Illinois General Assembly
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

Representative Heather A. Steans (D), 7th District - 100th General Assembly
Heather A. Steans was a Sponsor on all bills listed below.
Click Here to see only bills where Heather A. Steans was a Primary Sponsor.
Bill # Chief Sponsor ABR - Short Description Chamber Last Action Last Action Date
SB7Kimberly A. LightfordSCH CD-EDUC LABOR REL-PENSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00086/13/2011
SB19John G. MulroePROP TX-SENIORS NO REAPPLYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB24Heather A. Steans$DCEOSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB31Pamela J. AlthoffLEGISLATURE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB79Heather A. SteansSCH CD-ST CHARTER SCHOOL COMMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-01527/20/2011
SB123Heather A. SteansDAYCARE LICENSES-90 DAY MAXSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05898/26/2011
SB133Martin A. SandovalPROCUREMENT-SUBCONTRACTOR PAYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB137David KoehlerHEALTH-COTTAGE FOOD OPERATIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB144Heather A. SteansUNEMPLOY INS-SOCIAL SECURITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB145Heather A. SteansNURSING HM-INFECTION CONTROLSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00386/28/2011
SB146Heather A. SteansTRANS:PUB-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB150Kwame RaoulPROTECTING STUDENT ATHLETESSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB278Heather A. SteansHUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-10778/24/2012
SB282John J. CullertonSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB335Heather A. SteansFY12 BUDGET IMPLEMENT FINANCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00726/30/2011
SB337Martin A. SandovalFINANCE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB348Heather A. SteansFINANCE-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06651/13/2012
SB349Heather A. SteansFINANCE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB351Dan KotowskiFINANCE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB510Heather A. SteansPUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB630Mattie HunterEDUCATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04748/22/2011
SB638Heather A. SteansSCH CD-ALTERNATIVE EDUCATORSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07026/25/2012
SB641Heather A. SteansEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB665Heather A. SteansLIQUOR-CRAFT DISTILLER LICENSESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04558/19/2011
SB673Heather A. SteansINS CD-TOBACCO USE CESSATIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05928/26/2011
SB769Susan GarrettPUB AID-LONG-TERM CARE-PAYMENTHThird Reading - Short Debate - Lost 018-096-00110/27/2011
SB820Heather A. SteansEARLY INTERVENTION SERVICESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09028/6/2012
SB839Heather A. SteansHEALTH-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB957John J. CullertonTRANSPORTATION-TECHSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-11571/28/2013
SB1037Toi W. HutchinsonCRIM PRO-TRAFFICKING VICTIMSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-02678/8/2011
SB1134Heather A. SteansBUSINESS-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1213Heather A. SteansMERCURY SWITCHES & AMALGAMSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04598/19/2011
SB1214Heather A. SteansPUBLIC AID-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1236Toi W. HutchinsonDHS-CHILD CARE SRVCS-FEE SCALESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04228/16/2011
SB1258Martin A. SandovalBUILDING OUR ECONOMY TRANSPORTSThird Reading - Lost; 018-031-0025/3/2011
SB1272Heather A. SteansELECTIONS-CONTRIBUTION LIMITSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1282Heather A. SteansIDPH-HLTH REFORM-PATIENT DATASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-01807/22/2011
SB1283Heather A. SteansHLTH FACILITIES - 2-YR LICENSESTabled By Sponsor Sen. Heather A. Steans3/14/2011
SB1293Heather A. SteansLIQUOR - LICENSESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00126/14/2011
SB1311Heather A. SteansSTATE FINANCE-LIVE AND LEARNSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-064112/19/2011
SB1335Heather A. SteansPROP TX-STIPULATE ASSESSMENTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-063712/16/2011
SB1614Heather A. SteansSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1615Heather A. SteansALTERNATE FUELS-CAR SHARINGSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1616Heather A. SteansNURSE-COLLABORATION-PRESCRIBESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1618Heather A. SteansINS CD-PREMIUM PAYMENTSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1619Heather A. SteansSCH CD-INSTRUCTION-ABSTINENCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1620Heather A. SteansMUNI CD-TIF-EXEMPT SCHOOLSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1621Heather A. SteansINS CD-TOBACCO DEPENDENCE LAWSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1622Heather A. SteansDHS-MHDD-STATE-OPERATED FACSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05288/23/2011
SB1623Heather A. SteansMENTAL HEALTH-COMMUNITY SVCSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05298/23/2011
SB1624Heather A. SteansFOIA/OMA-DEATH REVIEW TEAMSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1625Heather A. SteansAUDITOR GENERAL-AUDIT TIFSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1626Heather A. SteansMUNI CD-TIF-EXEMPT SCHOOLSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1627Heather A. SteansASIAN BODYWORK THERAPY ACTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1667Heather A. SteansDHFS-LICENSED BED DAYS-RATESSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1701Ira I. SilversteinDRUG OVERDOSE-IMMUNITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06782/6/2012
