The different time periods
22established by rule or regulation under this subsection may
23vary according to the nature and amounts of the funds received,
24the locations at which the funds are received, whether
25compliance with the deposit requirements specified in
26subsection (a) of this Section would be cost effective, and



HB2603- 130 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1such other circumstances and conditions as the promulgating
2authorities consider to be appropriate. The Treasurer and the
3Comptroller shall review all such different time periods
4established pursuant to this subsection every 2 years from the
5establishment thereof and upon such review, unless it is
6determined that it is economically unfeasible for the agency to
7comply with the provisions of subsection (a), shall repeal such
8different time period.
9(Source: P.A. 94-556, eff. 9-11-05.)
10    Section 1505.8. The Counties Code is amended by changing
11Section 3-3034 as follows:
12    (55 ILCS 5/3-3034)  (from Ch. 34, par. 3-3034)
13    Sec. 3-3034. Disposition of body. After the inquest the
14coroner may deliver the body or human remains of the deceased
15to the family of the deceased or, if there are no family
16members to accept the body or the remains, then to friends of
17the deceased, if there be any, but if not, the coroner shall
18cause the body or the remains to be decently buried, cremated,
19or donated for medical science purposes, the expenses to be
20paid from the property of the deceased, if there is sufficient,
21if not, by the county. The coroner may not approve the
22cremation or donation of the body if it is necessary to
23preserve the body for law enforcement purposes. If the State
24Treasurer, pursuant to the Revised Uniform Disposition of



HB2603- 131 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Unclaimed Property Act, delivers human remains to the coroner,
2the coroner shall cause the human remains to be disposed of as
3provided in this Section. If the police department of any
4municipality or county investigates abandoned cremated
5remains, determines that they are human remains, and cannot
6locate the owner of the remains, then the police shall deliver
7the remains to the coroner, and the coroner shall cause the
8remains to be disposed of as provided in this Section.
9(Source: P.A. 96-1339, eff. 7-27-10; 97-679, eff. 2-6-12.)
10    Section 1505.9. The Illinois Banking Act is amended by
11changing Sections 48, 48.1, 48.3, and 65 as follows:
12    (205 ILCS 5/48)
13    Sec. 48. Secretary's powers; duties. The Secretary shall
14have the powers and authority, and is charged with the duties
15and responsibilities designated in this Act, and a State bank
16shall not be subject to any other visitorial power other than
17as authorized by this Act, except those vested in the courts,
18or upon prior consultation with the Secretary, a foreign bank
19regulator with an appropriate supervisory interest in the
20parent or affiliate of a state bank. In the performance of the
21Secretary's duties:
22        (1) The Commissioner shall call for statements from all
23    State banks as provided in Section 47 at least one time
24    during each calendar quarter.



HB2603- 132 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (2) (a) The Commissioner, as often as the Commissioner
2    shall deem necessary or proper, and no less frequently than
3    18 months following the preceding examination, shall
4    appoint a suitable person or persons to make an examination
5    of the affairs of every State bank, except that for every
6    eligible State bank, as defined by regulation, the
7    Commissioner in lieu of the examination may accept on an
8    alternating basis the examination made by the eligible
9    State bank's appropriate federal banking agency pursuant
10    to Section 111 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
11    Improvement Act of 1991, provided the appropriate federal
12    banking agency has made such an examination. A person so
13    appointed shall not be a stockholder or officer or employee
14    of any bank which that person may be directed to examine,
15    and shall have powers to make a thorough examination into
16    all the affairs of the bank and in so doing to examine any
17    of the officers or agents or employees thereof on oath and
18    shall make a full and detailed report of the condition of
19    the bank to the Commissioner. In making the examination the
20    examiners shall include an examination of the affairs of
21    all the affiliates of the bank, as defined in subsection
22    (b) of Section 35.2 of this Act, or subsidiaries of the
23    bank as shall be necessary to disclose fully the conditions
24    of the subsidiaries or affiliates, the relations between
25    the bank and the subsidiaries or affiliates and the effect
26    of those relations upon the affairs of the bank, and in



HB2603- 133 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    connection therewith shall have power to examine any of the
2    officers, directors, agents, or employees of the
3    subsidiaries or affiliates on oath. After May 31, 1997, the
4    Commissioner may enter into cooperative agreements with
5    state regulatory authorities of other states to provide for
6    examination of State bank branches in those states, and the
7    Commissioner may accept reports of examinations of State
8    bank branches from those state regulatory authorities.
9    These cooperative agreements may set forth the manner in
10    which the other state regulatory authorities may be
11    compensated for examinations prepared for and submitted to
12    the Commissioner.
13        (b) After May 31, 1997, the Commissioner is authorized
14    to examine, as often as the Commissioner shall deem
15    necessary or proper, branches of out-of-state banks. The
16    Commissioner may establish and may assess fees to be paid
17    to the Commissioner for examinations under this subsection
18    (b). The fees shall be borne by the out-of-state bank,
19    unless the fees are borne by the state regulatory authority
20    that chartered the out-of-state bank, as determined by a
21    cooperative agreement between the Commissioner and the
22    state regulatory authority that chartered the out-of-state
23    bank.
24        (2.1) Pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection (6) of
25    this Section, the Secretary shall adopt rules that ensure
26    consistency and due process in the examination process. The



HB2603- 134 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Secretary may also establish guidelines that (i) define the
2    scope of the examination process and (ii) clarify
3    examination items to be resolved. The rules, formal
4    guidance, interpretive letters, or opinions furnished to
5    State banks by the Secretary may be relied upon by the
6    State banks.
7        (2.5) Whenever any State bank, any subsidiary or
8    affiliate of a State bank, or after May 31, 1997, any
9    branch of an out-of-state bank causes to be performed, by
10    contract or otherwise, any bank services for itself,
11    whether on or off its premises:
12            (a) that performance shall be subject to
13        examination by the Commissioner to the same extent as
14        if services were being performed by the bank or, after
15        May 31, 1997, branch of the out-of-state bank itself on
16        its own premises; and
17            (b) the bank or, after May 31, 1997, branch of the
18        out-of-state bank shall notify the Commissioner of the
19        existence of a service relationship. The notification
20        shall be submitted with the first statement of
21        condition (as required by Section 47 of this Act) due
22        after the making of the service contract or the
23        performance of the service, whichever occurs first.
24        The Commissioner shall be notified of each subsequent
25        contract in the same manner.
26        For purposes of this subsection (2.5), the term "bank



HB2603- 135 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    services" means services such as sorting and posting of
2    checks and deposits, computation and posting of interest
3    and other credits and charges, preparation and mailing of
4    checks, statements, notices, and similar items, or any
5    other clerical, bookkeeping, accounting, statistical, or
6    similar functions performed for a State bank, including but
7    not limited to electronic data processing related to those
8    bank services.
9        (3) The expense of administering this Act, including
10    the expense of the examinations of State banks as provided
11    in this Act, shall to the extent of the amounts resulting
12    from the fees provided for in paragraphs (a), (a-2), and
13    (b) of this subsection (3) be assessed against and borne by
14    the State banks:
15            (a) Each bank shall pay to the Secretary a Call
16        Report Fee which shall be paid in quarterly
17        installments equal to one-fourth of the sum of the
18        annual fixed fee of $800, plus a variable fee based on
19        the assets shown on the quarterly statement of
20        condition delivered to the Secretary in accordance
21        with Section 47 for the preceding quarter according to
22        the following schedule: 16¢ per $1,000 of the first
23        $5,000,000 of total assets, 15¢ per $1,000 of the next
24        $20,000,000 of total assets, 13¢ per $1,000 of the next
25        $75,000,000 of total assets, 9¢ per $1,000 of the next
26        $400,000,000 of total assets, 7¢ per $1,000 of the next



HB2603- 136 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        $500,000,000 of total assets, and 5¢ per $1,000 of all
2        assets in excess of $1,000,000,000, of the State bank.
3        The Call Report Fee shall be calculated by the
4        Secretary and billed to the banks for remittance at the
5        time of the quarterly statements of condition provided
6        for in Section 47. The Secretary may require payment of
7        the fees provided in this Section by an electronic
8        transfer of funds or an automatic debit of an account
9        of each of the State banks. In case more than one
10        examination of any bank is deemed by the Secretary to
11        be necessary in any examination frequency cycle
12        specified in subsection 2(a) of this Section, and is
13        performed at his direction, the Secretary may assess a
14        reasonable additional fee to recover the cost of the
15        additional examination; provided, however, that an
16        examination conducted at the request of the State
17        Treasurer pursuant to the Uniform Disposition of
18        Unclaimed Property Act shall not be deemed to be an
19        additional examination under this Section. In lieu of
20        the method and amounts set forth in this paragraph (a)
21        for the calculation of the Call Report Fee, the
22        Secretary may specify by rule that the Call Report Fees
23        provided by this Section may be assessed semiannually
24        or some other period and may provide in the rule the
25        formula to be used for calculating and assessing the
26        periodic Call Report Fees to be paid by State banks.



HB2603- 137 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1            (a-1) If in the opinion of the Commissioner an
2        emergency exists or appears likely, the Commissioner
3        may assign an examiner or examiners to monitor the
4        affairs of a State bank with whatever frequency he
5        deems appropriate, including but not limited to a daily
6        basis. The reasonable and necessary expenses of the
7        Commissioner during the period of the monitoring shall
8        be borne by the subject bank. The Commissioner shall
9        furnish the State bank a statement of time and expenses
10        if requested to do so within 30 days of the conclusion
11        of the monitoring period.
12            (a-2) On and after January 1, 1990, the reasonable
13        and necessary expenses of the Commissioner during
14        examination of the performance of electronic data
15        processing services under subsection (2.5) shall be
16        borne by the banks for which the services are provided.
17        An amount, based upon a fee structure prescribed by the
18        Commissioner, shall be paid by the banks or, after May
19        31, 1997, branches of out-of-state banks receiving the
20        electronic data processing services along with the
21        Call Report Fee assessed under paragraph (a) of this
22        subsection (3).
23            (a-3) After May 31, 1997, the reasonable and
24        necessary expenses of the Commissioner during
25        examination of the performance of electronic data
26        processing services under subsection (2.5) at or on



HB2603- 138 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        behalf of branches of out-of-state banks shall be borne
2        by the out-of-state banks, unless those expenses are
3        borne by the state regulatory authorities that
4        chartered the out-of-state banks, as determined by
5        cooperative agreements between the Commissioner and
6        the state regulatory authorities that chartered the
7        out-of-state banks.
8            (b) "Fiscal year" for purposes of this Section 48
9        is defined as a period beginning July 1 of any year and
10        ending June 30 of the next year. The Commissioner shall
11        receive for each fiscal year, commencing with the
12        fiscal year ending June 30, 1987, a contingent fee
13        equal to the lesser of the aggregate of the fees paid
14        by all State banks under paragraph (a) of subsection
15        (3) for that year, or the amount, if any, whereby the
16        aggregate of the administration expenses, as defined
17        in paragraph (c), for that fiscal year exceeds the sum
18        of the aggregate of the fees payable by all State banks
19        for that year under paragraph (a) of subsection (3),
20        plus any amounts transferred into the Bank and Trust
21        Company Fund from the State Pensions Fund for that
22        year, plus all other amounts collected by the
23        Commissioner for that year under any other provision of
24        this Act, plus the aggregate of all fees collected for
25        that year by the Commissioner under the Corporate
26        Fiduciary Act, excluding the receivership fees



HB2603- 139 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        provided for in Section 5-10 of the Corporate Fiduciary
2        Act, and the Foreign Banking Office Act. The aggregate
3        amount of the contingent fee thus arrived at for any
4        fiscal year shall be apportioned amongst, assessed
5        upon, and paid by the State banks and foreign banking
6        corporations, respectively, in the same proportion
7        that the fee of each under paragraph (a) of subsection
8        (3), respectively, for that year bears to the aggregate
9        for that year of the fees collected under paragraph (a)
10        of subsection (3). The aggregate amount of the
11        contingent fee, and the portion thereof to be assessed
12        upon each State bank and foreign banking corporation,
13        respectively, shall be determined by the Commissioner
14        and shall be paid by each, respectively, within 120
15        days of the close of the period for which the
16        contingent fee is computed and is payable, and the
17        Commissioner shall give 20 days' days advance notice of
18        the amount of the contingent fee payable by the State
19        bank and of the date fixed by the Commissioner for
20        payment of the fee.
21            (c) The "administration expenses" for any fiscal
22        year shall mean the ordinary and contingent expenses
23        for that year incident to making the examinations
24        provided for by, and for otherwise administering, this
25        Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act, excluding the
26        expenses paid from the Corporate Fiduciary



