State of Illinois
91st General Assembly
Public Acts

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Public Act 91-0706

HB4437 Enrolled                                LRB9113189REcd

    AN ACT making appropriations and reappropriations.

    Be it enacted by the People of  the  State  of  Illinois,
represented in the General Assembly:

                          ARTICLE 1
    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
                       FOR OPERATIONS
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,022,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       80,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      205,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      154,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      112,400
  For Travel ...................................       32,200
  For Commodities ..............................       23,900
  For Printing .................................        8,600
  For Equipment ................................       10,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       47,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       15,200
  For Refunds ..................................       16,500
  For the Expenses of the Board of Agricultural
   Advisors and Advisory Board of Livestock
   Commissioners ...............................        1,000
  For Expenses of the Divisional Advisory
   Boards ......................................        2,000
    Total                                          $2,732,100
Payable from Wholesome Meat Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    518,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       20,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       50,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       39,800
  For Group Insurance ..........................       85,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       20,400
  For Travel ...................................       20,100
  For Commodities ..............................        1,100
  For Printing .................................        1,100
  For Equipment ................................        8,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        1,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,100
    Total                                            $768,100
Payable from the Illinois Rural
 Rehabilitation Fund:
  For Illinois' part in administration
   of Titles I and II of the federal
   Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act:
  For Operations ....................................$ 26,900

    Section  1A.  The  sum of $10,431,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Agricultural
Premium  Fund  to  the  Department of Agriculture for deposit
into the State Cooperative Extension Service Trust Fund.

    Section 1B.  The sum of $2,300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department of Agriculture for deposit into the
State Cooperative Extension Service Trust Fund.

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    774,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       30,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       78,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       59,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      171,000
  For Commodities ..............................        8,500
  For Printing .................................       11,900
  For Equipment ................................      112,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       51,600
    Total                                          $1,298,700
Payable from Agricultural Premium Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $     38,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        1,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        4,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................        3,100
  For Contractual Services .....................       15,100
  For Equipment ................................        5,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       18,400
    Total                                             $86,200

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named are appropriated to  meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
                       FOR OPERATIONS
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,061,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      122,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      312,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      235,500
  For Contractual Services .....................       70,800
  For Travel ...................................      250,000
  For Commodities ..............................       49,700
  For Printing .................................        5,700
  For Equipment ................................      101,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       41,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       32,000
    Total                                          $4,283,800

    Section 3A.  The sum of $525,000, or so much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fertilizer Control
Fund   to   the  Department  of  Agriculture  for  Fertilizer

    Section 3B.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Agriculture for Feed Control.
  Payable from the Feed Control Fund ...........$     850,000

    Section  4.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    819,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       32,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       82,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       62,700
  For Contractual Services .....................       13,500
  For Travel ...................................       11,300
  For Commodities ..............................        9,600
  For Printing .................................        7,100
  For Equipment ................................       14,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       35,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        8,300
    Total                                          $1,096,700
Payable from Agricultural
 Premium Fund:
  For Expenses Connected With the Promotion
   and Marketing of Illinois Agriculture
   and Agriculture Exports .......................$ 1,796,400
  For Implementation of programs
   and activities to promote, develop
   and enhance the biotechnology
   industry in Illinois .......................... $  140,000
Payable from Agricultural Marketing
 Services Fund:
  For administering Illinois' part under Public
   Law No. 733, "An Act to provide for further
   research into basic laws and principles
   relating to agriculture and to improve
   and facilitate the marketing and
   distribution of agricultural products" ............$ 4,000

    Section  4A.  The  sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the Department of Agriculture for implementation of
an Agriculture Assembly.

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
                      ANIMAL INDUSTRIES
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,462,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      138,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      353,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      260,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      452,100
  For Travel ...................................       95,000
  For Commodities ..............................      375,600
  For Printing .................................       15,800
  For Equipment ................................      113,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       47,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       58,200
  For Swine Disease Research ...................       42,700
  For Bovine Disease Research ..................       20,200
    Total                                          $5,435,500
Payable from the Illinois Department
 of Agriculture Laboratory
 Services Revolving Fund:
  For Expenses Authorized
   by the Animal Disease
   Laboratories Act ................................$ 600,000
Payable from the Agriculture
 Federal Projects Fund:
  For Expenses of Various
   Federal Projects ................................$ 300,000

    Section 6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,953,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      118,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      287,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      218,900
  For Contractual Services .....................       51,500
  For Travel ...................................       50,000
  For Commodities ..............................       38,000
  For Printing .................................        1,900
  For Equipment ................................       61,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       11,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       22,000
    Total                                          $3,813,400
Payable from Wholesome Meat Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,413,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       96,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      242,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      184,600
  For Group Insurance ..........................      514,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      149,000
  For Travel ...................................      416,200
  For Commodities ..............................       60,000
  For Printing .................................        9,400
  For Equipment ................................      182,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       46,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       43,400
    Total                                          $4,358,500

    Section 6A.  The sum of $550,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Weights and
Measures Fund  to  the  Department  of  Agriculture  for  the
implementation of Field Automation Information Management and
related costs.

    Section  6B.  The  sum of $550,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Wholesome  Meat
Fund  to the Department of Agriculture for the implementation
of Field Automation Information Management and related costs.

    Section 7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
                    WEIGHTS AND MEASURES
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    756,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       30,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       77,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       57,800
  For Contractual Services .....................       14,900
  For Travel ...................................       27,400
  For Commodities ..............................        4,100
  For Printing .................................       11,700
  For Equipment ................................       36,800
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        8,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       55,000
  For Expenses of a Motor Fuel and
   Petroleum Standards Program
   pursuant to PA86-0232 ......................        85,000
    Total                                          $1,165,200
Payable from the Weights and Measures Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,075,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       43,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      107,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       82,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................      222,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      136,500
  For Travel ...................................      100,700
  For Commodities ..............................       27,900
  For Printing .................................        6,200
  For Equipment ................................      459,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       19,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       95,300
    Total                                          $2,376,700
Payable from Agricultural Master Fund:
  For Expenses Relating to
   Administering Federal Cooperative
   Agreements Relating to Enforcement of
   Marketing Regulations: ........................ $  432,900

    Section 8.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    676,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       27,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       69,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       51,700
  For Contractual Services .....................        1,900
  For Travel ...................................       47,300
  For Commodities ..............................          800
  For Printing .................................        1,000
  For Equipment ................................          900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       16,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       12,000
  For Administration of the Livestock
   Management Facilities Act ...................      742,400
  For the Detection, Eradication, and
   Control of Exotic Pests, such
   as the Asian Long-Horned Beetle
   and Gypsy Moth ..............................      250,000
    Total                                          $1,896,800
Payable from Agriculture Pesticide
 Control Act Fund:
  For Expenses of Pesticide
   Enforcement Program ..............................$770,000
Payable from Pesticide Control Fund:
  For Administration and Enforcement
   of the Pesticide Act of 1979 ..................$ 1,950,000
Payable from the Agriculture Federal Projects Fund:
  For Expenses of Various Federal
   Projects ........................................$ 530,000

    Section 9.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
                      NATURAL RESOURCES
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    833,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       32,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       85,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       60,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      110,100
  For Travel ...................................       30,000
  For Commodities ..............................        7,000
  For Printing .................................        8,900
  For Equipment ................................       41,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       17,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       20,000
  For the Ordinary and Contingent Expenses
   of the Natural Resources Advisory Board .....        4,200
    Total                                          $1,250,900

Payable from the Agriculture
 Federal Projects Fund:
  For Expenses Relating to
   Various Federal Projects ........................$ 350,000

    Section 9A.  The sum of $6,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Agriculture   from   the   Conservation  2000  Fund  for  the
Conservation 2000 Program to implement agricultural  resource
enhancement   programs   for   Illinois'  natural  resources,
including operational expenses, consisting of  the  following
elements at the approximate costs set forth below:
  Conservation Practices
   Cost Sharing Program .............$ 2,500,000
  Sustainable Agriculture Programs ......750,000
  Soil and Water Conservation Grants ..1,950,000
  Streambank Restoration ................800,000

    Section  9B.  The  amount  of  $2,750,000 is appropriated
from the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Agriculture  for  deposit into the Conservation 2000 Projects

    Section 9C.  The amount of $2,750,000 or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Conservation
2000 Projects Fund to the Department of Agriculture  for  the
following project at the approximate costs set forth below:
  Conservation Practices Cost-Share program......$  2,750,000

    Section 10.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services:
   For regular positions ....................... $  1,354,800
   For regular positions-crafts ................      872,900
  For Extra Help:
   For extra help ..............................      266,000
   For extra help-crafts .......................      307,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       99,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      233,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      223,400
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,118,500
  For Payment to the City of Springfield
   for Fire Protection Services at the
   Illinois State Fairgrounds...................      150,000
  For Commodities ..............................       85,000
  For Equipment ................................      222,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       85,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       28,600
    Total                                          $6,045,800

    Section 10A.  The sum of $1,050,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois State
Fair  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Agriculture  to  satisfy
obligations related to the development, use, and operation of
a multi-purpose outdoor theater, and to promote  and  conduct
activities  at  the Illinois State Fairgrounds at Springfield
other than the Illinois State Fair, including  administrative
expenses.   No  expenditures  from the appropriation shall be
authorized until revenues from fairground uses sufficient  to
offset  such  expenditures  have been collected and deposited
into the Illinois State Fair Fund.

    Section 10B.  The following named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services:
   For regular positions ....................... $    401,200
   For regular positions-crafts ................      343,200
  For Extra Help ...............................      269,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       35,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       86,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       77,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      355,400
  For Travel ...................................        7,400
  For Commodities ..............................       64,900
  For Equipment ................................      144,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       29,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       12,800
    Total                                          $1,827,700

    Section 10C.  The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Agricultural
Premium Fund to the  Department  of  Agriculture  to  conduct
activities  at  the  Illinois  State  Fairgrounds at Du Quoin
other than the Illinois State Fair, including  administrative
expenses.   No  expenditures  from the appropriation shall be
authorized until revenues from fairgrounds uses sufficient to
offset such expenditures have been  collected  and  deposited
into the Agricultural Premium Fund.

    Section  11.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
                     DUQUOIN STATE FAIR
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services:
  For regular positions ........................ $    156,200
  For Extra Help ...............................      136,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       10,200
  For State Contributions to State
  Employees' Retirement System .................       29,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       22,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      438,800
  For Travel ...................................        6,500
  For Commodities ..............................       24,400
  For Printing .................................        8,700
  For Equipment ................................        9,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       35,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        2,200
  For Entertainment at the
   DuQuoin State Fair ..........................      494,400
    Total                                          $1,374,900
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
  For Financial Assistance for the
   DuQuoin State Fair ...............................$380,200

    Section  11A.  The  following  named  amounts, or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department of Agriculture for:
                     ILLINOIS STATE FAIR
Payable from the Illinois State Fair Fund:
  For Operations of the 2000 State Fair ........   $2,400,000
  For Entertainment at the 2000
   State Fair ..................................    1,300,000
    Total                                          $3,700,000

    Section  12.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    234,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        8,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       21,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       16,600
  For Contractual Services .....................        6,300
  For Travel ...................................        3,500
  For Commodities ..............................        2,000
  For Printing .................................        3,500
  For Equipment ................................       11,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        4,900
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        2,000
    Total                                            $314,800

Payable from Illinois Standardbred
 Breeders Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    101,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        4,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       10,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................        7,900
  For Contractual Services .....................       21,900
  For Travel ...................................        5,000
  For Commodities ..............................        2,000
  For Printing .................................        3,000
  For Equipment ................................        1,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        6,500
    Total                                            $163,500
Payable from Illinois Thoroughbred
 Breeders Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    286,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       11,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       28,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       22,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       29,400
  For Travel ...................................        6,000
  For Commodities ..............................        2,000
  For Printing .................................        2,100
  For Equipment ................................       30,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       15,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        6,500
    Total                                            $440,800

    Section  13.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the Illinois Rural
 Rehabilitation Fund:
  For Illinois' part in administration
   of Titles I and II of the federal
   Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act:
  For Programs, Loans and Grants ..............$       95,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For the Agricultural Leadership Foundation ...       60,000
  For distribution of institutional agricultural
   research grants to public universities
   authorized by the Food and Agriculture
   Research Act to include administrative costs
   incurred by the Department of Agriculture
   pursuant to Section 15 of the Food and
   Agriculture Research Act (Public
   Act 89-182) .................................   15,000,000
    Total                                         $15,155,000

    Section  14.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
                     MARKETING PROGRAMS

Payable from the Illinois Aquaculture Development Fund:
  For Grants to Aquaculture Cooperatives ......  $  1,000,000

    Section  15.  The  following  named  amount,  or  so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated   to   the
Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For awards for destruction of livestock,
   as provided by law ................................$ 5,100

    Section  16.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Soil Surveys in Mapping Illinois
   Soil and operational expenses ............... $    423,800
  For grants to Soil and Water Conservation
   Districts for clerical and other personnel,
   for education and promotional assistance,
   and for expenses of Water Conservation
   District Boards and administrative
   expenses ....................................    5,770,300
    Total                                          $6,194,100

    Section  17.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Awards to Livestock Breeders.............. $    172,400
  For Awards and Premiums at the
   Illinois State Fair .........................      319,000
  For Awards and Premiums for Grand
   Circuit Horse Racing at the
   Illinois State Fairgrounds ..................      148,100
    Total                                            $639,500
Payable from the Illinois State Fair Fund:
  For Awards to Livestock Breeders.............. $    157,400
  For Awards and Premiums at the
   Illinois State Fair .........................      443,200
  For Awards and Premiums for Grand
   Circuit Horse Racing at the
   Illinois State Fairgrounds ..................       79,400
    Total                                            $680,000

    Section  18.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Agriculture for:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For awards and premiums to the
   DuQuoin State Fair........................... $    149,500
 For harness racing at the
   DuQuoin State Fair ..........................       31,600
    Total                                            $181,100
    Section  19.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary is appropriated to the Department
of Agriculture for:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For promotion of the Illinois horse
   racing and breeding industry ................    1,430,400
Payable from the Illinois Racing
 Quarterhorse Breeders Fund:
  For promotion of the Illinois horse
   racing and breeding industry ................       42,000
Payable from Illinois Standardbred
 Breeders Fund:
  For grants and other purposes.................    1,517,000
Payable from Illinois Thoroughbred
 Breeders Fund:
  For grants and other purposes.................    2,041,500
    Total                                          $5,030,900

Payable from the Agricultural Premium Fund:
  For distribution to encourage and aid
   county fairs and other agricultural
   societies.  This distribution shall be
   prorated and approved by the Department
   of Agriculture: ............................. $  2,209,100
  For premiums to agricultural extension
   or 4-H clubs to be distributed at a
   uniform rate ................................      762,000
  For premiums to vocational
   agriculture fairs ...........................      179,500
  For rehabilitation of county fairgrounds......    2,739,000
  For county fair incentive grants .............       42,700
  For awards to Mid-Continent Livestock
   Exposition ..................................        7,600
  For grants and other purposes for county
   fair and state fair horse racing ............      425,000
    Total                                          $6,364,900
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For distribution to county fairs for
   premiums and rehabilitation as set
   forth in the Agriculture Fair Act ........... $    715,200
  For grants to the International Exposition
   for the Solid Gold Futurity .................      295,000
    Total                                          $1,010,200
Payable from Fair and Exposition Fund:
  For distribution to County Fairs and
   Fair and Exposition Authorities  ...........  $  1,428,900

    Section 19A.  The sum of $10,254,100, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department of Agriculture for payment into the
Thoroughbred and Standardbred Horse Racing Purse Accounts  at
Illinois Pari-mutuel Tracks.  The amount paid to each Account
shall be the amount certified by the Illinois Racing Board in
January  2000  to  be  transferred  from each Account to each
eligible racing facility.

    Section 20.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof   as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department  of  Agriculture  for  repairs,  maintenance,  and
capital improvements including construction,  reconstruction,
improvement,  repair  and installation of capital facilities,
cost of planning, supplies,  materials,  equipment,  services
and all other expenses required to complete the work:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For various projects at the State
   Fairgrounds ................................. $    150,000
  For various projects at the DuQuoin State
   Fairgrounds .................................      112,500
    Total                                            $262,500

                          ARTICLE 2

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Central Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,304,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       92,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      235,100
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      168,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       67,900
  For Travel ...................................       35,000
  For Commodities...............................       19,000
  For Printing .................................       20,700
  For Equipment ................................        9,400
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      624,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       49,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............          700
  For Refunds ..................................        2,000
    Total                                          $3,628,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $    373,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       15,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       38,100
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................       28,600
  For Group Insurance ..........................       81,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       16,600
  For Travel ...................................        1,000
  For Commodities...............................        5,000
  For Printing .................................        2,900
  For Equipment ................................        5,800
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      524,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        7,900
    Total                                          $1,100,100
  For Personal Services ........................ $    678,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       27,200
  For State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement Fund ..................       69,200
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       51,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................      118,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       16,100
  For Travel ...................................        4,000
  For Commodities...............................        4,300
  For Printing .................................        3,900
  For Equipment ................................        5,300
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       13,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        8,900
    Total                                          $1,000,900
  For Personal Services ........................ $     43,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        1,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        4,400
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................        3,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................        7,400
  For Contractual Services .....................          500
  For Commodities...............................          300
  For Printing .................................          200
  For Equipment ................................        1,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       66,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............          800
    Total                                            $129,400
  For Personal Services ........................ $    501,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       20,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       51,200
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................       38,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................      103,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       13,800
  For Travel ...................................        1,200
  For Commodities...............................        4,800
  For Printing .................................        5,000
  For Equipment ................................        5,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    4,872,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        6,400
    Total                                          $5,625,000

    Section  2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to the
Department of Central Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,091,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       43,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      111,300
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       79,700
  For Contractual Services .....................       61,000
  For Travel ...................................       10,000
  For Commodities ..............................       17,700
  For Printing .................................        9,300
  For Equipment ................................       78,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       49,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        3,400
    Total                                          $1,554,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $    109,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        4,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       11,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................        8,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................       22,200
  For Contractual Services .....................       88,300
  For Travel ...................................        6,600
  For Commodities...............................       66,000
  For Printing .................................        5,000
  For Equipment ................................       70,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        3,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       12,600
  For Warehouse Stock for all State Agencies
   and For Printing and Distribution of
   Wall Certificates ...........................    2,274,800
  For Refunds ..................................        5,000
    Total                                          $2,687,400
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,107,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       44,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      113,000
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       84,800
  For Group Insurance ..........................      236,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      313,700
  For Travel ...................................        6,100
  For Commodities...............................       21,700
  For Printing .................................       75,000
  For Equipment ................................      100,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        6,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       58,500
    Total                                          $2,168,500

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  to  the
Department of Central Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,535,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       61,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      156,600
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      112,100
  For Contractual Services .....................      218,600
  For Travel ...................................       17,600
  For Commodities...............................       28,400
  For Printing .................................      108,100
  For Equipment ................................       20,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       38,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        7,300
  For Expenses Related to the
   Procurement Policy Board ....................      252,900
    Total                                          $2,557,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $  9,125,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      365,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      930,900
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      698,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................    1,694,600
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,112,500
  For Travel ...................................       39,900
  For Commodities ..............................      136,900
  For Printing .................................       35,000
  For Equipment ................................    1,040,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      312,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............   22,023,500
  For Refunds ..................................       10,000
    Total                                         $37,524,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $    260,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       10,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       26,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       19,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................       59,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      229,200
  For Travel ...................................          600
  For Commodities ..............................        6,700
  For Printing .................................        3,100
  For Equipment ................................        1,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        3,500
    Total                                            $620,300

    Section  4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Central Management Services:
                     BUREAU OF BENEFITS
  For Personal Services ........................ $    563,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       22,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       57,600
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       41,100
  For Group Insurance ..........................  630,367,100
  For Contractual Services .....................      107,200
  For Travel ...................................        8,600
  For Commodities...............................        9,900
  For Printing .................................        4,300
  For Equipment ................................        1,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       14,900
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............          900
  For payment of claims under the
   Representation and Indemnification
   in Civil Law Suits Act ......................    2,447,200
  For payment of Workers' Compensation
   Act claims and contractual services in
   connection with said claims
   payments ....................................   19,238,100
  For auto liability, adjusting and administration
   of claims, loss control and prevention
   services, and auto liability claims .........    1,752,900
    Total                                        $654,638,000

  For Personal Services ........................ $    490,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       19,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       50,100
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       37,600
  For Group Insurance ..........................       88,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      169,500
  For Travel ...................................       19,000
  For Commodities...............................       10,000
  For Printing .................................      140,000
  For Equipment ................................       17,700
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       47,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       18,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        6,500
    Total                                          $1,115,100

  For the Local Governments Contribution
   Under Program of Group Life, Dental, Hospital,
   And Surgical And Medical Insurance For
   Persons Serving Local Governments ...........$ 112,255,500

                   PAYABLE FROM ROAD FUND
  For Group Insurance ..........................$  79,551,400
  For payment of claims and claims
   administration under the
   Workers' Compensation Act ...................$   4,405,500

  For expenses of Cost Containment Program ........$  288,000

  For Life Insurance Coverage As Elected
   By Members Per The State Employees
   Group Insurance Act .........................$  78,827,200

  For Expenses of a Cost Containment Program ......$  158,900

  For Provisions of Health Care Coverage
   As Elected by Eligible Members Per State
   Employees Group Insurance Act ..............$  985,744,400

  For administrative costs of claims services
   and payment of temporary total
   disability claims of any state agency
   or university employee .........................$  650,000

    Expenditures   from   appropriations  for  treatment  and
expense  may  be  made  after  the  Department   of   Central
Management Services has certified that the injured person was
employed  and that the nature of the injury is compensable in
accordance with the provisions of the  Workers'  Compensation
Act  or  the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act, and then has
determined the amount of such compensation to be paid to  the
injured person.
    Expenditures   for  this  purpose  may  be  made  by  the
Department of Central Management Services without  regard  to
the  fiscal year in which benefit or services was rendered or
cost incurred  as  allowable  or  provided  by  the  Workers'
Compensation Act or the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act.

  For expenses related to the administration
   of the State Employees Deferred
   Compensation Plan.............................$  1,856,900

    Section  5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Central Management Services:
                     BUREAU OF PERSONNEL
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,485,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      219,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      559,400
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      400,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      413,900
  For Travel ...................................       52,000
  For Commodities...............................       33,500
  For Printing .................................       67,100
  For Equipment ................................       35,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       80,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        5,900
  For Awards to Employees and
   Expenses of Employees' Suggestion
   Award Board .................................       10,500
  For Wage Claims ..............................    1,600,000
  For Expenses of Compensation Review Board.....        8,500
  For Expenses of the Upward Mobility Program ..    5,186,700
  For Expenses of the Ethics Commission
   of the Governor .............................      379,200
  For Expenses of the Governor's Commission
   on the Status of Women in Illinois ..........      250,000
  For Veterans' Job Assistance Program .........      347,000
  For Governor's and Vito Marzullo's
   Internship programs .........................      867,200
  For Nurses' Tuition ..........................      100,000
    Total                                         $16,102,300

    Section  6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
for  the  objects  and purposes hereinafter named to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Central
Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    282,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       11,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       28,800
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       20,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      107,900
  For Travel ...................................       20,000
  For Commodities...............................        6,500
  For Printing .................................       12,000
  For Equipment ................................        1,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       11,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............          400
    Total                                            $502,100
  For Expenses of the Business
   Enterprise Program .............................$  100,000

    Section 7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  to  the
Department of Central Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  7,342,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      293,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      749,000
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      536,000
  For Contractual Services .....................   12,053,200
  For Travel ...................................       23,600
  For Commodities...............................      147,200
  For Printing .................................       13,300
  For Equipment ................................       44,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      114,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       28,200
  For Permanent Improvements to State
   Owned Buildings .............................      120,000
  For Surplus Real Property ....................      215,400
    Total                                         $21,680,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $    648,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       26,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       66,200
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       49,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................       81,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      438,400
  For Commodities...............................       19,800
  For Equipment ................................        1,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       10,300
    Total                                          $1,341,300
  For Personal Services ........................ $    963,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       38,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       98,300
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       73,800
  For Group Insurance ..........................      155,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      742,200
  For Travel ...................................       39,700
  For Commodities ..............................        8,300
  For Printing .................................        5,000
  For Equipment ................................      124,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       35,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       26,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      112,700
  For Expenses of a Recycling
   Program .....................................      150,000
  For Refunds ..................................        5,000
    Total                                          $2,578,900

    Section  8.   The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the   Facilities
Management  Revolving  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Central
Management Services for expenses related to the management of
facilities operated by the Department.

    Section  9.   The  sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Special  Events
Revolving  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Central  Management
Services  for  expenses  related  to  the  lease or rental of
buildings subject to the jurisdictions of the  Department  of
Central  Management Services to individuals or organizations,
pursuant to Public Act 84-0961.

    Section 10.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for  the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter  named  to  the
Department of Central Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 15,212,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      608,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,551,700
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................    1,163,800
  For Group Insurance ..........................    2,201,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,777,600
  For Travel ...................................       72,000
  For Commodities ..............................      221,200
  For Printing .................................      235,800
  For Equipment ................................       41,300
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............   57,396,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    2,491,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        3,300
  For Refunds ..................................    8,000,000
    Total                                         $91,975,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,567,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      222,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      568,000
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      426,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................      895,400
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,267,100
  For Travel ...................................       55,000
  For Commodities...............................       21,400
  For Printing .................................       70,700
  For Equipment ................................       26,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............  137,758,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        7,500
  For Refunds ..................................       50,000
    Total                                        $146,936,500

    Section 11.  The sum of $20,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Wireless
Service  Emergency  Fund  to  the   Department   of   Central
Management  Services for grants to emergency telephone system
boards, qualified government entities, or the  Department  of
State  Police  for  the  design,  implementation,  operation,
maintenance, or upgrade of wireless 9-1-1 or E9-1-1 emergency
services   and   public   safety  answering  points  and  for
reimbursement  of  the  Communications  Revolving  Fund   for
administrative  costs  incurred  by the Department of Central
Management Services related to administering the program.

    Section 12.  The sum of $10,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Wireless
Carrier Reimbursement  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Central
Management  Services  for  reimbursement of wireless carriers
for  costs  incurred  in  complying   with   the   applicable
provisions  of  Federal  Communications  Commission  wireless
enhanced 9-1-1 services mandates and for reimbursement of the
Communications   Revolving   Fund  for  administrative  costs
incurred by the Department  of  Central  Management  Services
related to administering the program.

    Section 13.  The amount of $4,500,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the Statistical
Services  Revolving  Fund  to  the  Department   of   Central
Management  Services  for  expenses  related  to  the  study,
development   and   implementation  of  technology  standards
including related administrative expenses.

    Section 14.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Central
Management Services:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,340,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      128,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      238,700
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       38,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,005,400
  For Travel ...................................        3,900
  For Commodities...............................       31,000
  For Equipment ................................        3,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       33,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       38,600
    Total                                          $3,861,200

                          ARTICLE 3

    Section  1.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the  following  divisions
of the Department of Corrections.
                       FOR OPERATIONS
                       GENERAL OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,646,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,009,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,865,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,394,600
  For Contractual Services .....................   11,232,400
  For Travel ...................................      640,000
  For Commodities ..............................    1,187,700
  For Printing .................................      138,300
  For Equipment ................................      364,300
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............   10,006,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    2,536,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      248,200
  For Sheriffs' Fees for Conveying Prisoners ...      390,500
  For support costs associated with the
   Criminal Law and Corrections Task Force......      500,000
  For payment of claims as provided by the
   "Workers' Compensation Act" or the "Workers'
   Occupational Diseases Act", including
   Treatment, Expenses and Benefits Payable
   for Total Temporary Incapacity for Work:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund ..........    7,939,600
Expenditures  from  appropriations  for treatment and expense
may be made after the Department of Corrections has certified
that the injured person was employed and that the  nature  of
the  injury  is compensable in accordance with the provisions
of the Workers' Compensation Act or the Workers' Occupational
Diseases Act, and then has  determined  the  amount  of  such
compensation  to be paid to the injured person.  Expenditures
for this purpose may be made by the Department of Corrections
without regard to the fiscal year in which benefit or service
was rendered or cost incurred as allowable or provided by the
Workers'  Compensation  Act  or  the  Workers'   Occupational
Diseases Act.
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Tort Claims ..............................      490,000
  For the State's share of Assistant
   State's Attorneys' salaries -
   reimbursement to counties pursuant
   to Chapter 53 of the Illinois
   Revised Statutes ............................      435,600
  For Repairs, Maintenance and Other
   Capital Improvements ........................    3,326,000
    Total                                         $62,351,500
Payable from the Department of Corrections
 Reimbursement and Education Fund:
  For payment of expenses associated
   with School District Programs ............... $  7,000,000
  For payment of expenses associated
   with federal programs, including,
   but not limited to, construction of
   additional beds, treatment programs,
   and juvenile supervision ....................   52,200,000
  For payment of expenses associated
   with miscellaneous programs, including,
   but not limited to, medical costs,
   food expenditures, and various
   construction costs ..........................   21,000,000
    Total                                         $80,200,000
                       SCHOOL DISTRICT
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 23,065,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,257,300
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       58,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,305,600
  For State Contributions to Teachers'
   Retirement System ...........................        3,600
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,520,900
  For Contractual Services .....................   15,854,400
  For Travel ...................................       84,500
  For Commodities ..............................      875,200
  For Printing .................................      102,400
  For Equipment ................................    1,136,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        6,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       13,500
    Total                                         $46,284,200

    Section  2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Corrections for:
                    ADULT FIELD SERVICES
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 33,043,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,791,900
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      153,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    3,306,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    2,512,400
  For Contractual Services .....................   26,462,800
  For Travel ...................................      394,300
  For Commodities ..............................    1,063,500
  For Printing .................................       16,000
  For Equipment ................................      539,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    2,877,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      442,000
    Total                                         $72,602,700

    Section  3.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,455,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      187,300
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       20,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      345,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      260,400
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,294,000
  For Travel ...................................       25,000
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............        2,000
  For Commodities ..............................      137,500
  For Printing .................................       10,000
  For Equipment ................................       68,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       40,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       19,500
    Total                                          $6,865,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 12,336,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      667,800
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       87,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,234,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      955,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,683,900
  For Travel ...................................       19,400
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............        2,800
  For Commodities ..............................      635,100
  For Printing .................................       15,700
  For Equipment ................................      126,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       67,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       45,300
    Total                                         $17,878,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 11,392,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      616,600
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       55,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,139,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      849,400
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,505,600
  For Travel ...................................       12,000
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............          800
  For Commodities ..............................      743,900
  For Printing .................................       10,300
  For Equipment ................................      101,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       43,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       57,000
    Total                                         $16,528,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,750,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      206,300
  For Student Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................        4,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      382,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      286,900
  For Contractual Services .....................      370,400
  For Travel ...................................       10,000
  For Travel Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............          100
  For Commodities ..............................      211,200
  For Printing .................................        7,600
  For Equipment ................................      312,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       45,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        5,900
  For Deposit into the Travel and
   Allowance Revolving Fund ....................       10,000
    Total                                          $5,604,300
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,784,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      312,900
  For Student Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       31,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      578,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      434,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      907,500
  For Travel ...................................       16,400
  For Travel Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............        3,700
  For Commodities ..............................      540,800
  For Printing .................................       11,100
  For Equipment ................................        9,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       41,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       25,100
    Total                                          $8,696,300
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,253,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      122,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       22,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      225,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      169,100
  For Contractual Services .....................      340,200
  For Travel ...................................        8,700
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............        1,500
  For Commodities ..............................      229,700
  For Printing .................................        5,000
  For Equipment ................................       32,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       36,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       15,000
    Total                                          $3,462,200
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 15,894,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      866,300
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       70,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,590,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,184,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,649,800
  For Travel ...................................       84,200
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............          600
  For Commodities ..............................      706,100
  For Printing .................................       20,000
  For Equipment ................................       90,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      120,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      121,600
    Total                                         $23,398,300
  For Personal Services ........................ $  8,362,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      460,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       30,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      836,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      627,500
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,642,900
  For Travel ...................................       12,800
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............          900
  For Commodities ..............................      603,300
  For Printing .................................        9,500
  For Equipment ................................      121,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       72,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       70,900
    Total                                         $12,850,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,085,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      275,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................       31,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      508,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      383,200
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,009,800
  For Travel ...................................       15,300
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............          100
  For Commodities ..............................      339,500
  For Printing .................................        9,500
  For Equipment ................................       45,800
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       42,900
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       32,200
    Total                                          $7,778,800

    Section  4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Corrections for:
                   JUVENILE FIELD SERVICES
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,589,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      194,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      359,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      258,600
  For Contractual Services .....................   13,405,400
  For Travel ...................................      247,500
  For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       17,200
  For Commodities ..............................       73,700
  For Printing .................................        3,700
  For Equipment ................................      314,200
  For Telecommunications .......................      165,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       58,400
    Total                                         $18,686,900

    Section  5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Corrections for:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,589,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,022,600
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      439,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,860,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,385,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    5,119,700
  For Travel ...................................       40,200
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       81,900
  For Commodities ..............................    3,160,100
  For Printing .................................       31,300
  For Equipment ................................      193,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      141,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       76,800
    Total                                         $32,142,400
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,728,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,030,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      313,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,874,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,387,200
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,376,300
  For Travel ...................................       42,400
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       67,700
  For Commodities ..............................    2,080,400
  For Printing .................................       19,000
  For Equipment ................................      103,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       64,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       63,500
    Total                                         $29,151,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,238,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      999,400
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      506,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,824,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,365,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    4,688,200
  For Travel ...................................       59,200
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       29,200
  For Commodities ..............................    3,275,700
  For Printing .................................       28,000
  For Equipment ................................       81,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      111,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      145,000
    Total                                         $31,352,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 12,075,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      664,300
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      135,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,208,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      923,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,019,600
  For Travel ...................................       36,000
  For Travel and Allowances for
   Committed, Paroled and
   Discharged Prisoners ........................       25,900
  For Commodities ..............................    1,336,600
  For Printing .................................       25,000
  For Equipment ................................      278,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       62,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       36,700
    Total                                         $19,829,700
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 25,559,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,400,900
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      483,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,557,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,905,400
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,451,500
  For Travel ...................................       39,000
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       43,200
  For Commodities ..............................    3,996,000
  For Printing .................................       35,400
  For Equipment ................................      112,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      121,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      124,600
    Total                                         $42,829,800
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,330,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,004,800
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      186,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,834,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,375,500
  For Contractual Services .....................    5,649,800
  For Travel ...................................       48,200
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       40,500
  For Commodities ..............................    2,532,500
  For Printing .................................       35,800
  For Equipment ................................      184,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      154,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      199,800
    Total                                         $31,577,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 13,467,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      738,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      314,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,347,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      984,300
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,743,900
  For Travel ...................................       35,900
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       47,000
  For Commodities ..............................    1,709,300
  For Printing .................................       15,400
  For Equipment ................................       90,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       81,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       91,300
    Total                                         $21,667,200
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 21,244,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,150,200
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      318,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,125,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,579,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    5,712,800
  For Travel ...................................       35,800
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       40,200
  For Commodities ..............................    3,003,100
  For Printing .................................       44,200
  For Equipment ................................      142,800
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      116,900
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       68,500
    Total                                         $35,583,400
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 15,419,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      834,800
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      375,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,542,800
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,142,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,662,100
  For Travel ...................................       18,400
  For Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled
   and Discharged Prisoners ....................       27,600
  For Commodities ..............................    2,968,900
  For Printing .................................       18,900
  For Equipment ................................      107,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       36,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       29,400
    Total                                         $26,183,900
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 19,822,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,080,400
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      552,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,983,500
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,512,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    4,046,400
  For Travel ...................................       32,100
  For Travel and Allowance for Committed, Paroled
   and Discharged Prisoners ....................       82,600
  For Commodities ..............................    3,201,100
  For Printing .................................       29,400
  For Equipment ................................       97,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      107,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       94,800
    Total                                         $32,643,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 21,044,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,139,200
  For Student, Member and Inmate Compensation ..      461,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,105,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,569,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,790,200
  For Travel ...................................       20,600
  For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       91,500
  For Commodities ..............................    3,110,800
  For Printing .................................       33,600
  For Equipment ................................      274,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       90,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      124,500
    Total                                         $33,856,100
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 23,814,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,302,700
  For Student, Member and Inmate Compensation ..      116,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,383,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,786,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,609,700
  For Travel ...................................       77,000
  For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       23,700
  For Commodities ..............................    1,436,900
  For Printing .................................       55,800
  For Equipment ................................      267,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      181,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      239,500
    Total                                         $38,294,900
  For Personal Services ........................ $  9,790,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      538,400
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      105,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      998,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      748,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,846,200
  For Travel ...................................       44,400
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       14,900
  For Commodities ..............................    2,293,000
  For Printing .................................        7,600
  For Equipment ................................      564,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      106,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       24,200
  For Deposit into the Travel and
   Allowance Revolving Fund ....................       10,000
    Total                                         $17,091,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 13,188,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      720,200
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      333,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,319,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      985,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,101,200
  For Travel ...................................        9,800
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       35,100
  For Commodities ..............................    4,392,100
  For Printing .................................       14,700
  For Equipment ................................       73,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       54,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       96,700
    Total                                         $24,325,100
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,739,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,021,600
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      399,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,875,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,388,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,204,000