SB1704Dan DuffyWILDLIFE-TRAPPING-PUBLIC AREASSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1729David KoehlerREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1746Heather A. SteansREGISTER TITLES-TORRENS-REPEALSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1761Dale A. RighterNEWBORN-SCREENING TESTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05328/23/2011
SB1762Kirk W. DillardHEALTH CARE WORKER-SEX CRIMESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-064912/30/2011
SB1799Heather A. SteansSCH CD-TEACHER CERT-ISBE POWERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06078/26/2011
SB1800Heather A. SteansCHILDREN-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1802Heather A. SteansPOWER AGENCY - RETAIL CUSTOMERSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00746/30/2011
SB1852David S. LuechtefeldFARMERS MARKET-TASK FORCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-03948/16/2011
SB1853Jacqueline Y. CollinsCNTY CD-CEMETERY OVERSIGHTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1857Heather A. SteansSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1858Heather A. SteansHEALTH-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1859Heather A. SteansCIVIL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1860Heather A. SteansEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1881Iris Y. MartinezHOSPITAL FAIR CARE ACTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB1982Heather A. SteansNURSING HM-MENTAL HEALTHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2046Dale A. RighterDHFS-PAYMNTS-BRAND NAME MEDSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04268/16/2011
SB2106Susan GarrettELECTRONIC PRODUCTS RECYCLINGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-02878/10/2011
SB2185John J. CullertonDREAM FUND COMMISSIONSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-02338/1/2011
SB2191Toi W. HutchinsonCIV PRO-JUDGMENT-SEX TRAFFICSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2193Toi W. HutchinsonENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-03918/16/2011
SB2308Dan Kotowski$COURT OF CLAIMSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2309Heather A. Steans$CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFO AUTHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2310Heather A. Steans$DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING COMMSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2311Heather A. Steans$ILLINOIS GAMING BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2312Dan Kotowski$GOVERNORSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2313Dan Kotowski$LEGISLATIVE ETHICS COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2314Dan Kotowski$LIEUTENANT GOVERNORSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2315Dan Kotowski$SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2316Dan Kotowski$ATTORNEY GENERALSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2317Dan Kotowski$STATE BD OF HIGHER EDUCATIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2318Dan Kotowski$STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2319Dan Kotowski$STATE BOARD OF EDUCATIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2320Dan Kotowski$AUDITOR GENERALSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2321Dan Kotowski$GOMBSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2322Dan Kotowski$LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR GENERALSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2323Dan Kotowski$CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2324Dan Kotowski$ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2325Dan Kotowski$LEGISLATIVE AUDIT COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2326Dan Kotowski$JCARSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2327Dan Kotowski$ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOLSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2328Dan Kotowski$LISSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2329Dan Kotowski$LPUSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2330Dan Kotowski$LRBSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2331Dan Kotowski$LRUSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2332Dan Kotowski$WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSItem Veto Stands 97-072511/29/2012
SB2333Dan Kotowski$UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOISSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2334Dan Kotowski$NORTHEASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2335Dan Kotowski$NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2336Dan Kotowski$EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2337Dan Kotowski$CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2338Dan Kotowski$DRYCLEANR ENVIR RESP TRUST CLSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2339Heather A. Steans$GENERAL ASSEMBLYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2340Heather A. Steans$GUARDIANSHIP AND ADV COMMSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2341Heather A. Steans$DHFSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2342Heather A. Steans$HISTORIC PRESERVATION AGENCYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2343Heather A. Steans$HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2344Heather A. Steans$DHRSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2345Heather A. Steans$DHSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2346Heather A. Steans$DOISSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2347Heather A. Steans$JUDICIAL INQUIRY BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2348Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF JUVENILE JUSTICESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06856/7/2012