HB2603- 140 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        Receivership account in the Bank and Trust Company
2        Fund, the Foreign Banking Office Act, the Electronic
3        Fund Transfer Act, and the Illinois Bank Examiners'
4        Education Foundation Act, including all salaries and
5        other compensation paid for personal services rendered
6        for the State by officers or employees of the State,
7        including the Commissioner and the Deputy
8        Commissioners, communication equipment and services,
9        office furnishings, surety bond premiums, and travel
10        expenses of those officers and employees, employees,
11        expenditures or charges for the acquisition,
12        enlargement or improvement of, or for the use of, any
13        office space, building, or structure, or expenditures
14        for the maintenance thereof or for furnishing heat,
15        light, or power with respect thereto, all to the extent
16        that those expenditures are directly incidental to
17        such examinations or administration. The Commissioner
18        shall not be required by paragraphs (c) or (d-1) of
19        this subsection (3) to maintain in any fiscal year's
20        budget appropriated reserves for accrued vacation and
21        accrued sick leave that is required to be paid to
22        employees of the Commissioner upon termination of
23        their service with the Commissioner in an amount that
24        is more than is reasonably anticipated to be necessary
25        for any anticipated turnover in employees, whether due
26        to normal attrition or due to layoffs, terminations, or



HB2603- 141 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        resignations.
2            (d) The aggregate of all fees collected by the
3        Secretary under this Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act,
4        or the Foreign Banking Office Act on and after July 1,
5        1979, shall be paid promptly after receipt of the same,
6        accompanied by a detailed statement thereof, into the
7        State treasury and shall be set apart in a special fund
8        to be known as the "Bank and Trust Company Fund",
9        except as provided in paragraph (c) of subsection (11)
10        of this Section. All earnings received from
11        investments of funds in the Bank and Trust Company Fund
12        shall be deposited in the Bank and Trust Company Fund
13        and may be used for the same purposes as fees deposited
14        in that Fund. The amount from time to time deposited
15        into the Bank and Trust Company Fund shall be used: (i)
16        to offset the ordinary administrative expenses of the
17        Secretary as defined in this Section or (ii) as a
18        credit against fees under paragraph (d-1) of this
19        subsection (3). Nothing in this amendatory Act of 1979
20        shall prevent continuing the practice of paying
21        expenses involving salaries, retirement, social
22        security, and State-paid insurance premiums of State
23        officers by appropriations from the General Revenue
24        Fund. However, the General Revenue Fund shall be
25        reimbursed for those payments made on and after July 1,
26        1979, by an annual transfer of funds from the Bank and



HB2603- 142 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        Trust Company Fund. Moneys in the Bank and Trust
2        Company Fund may be transferred to the Professions
3        Indirect Cost Fund, as authorized under Section
4        2105-300 of the Department of Professional Regulation
5        Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.
6            Notwithstanding provisions in the State Finance
7        Act, as now or hereafter amended, or any other law to
8        the contrary, the sum of $18,788,847 shall be
9        transferred from the Bank and Trust Company Fund to the
10        Financial Institutions Settlement of 2008 Fund on the
11        effective date of this amendatory Act of the 95th
12        General Assembly, or as soon thereafter as practical.
13            Notwithstanding provisions in the State Finance
14        Act, as now or hereafter amended, or any other law to
15        the contrary, the Governor may, during any fiscal year
16        through January 10, 2011, from time to time direct the
17        State Treasurer and Comptroller to transfer a
18        specified sum not exceeding 10% of the revenues to be
19        deposited into the Bank and Trust Company Fund during
20        that fiscal year from that Fund to the General Revenue
21        Fund in order to help defray the State's operating
22        costs for the fiscal year. Notwithstanding provisions
23        in the State Finance Act, as now or hereafter amended,
24        or any other law to the contrary, the total sum
25        transferred during any fiscal year through January 10,
26        2011, from the Bank and Trust Company Fund to the



HB2603- 143 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        General Revenue Fund pursuant to this provision shall
2        not exceed during any fiscal year 10% of the revenues
3        to be deposited into the Bank and Trust Company Fund
4        during that fiscal year. The State Treasurer and
5        Comptroller shall transfer the amounts designated
6        under this Section as soon as may be practicable after
7        receiving the direction to transfer from the Governor.
8            (d-1) Adequate funds shall be available in the Bank
9        and Trust Company Fund to permit the timely payment of
10        administration expenses. In each fiscal year the total
11        administration expenses shall be deducted from the
12        total fees collected by the Commissioner and the
13        remainder transferred into the Cash Flow Reserve
14        Account, unless the balance of the Cash Flow Reserve
15        Account prior to the transfer equals or exceeds
16        one-fourth of the total initial appropriations from
17        the Bank and Trust Company Fund for the subsequent
18        year, in which case the remainder shall be credited to
19        State banks and foreign banking corporations and
20        applied against their fees for the subsequent year. The
21        amount credited to each State bank and foreign banking
22        corporation shall be in the same proportion as the Call
23        Report Fees paid by each for the year bear to the total
24        Call Report Fees collected for the year. If, after a
25        transfer to the Cash Flow Reserve Account is made or if
26        no remainder is available for transfer, the balance of



HB2603- 144 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        the Cash Flow Reserve Account is less than one-fourth
2        of the total initial appropriations for the subsequent
3        year and the amount transferred is less than 5% of the
4        total Call Report Fees for the year, additional amounts
5        needed to make the transfer equal to 5% of the total
6        Call Report Fees for the year shall be apportioned
7        amongst, assessed upon, and paid by the State banks and
8        foreign banking corporations in the same proportion
9        that the Call Report Fees of each, respectively, for
10        the year bear to the total Call Report Fees collected
11        for the year. The additional amounts assessed shall be
12        transferred into the Cash Flow Reserve Account. For
13        purposes of this paragraph (d-1), the calculation of
14        the fees collected by the Commissioner shall exclude
15        the receivership fees provided for in Section 5-10 of
16        the Corporate Fiduciary Act.
17            (e) The Commissioner may upon request certify to
18        any public record in his keeping and shall have
19        authority to levy a reasonable charge for issuing
20        certifications of any public record in his keeping.
21            (f) In addition to fees authorized elsewhere in
22        this Act, the Commissioner may, in connection with a
23        review, approval, or provision of a service, levy a
24        reasonable charge to recover the cost of the review,
25        approval, or service.
26        (4) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to



HB2603- 145 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    limit the obligation relative to examinations and reports
2    of any State bank, deposits in which are to any extent
3    insured by the United States or any agency thereof, nor to
4    limit in any way the powers of the Commissioner with
5    reference to examinations and reports of that bank.
6        (5) The nature and condition of the assets in or
7    investment of any bonus, pension, or profit sharing plan
8    for officers or employees of every State bank or, after May
9    31, 1997, branch of an out-of-state bank shall be deemed to
10    be included in the affairs of that State bank or branch of
11    an out-of-state bank subject to examination by the
12    Commissioner under the provisions of subsection (2) of this
13    Section, and if the Commissioner shall find from an
14    examination that the condition of or operation of the
15    investments or assets of the plan is unlawful, fraudulent,
16    or unsafe, or that any trustee has abused his trust, the
17    Commissioner shall, if the situation so found by the
18    Commissioner shall not be corrected to his satisfaction
19    within 60 days after the Commissioner has given notice to
20    the board of directors of the State bank or out-of-state
21    bank of his findings, report the facts to the Attorney
22    General who shall thereupon institute proceedings against
23    the State bank or out-of-state bank, the board of directors
24    thereof, or the trustees under such plan as the nature of
25    the case may require.
26        (6) The Commissioner shall have the power:



HB2603- 146 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1            (a) To promulgate reasonable rules for the purpose
2        of administering the provisions of this Act.
3            (a-5) To impose conditions on any approval issued
4        by the Commissioner if he determines that the
5        conditions are necessary or appropriate. These
6        conditions shall be imposed in writing and shall
7        continue in effect for the period prescribed by the
8        Commissioner.
9            (b) To issue orders against any person, if the
10        Commissioner has reasonable cause to believe that an
11        unsafe or unsound banking practice has occurred, is
12        occurring, or is about to occur, if any person has
13        violated, is violating, or is about to violate any law,
14        rule, or written agreement with the Commissioner, or
15        for the purpose of administering the provisions of this
16        Act and any rule promulgated in accordance with this
17        Act.
18            (b-1) To enter into agreements with a bank
19        establishing a program to correct the condition of the
20        bank or its practices.
21            (c) To appoint hearing officers to execute any of
22        the powers granted to the Commissioner under this
23        Section for the purpose of administering this Act and
24        any rule promulgated in accordance with this Act and
25        otherwise to authorize, in writing, an officer or
26        employee of the Office of Banks and Real Estate to



HB2603- 147 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        exercise his powers under this Act.
2            (d) To subpoena witnesses, to compel their
3        attendance, to administer an oath, to examine any
4        person under oath, and to require the production of any
5        relevant books, papers, accounts, and documents in the
6        course of and pursuant to any investigation being
7        conducted, or any action being taken, by the
8        Commissioner in respect of any matter relating to the
9        duties imposed upon, or the powers vested in, the
10        Commissioner under the provisions of this Act or any
11        rule promulgated in accordance with this Act.
12            (e) To conduct hearings.
13        (7) Whenever, in the opinion of the Secretary, any
14    director, officer, employee, or agent of a State bank or
15    any subsidiary or bank holding company of the bank or,
16    after May 31, 1997, of any branch of an out-of-state bank
17    or any subsidiary or bank holding company of the bank shall
18    have violated any law, rule, or order relating to that bank
19    or any subsidiary or bank holding company of the bank,
20    shall have obstructed or impeded any examination or
21    investigation by the Secretary, shall have engaged in an
22    unsafe or unsound practice in conducting the business of
23    that bank or any subsidiary or bank holding company of the
24    bank, or shall have violated any law or engaged or
25    participated in any unsafe or unsound practice in
26    connection with any financial institution or other



HB2603- 148 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    business entity such that the character and fitness of the
2    director, officer, employee, or agent does not assure
3    reasonable promise of safe and sound operation of the State
4    bank, the Secretary may issue an order of removal. If, in
5    the opinion of the Secretary, any former director, officer,
6    employee, or agent of a State bank or any subsidiary or
7    bank holding company of the bank, prior to the termination
8    of his or her service with that bank or any subsidiary or
9    bank holding company of the bank, violated any law, rule,
10    or order relating to that State bank or any subsidiary or
11    bank holding company of the bank, obstructed or impeded any
12    examination or investigation by the Secretary, engaged in
13    an unsafe or unsound practice in conducting the business of
14    that bank or any subsidiary or bank holding company of the
15    bank, or violated any law or engaged or participated in any
16    unsafe or unsound practice in connection with any financial
17    institution or other business entity such that the
18    character and fitness of the director, officer, employee,
19    or agent would not have assured reasonable promise of safe
20    and sound operation of the State bank, the Secretary may
21    issue an order prohibiting that person from further service
22    with a bank or any subsidiary or bank holding company of
23    the bank as a director, officer, employee, or agent. An
24    order issued pursuant to this subsection shall be served
25    upon the director, officer, employee, or agent. A copy of
26    the order shall be sent to each director of the bank