  For Travel ...................................       16,300
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       72,600
  For Commodities ..............................    1,130,900
  For Printing .................................       20,900
  For Equipment ................................      137,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      141,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      153,900
    Total                                         $28,300,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 43,540,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    2,373,800
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      505,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    4,357,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    3,258,600
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,813,900
  For Travel ...................................       85,700
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       51,100
  For Commodities ..............................    6,512,000
  For Printing .................................       34,400
  For Equipment ................................      340,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      142,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      137,600
    Total                                         $68,153,900
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,316,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      991,500
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      328,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,832,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,374,600
  For Contractual Services .....................    4,574,800
  For Travel ...................................       47,300
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       57,300
  For Commodities ..............................    3,463,900
  For Printing .................................       36,200
  For Equipment ................................      254,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      109,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       54,200
    Total                                         $31,441,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 33,687,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,843,000
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      198,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    3,370,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    2,527,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    5,545,300
  For Travel ...................................       39,100
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       23,000
  For Commodities ..............................    4,081,100
  For Printing .................................       50,400
  For Equipment ................................      173,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      174,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       53,700
    Total                                         $51,767,800
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 12,375,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      677,100
  For Student, Member and
   Inmate Compensation .........................      249,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,238,100
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................      928,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,814,700
  For Travel ...................................       43,500
  For Travel and Allowances for
   Committed, Paroled and Discharged
   Prisoners ...................................       30,800
  For Commodities ..............................    1,971,500
  For Printing .................................       24,600
  For Equipment ................................      124,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       46,600
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........       66,400
    Total                                         $20,590,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 17,948,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      982,200
  For Student, Member and
   Inmate Compensation .........................      456,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,795,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,334,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,942,900
  For Travel ...................................       30,900
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       92,800
  For Commodities ..............................    3,157,100
  For Printing .................................       25,600
  For Equipment ................................      177,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      104,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       71,800
    Total                                         $30,120,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,108,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      980,000
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      287,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,812,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,364,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,436,100
  For Travel ...................................       30,000
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       45,600
  For Commodities ..............................    2,245,300
  For Printing .................................       28,200
  For Equipment ................................      202,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      110,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      155,800
    Total                                         $28,807,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 11,357,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      619,500
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      149,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,136,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      852,200
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,988,100
  For Travel ...................................       17,500
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       14,500
  For Commodities ..............................    1,260,700
  For Printing .................................       16,700
  For Equipment ................................       10,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       33,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       29,000
    Total                                         $18,485,500
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 40,244,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    2,193,700
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      327,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    4,026,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    3,031,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,136,300
  For Travel ...................................       86,900
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       21,000
  For Commodities ..............................    5,576,300
  For Printing .................................       46,000
  For Equipment ................................      198,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      210,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      432,100
    Total                                         $62,531,300
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 17,087,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      933,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      127,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,710,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,273,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,231,600
  For Travel ...................................       52,000
  For Travel and Allowance for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............        3,100
  For Commodities ..............................    1,405,000
  For Printing .................................       20,900
  For Equipment ................................      214,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      120,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       54,500
    Total                                         $26,233,600
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 12,504,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      682,600
  For Student, Member and Inmate Compensation ..      274,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,251,200
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................      936,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,389,400
  For Travel ...................................       23,700
  For Travel and Allowance for
   Committed, Paroled and Discharged
   Prisoners....................................       43,500

  For Commodities ..............................    1,813,100
  For Printing .................................       14,700
  For Equipment ................................       48,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       64,700
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........       72,600
    Total                                         $21,118,800
  For Personal Services ........................ $  4,751,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      261,300
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................        7,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      484,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      363,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      595,300
  For Travel ...................................       32,100
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............          700
  For Commodities ..............................      923,200
  For Printing .................................       21,000
  For Equipment ................................      532,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       72,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        5,800
  For Deposit into the Travel and
   Allowance Revolving Fund ....................       10,000
    Total                                          $8,060,900
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 20,972,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,151,500
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      380,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,098,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,559,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,666,400
  For Travel ...................................       24,400
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       94,600
  For Commodities ..............................    2,705,400
  For Printing .................................       25,900
  For Equipment ................................      266,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       78,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       94,800
    Total                                         $33,119,400
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,097,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      991,800
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      245,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,811,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,358,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,652,400
  For Travel ...................................       22,000
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       86,300
  For Commodities ..............................    3,282,600
  For Printing .................................       15,400
  For Equipment ................................      126,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       82,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       86,300
    Total                                         $28,858,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 17,772,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      974,100
  For Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................      420,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,778,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    1,333,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    4,486,600
  For Travel ...................................       25,700
  For Travel and Allowances for Committed,
   Paroled and Discharged Prisoners ............       57,600
  For Commodities ..............................    3,197,300
  For Printing .................................       29,800
  For Equipment ................................       81,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       64,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       81,900
    Total                                         $30,304,000

    Section  6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Corrections for:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  9,389,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      516,400
  For the Student, Member and Inmate
   Compensation ................................    2,798,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      957,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      709,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................    1,581,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,542,000
  For Travel ...................................      149,500
  For Commodities ..............................   30,903,300
  For Printing .................................       45,400
  For Equipment ................................    3,121,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       68,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      759,500
  For Repairs, Maintenance and Other
   Capital Improvements ........................      600,000
  For Refunds ..................................       15,400
    Total                                         $55,158,600

    Section  7.  The  sum  of $308,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article  17,  Section  7  of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated   from   the   General  Revenue  Fund  to  the
Department of Corrections for repair and maintenance projects
and planning.

    Section 8.  The  amounts  appropriated  for  repairs  and
maintenance,  and other capital improvements in Sections 1, 6
and 7  for  repairs  and  maintenance,  roof  repairs  and/or
replacements,  and  miscellaneous capital improvements at the
Department's  various  institutions,  and  are   to   include
construction,   reconstruction,   improvements,  repairs  and
installation  of  capital  facilities,  costs  of   planning,
supplies,  materials and all other expenses required for roof
and  other  types  of  repairs   and   maintenance,   capital
improvements, and purchase of land.
    No  contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred
for repairs and maintenance and  other  capital  improvements
from  appropriations  made  in  Sections  1,  6 and 7 of this
Article until  after  the  purposes  and  amounts  have  been
approved in writing by the Governor.

    Section  9.  The sum of $6,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Corrections  from the General Revenue Fund for a grant to the
Cook County Sheriff's Office for expenses associated with the
operation of the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center.

    Section  10.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into   or
obligation   incurred   for   any   expenditure   made   from
appropriations  in  Section 9 of this Article until after the
purposes and amounts have been approved  in  writing  by  the

                          ARTICLE 4

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for  the  purposes
hereinafter  named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary and
contingent expenses of the Department of Employment Security:
Payable from Title III Social Security and
 Employment Service Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,575,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    3,807,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      568,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      426,600
  For Group Insurance ..........................      684,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,194,400
  For Travel ...................................      127,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      237,700
    Total                                         $12,622,700
Payable from Title III Social Security
 and Employment Service Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  9,662,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      985,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      739,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................    1,299,200
  For Contractual Services .....................   13,624,300
  For Travel ...................................      132,600
  For Commodities ..............................    1,138,500
  For Printing .................................    1,942,800
  For Equipment ................................      922,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      547,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       96,500
    Total                                         $31,091,100
Payable from Title III Social Security
 and Employment Service Fund:
  For expenses related to America's
  Labor Market Information System .............. $  2,000,000
Payable from Title III Social Security
 and Employment Service Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  6,596,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      673,100
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      504,800
  For Group Insurance ..........................      844,800
  For Contractual Services .....................   17,728,400
  For Travel ...................................       22,800
  For Equipment ................................    3,107,800
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    1,500,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    1,607,200
    Total                                         $32,585,600

    Section 2.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, are appropriated to the Department of
Employment Security:
Payable from Title III Social Security and
 Employment Service Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 73,344,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    7,481,100
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................    5,610,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................   11,302,400
  For Contractual Services .....................   17,070,100
  For Travel ...................................    1,195,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    6,247,800
  For Permanent Improvements ...................       85,000
  For Refunds ..................................      300,000
    Total                                        $122,637,400

    Of the sum appropriated above, $4,772,677 is appropriated
pursuant to the provisions governing federal fiscal year 2000
found in Sections 903(a), 903(b), and 903(c) of  the  Federal
Social Security Act.

Payable from Title III Social Security
 and Employment Service Fund:
  For expenses related to ONE STOP
  SHOPPING ........................................$3,500,000
    Section  3.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated to  the  Department  of
Employment Security:
                    JOB TRAINING DIVISION
Payable from Title III Social Security and
 Employment Service Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,525,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      359,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      141,000
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      269,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................      432,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      225,100
  For Travel ...................................      294,200
  For Commodities ..............................       25,800
  For Printing .................................       19,800
  For Equipment ................................       39,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       91,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       10,400
  For Refunds ..................................      650,000
    Total                                          $6,083,900
Payable from the Title III Social Security
  and Employment Service Fund:
  For Expenses of the Illinois Human
   Resource Investment Council
   or successor ................................       30,000
  For Administration, Training and
   Technical Assistance for Federal
   Workforce Development Programs,
   Including Job Training Partnership
   Act and Workforce Investment Act ............   10,648,300
  For Transition and Related Expenses
   of the Job Training Partnership Act
   and Workforce Investment Act ................    2,600,000
    Total                                         $13,278,300

    Section 4.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Title III Social
Security and Employment Service Fund  to  the  Department  of
Employment  Security  for expenses related to the development
of training programs.

    Section 5.  The amount of $3,500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the Title III
Social Security and Employment Service Fund to the Department
of Employment Security for  expenses  related  to  Employment
Security automation.

    Section  6.  The  amount  of  $220,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof   as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the
Department of Employment Security from the Title  III  Social
Security  and  Employment Service Fund for grants for Federal
Workforce  Development  Programs   including   Job   Training
Partnership Act and Workforce Investment Act.

    Section 7.  The amount of $84,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Employment Security from the Title III  Social  Security  and
Employment Service Fund for administration and grant expenses
of the Welfare to Work Grant Programs, or other job training,
education, or employment programs.

    Section  8.  The amount of $8,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Title  III
Social Security and Employment Service Fund to the Department
of  Employment  Security  for  expenses  related to a Benefit
Information System Redefinition.

    Section 9.  The amount of $2,000,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Employment  Security  from  the   Unemployment   Compensation
Special  Administration  Fund  for  expenses related to Legal
Assistance as required by law.

    Section  10.  The  amount  of  $10,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated   to   the
Department  of  Employment  Security  from  the  Unemployment
Compensation Special Administration Fund for deposit into the
Title III Social Security and Employment Service Fund.

    Section 11.  The sum of $2,450,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business  on  June  30,   2000,   from   appropriations   and
reappropriations heretofore made for such purposes in Article
10, Sections 2f and 2h of Public Act 91-22, is reappropriated
to  the Department of Employment Security from the Employment
Security Administration Fund for the purposes  authorized  by
Public Act 87-1178.

    Section  12.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Unemployment
Compensation Special Administration Fund to the Department of
Employment  Security  for  Interest on Refunds of Erroneously
Paid Contributions, Penalties and Interest.

    Section 13.  The sum of $8,400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department  of Employment Security, Trust Fund
Unit, for unemployment compensation benefits to Former  State
    Section  14.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department  of  Employment  Security,  Trust  Fund  Unit, for
unemployment  compensation  benefits,  other  than   benefits
provided  for  in  Section  3,  to  Former State Employees as
Payable from the Road Fund:
  For benefits paid on the basis of wages
   paid for insured work for the Department
   of Transportation...........................  $  2,000,000
Payable from the Illinois Mathematics
  and Science Academy Income Fund ..............       17,600
Payable from Title III Social Security
  and Employment Service Fund ..................    1,734,300
    Total                                          $3,751,900

    Section 15.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Employment Security:
Payable from Title III Social Security
 and Employment Service Fund:
  For Grants ................................... $  7,700,000
  For Tort Claims ..............................      715,000
    Total                                          $8,415,000

    Section 16.  The amount of $526,400, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Employment Security for the purpose
of   making   grants  to  community  non-profit  agencies  or
organizations for the operation of  a  statewide  network  of
outreach  services  for  veterans,  as  provided  for  in the
Vietnam Veterans' Act.
                          ARTICLE 5

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  to  the
Department of Financial Institutions:
Payable from Financial Institution Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $     45,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        1,800
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        4,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................        3,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................        7,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       27,600
  For Travel ...................................       12,000
  For Commodities ..............................        2,400
  For Printing .................................        2,000
  For Equipment ................................        2,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       21,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        2,300
    Total                                            $132,300

Payable from State Pensions Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    422,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       16,800
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       43,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       32,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................       66,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      210,000
  For Travel ...................................       18,500
  For Commodities ..............................        4,000
  For Printing .................................        3,500
  For Equipment ................................        5,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       30,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,100
    Total                                            $853,500

    Section  2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
for  the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  to the
Department of Financial Institutions:
                       CONSUMER CREDIT
Payable from Financial Institution Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,027,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       41,100
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      104,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       78,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................      155,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       88,400
  For Travel ...................................       89,000
  For Commodities ..............................        3,900
  For Printing .................................        5,100
  For Equipment ................................        2,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      132,000
  For Refunds ..................................        2,500
    Total                                          $1,731,100
                        CREDIT UNION
Payable from Credit Union Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,228,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       89,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      227,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      170,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................      399,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      100,000
  For Travel ...................................      209,900
  For Commodities ..............................        6,900
  For Printing .................................        2,900
  For Equipment ................................        5,000
  For Electronic Data Processing................      132,000
  For Telecommunications Services...............       20,000
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                          $3,592,200
                      CURRENCY EXCHANGE
Payable from Financial Institution Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    750,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       30,000
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       76,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       57,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................      103,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       20,100
  For Travel ...................................       25,500
  For Commodities ..............................        2,000
  For Printing .................................        1,400
  For Equipment ................................        7,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      132,000
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                          $1,207,500
    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  to  the
Department of Financial Institutions:
                     UNCLAIMED PROPERTY
Payable from State Pensions Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    291,300
    For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       11,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       29,700
   For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       22,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................       59,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      242,300
  For Travel ...................................        6,000
  For Commodities ..............................        9,500
  For Printing .................................       10,000
  For Equipment ................................        5,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        3,200
    Total                                            $690,200
Payable from State Pensions Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    337,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       13,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       34,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       25,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................       51,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      234,000
  For Travel ...................................        6,400
  For Commodities ..............................       19,000
  For Equipment ................................       15,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      146,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       51,000
    Total                                            $934,300

                   ARTICLE 6

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to  the  Department  of  Human  Rights  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    568,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       22,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       58,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       43,500
  For Contractual Services .....................       42,600
  For Travel ...................................        3,400
  For Commodities ..............................        3,400
  For Printing .................................        3,200
  For Equipment.................................       13,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       27,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       11,600
    Total                                            $797,100

    The sum of  $300,000,  or  so  much  thereof  as  may  be
necessary,  is  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Human Rights for  the  purpose  of  funding
expenses associated with the Commission on Discrimination and
Hate Crimes.
    Section  2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to  the  Department  of  Human  Rights  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,934,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      157,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      401,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      295,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       63,000
  For Travel ...................................       26,300
  For Commodities ..............................        6,800
  For Printing .................................        1,300
  For Equipment ................................       21,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       67,700
    Total                                          $4,976,000
Payable from Special Projects Division Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,218,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       48,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      124,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       93,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................      236,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      278,500
  For Travel ...................................       58,000
  For Commodities ..............................       25,800
  For Printing .................................       10,800
  For Equipment ................................       49,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       88,000
    Total                                          $2,231,400

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the  Department  of  Human  Rights  for  the  objects  and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    817,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       33,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       83,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       62,500
  For Contractual Services .....................        3,600
  For Travel ...................................       16,200
  For Commodities ..............................        2,100
  For Printing .................................        1,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       14,000
    Total                                          $1,032,900

                          ARTICLE 7

    Section  1.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
Payable from Insurance Producer
 Administration Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    807,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       32,400
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       82,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       61,800
  For Group Insurance ..........................      162,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      928,000
  For Travel ...................................        2,000
  For Commodities ..............................       49,500
  For Printing .................................      109,800
  For Equipment ................................      114,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       15,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       10,600
    Total                                          $2,376,600
Payable from Insurance Financial Regulation Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $    699,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       28,100
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       71,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................       53,500
  For Group Insurance...........................      155,400
  For Contractual Services......................    1,212,800
  For Travel....................................        2,000
  For Commodities ..............................       59,500
  For Printing..................................       46,500
  For Equipment ................................       60,600
  For Telecommunications Services...............       12,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............        7,100
    Total                                          $2,409,000

    Section  2.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
                      CONSUMER DIVISION
Payable from Insurance Producer
 Administration Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,113,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      204,900
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      521,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      391,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................      991,600
  For Travel ...................................      331,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      119,200
  For Refunds ..................................       75,000
    Total                                          $7,748,400
Payable from Insurance Financial Regulation Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    409,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       16,400
  For Retirement ...............................       41,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       31,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................       66,600
  For Travel ...................................       31,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        9,000
    Total                                            $605,600

    Section  3.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
Payable from Insurance Financial Regulation Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  6,914,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      277,300
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      705,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      529,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................    1,161,800
  For Travel....................................      647,200
  For Telecommunications Services...............       65,700
  For Refunds...................................      100,000
    Total                                         $10,401,000

    Section  4.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
                      PENSION DIVISION
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    341,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       13,700
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       34,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       26,100
  For Travel ...................................       34,200
  For Printing .................................       10,500
  For Equipment ................................       10,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        8,100
    Total                                            $478,600
Payable from Public Pension Regulation Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    299,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       12,000
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       30,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       22,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................       59,200
  For Contractual Services .....................       20,000
  For Travel ...................................       19,000
  For Equipment ................................       10,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        1,000
    Total                                            $474,300

    Section  5.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named  are  appropriated  to  meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
                   STAFF SERVICES DIVISION
Payable from Insurance Producer
 Administration Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    621,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       24,300
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       63,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       47,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................       88,800
  For Travel ...................................       39,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       25,000
    Total                                            $909,700
Payable from Insurance Financial Regulation Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    962,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       38,500
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       98,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       73,600
  For Group Insurance ..........................      140,600
  For Travel ...................................       36,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       17,900
    Total                                          $1,367,700

    Section  6.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
Payable from Insurance Producer
 Administration Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    444,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       17,800
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       45,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       34,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................       66,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      295,200
  For Travel ...................................        8,500
  For Commodities ..............................        6,500
  For Printing .................................        6,500
  For Equipment ................................      165,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       72,700
    Total                                          $1,162,500
Payable From Insurance Financial Regulation Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    743,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       29,800
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       75,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       56,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................      111,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      274,300
  For Travel ...................................        8,500
  For Commodities ..............................        8,500
  For Printing .................................        3,500
  For Equipment ................................      204,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       61,500
    Total                                          $1,577,700

    Section  7.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated to  the  Department  of
Insurance   for  the  administration  of  the  Senior  Health
Insurance Program:
Payable from the Insurance Producer
  Administration Fund .......................... $    323,500
Payable from the Senior Health
  Insurance Program Fund .......................      700,000
    Total                                          $1,023,500

                          ARTICLE 8
    Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $    742,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       29,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       75,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................       56,700
  For Contractual Services......................      218,500
  For Travel....................................       35,700
  For Commodities...............................       11,600
  For Printing..................................       32,000
  For Equipment.................................        1,000
  For Electronic Data Processing................      177,000
  For Telecommunications Services...............       26,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............        3,400
  For Administration and operations of
   Displaced Homemaker Grant Program ...........       60,900
  For Refunds ..................................          100
    Total                                          $1,471,900

    Section 2.  The following named amount of $856,600, or so
much  thereof  as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated to the
Department of Labor for Displaced Homemaker Grants.

    Section 3.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
                        PUBLIC SAFETY
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $    915,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       36,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       93,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................       69,700
  For Contractual Services......................       45,400
  For Travel....................................      114,600
  For Commodities...............................        5,600
  For Printing..................................        6,800
  For Telecommunications Services...............       19,000
  For Equipment.................................       14,600
    Total                                          $1,321,800

    Section  4.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Labor:
                    FAIR LABOR STANDARDS
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $  2,073,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       83,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................      211,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................      158,400
  For Contractual Services......................      105,900
  For Travel....................................      123,800
  For Commodities...............................        6,200
  For Printing..................................       20,800
  For Equipment.................................       15,100
  For Telecommunications Services...............       46,000
    Total                                          $2,844,100
Payable From Child Labor Enforcement Fund:
  For Administration of the Child
   Labor Law........................................$ 259,100

    Section 5.  In addition to any other  funds  appropriated
for  that  purpose,  the sum of $211,100 is appropriated from
the General Revenue Fund to the Department of Labor  for  all
costs  associated  with conducting the study mandated by P.A.
87-405,  regarding  the  employment  progress  of  women  and

                          ARTICLE 9

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
State  Lottery  Fund  to  meet  the  ordinary  and contingent
expenses  of  the  Department  of  the   Lottery,   including
operating  expenses  related  to  Multi-State  Lottery  games
pursuant to the Illinois Lottery Law:
Payable from State Lottery Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  9,683,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      387,400
  For State Contributions for the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      968,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      733,100
  For Group Insurance ..........................    1,783,400
  For Contractual Services .....................   26,917,000
  For Travel ...................................      131,200
  For Commodities ..............................       74,000
  For Printing..................................       32,000
  For Equipment ................................      512,700
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    3,858,800
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    9,791,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      275,600
  For Expenses of Developing and
   Promoting Lottery Games .....................   12,100,000
  For Refunds ..................................       50,000
    Total                                         $67,298,600
                        LOTTERY BOARD
Payable from State Lottery Fund:
  For Personal Services - Per Diem
   For Board Members ........................... $      5,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................          800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................          600
  For Contractual Services .....................          500
  For Travel ...................................        1,500
    Total                                              $8,600

    Section  2.  The  sum of $290,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the  State  Lottery
Fund  to the Department of the Lottery, for payment of prizes
to holders of winning lottery tickets  or  shares,  including
prizes  related to Multi-State Lottery games, pursuant to the
provisions of the "Illinois Lottery Law".

    Section 3.  The sum of $35,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is appropriated from the State Lottery Fund  to
the  Illinois  Department  of the Lottery, for payment to the
Illinois State Police for investigatory services.
                         ARTICLE 10

    Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
Military Affairs:
                       FOR OPERATIONS
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,314,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid By Employer ............................       52,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      134,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      100,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       45,900
  For Travel ...................................       15,900
  For Commodities ..............................       15,700
  For Printing .................................        6,500
  For Equipment ................................       64,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       56,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       35,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       20,000
  For State Officer's Candidate School .........        2,200
  For Lincoln's Challenge ......................    3,049,200
    Total                                          $4,914,400
Payable from Federal Support Agreement Revolving Fund:
  Army/Air Reimbursable Positions .............. $  4,624,500
  Lincoln's Challenge ..........................    3,962,900
  Lincoln's Challenge Stipend Payments .........    1,700,000
    Total                                         $10,287,400
                    FACILITIES OPERATIONS

Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,276,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      211,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      538,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      403,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,153,600
  For Commodities ..............................      112,100
  For Equipment ................................       68,200
    Total                                          $8,763,200

    Section 2.  The sum of $3,500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the Federal Support
Agreement  Revolving  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Military
Affairs  for  expenses  related  to   Army   National   Guard
Facilities  operations and maintenance as provided for in the
Cooperative Funding  Agreements,  including  costs  in  prior

    Section  3.  The  sum  of $275,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Federal  Support
Agreement  Revolving  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Military
Affairs  for expenses related to the Bartonville and Kankakee
armories for operations  and  maintenance  according  to  the
Joint-Use Agreement, including costs in prior years.

    Section 4.  The sum of $48,500, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund
to the Department of Military Affairs for rehabilitation  and
minor construction at armories and camps.

    Section  5.  The  sum  of $141,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Military  Affairs for expenses
related to the care and preservation of historic artifacts.

    Section 6.  The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Military Affairs
Trust Fund to the Department of Military Affairs  to  support
youth  and  other  programs,  provided such amounts shall not
exceed funds to be made  available  from  public  or  private

    Section 7.  The sum of $43,400, or so much of that sum as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000  from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  3,  Section  7  of  Public Act 91-0022, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois  National  Guard
Armory  Construction  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Military
Affairs to provide the State's share in the costs of planning
a new armory in Danville.

    Section  8.  The  sum  of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois  National
Guard  Armory Construction Fund to the Department of Military
Affairs for land  acquisition  and  construction  of  parking
facilities at armories.

    Section 9.  The sum of $65,600, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
on  June  30,  2000  from  appropriations  heretofore made in
Article 3, Section 8 of Public Act 91-0022,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated   from  the  Illinois  National  Guard  Armory
Construction Fund for land acquisition  and  construction  of
parking facilities at armories.
    Section   10.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into  or
obligation  incurred  for  any  expenditures  made  from   an
appropriation  herein  made in Sections 4, 7, 8, and 9  until
after the purpose and amounts have been approved  in  writing
by the Governor.

                         ARTICLE 11

                  CONSERVATION 2000 PROGRAM
    Section 1.  The amount of $5,250,000 is appropriated from
the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the Department of Natural
Resources for deposit into  the  Conservation  2000  Projects

    Section  2.  The sum of $6,400,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated, and the sum of $7,464,000, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article  20,  Section  2  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Conservation 2000 Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for the Conservation 2000
Program to implement ecosystem-based management for Illinois'
natural resources.

    Section  3.  The sum of $5,250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Conservation  2000
Projects  Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for the
following projects at the approximate costs set forth below:
  Site M planning and development .............. $  2,000,000
  Acquisition of land and long-term
   easements, and cost-shared natural resource
   management practices for ecosystem-based
   management of Illinois' natural
   resources, including grants for
   such purposes ...............................    3,250,000
    Total                                          $5,250,000

    Section 4.  The sum of $14,484,900 or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such  purposes  in Article 20, Sections 3 and 4 of
Public Act 91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the
Conservation  2000 Projects Fund to the Department of Natural
Resources for the following projects at the approximate costs
set forth below:
  Site M planning and development............... $  9,456,800
  Acquisition of land and long-term
   easements, and cost-shared natural resource
   management practices for ecosystem-based
   management of Illinois' natural
   resources, including grants for
   such purposes ...............................    5,028,100
    Total                                         $14,484,900

    Section 5.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural
                       GENERAL OFFICE
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  9,619,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      633,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    1,119,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      385,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       25,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       44,800
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      961,800
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       63,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      111,900
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      727,600
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       48,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       85,600
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      110,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      198,000
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    2,116,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      292,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    1,169,400
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      149,600
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       10,100
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       69,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       64,800
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       86,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      145,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      247,600
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       99,600
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      132,300
For Electronic Data Processing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      225,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       86,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       51,500
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      350,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       34,900
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       38,600
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       23,600
For expenses associated with patent
 and copyright discoveries, inventions
 or copyrightable works or supporting
  Payable from Patent and Copyright Fund .......       25,000
For expenses incurred in acquiring salmon
 stamp designs and printing salmon stamps:
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................       12,300
For the purpose of publishing and
 distributing a bulletin or magazine
 and for purchasing, marketing and
 distributing conservation related
 products for resale, and refunds for
 such purposes:
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      550,000
For expenses incurred in producing
 and distributing site brochures,
 public information literature and
 other printed materials from revenues
 received from the sale of advertising:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       25,000
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       50,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       50,000
For the coordination of public events and
 promotions from activity fees, donations
 and vendor revenue:
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       50,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       50,000
For the purpose of remitting funds
 collected from the sale of Federal Duck
 Stamps to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       25,000
For expenses of the OSLAD Program:
  Payable from Open Space Lands Acquisition
   and Development Fund ........................      972,800
For expenses of the Natural Areas Acquisition
  Payable from the Natural Areas
   Acquisition Fund ............................      134,700
For expenses of the Park and  Conservation
  Payable from Park and Conservation
   Fund ........................................    4,004,700
For expenses of the Bikeways Program:
  Payable from Park and Conservation
   Fund ........................................      513,900
For expenses incurred from the administration
  of the Illinois Open Land Trust Act:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund ..........      380,600
For Operational Expenses for new DNR
    Payable from General Revenue Fund ..........      308,100
For Natural Resources Trustee Program:
    Payable from Natural Resources
     Restoration Trust Fund ....................    1,000,000
    Total                                         $27,681,100

    Section 6.  The sum of $10,000,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated  and  the sum of $15,152,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  6  of  Public  Act 91-20, is
reappropriated  from  the  General  Revenue   Fund   to   the
Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  the non-federal cost
share  of  a  Conservation  Reserve  Enhancement  Program  to
establish  long-term  contracts  and  permanent  conservation
easements in the Illinois River  Basin;  to  fund  cost-share
assistance  to  landowners to encourage approved conservation
practices in environmentally sensitive  and  highly  erodible
areas of the Illinois River Basin; and to fund the monitoring
of  long term improvements of these conservation practices as
required in the Memorandum of Agreement between the State  of
Illinois and the United States Department of Agriculture.

    Section  7.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  6,013,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    8,514,400
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................      192,500
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................    1,267,200
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      242,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      343,700
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................        7,700
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       50,700
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      601,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      851,400
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................       19,200
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................      126,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      441,800
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      635,100
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................       14,700
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       96,900
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    1,411,700
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................       35,400
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................      207,500
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    1,036,100
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    1,561,200
  Payable from Salmon Fund .....................       13,400
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       82,500
  Payable from Natural Heritage Fund ...........       62,100
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       46,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      155,000
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       32,200
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      310,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    1,240,500
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       40,200
  Payable from the Natural Heritage Fund .......       16,800
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       25,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      218,700
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       11,600
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      195,600
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      576,900
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................      143,600
  Payable from Illinois Forestry
   Development Fund ............................      127,700
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       84,100
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      222,100
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       34,200
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       74,900
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      347,000
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
   Fund ........................................       57,700
For the Purposes of the "Illinois
 Non-Game Wildlife Protection Act":
  Payable from Illinois Wildlife
    Preservation Fund ..........................      500,000
For programs beneficial to advancing forests
 and forestry in this State as provided for
 in Section 7 of the "Illinois Forestry
 Development Act", as now or hereafter
  Payable from Illinois Forestry Development
    Fund .......................................    1,005,500
For Administration of the "Illinois
 Endangered Species Protection Act":
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      185,300
For Administration of the "Illinois
 Natural Areas Preservation Act":
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
    Fund .......................................    1,029,400
For payment of the expenses of the Illinois
 Forestry Development Council:
  Payable from Illinois Forestry Development
    Fund .......................................      125,000
For an Urban Fishing Program in
 conjunction with the Chicago Park
 District to provide fishing and
 resource management at the park
 district lagoons:
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      213,600
For workshops, training and other activities
 to improve the administration of fish
 and wildlife federal aid programs from
 federal aid administrative grants
 received for such purposes:
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       12,000
For expenses of the Natural Areas
 Stewardship Program:
  Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition
    Fund .......................................      933,500
For expenses of the Urban Forestry Program:
  Payable from Illinois Forestry
    Development Fund ...........................      191,300
For research, management, habitat
  restoration and education efforts
 necessary for exotic species control:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund.............      250,000
    Total                                         $32,235,200

    Section 8.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  5,052,800
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........    2,728,500
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      521,100
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    2,456,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      268,300
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      150,100
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       28,700
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      135,100
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      505,300
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      272,900
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       52,100
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      245,700
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       71,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       19,200
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................        6,600
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........        5,500
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      385,400
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       70,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      334,500
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      168,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       80,600
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      169,400
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      213,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       11,000
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      116,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       15,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       47,600
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       20,900
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........        5,800
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      623,000
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      120,000
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      130,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      132,300
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      370,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      155,700
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      214,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      185,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      254,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      116,700
For Snowmobile Programs:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       35,000
For Expenses of the Community Oriented
 Policing Services Universal Hiring
  Payable from DNR Federal Projects Fund .......    1,766,000
    Total                                         $18,262,900
    Section  9.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $ 20,095,800
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........    1,305,100
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................    1,259,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........    1,776,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      780,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       52,200
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       50,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       71,100
For State Contributions to State
 Employee's Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    2,009,600
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      130,500
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      125,900
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      177,700
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    1,519,600
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       99,800
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       96,300
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      135,900
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      289,500
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      270,400
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      321,900
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    3,086,300
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      406,600
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................    2,660,200
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       55,000
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       10,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........        6,100
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       51,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       13,600
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      996,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       55,000
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      478,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      246,100
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      100,200
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      260,800
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      857,500
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      277,700
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       74,200
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      332,200
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       20,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      475,000
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      265,800
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........       41,600
For Illinois-Michigan Canal:
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      175,000
For Jim Edgar Panther Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area:
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      600,000
For Union County, Horseshoe Lake and
 Mermet Conservation Areas Farm Operations
 and for forest regeneration practices from
 the sale of timber salvaged from flooding
 at Horseshoe Lake:
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      500,000
For Snowmobile Programs:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       50,000
For State Parks operations and maintenance
 including a Senior Conservation Worker program:
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................      826,200
For operating expenses of the North
 Point Marina at Winthrop Harbor:
  Payable from the Illinois Beach
   Marina Fund .................................    1,815,200
For expenses of the Park and Conservation
  Payable from Park and Conservation
   Fund ........................................    4,438,400
For expenses of the Bikeways program:
  Payable from Park and Conservation
  Fund .........................................    1,338,700
For Wildlife Prairie Park Operations and
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    1,589,700
    Total                                         $52,672,100

    Section 10.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department of Natural
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  2,996,300
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................      234,200
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...      247,700
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............      287,500
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................    1,445,500
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................    1,640,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      120,000
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................        9,400
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...        9,900
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       11,600
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................       57,900
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................       65,700
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      299,900
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................       23,500
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       24,800
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       28,800
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................      144,500
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................      164,000
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      229,100
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................       18,000
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       19,000
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       22,000
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................      110,600
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................      125,500
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................       50,300
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       50,200
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       70,000
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................      249,700
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................      235,700
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      314,500
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................       28,700
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       13,900
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............      118,300
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................      366,700
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................      274,700
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       50,500
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................        1,000
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...        1,400
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............        6,000
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................       30,600
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................       30,000
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       30,200
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................        2,400
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...        2,700
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       10,200
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................       15,200
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................       26,900
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............        4,400
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................          500
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...          500
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............        3,300
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................       11,100
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................       12,600
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      124,500
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................       16,200
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       37,600
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............        9,800
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................      116,700
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................      107,600
For Electronic Data Processing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       21,900
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................        4,000
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       20,400
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       12,900
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................      129,600
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................      113,100
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       58,100
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................        2,900
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       10,400
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       16,700
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................       29,400
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................       44,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       47,900
  Payable from Mines and Minerals Underground
   Injection Control Fund ......................       13,900
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration
   Fund ........................................       19,600
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       26,100
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining Control
   and Reclamation Fund ........................       24,200
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal Trust
   Fund ........................................       31,600
For the purpose of coordinating training
 and education programs for miners and
 laboratory analysis and testing of
 coal samples and mine atmospheres:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       15,000
  Payable from the Coal Mining Regulatory
   Fund ........................................       32,800
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining
   Control and Reclamation Fund ................      372,400
For expenses associated with Aggregate
 Mining Regulation:
  Payable from Aggregate Operations Regulatory
   Fund ........................................      314,000
For expenses associated with Explosive
  Payable from Explosives Regulatory Fund ......      139,100
For expenses associated with Environmental
 Mitigation Projects, Studies, Research,
 and Administrative Support:
  Payable from Abandoned Mined Lands
   Reclamation Council Federal
   Trust Fund ..................................      500,000
For the purpose of reclaiming surface
 mined lands, with respect to which a
 bond has been forfeited:
  Payable from Land Reclamation Fund ...........      350,000
For expenses associated with
 Surface Coal Mining Regulation:
  Payable from Coal Mining Regulatory Fund .....      290,200
For the State of Illinois' share of
 expenses of Interstate Oil Compact
 Commission created under the authority
 of "An Act ratifying and approving an
 Interstate Compact to Conserve Oil and
 Gas", approved July 10, 1935, as amended:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............        6,900
For State expenses in connection with
 the Interstate Mining Compact:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       20,100
For expenses associated with litigation of
 Mining Regulatory actions:
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining
   Control and Reclamation Fund ................       15,000
For Small Operators' Assistance Program:
  Payable from Federal Surface Mining
   Control and Reclamation Fund ................      210,000
For Plugging & Restoration Projects:
  Payable from Plugging & Restoration Fund .....      350,000
For Interest Penalty Escrow:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............          500
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............          500
For the purpose of carrying out the
  Illinois Petroleum Education and
  Marketing Act:
  Payable from the Petroleum Resources
   Revolving Fund ..............................      300,000
    Total                                         $14,303,700

    Section 11.  The sum of $725,900, or so much  thereof  as
may  be necessary and as remains unexpended, less $424,900 to
be lapsed  from  the  unexpended  balance  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 20, Sections 10 and 10a of Public Act  91-20,
as   amended,   is   reappropriated  from  the  Plugging  and
Restoration Fund to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
plugging and restoration projects.

