All Bills on 2/28/2017
Antonio Muñoz
APPOINT - MARIA PEREZ 02/28/2017 Senate Appt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments
Antonio Muñoz
APPOINT - BETH SHADUR 02/28/2017 Senate Appt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments
Antonio Muñoz
APPOINT - TODD LESTER 02/28/2017 Senate Appt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments
Antonio Muñoz
APPOINT - MICHAEL HOFFMAN 02/28/2017 Senate Appt Confirmed, Pursuant Article V, Sect 9(a) of the ILL Constitution Executive Appointments
Totals: 4 - (House Bills: 0) (Senate Bills: 0) (Other Bills: 4)

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