HB2603- 149 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    affected by registered mail. A copy of the order shall also
2    be served upon the bank of which he is a director, officer,
3    employee, or agent, whereupon he shall cease to be a
4    director, officer, employee, or agent of that bank. The
5    Secretary may institute a civil action against the
6    director, officer, or agent of the State bank or, after May
7    31, 1997, of the branch of the out-of-state bank against
8    whom any order provided for by this subsection (7) of this
9    Section 48 has been issued, and against the State bank or,
10    after May 31, 1997, out-of-state bank, to enforce
11    compliance with or to enjoin any violation of the terms of
12    the order. Any person who has been the subject of an order
13    of removal or an order of prohibition issued by the
14    Secretary under this subsection or Section 5-6 of the
15    Corporate Fiduciary Act may not thereafter serve as
16    director, officer, employee, or agent of any State bank or
17    of any branch of any out-of-state bank, or of any corporate
18    fiduciary, as defined in Section 1-5.05 of the Corporate
19    Fiduciary Act, or of any other entity that is subject to
20    licensure or regulation by the Division of Banking unless
21    the Secretary has granted prior approval in writing.
22        For purposes of this paragraph (7), "bank holding
23    company" has the meaning prescribed in Section 2 of the
24    Illinois Bank Holding Company Act of 1957.
25        (8) The Commissioner may impose civil penalties of up
26    to $100,000 against any person for each violation of any



HB2603- 150 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    provision of this Act, any rule promulgated in accordance
2    with this Act, any order of the Commissioner, or any other
3    action which in the Commissioner's discretion is an unsafe
4    or unsound banking practice.
5        (9) The Commissioner may impose civil penalties of up
6    to $100 against any person for the first failure to comply
7    with reporting requirements set forth in the report of
8    examination of the bank and up to $200 for the second and
9    subsequent failures to comply with those reporting
10    requirements.
11        (10) All final administrative decisions of the
12    Commissioner hereunder shall be subject to judicial review
13    pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Review
14    Law. For matters involving administrative review, venue
15    shall be in either Sangamon County or Cook County.
16        (11) The endowment fund for the Illinois Bank
17    Examiners' Education Foundation shall be administered as
18    follows:
19            (a) (Blank).
20            (b) The Foundation is empowered to receive
21        voluntary contributions, gifts, grants, bequests, and
22        donations on behalf of the Illinois Bank Examiners'
23        Education Foundation from national banks and other
24        persons for the purpose of funding the endowment of the
25        Illinois Bank Examiners' Education Foundation.
26            (c) The aggregate of all special educational fees



HB2603- 151 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        collected by the Secretary and property received by the
2        Secretary on behalf of the Illinois Bank Examiners'
3        Education Foundation under this subsection (11) on or
4        after June 30, 1986, shall be either (i) promptly paid
5        after receipt of the same, accompanied by a detailed
6        statement thereof, into the State Treasury and shall be
7        set apart in a special fund to be known as "The
8        Illinois Bank Examiners' Education Fund" to be
9        invested by either the Treasurer of the State of
10        Illinois in the Public Treasurers' Investment Pool or
11        in any other investment he is authorized to make or by
12        the Illinois State Board of Investment as the State
13        Banking Board of Illinois may direct or (ii) deposited
14        into an account maintained in a commercial bank or
15        corporate fiduciary in the name of the Illinois Bank
16        Examiners' Education Foundation pursuant to the order
17        and direction of the Board of Trustees of the Illinois
18        Bank Examiners' Education Foundation.
19        (12) (Blank).
20        (13) The Secretary may borrow funds from the General
21    Revenue Fund on behalf of the Bank and Trust Company Fund
22    if the Director of Banking certifies to the Governor that
23    there is an economic emergency affecting banking that
24    requires a borrowing to provide additional funds to the
25    Bank and Trust Company Fund. The borrowed funds shall be
26    paid back within 3 years and shall not exceed the total



HB2603- 152 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    funding appropriated to the Agency in the previous year.
2        (14) In addition to the fees authorized in this Act,
3    the Secretary may assess reasonable receivership fees
4    against any State bank that does not maintain insurance
5    with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. All fees
6    collected under this subsection (14) shall be paid into the
7    Non-insured Institutions Receivership account in the Bank
8    and Trust Company Fund, as established by the Secretary.
9    The fees assessed under this subsection (14) shall provide
10    for the expenses that arise from the administration of the
11    receivership of any such institution required to pay into
12    the Non-insured Institutions Receivership account, whether
13    pursuant to this Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act, the
14    Foreign Banking Office Act, or any other Act that requires
15    payments into the Non-insured Institutions Receivership
16    account. The Secretary may establish by rule a reasonable
17    manner of assessing fees under this subsection (14).
18(Source: P.A. 98-784, eff. 7-24-14; 99-39, eff. 1-1-16.)
19    (205 ILCS 5/48.1)  (from Ch. 17, par. 360)
20    Sec. 48.1. Customer financial records; confidentiality.
21    (a) For the purpose of this Section, the term "financial
22records" means any original, any copy, or any summary of:
23        (1) a document granting signature authority over a
24    deposit or account;
25        (2) a statement, ledger card or other record on any



HB2603- 153 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    deposit or account, which shows each transaction in or with
2    respect to that account;
3        (3) a check, draft or money order drawn on a bank or
4    issued and payable by a bank; or
5        (4) any other item containing information pertaining
6    to any relationship established in the ordinary course of a
7    bank's business between a bank and its customer, including
8    financial statements or other financial information
9    provided by the customer.
10    (b) This Section does not prohibit:
11        (1) The preparation, examination, handling or
12    maintenance of any financial records by any officer,
13    employee or agent of a bank having custody of the records,
14    or the examination of the records by a certified public
15    accountant engaged by the bank to perform an independent
16    audit.
17        (2) The examination of any financial records by, or the
18    furnishing of financial records by a bank to, any officer,
19    employee or agent of (i) the Commissioner of Banks and Real
20    Estate, (ii) after May 31, 1997, a state regulatory
21    authority authorized to examine a branch of a State bank
22    located in another state, (iii) the Comptroller of the
23    Currency, (iv) the Federal Reserve Board, or (v) the
24    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for use solely in the
25    exercise of his duties as an officer, employee, or agent.
26        (3) The publication of data furnished from financial



HB2603- 154 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    records relating to customers where the data cannot be
2    identified to any particular customer or account.
3        (4) The making of reports or returns required under
4    Chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.
5        (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor of
6    any negotiable instrument permitted to be disclosed under
7    the Uniform Commercial Code.
8        (6) The exchange in the regular course of business of
9    (i) credit information between a bank and other banks or
10    financial institutions or commercial enterprises, directly
11    or through a consumer reporting agency or (ii) financial
12    records or information derived from financial records
13    between a bank and other banks or financial institutions or
14    commercial enterprises for the purpose of conducting due
15    diligence pursuant to a purchase or sale involving the bank
16    or assets or liabilities of the bank.
17        (7) The furnishing of information to the appropriate
18    law enforcement authorities where the bank reasonably
19    believes it has been the victim of a crime.
20        (8) The furnishing of information under the Revised
21    Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
22        (9) The furnishing of information under the Illinois
23    Income Tax Act and the Illinois Estate and
24    Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
25        (10) The furnishing of information under the federal
26    Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act Title 31,



HB2603- 155 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    United States Code, Section 1051 et seq.
2        (11) The furnishing of information under any other
3    statute that by its terms or by regulations promulgated
4    thereunder requires the disclosure of financial records
5    other than by subpoena, summons, warrant, or court order.
6        (12) The furnishing of information about the existence
7    of an account of a person to a judgment creditor of that
8    person who has made a written request for that information.
9        (13) The exchange in the regular course of business of
10    information between commonly owned banks in connection
11    with a transaction authorized under paragraph (23) of
12    Section 5 and conducted at an affiliate facility.
13        (14) The furnishing of information in accordance with
14    the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
15    Reconciliation Act of 1996. Any bank governed by this Act
16    shall enter into an agreement for data exchanges with a
17    State agency provided the State agency pays to the bank a
18    reasonable fee not to exceed its actual cost incurred. A
19    bank providing information in accordance with this item
20    shall not be liable to any account holder or other person
21    for any disclosure of information to a State agency, for
22    encumbering or surrendering any assets held by the bank in
23    response to a lien or order to withhold and deliver issued
24    by a State agency, or for any other action taken pursuant
25    to this item, including individual or mechanical errors,
26    provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or



HB2603- 156 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    willful misconduct. A bank shall have no obligation to
2    hold, encumber, or surrender assets until it has been
3    served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or
4    administrative order, lien, or levy.
5        (15) The exchange in the regular course of business of
6    information between a bank and any commonly owned affiliate
7    of the bank, subject to the provisions of the Financial
8    Institutions Insurance Sales Law.
9        (16) The furnishing of information to law enforcement
10    authorities, the Illinois Department on Aging and its
11    regional administrative and provider agencies, the
12    Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General,
13    or public guardians: (i) upon subpoena by the investigatory
14    entity or the guardian, or (ii) if there is suspicion by
15    the bank that a customer who is an elderly person or person
16    with a disability has been or may become the victim of
17    financial exploitation. For the purposes of this item (16),
18    the term: (i) "elderly person" means a person who is 60 or
19    more years of age, (ii) "disabled person" means a person
20    who has or reasonably appears to the bank to have a
21    physical or mental disability that impairs his or her
22    ability to seek or obtain protection from or prevent
23    financial exploitation, and (iii) "financial exploitation"
24    means tortious or illegal use of the assets or resources of
25    an elderly or disabled person, and includes, without
26    limitation, misappropriation of the elderly or disabled



HB2603- 157 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    person's assets or resources by undue influence, breach of
2    fiduciary relationship, intimidation, fraud, deception,
3    extortion, or the use of assets or resources in any manner
4    contrary to law. A bank or person furnishing information
5    pursuant to this item (16) shall be entitled to the same
6    rights and protections as a person furnishing information
7    under the Adult Protective Services Act and the Illinois
8    Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
9        (17) The disclosure of financial records or
10    information as necessary to effect, administer, or enforce
11    a transaction requested or authorized by the customer, or
12    in connection with:
13            (A) servicing or processing a financial product or
14        service requested or authorized by the customer;
15            (B) maintaining or servicing a customer's account
16        with the bank; or
17            (C) a proposed or actual securitization or
18        secondary market sale (including sales of servicing
19        rights) related to a transaction of a customer.
20        Nothing in this item (17), however, authorizes the sale
21    of the financial records or information of a customer
22    without the consent of the customer.
23        (18) The disclosure of financial records or
24    information as necessary to protect against actual or
25    potential fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims, or
26    other liability.



HB2603- 158 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (19)(a) The disclosure of financial records or
2    information related to a private label credit program
3    between a financial institution and a private label party
4    in connection with that private label credit program. Such
5    information is limited to outstanding balance, available
6    credit, payment and performance and account history,
7    product references, purchase information, and information
8    related to the identity of the customer.
9        (b)(1) For purposes of this paragraph (19) of
10    subsection (b) of Section 48.1, a "private label credit
11    program" means a credit program involving a financial
12    institution and a private label party that is used by a
13    customer of the financial institution and the private label
14    party primarily for payment for goods or services sold,
15    manufactured, or distributed by a private label party.
16        (2) For purposes of this paragraph (19) of subsection
17    (b) of Section 48.1, a "private label party" means, with
18    respect to a private label credit program, any of the
19    following: a retailer, a merchant, a manufacturer, a trade
20    group, or any such person's affiliate, subsidiary, member,
21    agent, or service provider.
22    (c) Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a bank may
23not disclose to any person, except to the customer or his duly
24authorized agent, any financial records or financial
25information obtained from financial records relating to that
26customer of that bank unless:



HB2603- 159 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (1) the customer has authorized disclosure to the
2    person;
3        (2) the financial records are disclosed in response to
4    a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover
5    assets, or court order which meets the requirements of
6    subsection (d) of this Section; or
7        (3) the bank is attempting to collect an obligation
8    owed to the bank and the bank complies with the provisions
9    of Section 2I of the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business
10    Practices Act.
11    (d) A bank shall disclose financial records under paragraph
12(2) of subsection (c) of this Section under a lawful subpoena,
13summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order
14only after the bank mails a copy of the subpoena, summons,
15warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order to the
16person establishing the relationship with the bank, if living,
17and, otherwise his personal representative, if known, at his
18last known address by first class mail, postage prepaid, unless
19the bank is specifically prohibited from notifying the person
20by order of court or by applicable State or federal law. A bank
21shall not mail a copy of a subpoena to any person pursuant to
22this subsection if the subpoena was issued by a grand jury
23under the Statewide Grand Jury Act.
24    (e) Any officer or employee of a bank who knowingly and
25willfully furnishes financial records in violation of this
26Section is guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction,



