Illinois General Assembly - Representative Biography
Illinois General Assembly

Previous General Assemblies

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Representative Elizabeth Hernandez (D) - Previous General Assembly (98th)
24th District

Photograph of Representative  Elizabeth Hernandez (D)

Springfield Office:
286-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8173
(217) 558-1844 FAX
District Office:
2137 S. Lombard
Suite 205
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 222-5240
(708) 222-5241 FAX

Years served: January 2007 - Present

Committee assignments:
House Committee information for the 104th General Assembly is not currently available.

Biography: Full-time state legislator; former Senior Policy Advisor to Lt. Governor Patrick Quinn; administrator in Cicero public schools for 17 years; community volunteer and current member of Children’s Center of Cicero and Berwyn, Cicero Youth Services, and Pilsen-Little Village Mental Health Agency; Labor Council for Latin American Development member; former UFCW member; AA in Liberal Arts, Morton College (2001), coursework in public administration, Governors State University; married (Charlie) and mother of two daughters and one son.

Associated Senator(s): Steven M. Landek