SB2349Heather A. Steans$LABOR RELATIONS BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2350Heather A. Steans$LAW ENFORCE TRAINING ST BDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2351Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF LABORSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2352Heather A. Steans$DESSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2353Heather A. Steans$METROPOLITAN PIER AND EXPO AUSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2354Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF MILITARY AFFAIRSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2355Heather A. Steans$EAST ST. LOUIS FIN ADV AUTHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2356Heather A. Steans$EDUCATIONAL LABOR RELATION BDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2357Heather A. Steans$IEMASSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2358Heather A. Steans$ILLINOIS SPORTS FACILITY AUTHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2359Heather A. Steans$STATE POLICE MERIT BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2360Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF STATE POLICESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2361Heather A. Steans$ILLINOIS SUPREME COURTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2362Heather A. Steans$SUPREME CT HISTORIC PRES COMMSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2363Heather A. Steans$WORKERS' COMPENSATION COMMSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2364Heather A. Steans$VIOLENCE PREVENTION AUTHORITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2365Heather A. Steans$DEPARTMENT ON AGINGSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2366Heather A. Steans$STATE APPELLATE DEFENDERSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2367Heather A. Steans$STATE'S ATTOR APPELLATE PROSESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2368Heather A. Steans$ILLINOIS ARTS COUNCILSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2369Heather A. Steans$CHIPSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2370Heather A. Steans$DOCSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2371Heather A. Steans$COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISASSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2372Heather A. Steans$DFPRSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2373Heather A. Steans$DCFSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2374Heather A. Steans$CMSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2375Heather A. Steans$PROCUREMENT POLICY BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2376Heather A. Steans$PRISONER REVIEW BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2377Heather A. Steans$DPHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2378Heather A. Steans$SERSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07266/30/2012
SB2379Dan Kotowski$STATE FIRE MARSHALLSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2380Dan Kotowski$IL STUDENT ASSISTANCE COMMSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2381Dan Kotowski$DOTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2382Dan Kotowski$TREASURERSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2383Dan Kotowski$STATE UNIV CIVIL SERVICESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2384Dan Kotowski$UPPER IL RIVER VALLEY DEV AUTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2385Dan Kotowski$DEPT OF VETERAN'S AFFAIRSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2386Dan Kotowski$ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE BDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2387Dan Kotowski$COMPTROLLERSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2388Dan Kotowski$IEPASSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2389Dan Kotowski$EXECUTIVE ETHICS COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2390Dan Kotowski$GASSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2391Dan Kotowski$EXECUTIVE INSPECTOR GENERALSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2392Dan Kotowski$GOVERNORS STATE UNIVERSITYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2393Dan Kotowski$CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2394Dan Kotowski$VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2395Dan Kotowski$DNRSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2396Dan Kotowski$ILLINOIS POWER AGENCYSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2397Dan Kotowski$PROPERTY TAX APPEAL BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2398Heather A. Steans$ILLINOIS RACING BOARDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2399Heather A. Steans$DORSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2400Dan Kotowski$SECRETARY OF STATESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2401Dan Kotowski$SOUTHWESTERN IL DEV AUTHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2403Heather A. Steans$DOC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2404Heather A. Steans$APPROPRIATIONS-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2405Heather A. Steans$CMS FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00536/28/2011
SB2406Heather A. Steans$DFPR FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2407Heather A. Steans$DEPT ON AGING FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2408Dan Kotowski$DEPT OF AGRICULTURE FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2409Dan Kotowski$DNR FY12 OCESReduction Veto Stands 97-072711/29/2012