    Section 12.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
named,  are  appropriated to meet the ordinary and contingent
expenses of the Department of Natural Resources:
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  4,956,100
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........      245,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      202,800
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........        9,800
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      495,800
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       24,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      349,000
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       18,800
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       59,100
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      687,900
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       24,400
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      164,400
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........        6,700
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       25,700
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       18,500
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............        4,800
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       96,500
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       52,600
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      101,700
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........        8,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       99,600
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........        7,900
For execution of state assistance
 programs to improve the administration
 of the National Flood Insurance
 Program (NFIP) and National Dam
 Safety Program as approved by the
 Federal Emergency Management Agency
 (82 Stat. 572):
  Payable from National Flood Insurance
   Program Fund ................................      275,000
For Repairs and Modifications to Facilities:
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       20,000
    Total                                          $7,955,700

    Section 13.  The sum of $1,713,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure
by the Office of Water Resources for the objects,  uses,  and
purposes  specified,  including  grants for such purposes and
electronic data processing expenses, at the approximate costs
set forth below:
Corps of Engineers Studies - To jointly
 plan local flood protection projects
 with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
 and to share planning expenses as
 required by Section 203 of the U.S.
 Water Resources Development Act of
 1996 (P.L. 104-303) ........................... $     75,000
Federal Facilities - For payment of the
 State's share of operation and
 maintenance costs as local sponsor
 of the federal Rend Lake Reservoir and
 the federal projects on the Kaskaskia
 River .........................................      200,000
Lake Michigan Management - For studies
 carrying out the provisions of the
 Level of Lake Michigan Act, 615 ILCS 50
 and the Lake Michigan Shoreline Act,
 615 ILCS 55 ...................................       99,000
National Water Planning - For expenses to
 participate in national and regional
 water planning programs including
 membership in regional and national
 associations, commissions and compacts ........      132,800
River Basin Studies - For purchase of
 necessary mapping, surveying, test
 boring, field work, equipment, studies,
 legal fees, hearings, archaeological
 and environmental studies, data,
 engineering, technical services,
 appraisals and other related
 expenses to make water resources
 reconnaissance and feasibility
 studies of river basins, to
 identify drainage and flood
 problem areas, to determine
 viable alternatives for flood
 damage reduction and drainage
 improvement, and to prepare
 project plans and specifications ..............      140,000
Design Investigations - For purchase
 of necessary mapping, equipment
 test boring, field work for
 Geotechnical investigations and
 other design and construction
 related studies ...............................       10,000
Rivers and Lakes Management - For
 purchase of necessary surveying,
 equipment, obtaining data, field work
 studies, publications, legal fees,
 hearings and other expenses to
 carry out the provisions of the
 1911 Act in relation to the
 "Regulation of Rivers, Lakes and
 Streams Act", 615 ILCS 5/4.9 et seq. ..........       25,600
State Facilities - For materials,
 equipment, supplies, services,
 field vehicles, and heavy
 construction equipment required
 to operate, maintain repair,
 construct, modify or rehabilitate
 facilities controlled or constructed
 by the Office of Water Resources,
 and to assist local governments for
 flood control and to preserve the streams
 of the State ..................................      594,000
State Water Supply and Planning - For
 data collection, studies, equipment
 and related expenses for analysis
 and management of the water resources
 of the State, implementation of the
 State Water Plan, and management
 of state-owned water resources ................       70,000
USGS Cooperative Program - For
 payment of the Department's
 share of operation and
 maintenance of statewide
 stream gauging network,
 water data storage and
 retrieval system, preparation
 of topography mapping, and
 water related studies; all
 in cooperation with the U.S.
 Geological Survey .............................      367,000
    Total                                          $1,713,400

    Section 14.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes   hereinafter   named,   are   appropriated  to  the
Department of Natural Resources:
For Scientific Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund .............  $  487,500
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  2,788,200
  Payable from Toxic Pollution Prevention
   Fund ........................................       90,000
  Payable from Hazardous Waste Research
   Fund ........................................      400,000
  Payable from Natural Resources Information
   Fund ........................................       25,000
    Total                                          $3,303,200
                   STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  7,337,900
  Payable from Natural Resources Information
   Fund ........................................      277,200
    Total                                          $7,615,100
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  4,402,600
  Payable from Natural Resources Information
   Fund ........................................       15,000
For Mosquito Research and Abatement:
  Payable from Used Tire Management Fund .......      200,000
    Total                                          $4,617,600
                     STATE WATER SURVEY
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  4,124,900
  Payable from Natural Resources Information
   Fund ........................................        6,000
    Total                                          $4,130,900
                        STATE MUSEUMS
For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  5,451,600
  Payable from Natural Resources Fund ..........        3,000
    Total                                          $5,454,600

                         FOR REFUNDS
    Section 15.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated to  the  Department  of
Natural Resources:
For Payment of Refunds:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $      1,600
  Payable from State Boating Act Fund ..........       30,000
  Payable from State Parks Fund ................       25,000
  Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund ..........      700,000
  Payable from Plugging and Restoration Fund ...       25,000
  Payable from Underground Resources
   Conservation Enforcement Fund ...............       25,000
  Payable from Natural Resources Information
   Fund ........................................        1,000
  Payable from Illinois Beach Marina Fund ......       25,000
    Total                                            $832,600

    Section  16.  The  sum of $110,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated, and the sum of $216,300, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  14  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is  reappropriated  to  the  Department  of  Natural
Resources  from the State Furbearer Fund for the conservation
of fur bearing mammals in accordance with the  provisions  of
Section  5/1.32  of  the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter

    Section 17.  The sum of $550,000, new  appropriation,  is
appropriated,  and the sum of $932,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  15  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from the State Pheasant Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for the  conservation  of
pheasants in accordance with the provisions of Section 5/1.31
of the "Wildlife Code", as now or hereafter amended.

    Section  18.  The  sum of $500,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated, and the sum of $1,082,100, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  16  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for the preservation  and
maintenance  of high quality habitat lands in accordance with
the provisions of the "Habitat  Endowment  Act",  as  now  or
hereafter amended.

    Section  19.  The  sum of $100,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated, and the sum of $400,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from  an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  17  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Illinois Habitat Fund  to
the  Department of Natural Resources for the preservation and
maintenance of a high quality fish and wildlife  habitat  and
to  promote  the  heritage of outdoor sports in Illinois from
revenue derived from the sale  of  Sportsmen  Series  license

    Section  20.  The  sum of $40,000,000, new appropriation,
is appropriated, and the  sum  of  $32,997,600,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30,  2000,  from  an  appropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  20,  Section  18 of Public Act
91-20, is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources to acquire,  protect  and
preserve open space and natural lands.

    Section 21.  The sum of $1,183,700, new appropriation, is
appropriated,  and  the sum of $6,218,300, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000,  from   appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  19  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is  reappropriated  to  the  Department  of  Natural
Resources  from  the  Park and Conservation Fund for multiple
use  facilities  and  programs  for   conservation   purposes
provided  by  the  Department of Natural Resources, including
repairing,   maintaining,   reconstructing,   rehabilitating,
replacing  fixed  assets,   construction   and   development,
marketing  and promotions, all costs for supplies, materials,
labor, land acquisition  and  its  related  costs,  services,
studies,  and  all other expenses required to comply with the
intent of this appropriation.

    Section 22.  The sum of $2,458,200, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended  at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  20  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the Park and Conservation
Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for multiple  use
facilities and programs for conservation purposes provided by
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources, including repairing,
maintaining, reconstructing, rehabilitating, replacing  fixed
assets,   construction   and   development,   marketing   and
promotions,  all  costs  for supplies, materials, labor, land
acquisition and its related costs, services, studies, and all
other expenses required to comply with  the  intent  of  this

                    FOR BIKEWAYS PROGRAMS
    Section 23.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  and  is available for expenditure as
provided  herein,  are  appropriated  from   the   Park   and
Conservation  Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for
the following purposes:
    The sum of $1,509,400, new appropriation, is appropriated
and the sum of $6,992,500, or  so  much  thereof  as  may  be
necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of business
on June 30, 2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore  made  in
Article 20, Section 21 on page 483, lines 18 and 19 of Public
Act   91-20,   as   amended,   is   reappropriated  for  land
acquisition, development and maintenance of  bike  paths  and
all  other  related  expenses connected with the acquisition,
development and maintenance of bike paths.
    The sum  of  $857,300  or  so  much  thereof  as  may  be
necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of business
on June 30, 2000, from an appropriation  heretofore  made  in
Article  20,  Section  21, on page 483, lines 27-33 of Public
Act  91-20,  as   amended,   is   reappropriated   for   land
acquisition,  development  and grants, for the following bike
paths at the approximate costs set forth below:
  Great River Road/Vadalabene Bikeway
   through Grafton ................................... $7,600
  Super Trail between the Quad Cities
   and Savannah ..................................... 154,300
  Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
   Pacific Railroad, between Joliet and
   Manhattan and Wabash Railroad,
   between Manhattan and Custer
   Park in Will County .............................. 502,200
  Illinois Prairie Path in
   Cook County ....................................... 17,700
  Heartland Pathways, from Lane to White
   Heath and Monticello to Cisco in DeWitt
   and Piatt Counties ............................... 175,500
    The   sum   of   $3,300,000,   new   appropriation,    is
appropriated,  and the sum of $14,478,700, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article 20, Section 21, on page 484, lines 15-16 of
Public Act 91-20, as amended, is reappropriated for grants to
units of local government for the acquisition and development
of bike paths.
    The sum  of  $56,800,  or  so  much  thereof  as  may  be
necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of business
on June 30, 2000, from an appropriation  heretofore  made  in
Article  20,  Section  21, on page 484, line 23 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated  for  land  acquisition,
development,  grants and all other related expenses connected
with the acquisition and development of bike paths.
    No funds in this Section may be expended in excess of the
revenues deposited in  the  Park  and  Conservation  Fund  as
provided for in Section 2-119 of the Illinois Vehicle Code.

                         FOR TRAILS
    Section 24.  The sum of $1,500,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated,  and  the sum of $2,030,100, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  22  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from  the  Park  and  Conservation
Fund   to   the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  the
development  and  maintenance  of  recreational  trails   and
trail-related   projects   authorized  under  the  Intermodal
Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, provided  such
amount  shall  not exceed funds to be made available for such
purposes from state or federal sources.

                     FOR WATERFOWL AREAS
    Section 25.  The sum of $300,000, new  appropriation,  is
appropriated and the sum of $2,644,400, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  23  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the State Migratory Waterfowl
Stamp Fund to the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  the
purpose   of   attracting   waterfowl  and  improving  public
migratory waterfowl areas within the State.

    Section 26.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, and as remains  unexpended
at   the   close   of   business   on  June  30,  2000,  from
appropriations  heretofore  made  for  such   purposes,   are
reappropriated to the Department of Natural Resources for the
objects and purposes set forth below:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 24 on page 486,
    lines 1-6 of Public Act 91-20)
  For multiple use facilities and programs
   for planning, construction, rehabilitation
   and all other expenses required to comply
   with this appropriation, including grants
   to local governments for similar
   purposes .................................... $    215,100
    (From Article 20, Section 24, on page
    486, lines 9-17, and Section 25, lines
    17-25 of Public Act 91-20)
  For multiple use facilities and programs
   for conservation purposes provided by
   the Department of Natural Resources,
   including construction and development,
   all costs for supplies, material,
   labor, land acquisition, services,
   studies and all other expenses required
   to comply with the intent of this
   appropriation ...............................    1,080,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 24 on
    page 486, lines 23-30, and Section
    25 on page 488, lines 27-33, and
    page 489, lines 1-2 of Public Act 91-20)
  For multiple use facilities and programs
   for boating purposes provided by the
   Department of Natural Resources including
   construction and development, all costs
   for supplies, materials, labor, land
   acquisition, services, studies and all
   other expenses required to comply with
   the intent of this appropriation ............    1,727,900
Payable from the Illinois Beach Marina Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 24
    on page 487, lines 2-6, and
    Section 25 on page 489, lines
    4-7 of Public Act 91-20)
  For rehabilitation, reconstruction,
   repair, replacing, fixed assets,
   and improvement of facilities at
   North Point Marina at Winthrop
   Harbor ......................................       53,200
Payable from Wildlife and Fish Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 24 on
    page 487, lines 11-20 of
    Public Act 91-20)
  For multiple use facilities and programs for
   wildlife and fish purposes provided by
   the Department of Natural Resources, including
   construction and development, all costs
   for supplies, materials, labor, land
   acquisition, services, studies,
   cooperative efforts with non-profit
   organizations, and all other expenses
   required to comply with the intent of
   this appropriation ..........................       38,500
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 24 on
    page 487, lines 26-32, and Section
    25 on page 489, lines 9-14 of Public
    Act 91-20)
  For the acquisition, preservation and
   stewardship of natural areas,
   including habitats for endangered and
   threatened species, high quality natural
   communities, wetlands and other areas
   with unique or unusual natural
   heritage qualities ..........................    7,622,300
Payable from the State Parks Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 25 on
    page 489, lines 16-23 of Public Act 91-20)
  For multiple use facilities and programs
   for park and trail purposes provided
   by the Department of Natural Resources, including
   construction and development, all costs
   for supplies, materials, labor, land
   acquisition, services, studies, and
   all other expenses required to comply with
   the intent of this appropriation ............      150,000
    Total                                         $10,887,800

    Section    27.  The    following    named    sums,    new
appropriations,  or  so  much  thereof  as  may be necessary,
respectively, for the objects and purposes hereinafter named,
are appropriated to the Department of Natural Resources:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For multiple use facilities and
   programs for conservation purposes
   provided by the Department of Natural
   Resources, including construction
   and development, all costs for supplies,
   materials, labor, land acquisition,
   services, studies and all other
   expenses required to comply with the
   intent of this appropriation ................ $  1,123,800
Payable from State Boating Act Fund:
  For multiple use facilities and
   programs for boating purposes
   provided by the Department of Natural
   Resources, including construction
   and development, all costs for supplies,
   materials, labor, land acquisition,
   services, studies and all other
   expenses required to comply with the
   intent of this appropriation ................      700,000
Payable from the Illinois Beach Marina Fund:
  For rehabilitation, reconstruction, repair,
   replacing, fixed assets, and improvement
   of facilities at North Point Marina at
   Winthrop Harbor .............................      250,000
Payable from Natural Areas Acquisition Fund:
  For the acquisition, preservation and
   stewardship of natural areas, including habitats
   for endangered and threatened species, high
   quality natural communities, wetlands
   and other areas with unique or unusual
   natural heritage qualities ..................    5,369,000
Payable from State Parks Fund:
  For multiple use facilities and programs
   for park and trail purposes provided
   by the Department of Natural Resources, including
   construction and development, all costs
   for supplies, materials, labor, land
   acquisition, services, studies, and
   all other expenses required to comply with
   the intent of this appropriation ............      150,000
    Total                                          $7,592,800

    Section 27a.  The sum of $2,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund  to the Department of Natural Resources for
planning,    design    and    construction    of    ecosystem
rehabilitation,   habitat    restoration    and    associated
development  in  cooperation  with  the  U.S.  Army  Corps of

    Section 28.  The sum of $2,772,100, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  26  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  construction  and
development   to   complete  Tunnel  Hill  State  Trail  from
Harrisburg to Karnak.

    Section 29.  The sum of $1,496,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  27  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  purchase  of
easements  or  land  to preserve the Momence Wetlands and for
conservation practices to stabilize and restore Iroquois  and
Kankakee River Basins.

    Section  30. The  sum  of $542,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  28  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to  the  Department  of   Natural   Resources   for   habitat
improvements    and    associated   development   under   the
Environmental Management Program in cooperation with the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers.

    Section 31.  The sum of $10,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close
of  business  on  June  30,  2000,  from   an   appropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  20,  Section  29 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Capital
Development  Fund  to the Department of Natural Resources for
all costs associated with  planning  and  construction  of  a
visitor    center/office    complex,   exhibits,   supporting
infrastructure,  site  development,  land   acquisition   and
related costs of the Tri-County Park in DuPage, Cook and Kane


    Section  32.  The  sum  of $33,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  30  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for the rehabilitation of
boat access area and parking lots at Carlyle Lake.

    Section 33.  The sum of $109,300, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  31  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department of Natural Resources for the construction and
repair of levees at Carlyle Lake.

    Section 34.  The sum of $787,400, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  32  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department of Natural Resources for all costs associated
with planning, design, construction, equipment and  operation
of a Tri-County Park Visitors Center in DuPage County.

    Section  35.  The  sum  of $38,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  33  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for all costs  associated
with  the  upgrade  of  the  main road and the renovation and
installation of showers and restroom  at  Prophetstown  State

    Section  36.  The  sum  of $74,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  34  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for all costs  associated
with  the  installation  of  new restroom facilities at Apple
River State Park.

    Section 37.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  35  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for all costs  associated
with  the  planning,  construction,  and  infrastructure  for
resort development at South Shore State Park in Carlyle.

    Section 38.  The sum of $2,750,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  36  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the   Department   of  Natural  Resources  for  planning  and
construction of the Natural History Research Center  for  the
space  needs  of  the  Illinois Natural History Survey on the
campus of the University of Illinois in Champaign.  No  funds
in  this  Section  may  be expended in excess of the revenues
deposited in the  General  Revenue  Fund  from  the  sale  of
property formerly known as Burnham Hospital.
    Section  39.   The  sum of $32,900, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  37  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to  the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  all   costs
associated with the construction of a new concession building
at Carlyle Lake.

    Section  40.  The  sum of $246,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  38  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources  to  conduct  feasibility
studies on new river dredging technologies.

    Section 41.  The sum of $3,000, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary,  and  as  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  39  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of Natural Resources for a feasibility study
to look at building a lodge, RV park and  entrance  to  Frank
Holton State Park.

    Section  42.  The following named sum, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  40  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the
Office of Water Resources for the same purposes:
Lower Des Plaines River and Tributaries -
 Cook, DuPage and Lake Counties ................ $    573,000
    Total                                            $573,000

    Section 43.  The sum of $44,088,800, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article 20, Sections 41 and 46 of Public Act 91-20,
as amended, is reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development
Fund  to  the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure
by the Office of Water Resources for the  following  projects
at the approximate costs set forth below:
Addison Creek Watershed - Cook
 and DuPage Counties ........................... $    915,000
Chandlerville/Panther Creek -
 Cass County ...................................      500,000
Chicago Harbor Leakage Control -
 Cook County - For implementation
 of a project to identify, measure,
 control, and eliminate leakage
 flows through controlling structures at
 the mouth of the Chicago River in
 cooperation with federal agencies and
 units of local government .....................    6,373,800
 Crisenberry Dam - Jackson County:
 For complete rehabilitation of the
 dam and spillway, including the
 required geotechnical investigation,
 the preparation of plans and
 specifications, and the construction
 of the proposed rehabilitation ................      300,000
Crystal Creek - Cook County ....................    2,502,000
East Peoria - Tazewell County ..................    2,400,000
Field Survey Facility - Springfield ............        1,100
 Flood Mitigation - Disaster
 Declaration Areas .............................    3,000,000
Fox Chain O'Lakes - Lake and McHenry
 Counties  .....................................    1,132,200
Fox River Dams - Kane, Kendall
 and McHenry Counties ..........................      917,600
Granite City - Area  Groundwater-
 Madison County ................................      238,500
Havana Facilities - Mason County ...............       35,500
Hickory Hills - Cook County ....................    1,044,600
Hickory/Spring Creeks Watershed -
 Cook and Will Counties ........................    3,599,500
Illinois River Mitigation - Calhoun,
 Jersey, Peoria and Woodford
 Counties ......................................      383,400
Indian Creek - Kane County .....................    1,533,600
Kaskaskia River System - Randolph,
 Monroe and St. Clair Counties .................      119,000
Lake Michigan Artificial Reef -
 Cook County ...................................      142,000
Little Calumet Watershed -
 Cook County ...................................    1,563,900
Liverpool - Fulton County ......................       10,000
Loves Park - Winnebago County ..................      496,500
Lower Des Plaines River Watershed -
 Cook and Lake Counties ........................      975,000
Metro-East Sanitary District -
 Madison and St. Clair Counties ................       60,600
 Midlothian Creek - Cook County ................      240,400
North Branch Chicago River Watershed -
 Cook and Lake Counties ........................    1,568,900
Prairie du Rocher - Randolph County:
 For partial payment to implement the
 federal food protection project for
 the Village of Prairie du Rocher in
 cooperation with local units of
 government ....................................    1,000,000
Prairie/Farmers Creek - Cook County ............    2,922,600
Rock River Dams - Rock Island and
 Whiteside Counties ............................    9,438,700
Small Drainage and Flood Control
 Projects - Statewide (not to exceed
 $100,000 $75,000 at any locality) .............      444,600
Union - McHenry County .........................       30,000
W. B. Stratton (McHenry) Lock
 and Dam - McHenry County ......................      199,800
    Total                                         $44,088,800

    Section 44.  The sum of $1,886,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  42  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the
Office   of  Water  Resources  in  cooperation  with  federal
agencies, state agencies and units of local government in the
implementation of flood hazard mitigation plans  in  counties
that received a Presidential Disaster Declaration as a result
of  flooding  in  calendar  years  1993  and  thereafter,  in
accordance  with  reports filed under Section 5 of the "Flood
Control Act of 1945".

    Section 45.  The sum of $142,800, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  an  appropriation  made  for
state  assistance  in  implementing  flood  control projects,
including floodplain land acquisition, as  part  of  approved
and  adopted  county  storm water management plans other than
the Village of Rosemont in Article 20, Section 43  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
expenditure  by  the  Office  of Water Resources for the same

    Section 46.  The sum of $111,600, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  44  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the
Office  of  Water  Resources  for  the  design, planning, and
construction of the Rand Park Levee, including a  flood  wall
and interior drainage facilities, in the City of Des Plaines,
and  for  the state cost share in the implementation of flood
damage reduction measures along Prairie  and  Farmers  Creeks
and the Des Plaines River in the Village of Niles, the Cities
of  Park  Ridge  and  Des Plaines and in unincorporated Maine

    Section 47.  The sum of $4,785,200, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  45  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for expenditure by the
Office of Water  Resources  for  the  acquisition  of  lands,
buildings,  and  structures,  including  easements  and other
property interests, located in  the  100-year  floodplain  in
counties  or portions of counties authorized to prepare plans
and for removing such buildings and structures and  preparing
the site for open space use.
    Section  48.  The  sum of $11,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
expenditure  by  the  Office  of  Water  Resources  for water
development projects at the approximate cost set forth below:
Flood Hazard Mitigation - For implementation
 of flood hazard mitigation plans,
 in cooperation with federal agencies,
 state agencies, and units of local
 government, in various counties ............... $  1,500,000
Fox River Dams - Kane County - For
 rehabilitation, modification and
 reconstruction of Batavia Dam .................    3,600,000
Hickory/Spring Creek - Will County -
 For implementation of State IIIa of channel
 construction of Hickory/Spring Creeks
 flood control project in cooperation
 with the City of Joliet .......................    3,000,000
Kyte River - Rochelle, Ogle County -
 For improvement of Kyte river watershed
 to provide flood damage reduction in
 the City of Rochelle ..........................      200,000
Loves Park - Winnebago County - For
 partial payment of the non-federal
 cost requirements of the Loves Park
 federal flood control project in
 cooperation with the City of Loves Park .......      750,000
Prairie/Farmers Creek - Cook County -
 For costs associated with the implementation
 of flood damage reduction measures
 along Prairie/Farmers Creek and the
 Des Plaines River, including participation
 in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
 Upper Des Plaines River Flood Control
 Project .......................................    1,200,000
Small Drainage and Flood Control Projects -
 For implementation of small drainage
 and flood control improvements in accordance
 with plans developed in cooperation with
 local governments and school districts
 not to exceed $100,000 at any single
 locality ......................................      250,000
Village of Justice - Cook County - For
 the State share of the cost of
 implementation of a flood damage
 reduction and drainage improvement
 project in the Village of Justice in
 cooperation with the units of local
 government ....................................      500,000
    Total                                         $11,000,000

                    WATERWAY IMPROVEMENTS

    Section 49.  The sum of $200,000,  or  so  much  of  that
amount  as  may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30,  2000,  from  an  appropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  20,  Section  47 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated  to  the  Department  of
Natural   Resources   from   the  General  Revenue  Fund  for
expenditure by the Division of Water Resources to dredge  the
Wabash River at Grayville, Illinois.

    Section  50.  The  sum of $591,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  48  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for all costs  associated
with the Salt Creek Greenway in DuPage County.
    Section  51.  The  sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  49  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  all  activities
relating  to  the  design  and  implementation   of   channel
restoration,  channel  maintenance  and flood control work on
Farmers and Prairie Creeks in Des Plaines and Maine Township.

    Section 52.  The sum of $500,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  50  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the   Department   of  Natural  Resources,  Office  of  Water
Resources for the City of  Des  Plaines  for  all  activities
relating   to   the  design  and  implementation  of  channel
restoration, channel maintenance and flood  control  work  on
Farmers and Prairie Creeks in Des Plaines and Maine Township.

    Section  53.  The  sum of $331,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  51  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  to  the  Illinois Department of
Natural Resources from the General Revenue Fund  to  build  a
detention pond for Deer Creek in Ford Heights.

    Section  54.  In  addition  to  any amounts previously or
elsewhere  appropriated,   the   sum   of   $2,000,000,   new
appropriation,  is  appropriated, and the sum of $643,000, or
so much thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended
at  the  close  of  business  on  June  30,  2000,  from   an
appropriation  heretofore  made  in Article 20, Section 53 of
Public Act 91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the
Capital   Development  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Natural
Resources for the purpose of carrying out  Phase  IV  of  the
Willow-Higgins Creek improvement.

    Section  55.  The  sum of $241,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  54  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  Illinois  River
cleanup and dredging at Ballard's Island Harbor.


    Section 56.  The amount of $2,914,300, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for contributions
of funds to park districts and other entities as provided  by
the "Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975" and to public museums
and  aquariums  located in park districts, as provided by "AN
ACT concerning aquariums and museums in public parks" and the
"Illinois Horse Racing Act  of  1975"  as  now  or  hereafter

    Section  57.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Wildlife and  Fish
Fund  to  the Department of Natural Resources for acquisition
and development, including grants, for the implementation  of
the  North  American  Waterfowl  Management  Plan  within the
Dominion of Canada or the United  States  which  specifically
provides waterfowl for the Mississippi Flyway.
    Section  58.  The  sum of $140,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  State  Migratory
Waterfowl  Stamp  Fund to the Department of Natural Resources
for the payment of grants for the implementation of the North
American Waterfowl Management Plan  within  the  Dominion  of
Canada  or  the  United  States  which  specifically provides
waterfowl to  the  Mississippi  Flyway  as  provided  in  the
"Wildlife Code", as amended.

    Section  59.  The  sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the State Boating  Act
Fund  to  the  Department of Natural Resources for a grant to
the Chain O' Lakes - Fox River Waterway Management Agency for
the Agency's operation expenses.

    Section 60.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  60  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to Tri-County
Park for operational expenses.

    Section 61.  The amount of $220,700, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  61  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  land  acquisition
and  development  grants  to  units  of  local  government in
conjunction  with  a  flood  hazard  mitigation  plan   along
Butterfield Creek in cooperation with units of government.

    Section  62.  The  sum of $725,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated and the sum of $3,226,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  62  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to
the  Department  of  Natural Resources for the administration
and payment of grants to local  governmental  units  for  the
construction,  maintenance,  and  improvement  of boat access

    Section 63.  The amount of $250,000, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  63  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
Chicago  Park  District  for  all costs associated with a new
pool liner and related improvements of the swimming  pool  at
Sheridan Park.

    Section  64.  The  amount of $300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  64  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Department  of  Natural Resources for a grant to the
Lake County Forest Preserve District for all costs associated
with construction and improvements on the  Des Plaines  River

    Section 65.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  102  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the DuPage
County Forest Preserve for all costs associated with the Salt
Creek Greenway.

    Section 66.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  66  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the Forest
Preserve  District  of DuPage County for all costs associated
with  Phase  III  of  the  Salt  Creek  Greenway  Development

    Section 67.  The sum of $2,072,100, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  67  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the Forest
Preserve  District  of   DuPage   County   for   recreational
reconfiguration, natural resource protection and restoration,
and  stormwater  management  related  to  the Oak Meadows and
Maple Meadows' facilities and grounds.

    Section 68.  The sum of $114,500, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  68  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of Natural Resources for a grant to Hamilton
County for Hamilton County Courthouse infrastructure.
    Section 69.  The sum of $200,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  69  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Village of Western Springs to  renovate  the  historic  Water
Tower and Community Center.

    Section 70. The sum of $43,100, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary  and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  70  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Elmhurst Park District for the York Commons Pool project.

    Section 71. The sum of $370,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  71  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the   Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  bike  trail
connecting the Elgin bike  path/trail  to  the  McHenry  bike

    Section  72.  The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  72  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Willow  Springs  for  renovation  of  parks  and
    Section 73. The sum of $38,400, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary  and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  73  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the   Department   of   Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to
Lindenhurst Park District  for  development  of  a  community

    Section  75.  The sum of $150,000, or so  much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  76  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  Will
County for Old Plank Trail extension from Cedar Road to I-80.

    Section  76.  The  sum of $450,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  77  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  the
Village of Buffalo Grove for a community pedestrian overpass.

    Section  77.  The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  78  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  the
Village of Justice for bike paths.

    Section  78.   The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  79  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
Chicago  Park  District  for  renovations to the Jackson Park
golf course clubhouse in honor of Cecil Partee.

    Section 79.  The sum of $400,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  80  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the Fon du
Lac Park District for channel dredging from the Carl Spindler
Marina to the main channel of the Illinois River.

    Section  80.  The  sum of $750,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  81  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
Chicago  Park  District  for  all  costs  associated with the
acquisition, development, renovation, repair or construction,
and equipment for a regional indoor youth athletic facility.

    Section 81.  The sum of $75,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  82  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Department  of  Natural Resources for a grant to the
Chicago  Park  District  for  all   costs   associated   with
acquisition,   construction,  development,  and  purchase  of
equipment for the planned park at the corner  of  Roscoe  and

    Section  82.  The  sum of $353,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  83  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City
of  Pana for the construction, marketing and maintenance of a
bike trail and infrastructure  improvements,  including  land
acquisition or the purchase of equipment.

    Section  83.  The  sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  85  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
Chicago  Park District for all costs of developing, planning,
and constructing recreational facilities at Fosco Park.

    Section 84.  The sum of $72,600, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  86  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of Natural Resources for a grant to the City
of Hometown for all costs associated  with  improvements  and
purchase of recreational equipment at Patterson Park.

    Section  85.  The  sum of $339,700, new appropriation, is
appropriated and the sum of $474,700, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  87  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Off  Highway  Vehicle
Trails Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for grants
to  units  of local governments, not-for-profit organization,
and other groups to operate, maintain and  acquire  land  for
off-highway  vehicle  trails  and parks as provide for in the
Recreational    Trails    of    Illinois    Act,    including
administration, enforcement, planning and  implementation  of
this Act.

    Section  86.  The  sum of $140,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is appropriated  from  the  State  Migratory
Waterfowl  Stamp  Fund to the Department of Natural Resources
for the payment of grants for the  development  of  waterfowl
propagation areas within the Dominion of Canada or the United
States   which   specifically   provide   waterfowl  for  the
Mississippi Flyway as provided in  the  "Wildlife  Code",  as

    Section   87.  To  the  extent  federal  funds  including
reimbursements are available for such purposes,  the  sum  of
$124,100  or  so  much  thereof  as  may  be necessary and as
remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2000,
from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 20,  Section
89  of  Public  Act 91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from
the Wildlife and Fish  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Natural
Resources  for construction and renovation of waste reception
facilities for recreational  boaters,  including  grants  for
such purposes authorized under the Clean Vessel Act.

    Section 88.  The sum of $1,270,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of

business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  90  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Department  of  Natural Resources for a grant to the
Illinois International Port District in Chicago for a marina,
associated recreational facilities, and  necessary  auxiliary
infrastructure improvements.

    Section  89.  The  sum of $21,000,000, new appropriation,
is appropriated, and the  sum  of  $48,024,100,  or  so  much
thereof  as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the
close of business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  appropriations
heretofore  made  in  Article  20,  Section  91 of Public Act
91-20,  as amended, is reappropriated  from  the  Open  Space
Lands  Acquisition  and Development Fund to the Department of
Natural Resources for expenses connected  with  and  to  make
grants  to  local  governments as provided in the "Open Space
Lands Acquisition and Development Act".