HB2603- 160 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1shall be fined not more than $1,000.
2    (f) Any person who knowingly and willfully induces or
3attempts to induce any officer or employee of a bank to
4disclose financial records in violation of this Section is
5guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction, shall be
6fined not more than $1,000.
7    (g) A bank shall be reimbursed for costs that are
8reasonably necessary and that have been directly incurred in
9searching for, reproducing, or transporting books, papers,
10records, or other data of a customer required or requested to
11be produced pursuant to a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant,
12citation to discover assets, or court order. The Commissioner
13shall determine the rates and conditions under which payment
14may be made.
15(Source: P.A. 98-49, eff. 7-1-13; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
16    (205 ILCS 5/48.3)  (from Ch. 17, par. 360.2)
17    Sec. 48.3. Disclosure of reports of examinations and
18confidential supervisory information; limitations.
19    (a) Any report of examination, visitation, or
20investigation prepared by the Commissioner under this Act, the
21Electronic Fund Transfer Act, the Corporate Fiduciary Act, the
22Illinois Bank Holding Company Act of 1957, and the Foreign
23Banking Office Act, any report of examination, visitation, or
24investigation prepared by the state regulatory authority of
25another state that examines a branch of an Illinois State bank



HB2603- 161 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1in that state, any document or record prepared or obtained in
2connection with or relating to any examination, visitation, or
3investigation, and any record prepared or obtained by the
4Commissioner to the extent that the record summarizes or
5contains information derived from any report, document, or
6record described in this subsection shall be deemed
7"confidential supervisory information". Confidential
8supervisory information shall not include any information or
9record routinely prepared by a bank or other financial
10institution and maintained in the ordinary course of business
11or any information or record that is required to be made
12publicly available pursuant to State or federal law or rule.
13Confidential supervisory information shall be the property of
14the Commissioner and shall only be disclosed under the
15circumstances and for the purposes set forth in this Section.
16     The Commissioner may disclose confidential supervisory
17information only under the following circumstances:
18        (1) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
19    supervisory information to the Board of Governors of the
20    Federal Reserve System, the federal reserve bank of the
21    federal reserve district in which the State bank is located
22    or in which the parent or other affiliate of the State bank
23    is located, any official or examiner thereof duly
24    accredited for the purpose, or any other state regulator,
25    federal regulator, or in the case of a foreign bank
26    possessing a certificate of authority pursuant to the



HB2603- 162 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Foreign Banking Office Act or a license pursuant to the
2    Foreign Bank Representative Office Act, the bank regulator
3    in the country where the foreign bank is chartered, that
4    the Commissioner determines to have an appropriate
5    regulatory interest. Nothing contained in this Act shall be
6    construed to limit the obligation of any member State bank
7    to comply with the requirements relative to examinations
8    and reports of the Federal Reserve Act and of the Board of
9    Governors of the Federal Reserve System or the federal
10    reserve bank of the federal reserve district in which the
11    bank is located, nor to limit in any way the powers of the
12    Commissioner with reference to examinations and reports.
13        (2) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
14    supervisory information to the United States, any agency
15    thereof that has insured a bank's deposits in whole or in
16    part, or any official or examiner thereof duly accredited
17    for the purpose. Nothing contained in this Act shall be
18    construed to limit the obligation relative to examinations
19    and reports of any State bank, deposits in which are to any
20    extent insured by the United States, any agency thereof,
21    nor to limit in any way the powers of the Commissioner with
22    reference to examination and reports of such bank.
23        (3) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
24    supervisory information to the appropriate law enforcement
25    authorities when the Commissioner reasonably believes a
26    bank, which the Commissioner has caused to be examined, has



HB2603- 163 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    been a victim of a crime.
2        (4) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
3    supervisory information relating to a bank or other
4    financial institution, which the Commissioner has caused
5    to be examined, to be sent to the administrator of the
6    Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
7        (5) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
8    supervisory information relating to a bank or other
9    financial institution, which the Commissioner has caused
10    to be examined, relating to its performance of obligations
11    under the Illinois Income Tax Act and the Illinois Estate
12    and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act to the Illinois
13    Department of Revenue.
14        (6) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
15    supervisory information relating to a bank or other
16    financial institution, which the Commissioner has caused
17    to be examined, under the federal Currency and Foreign
18    Transactions Reporting Act, Title 31, United States Code,
19    Section 1051 et seq.
20        (6.5) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
21    supervisory information to any other agency or entity that
22    the Commissioner determines to have a legitimate
23    regulatory interest.
24        (7) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
25    supervisory information under any other statute that by its
26    terms or by regulations promulgated thereunder requires



HB2603- 164 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    the disclosure of financial records other than by subpoena,
2    summons, warrant, or court order.
3        (8) At the request of the affected bank or other
4    financial institution, the Commissioner may furnish
5    confidential supervisory information relating to a bank or
6    other financial institution, which the Commissioner has
7    caused to be examined, in connection with the obtaining of
8    insurance coverage or the pursuit of an insurance claim for
9    or on behalf of the bank or other financial institution;
10    provided that, when possible, the Commissioner shall
11    disclose only relevant information while maintaining the
12    confidentiality of financial records not relevant to such
13    insurance coverage or claim and, when appropriate, may
14    delete identifying data relating to any person or
15    individual.
16        (9) The Commissioner may furnish a copy of a report of
17    any examination performed by the Commissioner of the
18    condition and affairs of any electronic data processing
19    entity to the banks serviced by the electronic data
20    processing entity.
21        (10) In addition to the foregoing circumstances, the
22    Commissioner may, but is not required to, furnish
23    confidential supervisory information under the same
24    circumstances authorized for the bank or financial
25    institution pursuant to subsection (b) of this Section,
26    except that the Commissioner shall provide confidential



HB2603- 165 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    supervisory information under circumstances described in
2    paragraph (3) of subsection (b) of this Section only upon
3    the request of the bank or other financial institution.
4    (b) A bank or other financial institution or its officers,
5agents, and employees may disclose confidential supervisory
6information only under the following circumstances:
7        (1) to the board of directors of the bank or other
8    financial institution, as well as the president,
9    vice-president, cashier, and other officers of the bank or
10    other financial institution to whom the board of directors
11    may delegate duties with respect to compliance with
12    recommendations for action, and to the board of directors
13    of a bank holding company that owns at least 80% of the
14    outstanding stock of the bank or other financial
15    institution;
16        (2) to attorneys for the bank or other financial
17    institution and to a certified public accountant engaged by
18    the State bank or financial institution to perform an
19    independent audit provided that the attorney or certified
20    public accountant shall not permit the confidential
21    supervisory information to be further disseminated;
22        (3) to any person who seeks to acquire a controlling
23    interest in, or who seeks to merge with, the bank or
24    financial institution, provided that all attorneys,
25    certified public accountants, officers, agents, or
26    employees of that person shall agree to be bound to respect



HB2603- 166 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    the confidentiality of the confidential supervisory
2    information and to not further disseminate the information
3    therein contained;
4        (4) (blank); or
5        (5) to the bank's insurance company in relation to an
6    insurance claim or the effort by the bank to procure
7    insurance coverage, provided that, when possible, the bank
8    shall disclose only information that is relevant to the
9    insurance claim or that is necessary to procure the
10    insurance coverage, while maintaining the confidentiality
11    of financial information pertaining to customers. When
12    appropriate, the bank may delete identifying data relating
13    to any person.
14    The disclosure of confidential supervisory information by
15a bank or other financial institution pursuant to this
16subsection (b) and the disclosure of information to the
17Commissioner or other regulatory agency in connection with any
18examination, visitation, or investigation shall not constitute
19a waiver of any legal privilege otherwise available to the bank
20or other financial institution with respect to the information.
21    (c) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or
22any other law, confidential supervisory information shall be
23the property of the Commissioner and shall be privileged from
24disclosure to any person except as provided in this Section. No
25person in possession of confidential supervisory information
26may disclose that information for any reason or under any



HB2603- 167 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1circumstances not specified in this Section without the prior
2authorization of the Commissioner. Any person upon whom a
3demand for production of confidential supervisory information
4is made, whether by subpoena, order, or other judicial or
5administrative process, must withhold production of the
6confidential supervisory information and must notify the
7Commissioner of the demand, at which time the Commissioner is
8authorized to intervene for the purpose of enforcing the
9limitations of this Section or seeking the withdrawal or
10termination of the attempt to compel production of the
11confidential supervisory information.
12    (2) Any request for discovery or disclosure of confidential
13supervisory information, whether by subpoena, order, or other
14judicial or administrative process, shall be made to the
15Commissioner, and the Commissioner shall determine within 15
16days whether to disclose the information pursuant to procedures
17and standards that the Commissioner shall establish by rule. If
18the Commissioner determines that such information will not be
19disclosed, the Commissioner's decision shall be subject to
20judicial review under the provisions of the Administrative
21Review Law, and venue shall be in either Sangamon County or
22Cook County.
23    (3) Any court order that compels disclosure of confidential
24supervisory information may be immediately appealed by the
25Commissioner, and the order shall be automatically stayed
26pending the outcome of the appeal.



HB2603- 168 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (d) If any officer, agent, attorney, or employee of a bank
2or financial institution knowingly and willfully furnishes
3confidential supervisory information in violation of this
4Section, the Commissioner may impose a civil monetary penalty
5up to $1,000 for the violation against the officer, agent,
6attorney, or employee.
7(Source: P.A. 90-301, eff. 8-1-97; 91-201, eff. 1-1-00.)
8    (205 ILCS 5/65)  (from Ch. 17, par. 377)
9    Sec. 65. Dividends; dissolution. From time to time during a
10receivership other than a receivership conducted by the Federal
11Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Commissioner shall make and
12pay from monies of the bank a ratable dividend on all claims as
13may be proved to his or her satisfaction or adjudicated by the
14court. Claims so proven or adjudicated shall bear interest at
15the rate of 3% per annum from the date of the appointment of
16the receiver to the date of payment, but all dividends on a
17claim shall be applied first to principal. In computing the
18amount of any dividend to be paid, if the Commissioner deems it
19desirable in the interests of economy of administration and to
20the interest of the bank and its creditors, he or she may pay
21up to the amount of $10 of each claim or unpaid portion thereof
22in full. As the proceeds of the assets of the bank are
23collected in the course of liquidation, the Commissioner shall
24make and pay further dividends on all claims previously proven
25or adjudicated. After one year from the entry of a judgment of



HB2603- 169 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1dissolution, all unclaimed dividends shall be remitted to the
2State Treasurer in accordance with the Revised Uniform
3Unclaimed Property Act "Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
4Property Act", as now or hereafter amended, together with a
5list of all unpaid claimants, their last known addresses and
6the amounts unpaid.
7(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 7-1-99.)
8    Section 1505.10. The Savings Bank Act is amended by
9changing Sections 4013, 9012, and 10090 as follows:
10    (205 ILCS 205/4013)  (from Ch. 17, par. 7304-13)
11    Sec. 4013. Access to books and records; communication with
12members and shareholders.
13    (a) Every member or shareholder shall have the right to
14inspect books and records of the savings bank that pertain to
15his accounts. Otherwise, the right of inspection and
16examination of the books and records shall be limited as
17provided in this Act, and no other person shall have access to
18the books and records nor shall be entitled to a list of the
19members or shareholders.
20    (b) For the purpose of this Section, the term "financial
21records" means any original, any copy, or any summary of (1) a
22document granting signature authority over a deposit or
23account; (2) a statement, ledger card, or other record on any
24deposit or account that shows each transaction in or with



HB2603- 170 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1respect to that account; (3) a check, draft, or money order
2drawn on a savings bank or issued and payable by a savings
3bank; or (4) any other item containing information pertaining
4to any relationship established in the ordinary course of a
5savings bank's business between a savings bank and its
6customer, including financial statements or other financial
7information provided by the member or shareholder.
8    (c) This Section does not prohibit:
9        (1) The preparation, examination, handling, or
10    maintenance of any financial records by any officer,
11    employee, or agent of a savings bank having custody of
12    records or examination of records by a certified public
13    accountant engaged by the savings bank to perform an
14    independent audit.
15        (2) The examination of any financial records by, or the
16    furnishing of financial records by a savings bank to, any
17    officer, employee, or agent of the Commissioner of Banks
18    and Real Estate or the federal depository institution
19    regulator for use solely in the exercise of his duties as
20    an officer, employee, or agent.
21        (3) The publication of data furnished from financial
22    records relating to members or holders of capital where the
23    data cannot be identified to any particular member,
24    shareholder, or account.
25        (4) The making of reports or returns required under
26    Chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.