SB2410Dan Kotowski$GOVERNOR FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2411Dan Kotowski$LT GOV FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2412Heather A. Steans$DCFS FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-064212/19/2011
SB2413Dan Kotowski$DCEO FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07286/30/2012
SB2415Dan Kotowski$ICCB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2416Heather A. Steans$SURS FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2417Dan Kotowski$FY12 SUCSMB OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2418Dan Kotowski$PTAB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2419Dan Kotowski$DOT FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2420Dan Kotowski$SIU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2421Dan Kotowski$ISAC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2422Dan Kotowski$SWIDA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2423Heather A. Steans$IEMA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2424Dan Kotowski$EPA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2425Heather A. Steans$GAC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2426Dan Kotowski$HPA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2427Heather A. Steans$HRC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2428Heather A. Steans$CJIA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2429Heather A. Steans$CHIP FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2430Dan Kotowski$NIU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2431Heather A. Steans$ESLFAA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2432Heather A. Steans$PRB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2433Heather A. Steans$MPEA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2434Dan Kotowski$ISU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2435Dan Kotowski$WIU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2436Heather A. Steans$LETSB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2437Heather A. Steans$DPH FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2438Heather A. Steans$SERS FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2439Heather A. Steans$ILRB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2440Heather A. Steans$SPMB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2441Dan Kotowski$OSFM FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2442Dan Kotowski$UIRVDA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2443Dan Kotowski$BHE FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07296/30/2012
SB2444Dan Kotowski$CSU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2445Dan Kotowski$EIU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2446Dan Kotowski$NEIU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2447Dan Kotowski$GSU FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2448Dan Kotowski$OEIG FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2449Heather A. Steans$DJJ FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2450Heather A. Steans$DHS FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06845/18/2012
SB2451Heather A. Steans$FY12 DOI OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2452Dan Kotowski$IL POWER FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2453Dan Kotowski$U OF I FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2454Heather A. Steans$DHFS FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07306/30/2012
SB2455Heather A. Steans$APPROPRIATIONS-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2456Heather A. Steans$DOL FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2457John M. Sullivan$DCEO FY12 REAPPROPSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2458John M. Sullivan$ISBE FY12 OCESPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-062011/14/2011
SB2459Dan Kotowski$ICC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2460Dan Kotowski$EXEC ETHICS FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2461Dan Kotowski$APPROPRIATIONS-VARIOUSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2462Dan Kotowski$CSC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2463Dan Kotowski$CDB FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2464Heather A. Steans$IL RACING BOARD FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2465Heather A. Steans$GAMING BOARD FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2466Heather A. Steans$WCC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2467Dan Kotowski$PROCUR PLCY BD FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2468Heather A. Steans$VPA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2469Heather A. Steans$ICDD FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2470Heather A. Steans$SFA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2471Heather A. Steans$ED LABOR FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2472Heather A. Steans$ARTS COUNCIL FY12 OCESThird Reading - Lost; 022-025-0085/4/2011
SB2473Dan Kotowski$DVA FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2474Dan Kotowski$ST POLICE FY12 OCESItem/Reduction Veto Stands 97-073112/6/2012