    Section 90.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article 20, Sections 92 and 93 of Public Act 91-20,
as amended, made either independently or in cooperation  with
the  Federal  Government or any agency thereof, any municipal
corporation, or political subdivision of the State,  or  with
any   public   or   private   corporation,  organization,  or
individual, are reappropriated to the Department  of  Natural
Resources for refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Land and Water Recreation Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 92
    on page 512, line 10 of Public
    Act 91-20)
  For Outdoor Recreation Programs .............. $    400,000
Payable from Federal Title IV Fire
 Protection Assistance Fund:
    (From Article 20, Section 92 on page
    512, lines 17-18, and Section 93
    on page 512, lines 32-33 of Public
    Act 91-20)
For Rural Community Fire
 Protection Program ............................      151,100
    Total                                            $551,100

    Section 91.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as   may  be  necessary,  respectively,  herein  made  either
independently or in cooperation with the  Federal  Government
or   any   agency  thereof,  any  municipal  corporation,  or
political subdivision of the State, or  with  any  public  or
private   corporation,   organization,   or  individual,  are
appropriated to  the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for
refunds and the purposes stated:
Payable from Land and Water Recreation Fund:
  For Outdoor Recreation Programs .............. $  1,600,000
Payable from Forest Reserve Fund:
  For U.S. Forest Service Program ..............      500,000
Payable from Federal Title IV Fire
 Protection Assistance Fund:
  For Rural Community Fire Protection
   Programs ....................................       80,000
    Total                                          $2,180,000

    Section  92.  The  sum  of $65,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated and the sum of $364,800, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  95,  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the State Boating Act Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for the purposes  of  the
Snowmobile   Registration   and   Safety   Act  and  for  the
administration and payment of grants  to  local  governmental
units   for   the   construction,  land  acquisition,  lease,
maintenance and improvement of snowmobile trails  and  access

    Section  93.  The  sum  of $60,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated and the sum of $201,100, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  96  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from   the   Snowmobile   Trail
Establishment Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for
the   administration  and  payment  of  grants  to  nonprofit
snowmobile  clubs   and   organizations   for   construction,
maintenance,  and  rehabilitation  of  snowmobile  trails and
areas for the use of snowmobiles.


    Section 94.  The sum of $625,000, new  appropriation,  is
appropriated,  and  the sum of $1,228,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  58  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Illinois   Forestry
Development  Fund  to the Department of Natural Resources for
the payment of grants to timber growers for implementation of
acceptable forestry management practices as provided  in  the
"Illinois  Forestry  Development  Act"  as  now  or hereafter

    Section  95.  To  the  extent  Federal  Funds   including
reimbursements  are made available for such purposes, the sum
of $200,000, new appropriation, is appropriated and  the  sum
of  $330,300,  or  so much thereof as may be necessary and as
remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore made in Article 20, Section 94
of Public Act 91-20, as amended, is reappropriated  from  the
Illinois  Forestry  Development  Fund  to  the  Department of
Natural   Resources   for   Forest   Stewardship    Technical

    Section   96.  To  the  extent  Federal  Funds  including
reimbursements are made available for such purposes  the  sum
of  $320,000,  new appropriation, is appropriated and the sum
of $753,500, or so much thereof as may be  necessary  and  as
remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore made in Article 20, Section 97
of  Public  Act 91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Illinois Forestry  Development  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Natural  Resources  for  Urban  Forestry  programs, including
technical assistance, education and grants.

    Section 97.  The sum of $110,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Plugging and
Restoration Fund to  the  Department  of  Natural  Resources,
Office  of Mines and Minerals for the Landowner Grant Program
authorized under the Oil and Gas Act, as  amended  by  Public
Act 90-0260.

    Section 98.  The sum of $6,000,000, new appropriation, is
appropriated  and  the sum of $20,496,100, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended less $6,000,000
to be lapsed from the unexpended  balance  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 20,  Section  99  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  to  the  Department  of Natural
Resources from the Abandoned Mined Lands Reclamation  Council
Federal  Trust  Fund  for  grants  and  contracts  to conduct
research, planning  and  construction  to  eliminate  hazards
created  by abandoned mines, and any other expenses necessary
for emergency response.

    Section 99.  The sum of $1,500,000,  is  appropriated  to
the  Department of Natural Resources from the Abandoned Mined
Lands Set Aside Fund for  grants  and  contracts  to  conduct
research,  planning  and  construction  to  eliminate hazards
created by abandoned mines and any other  expenses  necessary
for emergency response.

    Section  100.  The sum of $600,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Natural  Resources  for  expenditure  by  the Office of Water
Resources  from  the  Flood  Control  Land  Lease  Fund   for
disbursement  of  monies received pursuant to Act of Congress
dated September 3, 1954 (68 Statutes 1266, same as appears in
Section 701c-3, Title  33,  United  States  Code  Annotated),
provided  such  disbursement  shall  be in compliance with 15
ILCS 515/1 Illinois Compiled Statutes.

    Section 101.  In addition to any other amounts,  the  sum
of  $1,000,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary and as
remains unexpended at the close of business on June 30, 2000,
from an appropriation heretofore made in Article 20,  Section
103 of Public Act 91-20, as amended, is reappropriated to the
Department of Natural Resources from the General Revenue Fund
for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Midlothian for all costs
associated with the planning, construction,  and  development
of the Midlothian Retention Basin.

    Section  102.  The sum of $195,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  104  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
Botanical Gardens for capital improvements.

    Section  103.   The sum of $2,500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  105  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Chicago Park District for all costs  associated  with  lagoon
rehabilitation activities.

    Section  105.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  107  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Lemont  for  Logan  Street  detention  pond  and
associated down stream flood control improvements.

    Section  106.  The  sum of $53,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  108  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City
of Lockport for flood control.

    Section  107.  The sum of $146,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  109  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City
of Georgetown to continue its study of public water needs.

    Section  108.  The sum of $288,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  110  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  Peoria
County for flood hazard mitigation and land acquisition.

                    GRANTS - STATE MUSEUM
    Section  109.  The amount of $450,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  111  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for grants  to  public
museums for permanent improvements.

    Section  110.  The sum of $10,000,000, new appropriation,
is appropriated and  the  sum  of  $16,825,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the
close  of  business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations
heretofore made in Article 20,  Section  112  of  Public  Act
91-20,   as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
grants to public museums for permanent improvements.

    Section  111.  The  sum of $5,000,000, new appropriation,
is appropriated and the the sum of  $4,998,700,  or  so  much
thereof  as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the
close of business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  appropriations
heretofore  made  in  Article  20,  Section 113 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is appropriated from the  General  Revenue
Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for education and
technology  partnerships  between  museums  and  schools  and
expenses  connected  with  the  administration  of  grants to

    Section 112.   The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 114  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a
grant  to  the  City  of  Waukegan  for  the  Waukegan Harbor

    Section 113.  The sum of $666,400, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  115  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of Natural Resources for a grant to the City
of Palos Hills for senior and youth centers.

    Section 114.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  117  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Deerfield Park District.

    Section 115.  The sum of $25,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  118  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Kilbourne Park Organic Greenhouse for costs  associated  with
educational programs.

    Section  116.  The  following sums, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  119  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  grants  to  the
following  park  district  for  recreational  equipment   and
    Chicago Ridge Park District ..................  $  10,000

    Section  117.  The  sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  120  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  the
Village of Bureau for parks and recreation.

    Section  118.  The  sum  of $2,900, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  122  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City
of LaSalle for parks and bikeways.

    Section  119.  The  sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  124  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City
of Ottawa for parks and bikeways.

    Section  120.  The  sum of $21,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  126  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the  Hazel
Crest  Park  District  for  the  purchase  of  equipment  and
infrastructure improvements.

    Section  122.  The  sum of $1,386,600, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 1999 from a  reappropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  132  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated  to  the  Illinois  Department  of
Natural  Resources  from  the  General  Revenue  Fund for the
Joliet Arsenal Development Authority.

    Section 123.  The following sums, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  134  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the Department of Natural Resources for grants to the Chicago
Heights Park District for improvements at the following:
    King Park .........................................  $  0
    Small Fry Park ....................................  $  0
    22nd Street Park ..............................  $  2,800

    Section  125.  The sum of $223,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 1999 from a reappropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  137  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant  to  the
Westchester Park  District for new park development.

    Section  126.   The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  138  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Brookfield Zoo.

    Section 127.  The sum of $50,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  140  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Village of North Riverside for all costs  associated  with  a
tree planting program.

    Section  129.  The  sum of $93,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 1999 from a reappropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  144  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  Kane
County  Forest  Preserve  for  restoration of the Frank Lloyd
Wright Pavilion.

    Section 130. The sum of $125,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  145  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Northbrook  Park  District  for  the  Williamsburg  Park  for
playground renovation and equipment.

    Section 131.  The sum of $150,600, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 1999 from a  reappropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  146  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Chicago Park District  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
renovation  of  the clubhouse at the Jackson Park golf course
in honor of the late Cecil Partee.

    Section 133. The sum of $50,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  149  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Village of Glen Ellyn for Prairie Path pedestrian bridge.
    Section 135.  The sum of $75,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  153  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of Natural Resources for a grant to the City
of East Moline for the park garage and ravine flood repair in
the City of East Moline.

    Section 136.  The sum of $10,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  155  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Village of St. Rose for construction of bicycle paths.

    Section 137.  The sum of $30,300, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  157  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Village of Fairview Heights for all costs associated with the
upgrading of walking trails and the  installation  of  lights
for a ball field at Long Acre Park.

    Section  138.  The  sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  162  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  West
Frankfort  Park  District  for all costs associated with park
expansion and recreational equipment.

    Section 139.  The sum of $50,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 1999 from a  reappropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  164  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Village of  Ashland  for  all  costs  associated  with  water
diversion activities.

    Section  140.  The sum of $555,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  165  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
Brookfield Zoo.

    Section  141.  The  sum of $81,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  166  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the  South
Suburban  Mayors and Managers Association for the development
and    administration    costs    associated    with    their
responsibilities   related   to    coordinating    stormwater
management in Cook County.

    Section  142.  The  sum of $13,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  167  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Natural Resources for  a  grant  to  the
City  of  Westfield  for  land acquisition, planning, design,
construction, reconstruction, renovation, rehabilitation, and
all other costs associated with  infrastructure  improvements
and  additions  to the Westfield gymnasium, ball diamond, and
children's playground area and their surrounding areas.

    Section 143.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from a  reappropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  168  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department of Natural Resources for land acquisition and
related cost for the Tri-County Park in DuPage, Cook and Kane

    Section 144.  The sum of $21,700,  or  so  much  of  that
amount  as  may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30,  2000  from  a  reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  20,  Section 169 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated  to  the  Department  of
Natural  Resources  from  the  General  Revenue  Fund for the
planning, design, and construction of a Dolan Lake concession
stand in Hamilton County.

    Section 145.  The sum of $25,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  170  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Natural  Resources  for  a  grant to the
Memorial Park District for the purchase of equipment.
    Section 146.  The sum of $541,400, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from a  reappropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  171  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the DuPage
County  Board  for  all costs associated with acquisition and
maintenance of the Fawell Dam in McDowell Woods.

    Section 147.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section  172  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the DuPage
County Board for all costs associated with  the  acquisition,
rehabilitation,  and  maintenance  of  Fawell Dam in McDowell

    Section 149.  The sum of $20,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 174 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of  Redbud  for  repairs  to  the  baseball

    Section  150.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 175  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the Department of Natural Resources  for  the
purpose  of  detection,  control,  eradication, tree planting
replacement and reforestation for  damages  of  exotic  pests
such as the Asian Longhorn Beetle and Gypsy Moth.

    Section  151.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department of Natural Resources for a grant to
the  Kankakee  River  Conservancy  District  for   operations

    Section  152.  The sum of $177,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 20, Section  177  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Evanston Park District for rehabilitating James Park

    Section 153.  The sum of $750,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 180 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  Elmhurst
Park District for land acquisition for Eldridge Park.

    Section  154.  The sum of $825,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 181  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Natural  Resources for a grant to the Chicago
Botanical Gardens for shoreline restoration.

    Section 155.  The sum of $1,250,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 182 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant to the Northfield
Park District for land acquisition and park development.

    Section 156.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 183 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to Wood Dale Salt Creek for land acquisition for flood

    Section 157.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 184 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Joliet Park District for park development.

    Section  158.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 185  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Lockport  Township  Park  District  for  land
acquisition and/or improvements.

    Section 159.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 186 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to the Arlington Heights Park District to renovate the
administrative center.

    Section 160.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 187 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant   to   the   Village  of  Mount  Prospect  for  channel

    Section 161.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 188 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Plato Township for a new park.

    Section  162.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 189  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of Moweaqua for a new public park.

    Section 163.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 190 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June  7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Cary Park  District  for  land  acquisition  and

    Section  164.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 192 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of  Patoka  for  the  purpose  of   park

    Section  165.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 193 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, is reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'
Future  to the Department of Natural Resources for a grant to
the Village of Richview for the purpose of park improvements.

    Section 166.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 194 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village of DePue for the purpose of improving
parks and creating recreational opportunities.

    Section 167.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 195 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of  Grand  Ridge  for the purpose of
improving parks and creating recreational opportunities.

    Section 168.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 196 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the Village of Cherry for the purpose of improving
parks and creating recreational opportunities.

    Section 169.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 197 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of  Arlington  for  the  purpose  of
improving parks and creating recreational opportunities.

    Section 170.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 198 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City  of
Peru  for  the  purpose of constructing a park and recreation

    Section 171.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 199 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City  of
Chicago for the purpose of redeveloping Burton Place Park.

    Section  172.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 200  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Natural  Resources for a grant to the City of
Chicago for the purpose of funding Lakefront Trolley from the
"North Museum Campus" to Lincoln Park Zoo.

    Section 173.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 201 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant  to  the  Lincoln
Park Zoo for the purpose of building a new education center.

    Section  174.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 202 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to  the  Chicago  Park  District  for  the  purpose  of
landscaping  and  restoration  of  a field house at McKiernan

    Section 175.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 203 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Chicago  Park  District  for  the  purpose of
landscaping and restoration of a field house at Palmer Park.

    Section 176.  The amount of $49,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 204 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department  of Natural Resources for
a grant to the Village of Karnak for the purpose of upgrading
park equipment.

    Section 177.  The amount of $60,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 205 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City  of Cairo for the purpose of creating 25
campsites at Ft. Defiance State Park.

    Section 178.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 206 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  Peoria County for the purpose of enforcing erosion
control ordinance.

    Section 179.  The amount of $65,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 207 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant to Peoria  County
for the purpose of acquiring flood prone property.

    Section  180.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 208 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Vienna for  the  purpose  of  purchasing
playground equipment for the city park.

    Section  181.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 209 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of Millstadt for  the  purpose  of  park

    Section  182.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 210 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Homewood Flossmoor Park District for the purpose
of safety improvements.

    Section 183.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 211 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to the Village of Steger for all costs associated with
the construction and improvement of the Fireman's Park dugout
and restrooms.

    Section 184.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 212 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to the Village of Steger for the purpose of purchasing
and installing baseball lights.
    Section 185.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 213 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant   to   the   Village   of  South  Chicago  Heights  for
construction of a pavilion and surrounding park  improvements
at the South Chicago Heights Senior Center.

    Section  186.  The  amount of $85,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 214 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Chicago Heights Park District for the purpose of
improving the recreation center.

    Section 187.  The amount of $90,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 215 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June  7,  1999,  as amended,  is reappropriated from the Fund
for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Natural  Resources
for grants to the following organizations:
  Collinsville Metropolitan Exposition
   Auditorium and Office Building
   Authority for a feasibility study
   and/or engineering for a new
   multi-purpose stadium and
   entertainment facility ........................  $  70,000
  Village of Swansea for the purchase
   of a police car ...............................  $  20,000
    Section  188.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 216 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Country Club Hills Park District for the purpose
of purchasing park equipment.

    Section 189.  The amount of $43,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 217 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of  Tinley  Park  District for costs
associated with the rehabilitation of park districts.

    Section 190.  The amount of $45,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 218 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of Hazel Crest Park District for all
costs associated  with  improving  the  pool  and  purchasing
playground equipment.

    Section  191.  The  amount of $37,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 219 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Harvard for  the  purpose  of  repairing
parks other than Lions Park.

    Section  192.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 220 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Friends of Chicago River for the  purpose  of  river

    Section  193.  The  amount of $68,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 221 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of  Spring  Grove  for  the  purpose  of
constructing a bike and walking path.

    Section 194.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 222 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of South Chicago Heights for the purpose
of constructing a dugout for Grant School.

    Section  195.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 223 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village  of  Lincolnshire  for  the  purpose  of
restoration of Lincolnshire Creek.

    Section 196.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 224 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to the Village of Steger for the purpose of building a
skate park.

    Section 197.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 225 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City of Chicago Heights Park District for the
purpose  of  purchasing  and  installing  window   unit   air
conditioners at Commissioners Park.

    Section  198.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 226 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Chicago Heights Park  District  for  all
costs  associated  to the construction of a gazebo at Pedraca
    Section 199.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 227 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City of Chicago Heights Park District for the
purpose of improvements to King Park.

    Section 200.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 228 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future  the  Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Chicago Heights Park District for the following:
  Sesto Park Improvements ........................  $  15,000
  Bob Leuder Park Improvements ...................  $  20,000

    Section 201.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 229 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City of Chicago Heights Park District for the
purpose of improving Smith Park.

    Section 202.  The amount of $53,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 230 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant   to   Olympia  Fields  Park  District  for  all  costs
associated with improvements to the Park District.

    Section 203.  The amount of $55,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 231 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City of Chicago Heights Park District for the
purpose of improving Bob Leuder Park.

    Section 204.  The amount of $225,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 232 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  Lake  Bluff Park District for the purpose of beach

    Section 205.  The amount of $110,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 233 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  Waukegan  Park  District  for  the purpose of park

    Section 206.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 234 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of  Ramsey  for  the purpose of park

    Section 207.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 235 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of  Bartelso for the purpose of park

    Section 208.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 236 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village of Beckemeyer for the purpose of park

    Section 209.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 237 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant   to  the  City  of  Wamac  for  the  purpose  of  park

    Section 210.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 238 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Chicago  Park District for the purpose of any
cost associated with the construction of a track  in  Jackson

    Section  211.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 239 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Crete Park District for the  purpose  of  completing
Phase II of Crete Bike Trail.

    Section  212.  The amount of $300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 240 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Chicago Park District for the purpose of  renovating
the Wrightwood Park playground.

    Section  213.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 241 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Wrightwood Neighbors Association for the purpose  of
all costs associated with Wiggly Field.
    Section  214.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 242 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to South Lakeview Neighbors  for  the  purpose  of  all
costs associated with the South Lakeview playground.

    Section  215.  The amount of $300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 243 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village  of  Orland  Park  for  the  purpose  of
connecting bike paths.

    Section  216.  The  amount of $42,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 244 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of Homewood-Flossmoor Park District  for
the  purpose of site work and purchasing equipment and safety

    Section 217.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 245 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to the City of Chicago for the purpose of redeveloping
a bus turnaround into a public park at Clark and Wisconsin in
the 43rd Ward.

    Section 218.  The amount of $55,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 246 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  F.P.D.  of  Cook County for the purpose of capital
improvements for Edgebrook Community Center.

    Section 219.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 247 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  Oak Park Township for the purpose of park district

    Section 220.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 248 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village  of  Broadview  for  the  purpose  of
improving Broadview Park District.

    Section  221.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 249 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of Maywood for the purpose of  improving
Maywood Park District.

    Section  222.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 250 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village  of  Forest  Park  for  the  purpose  of
improving Forest Park-Park District.

    Section  223.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 251 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to Memorial Park-Park District for the purpose of  park
district improvements.

    Section  224.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 252 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Edwardsville for  the  purpose  of  park
development and purchasing equipment.

    Section  225.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 253 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village of Maywood for the purpose of  improving
Maywood Park.

    Section  226.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 254 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Village  of  Wonder  Lake  for  the  purpose  of
purchasing a tractor and playground equipment.

    Section  227.  The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 255 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
the  operation  and  support  of  the  Department  of Natural
Resources Damage Assessment Program.

    Section 228.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 256 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a  grant  to  the  Forest
Preserve  District  of DuPage County for all costs associated
with Lyman Woods.

    Section 229.  The sum of $2,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 257 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a  grant  to  the  Forest
Preserve  District  of DuPage County for all costs associated
with the West Branch Regional Trail.

    Section 230.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 258 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a  grant  to  the  Forest
Preserve  District  of DuPage County for all costs associated
with Salt Creek Greenway.

    Section 231.  The sum of $5,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 259 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a  grant  to  the  Forest
Preserve  District  of DuPage County for all costs associated
with Oak Meadows and Maple Meadows and Green Meadows.

    Section 232.  The sum of $50,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 260 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Conservation  Foundation of DuPage County for
water quality restoration and education on the DuPage River.

    Section 233.  The sum of $30,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 261 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Friends  of  Chicago  River  for  improvement

    Section  234.  The  sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 262 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended,  is reappropriated  from  the  Fund
for  Illinois'  Future to the Department of Natural Resources
for  a  grant  to  Bronzeville  Children's  Museum  for  land
acquisition and construction of a new museum.

    Section 235.  The sum of $280,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 263 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Fon du Lac Park District for the purpose of a
trail enhancement project.
    Section 236.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 264 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant   to   the   Chicago   Park   District  for  facilities
improvements at the Marquette Park Fieldhouse.

    Section 237.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 265 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Waukegan  Park  District  for  the purpose of
beachfront revitalization.

    Section 238.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 266 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the Chicago Park District for Marquette Park for a
running track rehabilitation and fencing.

    Section 239.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 267 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Pekin for Pekin Lake.
    Section  240.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 268 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Deerfield  Park  District  for  the  purpose  of
creating a sound wall on Tollway I-294.

    Section  241.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 269 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Waukegan Park District.

    Section 242.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 270 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Dolton  Park  District  for  the purpose of a
playground and maintenance equipment.

    Section 243.  The sum of $60,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 271 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Village of University Park for the purpose of
park improvements.

    Section 244.  The sum of $25,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 272 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to the Village of Sun River Terrace for the purpose of
park equipment.

    Section 245.  The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 273 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City  of  LaSalle  for  park improvements and
installation of facilities for roller skaters.

    Section 246.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 274 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City  of  Chicago  for  costs associated with
reforestation  necessitated  by  Asian   long-horned   beetle

    Section  247.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 275 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
a grant to LaSalle-Peru Township Recreation Authority for the
acquisition and development of a regional park.

    Section  248.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 276 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Marseilles for acquisition  of  property
on Illinois' River for parks and recreation.

    Section  249.  The  sum of $35,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 277 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Ottawa for landscaping project on Routes

    Section 250.  The sum of $65,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 278 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City  of  Ottawa  for  Phase  2 of riverfront

    Section 251.  The sum of $132,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 279 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the City of Ottawa for park land acquisition for a
park on Ottawa south side.

    Section 252.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 280 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  City  of Ottawa for riverfront development in
flood buy-out area along Fox River.

    Section 253.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 20, Section 281 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Natural Resources for a grant to  the  City  of
Ottawa for downtown renovation.

    Section  254.  The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 282 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Peru for park  construction  and  roller
blade facilities at various parks.

    Section  255.  The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 283 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the City of Lincolnshire for Lincolnshire Creek  and
Rivershire Park  for restoration and stabilization project.

    Section  256.  The sum of $171,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 284 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Skokie Park District for the Youth Center.

    Section 257.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 285 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Boulevard Art Beautification Project for 6900 S.
Ashland to Halsted.

    Section  258.  The  sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 286 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated  from  the   Fund
for  Illinois'  Future to the Department of Natural Resources
for a grant to the City of Oglesby for parks and recreation.

    Section 259.  The sum of $5,023,800, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of

business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 287 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future  to the Department of Natural Resources for
grants  to  units  of  local  government  for  infrastructure
improvements  including  but  not   limited   to   park   and
recreational projects, facilities, bike paths, and equipment.

    Section  260.  The sum of $410,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 20, Section 288  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated  from  the    General  Revenue  Fund  to   the
Department  of  Natural  Resources for a grant to the City of
Golconda for the acquisition of 175 acres of land adjacent to
Department property.

    Section  261.  The  amount  of  $5,850,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the
close  of  business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation
heretofore made in Article 20,  Section  289  of  Public  Act
91-20,  approved  June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated
from the Fund for  Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of
Natural Resources for grants to units of local government and
not-for-profit  entities  for park and recreational projects,
museums,   facilities,   infrastructure   improvements    and

    Section  262.   In  addition  to  any  amounts heretofore
appropriated for such purposes, the sum of $1,000,000, or  so
much  thereof  as  may be necessary and remains unexpended at
the close of business on June 30, 2000, from an appropriation
heretofore made for such purposes in Article 20, Section  290
of  Public  Act  91-20, approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Natural Resources for the purpose of carrying
out Phase IV of the Willow-Higgins Creek improvement.

    Section 263.  The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 291 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future  to the Department of Natural Resources for
all costs associated with a showerhouse at Nauvoo State Park.

    Section 264.  The amount of $700,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 24a, Section 74 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Natural Resources (formerly to  the  Department
of  Transportation)  for a grant to the Chicago Park District
for  facilities   improvements   at   the   Washington   Park

    Section  265.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from a reappropriation heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  48  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (formerly  to
the  Environmental  Protection  Agency)  for  a  grant to the
Village of Justice for planning, construction, reconstruction
and improvement of sewers.
    Section 266.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  20,  Section  295  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of   Natural  Resources  for support of Bass
Masters in Chicago, for purposes including but not limited to
showcasing  Chicago  and  Illinois'   fishing   and   aquatic
resources,  tourism  promotion, kids' fishing classic, sports
show and Super Bowl classic events.

    Section 267.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Natural Resources from the General Revenue Fund for  a  grant
to   the  Fox  Waterway  Agency  for  costs  associated  with

    Section 268.  The sum of $7,500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
all  costs  associated  with grants to various units of local
government for infrastructure improvements including but  not
limited  to  park and recreational projects, facilities, bike
paths, equipment and any other necessary costs.

    Section 269.  The sum of $7,500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Natural  Resources  for
all  costs  associated  with grants to various units of local
government for infrastructure improvements including but  not
limited  to  park and recreational projects, facilities, bike
paths, equipment and any other necessary costs.

    Section 270.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Forest Preserve District of DuPage County for
all costs associated with Danda Preserve.

    Section 271.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Forest Preserve District of DuPage County for
all costs associated with Salt Creek Greenway.

    Section 272.  The sum of $2,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Forest Preserve District of DuPage County for
all costs associated with  Oak  Meadows,  Maple  Meadows  and
Green Meadows.

    Section  273.  The  sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant to the Forest Preserve District of  DuPage  County  for
all costs associated with Mayslake Preserve.

    Section  274.  The sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is   appropriated   from   the   Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Natural Resources for a
grant  to  the  Forest Preserve District of DuPage County for
all costs associated with Fullersburg Woods.

    Section  280.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into  or
obligation  incurred  or  any  expenditure   made   from   an
appropriation  herein made in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 27a, 28, 29, 30, 31, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45,  46,
47,  48,  54,  61, 63, 64, 78, 80, 81, 83, 88, 102, 109, 110,
140, 142, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159,  160,  161,
162,  163,  170,  171, 173, 179, 228, 229, 230, 231, 253, 262
and  265  until  after  the  purpose  and  amount   of   such
expenditure has been approved in writing by the Governor.

                         ARTICLE 12

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety  for the objects and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
 Preparedness Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,291,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       51,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      131,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       98,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................      185,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,476,900
  For Travel ...................................       34,600
  For Commodities ..............................       52,000
  For Printing .................................       20,000
  For Equipment ................................       15,600
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      679,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      262,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      110,400
    Total                                          $4,408,900
Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:
  For Contractual Services ..................... $    339,100
  For Commodities ..............................       19,200
  For Printing .................................       51,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      126,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       65,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       10,700
    Total                                            $611,800

Payable from the General Revenue Fund
  For Contractual Services.......................$    250,000

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of  Nuclear  Safety  for  the  objects  and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
                   NUCLEAR FACILITY SAFETY
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
 Preparedness Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,177,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      207,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      528,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      393,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      717,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      660,700
  For Travel ...................................      151,000
  For Commodities ..............................      219,500
  For Equipment ................................      317,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      578,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      524,200
  For Compensation to local governments for
   expenses attributable to implementation
   and maintenance of plans and programs
   authorized by the Nuclear Safety
   Preparedness Act including expenses
   incurred prior to July 1, 1997 ..............      650,000
    Total                                         $10,125,700

    Section  3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety  for the objects and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
                      RADIATION SAFETY
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    421,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       16,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       43,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       32,000
    Total                                            $512,900
Payable from Radiation Protection Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,757,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       70,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      179,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      134,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      229,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       43,800
  For Travel ...................................      100,400
  For Equipment ................................       61,700
  For Refunds ..................................      100,000
    Total                                          $2,677,300
Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
  Preparedness Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    245,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        9,800
  For State Contributions to State Employees'
   Retirement System ...........................       25,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       18,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................       37,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       14,800
  For Travel ...................................        2,000
  For Commodities ..............................        2,000
    Total                                            $355,000

    Section 4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of  Nuclear  Safety  for  the  objects  and
purposes hereinafter enumerated:
                    ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY

Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
 Preparedness Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,506,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      100,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      255,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      190,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      355,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      274,700
  For Travel ...................................       55,500
  For Commodities ..............................       71,200
  For Equipment ................................      181,600
    Total                                          $3,991,400
Payable from Low-Level Radioactive Waste
  Facility Development and Operation Fund:
  For Refunds for Overpayments made by Low-
   Level Waste Generators ......................        5,000
    Total                                              $5,000

    Section 5.  The amount of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Indoor Radon
Mitigation Fund to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety  for
expenses  relating to the federally funded State Indoor Radon
Abatement Program.

    Section 6.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof  as
may   be   necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Low-Level
Radioactive Waste Facility Development and Operation Fund  to
the  Department  of Nuclear Safety for use in accordance with
Section 14(a) of the  Illinois  Low-Level  Radioactive  Waste
Management  Act for costs related to establishing a low-level
radioactive waste disposal facility.

    Section 7.  The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof  as
may   be   necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Radiation
Protection Fund to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety  for
licensing  facilities  where  radioactive uranium and thorium
mill tailings are generated or located, and related costs for
regulating the decontamination and  decommissioning  of  such
facilities   and   for  identification,  decontamination  and
environmental    monitoring    of    unlicensed    properties
contaminated with such radioactive mill tailings.

    Section 8.  The sum of $100,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may   be   necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Radiation
Protection Fund to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety  for
reimbursing  other governmental agencies for their assistance
in responding to radiological emergencies.
    Section 9.  The sum of $250,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may   be   necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Radiation
Protection Fund to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety  for
recovery   and   remediation  of  radioactive  materials  and
contaminated facilities  or  properties  when  such  expenses
cannot  be  paid  by  a  responsible  person  or an available

    Section 10.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the Nuclear Safety
Emergency Preparedness Fund to  the  Illinois  Department  of
Nuclear  Safety  for related training and travel expenses and
to reimburse the  Illinois  State  Police  and  the  Illinois
Commerce Commission for costs incurred for activities related
to  inspecting and escorting shipments of spent nuclear fuel,
high-level  radioactive  waste,  and  transuranic  waste   in
Illinois as provided under the rules of the Department.

    Section  11.  The  sum of $650,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from   the   Radiation
Protection  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Nuclear  Safety to
provide for  Federally  Funded  Low-Level  Radioactive  Waste
Intergovernmental Programs.

    Section  12.  The  sum  of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Sheffield  Agreed
Order  Fund to the Department of Nuclear Safety for the care,
maintenance, monitoring, testing, remediation  and  insurance
of   the  low-level  radioactive  waste  disposal  site  near
Sheffield, Illinois.

                         ARTICLE 13
    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the General  Revenue  Fund  to  meet  the  ordinary  and
contingent   expenses   of  the  Department  of  Professional
                     GENERAL OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,133,400
  For Personal Services -
    Per Diem Personnel .........................       47,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       45,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      115,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       84,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      138,500
  For Travel ...................................       52,500
  For Commodities ..............................        5,000
  For Printing .................................        7,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       25,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       25,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        5,000
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                          $1,685,800

    Section 1a.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the General  Professions  Dedicated  Fund  to  meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
Professional Regulation:
                     GENERAL PROFESSIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,011,300
  For Personal Services -
    Per Diem Personnel .........................       60,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       84,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      205,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      135,500
  Group Insurance ..............................      362,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       48,500
  For Travel ...................................       90,000
  For Refunds ..................................       20,000
    Total                                          $3,018,000

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Illinois State Dental Disciplinary Fund to meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Illinois State Dental
Examining   Committee   in  the  Department  of  Professional
  For Personal Services ........................ $    462,800
  For Personal Services - Per Diem .............       25,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       19,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       43,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       25,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................       74,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       12,500
  For Travel ...................................       22,500
  For Refunds ..................................        2,000
    Total                                            $687,200

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Illinois State Medical Disciplinary Fund to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Illinois  State
Medical Disciplinary Board in the Department of  Professional
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,501,200
  For Personal Services:
    Per Diem ...................................       90,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................      109,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      247,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      136,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................      384,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      255,000
  For Travel ...................................       62,500
  For Refunds ..................................       10,000
    Total                                          $3,797,500

    Section  4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
from the Optometric Licensing and Disciplinary Committee Fund
to   meet   the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the
Optometric Licensing and Disciplinary Committee and Technical
Review Board in the Department of Professional Regulation:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    226,100
  For Personal Services:
    Per Diem ...................................       12,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       10,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       23,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       13,600
  For Group Insurance ..........................       37,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       71,500
  For Travel ...................................       12,500
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                            $407,600

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from   the   Design    Professionals    Administration    and
Investigation  Fund  to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent
expenses  of  the Design Professionals Examining Committee in
the Department of Professional Regulation:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    417,800
  For Personal Services:
    Per Diem ...................................       72,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       16,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       42,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       32,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................       88,800
  For Contractual Services .....................       41,500
  For Travel ...................................       57,500
  For Refunds ..................................        1,500
    Total                                            $771,500

    Section 6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Illinois State Pharmacy Disciplinary  Fund  to  meet
the  ordinary  and  contingent expenses of the State Board of
Pharmacy in the Department of Professional Regulation:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    734,200
  For Personal Services

    Per Diem Personnel .........................       25,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       31,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       75,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       47,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      103,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      107,000
  For Travel ...................................       40,000
  For Refunds ..................................        5,000
    Total                                          $1,168,800

    Section 7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Illinois State Podiatric Disciplinary Fund  to  meet
the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Podiatric Medical
Licensing Board in the Department of Professional Regulation:
  For Personal Services:
   Per Diem ....................................        7,500
  For Contractual Services .....................        3,500
  For Travel ...................................        2,500
  Refunds.......................................          500
    Total                                             $14,000

    Section  8.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
from  the Registered CPA Administration and Disciplinary Fund
to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses  of  the  Public
Accountant   Board   in   the   Department   of  Professional
  For Personal Services:
   Per Diem ....................................        7,500
  For Contractual Services .....................       79,000
  For Travel ...................................        2,500
  For Refunds ..................................        2,000
    Total                                             $91,000

    Section 9.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Nursing Dedicated and Professional Fund to meet  the
ordinary  and contingent expenses of the Committee on Nursing
in the Department of Professional Regulation:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    933,400
  For Personal Services: Per Diem ..............       42,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       41,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       96,300
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................       55,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................      170,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      106,500
  For Travel ...................................       35,000
  For Refunds ..................................        2,000
    Total                                          $1,482,800

    Section 10.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Professional
Regulation Evidence Fund to the  Department  of  Professional
Regulation  for  the  purchase  of  evidence and equipment to
conduct covert activities.