HB2603- 171 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor of
2    any negotiable instrument permitted to be disclosed under
3    the Uniform Commercial Code.
4        (6) The exchange in the regular course of business of
5    (i) credit information between a savings bank and other
6    savings banks or financial institutions or commercial
7    enterprises, directly or through a consumer reporting
8    agency or (ii) financial records or information derived
9    from financial records between a savings bank and other
10    savings banks or financial institutions or commercial
11    enterprises for the purpose of conducting due diligence
12    pursuant to a purchase or sale involving the savings bank
13    or assets or liabilities of the savings bank.
14        (7) The furnishing of information to the appropriate
15    law enforcement authorities where the savings bank
16    reasonably believes it has been the victim of a crime.
17        (8) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
18    Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
19        (9) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
20    Illinois Income Tax Act and the Illinois Estate and
21    Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
22        (10) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
23    federal "Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act",
24    (Title 31, United States Code, Section 1051 et seq.).
25        (11) The furnishing of information pursuant to any
26    other statute which by its terms or by regulations



HB2603- 172 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure of
2    financial records other than by subpoena, summons,
3    warrant, or court order.
4        (12) The furnishing of information in accordance with
5    the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
6    Reconciliation Act of 1996. Any savings bank governed by
7    this Act shall enter into an agreement for data exchanges
8    with a State agency provided the State agency pays to the
9    savings bank a reasonable fee not to exceed its actual cost
10    incurred. A savings bank providing information in
11    accordance with this item shall not be liable to any
12    account holder or other person for any disclosure of
13    information to a State agency, for encumbering or
14    surrendering any assets held by the savings bank in
15    response to a lien or order to withhold and deliver issued
16    by a State agency, or for any other action taken pursuant
17    to this item, including individual or mechanical errors,
18    provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or
19    willful misconduct. A savings bank shall have no obligation
20    to hold, encumber, or surrender assets until it has been
21    served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or
22    administrative order, lien, or levy.
23        (13) The furnishing of information to law enforcement
24    authorities, the Illinois Department on Aging and its
25    regional administrative and provider agencies, the
26    Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General,



HB2603- 173 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    or public guardians: (i) upon subpoena by the investigatory
2    entity or the guardian, or (ii) if there is suspicion by
3    the savings bank that a customer who is an elderly person
4    or person with a disability has been or may become the
5    victim of financial exploitation. For the purposes of this
6    item (13), the term: (i) "elderly person" means a person
7    who is 60 or more years of age, (ii) "person with a
8    disability" means a person who has or reasonably appears to
9    the savings bank to have a physical or mental disability
10    that impairs his or her ability to seek or obtain
11    protection from or prevent financial exploitation, and
12    (iii) "financial exploitation" means tortious or illegal
13    use of the assets or resources of an elderly person or
14    person with a disability, and includes, without
15    limitation, misappropriation of the assets or resources of
16    the elderly person or person with a disability by undue
17    influence, breach of fiduciary relationship, intimidation,
18    fraud, deception, extortion, or the use of assets or
19    resources in any manner contrary to law. A savings bank or
20    person furnishing information pursuant to this item (13)
21    shall be entitled to the same rights and protections as a
22    person furnishing information under the Adult Protective
23    Services Act and the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of
24    1986.
25        (14) The disclosure of financial records or
26    information as necessary to effect, administer, or enforce



HB2603- 174 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    a transaction requested or authorized by the member or
2    holder of capital, or in connection with:
3            (A) servicing or processing a financial product or
4        service requested or authorized by the member or holder
5        of capital;
6            (B) maintaining or servicing an account of a member
7        or holder of capital with the savings bank; or
8            (C) a proposed or actual securitization or
9        secondary market sale (including sales of servicing
10        rights) related to a transaction of a member or holder
11        of capital.
12        Nothing in this item (14), however, authorizes the sale
13    of the financial records or information of a member or
14    holder of capital without the consent of the member or
15    holder of capital.
16        (15) The exchange in the regular course of business of
17    information between a savings bank and any commonly owned
18    affiliate of the savings bank, subject to the provisions of
19    the Financial Institutions Insurance Sales Law.
20        (16) The disclosure of financial records or
21    information as necessary to protect against or prevent
22    actual or potential fraud, unauthorized transactions,
23    claims, or other liability.
24        (17)(a) The disclosure of financial records or
25    information related to a private label credit program
26    between a financial institution and a private label party



HB2603- 175 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    in connection with that private label credit program. Such
2    information is limited to outstanding balance, available
3    credit, payment and performance and account history,
4    product references, purchase information, and information
5    related to the identity of the customer.
6        (b)(1) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of
7    subsection (c) of Section 4013, a "private label credit
8    program" means a credit program involving a financial
9    institution and a private label party that is used by a
10    customer of the financial institution and the private label
11    party primarily for payment for goods or services sold,
12    manufactured, or distributed by a private label party.
13        (2) For purposes of this paragraph (17) of subsection
14    (c) of Section 4013, a "private label party" means, with
15    respect to a private label credit program, any of the
16    following: a retailer, a merchant, a manufacturer, a trade
17    group, or any such person's affiliate, subsidiary, member,
18    agent, or service provider.
19    (d) A savings bank may not disclose to any person, except
20to the member or holder of capital or his duly authorized
21agent, any financial records relating to that member or
22shareholder of the savings bank unless:
23        (1) the member or shareholder has authorized
24    disclosure to the person; or
25        (2) the financial records are disclosed in response to
26    a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover



HB2603- 176 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    assets, or court order that meets the requirements of
2    subsection (e) of this Section.
3    (e) A savings bank shall disclose financial records under
4subsection (d) of this Section pursuant to a lawful subpoena,
5summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order
6only after the savings bank mails a copy of the subpoena,
7summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or court order
8to the person establishing the relationship with the savings
9bank, if living, and otherwise, his personal representative, if
10known, at his last known address by first class mail, postage
11prepaid, unless the savings bank is specifically prohibited
12from notifying the person by order of court.
13    (f) Any officer or employee of a savings bank who knowingly
14and willfully furnishes financial records in violation of this
15Section is guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction,
16shall be fined not more than $1,000.
17    (g) Any person who knowingly and willfully induces or
18attempts to induce any officer or employee of a savings bank to
19disclose financial records in violation of this Section is
20guilty of a business offense and, upon conviction, shall be
21fined not more than $1,000.
22    (h) If any member or shareholder desires to communicate
23with the other members or shareholders of the savings bank with
24reference to any question pending or to be presented at an
25annual or special meeting, the savings bank shall give that
26person, upon request, a statement of the approximate number of



HB2603- 177 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1members or shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting and an
2estimate of the cost of preparing and mailing the
3communication. The requesting member shall submit the
4communication to the Commissioner who, upon finding it to be
5appropriate and truthful, shall direct that it be prepared and
6mailed to the members upon the requesting member's or
7shareholder's payment or adequate provision for payment of the
8expenses of preparation and mailing.
9    (i) A savings bank shall be reimbursed for costs that are
10necessary and that have been directly incurred in searching
11for, reproducing, or transporting books, papers, records, or
12other data of a customer required to be reproduced pursuant to
13a lawful subpoena, warrant, citation to discover assets, or
14court order.
15    (j) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section, a
16savings bank may sell or otherwise make use of lists of
17customers' names and addresses. All other information
18regarding a customer's account is are subject to the disclosure
19provisions of this Section. At the request of any customer,
20that customer's name and address shall be deleted from any list
21that is to be sold or used in any other manner beyond
22identification of the customer's accounts.
23(Source: P.A. 98-49, eff. 7-1-13; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15; revised
25    (205 ILCS 205/9012)  (from Ch. 17, par. 7309-12)



HB2603- 178 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    Sec. 9012. Disclosure of reports of examinations and
2confidential supervisory information; limitations.
3    (a) Any report of examination, visitation, or
4investigation prepared by the Commissioner under this Act, any
5report of examination, visitation, or investigation prepared
6by the state regulatory authority of another state that
7examines a branch of an Illinois State savings bank in that
8state, any document or record prepared or obtained in
9connection with or relating to any examination, visitation, or
10investigation, and any record prepared or obtained by the
11Commissioner to the extent that the record summarizes or
12contains information derived from any report, document, or
13record described in this subsection shall be deemed
14confidential supervisory information. "Confidential
15supervisory information" shall not include any information or
16record routinely prepared by a savings bank and maintained in
17the ordinary course of business or any information or record
18that is required to be made publicly available pursuant to
19State or federal law or rule. Confidential supervisory
20information shall be the property of the Commissioner and shall
21only be disclosed under the circumstances and for the purposes
22set forth in this Section.
23    The Commissioner may disclose confidential supervisory
24information only under the following circumstances:
25        (1) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
26    supervisory information to federal and state depository



HB2603- 179 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    institution regulators, or any official or examiner
2    thereof duly accredited for the purpose. Nothing contained
3    in this Act shall be construed to limit the obligation of
4    any savings bank to comply with the requirements relative
5    to examinations and reports nor to limit in any way the
6    powers of the Commissioner relative to examinations and
7    reports.
8        (2) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
9    supervisory information to the United States or any agency
10    thereof that to any extent has insured a savings bank's
11    deposits, or any official or examiner thereof duly
12    accredited for the purpose. Nothing contained in this Act
13    shall be construed to limit the obligation relative to
14    examinations and reports of any savings bank in which
15    deposits are to any extent insured by the United States or
16    any agency thereof nor to limit in any way the powers of
17    the Commissioner with reference to examination and reports
18    of the savings bank.
19        (3) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
20    supervisory information to the appropriate law enforcement
21    authorities when the Commissioner reasonably believes a
22    savings bank, which the Commissioner has caused to be
23    examined, has been a victim of a crime.
24        (4) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
25    supervisory information related to a savings bank, which
26    the Commissioner has caused to be examined, to the



HB2603- 180 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    administrator of the Revised Uniform Disposition of
2    Unclaimed Property Act.
3        (5) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
4    supervisory information relating to a savings bank, which
5    the Commissioner has caused to be examined, relating to its
6    performance of obligations under the Illinois Income Tax
7    Act and the Illinois Estate and Generation-Skipping
8    Transfer Tax Act to the Illinois Department of Revenue.
9        (6) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
10    supervisory information relating to a savings bank, which
11    the Commissioner has caused to be examined, under the
12    federal Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act,
13    31 United States Code, Section 1051 et seq.
14        (7) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
15    supervisory information to any other agency or entity that
16    the Commissioner determines to have a legitimate
17    regulatory interest.
18        (8) The Commissioner may furnish confidential
19    supervisory information as otherwise permitted or required
20    by this Act and may furnish confidential supervisory
21    information under any other statute that by its terms or by
22    regulations promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure
23    of financial records other than by subpoena, summons,
24    warrant, or court order.
25        (9) At the request of the affected savings bank, the
26    Commissioner may furnish confidential supervisory



HB2603- 181 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    information relating to the savings bank, which the
2    Commissioner has caused to be examined, in connection with
3    the obtaining of insurance coverage or the pursuit of an
4    insurance claim for or on behalf of the savings bank;
5    provided that, when possible, the Commissioner shall
6    disclose only relevant information while maintaining the
7    confidentiality of financial records not relevant to such
8    insurance coverage or claim and, when appropriate, may
9    delete identifying data relating to any person.
10        (10) The Commissioner may furnish a copy of a report of
11    any examination performed by the Commissioner of the
12    condition and affairs of any electronic data processing
13    entity to the savings banks serviced by the electronic data
14    processing entity.
15        (11) In addition to the foregoing circumstances, the
16    Commissioner may, but is not required to, furnish
17    confidential supervisory information under the same
18    circumstances authorized for the savings bank pursuant to
19    subsection (b) of this Section, except that the
20    Commissioner shall provide confidential supervisory
21    information under circumstances described in paragraph (3)
22    of subsection (b) of this Section only upon the request of
23    the savings bank.
24    (b) A savings bank or its officers, agents, and employees
25may disclose confidential supervisory information only under
26the following circumstances:



HB2603- 182 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (1) to the board of directors of the savings bank, as
2    well as the president, vice-president, cashier, and other
3    officers of the savings bank to whom the board of directors
4    may delegate duties with respect to compliance with
5    recommendations for action, and to the board of directors
6    of a savings bank holding company that owns at least 80% of
7    the outstanding stock of the savings bank or other
8    financial institution.
9        (2) to attorneys for the savings bank and to a
10    certified public accountant engaged by the savings bank to
11    perform an independent audit; provided that the attorney or
12    certified public accountant shall not permit the
13    confidential supervisory information to be further
14    disseminated.
15        (3) to any person who seeks to acquire a controlling
16    interest in, or who seeks to merge with, the savings bank;
17    provided that the person shall agree to be bound to respect
18    the confidentiality of the confidential supervisory
19    information and to not further disseminate the information
20    other than to attorneys, certified public accountants,
21    officers, agents, or employees of that person who likewise
22    shall agree to be bound to respect the confidentiality of
23    the confidential supervisory information and to not
24    further disseminate the information.
25        (4) to the savings bank's insurance company, if the
26    supervisory information contains information that is



HB2603- 183 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    otherwise unavailable and is strictly necessary to
2    obtaining insurance coverage or pursuing an insurance
3    claim for or on behalf of the savings bank; provided that,
4    when possible, the savings bank shall disclose only
5    information that is relevant to obtaining insurance
6    coverage or pursuing an insurance claim, while maintaining
7    the confidentiality of financial information pertaining to
8    customers; and provided further that, when appropriate,
9    the savings bank may delete identifying data relating to
10    any person.
11    The disclosure of confidential supervisory information by
12a savings bank pursuant to this subsection (b) and the
13disclosure of information to the Commissioner or other
14regulatory agency in connection with any examination,
15visitation, or investigation shall not constitute a waiver of
16any legal privilege otherwise available to the savings bank
17with respect to the information.
18    (c) (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or
19any other law, confidential supervisory information shall be
20the property of the Commissioner and shall be privileged from
21disclosure to any person except as provided in this Section. No
22person in possession of confidential supervisory information
23may disclose that information for any reason or under any
24circumstances not specified in this Section without the prior
25authorization of the Commissioner. Any person upon whom a
26demand for production of confidential supervisory information



HB2603- 184 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1is made, whether by subpoena, order, or other judicial or
2administrative process, must withhold production of the
3confidential supervisory information and must notify the
4Commissioner of the demand, at which time the Commissioner is
5authorized to intervene for the purpose of enforcing the
6limitations of this Section or seeking the withdrawal or
7termination of the attempt to compel production of the
8confidential supervisory information.
9    (2) Any request for discovery or disclosure of confidential
10supervisory information, whether by subpoena, order, or other
11judicial or administrative process, shall be made to the
12Commissioner, and the Commissioner shall determine within 15
13days whether to disclose the information pursuant to procedures
14and standards that the Commissioner shall establish by rule. If
15the Commissioner determines that such information will not be
16disclosed, the Commissioner's decision shall be subject to
17judicial review under the provisions of the Administrative
18Review Law, and venue shall be in either Sangamon County or
19Cook County.
20    (3) Any court order that compels disclosure of confidential
21supervisory information may be immediately appealed by the
22Commissioner, and the order shall be automatically stayed
23pending the outcome of the appeal.
24    (d) If any officer, agent, attorney, or employee of a
25savings bank knowingly and willfully furnishes confidential
26supervisory information in violation of this Section, the



HB2603- 185 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Commissioner may impose a civil monetary penalty up to $1,000
2for the violation against the officer, agent, attorney, or
4    (e)   Subject to the limits of this Section, the
5Commissioner also may promulgate regulations to set procedures
6and standards for disclosure of the following items:
7        (1) All fixed orders and opinions made in cases of
8    appeals of the Commissioner's actions.
9        (2) Statements of policy and interpretations adopted
10    by the Commissioner's office, but not otherwise made
11    public.
12        (3) Nonconfidential portions of application files,
13    including applications for new charters. The Commissioner
14    shall specify by rule as to what part of the files are
15    confidential.
16        (4) Quarterly reports of income, deposits, and
17    financial condition.
18(Source: P.A. 93-271, eff. 7-22-03.)
19    (205 ILCS 205/10090)
20    Sec. 10090. Dividends; dissolution. From time to time
21during a receivership other than a receivership conducted by
22the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Secretary shall
23make and pay from moneys of the savings bank a ratable dividend
24on all claims as may be proved to his or her satisfaction or
25adjudicated by the court. Claims so proven or adjudicated shall



HB2603- 186 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum from the date of the
2appointment of the receiver to the date of payment, but all
3dividends on a claim shall be applied first to principal. In
4computing the amount of any dividend to be paid, if the
5Secretary deems it desirable in the interests of economy of
6administration and to the interest of the savings bank and its
7creditors, he or she may pay up to the amount of $10 of each
8claim or unpaid portion thereof in full. As the proceeds of the
9assets of the savings bank are collected in the course of
10liquidation, the Secretary shall make and pay further dividends
11on all claims previously proven or adjudicated. After one year
12from the entry of a judgment of dissolution, all unclaimed
13dividends shall be remitted to the State Treasurer in
14accordance with the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
15Property Act, as now or hereafter amended, together with a list
16of all unpaid claimants, their last known addresses and the
17amounts unpaid.
18(Source: P.A. 96-1365, eff. 7-28-10.)
19    Section 1505.11. The Illinois Credit Union Act is amended
20by changing Sections 10 and 62 as follows:
21    (205 ILCS 305/10)  (from Ch. 17, par. 4411)
22    Sec. 10. Credit union records; member financial records.
23    (1) A credit union shall establish and maintain books,
24records, accounting systems and procedures which accurately



HB2603- 187 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1reflect its operations and which enable the Department to
2readily ascertain the true financial condition of the credit
3union and whether it is complying with this Act.
4    (2) A photostatic or photographic reproduction of any
5credit union records shall be admissible as evidence of
6transactions with the credit union.
7    (3)(a) For the purpose of this Section, the term "financial
8records" means any original, any copy, or any summary of (1) a
9document granting signature authority over an account, (2) a
10statement, ledger card or other record on any account which
11shows each transaction in or with respect to that account, (3)
12a check, draft or money order drawn on a financial institution
13or other entity or issued and payable by or through a financial
14institution or other entity, or (4) any other item containing
15information pertaining to any relationship established in the
16ordinary course of business between a credit union and its
17member, including financial statements or other financial
18information provided by the member.
19    (b) This Section does not prohibit:
20        (1) The preparation, examination, handling or
21    maintenance of any financial records by any officer,
22    employee or agent of a credit union having custody of such
23    records, or the examination of such records by a certified
24    public accountant engaged by the credit union to perform an
25    independent audit.
26        (2) The examination of any financial records by or the



HB2603- 188 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    furnishing of financial records by a credit union to any
2    officer, employee or agent of the Department, the National
3    Credit Union Administration, Federal Reserve board or any
4    insurer of share accounts for use solely in the exercise of
5    his duties as an officer, employee or agent.
6        (3) The publication of data furnished from financial
7    records relating to members where the data cannot be
8    identified to any particular customer of account.
9        (4) The making of reports or returns required under
10    Chapter 61 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
11        (5) Furnishing information concerning the dishonor of
12    any negotiable instrument permitted to be disclosed under
13    the Uniform Commercial Code.
14        (6) The exchange in the regular course of business of
15    (i) credit information between a credit union and other
16    credit unions or financial institutions or commercial
17    enterprises, directly or through a consumer reporting
18    agency or (ii) financial records or information derived
19    from financial records between a credit union and other
20    credit unions or financial institutions or commercial
21    enterprises for the purpose of conducting due diligence
22    pursuant to a merger or a purchase or sale of assets or
23    liabilities of the credit union.
24        (7) The furnishing of information to the appropriate
25    law enforcement authorities where the credit union
26    reasonably believes it has been the victim of a crime.



HB2603- 189 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        (8) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
2    Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
3        (9) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
4    Illinois Income Tax Act and the Illinois Estate and
5    Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.
6        (10) The furnishing of information pursuant to the
7    federal "Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act",
8    Title 31, United States Code, Section 1051 et sequentia.
9        (11) The furnishing of information pursuant to any
10    other statute which by its terms or by regulations
11    promulgated thereunder requires the disclosure of
12    financial records other than by subpoena, summons, warrant
13    or court order.
14        (12) The furnishing of information in accordance with
15    the federal Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
16    Reconciliation Act of 1996. Any credit union governed by
17    this Act shall enter into an agreement for data exchanges
18    with a State agency provided the State agency pays to the
19    credit union a reasonable fee not to exceed its actual cost
20    incurred. A credit union providing information in
21    accordance with this item shall not be liable to any
22    account holder or other person for any disclosure of
23    information to a State agency, for encumbering or
24    surrendering any assets held by the credit union in
25    response to a lien or order to withhold and deliver issued
26    by a State agency, or for any other action taken pursuant



HB2603- 190 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    to this item, including individual or mechanical errors,
2    provided the action does not constitute gross negligence or
3    willful misconduct. A credit union shall have no obligation
4    to hold, encumber, or surrender assets until it has been
5    served with a subpoena, summons, warrant, court or
6    administrative order, lien, or levy.
7        (13) The furnishing of information to law enforcement
8    authorities, the Illinois Department on Aging and its
9    regional administrative and provider agencies, the
10    Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General,
11    or public guardians: (i) upon subpoena by the investigatory
12    entity or the guardian, or (ii) if there is suspicion by
13    the credit union that a member who is an elderly person or
14    person with a disability has been or may become the victim
15    of financial exploitation. For the purposes of this item
16    (13), the term: (i) "elderly person" means a person who is
17    60 or more years of age, (ii) "person with a disability"
18    means a person who has or reasonably appears to the credit
19    union to have a physical or mental disability that impairs
20    his or her ability to seek or obtain protection from or
21    prevent financial exploitation, and (iii) "financial
22    exploitation" means tortious or illegal use of the assets
23    or resources of an elderly person or person with a
24    disability, and includes, without limitation,
25    misappropriation of the elderly or disabled person's
26    assets or resources by undue influence, breach of fiduciary



HB2603- 191 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    relationship, intimidation, fraud, deception, extortion,
2    or the use of assets or resources in any manner contrary to
3    law. A credit union or person furnishing information
4    pursuant to this item (13) shall be entitled to the same
5    rights and protections as a person furnishing information
6    under the Adult Protective Services Act and the Illinois
7    Domestic Violence Act of 1986.
8        (14) The disclosure of financial records or
9    information as necessary to effect, administer, or enforce
10    a transaction requested or authorized by the member, or in
11    connection with:
12            (A) servicing or processing a financial product or
13        service requested or authorized by the member;
14            (B) maintaining or servicing a member's account
15        with the credit union; or
16            (C) a proposed or actual securitization or
17        secondary market sale (including sales of servicing
18        rights) related to a transaction of a member.
19        Nothing in this item (14), however, authorizes the sale
20    of the financial records or information of a member without
21    the consent of the member.
22        (15) The disclosure of financial records or
23    information as necessary to protect against or prevent
24    actual or potential fraud, unauthorized transactions,
25    claims, or other liability.
26        (16)(a) The disclosure of financial records or