SB2475Heather A. Steans$DOR FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2476Dan Kotowski$DRYCLNR ERTF FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2477Heather A. Steans$DHHC FY12 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2478Dan Kotowski$CAPITAL FY12SSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2480Heather A. Steans$COURTSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2491Mattie HunterIDOT-DISADVANTAGED COMPANY AIDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2529Heather A. SteansDHFS-INCOME VERIFICATIONSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2546Ira I. SilversteinINS CD - HEARING AID COVERAGESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2554Heather A. SteansREGULATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2555Heather A. SteansSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2556Heather A. SteansPUBLIC AID-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2557Heather A. SteansSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2558Heather A. SteansCHILDREN-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2567Heather A. SteansMENTAL HEALTH RECRD-PHARMACISTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2777Kwame RaoulCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2840Heather A. SteansPUB AID-DHFS-RULES-PPACA-HCERASPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06896/14/2012
SB2847Heather A. SteansEQUAL PAY ACT-LIABILITYSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09038/6/2012
SB2848Heather A. SteansCONDO INSTRUMENTS-AMEND REQSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2871Heather A. SteansJUVENILE JUSTICE-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2885Kwame RaoulHEALTH CARE PURCHASING GROUPSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07156/28/2012
SB2887Heather A. SteansHEALTH FACILITY-ID/DD CARESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2897Michael W. FrerichsBENEFIT CORPORATION ACTSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08858/2/2012
SB2914Dan KotowskiSCH CD-ELIMINATE GA SCHOLRSHPSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB2971Heather A. SteansLOTTERY-QUALITY OF LIFESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3146Heather A. SteansCIV ADMIN CD-DIR PUB HEALTHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3216Heather A. SteansTRANS:PUB-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08587/27/2012
SB3261Iris Y. MartinezEMS SYSTEMS ACT-DPH REGSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06906/14/2012
SB3262Heather A. SteansLIQUOR-SALE-CERTAIN PREMISESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08067/13/2012
SB3263Heather A. SteansFINANCE-21ST CENTURY SCH FUNDSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3264Heather A. SteansDANGEROUS ANIMALS ACT-PERMITSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3280Michael W. FrerichsOIL & GAS ACT-SHALE-FRACKINGSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3369Michael W. FrerichsSCH CD-ELIMINATE GA SCHOLRSHPSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3393Heather A. SteansSCH CD-LAPSED CERTIFICATESSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06825/8/2012
SB3397Heather A. SteansPROCUREMENT-HIGHER EDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06916/14/2012
SB3404Heather A. SteansCOMMUNITY SERVICES-PLANSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3405Heather A. SteansSCH CD-IMMUNIZATION DATA-POSTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3540Heather A. SteansEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3541Heather A. SteansEDUCATION-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3602Heather A. SteansCRIME VICTIMS ASSISTANCE FUNDSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08167/16/2012
SB3636Kwame RaoulCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3637Kwame RaoulCRIMINAL LAW-TECHSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3713Don HarmonEMPLOYEE DEFERRAL PLANSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3802Heather A. SteansPROCUREMENT-PERFORM CONTRACTSSPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07326/30/2012
SB3830Heather A. Steans$DPH FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3831Heather A. Steans$ST POLICE FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3832Heather A. Steans$DHR FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3833Heather A. Steans$DHS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3834Heather A. Steans$FY13 DEPT ON AGING OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3835Heather A. Steans$CMS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3836Heather A. Steans$PRB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3837Heather A. Steans$LETSB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3838Heather A. Steans$GAMING BOARD FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3839Heather A. Steans$PROCUR PLCY BD FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3840Heather A. Steans$CJIA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3841Heather A. Steans$HPA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3842Heather A. Steans$DMA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3843Heather A. Steans$DHFS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3844Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF LOTTERY FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3845Heather A. Steans$DOR FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3846Heather A. Steans$DOL FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3847Heather A. Steans$DOC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3848Heather A. Steans$IDES FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3849Heather A. Steans$DFPR FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3850Heather A. Steans$DEPT OF AGRICULTURE FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3851Heather A. Steans$DCFS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3852Heather A. Steans$MPEA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3853Heather A. Steans$SURS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3854Heather A. Steans$IL RACING BOARD FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3855Heather A. Steans$WCC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3856Heather A. Steans$VPA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3857Heather A. Steans$ICDD FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3858Heather A. Steans$SFA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3859Heather A. Steans$ED LABOR FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3860Heather A. Steans$HRC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3861Heather A. Steans$ESLFAA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3862Heather A. Steans$GOMB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3863Heather A. Steans$ARTS COUNCIL FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3864Heather A. Steans$SPMB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3865Dan Kotowski$LT GOV FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3866Heather A. Steans$ILRB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3867Heather A. Steans$GAC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3868Heather A. Steans$CHIP FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3869Heather A. Steans$DHHC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3870Heather A. Steans$SERS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3871Heather A. Steans$IEMA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3873Dan Kotowski$FY13 SUCSMB OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3874Dan Kotowski$ISAC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3875Dan Kotowski$FY13 ST CHARTER SCHOOLS COMMSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3876Dan Kotowski$DRYCLNR ERTF FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3877Dan Kotowski$CSC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3878Dan Kotowski$EXEC ETHICS FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3879Dan Kotowski$OEIG FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3880Dan Kotowski$ICCB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3881Dan Kotowski$SIU FY3 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3882Dan Kotowski$NIU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3883Dan Kotowski$WIU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3884Dan Kotowski$NEIU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3885Dan Kotowski$EIU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3886Dan Kotowski$BHE FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3887Dan Kotowski$SWIDA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3888Dan Kotowski$PTAB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3889Dan Kotowski$UIRVDA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3890Dan Kotowski$FY13 GOVERNOR OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3891Dan Kotowski$U OF I FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3892Dan Kotowski$ISU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3893Dan Kotowski$GSU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3894Dan Kotowski$CSU FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3895Dan Kotowski$ISBE FY3 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3896Dan Kotowski$OSFM FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3897Dan Kotowski$DCEO FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3898Dan Kotowski$IDOT FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3899Dan Kotowski$EPA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3900Dan Kotowski$DVA FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3901Dan Kotowski$DNR FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3903Dan Kotowski$DJJ FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3904Dan Kotowski$IL POWER FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3905Dan Kotowski$FY13 DOI OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3906Dan Kotowski$CDB FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3907Dan Kotowski$ICC FY13 OCESSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SB3941Dan KotowskiGOVT ETHICS-ST OF ECON INTRSTSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SR403Don HarmonMEMORIAL-PATRICIA CULLERTONSResolution Adopted10/27/2011
SR530David KoehlerURGE CONGRESS - FARM BILLSResolution Adopted2/9/2012
SR621Heather A. SteansDPH-DHFS-PERFORMANCE AUDITSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SR624Heather A. SteansCHILD OBESITY AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted3/8/2012
SR638John J. CullertonURGE RAMBLERS HOF INDUCTIONSResolution Adopted4/19/2012
SR642Dan KotowskiPED CANCER SURVIVORSHIP WEEKSResolution Adopted3/29/2012
SR714Kwame RaoulCOPD AWARENESS MONTHSResolution Adopted5/10/2012
SR1008Terry LinkRECOGNIZES SMOKE FREE IL 5THSResolution Adopted12/5/2012
SR1032John J. CullertonUNITED WAY 125TH ANNIVERSARYSResolution Adopted12/5/2012
SJR15Carole PankauDHS-DEVELOPMNTAL DISABIL SRVCSHResolution Adopted 112-002-0015/31/2011
SJR29Heather A. SteansFY12 G.A. REVENUE ESTIMATESSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SJR35Heather A. SteansADVISORY COMMITTEE ON MEDICAIDHResolution Adopted 112-002-0015/31/2011
SJR71Heather A. SteansURGE CREATION OF CANCER CAUCUSSSession Sine Die1/8/2013
SJRCA13Kwame RaoulCOMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURYHTabled Pursuant to Rule 465/5/2012
HB83Karen A. YarbroughCOURTS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-03628/15/2011
HB106Naomi D. JakobssonSAFE HAVEN-INFANTS-POLICE DEPTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-02938/11/2011
HB116Michael J. Madigan$BD HIGHER ED-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00546/30/2011
HB117Michael J. Madigan$CDB-OCE-TECHHItem Veto Stands 97-005511/8/2011
HB132Michael J. Madigan$DHFS-TECHHItem Veto Stands 97-005811/8/2011
HB224Mary E. FlowersHEALTH CARRIER EXTERNAL REVIEWHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05748/26/2011
HB442Barbara Flynn CurrieSTATE GOVERNMENT-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06541/13/2012