    Section 11.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Professions Indirect Cost Fund to meet the  ordinary
and  contingent  expenses  of  the Department of Professional
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,628,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      228,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      574,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      414,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................      999,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,979,000
  For Travel ...................................       70,000
  For Commodities ..............................       70,000
  For Printing .................................      132,500
  For Equipment ................................      225,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    1,125,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      400,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      140,000
    Total                                         $11,985,400

                         ARTICLE 14

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
                     GOVERNMENT SERVICES
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  4,804,000
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      578,600
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................      187,900
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      773,200
For Extra Help:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       81,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      195,400
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       23,100
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................        7,600
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       31,000
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      488,600
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       57,800
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................       18,800
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       77,400
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      354,600
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       43,000
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................       14,400
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       54,400
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund..............       96,200
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................       29,600
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund.............................      133,200
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      149,500
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       30,600
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       10,000
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       76,900
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       19,300
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       23,200
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............        6,400
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............        1,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................        5,800
For Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund.............      418,500
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      114,100
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       65,000
For Administration of the
  Illinois Affordable Housing Act:
  Payable from Illinois Affordable
   Housing Trust Fund ..........................    1,900,000
For Transfer from the General Revenue
  into the Senior Citizens Real Estate
  Deferred Tax Revolving Fund...................    2,400,000
    Total                                         $13,271,100

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
                       TAX ENFORCEMENT
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $ 29,298,200
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............    5,022,000
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................      158,700
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................    1,089,800
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
   Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ...............      155,700
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................      145,700
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      346,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    1,171,900
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      200,800
  Payable from Underground Storage
   Tank Fund ...................................        6,400
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       51,300
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
    Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ..............        6,200
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................        5,800
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       13,900
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    2,929,800
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      502,200
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................       15,900
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................      109,000
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
   Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ...............       15,600
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       14,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       34,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    2,124,800
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      370,100
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................       11,800
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       43,300
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
   Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ...............       11,800
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................        9,600
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       25,600
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund..............      732,600
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................       22,200
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................      140,600
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
   Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ...............       29,600
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       22,200
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund.............................       66,600
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      402,600
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      326,900
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       65,400
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      899,600
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      856,800
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................        4,000
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       25,300
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
   Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ...............       25,900
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       13,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      104,300
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............        2,800
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............        4,100
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................          800
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        6,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................        1,900
For Administrative Costs of
  Joint State/Federal Motor Fuel Tax
  Enforcement Program:
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund..............       25,000
For Administration of the
  Dyed Diesel Fuel Roadside
  Enforcement Plan per PA 91-173,
  including prior year costs:
  Payable from Tax Compliance
   And Administration Fund:.....................      114,400
For Deposit into the Special State
  Project Trust Fund for reimbursement
  of start-up expenses connected with
  the Implementation of the Dyed Diesel
  Fuel Roadside Enforcement Plan per
  PA 91-173, including costs incurred
  in prior fiscal years:
  Payable from Tax Compliance
   And Administration Fund......................       16,700
For Deposit into the Transportation
  Regulatory Fund for reimbursement of
  start-up expenses connected with the
  Implementation of the Dyed Diesel Fuel
  Roadside Enforcement Plan per PA 91-173,
  including costs incurred in prior fiscal years:
  Payable from Tax Compliance
   And Administration Fund......................       20,500
For Deposit into the Special Police
  Services Fund for reimbursement of
  start-up expenses connected with the
  Implementation of the Dyed Diesel Fuel
  Roadside Enforcement Plan per PA 91-173,
  including costs incurred in prior fiscal years:
  Payable from Tax Compliance
   And Administration Fund......................       20,000
For Deposit into the Road Fund for
  reimbursement of start-up expenses
  connected with the Implementation of the
  Dyed Diesel Fuel Roadside Enforcement Plan
  per PA-173, including costs in prior
  fiscal years:
  Payable from Tax Compliance
   And Administration Fund......................       20,500
    Total                                         $47,862,300
    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department  of
                       TAX OPERATIONS
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $ 52,034,600
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............    8,013,500
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................      372,400
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       50,400
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................      216,700
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................      305,100
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................    3,743,400
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................      993,600
For Extra Help:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      354,000
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      107,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    2,106,600
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      325,800
  Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund ...       14,900
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        2,100
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................        8,500
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................       12,100
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      149,700
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................       39,700
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    5,237,500
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      812,100
  Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund ...       37,200
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        5,100
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       21,600
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................       30,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      374,300
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................       99,400
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    3,823,500
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      617,700
  Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund ...       27,900
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        3,800
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       18,000
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................       23,300
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      291,700
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................       75,900
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund..............    1,376,400
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................       81,400
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        7,400
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       51,800
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................       51,800
  Payable from Personal Property
   Tax Replacement Fund.........................      821,400
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................      162,800
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    5,126,700
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      964,200
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................        1,600
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................        5,100
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       28,600
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      472,000
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       29,800
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................       10,300
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................          400
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................       10,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       25,800
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................        7,500
For Commodities:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      548,900
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       97,100
  Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund ...        1,300
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        2,000
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................        2,400
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................        2,000
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       60,900
For Printing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    1,456,800
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............      530,400
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................        1,400
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................        4,200
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................      140,800
For Electronic Data Processing:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund.............    5,630,700
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund..............    1,757,900
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................        5,600
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................      224,700
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal Retailers
   Occupation Tax Fund .........................      116,700
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       24,300
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................      220,900
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................      113,600
  Payable from Personal Property
   Tax Replacement Fund.........................      464,700
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................        5,600
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    2,339,800
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund .............       87,600
  Payable from Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...........................       10,000
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       10,500
  Payable from Home Rule Municipal
   Retailers Occupation Tax Fund ...............        3,600
  Payable from County Option Motor
   Fuel Tax Fund ...............................       13,400
  Payable from Illinois Tax
   Increment Fund ..............................       15,900
  Payable from Tax Compliance and
   Administration Fund .........................        5,700
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund ............................       17,800
  Payable from Child Support Enforcement
   Trust Fund ..................................       22,700
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund.............       79,400
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund..............       35,500
  Payable from Illinois Gaming
   Law Enforcement Fund ........................       19,500
  Payable from Personal Property Tax
   Replacement Fund.............................        6,500
For Administration of the Illinois Petroleum Education
  and Marketing Act:
  Payable from the Tax Compliance
   and Administration Fund .....................        9,000
For Administration of the Dry Cleaners Environmental
  Response Trust Fund Act:
  Payable from the Tax Compliance
   and Administration Fund .....................       45,000
    Total                                        $103,719,900

    Section 4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof   as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Revenue as follows:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For the State's Share of County
   Supervisors of Assessments' or
   County Assessors' salaries,
   as provided by law .......................... $  2,024,500
  For additional compensation for local
   assessors, as provided by Sections 2.3
   and 2.6 of the "Revenue Act of 1939",
   as amended ..................................      672,000
  For additional compensation for local
   assessors, as provided by Section 2.7
   of the "Revenue Act of 1939", as
   amended .....................................      480,000
  For additional compensation for county treas-
   urers, pursuant to Public Act 84-1432,
   as amended ..................................      663,000
  For payments under the Senior Citizens
   and Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief
   and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act ...........   84,800,000
    Total                                         $88,639,500
Payable from State and Local Sales
 Tax Reform Fund:
  For Allocation to Chicago for
   additional 1.25% Use Tax Pursuant
   to P.A. 86-0928 ..............................$ 45,000,000
Payable from Local Government Distributive Fund:
  For Allocation of the .4% Sales
   Tax to Units of Local Government
   Pursuant to P.A. 86-0928 .....................$ 25,800,000
  For Allocation to Local Governments of
   additional 1.25% Use Tax Pursuant to
   P.A. 86-0928 ................................$ 118,500,000
Payable from Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund:
  For Payments under Senior Citizen and
   Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief
   and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act.............$ 35,000,000
Payable from R.T.A. Occupation and Use
 Tax Replacement Fund:
  For Allocation to RTA for 10% of the
   1.25% Use Tax Pursuant to P.A. 86-0928 .......$ 24,000,000
Payable from Senior Citizens' Real Estate
 Deferred Tax Revolving Fund:
  For Payments to Counties as Required
   by the Senior Citizens Real
   Estate Tax Deferral Act .......................$ 4,700,000
Payable from Illinois Tax
 Increment Fund:
  For Distribution to Local Tax
   Increment Finance Districts ..................$ 18,170,100
Payable from the Do-It-Yourself
 School Funding Fund:
  For Distribution of Income Tax
  Exemptions Forgone pursuant to
  Public Act 90-0553 ...............................$ 250,000

Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For payment of refunds pursuant to the
   provisions of the Senior Citizens and
   Disabled Persons Property Tax Relief
   and Pharmaceutical Assistance Act ................$150,000

                   TAX ENFORCEMENT GRANTS
    Section 5.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, are appropriated to the Department of
Revenue for the purposes as follows:
Payable from the Illinois Gaming Law
 Enforcement Fund:
  For a Grant for Allocation to Local Law
   Enforcement Agencies for joint state and
   local efforts in Administration of the
   Charitable Games, Pull Tabs and Jar
   Games Act .....................................$ 1,400,000

                    TAX OPERATIONS GRANTS

    Section 6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Revenue for:
Payable from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund:
  For Reimbursement to International
   Fuel Tax Agreement Member
   States........................................$ 52,000,000
Payable from the Homeowners'
Tax Relief Fund:
  For Property Tax Rebates......................$ 280,000,000

                   TAX OPERATIONS REFUNDS
For Refunds and Repayment to persons
as provided by law:
  Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund ..............$ 19,000,000
For Refund of certain taxes in lieu of
credit memoranda, where such refunds are
authorized by law:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund .............$ 34,000,000
For Refunds provided for in Section 13a.8 of
the Motor Fuel Tax Act:
  Payable from the Underground
   Storage Tank Fund ...............................$ 100,000

    Section 7.  The sum of $55,000,000 is  appropriated  from
the  Illinois Affordable Housing Trust Fund to the Department
of Revenue  for  Grants,  (down  payment  assistance,  rental
subsidies,  security deposit subsidies, technical assistance,
outreach, building  an  organization's  capacity  to  develop
affordable  housing  projects  and  other  related purposes),
Mortgages, Loans,  or  for  the  purpose  of  securing  bonds
pursuant to the Illinois Affordable Housing Act, administered
by the Illinois Housing Development Authority.

    Section  7A.  The  sum of $17,250,200, new appropriation,
is appropriated and  the  sum  of  $41,922,800,  or  so  much
thereof  as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30, 2000, from  appropriations  and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 23, Section 7A of
Public  Act  91-0020  is reappropriated from the Federal HOME
Investment Trust Fund to the Department of  Revenue  for  the
Illinois HOME Investment Partnerships Program administered by
the Illinois Housing Development Authority.

                    ILLINOIS GAMING BOARD
    Section  8.  The  sum of $102,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  State  Gaming
Fund  to the Department of Revenue for distributions to local
governments for admissions and wagering tax.

    Section 9.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Revenue for the ordinary and  contingent
expenses of the Illinois Gaming Board:
Payable from State Gaming Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $  4,023,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      192,900
  For State Contributions to the
   State Employees' Retirement System...........      402,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................      236,300
  For Group Insurance...........................      508,100
  For Contractual Services......................    8,055,600
  For Travel....................................      106,000
  For Commodities...............................       30,000
  For Printing..................................        8,000
  For Equipment.................................       69,600
  For Electronic Data Processing................      100,800
  For Telecommunications........................      314,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............       31,500
    Total                                         $14,078,300

    Section  10.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Revenue for:
                    ILLINOIS GAMING BOARD
Payable from State Gaming Fund:
  For Refunds ......................................$ 180,000

                         ARTICLE 15

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  8,677,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      358,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      865,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      545,500
  For Contractual Services .....................    4,351,400
  For Travel ...................................      205,000
  For Commodities ..............................      827,000
  For Printing .................................      167,200
  For Equipment ................................      338,600
  For Equipment:
   Lease-Purchase of Police Cars-FY99 ..........    3,433,100
   Purchase of Police Cars-FY01 ................    2,378,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      249,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      320,700
  For Repairs and Maintenance and
   Permanent Improvements ......................       60,000
  For Expenses of Apprehension of
   Fugitives ...................................       50,000
  For Contractual Services:
   For Payment of Tort Claims ..................      110,500
  For Refunds ..................................       57,400
  For Expenses regarding implementation
   of the Juvenile Justice Reform
   provisions ..................................      548,000
    Total                                         $23,541,900
Payable from Missing and Exploited Children
 Trust Fund:
  For the Administration and fulfillment
   of its responsibilities under the
   Intergovernmental Missing Child
   Recovery Act of 1984 .............................. 50,000
Payable from the State Police Wireless Service
 Service Emergency Fund:
  For costs associated with the
   administration and fulfillment
   of its responsibilities under
   the Wireless Emergency Telephone
   Safety Act..................................... $1,300,000

    Section 2.  The sum of $25,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 39, Section 15ag of Public
Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from  the  Capital
Development  Fund  to  the Department of State Police for the
cost associated with a statewide voice communication system.

    Section 3.  The sum of $3,500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  State Asset
Forfeiture Fund to the Department of State Police for payment
of their expenditures as outlined in the Illinois Drug  Asset
Forfeiture  Procedure  Act,  the  Cannabis  Control  Act, the
Controlled Substances Act, and the Environmental Safety Act.

    Section 4.  The sum of $2,500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the Federal Asset
Forfeiture Fund to the Department of State Police for payment
of  their  expenditures  in  accordance  with   the   Federal
Equitable Sharing Guidelines.

    Section  5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,672,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      226,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      565,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      417,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,039,500
  For Travel ...................................       43,100
  For Commodities ..............................       43,200
  For Printing .................................       62,000
  For Equipment ................................        3,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    4,022,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      780,800
    Total                                         $12,876,900

Payable from LEADS Maintenance Fund:
  For Expenses Related to LEADS
   System .......................................$  2,500,000

    Section  6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
                   DIVISION OF OPERATIONS
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 92,149,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    4,665,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    9,187,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    2,282,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,626,500
  For Travel ...................................      943,000
  For Commodities ..............................    1,329,000
  For Printing .................................      179,300
  For Equipment ................................      909,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      354,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    4,920,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............    7,667,800
    Total                                        $131,214,000
Payable from the Road Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 45,603,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    2,452,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    4,445,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      231,900
    Total                                         $52,733,200
Payable from the State Police Services Fund:
  For Payment of Expenses:
   Fingerprint Program.......................... $  6,720,000
  For Payment of Expenses:
   Federal & IDOT Programs......................    3,680,000
  For Payment of Expenses:
   Riverboat Gambling...........................    8,500,000
  For Payment of Expenses:
   Miscellaneous Programs.......................    3,350,000
    Total                                         $22,250,000
Payable from the Illinois State Police
 Federal Projects Fund:
  For Payment of Expenses....................... $ 18,206,800

Payable from the Motor Carrier Safety Inspection Fund:
  For expenses associated with the
   enforcement of Federal Motor Carrier
   Safety Regulations and related
   Illinois Motor Carrier
   Safety Laws.................................... $2,200,000

    Section  7.  The following amounts, or so much thereof as
may be necessary for the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter
named, are appropriated from the General Revenue Fund and the
Drug  Traffic  Prevention  Fund  to  the  Department of State
Police, Division of Operations, pursuant to the provisions of
the "Intergovernmental Drug Laws Enforcement Act" for  Grants
to Metropolitan Enforcement Groups.
For Grants to Metropolitan
 Enforcement Groups:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    $ 740,000
  Payable from Drug Traffic Prevention Fund ....    $ 500,000

    Section 8.  In the event of the receipt of funds from the
Motor  Vehicle Theft Prevention Council, through a grant from
the Criminal Justice Information  Authority,  the  amount  of
$1,000,000,  or  so  much  thereof  as  may  be necessary, is
appropriated  from  the  State  Police  Motor  Vehicle  Theft
Prevention Trust Fund to the Department of State  Police  for
payment of expenses.

    Section 9.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the Gang Crime Witness
Protection Fund to the Department of State Police for payment
of costs as outlined in the  Gang  Crime  Witness  Protection

    Section 10.  The following amounts, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are appropriated from the
General Revenue Fund to the Department of  State  Police  for
expenses   of  Racetrack  Investigative  Services  under  the
"Illinois Horse Racing Act of 1975":
                   DIVISION OF OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $    517,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       26,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       51,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       10,200
  For Contractual Services .....................       20,600
  For Travel ...................................        2,700
  For Commodities ..............................        1,900
  For Printing .................................          800
  For Equipment ................................        1,700
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............        6,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        6,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       25,400
    Total                                            $672,100

    Section 11.  The following amounts, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated  from  the
General  Revenue  Fund  to the Department of State Police for
the expenses of Fraud Investigations:
                   DIVISION OF OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $  4,063,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      213,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      405,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       39,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      131,800
  For Travel ...................................       11,400
  For Commodities ..............................        4,700
  For Equipment ................................        3,100
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       10,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       25,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       62,600
    Total                                          $4,969,600

    Section 12.  The sum of $250,000, or so much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Medicaid Fraud and
Abuse  Prevention  Fund  to  the  Department of State Police,
Division of Operations - Financial Fraud and Forgery Unit for
the detection, investigation or prosecution of  recipient  or
vendor fraud.

    Section  13.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of State Police for the following purposes:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 31,465,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................    1,267,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    3,137,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................    2,088,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,569,400
  For Travel ...................................      285,700
  For Commodities ..............................    2,606,100
  For Printing .................................      147,500
  For Equipment ................................    2,821,400
  For Electronic Data Processing................    3,615,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      778,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      171,000
  For Administration of a Statewide Sexual
   Assault Evidence Collection Program .........      101,200
    Total                                         $55,053,500
  For Administration and Operation
   of State Crime Laboratories:
  Payable from State Crime Laboratory Fund ......... $550,000
  Payable from State Crime Laboratory
   DUI Fund ........................................ $400,000
  Payable from State Offender DNA
   Identification  System Fund ..................... $600,000

    Section    14.  In   addition   to   any   other   amount
appropriated, the sum of $2,300,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of State Police  for  the  purpose  of
processing DNA cases.

    Section  15.  The  sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated to the Department of  State
Police,  Division  of  Forensic  Services and Identification,
from  the  Firearm  Owner's   Notification   Fund   for   the
administration   and   operation   of   the  Firearm  Owner's
Identification Card Program.

    Section 16.  The following amounts, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  respectively,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department   of   State  Police  for  Internal  Investigation
expenses as follows:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,601,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       78,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      159,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       53,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      152,800
  For Travel ...................................       35,000
  For Commodities ..............................       21,400
  For Printing .................................        4,000
  For Equipment ................................       83,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       93,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      103,000
    Total                                          $2,385,800

    Section   17.  In   addition   to   any   other    amount
appropriated,  the  sum  of $5,321,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  House  Bill  1534,  approved  by  the  91st  General
Assembly  on  April  12,  2000,  Article  1,  Section  12, is
reappropriated  from  the  General  Revenue   Fund   to   the
Department  of  State Police for the purchase of new vehicles
and accessories.

                         ARTICLE 16

    Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
named,  are  appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to meet the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Department   of
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 24,126,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      965,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,413,100
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,750,200
  For Contractual Services .....................    4,523,900
  For Travel ...................................      565,600
  For Commodities ..............................      576,600
  For Printing .................................    1,157,000
  For Equipment ................................      496,500
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars & Trucks ...................      185,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      683,600
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      150,100
    Total                                         $37,593,300

                          LUMP SUMS
    Section  1a.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Planning, Research and Development
   Purposes .................................... $    300,000
  For costs associated with asbestos
   abatement....................................      575,400
  For metropolitan planning and research
   purposes as provided by law, provided
   such amount shall not exceed funds
   to be made available from the federal
   government or local sources .................   19,000,000
  For metropolitan planning and research
   purposes as provided by law .................    1,000,000
  For federal reimbursement of planning
   activities as provided by the Transportation
   Equity Act for the 21st Century .............    1,750,000
  For the federal share of the IDOT
   ITS Program, provided expenditures
   do not exceed funds to be made available
   by the Federal Government ...................    1,000,000
  For the state share of the IDOT
   ITS Corridor Program ........................    2,970,000
  For the Department's share of costs
   with the Illinois Commerce
   Commission for  monitoring railroad
   crossing safety .............................    1,690,600
    Total                                         $28,286,000

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 1b.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Tort Claims, including payment
   pursuant to P.A. 80-1078 .................... $    500,000
  For representation and indemnification
   for the Department of Transportation,
   the Illinois State Police and the
   Secretary of State provided that the
   representation required resulted from
   the Road Fund portion of their normal
   operations ..................................      260,000
  For Enhancement and Congestion
   Mitigation and Air Quality
   Projects.....................................    5,000,000
  For auto liability payments for the
   Department of Transportation, the
   Illinois State Police and the
   Secretary of State provided that
   the liability resulted from the
   Road Fund portion of their
   normal operations ...........................    1,932,200
  For grants to Illinois Universities
  for applied research on transportation........      520,000
  For payment of claims as provided by the
   "Workers' Compensation Act" or the "Workers'
   Occupational Diseases Act", including
   Treatment, Expenses and Benefits Payable
   for Total Temporary Incapacity for Work
   for State Employees whose salaries are paid
   from the Road Fund:
  For Awards and Grants ........................   10,600,000
    Total                                         $18,812,200
    Expenditures   from   appropriations  for  treatment  and
expense may be made after the  Department  of  Transportation
has  certified  that the injured person was employed and that
the nature of the injury is compensable  in  accordance  with
the  provisions  of  the  Workers'  Compensation  Act  or the
Workers' Occupational Diseases Act, and then  has  determined
the  amount  of  such  compensation to be paid to the injured
person.  Expenditures for this purpose may  be  made  by  the
Department  of  Transportation  without  regard to the fiscal
year in  which  benefit  or  service  was  rendered  or  cost
incurred   as   allowable   or   provided   by  the  Workers'
Compensation Act or the Workers' Occupational Diseases Act.

    Section 2.  The sum of $6,111,100, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the
Department of  Transportation   for  the  purchase  of  land,
construction,   repair,   alterations   and  improvements  to
maintenance and  traffic  facilities,  district  and  central
headquarters facilities, storage facilities, grounds, parking
areas  and  facilities,  fencing  and  underground  drainage,
including   plans,   specifications,   utilities   and  fixed
equipment installed and all costs and charges incident to the
completion thereof at various locations.
    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,392,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      215,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      539,200
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...      387,200
  For Contractual Services .....................    6,690,000
  For Travel ...................................       50,300
  For Commodities ..............................       30,000
  For Equipment ................................        6,400
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    1,240,100
  For Telecommunications .......................    1,082,300
    Total                                         $15,633,300

    Section  4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 29,217,500
  For Extra Help ...............................      996,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................    1,208,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    3,021,400
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    2,109,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    5,087,600
  For Travel ...................................      562,500
  For Commodities ..............................      384,800
  For Equipment ................................      597,200
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................       82,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    2,883,800
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      234,800
    Total                                         $46,386,600

                          LUMP SUM
    Section 4a.  The sum of $425,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the
Department  of  Transportation  for  repair  of  damages   by
motorists  to  state vehicles and equipment or replacement of
state vehicles and equipment, provided such amount shall  not
exceed  funds  to  be  made  available  from collections from
claims filed by the Department to recover the costs  of  such

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 4b.  The sum of $1,500,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Road Fund to the
Department   of   Transportation   for    reimbursement    to
participating  counties  in the County Engineers Compensation
Program, providing those reimbursements do not  exceed  funds
to  be  made available from their federal highway allocations
retained by the Department.

    Section  4b1.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for grants to local
governments for the following purposes:
For reimbursement of eligible expenses
  arising from local Traffic Signal
  Maintenance Agreements created by Part
  468 of the Illinois Department of
  Transportation Rules and Regulations.......... $    200,000
For reimbursement of eligible expenses
  arising from City, County, and other
  State Maintenance Agreements..................    8,322,000
    Total                                          $8,522,000

    Section 4c.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Maintenance, Traffic and Physical
   Research Purposes (A) ....................... $ 21,780,300
  For Maintenance, Traffic and Physical
   Research Purposes (B) .......................    9,080,100
  For costs associated with the
   identification and disposal of hazardous
   materials at storage facilities .............    1,158,600
  For repair of damages by motorists
   to highway guardrails, fencing,
   lighting units, bridges, underpasses,
   signs, traffic signals, crash
   attenuators, landscaping and other
   highway appurtenances, provided
   such amount shall not exceed funds
   to be made available from collections
   from claims filed by the Department
   to recover the costs of such
   damages .....................................    4,000,000
    Total                                         $36,019,000

    Section  4d.  The  following  named  amount,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Refunds ...................................... $ 28,000

    Section 5.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
named,  are appropriated from the Road Fund to the Department
of Transportation for the ordinary and contingent expenses of
the Division of Traffic Safety:

                       TRAFFIC SAFETY
  For Personal Services ........................ $  6,329,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      253,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      632,900
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...      458,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,355,400
  For Travel ...................................       63,700
  For Commodities ..............................       38,300
  For Printing .................................      325,000
  For Equipment ................................       99,500
  For Equipment:
    Purchase of Cars and Trucks ................       64,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      145,100
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........       72,600
  For Refunds ..................................        9,200
    Total                                          $9,846,800

    Section 5a.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
named, are appropriated from the Cycle Rider Safety  Training
Fund,  as authorized by Public Act 82-0649, to the Department
of Transportation for the administration of the  Cycle  Rider
Safety Training Program by the Division of Traffic Safety:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    130,500
  For Employee Contribution to
   Retirement System by Employer ...............        5,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       13,000
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       10,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................       19,700
  For Contractual Services .....................       10,100
  For Travel ...................................       13,600
  For Commodities ..............................        1,000
  For Printing .................................        2,300
  For Equipment ................................        2,300
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        5,100
    Total                                            $212,800

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section  5a1.  The  sum of $1,900,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Cycle  Rider
Safety Training Fund, as authorized by Public Act 82-0649, to
the  Department  of Transportation for reimbursement to State
and local universities and colleges for  Cycle  Rider  Safety
Training Programs.

    Section  6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
                          DAY LABOR
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,039,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      151,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      504,000
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...      383,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      899,600
  For Travel ...................................      122,100
  For Commodities ..............................      112,000
  For Equipment ................................      186,200
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................       93,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       32,100
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      208,800
    Total                                          $7,732,100

    Section 7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 75,971,500
  For Extra Help ...............................    5,602,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................    3,262,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    8,155,100
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    6,011,900
  For Contractual Services .....................   15,118,700
  For Travel ...................................      223,600
  For Commodities ..............................    4,820,600
  For Equipment ................................    1,432,600
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    4,184,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............    1,471,900
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    6,089,500
    Total                                        $132,343,700

    Section  8.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
                  DISTRICT 2, DIXON OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 23,848,800
  For Extra Help ...............................    1,971,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................    1,032,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,582,000
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,853,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,507,300
  For Travel ...................................      238,300
  For Commodities ..............................    1,696,600
  For Equipment ................................      790,000
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,353,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      224,500
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    2,072,600
    Total                                         $41,171,500

    Section 9.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
                  DISTRICT 3, OTTAWA OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 22,061,800
  For Extra Help ...............................    1,796,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      954,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,385,800
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,727,300
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,020,100
  For Travel ...................................      100,800
  For Commodities ..............................    2,049,100
  For Equipment ................................      911,500
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,374,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      205,600
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,967,500
    Total                                         $38,554,400

    Section  10.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
                  DISTRICT 4, PEORIA OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 18,718,200
  For Extra Help ...............................    2,013,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      829,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,073,200
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,492,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,833,100
  For Travel ...................................      138,700
  For Commodities ..............................    1,075,600
  For Equipment ................................    1,004,500
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,153,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      219,200
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,414,400
    Total                                         $33,965,600

    Section 11.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
                  DISTRICT 5, PARIS OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 20,861,700
  For Extra Help ...............................    1,459,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      892,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,232,100
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,584,800
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,834,600
  For Travel ...................................       89,500
  For Commodities ..............................    1,237,300
  For Equipment ................................      688,500
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      957,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      147,500
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,638,200
    Total                                         $34,623,900

    Section  12.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 21,637,100
  For Extra Help ...............................    1,339,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      919,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,297,600
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,677,300
  For Contractual Services .....................    3,390,300
  For Travel ...................................      141,100
  For Commodities ..............................    1,358,000
  For Equipment ................................      544,600
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,250,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      209,300
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,815,700
    Total                                         $36,579,500

    Section 13.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 14,524,200
  For Extra Help ...............................      889,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      616,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,541,400
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,102,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,985,800
  For Travel ...................................      149,300
  For Commodities ..............................      697,800
  For Equipment ................................      732,000
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................      849,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      106,700
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........      851,200
    Total                                         $24,046,500

    Section  14.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 27,498,300
  For Extra Help ...............................    1,756,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................    1,170,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    2,925,500
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    2,068,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    5,672,400
  For Travel ...................................      208,800
  For Commodities ..............................    1,317,200
  For Equipment ................................    1,093,400
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,563,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      339,100
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,813,000
    Total                                         $47,427,300

    Section 15.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Road
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the objects  and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 14,399,600
  For Extra Help ...............................    1,407,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by State ...............................      632,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,580,700
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...    1,052,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,250,300
  For Travel ...................................       67,100
  For Commodities ..............................      615,000
  For Equipment ................................      729,900
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks .................    1,093,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      103,500
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........    1,086,700
    Total                                         $25,018,200

    Section  16.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated from  the  Road
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
                    CONSTRUCTION DIVISION
                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
  For apportionment to counties for
   construction of township bridges 20
   feet or more in length as provided
   in Section 6-901 through 6-906 of the
   "Illinois Highway Code" ..................... $ 15,000,000
   For apportionment to counties
   under 1,000,000 in population,
   $8,000,000 of the total apportioned
   in equal amounts to each eligible
   county, and $13,800,000 apportioned
   to each eligible county in proportion
   to the amount of motor vehicle license
   fees received from the residents of
   eligible counties............................  21,800,000
  For apportionment to needy Townships and
   Road Districts, as determined by the
   Department in consultation with the County
   Superintendents of Highways, Township
   Highway Commissioners, or Road District
   Highway Commissioners .......................   10,014,300
  For apportionment to high-growth cities over
   5,000 in population, as determined by the
   Department in consultation with the Illinois
   Municipal League ............................    4,000,000
    Total                                         $50,814,300

    Section 16b.   The  sum,  of  $959,185,700,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Road
Fund to the  Department  of  Transportation  for  preliminary
engineering  and  construction engineering and contract costs
of  construction,  including  reconstruction,  extension  and
improvement of  State  highways,  arterial  highways,  roads,
access  areas,  roadside shelters, rest areas, fringe parking
facilities and sanitary facilities, and such  other  purposes
as  provided  by  the  "Illinois  Highway Code"; for purposes
allowed or required  by  Title  23  of  the  U.S.  Code;  for
bikeways  as  provided  by  Public  Act 78-0850; and for land
acquisition  and  signboard  removal  and  control,  junkyard
removal and control and preservation of natural  beauty;  and
for   capital   improvements  which  directly  facilitate  an
effective vehicle weight enforcement program, such as  scales
(fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and
scale   houses,   in  accordance  with  applicable  laws  and

    Section 16b1.  The sum, $940,000,000, or so much  thereof
as   may   be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  State
Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation
for preliminary engineering and construction engineering  and
contract  costs  of  construction,  including reconstruction,
extension  and  improvement  of  State   highways,   arterial
highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas,
fringe  parking  facilities and sanitary facilities, and such
other purposes as provided by the  "Illinois  Highway  Code";
for  purposes  allowed  or  required  by Title 23 of the U.S.
Code; for bikeways as provided by Public Act 78-0850; and for
land acquisition and signboard removal and control,  junkyard
removal  and  control and preservation of natural beauty; and
for  capital  improvements  which  directly   facilitate   an
effective  vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales
(fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations, and
scale  houses,  in  accordance  with  applicable   laws   and

     Section  16b2.   The  sum  of  $350,000,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, for statewide  use  pursuant  to
Section  4(a)(1)  of  the  General  Obligation  Bond  Act, is
appropriated from the Transportation Bond Series  A  Fund  to
the   Department  of  Transportation  for  land  acquisition,
engineering    (including    environmental    studies     and
archaeological  activities  and  other studies and activities
necessary or appropriate to secure federal  participation  in
the  project),  and  construction,  including reconstruction,
extension  and  improvement  of  State   highways,   arterial
highways, roads, structures separating highways and railroads
and  bridges and for purposes allowed or required by Title 23
of the U.S. Code as provided by law in order to  implement  a
portion of the Fiscal Year 2000 road improvements program.

    Section  17.  The  sum of $26,250,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Grade  Crossing
Protection  Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the
installation  of   grade   crossing   protection   or   grade
separations  at  places  where  a  public  highway  crosses a
railroad at  grade,  as  ordered  by  the  Illinois  Commerce
Commission, as provided by law.

    Section 18.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
named,  are  appropriated to the Department of Transportation
for the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  Aeronautics
                    AERONAUTICS DIVISION
For Personal Services:
  Payable from the Road Fund ................... $  5,589,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by State:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      223,600
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      559,000
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      422,100
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................    3,148,300
  Payable from Air Transportation
   Revolving Fund ..............................    1,300,000
For Travel:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      125,000
For Travel:  Executive Air Transportation
 Expenses of the General Assembly:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........      190,100
For Travel:  Executive Air Transportation
 Expenses of the Governor's Office:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........      179,900
For Commodities:
  Payable from Aeronautics Fund ................      149,500
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      622,800
For Equipment:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........    4,179,300
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      138,800
For Equipment; Purchase of Cars and Trucks:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................       18,000
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................      105,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
  Payable from the Road Fund ...................       23,700
For Refunds:
  Payable from the Aeronautics Fund.............          500
    Total                                         $16,975,000
                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section  18a.  The sum of $99,184,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Federal/Local
Airport  Fund to the Department of Transportation for funding
the local or federal share of  airport  improvement  projects
undertaken  pursuant  to  pertinent  state  or  federal laws,
provided such amounts shall not exceed funds  available  from
federal and/or local sources.

    Section 18a1.  The sum of $16,600,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from Transportation Bond
Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for
financial  assistance  to  airports pursuant to Section 34 of
the Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended, for  such  purposes
as  are described in that Section and for airport acquisition
and development  pursuant  to  Section  72  of  the  Illinois
Aeronautics  Act,  as  amended,  for  such  purposes  as  are
described  in  that  Section and for making deposits into the
Airport Land  Loan  Revolving  Fund  for  loans  pursuant  to
Section  34b of The Illinois Aeronautics Act, as amended, for
such purposes as are described in that Section.

    Section 18a1a.  The sum of $16,000,000 or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Transportation
Bond  Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department of Transportation,
pursuant to Section 4(c) of the General Obligation Bond  Act,
for  expenses  associated with land acquisition for the third
Chicago area major airport.

    Section 18a2.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund to the Department of Transportation for such purposes as
are   described  in  Sections  31  and  34  of  the  Illinois
Aeronautics Act, as amended.
    Section 18a3.  The sum of $4,600,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Airport Land
Loan Revolving Fund to the Department of  Transportation  for
loans  to airport sponsors for all costs associated with land

    Section 19.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated from the General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Transportation for the
ordinary  and  contingent   expenses   incident   to   Public
Transportation and Railroads Operations:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,637,600
  For Employee Contribution to
   Retirement System by Employer ...............       65,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      163,800
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................      123,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       21,100
  For Travel ...................................       16,500
  For Commodities ..............................        2,500
  For Equipment ................................        4,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       21,100
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        8,100
    Total                                          $2,063,600

                          LUMP SUMS
    Section  19a.  The  sum of $90,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund   to   the   Department  of  Transportation  for  public
transportation technical studies.
    Section 19a1.  The sum of $533,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Federal  Mass
Transit  Trust  Fund  to the Department of Transportation for
federal reimbursement of transit studies as provided  by  the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century.

    Section 19a2.  The sum of $404,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  administrative
expenses  incurred in connection with the purposes of Section
18 of the Federal Transit Act (Section 5311 of the  USC),  as
amended,   provided   such  amount  shall  not  exceed  funds
available from the Federal government under that Act.

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 19b.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Transportation for making grants to
eligible recipients  of  funding  under  Article  II  of  the
Downstate  Public  Transportation  Act  for  the  purpose  of
reimbursing  the  recipients  which provide reduced fares for
mass  transportation  services  for   students,   handicapped
persons and the elderly.

