Section 390.3040  Electrical Requirements


a)         The electrical installation for existing facilities shall continue to meet all the requirements of the National Electrical Code, effective at the time of approval by the Department of final drawings and specification or the inspection of the building. (A, B)


b)         Circuit breakers or fusible switches that provide disconnecting means and overcurrent protection for conductors connected to switchboards and panelboards shall be enclosed or guarded to provide a dead-front type of assembly. Overload protective devices shall be suitable for operating properly in ambient temperature conditions.


c)         Lighting.


1)         All spaces occupied by people, machinery, or equipment within buildings, approaches to buildings, and parking lots shall have lighting.


2)         Resident's rooms shall have general lighting.


d)         Receptacles


1)         Each resident room shall have adequate duplex type receptacles.


2)         All receptacles shall be of the child safety type, or protected by covers.


e)         Nurses' Calling System.


1)         Each resident room shall be served by at least one calling station to be used by staff to summon additional assistance. Call shall register at the nurses' station and shall activate a visible signal in the corridor at the resident's door.


2)         Facilities with an intercommunication system which provides only voice communication between a resident room and the nurses' station may remain in service when approved by the Department.


3)         An accessible nurses' call station shall be provided at each resident's water closet, bathing and shower room or area.


f)         Door Alarm System. All exterior doors shall be equipped with a signal that will alert the staff if a resident leaves the building. Any exterior door that is supervised during certain periods may have a disconnect device for part-time use. If there is constant 24 hour a day supervision of the door, a signal is not required. (B)


g)         Fire Alarm System


1)         A manually-operated, electrically-supervised fire alarm system shall be installed. Pre-signal systems are not permitted. (A, B)


2)         There shall be an approved fire detection and alarm system throughout the facility. (A, B)


3)         The fire alarm signals shall automatically transmit the alarm to any available municipal fire department by direct private line or through an approved central station. (A, B)


4)         Fire alarms shall be activated by manual stations and all detection systems and flow alarm devices and sprinkler systems. (A, B)


h)         Emergency Electrical Requirements (B)


1)         To provide electricity during an interruption of the normal electric supply, an emergency source of electricity shall be provided and connected to certain circuits for lighting and power. (B)


2)         The source of this emergency electrical service shall be one of the following: (B)


A)        An emergency generating set when the normal service is supplied by only one central station transmission line.


B)        Automatic battery operated systems or equipment that will be effective for four or more hours and will be capable of supplying power for lighting for exit signs, exit corridors, stairways, nurses' stations, communication system, and all alarm systems, including the nurses' call system.


C)        An approved dual source of normal power. Such a dual source of normal power shall consist of two or more electrical services fed from separate generator sets or a utility distribution network having multiple power input sources and arranged to provide mechanical and electrical separation so that a fault between the facility and the generating sources will not likely cause an interruption of more than one of the facility service feeders. An automatic transfer switch is required between the facility service feeders.


3)         Provide emergency electrical service for: (B)


A)        illumination of means of egress as necessary for corridors, passageways, stairways, landings and exit doors and all ways of approach to and through exits including outside lights,


B)        exit signs and exit directional signs,


C)        fire alarm systems and detection systems,


D)        communication systems which are used for issuing instructions,


E)        task illumination in the nurses station.


F)         nurse call system


(Source:  Amended at 13 Ill. Reg. 6301, effective April 17, 1989)