HB2603- 192 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    information related to a private label credit program
2    between a financial institution and a private label party
3    in connection with that private label credit program. Such
4    information is limited to outstanding balance, available
5    credit, payment and performance and account history,
6    product references, purchase information, and information
7    related to the identity of the customer.
8        (b)(1) For purposes of this paragraph (16) of
9    subsection (b) of Section 10, a "private label credit
10    program" means a credit program involving a financial
11    institution and a private label party that is used by a
12    customer of the financial institution and the private label
13    party primarily for payment for goods or services sold,
14    manufactured, or distributed by a private label party.
15        (2) For purposes of this paragraph (16) of subsection
16    (b) of Section 10, a "private label party" means, with
17    respect to a private label credit program, any of the
18    following: a retailer, a merchant, a manufacturer, a trade
19    group, or any such person's affiliate, subsidiary, member,
20    agent, or service provider.
21    (c) Except as otherwise provided by this Act, a credit
22union may not disclose to any person, except to the member or
23his duly authorized agent, any financial records relating to
24that member of the credit union unless:
25        (1) the member has authorized disclosure to the person;
26        (2) the financial records are disclosed in response to



HB2603- 193 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover
2    assets, or court order that meets the requirements of
3    subparagraph (d) of this Section; or
4        (3) the credit union is attempting to collect an
5    obligation owed to the credit union and the credit union
6    complies with the provisions of Section 2I of the Consumer
7    Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act.
8    (d) A credit union shall disclose financial records under
9subparagraph (c)(2) of this Section pursuant to a lawful
10subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or
11court order only after the credit union mails a copy of the
12subpoena, summons, warrant, citation to discover assets, or
13court order to the person establishing the relationship with
14the credit union, if living, and otherwise his personal
15representative, if known, at his last known address by first
16class mail, postage prepaid unless the credit union is
17specifically prohibited from notifying the person by order of
18court or by applicable State or federal law. In the case of a
19grand jury subpoena, a credit union shall not mail a copy of a
20subpoena to any person pursuant to this subsection if the
21subpoena was issued by a grand jury under the Statewide Grand
22Jury Act or notifying the person would constitute a violation
23of the federal Right to Financial Privacy Act of 1978.
24    (e)(1) Any officer or employee of a credit union who
25knowingly and wilfully furnishes financial records in
26violation of this Section is guilty of a business offense and



HB2603- 194 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than $1,000.
2    (2) Any person who knowingly and wilfully induces or
3attempts to induce any officer or employee of a credit union to
4disclose financial records in violation of this Section is
5guilty of a business offense and upon conviction thereof shall
6be fined not more than $1,000.
7    (f) A credit union shall be reimbursed for costs which are
8reasonably necessary and which have been directly incurred in
9searching for, reproducing or transporting books, papers,
10records or other data of a member required or requested to be
11produced pursuant to a lawful subpoena, summons, warrant,
12citation to discover assets, or court order. The Secretary and
13the Director may determine, by rule, the rates and conditions
14under which payment shall be made. Delivery of requested
15documents may be delayed until final reimbursement of all costs
16is received.
17(Source: P.A. 98-49, eff. 7-1-13; 99-143, eff. 7-27-15.)
18    (205 ILCS 305/62)  (from Ch. 17, par. 4463)
19    Sec. 62. Liquidation.
20    (1) A credit union may elect to dissolve voluntarily and
21liquidate its affairs in the manner prescribed in this Section.
22    (2) The board of directors shall adopt a resolution
23recommending the credit union be dissolved voluntarily, and
24directing that the question of liquidating be submitted to the



HB2603- 195 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (3) Within 10 days after the board of directors decides to
2submit the question of liquidation to the members, the chairman
3or president shall notify the Secretary thereof, in writing,
4setting forth the reasons for the proposed action. Within 10
5days after the members act on the question of liquidation, the
6chairman or president shall notify the Secretary, in writing,
7as to whether or not the members approved the proposed
8liquidation. The Secretary then must determine whether this
9Section has been complied with and if his decision is
10favorable, he shall prepare a certificate to the effect that
11this Section has been complied with, a copy of which will be
12retained by the Department and the other copy forwarded to the
13credit union. The certificate must be filed with the recorder
14or if there is no recorder, in the office of the county clerk
15of the county or counties in which the credit union is
16operating, whereupon the credit union must cease operations
17except for the purpose of its liquidation.
18    (4) As soon as the board of directors passes a resolution
19to submit the question of liquidation to the members, payment
20on shares, withdrawal of shares, making any transfer of shares
21to loans and interest, making investments of any kind and
22granting loans shall be suspended pending action by members. On
23approval by the members of such proposal, all such operations
24shall be permanently discontinued. The necessary expenses of
25operating shall, however, continue to be paid on authorization
26of the board of directors or the liquidating agent during the



HB2603- 196 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1period of liquidation.
2    (5) For a credit union to enter voluntary liquidation, it
3must be approved by affirmative vote of the members owning a
4majority of the shares entitled to vote, in person or by proxy,
5at a regular or special meeting of the members. Notice, in
6writing, shall be given to each member, by first class mail, at
7least 10 days prior to such meeting. If liquidation is
8approved, the board of directors shall appoint a liquidating
9agent for the purpose of conserving and collecting the assets,
10closing the affairs of the credit union and distributing the
11assets as required by this Act.
12    (6) A liquidating credit union shall continue in existence
13for the purpose of discharging its debts, collecting and
14distributing its assets, and doing all acts required in order
15to terminate its operations and may sue and be sued for the
16purpose of enforcing such debts and obligations until its
17affairs are fully adjusted.
18    (7) Subject to such rules and regulations as the Secretary
19may promulgate, the liquidating agent shall use the assets of
20the credit union to pay; first, expenses incidental to
21liquidating including any surety bond that may be required;
22then, liabilities of the credit union; then special classes of
23shares. The remaining assets shall then be distributed to the
24members proportionately to the dollar value of the shares held
25by each member in relation to the total dollar value of all
26shares outstanding as of the date the dissolution was voted.



HB2603- 197 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (8) As soon as the liquidating agent determines that all
2assets as to which there is a reasonable expectancy of sale or
3transfer have been liquidated and distributed as set forth in
4this Section, he shall execute a certificate of dissolution on
5a form prescribed by the Department and file the same, together
6with all pertinent books and records of the liquidating credit
7union with the Department, whereupon such credit union shall be
8dissolved. The liquidating agent must, within 3 years after
9issuance of a certificate by the Secretary referred to in
10Subsection (3) of this Section, discharge the debts of the
11credit union, collect and distribute its assets and do all
12other acts required to wind up its business.
13    (9) If the Secretary determines that the liquidating agent
14has failed to make reasonable progress in the liquidating of
15the credit union's affairs and distribution of its assets or
16has violated this Act, the Secretary may take possession and
17control of the credit union and remove the liquidating agent
18and appoint a liquidating agent to complete the liquidation
19under his direction and control. The Secretary shall fill any
20vacancy caused by the resignation, death, illness, removal,
21desertion or incapacity to function of the liquidating agent.
22    (10) Any funds representing unclaimed dividends and shares
23in liquidation and remaining in the hands of the board of
24directors or the liquidating agent at the end of the
25liquidation must be deposited by them, together with all books
26and papers of the credit union, with the State Treasurer in



HB2603- 198 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1compliance with the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
2Property Act, approved August 17, 1961, as amended.
3(Source: P.A. 97-133, eff. 1-1-12.)
4    Section 1505.12. The Currency Exchange Act is amended by
5changing Sections 15.1b and 19.3 as follows:
6    (205 ILCS 405/15.1b)  (from Ch. 17, par. 4827)
7    Sec. 15.1b. Liquidation; distribution; priority. The
8General Assembly finds and declares that community currency
9exchanges provide important and vital services to Illinois
10citizens. The General Assembly also finds that in providing
11such services, community currency exchanges transact extensive
12business involving check cashing and the writing of money
13orders in communities in which banking services are generally
14unavailable. It is therefore declared to be the policy of this
15State that customers who receive these services must be
16protected from insolvencies of currency exchanges and
17interruptions of services. To carry out this policy and to
18insure that customers of community currency exchanges are
19protected in the event it is determined that a community
20currency exchange in receivership should be liquidated in
21accordance with Section 15.1a of this Act, the Secretary shall
22make a distribution of moneys collected by the receiver in the
23following order of priority: First, allowed claims for the
24actual necessary expenses of the receivership of the community



HB2603- 199 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1currency exchange being liquidated, including (a) reasonable
2receiver fees and receiver's attorney's fees approved by the
3Secretary, (b) all expenses of any preliminary or other
4examinations into the condition of the community currency
5exchange or receivership, (c) all expenses incurred by the
6Secretary which are incident to possession and control of any
7property or records of the community currency exchange, and (d)
8reasonable expenses incurred by the Secretary as the result of
9business agreements or contractual arrangements necessary to
10insure that the services of the community currency exchanges
11are delivered to the community without interruption. Said
12business agreements or contractual arrangements may include,
13but are not limited to, agreements made by the Secretary, or by
14the Receiver with the approval of the Secretary, with banks,
15money order companies, bonding companies and other types of
16financial institutions; Second, allowed claims by a purchaser
17of money orders issued on demand of the community currency
18exchange being liquidated; Third, allowed claims arising by
19virtue of and to the extent of the amount a utility customer
20deposits with the community currency exchange being liquidated
21which are not remitted to the utility company; Fourth, allowed
22claims arising by virtue of and to the extent of the amount
23paid by a purchaser of Illinois license plates, vehicle
24stickers sold for State and municipal governments in Illinois,
25and temporary Illinois registration permits purchased at the
26currency exchange being liquidated; Fifth, allowed unsecured



HB2603- 200 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1claims for wages or salaries, excluding vacation, severance and
2sick leave pay earned by employee earned within 90 days prior
3to the appointment of a Receiver; Sixth, secured claims;
4Seventh, allowed unsecured claims of any tax, and interest and
5penalty on the tax; Eighth, allowed unsecured claims other than
6a kind specified in paragraph one, two and three of this
7Section, filed with the Secretary within the time the Secretary
8fixes for filing claims; Ninth, allowed unsecured claims, other
9than a kind specified in paragraphs one, two and three of this
10Section filed with the Secretary after the time fixed for
11filing claims by the Secretary; Tenth, allowed creditor claims
12asserted by an owner, member, or stockholder of the community
13currency exchange in liquidation; Eleventh, after one year from
14the final dissolution of the currency exchange, all assets not
15used to satisfy allowed claims shall be distributed pro rata to
16the owner, owners, members, or stockholders of the currency
18    The Secretary shall pay all claims of equal priority
19according to the schedule set out above, and shall not pay
20claims of lower priority until all higher priority claims are
21satisfied. If insufficient assets are available to meet all
22claims of equal priority, those assets shall be distributed pro
23rata among those claims. All unclaimed assets of a currency
24exchange shall be deposited with the Secretary to be paid out
25by him when proper claims therefor are presented to the
26Secretary. If there are funds remaining after the conclusion of



HB2603- 201 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1a receivership of an abandoned currency exchange, the remaining
2funds shall be considered unclaimed property and remitted to
3the State Treasurer under the Revised Uniform Disposition of
4Unclaimed Property Act.
5(Source: P.A. 97-315, eff. 1-1-12.)
6    (205 ILCS 405/19.3)  (from Ch. 17, par. 4838)
7    Sec. 19.3. (A) The General Assembly hereby finds and
8declares: community currency exchanges and ambulatory currency
9exchanges provide important and vital services to Illinois
10citizens. In so doing, they transact extensive business
11involving check cashing and the writing of money orders in
12communities in which banking services are generally
13unavailable. Customers of currency exchanges who receive these
14services must be protected from being charged unreasonable and
15unconscionable rates for cashing checks and purchasing money
16orders. The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional
17Regulation has the responsibility for regulating the
18operations of currency exchanges and has the expertise to
19determine reasonable maximum rates to be charged for check
20cashing and money order purchases. Therefore, it is in the
21public interest, convenience, welfare and good to have the
22Department establish reasonable maximum rate schedules for
23check cashing and the issuance of money orders and to require
24community and ambulatory currency exchanges to prominently
25display to the public the fees charged for all services. The