    Section 19b1.  The sum of $40,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Transportation for making grants to
the  Regional  Transportation  Authority  for  the purpose of
reimbursing the Service Boards for  providing  reduced  fares
for  mass  transportation  services for students, handicapped
persons, and the  elderly  to  be  allocated  proportionately
among  the Service Boards based upon actual costs incurred by
each Service Board for such reduced fares.
    Section 19b2.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  from the
Transportation Bond  Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation  for  construction  costs,  making  grants and
providing  project  assistance  to  municipalities,   special
transportation  districts,  private non-profit carriers, mass
transportation carriers, and the Intercity Rail  Program  for
the acquisition, construction, extension, reconstruction, and
improvement  of  mass  transportation  facilities,  including
rapid  transit,  intercity rail, bus and other equipment used
in connection therewith, as provided by law, as follows:

Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
  General Obligation Bond Act,
  as amended ...................................  $76,000,000
For the counties of the state outside
  the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
  McHenry, and Will pursuant to
  Section 4(b)(1) of the General
  Obligation Bond Act, as amended ..............    5,000,000
For Operation Green Light Program...............   15,000,000
    Total                                         $96,000,000

    Section  19b3.  The  sum  of  $160,500,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Public
Transportation  Fund to the Department of  Transportation for
the  purpose  stated  in  Section  4.09   of   the  "Regional
Transportation  Authority Act", as  amended.

    Section 19b4.  The sum of $55,000,000, or so much thereof
as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Public
Transportation Fund to the Department of  Transportation  for
making  a  grant to the Regional Transportation Authority for
Additional State Assistance to be used for  its  purposes  as
provided  in the "Regional Transportation Authority Act", but
in no event shall this amount exceed the amount provided  for
in  Sections  4.09 (c) and 4.09 (d) with respect to Strategic
Capital   Improvement   bonds   issued   by   the    Regional
Transportation    Authority    pursuant   to   the   Regional
Transportation Authority Act as amended in 1989.

    Section 19b5.  The sum of $16,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the   Public
Transportation  Fund  to the Department of Transportation for
making a grant to the Regional Transportation  Authority  for
Additional  Financial  Assistance to be used for its purposes
as provided in the "Regional Transportation  Authority  Act",
but  in no event shall this amount exceed the amount provided
for in Sections 4.09 (c-5)  and  4.09  (d)  with  respect  to
Strategic  Capital  Improvement  bonds issued by the Regional
Transportation   Authority   pursuant   to    the    Regional
Transportation Authority Act as amended in 1999.

    Section  19b6.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so much
thereof as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  from  the
Downstate  Public  Transportation  Fund  to the Department of
Transportation for operating assistance grants to  provide  a
portion  of the eligible operating expenses for the following
carriers for the purposes stated in Article II of Public  Act
78-1109, as amended:
                       URBANIZED AREAS
Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District ......... $  7,795,000
Greater Peoria Mass Transit District............    6,489,000
Rock Island County Metropolitan
  Mass Transit District.........................    4,501,500
Rockford Mass Transit District..................    4,608,800
Springfield Mass Transit District...............    4,482,000
Bloomington-Normal Public Transit System .......    2,143,700
City of Decatur ................................    2,143,400
City of Pekin ..................................      321,800
City of Loves Park .............................      536,000
River Valley Metro Mass Transit District........      726,000
City of South Beloit ...........................       29,200
    Total, Urbanized Areas                        $33,776,400
                     NON-URBANIZED AREAS
City of Danville ............................... $    779,500
City of Quincy .................................    1,071,700
RIDES Mass Transit District ....................      992,000
South Central Illinois
  Mass Transit District ........................    1,010,700
City of Galesburg ..............................      487,300
    Total, Non-Urbanized Areas                     $4,341,200

    Section 19b7.  The sum of $16,500,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the Metro East
Public   Transportation   Fund   to   the    Department    of
Transportation for operating assistance grants subject to the
provisions  of  the "Downstate Public Transportation Act", as
amended by the 81st General Assembly.

    Section 19b8.  The sum of $16,300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Federal  Mass
Transit  Trust  Fund  to the Department of Transportation for
the federal share of capital, operating, consultant services,
and  technical  assistance   grants,   as   well   as   state
administration  and  interagency  agreements,  provided  such
amounts  shall not exceed funds to be made available from the
Federal Government.

    Section 19b9.  The sum of $6,000,000, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department of Transportation for making grants
and providing project assistance to  municipalities,  special
transportation  districts,  private non-profit carriers, mass
transportation carriers for  the  acquisition,  construction,
extension,   reconstruction,   rehabilitation,   repair   and
improvement  of  mass  transportation  facilities,  including
rapid  transit,  intercity rail, bus and other equipment used
in connection therewith.

    Section 19b10.  The sum of $200,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the Downstate
Public   Transportation   Fund   to   the    Department    of
Transportation  for  audit  adjustments  in  accordance  with
Section  15.1  of  the "Downstate Public Transportation Act",
approved August 9, 1974, as amended.

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 20a.  The sum of $10,220,000, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation for funding the
State's share of intercity rail passenger service and  making
necessary   expenditures   for  services  and  other  program

    Section 20a1.  The sum of $2,750,000, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the Rail Freight
Services   Assistance  Program,  created  by  Section  49.25a
through  49.25g-1  of  the  Civil  Administrative   Code   of

    Section  20a2.  The sum of $3,272,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is  appropriated  from  the  State  Rail
Freight  Loan  Repayment  Fund  for  funding  the  State Rail
Freight Loan Repayment Program created by Section 49.25g-1 of
the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois.

    Section 20a3.  The sum of $830,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Rail Freight  Loan
Repayment  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
Rail Freight Service Assistance Program, created  by  Section
49.25a  through  49.25g-1 of the Civil Administrative Code of

    Section 20a4.  The sum of $356,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation for funding the
State's share of the  Rail  Freight  Loan  Repayment  Program
created  by  Section  49.25a  through  49.25g-1  of the Civil
Administrative Code of Illinois.

    Section 20a5.  The sum of $7,000,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Federal High
Speed Rail Trust Fund to the Department of Transportation for
the federal share of the High Speed Rail Project.

    Section 20a6.  The sum of $20,000,000 or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary is appropriated from the Transportation
Bond Series B  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation,
pursuant  to  Section  4(b)(1) of the General Obligation Bond
Act,  for  track  and  signal  improvements,  AMTRAK  station
improvements, rail  passenger  equipment,  and  rail  freight
facility improvements.

    Section 21.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax
Fund to the Department of Transportation for the ordinary and
contingent  expenses incident to the operations and functions
of administering the  provisions  of  the  "Illinois  Highway
Code",  relating  to  use  of  Motor  Fuel  Tax  Funds by the
counties, municipalities, road districts and townships:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  7,247,100
  For Employee Contribution to
   Retirement System by Employer ...............      289,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      725,400
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...      517,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      980,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       32,400
  For Travel ...................................       86,900
  For Commodities ..............................        7,700
  For Printing .................................       14,000
  For Equipment ................................       41,900
  For Equipment:
   Purchase of Cars and Trucks..................       16,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       22,500
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........        3,400
    Total                                          $9,984,700

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section  21a.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
thereof as are available for distribution in accordance  with
Section  8  of  the Motor Fuel Tax Law, are appropriated from
the Motor Fuel Tax Fund to the Department  of  Transportation
for the purposes stated:
                     DISTRIBUTIVE ITEMS
  For apportioning, allotting, and paying
   as provided by law:
    To Counties ..............................   $221,100,000
    To Municipalities ........................    310,100,000
    To Counties for Distribution to
     Road Districts ..........................    100,300,000
    Total                                        $631,500,000

    Section 22.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are
appropriated  from   the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation for implementation  of  the  Commercial  Motor
Vehicle  Safety  Program  under provisions of Title IV of the
Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, as amended  by
the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    564,500
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................       22,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       56,400
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       43,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      175,800
  For Travel ...................................       63,400
  For Commodities ..............................       18,900
  For Printing .................................       23,700
  For Equipment ................................       20,300
  For Telecommunications Services...............        2,000
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........        6,200
    Total                                            $997,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,939,400
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................      158,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      299,800
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       34,100
  For Contractual Services .....................      219,700
  For Travel ...................................      138,800
  For Commodities ..............................       75,500
  For Printing .................................       10,500
  For Equipment ................................      249,600
  For Telecommunications Services...............       74,000
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........      196,200
    Total                                          $4,396,100

    Section 23.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be necessary for the agencies hereinafter named, are
appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department   of
Transportation  for  implementation  of  the Illinois Highway
Safety Program  under  provisions  of  the  National  Highway
Safety Act of 1966, as amended:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    138,200
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................        8,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       13,600
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...        2,100
  For Contractual Services .....................      129,500
  For Travel ...................................       29,000
  For Commodities ..............................       14,500
  For Printing .................................       70,300
  For Equipment ................................      124,800
  For Telecommunications........................       21,900
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........       17,200
    Total                                            $569,200
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,128,400
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................       67,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      100,900
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       23,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       13,600
  For Travel ...................................        4,100
  For Commodities ..............................          400
   For Equipment ...............................      223,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       92,400
    Total                                          $1,653,700
  For Contractual Services ..................... $     40,000
    Total                                             $40,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,146,800
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................       45,900
  For State Contributions to State Employees'
   Retirement System ...........................      114,700
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       87,700
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,988,900
  For Travel ...................................       73,500
  For Commodities ..............................       57,500
  For Printing .................................       98,400
  For Equipment ................................        5,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        2,300
    Total                                          $3,621,100
  For Contractual Services ..................... $     20,000
  For Travel ...................................        6,000
  For Commodities ..............................       25,800
  For Printing .................................        4,000
    Total                                             $55,800
  For Contractual Services ..................... $     75,000
  For Printing .................................        5,000
    Total                                             $80,000
  For Commodities ...................................$ 50,000
  For Contractual Services...................... $      8,000
  For Travel ...................................        7,000
    Total                                             $15,000
  For Contractual Services...................... $      2,000
  For Travel ...................................       18,000
    Total                                             $20,000

                    FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
  For Local Government Projects by
   Municipalities and Counties ................... $6,584,700

    Section 24.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary  for the agencies hereafter named, are
appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department   of
Transportation  for  implementation  of  the  Alcohol Traffic
Safety Programs of Title XXIII of the Surface  Transportation
Assistance  Act  of  1982,  as  amended by the Transportation
Equity Act for the 21st Century:
  For Contractual Services ..................... $     10,000
  For Travel ...................................       18,500
    Total                                             $28,500
  For Contractual Services ..................... $     11,500
  For Travel ...................................        3,000
  For Commodities ..............................       44,300
  For Printing .................................       31,600
    Total                                             $90,400
              FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE (410)
  For Personal Services ........................ $     22,000
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................        1,600
  For the State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        2,200
  For the State Contribution to Social
   Security ....................................        1,100
  For Contractual Services .....................        4,000
  For Travel ...................................       15,400
  For Commodities ..............................       50,000
  For Printing .................................       10,000
  For Telecommunication Services ...............        1,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        2,400
    Total                                            $109,700
  For Personal Services ........................ $    892,500
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................       49,200
  For the State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       87,500
  For the State Contribution to Social
   Security ....................................       11,200
  For Contractual Services .....................        1,100
  For Travel ...................................        4,700
  For Commodities ..............................        1,300
  For Equipment ................................       66,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............       61,900
    Total                                          $1,175,700
               STANDARDS TRAINING BOARD (410)
  For Contractual Services ..................... $    125,000
    Total                                            $125,000
                    FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
For Local Government Projects by
  Municipalities and Counties .................... $2,500,000

    Section 25.  The following named sums or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary  for the agencies hereafter named, are
appropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department   of
Transportation for implementation of the Section 163 Impaired
Driving  Incentive  Grant Program (.08 Alcohol) as authorized
by the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century:
  For Contractual Services ....................... $1,562,000
  For Contractual Services.......................... $300,000
  For Equipment .................................. $2,500,000
              FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE (.08)
  For Personal Services ........................ $     75,000
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................        3,000
  For the State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        7,500
  For the State Contribution to Social
   Security ....................................        5,700
  For Contractual Services .....................       30,000
  For Travel ...................................       12,000
  For Equipment ................................        2,100
  Telecommunications Services...................        2,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............        9,900
    Total                                            $148,000

  For Personal Services ........................ $     35,500
  For Employee Contribution to Retirement
   System by Employer ..........................        2,000
  For the State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        1,800
  For the State Contribution to Social
   Security ....................................          700
  For Equipment ................................       25,000
    Total                                             $65,000

  For Contractual Services ..................... $    119,000
  For Travel ...................................       14,800
  For Commodities...............................        2,800
  For Printing..................................       30,500
  For Equipment ................................        1,000
  For Telecommunications Services...............       11,400
    Total                                            $179,500

                    FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENTS
  For Local Government Projects
   by Municipalities and Counties............... $  1,557,000

    Section 26.  The sum of $1,250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is appropriated  from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Transportation for the expenses of
an emissions testing/inspection program  for  diesel  powered
vehicles  in  the  counties  of  Cook, DuPage, Lake, Kane, Mc
Henry, Will, Madison, St. Clair and Monroe and the  townships
of Aux Sable, Goose Lake and Oswego.

    Section   27.  In   addition   to  any  funds  previously
appropriated for such purposes, the sum of  $804,000,  or  so
much  thereof  as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the
Fund for Illinois Future  to the Department of Transportation
for preliminary engineering and construction engineering  and
contract costs of construction, including,  but  not  limited
to,  reconstruction,  extension  and improvement of highways,
arterial highways, roads, access  areas,  roadside  shelters,
rest  areas,  fringe parking facilities, storage and sanitary
facilities, equipment, traffic control, sidewalks, pedestrian
overpasses  and  such  other  purposes  as  provided  by  the
"Illinois Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required  by
Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public
Act  78-0500;  and for land acquisition and signboard removal
and control; junkyard removal and control and preservation of
natural beauty; for  signage  and  warning  lights,  and  for
capital  improvements  which directly facilitate an effective
vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and
portable), scale pits  and  scale  installations,  and  scale
houses,  in  accordance with applicable laws and regulations;
and for any grants to  units of local government to undertake
any of the aforementioned activities.

    Section  30.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into   or
obligation   incurred   or   any  expenditure  made  from  an
appropriation herein made in

Section 2        Permanent Improvements
Section 16b2     Series A Road Program
Section 18a1     Series B (Aeronautics)
Section 18a1a    Series B Land Acquisition Third Airport
Section 18a2     GRF Capital (Aeronautics)
Section 19b      GRF Reduced Fares Downstate
Section 19b1     GRF Reduced Fares RTA
Section 19b2     Series B (Transit)
Section 19b4     SCIP Debt Service I
Section 19b5     SCIP Debt Service II
Section 19b9     GRF Capital (Transit)
Section 20a      GRF Rail Passenger
Section 20a1     GRF Rail Freight Program
Section 20a2     State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 20a3     Fed Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 20a4     GRF Rail Freight Match
Section 20a5     Fed High Speed Rail Trust
Section 20a6     Series B Rail
of this Article until after the purpose  and  the  amount  of
such   expenditure  has  been  approved  in  writing  by  the

                         ARTICLE 17

                          LUMP SUMS
    Section 1a.  The sum of $415,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore  made  in  the  line  item,  "For
Planning, Research and Development Purposes" for the  Central
Offices,  Administration and Planning in Article 24a, Section
1a and Article 24b, Section 1a  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,   is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 1a1.  The sum of $1,430,300, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation concerning Asbestos Abatement heretofore made
in Article 24a, Section 1a and Article 24b,  Section  1a1  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the  same

    Section  1a2.  The sum of $47,246,800, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore made for metropolitan planning in
Article 24a, Section 1a  and  Article  24b,  Section  1a2  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the  same

    Section  1a3.  The  sum of $2,457,700, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore  made  in Article 24a, Section 1a
and Article 24b,  Section  1a4  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,   is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
Department of Transportation for  metropolitan  planning  and
research purposes.

    Section  1a4.  The  sum of $4,256,200, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  1a5  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for Phase II of the  ADVANCE
demonstration project for the state share as provided by law.

    Section  1a5.  The  sum of $8,682,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  1a6  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for Phase II of the  ADVANCE
demonstration  project  for  the federal and private share as
provided by law.

    Section 1a6.  The sum of $16,062,300, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article  24a,  Section  1a
and  Article  24b,  Section  1a7  of  Public  Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department  of  Transportation  for  the federal share of the
IDOT ITS Program.

    Section 1a7.  The sum of $3,354,100, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article  24a,  Section  1a
and  Article  24b,  Section  1a8  of  Public  Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department  of Transportation for the state share of the IDOT
ITS Program.

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 1b.  The sum of $67,023,600, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article  24a,  Section  1b
and  Article  24b,  Section  1b  of  Public  Act  91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department  of  Transportation for Enhancement and Congestion
Mitigation and Air Quality Projects.

    Section 1b1.  The sum of $84,900 or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
concerning  the  Interstate  355  Southern Extension Corridor
Planning Council heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  1b1
of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the
General  Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for
the same purposes.
    Section 1b2.  The sum of $1,476,400, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article  24a,  Section  1a
and  Article  24b,  Section  1a3  of  Public  Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department   of   Transportation   for   grants  to  Illinois
Universities for applied research on Transportation

    Section 2.  The sum of $16,126,900, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning Permanent Improvements heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 2 and Article 24b, Section 2  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the  same

                          LUMP SUM
    Section  3.  The  sum  of $470,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation concerning vehicle damages heretofore made in
Article  24a, Section 4a and Article 24b, Section 3 of Public
Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund
to the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 3a.  The sum of $5,411,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
concerning   railroad   relocation   demonstration   projects
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  3a  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same  purposes,
provided  such  amount  does  not  exceed  funds  to  be made
available from the federal government.

    Section 3a1.  The sum of $23,986,400, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriations  and
reappropriations  heretofore  made  for  Local Traffic Signal
Maintenance Agreements  and  City,  County  and  other  State
Maintenance  Agreements  in  Article  24a,  Section  4b1  and
Article  24b,  Section 3a1 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended,
is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  3a2.  The sum of $155,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
concerning   the   State   share   of   railroad   relocation
demonstration  projects  heretofore  made  in  Article   24b,
Section   3a2   of   Public  Act  91-0020,   as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  3b.  The sum of $176,420,200, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriations  heretofore made in Article 24a, Section 16b
and Article  24b,  Section  3b  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  for  Engineering  and Consultant Contracts only, is
reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  3b1.  The  sum of $6,852,900, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made for "Engineering and Consultant Contracts" in
Article 24b, Section 3b1 of Public Act 91-0020,  as  amended,
is  reappropriated  from  the  Road Fund to the Department of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 3b2.  The sum of $5,834,100, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from   the   reappropriations
heretofore made for "Engineering and Consultant Contracts" in
Article  24b,  Section 3b2 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended,
is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  3b3.  The sum of $12,650,300, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 3b3,  of  Public  Act
91-0020,   as   amended,   for   engineering  and  consultant
contracts, is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  3b4.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  3b4  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, for preliminary engineering for western
access to O'Hare Airport, is  reappropriated  from  the  Road
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same
    Section  3b5.  The  sum of $3,790,300, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation   concerning   hazardous  materials  made  in
Article 24a, Section 4c  and  Article  24b,  Section  3b5  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the  same

    Section  3b6.  The sum of $18,944,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore  made for Formal Contracts in the
line item, "For Maintenance, Traffic  and  Physical  Research
Purposes  (A)" for the Central Offices, Division of Highways,
in Article 24a, Section 4c and Article 24b,  Section  3b6  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the  same

    Section  3b7.  The  sum of $6,067,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning  Highway Damage Claims heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 4c and Article 24b, Section  3b7
of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the same

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 4.  The sum of $2,689,400, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore made in Article 24a, Section  5a1
and Article 24b, Section 4 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended,
is  reappropriated  from the Cycle Rider Safety Training Fund
to the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

                    CONSTRUCTION DIVISION
                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 5a.  The sum of $18,259,500, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore  made  for  township  bridges  in
Article 24a, Section 16 and Article 24b, Section 5a of Public
Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund
to the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.


    Section  5b1.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, and  remain  unexpended  at  the
close  of  business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriations
heretofore made in Article 24a, Section  16b  of  Public  Act
91-0020, as amended, are reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the  Department of Transportation for preliminary engineering
and  construction   engineering   and   contract   costs   of
construction,   including   reconstruction,   extension   and
improvement  of  State  highways,  arterial  highways, roads,
access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas,  fringe  parking
facilities  and  sanitary facilities, and such other purposes
as provided by the  "Illinois  Highway  Code";  for  purposes
allowed  or  required  by  Title  23  of  the  U.S. Code, for
bikeways as provided by  Public  Act  78-850;  and  for  land
acquisition  and  signboard  removal  and  control,  junkyard
removal  and  control and preservation of natural beauty; and
for  capital  improvements  which  directly   facilitate   an
effective  vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales
(fixed and portable), scale pits and scale installations  and
scale   houses,   in  accordance  with  applicable  laws  and
regulations as follows:
  District 1, Schaumburg ....................... $209,143,800
  District 2, Dixon ............................   47,259,300
  District 3, Ottawa ...........................   52,753,300
  District 4, Peoria ...........................   40,033,600
  District 5, Paris ............................   24,428,300
  District 6, Springfield ......................   40,890,600
  District 7, Effingham ........................   30,672,700
  District 8, Collinsville .....................   65,697,900
  District 9, Carbondale .......................   31,166,100
  Statewide ....................................  129,508,100
    Total                                        $671,553,700

    Section 5b2.  The sum of $206,153,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  5b1  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 5b3.  The sum of $68,399,600, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from   the   reappropriations
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b, Section 5b2 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  5b4.  The sum of $49,432,800, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  5b3  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 5b5.  The sum of $133,639,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article  24b,  Sections  5b4  and  5b5  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation  for  the  same

    Section  5b6.  The sum of $644,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  5b6  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Transportation for  use
as matching funds for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement
program for the Historic Preservation Agency.

    Section  5b7.  The  sum of $27,200, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  5b7  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Transportation for  use
as matching funds for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement
program for the Department of Natural Resources.

    Section  5b8.   The  following  named  sums,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, and  remain  unexpended  at  the
close  of  business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriations
heretofore made in Article 24a, Section 16b1  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  are  reappropriated  from  the  State
Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation
for the same purpose:
  District 1, Schaumburg ....................... $259,941,700
  District 2, Dixon ............................   47,700,100
  District 3, Ottawa ...........................   48,429,800
  District 4, Peoria ...........................   34,528,900
  District 5, Paris ............................   23,639,400
  District 6, Springfield ......................   37,467,400
  District 7, Effingham ........................   27,643,500
  District 8, Collinsville .....................   57,719,000
  District 9, Carbondale .......................   27,639,300
  Statewide ....................................   22,137,500
    Total                                        $586,846,600

    Section  5b9.  The sum of $79,301,900, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  5b8  of  Public  Act
91-0020,   as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  State
Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation
for the same purpose.

    Section 5b10.  The sum of $115,924,100 or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remain unexpended at  the  close  of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriations heretofore
made  in  Article  24b, Section 5b9 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  State   Construction
Account Fund to the Department of Transportation for the same

    Section  5b11.  The sum of $9,414,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June  30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriations
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 5b10  of  Public  Act
91-0020,   as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  State
Construction Account Fund to the Department of Transportation
for the same purposes.

    Section 5b12.  The sum of $22,555,100, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Sections  5b11  and  5b12  of
Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the
State  Construction  Account  Fund  to  the   Department   of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  5b13.  The  sum  of  $299,720,300,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30, 2000, from  the  appropriations
heretofore  made  in  Article 24a, Section 16b2 of Public Act
91-0020,   as   amended,   for   statewide    purposes,    is
reappropriated  from the Transportation Bond Series A Fund to
the Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 5b14.  The sum of $68,305,900, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made for grade crossing protection
or  grade  separation  in Article 24a, Section 17 and Article
24b, Section 5b13 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Grade Crossing Protection Fund to the
Department of Transportation for the same purpose.

                    AERONAUTICS DIVISION
                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section  6a.  The sum of $337,701,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore  made in Article 24a, Section 18a
and Article  24b,  Section  6a  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the Federal/Local Airport
Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the  same

    Section 6a1.  The sum of $33,588,100, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation concerning  airport  improvements  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a, Section 18a1 and Article 24b, Section
6a1 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from
the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  6a2.  The sum of $635,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning  airport  improvements heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 18a2 and  Article  24b,  Section
6a2 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from
the  General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation
for the same purposes.

    Section 6b.  The sum of $13,500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in Article 24a, Section 18a1a of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Transportation  Bond
Series B Fund to the Department  of  Transportation  for  the
same purposes.

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 7a.  The sum of $7,991,400, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation concerning Highway Safety  Grants  heretofore
made  in  Article 24a, Section 23 and Article 24b, Section 7a
of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Road Fund to the Department of Transportation for the purpose
of Local Government Projects by Municipalities and Counties.

    Section 7a1.  The sum of $6,228,100, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning  Alcohol  Traffic  Safety  Grants
(410) heretofore made in Article 24a, Section 24 and  Article
24b,  Section  7a1  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as amended, is
reappropriated from  the  Road  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation  for  the purpose of Local Government Projects
by Municipalities and Counties.

                          LUMP SUMS
    Section 8a.  The sum of $303,700, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore  made  for  public  transportation
technical  studies  in  Article  24a, Section 19a and Article
24b, Section  8a  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated   from   the   General  Revenue  Fund  to  the
Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 8a1.  The sum of $1,606,300, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article 24a, Section  19a1
and  Article  24b,  Section  8a1  of  Public  Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated  from  the  Federal  Mass  Transit
Trust  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for federal
reimbursement  of  transit  studies  as   provided   by   the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century.

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 8b.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriations  and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 24a, Section 19b2
and  Article  24b, Sections 8b and 8b3 of Public Act 91-0020,
as amended, are reappropriated from the  Transportation  Bond
Series  B  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
same purposes as follows:
  Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
   General Obligation Bond Act,
   as amended .................................. $187,392,400
  For the counties of the State outside
   the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
   McHenry, and Will, pursuant to
   Section 4(b)(1) of the General
   Obligation Bond Act, as amended .............   18,942,600
  For the Department of Transportation's
   Greenlight Program pursuant to
  Section 4(b)(1) of the General
   Obligation Bond Act, as amended..............   41,458,700
  To extend the metrolink rail line
   to Mid-America Airport.......................   60,000,000
    Total                                        $307,793,700

    Section  8b1.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, and  remain  unexpended  at  the
close    of   business   on   June   30,   2000,   from   the
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  8b1
of  Public  Act  91-0020, as amended, are reappropriated from
the Transportation Bond Series B Fund to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes as follows:
  Pursuant to Section 4(b)(1) of the
   General Obligation Bond Act, as amended...... $  5,167,900
  For the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
   Lake, McHenry and Will, pursuant to
   Section 4(b)(2) of the General
   Obligation Bond Act, as amended .............    4,289,100
  For the counties of the State outside
   the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane,
   Lake, McHenry and Will, pursuant to
   Section 4(b)(3) of the General Obligation
   Bond Act, as amended ........................    1,803,000
    Total                                         $11,260,000

    Section  8b2.  The  sum of $6,109,100, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  8b2  of  Public  Act
91-0020,    as    amended,   is   reappropriated   from   the
Transportation Bond  Series  B  Fund  to  the  Department  of
Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section  8b3.  The  sum of $8,819,200, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning  Public Transportation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 19b8 and  Article  24b,  Section
8b6 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from
the  General Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation
for the same purposes.
    Section 8b4.  The sum of $58,859,900, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriations  and
reappropriations  heretofore  made  in  Article 24a, Sections
19b7, 19b9, 19b10, and 19b11 and Article 24b,  Sections  8b4,
8b5,  8b7,  8b8 and 8b9 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is
reappropriated from the Federal Mass Transit  Trust  Fund  to
the  Department  of  Transportation  for the federal share of
capital,  operating,  consultant  services,   and   technical
assistance  grants,  as  well  as  state  administration  and
interagency  agreements,  provided  such  amounts  shall  not
exceed   funds   to   be  made  available  from  the  Federal

                      AWARDS AND GRANTS
    Section 9a.  The sum of $3,088,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning  Rail  Freight Service Assistance
Program heretofore made in  Article  24a,  Section  20a1  and
Article 24b, Section 9a of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is
reappropriated   from   the   General  Revenue  Fund  to  the
Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

    Section 9a1.  The sum of $3,731,700, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation heretofore made in Article 24a, Section  20a2
and  Article  24b,  Section  9a1  of  Public  Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the State Rail  Freight  Loan
Repayment  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
same purposes.
    Section 9a2.  The sum of $3,518,300, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation concerning the  federal  share  of  the  Rail
Freight  Loan  Repayment  Program  heretofore made in Article
24a, Section 20a3 and Article 24b, Section 9a2 of Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Rail Freight
Loan Repayment Fund to the Department of  Transportation  for
the same purposes.

    Section  9a3.  The  sum of $1,534,700, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  concerning  the  State's  share  of the Rail
Freight Loan Repayment Program  heretofore  made  in  Article
24a,  Section 20a4 and Article 24b, Section 9a3 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Department of Transportation for the same

    Section  9a4.  The sum of $483,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  9a4  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the
federal share of the High Speed Rail Project.

    Section  9a5.  The sum of $21,090,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore made in Article 24a, Section 20a5
and Article 24b,  Section  9a5  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the Federal High Speed Rail

Trust Fund  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the
federal share of the High Speed Rail Project.

    Section  9a6.  The  sum of $1,525,800, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  the  appropriation  and
reappropriation  heretofore made in Article 24a, Section 20a6
and Article 24b,  Section  9a6  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Department of Transportation for the state share  of  the
High Speed Rail Project.

    Section  9a7.  The sum of $20,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 20a7 of Public Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Transportation  Bond
Series  B  Fund  to  the Department of Transportation for the
same purposes.

                     GA PROJECT ADD-ONS

    Section 10a1.  The sum of $255,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 10a1  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation  for  all  costs  associated
with  streetscaping and other improvements to the entrance of
Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield.

    Section 10a2.  The sum of $324,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 10a3  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for the widening of Route  1
south of Paris.

    Section 10a3.  The sum of $372,800, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article 24b, Section 10a4 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
with infrastructure improvements including replacement of, or
closure of the Gaumer bridge near Alvin.

    Section 10a4.  The sum of $446,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 10a5  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation  for  all  costs  associated
with  Phase  II  planning  and engineering of improvements to
East Main Street in Danville.

    Section 10a5.  The sum of $941,900, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 10a6  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the  Department  of  Transportation  for  Phases  I  and   II
environmental  studies  and  engineering  for  the Lynch Road

    Section 10a6.  The sum of $1,164,800, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article 24b, Section 10a7 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
with the upgrade of roads accessing the Catlin  Coal  Company
to make the roads accessible to vehicles up to 80,000 pounds.

    Section  10a7.  The sum of $39,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 10a8  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for traffic improvements  at
Morton West High School.

    Section 10a8.  The sum of $278,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article 24b, Section 10a9 of Public Act
91-0020,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department  of Transportation for the resurfacing of Route 25
from Bluff City Boulevard to Congdon Avenue in Elgin.

    Section 10a9.  The sum of $2,250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in Article 24b, Section 10a11 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
with stop light synchronization in the City of Springfield.

    Section 10a10.  The sum of $142,200, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in Article 24b, Section 10a12 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the  Department  of  Transportation  for all costs associated
with the reconstruction of Broadway Avenue in Rockford.

    Section 10a11.  The sum of $200, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in Article 24b, Section 10a14 of Public Act
91-0020, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Illinois Department of Transportation for a grant to the
University of  Illinois  at  Chicago's  Urban  Transportation
Center to study the PACE bus system in DuPage County.

    Section 10a12.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in Article 24a, Section 10a15 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Illinois Department of Transportation for a grant to the
Village of Morrison Whiteside County  for  road  improvements
for the Morrison Industrial Spur.

                     GA PROJECT ADD-ONS

    Section 11.  The sum of $5,973,200, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from the reappropriation heretofore
made in Article 24b, Section 11 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,   is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to  the
Department of Transportation for the same purposes.

                     GA PROJECT ADD-ONS
    Section 12s1.  The sum of $12,500, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in Article 24b,  Section 12s1 of Public Act
91-0020, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to the Illinois
Department of Transportation for all  costs  associated  with
rehabilitation   of   the   Old   State   Capitol  Square  in

    Section 12s2.  The sum of $354,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 12s2  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Department of Transportation for expenses associated with
work on the US 20 by-pass at Elgin.

    Section 13.  The sum of $304,600, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 13 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Transportation for the
Village  of  Berkeley  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
resurfacing, rebuilding, reconstruction, and  replacement  of
St. Charles Road between Interstate 290 and Wolf Road.

    Section  14.  The  sum  of $27,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  14  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the  City  of  Darien  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
rebuilding,   reconstruction,   resurfacing,   removal,   and
replacement of the south frontage road of Interstate 55.

    Section 15.  The sum of $464,400, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on  June  30,  2000,  from  the      reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 16 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
all   costs   associated   with   the   repair,  resurfacing,
rehabilitation, renovation, replacement, and  improvement  of
Cold   Spring  Township  Road  one-half  mile  south  of  the
intersection of Township Roads 825E and 650N.

    Section 16.  The sum of $17,500, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 19 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
all  costs  associated with replacement of the bridge located
on  Township  Road  78,  one  mile   south   of   Fisher   in
Newcomb-Condit Township.

    Section 17.  The sum of $4,508,700, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 20 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the  Illinois  Department  of  Transportation,  for  the same

    Section 18.  The sum of $7,500, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
on June 30, 2000, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
Article 24b, Section 22 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is
reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the  Illinois
Department  of  Transportation  for  the  City of McHenry for
signalization at Route 31 and Shamrock Lane.

    Section 19.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 23 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the Village of Libertyville for signalization at Route 21 and
Condell Drive.

    Section  20.  The  sum of $328,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  24  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the Village of LaGrange to resurface LaGrange Road from Ogden
to I-55.

    Section 21.  The sum of $8,500, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
on June 30, 2000, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
Article 24b, Section 25 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is
reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the  Illinois
Department  of  Transportation  for  the Village of Machesney
Park for Route 251 road improvements.

    Section 22.  The sum of $15,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 26 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
Phase  I  engineering  for  an overpass on Veteran's Memorial
Drive over I-57 to Wells Bypass  Road  in  the  City  of  Mt.

    Section  23.  The  sum  of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  27  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the  Illinois   Department   of   Transportation   for   road
improvements in Pembroke Township/Hopkins Park.

    Section  24.  The  sum  of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  28  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
an engineering study at the Route 1 intersection in Beecher.

    Section 25.  The sum of $358,100, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 29 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
a  study  of  the  expansion  of  Route 23 to four lanes from
Streator to Ottawa.

    Section 26.  The sum of $104,800, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 30 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
topical resurfacing of existing roadway from Kedzie Avenue to
Bell Avenue.

    Section  27.  The  sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  31  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
Phase I engineering for street lighting and  traffic  signals
from Western Avenue to Theodore on U.S. Route 30.

    Section 28.  The sum of $1,456,200, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 32 of Public Act
91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund  to
the  Illinois  Department  of  Transportation for the City of
Chicago for the same purposes.

    Section 29.  The sum of $400,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 33 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
intersection  improvements and traffic lights installation at
94th and Kedzie Avenue in Evergreen Park.
    Section 30.  The sum of $20,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b  Section  34 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the  Village  of Niles for intersection improvements, traffic
signals, and other necessary, road  improvements  near  Touhy
and Harlem Avenues.

    Section  31.  The  sum  of $27,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  36  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the City of Chicago for curbs  and  roadway  improvements  on
Foster Avenue.

    Section  32.  The  sum  of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  37  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the City of Chicago for curbs and roadway improvements  along
Elston Avenue between Central and Milwaukee Avenues.

    Section  33.  The  sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  38  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the Capital
Development Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation
for the City of Chicago for  preliminary  engineering  for  a
pedestrian  crossing  over  the  Canadian  National  Railroad
tracks at West 79th Street and South Central Park Avenue.