HB1091Elaine NekritzTRANS:PUB-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05028/23/2011
HB1096Sara FeigenholtzNURSING HM-INFECTION CONTROLHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-01077/14/2011
HB1191Greg HarrisINSURANCE-PATIENT CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00917/11/2011
HB1193Greg HarrisINS CD - RECOUPMENT TIME LIMITHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05568/25/2011
HB1338Robyn GabelIMMUNIZATION DATA REGISTRY ACTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-01177/14/2011
HB1530Lou LangINSURANCE-MENTAL HEALTH PARITYHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04378/18/2011
HB1571Tom CrossSCH CD-MINIMUM READ INSTRUCTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05598/25/2011
HB1659Patricia R. BellockDHS-MHDD-FACILITY REDUCTIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-062611/30/2011
HB1662Patricia R. BellockMEDICAID-DETERMINATION STATUSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-01737/22/2011
HB1748Camille Y. LillyCD CORR-PRISONER TESTING-HIVHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-03238/12/2011
HB1825Ann WilliamsINS-CANCER-DRUG-CLINIC TRIALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-01987/27/2011
HB1926Barbara Flynn CurrieREVENUE-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-04518/19/2011
HB1953Thomas HolbrookSAFETY-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-03778/15/2011
HB1957Elaine NekritzIL INST ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB2107Michael J. Madigan$ED LABOR FY12 OCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00616/30/2011
HB2165Michael J. Madigan$STATE APPELLATE DEFENDERHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00636/30/2011
HB2167Luis Arroyo$CDB FY12 OCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00646/30/2011
HB2168Michael J. Madigan$DOC FY12 OCEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00656/30/2011
HB2903Ann WilliamsALT FUELS-CAR-SHARING GRANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00907/11/2011
HB3027Camille Y. LillySCH CD-JT AG-AID CLAIM-DROPOUTHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB3236Karen MayHEALTH BENEFIT PURCHASING COOPHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB3372Mike FortnerCNTY CD-STORMWATER MANAGEMENTHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB3462Greg HarrisCHIP-MINIMUM BENEFITSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-06611/13/2012
HB3620Sara FeigenholtzEPA-COAL BY-PRODUCT-DISPOSALHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-05108/23/2011
HB3639Michael J. Madigan$TRS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00676/30/2011
HB3697Michael J. Madigan$SERS-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-00686/30/2011
HB3717Michael J. Madigan$DHFS-TECHHReduction Veto Stands 97-007011/8/2011
HB3810Fred CrespoSCH CD-ELIMINATE GA SCHOLRSHPHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07727/11/2012
HB3848Sandy Cole$TREASURER-SUPPLEMENTALHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB3893Esther GolarCONSUMER ALTERNATIVES PROGRAMHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-10618/24/2012
HB3923Jim DurkinOPEN MTGS-PREPAID TUITION FUNDHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08768/1/2012
HB3985Dwight KaySTATE VOUCHERS-PAYMENTHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB4324Greg HarrisLIQUOR-TECHHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07807/13/2012
HB4453William DavisSEX TRANSMISSIBLE-PRISONERSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09288/10/2012
HB4496Carol A. SentePLUMBING-CODE OF STANDARDSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08527/26/2012
HB4526Michael J. ZalewskiEPA-PERCHLOROETHYLENE BANHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-10578/24/2012
HB4548Patricia R. BellockALZHEIMER'S-PLAN-COMMITTEEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07687/9/2012
HB4563Constance A. HowardHEALTH FACILITY-ID/DD CAREHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09808/17/2012
HB4606Karen MayCHILD CARE ACT-RADON TESTINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09818/17/2012
HB4963Frank J. MautinoCOLLATERAL RECOVERY-RENTAL COHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB4996Daniel BissPEN CD-SURS-RETURN TO WORKHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09688/16/2012
HB5013Robyn GabelSCH CD-IMMUNIZATION DATA-POSTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-09108/8/2012
HB5071Ann WilliamsUTILTY-ELECTRIC VEHICLE-CHARGEHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-11288/28/2012
HB5278Kelly M. CassidyHUMAN TRAFFICKING LIMITATIONSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08978/6/2012
HB5290Kelly M. CassidySCH CD-BULLYING POLICYSThird Reading - Lost; 029-021-0065/29/2012
HB5444Daniel BissEMPL SECURITY-APPLICATION-DATAHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07887/13/2012
HB5485JoAnn D. OsmondDHFS-MEDICAID-NCQA ACCREDITEDHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB5586Kimberly du BucletMNTL HLTH CONFIDENTIAL-ARRESTHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-10078/17/2012
HB5653Emily McAseyCRIM CD-FINANCIAL EXPLOITATIONHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-08657/30/2012
HB5655Esther GolarREGULATION-TECHHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HB5679Patricia R. BellockDHS-LONG-TERM CARE REBALANCINGHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-07937/13/2012
HB5825Linda Chapa LaViaSCH CD-HOME HOSPITAL GRANTSHPublic Act . . . . . . . . . 97-11561/25/2013
HB5826Linda Chapa LaViaSCH CD-SUPP STATE AID-REPORTHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HJR34Karen A. YarbroughSUPPORTS US EPA-CLEAN AIR ACTHSession Sine Die1/8/2013
HJRCA29Lou LangCRIME VICTIMS RIGHTSHTabled Pursuant to Rule 465/5/2012