HB2603- 202 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1Secretary shall review, each year, the cost of operation of the
2Currency Exchange Section and the revenue generated from
3currency exchange examinations and report to the General
4Assembly if the need exists for an increase in the fees
5mandated by this Act to maintain the Currency Exchange Section
6at a fiscally self-sufficient level. The Secretary shall
7include in such report the total amount of funds remitted to
8the State and delivered to the State Treasurer by currency
9exchanges pursuant to the Revised Uniform Disposition of
10Unclaimed Property Act.
11    (B) The Secretary shall, by rules adopted in accordance
12with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, expeditiously
13formulate and issue schedules of reasonable maximum rates which
14can be charged for check cashing and writing of money orders by
15community currency exchanges and ambulatory currency
17        (1) In determining the maximum rate schedules for the
18    purposes of this Section the Secretary shall take into
19    account:
20            (a) Rates charged in the past for the cashing of
21        checks and the issuance of money orders by community
22        and ambulatory currency exchanges.
23            (b) Rates charged by banks or other business
24        entities for rendering the same or similar services and
25        the factors upon which those rates are based.
26            (c) The income, cost and expense of the operation



HB2603- 203 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1        of currency exchanges.
2            (d) Rates charged by currency exchanges or other
3        similar entities located in other states for the same
4        or similar services and the factors upon which those
5        rates are based.
6            (e) Rates charged by the United States Postal
7        Service for the issuing of money orders and the factors
8        upon which those rates are based.
9            (f) A reasonable profit for a currency exchange
10        operation.
11        (2)(a) The schedule of reasonable maximum rates
12    established pursuant to this Section may be modified by the
13    Secretary from time to time pursuant to rules adopted in
14    accordance with the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act.
15        (b) Upon the filing of a verified petition setting
16    forth allegations demonstrating reasonable cause to
17    believe that the schedule of maximum rates previously
18    issued and promulgated should be adjusted, the Secretary
19    shall expeditiously:
20            (i) reject the petition if it fails to demonstrate
21        reasonable cause to believe that an adjustment is
22        necessary; or
23            (ii) conduct such hearings, in accordance with
24        this Section, as may be necessary to determine whether
25        the petition should be granted in whole or in part.
26        (c) No petition may be filed pursuant to subparagraph



HB2603- 204 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    (a) of paragraph (2) of subsection (B) unless:
2            (i) at least nine months have expired since the
3        last promulgation of schedules of maximum rates; and
4            (ii) at least one-fourth of all community currency
5        exchange licensees join in a petition or, in the case
6        of ambulatory currency exchanges, a licensee or
7        licensees authorized to serve at least 100 locations
8        join in a petition.
9        (3) Any currency exchange may charge lower fees than
10    those of the applicable maximum fee schedule after filing
11    with the Secretary a schedule of fees it proposes to use.
12(Source: P.A. 97-315, eff. 1-1-12.)
13    Section 1505.13. The Corporate Fiduciary Act is amended by
14changing Section 6-14 as follows:
15    (205 ILCS 620/6-14)  (from Ch. 17, par. 1556-14)
16    Sec. 6-14. From time to time during receivership the
17Commissioner shall make and pay from monies of the corporate
18fiduciary a ratable dividend on all claims as may be proved to
19his or her satisfaction or adjudicated by the court. After one
20year from the entry of a judgment of dissolution, all unclaimed
21dividends shall be remitted to the State Treasurer in
22accordance with the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
23Property Act, as now or hereafter amended, together with a list
24of all unpaid claimants, their last known addresses and the



HB2603- 205 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1amounts unpaid.
2(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 7-1-99.)
3    Section 1505.14. The Transmitters of Money Act is amended
4by changing Section 30 as follows:
5    (205 ILCS 657/30)
6    Sec. 30. Surety bond.
7    (a) An applicant for a license shall post and a licensee
8must maintain with the Director a bond or bonds issued by
9corporations qualified to do business as surety companies in
10this State.
11    (b) The applicant or licensee shall post a bond in the
12amount of the greater of $100,000 or an amount equal to the
13daily average of outstanding payment instruments for the
14preceding 12 months or operational history, whichever is
15shorter, up to a maximum amount of $2,000,000. When the amount
16of the required bond exceeds $1,000,000, the applicant or
17licensee may, in the alternative, post a bond in the amount of
18$1,000,000 plus a dollar for dollar increase in the net worth
19of the applicant or licensee over and above the amount required
20in Section 20, up to a total amount of $2,000,000.
21    (c) The bond must be in a form satisfactory to the Director
22and shall run to the State of Illinois for the benefit of any
23claimant against the applicant or licensee with respect to the
24receipt, handling, transmission, and payment of money by the



HB2603- 206 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1licensee or authorized seller in connection with the licensed
2operations. A claimant damaged by a breach of the conditions of
3a bond shall have a right to action upon the bond for damages
4suffered thereby and may bring suit directly on the bond, or
5the Director may bring suit on behalf of the claimant.
6    (d) (Blank).
7    (e) (Blank).
8    (f) After receiving a license, the licensee must maintain
9the required bond plus net worth (if applicable) until 5 years
10after it ceases to do business in this State unless all
11outstanding payment instruments are eliminated or the
12provisions under the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed
13Property Act have become operative and are adhered to by the
14licensee. Notwithstanding this provision, however, the amount
15required to be maintained may be reduced to the extent that the
16amount of the licensee's payment instruments outstanding in
17this State are reduced.
18    (g) If the Director at any time reasonably determines that
19the required bond is insecure, deficient in amount, or
20exhausted in whole or in part, he may in writing require the
21filing of a new or supplemental bond in order to secure
22compliance with this Act and may demand compliance with the
23requirement within 30 days following service on the licensee.
24(Source: P.A. 92-400, eff. 1-1-02.)
25    Section 1505.15. The Adverse Claims to Deposit Accounts Act



HB2603- 207 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1is amended by changing Section 10 as follows:
2    (205 ILCS 700/10)
3    Sec. 10. Application of Act. This Act shall not preempt:
4    (1) the Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property
5Act, nor shall any provision of this Act be construed to
6relieve any holder, including a financial institution, from
7reporting and remitting all unclaimed property, including
8deposit accounts, under the Revised Uniform Disposition of
9Unclaimed Property Act;
10    (2) the Uniform Commercial Code, nor shall any provision of
11this Act be construed as affecting the rights of a person with
12respect to a deposit account under the Uniform Commercial Code;
13    (3) the provisions of Section 2-1402 of the Code of Civil
14Procedure, nor shall any provision of this Act be construed as
15affecting the rights of a person with respect to a deposit
16account under Section 2-1402 of the Code of Civil Procedure;
17    (4) the provisions of Part 7 of Article II of the Code of
18Civil Procedure, nor shall any provision of this Act be
19construed as affecting the rights of a person with respect to a
20deposit account under the provisions of Part 7 of Article II of
21the Code of Civil Procedure;
22    (5) the provisions of Article XXV of the Probate Act of
231975, nor shall any provision of this Act be construed as
24affecting the rights of a person with respect to a deposit
25account under the provisions of Article XXV of the Probate Act



HB2603- 208 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1of 1975; or
2    (6) the Safety Deposit Box Opening Act, nor shall any
3provision of this Act be construed as affecting the rights of a
4person with respect to a deposit account under the Safety
5Deposit Box Opening Act.
6(Source: P.A. 89-601, eff. 8-2-96.)
7    Section 1505.16. The Illinois Insurance Code is amended by
8changing Section 210 as follows:
9    (215 ILCS 5/210)  (from Ch. 73, par. 822)
10    Sec. 210. Distribution of assets; priorities; unpaid
12    (1) Any time after the last day fixed for the filing of
13proofs of claims in the liquidation of a company, the court
14may, upon the application of the Director authorize him to
15declare out of the funds remaining in his hands, one or more
16dividends upon all claims allowed in accordance with the
17priorities established in Section 205.
18    (2) Where there has been no adjudication of insolvency, the
19Director shall pay all allowed claims in full in accordance
20with the priorities set forth in Section 205. The director
21shall not be chargeable for any assets so distributed to any
22claimant who has failed to file a proper proof of claim before
23such distribution has been made.
24    (3) When subsequent to an adjudication of insolvency,



HB2603- 209 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1pursuant to Section 208, a surplus is found to exist after the
2payment in full of all allowed claims falling within the
3priorities set forth in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)
4and (g) of subsection (1) of Section 205 and which have been
5duly filed prior to the last date fixed for the filing thereof,
6and after the setting aside of a reserve for all additional
7costs and expenses of the proceeding, the court shall set a new
8date for the filing of claims. After the expiration of the new
9date, all allowed claims filed on or before said new date
10together with all previously allowed claims falling within the
11priorities set forth in paragraphs (h) and (i) of subsection
12(1) of Section 205 shall be paid in accordance with the
13priorities set forth in Section 205.
14    (4) Dividends remaining unclaimed or unpaid in the hands of
15the Director for 6 months after the final order of distribution
16may be by him deposited in one or more savings and loan
17associations, State or national banks, trust companies or
18savings banks to the credit of the Director, whomsoever he may
19be, in trust for the person entitled thereto, but no such
20person shall be entitled to any interest upon such deposit. All
21such deposits shall be entitled to priority of payment in case
22of the insolvency or voluntary or involuntary liquidation of
23the depositary on an equality with any other priority given by
24the banking law. Any such funds together with interest, if any,
25paid or credited thereon, remaining and unclaimed in the hands
26of the Director in Trust after 2 years shall be presumed



HB2603- 210 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1abandoned and reported and delivered to the State Treasurer and
2become subject to the provisions of the Revised Uniform
3Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
4(Source: P.A. 91-16, eff. 7-1-99.)
5    Section 1505.17. The Unclaimed Life Insurance Benefits Act
6is amended by changing Sections 5, 15, and 20 as follows:
7    (215 ILCS 185/5)
8    Sec. 5. Purpose. This Act shall require recognition of the
9Revised Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act and
10require the complete and proper disclosure, transparency, and
11accountability relating to any method of payment for life
12insurance, annuity, or retained asset agreement death
14(Source: P.A. 99-893, eff. 1-1-17.)
15    (215 ILCS 185/15)
16    Sec. 15. Insurer conduct.
17    (a) An insurer shall initially perform a comparison of its
18insureds', annuitants', and retained asset account holders'
19in-force policies, annuity contracts, and retained asset
20accounts by using the full Death Master File. The initial
21comparison shall be completed on or before December 31, 2017,
22unless extended by the Department pursuant to administrative
23rule. Thereafter, an insurer shall perform a comparison on at



HB2603- 211 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1least a semi-annual basis using the Death Master File update
2files for comparisons to identify potential matches of its
3insureds, annuitants, and retained asset account holders. In
4the event that one of the insurer's lines of business conducts
5a search for matches of its insureds, annuitants, and retained
6asset account holders against the Death Master File at
7intervals more frequently than semi-annually, then all lines of
8the insurer's business shall conduct searches for matches
9against the Death Master File with the same frequency.
10    An insured, an annuitant, or a retained asset account
11holder is presumed dead if the date of his or her death is
12indicated by the comparison required in this subsection (a),
13unless the insurer has competent and substantial evidence that
14the person is living, including, but not limited to, a contact
15made by the insurer with the person or his or her legal
17    For those potential matches identified as a result of a
18Death Master File match, the insurer shall within 120 days
19after the date of death notice, if the insurer has not been
20contacted by a beneficiary, determine whether benefits are due
21in accordance with the applicable policy or contract and, if
22benefits are due in accordance with the applicable policy or
24        (1) use good faith efforts, which shall be documented
25    by the insurer, to locate the beneficiary or beneficiaries;
26    the Department shall establish by administrative rule



HB2603- 212 -LRB100 09334 HEP 21525 b

1    minimum standards for what constitutes good faith efforts
2    to locate a beneficiary, which shall include: (A) searching
3    insurer records; (B) the appropriate use of First Class
4    United States mail, e-mail addresses, and telephone calls;
5    and (C) reasonable efforts by insurers to obtain updated
6    contact information for the beneficiary or beneficiaries;
7    good faith efforts shall not include additional attempts to
8    contact the beneficiary at an address already confirmed not
9    to be current; and
10        (2) provide the appropriate claims forms or
11    instructions to the beneficiary or beneficiaries to make a
12    claim, including the need to provide an official death
13    certificate if applicable under the policy or annuity
14    contract.
15    (b) Insurers shall implement procedures to account for the
16following when conducting searches of the Death Master File:
17        (1) common nicknames, initials used in lieu of a first
18    or middle name, use of a middle name, compound first and
19    middle names, and interchanged first and middle names;