    Section  34.  The  sum of $233,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  39  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
the City of Chicago for resurfacing Pulaski Road from 79th to

    Section 35.  The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  40  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as amended, is reappropriated from the Road Fund to
the Illinois  Department  of  Transportation  for  all  costs
associated with preliminary planning, design, engineering and
construction  of the system of access roads parallel to I-190
between Mannheim Road and the Tri-State Tollway.

    Section 36.  The sum of $219,200, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,  2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  24b,  Section 41 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation to
resurface or repair Martin Luther King Drive between 67th and
79th Streets.

    Section 37.  In addition to any other funds that  may  by
appropriated  for the same purpose, the sum of $61,000, or so
much thereof as may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at
the   close   of   business   on  June  30,  2000,  from  the
reappropriation heretofore made in Article 24b, Section 42 of
Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the
General   Revenue   Fund   to   the  Illinois  Department  of
Transportation for  necessary,  studies  for  sound  barriers
along I-90/94 Dan Ryan Expressway between 35th and 95th.

    Section  38.  The  sum of $238,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article  24b  Section  43  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
resurfacing and cold milling  on  Illinois  River  Bridge  in

    Section  39.  The  sum of $105,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  45  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
Crete Township for sewer and water  projects,  including  but
not  limited  to,  land  acquisition  and  easements near the
Calumet Gardens subdivision.

    Section 40.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  may
be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of business
on June 30, 2000, from the reappropriation heretofore made in
Article 24b, Section 46 of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is
reappropriated  from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois
Department of Transportation for Lake County for intersection
improvements at Route 132 and Deep Lake Road.
    Section 41.  The sum of $870,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business   on   June 30, 2000,   from   the   reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  47  of  Public  Act
91-0020,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the General
Revenue Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for
reconstructing and  resurfacing  Wood  Street  from  Illinois
Route  83  to 171st Street and traffic lights at 162nd Street
in Markham.

    Section 42.  The sum of $25,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 30 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Ivesdale  for  the  purpose  of  resurfacing and
repairing Chapin Street in Ivesdale.

    Section 43.  The sum of $54,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 32 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Village of Olympia Fields for the purpose of completing Phase
I of Transit Oriented Development.

    Section  44.  The  sum  of $60,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 33 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
Village  of  Mt.  Zion  for  the  purpose  of  designing  and
engineering a study to build a new road between Henderson and
Main Street.

    Section 45.  The sum of $20,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 34 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Island  Lake  for  the purpose of purchasing and
installing a stop light at Rt. 176 and Newport Drive.

    Section 46.  The sum of $47,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 35 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of Prairie Grove for the purpose of improving Wright

    Section 47.  The sum of $40,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 39 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to  the  City
of Lake Forest for the purpose of interconnect fee of traffic
signal on Waukegan Route (43) and Westmoreland Road.

    Section  48.  The  sum  of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 43 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
Village of Evergreen Park for the purpose of installing guard
rail along the fence on 95th Street from Lawndale to Millard.

    Section 49.  The sum of $63,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 45 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Gallatin  County  for  the  purpose  of  improving  roads and
economic development in Old Shawnee Town.

    Section 50.  The sum of $10,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 46 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a  grant  to  McHenry
County  for  the  purpose of purchasing and installing street
lights for New Bull Valley Road.

    Section 51.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 49 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department  of Transportation for an engineering study for an
interchange of I-80 at Mile Marker 101 in LaSalle County.

    Section 52.  The sum of $25,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of

business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 50 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to the  Essex
Township  Highway  Commission  for  the purpose of paving one
mile of County Line Road.

    Section 53.  The sum of $80,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 52 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Marseilles for the purpose of bridge replacement
at East Broadway Street.

    Section 54.  The sum of $25,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 53 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant  to  the
Greenfield  Township  Highway  Commission  for the purpose of
paving one mile of County Line Road from Rice  Road  to  Main

    Section  55.  The  sum  of $90,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 54 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  the contract or
intergovernmental agreement costs for the construction  of  a
pedestrian bridge in the City of Golconda.
    Section  56.  The  sum  of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 55 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department of Transportation for a grant to the City
of  East   Peoria   for   the   purpose   of   transportation

    Section  57.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 56 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
Village  of  Park  Forest  for  the  purpose  of  all   costs
associated with Plank Road parking lot and construction.

    Section  58.  The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 57 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation for a grant to Morton
Grove for the purpose of Waukegan Road Corridor Development.

    Section 59.  The sum of $20,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 59 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to Prairie Du
Long Township for the purpose of road improvements.
    Section 60.  The sum of $47,500, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 60 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to  the  City
of  Nashville  for  all costs associated with improvements to
Holzhauer Drive.

    Section 61.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 61 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to  the  City
of   Wheeling   for   the   purpose  of  pedestrian  crossing

    Section 62.  The sum of $25,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 65 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant  to  Randolph
County Road District #2 for the purpose of road improvements.

    Section  63.  The  sum  of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 69 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
Village of Blue Island for the  purpose  of  resurfacing  all
streets south of Cal-Sag.
    Section  64.  The  sum of $281,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 70 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
Village  of  Alsip  for  all  costs   associated   with   the
reconstruction  of  Crawford  Avenue between 119th Street and
123rd Street in Alsip.

    Section 65.  The sum of $10,924,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 71 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department   of   Transportation   for   preliminary
engineering  and  construction engineering and contract costs
of   construction,   including,   but   not    limited    to,
reconstruction,   extension   and  improvement  of  highways,
arterial highways, roads, access  areas,  roadside  shelters,
rest  areas,  fringe parking facilities, storage and sanitary
facilities, equipment, traffic control, sidewalks, pedestrian
overpasses, and  such  other  purposes  as  provided  by  the
"Illinois  Highway Code"; for purposes allowed or required by
Title 23 of the U.S. Code; for bikeways as provided by Public
Act 78-0850; and for land acquisition and  signboard  removal
and control, junkyard removal and control and preservation of
natural  beauty;  for  signage  and  warning  lights; and for
capital improvements which directly facilitate  an  effective
vehicle weight enforcement program, such as scales (fixed and
portable),  scale  pits  and  scale  installations, and scale
houses, in accordance with applicable laws  and  regulations;
and  for any grants to units of local government to undertake
any of the aforementioned activities.
    Section 66.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 72 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  Route 1 traffic
signal movement and reconstruction for the Village of Steger.

    Section 67.  The sum of $230,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 73 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a   grant   for
improvements on Seven Mile Flat Road.

    Section  68.  The  sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 75 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation  for  a  grant to the
Madison County Transit District for the construction  of  the
Collinsville Transit Center.

    Section  69.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 76 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department of Transportation for a grant to the City
of Belleville for the reconstruction and realignment of South
59th Street.
    Section 70.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 77 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to  the  City
of Lake Forest to construct a pedestrian crossing.

    Section  71.  The  sum  of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 78 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of Transportation for a grant to PACE to
expand PACE bus service.

    Section 72.  The sum of $300,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 79 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to Metra  for
the  purpose of landscaping, remodeling, and repairing of the
embankments and viaducts from 47th to 57th Streets.

    Section 73.  The sum of $150,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 84 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with
the reconstruction of Industrial Drive.

    Section  74.  The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 85 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Transportation for costs associated with
the reconstruction of Airport Road and Chartres Street.

    Section 75.  The sum of $75,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 87 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Department of Transportation for a traffic signal at
51st Street West in Rock Island.

    Section 76.  The sum of $150,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 88 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Department of Transportation for repair of 1st  Street
from  Water  Street  and  Brunner Street to Bucklin Street in

    Section 77.  The sum of $2,967,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 89 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to   the  Department  of  Transportation  for  infrastructure
improvements, including but not limited  to  engineering  and
construction   engineering,  extension  and  improvements  of
highways, roads, access areas, roadside shelters, rest areas,
fringe parking facilities, storage and  sanitary  facilities,
equipment, traffic controls, sidewalks, signage.

    Section  78.  The  sum  of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 90 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Department  of  Transportation for renovation of the
Wood Dale METRA station.

    Section 79.  The sum of $500,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 91 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Department of Transportation for a grant to the City
of Peru for road improvements on Shooting Park Road.

    Section 80.  The sum of $1,832,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 95 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department  of  Transportation  for  the  contract  or
intergovernmental   agreement   costs   associated  with  the
projects described below and having the  estimated  costs  as
  For a pedestrian overpass and
   other transportation related
   activities in the Village
   of Buffalo Grove..................................$632,000
  For improvements to St. Clair
   Avenue and drainage improvements
   in Granite City...................................$450,000
  For improvements to streets,
   sewers and sidewalks in
   Washington Park...................................$450,000
  For traffic signal intersection
   improvements at Manhattan Road,
   Route 52 and Foxford Drive in
   the Village of Manhattan..........................$150,000
  For improvements to Matherville Road in
   Mercer County ....................................$150,000

    Section 81.  The sum of $5,526,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  24a,  Section 96 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Road  Fund  to   the
Department    of   Transportation   for   the   contract   or
intergovernmental  agreement  costs   associated   with   the
projects  described  below  and having the estimated costs as
  For the purchase of an accelerated
   loading facility machine at the
   University of Illinois..........................$1,500,000
  For improvements to Waukegan Road
   in Morton Grove...................................$200,000
  For improvements to Hall Street
   and Holly Road in the City
   of Olney..........................................$600,000
  For intersection improvements at
   Route 131 and 176 in the Village
   of Lake Bluff.....................................$215,000
  For studying, designing and
   installing right turn lanes
   from Glenmore Woods to Route 137
   in the Village of Green Oaks......................$100,000
  For a right turn lane from Reigate
   Woods to Route 137 in the
   Village of Green Oaks.............................$100,000
  For improvements to village streets
   and an engineering study for a
   possible grade separation on
   Western Avenue in the City
   of Blue Island....................................$100,000
  For improvements to city streets
   in the City of Chicago Ridge......................$200,000
  For improvements to city streets
    in the City of Oak Lawn..........................$250,000
  For an engineering study of the
   135th Street at Cicero in the
   Village of Crestwood..............................$200,000
  For intersection improvements at
   Route 176 and Walkup Avenue
   in the City of Crystal Lake.......................$200,000
  For the construction of Creek Drive
   Bridge over Nettle Creek in the
   City of Morris....................................$350,000
  For the improvements of Route 113
   in the Village of Braidwood.......................$152,000
  For installation of traffic signals
   on 115th Street between Pulaski
   Road and Kolin Avenue in the
   City of Chicago...................................$125,000
  To be used for a street restoration
   project on West 74th Street from
   Ashland to Vincennes in the
   City of Chicago...................................$464,000
  To resurface or repair King Drive
   between 67th Street and 79th
   Street in the City of Chicago.....................$200,000
  For improvements in the Village
   of Sun River Terrace..............................$100,000
  For improvements to unmarked state
   highway from east of city
   limits to U.S. 51 in the
   Village of DuBois.................................$120,000
  For improvements on Route
   3/Ellis Boulevard in the
   Village of Ellis Grove............................$100,000
  For improvements to New Boston
   Road in Mercer County.............................$250,000

    Section 82.  The sum of $1,400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation heretofore
made in Article 24a, Section 97 of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Department of Transportation for a grant to to  McLean
County   for  all  costs  associated  with  the  resurfacing,
reconstruction, and replacement of  the  Towanda-Barnes  Road
and its related infrastructure funds.

    Section  83.  The  sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b,  Section  18  of  Public  Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for a grant
to Bond County for equipment expenses.

    Section  84.  The  sum  of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,  2000,  from  the  reappropriation
heretofore made in Article 24b, Section  18a  of  Public  Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Illinois Department of Transportation for a grant
to   Bond  County  for  all  expenses  associated  with  road

    Section  85.  No  contract  shall  be  entered  into   or
obligation   incurred   or   any   expenditure  made  from  a
reappropriation herein made in

Section 2       Permanent Improvements
Section 3a      Rail Relocation - Federal
Section 3a2     Rail Relocation - State
Section 5b6     CDB - Enhancement
Section 5b7     CDB - Enhancement
Section 5b13    Series A (Road Program)
Section 6a1     Series B (Aeronautics)
Section 6a2     GRF Capital (Aeronautics)
Section 6b      Series B (Land Acquisition Third Airport)
Section 8b      Series B (Transit)
Section 8b1     Series B (Transit)
Section 8b2     Series B (Transit)
Section 8b3     GRF Capital (Transit)
Section 9a      GRF Rail Freight Program
Section 9a1     State Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 9a2     Federal Rail Freight Loan Repayment
Section 9a3     GRF Rail Freight Match
Section 9a4     GRF High Speed Rail - Federal
Section 9a5     FHSRTF High Speed Rail - Federal
Section 9a6     GRF High Speed Rail - State
Section 9a7     Series B (Rail)
Section 34      Canadian National Railroad Tracks
Section 67      Signalization Project, Village of Steger
Section 74      Reconstruction of Industrial Drive
Section 75      Reconstruction of Airport Rd and Chartres St
Section 80      City of Peru, Shooting Park Rd. Improvements
Section 81      Various Improvement Projects
Section 83      Reconstruction of Towanda-Barnes Road
of this Article until after the purpose  and  the  amount  of
such   expenditure  has  been  approved  in  writing  by  the

                         ARTICLE 18

    Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary   and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Illinois  Arts
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,128,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       45,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement Contributions .........      115,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       86,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      191,800
  For Travel ...................................       28,200
  For Commodities ..............................       10,900
  For Printing .................................       59,800
  For Equipment ................................        2,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       21,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       28,100
  For Travel and Meeting Expenses of
   Arts Council and Panel Members ..............       44,200
    Total                                          $1,761,100

    Section 2.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the  Illinois
Arts Council to enhance the cultural environment in Illinois:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Grants and Financial Assistance for
   Arts Organizations ..........................   $6,755,000
  For Grants and Financial Assistance for
   Special Constituencies ......................    2,934,600
  For Grants and Financial Assistance for
   Arts Education ..............................    1,670,000
    Total                                         $11,359,600

Payable from Illinois Arts Council
 Federal Grant Fund:
  For Grants and Programs to Enhance
   the Cultural Environment ......................$   650,000

    Section  3.  The sum of $1,050,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Illinois Arts Council for the purpose of funding
administrative and grant expenses associated with  humanities
programs and related activities.

    Section 4.  The amount of $371,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Illinois  Arts  Council  for  grants  to  certain
public radio and television stations for operating costs.

    Section  5.  The amount of $5,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary is appropriated from the General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Illinois  Arts  Council  for grants to certain
public   radio   and   television   stations   and    related
administrative  expenses,  pursuant  to  the Public Radio and
Television Grant Act.
    Section 6.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from  an  appropriation  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 39, Section 1b of Public Act
91-20, approved June 7, 1999, is reappropriated from the Fund
for Illinois' Future to the Illinois Arts Council for a grant
to Shannon Rovers Irish Pipe Band.

    Section  7.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30, 2000 from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 39, Section 1c of Public Act
91-20, approved June 7, 1999, is reappropriated from the Fund
for Illinois' Future to the Illinois Arts Council for a grant
to Jazz Unites.

    Section 8.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from  an  appropriation  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 39, Section 1d of Public Act
91-20,  approved  June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated
from the Fund for  Illinois'  Future  to  the  Illinois  Arts
Council for a grant to Lawrence Hall.

    Section  9.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30, 2000 from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 39, Section 1f of Public Act
91-20, approved June 7, 1999, is reappropriated from the Fund
for Illinois' Future to the Illinois Arts Council for a grant
to the Austin Community Cultural Arts Center.

    Section 10.  The amount of $300,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from  an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such  purpose in Article 39, Section 1ah of Public
Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999, is reappropriated from  the
Fund  for Illinois' Future to the Illinois Arts Council for a
grant to the International Cultural Exchange Program.

                         ARTICLE 19

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
Bank  and  Trust Company Fund to the Office of Banks and Real
  For Personal Services ........................ $ 10,728,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      425,300
  For State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................    1,084,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      808,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................    1,398,600
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,226,400
  For Legal Services ...........................      100,000
  For Travel ...................................    1,030,000
  For Commodities ..............................       45,900
  For Printing .................................       29,000
  For Equipment ................................       76,800
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    1,240,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      221,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        5,000
  For Corporate Fiduciary Receivership .........      150,000
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                         $18,571,000
    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
Pawnbroker  Regulation  Fund  to the Office of Banks and Real
  For Personal Services ........................ $     74,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................        3,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        7,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................        5,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................        7,400
  For Contractual Services .....................       10,400
  For Travel ...................................        7,100
  For Commodities ..............................        1,000
  For Printing .................................        3,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............        4,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        3,900
    Total                                            $128,100

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Savings and Residential Finance Regulatory  Fund  to
the  Office  of  Banks  and  Real  Estate for the objects and
purposes hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,271,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       90,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      231,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      173,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................      302,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      540,500
  For Travel ...................................      150,700
  For Commodities ..............................       13,400
  For Printing .................................       18,000
  For Equipment ................................       54,600
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      295,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       72,500
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        3,500
  For Savings and Loan and Mortgage Board
   Meeting Expenses ............................        3,500
  For Refunds ..................................          500
    Total                                          $4,222,500

    Section 4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Real  Estate  License  Administration  Fund  to  the
Office  of  Banks  and  Real  Estate to meet the ordinary and
contingent expenses of the Office of Banks  and  Real  Estate
and  the Real Estate Administration and Disciplinary Board in
the Office of Banks and Real Estate:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,291,700
  For Personal Services:
   Per Diem ....................................       56,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       91,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      233,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      195,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      384,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      731,100
  For Travel ...................................       82,000
  For Commodities ..............................       19,000
  For Printing .................................       30,000
  For Equipment ................................       90,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      317,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       55,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       10,000
  For Refunds ..................................        3,000
    Total                                          $4,591,100

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Appraisal Administration Fund to the Office of Banks
and Real Estate to meet the ordinary and contingent  expenses
of  the  Office  of  Banks  and Real Estate and the Appraisal
Administration and Disciplinary Board in the Office of  Banks
and Real Estate:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    320,000
  For Personal Services:
   Per Diem ....................................       30,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       12,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       32,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       23,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................       51,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      239,100
  For Travel ...................................       38,100
  For Commodities ..............................        8,000
   For Printing ................................        8,000
  For Equipment ................................        3,100
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       63,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       12,200
  For forwarding real estate appraisal fees
   to the federal government ...................       30,000
  For Refunds ..................................        3,000
    Total                                            $875,400

    Section  6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
from the Auction Regulation Administration Fund to the Office
of  Banks and Real Estate to meet the ordinary and contingent
expenses of the Office of  Banks  and  Real  Estate  and  the
Auctioneer  Advisory  Board  in  the Office of Banks and Real
  For Personal Services......................... $    380,600
  For Personal Services:
   Per Diem.....................................       24,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer.............................       15,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       38,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................       29,100
  For Group Insurance...........................       67,300
  For Contractual Services......................      112,500
  For Travel....................................       43,600
  For Commodities...............................        4,600
  For Printing..................................        9,300
  For Equipment.................................       30,100
  For Electronic Data Processing................       35,700
  For Telecommunications Services...............       23,100
  For Refunds...................................        4,900
    Total                                            $819,600

    Section 7.  The sum of $130,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Real Estate
Research and Education Fund to the Office of Banks  and  Real
Estate  for research and education in accordance with Section
25-25 of the Real Estate License Act of 2000.
                         ARTICLE 20

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
General Revenue Fund for the ordinary and contingent expenses
of  the  Bureau  of the Budget in the Executive Office of the
                       GENERAL OFFICE
For Personal Services .......................... $  2,400,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer .............................       96,000
For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      238,600
For State Contributions to
  Social Security ..............................      183,600
For Contractual Services .......................      102,000
For Travel .....................................       28,000
For Commodities ................................        5,900
For Printing ...................................       34,800
For Equipment ..................................        8,500
For Electronic Data Processing .................       77,500
For Telecommunications Services ................       51,000
    Total                                          $3,226,000

    Section 2.  The amount of $1,000,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Bureau of the Budget for ordinary and
contingent    expenses   associated   with   the   sale   and
administration of General Obligation bonds.

    Section 3.  The amount of $425,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Build  Illinois
Bond  Fund  to  the  Bureau  of  the  Budget for ordinary and
contingent   expenses   associated   with   the   sale    and
administration of Build Illinois bonds.

    Section  4.  The  amount  of  $253,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Build
Illinois Bond Retirement and Interest Fund to the  Bureau  of
the  Budget for the purpose of making payments to the Trustee
under the Master Indenture as defined by and pursuant to  the
Build Illinois Bond Act.

    Section   5.  No   contract  shall  be  entered  into  or
obligation   incurred   for   any   expenditures   from   the
appropriations made in Sections 2, 3, and 4 until  after  the
purposes  and  amounts  have  been approved in writing by the

                         ARTICLE 21

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to  the
Capital Development Board:
                       GENERAL OFFICE
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  4,499,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      180,000
  For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System ...............      458,900
  For State Contributions to
    Social Security ............................      344,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      375,500
  For Travel ...................................       52,200
  For Commodities ..............................       32,000
  For Equipment ................................       34,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       98,100
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       15,000
  For Expenses of the Illinois
   Building Commission .........................      380,000
    Total                                          $6,469,300
Payable from Capital Development Board Revolving Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  3,690,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      147,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      376,380
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...      276,750
  For Group Insurance ..........................      510,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      346,000
  For Travel ...................................      295,700
  For Commodities ..............................       30,600
  For Printing .................................       60,700
  For Equipment ................................       44,700
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      257,000
  For operational purposes .....................      250,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      128,300
Payable from the School Infrastructure Fund:
  For operational purposes relating to
   the School Infrastructure Program ...........      600,000
Payable from the Illinois Building Commission Revolving Fund:
  For Expenses to Administer
   the Illinois Building Commission
   Act, including Refunds ......................      250,000
    Total                                          $7,264,330

                   ARTICLE 22
    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are appropriated from the
General Revenue Fund to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent
expenses of the State Civil Service Commission:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    281,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       11,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       29,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       20,200
  For Contractual Services .....................       59,100
  For Travel ...................................       15,000
  For Commodities ..............................        3,800
  For Printing .................................        1,300
  For Equipment ................................        6,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        8,700
    Total                                            $435,800

                   ARTICLE 23

    Section  1.   The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
for  the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses to the Illinois
Commerce Commission:
Payable from Transportation Regulatory Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $     66,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer.............................        2,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................        6,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................        5,100
  For Group Insurance...........................        7,400
  For Contractual Services......................          400
  For Travel....................................        2,000
  For Equipment.................................        5,600
  For Telecommunications .......................        9,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,100
    Total                                            $107,100
Payable from Public Utility Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $    743,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer............................       29,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       75,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................       56,800
  For Group Insurance...........................      100,800
  For Contractual Services......................       22,000
  For Travel....................................       63,900
  For Commodities...............................        2,000
  For Equipment.................................        2,200
  For Telecommunications .......................       30,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............          600
    Total                                          $1,126,800

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for ordinary and contingent expenses to the Illinois Commerce
Commission, as follows:
                      PUBLIC UTILITIES
Payable from Public Utility Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $ 11,334,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer.............................      453,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................    1,156,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................      856,600
  For Group Insurance...........................    1,591,200
  For Contractual Services......................    1,426,300
  For Travel....................................      291,100
  For Commodities...............................       51,000
  For Printing .................................       33,000
  For Equipment.................................       22,100
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      695,700
  For Telecommunications .......................      446,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       15,700
  For Refunds ..................................      210,000
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For legal costs associated with the
   passage of "An Act to abolish
   incinerator subsidies under the
   retail rate law" ............................      250,000
    Total                                         $18,832,800

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Illinois Commerce Commission:
Payable from Transportation Regulatory Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $  4,750,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer.............................      201,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................      484,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................      315,900
  For Group Insurance...........................      650,400
  For Contractual Services......................      525,900
  For Travel....................................      185,000
  For Commodities...............................       47,000
  For Printing .................................       24,100
  For Equipment.................................      310,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      863,900
  For Telecommunications........................      232,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............      100,500
  For Refunds...................................       45,000
    Total                                          $8,738,200

    Section 4.  The sum of $8,000,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the Transportation
Regulatory Fund  to  the  Illinois  Commerce  Commission  for
disbursing  funds  collected  for  the Single State Insurance
Registration Program to be distributed to: (1)  participating
states,  provided  that  no  distributions  exceed funds made
available from registration collections; and (2) for  refunds
for overpayments.

    Section  5.  The  sum  of $750,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is  appropriated  from  the  Transportation
Regulatory Fund to assist the Illinois Commerce Commission in
monitoring railroad crossing safety.

    Section  6.  The sum of $1,400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Public  Utility
Fund   to   assist   the   Illinois  Commerce  Commission  in
implementing the Electric Service Customer  Choice  and  Rate
Relief Law of 1997.

    Section  7.  The  sum  of $584,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund   to   assist   the   Illinois  Commerce  Commission  in
implementing the Electric Service Customer  Choice  and  Rate
Relief Law of 1997, including costs in prior years.

    Section  8.  The  sum  of $850,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund   to   assist   the   Illinois  Commerce  Commission  in
implementing  a  consumer  education  program  regarding  the
Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997.

    Section 9.  The sum of $600,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the Transportation
Regulatory Fund to assist the Illinois Commerce Commission in
planning, developing, and implementing  a  multi-agency  "one
stop" electronic credentialing system for commercial vehicles
operating to, from, and through Illinois.

                         ARTICLE 24

    Section  5.   The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Court of
Claims for its ordinary and contingent expenses:
                     CLAIMS ADJUDICATION
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services........................... $    871,100
For State Contribution to State Employees'
    Retirement System...........................       87,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer............................       34,800
For State Contribution to Social Security.......       66,600
For Contractual Services........................       33,200
For Travel......................................       12,200
For Commodities.................................        7,500
For Printing....................................        3,500
For Equipment...................................        5,200
For Telecommunications Services.................        5,500
For Reimbursement for Incidental
  Expenses Incurred by Judges...................       35,300
    Total                                          $1,162,000

    Section 10.  The amount of $217,500, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Court of Claims
Administration  and  Grant  Fund  to  the Court of Claims for
administrative expenses under the Crime Victims  Compensation

    Section  15.   The  following  named  amounts, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Court of
Claims for payment of claims as follows:
For claims under the Crime Victims
  Compensation Act:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund.............  $20,000,000
For claims other than Crime Victims:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund.........   10,000,000
  Payable from the Road Fund....................    1,000,000
  Payable from the DCFS Children's
    Services Fund...............................    1,500,000
  Payable from the State Garage
    Revolving Fund..............................       50,000
  Payable from the Traffic and
    Criminal Conviction Surcharge Fund..........      100,000
  Payable from the Vocational
    Rehabilitation Fund.........................      125,000
    Total                                         $32,775,000

                   ARTICLE 25

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet  the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of the Illinois Criminal
Justice Information Authority:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,665,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       66,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      169,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      126,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      495,700
  For Travel ...................................       19,000
  For Commodities ..............................       15,400
  For Printing .................................       43,500
  For Equipment ................................        3,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............      520,900
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       81,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        4,600
    Total                                          $3,212,400
Payable from Criminal Justice Information
 Systems Trust Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    717,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       28,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       73,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       54,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................      125,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      167,100
  For Travel ...................................       12,500
  For Commodities ..............................        5,000
  For Printing .................................        4,000
  For Equipment ................................        4,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............    1,317,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      210,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        6,100
    Total                                          $2,726,500

    Section 2.  The sum of $34,930,200, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Criminal  Justice
Trust  Fund  to  the  Illinois  Criminal  Justice Information
Authority for awards and grants to local units of  government
and non-profit organizations.

    Section  3.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the  Illinois
Criminal Justice Information Authority for awards and  grants
to state agencies:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund .......... $  2,122,400
Payable from the Criminal Justice
 Trust Fund ....................................   13,259,600
    Total                                         $15,382,000

    Section  4.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as needed, are appropriated to the Illinois Criminal  Justice
Information Authority for activities undertaken in support of
federal  assistance  programs  administered by units of state
and local government and non-profit organizations:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund ..........   $  839,300
Payable from the Criminal Justice
 Trust Fund ....................................    5,200,000
    Total                                          $6,039,300

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Criminal  Justice Information Authority for awards and grants
and other monies received from federal agencies,  from  other
units   of   government,   and   from  private/not-for-profit
organizations  for  activities  undertaken  in   support   of
investigating  issues in criminal justice and for undertaking
other criminal justice information projects:
Payable from the Criminal Justice
 Trust Fund .................................... $  1,500,000
Payable from the Criminal Justice
 Information Projects Fund .....................    1,000,000
    Total                                          $2,500,000

    Section 6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to  the
Illinois  Criminal  Justice Information Authority for awards,
grants and operational support to implement the Motor Vehicle
Theft Prevention Act:
Payable from the Motor Vehicle
  Theft Prevention Trust Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    210,300
  For other Ordinary and Contingent Expenses ...      195,400
  For Awards and Grants to federal
   and state agencies, units of local
   government, corporations, and
   neighborhood, community and business
   organizations to include operational
   activities and programs undertaken
   by the Authority in support of the
   Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act ..........    7,000,000
  For Refunds...................................      100,000
    Total                                          $7,505,700

    Section 7.  The sum of $40,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Criminal  Justice
Trust  Fund  to  the  Illinois  Criminal  Justice Information
Authority for awards and grants to state agencies  and  units
of  local  government,  to include operational activities and
programs undertaken by the Authority, in support  of  Federal
Crime Bill Initiatives.

    Section  8.  The following amounts, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, are appropriated to the  Illinois  Criminal
Justice  Information Authority for awards and grants to state
agencies and units of local government, including operational
expenses  of  the  Authority  in  support  of  the   Juvenile
Accountability Incentive Block Grant program:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund ..........    $  95,500
Payable from the Juvenile Accountability
 Incentive Block Grant Trust Fund ..............    8,770,400
    Total                                          $8,865,900

    Section  9.  The  sum  of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority
for awards and grants and operational costs in support of the
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Pilot Program.

                         ARTICLE 26

    Section 1.  The sum of $3,000,000, or so much thereof  as
may   be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Drycleaner
Environmental  Response  Trust   Fund   to   the   Drycleaner
Environmental   Response   Trust  Fund  Council  for  use  in
accordance with the Drycleaner Environmental  Response  Trust
Fund Act.

    Section  2.  The sum of $2,813,600, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 29, Section  34  of  Public
Act  91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the Drycleaner
Environmental  Response  Trust   Fund   to   the   Drycleaner
Environmental   Response   Trust  Fund  Council  for  use  in
accordance with the Drycleaner Environmental  Response  Trust
Fund Act.

                         ARTICLE 27

    Section  1.    The  following  named  amounts, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
from  the  General  Revenue  Fund to the Illinois Educational
Labor  Relations  Board  for   the   objects   and   purposes
hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,139,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       45,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      116,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       87,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      148,000
  For Travel ...................................       21,900
  For Commodities ..............................        5,100
  For Printing .................................        2,700
  For Equipment ................................       32,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       66,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       32,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        2,800
    Total                                          $1,699,800
                   ARTICLE 28

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Emergency Management Agency  for  the  objects  and  purposes
hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,341,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer ...........................       53,600
  For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System ...............      134,100
  For State Contributions to
    Social Security ............................      102,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      312,800
  For Travel ...................................        9,400
  For Commodities ..............................       12,000
  For Printing .................................        8,100
  For Equipment ................................       25,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       29,600
  For Telecommunications .......................      206,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       22,100
  For Activities as a result of the Illinois
   Emergency Planning and Community Right to
   Know Act:
    Payable from Emergency Planning and
    Training Fund ..............................      150,000
    Total                                          $2,407,100

    Section  2.   The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Emergency Management Agency  for  the  objects  and  purposes
hereinafter named:
For Personal Services:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  1,379,700
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................      356,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       55,200
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       14,300
For State Contributions to State Employees'
 Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      138,000
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       35,800
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      105,600
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       27,100
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       88,800
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       60,100
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       40,500
For Travel:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............       13,600
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       32,300
For Commodities:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........        3,500
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................        7,100
For Printing:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........        6,300
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................        4,500
For Equipment:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       26,000
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................        5,000
For Electronic Data Processing:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       34,900
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       64,600
For Telecommunications:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       51,800
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       76,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment:
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund ........       15,800
  Payable from Nuclear Safety Emergency
   Preparedness Fund ...........................       21,900
    Total                                          $2,665,500

    Section  3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Emergency Management Agency  for  the  objects  and  purposes
hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Training and Education ...................  $   146,500
  For Planning and Analysis ....................       75,000
Payable from Nuclear Civil Protection
 Planning Fund:
  For Clean Air ................................      100,000
  For Federal Projects .........................      700,000
  For Flood Mitigation .........................    1,500,000
Payable from Federal Civil Preparedness
  Administrative Fund:
  For Training and Education ...................    2,261,300
  For Terrorism Preparedness and
   Training ....................................    2,000,000
    Total                                          $6,782,800

    Section  4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Emergency Management  Agency for  the  objects  and  purposes
hereinafter named:
                   DISASTER RELIEF, PUBLIC
    Whenever  it  becomes  necessary  for  the  State  or any
governmental unit to furnish in  a  disaster  area  emergency
services  directly  related  to or required by a disaster and
existing funds are insufficient to provide such services, the
Governor may, when he  considers  such  action  in  the  best
interest of the State, release funds from the General Revenue
disaster  relief  appropriation  in  order  to  provide  such
services or to reimburse local governmental bodies furnishing
such services.  Such appropriation may be used for payment of
the  Illinois  National  Guard  when called to active duty in
case of disaster, and for the emergency purchase  or  renting
of  equipment  and  commodities.  Such appropriation shall be
used for emergency services and relief to the  disaster  area
as a whole and shall not be used to provide private relief to
persons  sustaining  property damages or personal injury as a
result of a disaster.
Payable from General Revenue Fund .............. $  2,500,000
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For costs incurred in prior
  years ........................................      250,000
    Total                                          $2,750,000
Payable from General Revenue Fund to provide
  State Matching Funds for Federal Disaster
   In Fiscal Year 2001 .........................     $200,000
   In prior years ..............................      500,000
    Total                                            $700,000
Payable from the Federal Aid
 Disaster Fund:
  In Prior Years ............................... $ 45,000,000
  Federal Disaster Declarations:
   In Fiscal Year 2001 .........................   30,000,000
  For State administration of the
   Federal Disaster Relief Program .............    1,000,000
  For State administration of the
   Hazard Mitigation Program ...................    1,000,000
  Disaster Relief - Hazard Mitigation ..........    8,000,000
  Disaster Relief - Hazard Mitigation
   in Prior Years ..............................   35,000,000
    Total                                        $120,000,000

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Emergency  Management  Agency  for  the  objects and purposes
hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  State Share of Individual and Family
   Grant Program for Disaster
    In Fiscal Year 2001......................... $  7,000,000
    In prior years .............................      500,000
Payable from the Federal Aid Disaster Fund:
  Federal Share of Individual and Family
   Grant Program for Disaster Declarations:
    In Fiscal Year 2001.........................   21,000,000
    In prior years .............................    1,500,000
  For State administration of the
   Individual and Family Grant Program .........    1,000,000
    Total                                         $31,000,000

    Section 6.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Illinois
Emergency  Management  Agency  for  grants to local emergency
organizations for objects and purposes hereinafter named:
                    LOCAL ESDA ASSISTANCE
Payable from the Federal Hardware
 Assistance Fund:
  For Communications and Warning Systems ....... $    500,000
  For Emergency Operating Centers ..............      500,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Communications and Warning Systems .......      150,000
Payable from the Federal Civil Prepared-
 ness Administrative Fund:
  For Emergency Management Assistance ..........    2,500,000
  For Urban Search and Rescue ..................      200,000
    Total                                          $3,850,000

    Section 7.  Certain Federal receipts shall be  placed  in
the  General Revenue Fund, pursuant to law and regulation, as
reimbursement for the Federal share of expenditures made from
General Revenue appropriations in Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and
6 of this Article.  Other Federal receipts shall be paid into
the proper trust fund and shall be available for  expenditure
only pursuant to the trust fund appropriations in Sections 1,
2,  3,  4, 5, and 6 of this Article or suitable appropriation
made by the General Assembly.
                         ARTICLE 29

    Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Environmental
Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Trust
Fund  Commission  for  grants  to  the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency as follows:
  To Support Enhanced Environmental Protection
   and Enforcement Activities ....................$   700,000

  For Support of the Illinois Environmental
   Regulatory Review Commission ...................$  170,000

    Section 2.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Environmental
Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Trust
Fund  Commission  for  grants  to  the  Department of Natural
Resources as follows:
  For projects relating to
   natural resources research,
   protection, and educational
   activities ....................................$   700,000

    Section 3.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Environmental
Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Trust
Fund  Commission for grants to the Pollution Control Board as
  For Funding Expenses of Case
   Processing and Other Activities .................$ 700,000

  For Support of the Illinois Environmental
   Regulatory Review Commission ....................$  25,000
    Section 4.  The following named sum, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Environmental
Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Trust
Fund  Commission  for  grants  to  the Office of the Attorney
General as follows:
  For Enhanced Environmental Enforcement
   Activities ......................................$ 700,000

                         ARTICLE 30

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
General Revenue Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,602,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      104,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      265,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      199,100
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,650,900
  For Travel ...................................       23,500
  For Commodities ..............................       45,800
  For Printing .................................       12,900
  For Equipment ................................      129,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      134,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        5,500
    Total                                          $6,173,300

    Section  2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  objects  and
purposes   hereinafter   named,   are   appropriated  to  the
Environmental Protection Agency.
Payable from U.S. Environmental Protection Fund:
  For Contractual Services ..................... $  1,638,600
Payable from Underground Storage Tank Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      152,600
Payable from Solid Waste Management Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      167,700
Payable from Subtitle D Management Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................       61,000
Payable from Clean Air Act Permit Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      795,200
Payable from Water Revolving Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      595,600
Payable from Community Water Supply
 Laboratory Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................       74,400
Payable from Used Tire Management Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................       80,500
Payable from Conservation 2000 Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................       20,200
Payable from Hazardous Waste Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      224,800
Payable from Environmental Protection
 Permit and Inspection Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      279,900
Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund:
  For Contractual Services .....................      338,800
    Total                                          $4,429,300

    Section 3.  The sum of $972,300, or so  much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the U.S. Environmental
Protection  Fund  to  the Environmental Protection Agency for
pollution prevention activities.
    Section 4.  The sum of $275,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Environmental
Protection  Agency from the EPA Special States Projects Trust
Fund for the purpose of funding the planning, administration,
and operation of environmental intern programs to  be  funded
by advance contributions.

    Section  5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to the
Environmental Protection Agency:
                    AIR POLLUTION CONTROL
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,088,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       83,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      213,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      159,700
  For Travel ...................................        8,800
  For Commodities ..............................        2,000
  For Equipment ................................       16,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       20,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,000
    Total                                          $2,593,500

    Section 6.  The sum of $100,500, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for  the  purpose
of  funding  the  State's  share  of  the  cost  of  a  photo
chemically  reactive  grid model to prepare an ozone plan for
the Chicago metropolitan area.
    Section 7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to  the
Environmental Protection Agency.

Payable from U.S. Environmental
 Protection Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,685,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      107,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      273,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      205,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................      423,200
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,425,700
  For Travel ...................................      165,800
  For Commodities ..............................      132,000
  For Printing .................................       43,900
  For Equipment ................................      638,300
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      195,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       41,800
  For Use by the City of Chicago ...............      374,600
  For Expenses Related to the
   Development and Implementation
   of a Targeted Clean Air Information
   and Education Program .......................      600,000
    Total                                          $7,313,100

Payable from the Environmental Protection
Permit and Inspection Fund for Air Permit
and Inspection Activities:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    709,600
  For Other Expenses ...........................      630,200
  For Deposit into the Clean Air Act
   Permit Fund .................................       50,000
  For Refunds ..................................      100,000
    Total                                          $1,489,800

Payable from the Vehicle Inspection Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  4,940,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      197,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      504,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      377,900
  For Group Insurance ..........................      976,800
  For Vehicle Inspections ......................   46,838,900
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,729,900
  For Travel ...................................       85,000
  For Commodities ..............................       33,000
  For Printing .................................      409,000
  For Equipment ................................      100,000
  For Telecommunications .......................       90,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       22,900
  For Expenses Related to the Implementation
   and Operation of a Market Based
   Pollution Reduction Program .................      281,700
    Total                                         $56,587,200

    Section  8.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Clean
Air  Act  Permit  Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of funding Clean Air Act Title  V  activities
in accordance with Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990:

  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses of the Program ..................... $ 11,154,700
  For Deposit into the Environmental
   Protection Permit and Inspection
   Fund ........................................       50,000
  For Refunds ..................................      100,000
    Total                                         $11,304,700

    Section  9.  The  sum  of $120,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the EPA Special  State
Projects  Trust  Fund  to the Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of funding an air monitoring network  at  the
Robbins Resource Recovery Incinerator, Robbins, Illinois.

    Section  10.  The  sum of $117,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Environmental
Protection  Trust Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of funding an on-site monitor at the  Robbins
Resource Recovery Incinerator, Robbins, Illinois.

    Section 11.  The named amounts, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary,  is appropriated from the Alternate Fuels Fund
to the Environmental Protection Agency  for  the  purpose  of
administering  the  Alternate  Fuels  Rebate  Program and the
Ethanol Fuel Research Program:
  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses .................................... $    100,000
  For Grants and Rebates .......................    7,000,000
    Total                                          $7,100,000

    Section 12.  The sum of $200,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 29, Section 96 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Environmental Protection  Agency  for
all costs associated with the O'Hare Toxic Study.
    Section  13.  The  sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from   the   Alternate
Compliance   Market   Account   Fund   to  the  Environmental
Protection Agency for all costs associated with the emissions
reduction market program.


    Section 14.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to  the
Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    606,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       24,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       61,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       46,400
  For Contractual Services .....................        9,500
  For Travel ...................................        7,200
  For Commodities ..............................       18,300
  For Equipment ................................        3,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       19,900
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        7,400
    Total                                            $803,700

Payable from the U.S. Environmental
  Protection Fund:
  For Toxic and Hazardous Materials
   Program and Regulatory Innovation
   Program .........................................$ 642,900
Payable from the Environmental Protection
  Permit and Inspection Fund:
   For Development of Environmental
   Planning Activities .............................$ 231,100

    Section  15.  The  sum  of $21,100, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Industrial Hygiene
Regulatory  and  Enforcement  Fund   to   the   Environmental
Protection  Agency  for  the  purpose  of  administering  the
industrial hygiene licensing program.

    Section  16.  The  sum  of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the EPA Special  State
Projects  Trust  Fund  to the Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of administering the Emergency  Planning  and
Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA).

    Section  17.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to the
Environmental Protection Agency:

                     LABORATORY SERVICES
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,947,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       77,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      198,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      149,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      264,100
  For Travel ...................................        5,300
  For Commodities ..............................      161,900
  For Printing .................................        9,700
  For Equipment ................................      177,900
  For Telecommunications Services...............        6,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,600
  For Permanent Improvements ...................       11,600
    Total                                          $3,011,800

    Section 18.  The named amounts, or so much thereof as may
be necessary,  are  appropriated  from  the  Community  Water
Supply Laboratory Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency
for  the  purpose of performing laboratory testing of samples
from community water supplies and for administrative costs of
the Agency and the Community Water Supply Testing Council.

  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses of the Program ..................... $  4,534,200
  For Permanent Improvements ...................        8,400
    Total                                          $4,542,600

    Section 19.  The sum of $682,800, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the Environmental
Laboratory Certification Fund to the Environmental Protection
Agency for the purpose  of  administering  the  environmental
laboratories certification program.

    Section  20.  The  sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the EPA Special  State
Projects  Trust  Fund  to the Environmental Protection Agency
for the purpose of performing laboratory analytical  services
for government entities.

    Section  21.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to the
Environmental Protection Agency:
                   LAND POLLUTION CONTROL
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,417,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       56,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      144,500
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      108,400
    Total                                          $1,727,000

Payable from General Revenue Fund for Expenses
 Related to the Illinois Hazardous Waste Site
 Cleanup Program:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,399,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       56,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      142,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      107,100
  For Contractual Services .....................       23,100
  For Travel ...................................       33,300
  For Commodities ..............................        7,900
  For Equipment ................................       35,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       12,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        4,400
    Total                                          $1,821,400

Payable from the General Revenue Fund for
 Expenses Related to the Solid Waste Program:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    706,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       28,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       72,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       54,100
  For Contractual Services .....................        2,300
  For Travel ...................................        6,600
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        5,900
    Total                                            $875,900

Payable from U.S. Environmental
 Protection Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,633,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      105,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      268,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      201,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................      478,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      841,000
  For Travel ...................................       58,600
  For Commodities ..............................       68,600
  For Printing .................................       59,000
  For Equipment ................................      106,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      211,600
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       37,700
  For Use by the Office of the Attorney General        25,000
  For Underground Storage Tank Program .........    2,268,500
    Total                                          $7,363,900

    Section 22.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  including  prior  year  costs,   are
appropriated  to the Environmental Protection Agency, payable
from the U. S. Environmental  Protection  Fund,  for  use  of
remedial,  preventive or corrective action in accordance with
the Federal Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation
and Liability Act of 1980 as amended:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,032,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       81,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      207,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      155,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      333,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      270,000
  For Travel ...................................       90,000
  For Commodities ..............................      100,000
  For Printing .................................        5,000
  For Equipment ................................      150,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       65,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       53,800
  For Contractual Expenses Related to
   Remedial, Preventive or Corrective
   Actions in Accordance with the
   Federal Comprehensive and Liability
   Act of 1980, including Costs in
   Prior Years .................................    6,100,000
    Total                                          $9,643,700

    Section 23.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated  to  the  Environmental
Protection  Agency for the purpose of funding the Underground
Storage Tank Program.

Payable from the Underground Storage Tank Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,044,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       81,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      208,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      156,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................      347,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      489,900
  For Travel ...................................       40,000
  For Commodities ..............................       15,400
  For Equipment.................................      100,400
  For Telecommunications Services...............       21,300
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        6,200
  For Reimbursements to Eligible Owners/
   Operators of Leaking Underground
   Storage Tanks, including claims
   submitted in prior years.....................   55,000,000
    Total                                         $58,512,600

    Section 24.  The sum of $30,405,300, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  reappropriations  made  in
Article  29,  Section  22  of Public Act 91-20, as amended is
reappropriated to the Environmental  Protection  Agency  from
the  Anti-Pollution  Fund  for  payment  of claims submitted,
including claims submitted in prior years, to the  state  and
approved  for  payment  under the Leaking Underground Storage
Tank Program established in Title XVI  of  the  Environmental
Protection Act.

    Section 25.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary, are appropriated to the Environmental
Protection Agency for use in accordance with Section 22.2  of
the Environmental Protection Act:
Payable from the Hazardous Waste Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    291,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       11,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       29,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       22,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................       44,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      500,000
  For Travel ...................................        4,000
  For Commodities ..............................       20,000
  For Printing .................................        2,000
  For Equipment ................................       50,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       15,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       18,000
  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses Related to Removal or
   Remedial Actions and for Expenses
   Related to Reviewing the Performance
   of Response Actions Pursuant
   to Title XVII of the Environmental
   Protection Act ..............................    3,591,500
  For Contractual Services for Site
   Remediations, including costs
   in Prior Years ..............................   25,966,800
    Total                                         $30,567,000

    Section 26.  The sum of $4,700,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for deposit  into
the Hazardous Waste Fund.

    Section  27.  The  sum of $11,452,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Hazardous Waste
Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for stabilization
and remediation activities at the Paxton Landfill,  including
costs in prior years.

    Section 28.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Environmental
Protection Permit and Inspection Fund  to  the  Environmental
Protection Agency for land permit and inspection activities:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,054,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       42,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      107,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       80,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................      170,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      561,900
  For Travel ...................................       19,800
  For Commodities ..............................       22,900
  For Printing .................................       71,200
  For Equipment ................................      100,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       24,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       11,400
    Total                                          $2,267,000

    Section 29.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary, are appropriated from the Solid Waste
Management Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Agency  for
use  in  accordance  with  Section 22.15 of the Environmental
Protection Act:
  For Personal Services......................... $  1,314,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       52,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      134,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      101,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................      251,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      280,000
  For Travel ...................................       50,000
  For Commodities ..............................        6,000
  For Equipment ................................       60,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       33,900
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       14,500
  For Refunds ..................................       20,000
  For financial assistance to units of
   local government for operations under
   delegation agreements .......................      750,000
    Total                                          $3,068,000

    Section  30.  The  following  named  sums,  or  so   much
therefore  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to the
Environmental Protection Agency for  conducting  a  household
hazardous  waste  collection  program,  including  costs from
prior years:
Payable from the Solid Waste
  Management Fund................................. $1,200,000
Payable from the General Revenue Fund............. $1,000,000

    Section 31.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, are appropriated from the Used
Tire Management Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Agency
for   purposes  as  provided  for  in  Section  55.6  of  the
Environmental Protection Act.

  For Personal Services ........................   $1,186,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       47,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      120,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       90,700
  For Group Insurance ..........................      185,000
  For Contractual Services .....................    2,189,400
  For Travel ...................................       32,000
  For Commodities ..............................       15,000
  For Printing .................................        2,000
  For Equipment ................................      100,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       14,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        7,000
    Total                                          $3,990,100

    Section 32.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  from the
Subtitle D Management Fund to  the  Environmental  Protection
Agency  for  the  purpose  of  funding  the Subtitle D permit
program in accordance with Section 22.44 of the Environmental
Protection Act:

  For Personal Services ........................ $    800,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       32,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       81,700
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security ....................................       61,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................      125,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      222,100
  For Travel ...................................       27,000
  For Commodities ..............................       12,000
  For Equipment ................................       50,000
  For Telecommunications .......................       16,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        9,100
    Total                                          $1,438,500

    Section 33.  The sum of $750,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Landfill Closure
and Post Closure Fund to the Environmental Protection  Agency
for  the  purpose of funding closure activities in accordance
with Section 22.17 of the  Environmental Protection Act.

    Section 34.  The sum of $200,000, or so much  thereof  as
may   be  necessary, is appropriated from the Hazardous Waste
Occupational Licensing Fund to the  Environmental  Protection
Agency  for  expenses  related  to the licensing of Hazardous
Waste Laborers and Crane and Hoisting Equipment Operators, as
mandated by Public Act 85-1195.

    Section 35.  The sum of $200,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the Environmental
Protection Trust Fund to the Environmental Protection  Agency
for  oversight  of site development at solid waste management
facilities in  accordance  with  the  purposes  specified  or
contributed funds.

    Section 36.  The named amounts, or so much thereof as may
be   necessary,   are   appropriated   to  the  Environmental
Protection Agency for use in accordance with the  Brownfields
Redevelopment program:

Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses of the Program ..........................$866,700
Payable from the Brownfields
  Redevelopment Fund:
  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses of the Program...........................$361,300
  For Grants to Local Governments
   in accordance with Section 58.13,
   including costs in prior years..................$3,820,800
For Brownfields Redevelopment Loans
  in accordance with Section 58.15,
   including costs in prior years..................$7,000,000
    Section  37.  The  sum  of $35,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 29, Section 56 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois' Future to the Environmental Protection Agency for a
grant  to  Granite  City  for all costs associated with a tub
grinder for yard waste.

    Section 38.  The sum of $10,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 29, Section 81 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Environmental Protection Agency for a
grant to McHenry  County  Defenders  for  the  purpose  of  a
recycling program.

    Section  39.  The  sum of $320,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 29, Section 94 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future  to the Environmental Protection Agency for
grants  to  units  of  local   government   for   brownfields

    Section  40.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to the
Environmental Protection Agency:
                       BUREAU OF WATER
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  4,353,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      174,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      444,100
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      333,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      250,300
  For Travel ...................................       41,300
  For Commodities ..............................       29,500
  For Printing .................................       13,100
  For Equipment ................................      106,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       29,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       31,300
    Total                                          $5,804,900

Payable from U.S. Environmental
   Protection Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,426,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      217,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      553,600
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      415,200
  For Group Insurance ..........................      869,600
  For Contractual Services .....................    1,037,000
  For Travel ...................................      100,400
  For Commodities ..............................       64,900
  For Printing .................................       55,200
  For Equipment ................................      409,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............      171,800
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       58,500
  For Use by the Department of
   Public Health ...............................      653,000
  For non-point source pollution management
   required by the Federal Clean Water
   Act, including costs in prior years..........    6,235,000
  For Federal Clean Water Act
   Demonstrations and Studies Under
   Section 104 of the Federal Clean
   Water Act, including costs in prior years....      520,000
  For Water Quality Planning,
   including costs in prior years...............      350,000
  For Use by the Department of
   Agriculture .................................       58,800
    Total                                         $17,196,300

    Section 41.  The sum of $1,964,400, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 29, Section 36 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is   reappropriated   from   the   U.S.
Environmental Protection Fund to the Environmental Protection
Agency for financial assistance to economically disadvantaged
communities for wastewater facility projects.

    Section 42.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated from the Hazardous
Waste Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency for use  in
accordance  with Section 22.2 of the Environmental Protection
  For Personal Services ........................ $    359,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       14,400
  For State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       36,700
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................       27,500
  For Group Insurance ..........................       66,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       36,100
  For Travel ...................................        6,000
  For Commodities ..............................        6,000
  For Printing .................................        4,000
  For Equipment ................................       30,000
  For Telecommunications .......................       10,000
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        2,000
    Total                                            $598,800

    Section 43.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be  necessary,   respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes   hereinafter   named,   are   appropriated  to  the
Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from the Environmental Protection Permit
 and Inspection Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    680,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       27,200
  For State Contribution to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       69,500
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................       52,100
  For Group Insurance ..........................      103,600
  For Contractual Services .....................       31,600
  For Travel ...................................       10,000
  For Commodities ..............................        7,000
  For Printing .................................        4,000
  For Equipment ................................       62,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       11,200
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........       10,000
    Total                                          $1,068,700

    Section 44.  The named amounts, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, are appropriated  from  the  Conservation  2000
Fund  to  the Environmental Protection Agency for the purpose
of  funding  lake  management  activities  required  by   the
Illinois Lake Management Program:
  For Personal Services and Other
   Expenses of the Program ..................... $    470,700
  For Financial Assistance .....................    1,109,100
    Total                                          $1,579,800

    Section 45.  The sum of $2,299,400, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June  30,   2000,   from   appropriations   and
reappropriations  heretofore made for such purpose in Article
29, Sections 39 and 40 of Public Act  91-20,  as  amended  is
reappropriated   from  the  Conservation  2000  Fund  to  the
Environmental  Protection  Agency  for  financial  assistance
under the Illinois Lake Management Program.

    Section 46.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively, for the object and
purposes   hereinafter   named,   are   appropriated  to  the
Environmental Protection Agency:
Payable from the Water Revolving Fund:
  For Administrative Costs of
   Water Pollution Control
   Revolving Loan Program ...................... $  1,779,100
  For Program Support Costs of Water
   Pollution Control Revolving
   Loan Program ................................    5,548,000
  For Administrative Costs of the Drinking
   Water Revolving Loan Program ................    1,305,100
  For Federal Safe Drinking Water
   Act Source Water Assessments ................    1,600,000
    Total                                         $10,232,200
    Section 47.  The sum of $66,000,000,  new  appropriation,
is  appropriated  and  the  sum  of  $216,343,400, or so much
thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the
close  of  business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 29, Section 42 of
Public Act 91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the
Water  Revolving  Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency
for financial  assistance to units of  local  government  for
sewer systems and wastewater treatment facilities pursuant to
rules  defining  the  Water  Pollution Control Revolving Loan

    Section 48.  The sum of $56,000,000, new  appropriations,
is  appropriated  and  the  sum  of  $98,410,800,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the
close  of  business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 29, Section 43 of
Public Act 91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the
Water  Revolving  Fund to the Environmental Protection Agency
for financial assistance to units  of  local  government  for
sewer systems and wastewater treatment facilities pursuant to
rules defining the Water Revolving Loan program.

    Section  49.  The sum of $42,000,000, new appropriations,
is appropriated and the  sum  of  $117,337,400,  or  so  much
thereof  as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30, 2000, from  appropriations  and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 29, Section 44 of
Public  Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the
Water Revolving Fund to the Environmental  Protection  Agency
for  financial  assistance  to  units of local government and
privately owned community water supplies for  drinking  water
infrastructure  projects  pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water
Act, as amended.
    Section 50.  The sum of $18,000,000,  new  appropriation,
is  appropriated  and  the  sum  of  $37,500,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the
close  of  business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations and
reappropriations heretofore made for such purpose in  Article
29,   Section   45  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated  from   the   Anti-Pollution   Fund   to   the
Environmental  Protection  Agency  for deposit into the Water
Revolving Fund.

    Section 51.  The sum of $7,000,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,   2000,  from  appropriations  and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 29, Section 47 of
Public Act 91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the
Anti-Pollution  Fund  to  the Environmental Protection Agency
for grants  to  units  of  local  government  for  wastewater
facilities,  pursuant  to  provisions  of the "Anti-Pollution
Bond Act."

    Section 52.    The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  49  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Green Oaks to rehabilitate and upgrade the sewer

    Section 53.    The sum of $70,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  50  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Environmental Protection Agency for a grant to Crete
Township for construction of a new sewer system.

    Section 54.  The sum of $200,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  51  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of Athens for an addition to the present water plant.

    Section 55.  The amount of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business on June 30, 2000, from appropriation heretofore made
in Article 29, Section 52 of Public Act 91-20, as amended, is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Environmental Protection Agency for a grant to the Village of
Ladd for the purpose of a fire siren.

    Section 56.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business on June 30, 2000, from appropriation heretofore made
in Article 29, Section 53 of Public Act 91-20, as amended, is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Environmental Protection Agency for a grant to the Village of
Bureau Junction for the purpose of a  sludge  lagoon  cleanup
and ambulance service.

    Section  57.  The  amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  54  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
Village of West Peoria for all costs associated with drainage
and storm water management, and erosion control enforcement.

    Section 58.  The amount of $125,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close
of business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  55  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of Oak Forest for all costs associated with the  Central
Park water main.

    Section 59.  The amount of $15,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  57  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Metro East Sanitary District for all costs associated with an
equipment program.

    Section  60.  The  amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  58  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City   of  Harrisburg  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
replacement of a sanitary sewer.

    Section 61.  The amount of $500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close
of business on June 30, 2000, for  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  59  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of McHenry for construction of an elevated water storage
tank and a water main extension.

    Section 62.  The amount of $150,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close
of business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  60  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended is reappropriated from the Capital  Development  Fund
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency  for  a  grant  to
Waukegan  Port  District  for  all  costs associated with the
installation of sewer  facilities  and  cleanup  of  Waukegan

    Section  63.  The  amount of $300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at  the  close
of  business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  61  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of Tinley Park for all costs associated with a water
sewer extension to Sayre Avenue.

    Section 64.  The amount of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  62  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
Village of Flossmoor for all costs associated with Phase I of
the sewer projects.

    Section 65.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  63  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of  Wilmington  for  all  costs  associated  with  sewer

    Section 66.  The amount of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  64  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Reddick  for  all  costs associated with a water
filtration tank system and water main.

    Section 67.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  65  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of Chester for all costs associated  with  water  system

    Section 68.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from appropriation heretofore made
in Article 29, Section 66 of Public Act 91-20, as amended, is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the Fountain
Water District for all costs associated with  drinking  water
    Section 69.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  67  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Freeburg  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
construction of an excess flow treatment clarifier.

    Section 70.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  68  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Sauk  Village  for  all  costs  associated  with
improvements to the Lincoln Lansing Drainage Ditch.

    Section  71.  The  amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at  the  close
of  business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 51,  Section  69  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village   of   Crete   for  all  costs  associated  with  the
construction of a new well.

    Section 72.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30, 2000, from  appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  70  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
East Peoria Sanitary District for all costs  associated  with
erosion control projects.

    Section 73.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  71  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency  for  a  grant  to
Tazewell County for all costs associated with  enforcing  the
erosion control ordinance.

    Section 74.  The amount of $35,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  72  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City  of  Peoria  for all costs associated with enforcing the
erosion control ordinance.

    Section 75.  The amount of $108,500, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000,  from    appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  73  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for a grant to Village
of  Herscher  for   water   and   wastewater   sewer   system

    Section  76.  The  amount of $600,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  74  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Fund  for Illinois'
Future to the Environmental Protection Agency for a grant  to
the City of Centralia for the purpose of all costs associated
with Texaco water pipeline improvements and/or additions.

    Section 77.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from    appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  75  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City  of  Oglesby  for  all  costs  associated with the water
system upgrade and the purchase of an additional tank.

    Section 78.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  76  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
Village of South Roxana for all costs associated with a water
line extension.

    Section 79.  The amount of $150,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  77  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of Lake Forest  for  all  costs  associated  with  sewer

    Section  80.  The  amount of $600,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at  the  close
of  business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  78  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City  of  Flora  for all costs associated with Phase I of the
water line project from Lake Carlyle.

    Section 81.  The amount of $65,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30, 2000, from  appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  79  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
Village of Hazel Crest for all costs  associated  with  sewer

    Section  82.  The  amount of $150,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  80  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
Rock  River-Water  Reclamation   District   for   all   costs
associated  with hookups of parcels in the School Street area
for low-income and environmental clean-up for gas stations.

    Section 83.  The sum of $700,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  82  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City  of  Monmouth  for all costs associated with a cover for
the Monmouth Lagoon.
    Section 84.  The sum of $9,147,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  83  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants to units of
local  government, educational facilities, and not-for-profit
organizations for infrastructure improvements, including  but
not   limited   to  planning,  construction,  reconstruction,
renovation, equipment, utilities and vehicles.

    Section 85.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  84  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Metro East Sanitary District for equipment.

    Section  86.  The  sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  85  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
Village of Raymond for infrastructure improvements.

    Section 87.  The sum of $300,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  86  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Virden   Sanitary   District   for   lift  station  and  line

    Section 88.  The sum of $200,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from appropriation heretofore made
in Article 29, Section 87 of Public Act 91-20, as amended, is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Environmental  Protection  Agency  for a grant to the City of
Benld for a new water tower.

    Section 89.  The sum of $150,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  88  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
Village  of  Peotone  for  water  main  replacement on Blaine

    Section 90.  The sum of $106,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from    appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  89  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is appropriated from the Fund for  Illinois'  Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of Stonington for the  replacement  of  Route  48  water

    Section  91.  The  sum  of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  90  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City of Jacksonville  for  drainage  work  for  youth  soccer

    Section  92.  The  sum  of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  91  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Environmental  Protection  Agency for a grant to the
City  of  Ottawa  to  extend  the  water  main  to  Community

    Section 93.  The sum of $128,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  92  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City  of  Earlville  to  design  a  new  wastewater treatment

    Section 94.  The sum of $2,540,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 29,  Section  93  of  Public  Act  91-20,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for grants to units of
local  governments  and  educational facilities for water and
wastewater infrastructure improvements and equipment.

    Section 95.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  29,  Section  95  of  Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Environmental Protection Agency for  a  grant  to  the
City of Jacksonville to conduct a city-wide utility study.

    Section 96.  The sum of $1,165,000, or so much thereof as
may  be necessary is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future to the Environmental Protection Agency for  grants  to
units   of  local  government,  educational  facilities,  and
not-for-profit organizations for infrastructure  improvements
including,   but  not  limited  to,  planning,  construction,
reconstruction,   renovation,   equipment,   utilities    and

                         ARTICLE 31

    Section  1.  The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Illinois Farm Development Authority for transfer
to the Illinois Agricultural Loan Guarantee Fund.

    Section 2.  The sum of $440,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the  Illinois  Farm  Development  Authority  for  the
purpose of interest buy-back as authorized under the Illinois
Farm Development Act.

                         ARTICLE 32

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
for  the  objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation
                       FOR OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $    986,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       39,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       98,700
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       74,300
  For Contractual Services .....................      157,200
  For Travel ...................................       34,700
  For Commodities ..............................        8,000
  For Printing .................................      127,100
  For Equipment ................................        3,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       24,100
  For Lincoln Legals ...........................      225,000
    Total                                          $1,778,900
  For Contractual Services ..................... $     55,000
  For Commodities ..............................        1,000
  For Printing .................................       16,300
  For Equipment ................................        1,000
  For historic preservation programs
    administered by the Executive Office,
    only to the extent that funds are received
    through grants, and awards, or gifts  ......      225,000
    Total                                            $298,300

    Section 1a.  The sum of $75,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant  to  the
Illinois Executive Mansion Association.

    Section  1b.   The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  for  staff and
related costs associated with the Lincoln Library.

    Section 2.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation
                       FOR OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $    846,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       33,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       84,600
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       64,200
  For Contractual Services .....................       23,200
  For Travel ...................................        5,800
  For Commodities ..............................       15,000
  For Printing .................................        1,200
  For Equipment ................................       49,800
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       11,000
  For On-Line Computer Library Center (OCLC)....       96,600
  For Purchase and Care of Lincolniana .........       25,000
    Total                                          $1,256,500

    Section  2a.  The  sum  of $150,000 or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois  Historic
Sites  Fund  to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  for the
ordinary and contingent expenses of  the  Historical  Library
including  microfilming  Illinois  newspapers and manuscripts
and performing genealogical research.
    Section 3.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation
                       FOR OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $    700,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       28,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       70,200
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       52,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      195,000
  For Travel ...................................       11,000
  For Commodities ..............................        2,500
  For Telecommunications .......................       12,500
    Total                                          $1,072,700
  For Personal Services ........................ $    259,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       10,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       26,000
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       20,000
  For Group Insurance ..........................       51,800
  For Contractual Services .....................       67,000
  For Travel ...................................       26,000
  For Commodities ..............................        3,000
  For Printing .................................        1,000
  For Equipment ................................        2,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............        2,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       12,300
  For historic preservation programs
   made either independently or in
   cooperation with the Federal Government
   or any agency thereof, any municipal
   corporation, or political subdivision
   of the State, or with any public or private
   corporation, organization, or individual,
   or for refunds ..............................      250,000
    Total                                            $731,400

    Section  3a.  The  sum  of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  to computerize
survey files used in regulatory  review  and  compliance  and
National Register programs.

    Section  3b.  The  sum  of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois  Historic
Sites Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for awards and
grants   for   historic  preservation  programs  made  either
independently or in cooperation with the  Federal  Government
or   any   agency  thereof,  any  municipal  corporation,  or
political subdivision of the State, or  with  any  public  or
private corporation, organization, or individual.

    Section  3c.  The  sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business   on   June   30,   2000,  from  appropriations  and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 30,  Sections  3b
and  3c  of Public Act 91-0020, as amended, is reappropriated
from  the  Illinois  Historic  Sites  Fund  to  the  Historic
Preservation  Agency  for  awards  and  grants  for  historic
preservation  programs  made  either  independently   or   in
cooperation   with  the  Federal  Government  or  any  agency
thereof, any municipal corporation, or political  subdivision
of  the  State,  or  with  any public or private corporation,
organization, or individual.

    Section 3d.  The sum of $500,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Historic Preservation  Agency  to  make  Illinois
Heritage   Grants   for  the  purpose  of  planning,  survey,
rehabilitation, restoration, reconstruction, landscaping  and
acquisition of Illinois properties designated on the National
Register  of  Historic  Places  or  as  a landmark based on a
county or municipal ordinance or those located within certain
historic districts deemed historically significant.

    Section 4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation
                       FOR OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,319,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       52,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      132,000
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...       99,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      417,900
  For Travel ...................................        3,300
  For Commodities ..............................       24,800
  For Printing .................................        2,400
  For Equipment ................................        8,600
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       65,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       27,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       16,000
    Total                                          $2,169,400

    Section  4a.  The  sum  of $125,000 or so much thereof as
may be necessary is appropriated from the  Illinois  Historic
Sites  Fund  to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  for the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the   Administrative
Services  division  for costs associated with but not limited
to Union Station, the Old State Capitol and the  Old  Journal
Register Building.

    Section  5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
for  the  objects and purposes hereinafter named, to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Historic Preservation
                       FOR OPERATIONS
                   HISTORIC SITES DIVISION
  For Personal Services ........................ $  5,303,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      204,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      530,400
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...      397,900
  For Contractual Services .....................      977,700
  For Travel ...................................       17,400
  For Commodities ..............................      152,700
  For Printing .................................       22,200
  For Equipment ................................      117,500
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       70,700
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       43,500
    Total                                          $7,838,000
  For Personal Services ........................ $     29,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        1,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        3,000
  For State Contributions to Social Security ...        2,400
  For Group Insurance ..........................        7,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      150,000
  For Travel ...................................        5,000
  For Commodities ..............................       35,000
  For Equipment ................................       25,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        5,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       10,000
  For Historic Preservation Programs Administered
   by the Historic Sites Division, Only to the
   Extent that Funds are Received Through
   Grants, Awards, or Gifts ....................      100,000
  For Permanent Improvements ...................       75,000
    Total                                            $448,800

    Section 5a.  The sum of $600,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Illinois Historic
Sites  Fund  to  the   Historic   Preservation   Agency   for
operations,  maintenance,  repairs,  permanent  improvements,
special  events, and all other costs related to the operation
of Illinois Historic Sites  and  only  to  the  extent  which
donations are received at Illinois State Historic Sites.

    Section  5b.  The  sum of $122,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,   is   appropriated   to   the   Historic
Preservation   Agency  from  the  General  Revenue  Fund  for
operations of the Apple River Fort historic site.
    Section 5c.  The sum of $800,000, or so much  thereof  as
may   be   necessary,   is   appropriated   to  the  Historic
Preservation  Agency  from  the  General  Revenue  Fund   for
programs   and  purposes  including  repairing,  maintaining,
reconstructing,  rehabilitating,  replacing,  fixed   assets,
construction   and   development,   studies,  all  costs  for
supplies, materials, labor, land acquisition and its  related
costs, services and other expenses at historic sites.

    Section 5d.  The sum of $2,000,000, or so much thereof as
may   be   necessary,   is   appropriated   to  the  Historic
Preservation Agency from the Capital Development Fund  for  a
grant  to  the  Lake  County  Forest  Preserve  District  for
planning,  construction and renovation of the Adlai Stevenson
Home State Historic Site.

    Section 6.  The sum of $392,900, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  7  of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Historic  Preservation Agency for the restoration of the
Jarrot Mansion.

    Section 7.  The amount of $64,400, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from a reappropriation  heretofore
made  for such purpose in Article 30, Section 8 of Public Act
91-0020, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue Fund to the Historic Preservation Agency for planning
a new historical library and Lincoln Center.

    Section  8.  The sum of $1,144,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 10  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the Mid South
Planning and Development Commission for  the  restoration  of
the Overton Hygienic Building.

    Section  10.  The  sum  of $51,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 13  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Historic Preservation Agency for the  operations  of  the
Pierre Martin/Boismenue House.

    Section  11.  The  sum  of $66,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 18  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to
the Historic Preservation Agency for a  grant  to  Williamson
County  for  the  clean  up  and  restoration  of  abandoned,
neglected cemeteries.

    Section  12.  The  amounts  appropriated  for repairs and
maintenance and other capital improvements in Section  5c  of
this   Article   for   repairs   and/or   replacements,   and
miscellaneous  capital  improvements  at the agency's various
historical  sites,   and   are   to   include   construction,
reconstruction,  improvements,  repairs  and  installation of
capital facilities, costs of planning,  supplies,  materials,
and  all  other types of repairs and maintenance, and capital
    No contract shall be entered into or obligation  incurred
for  repairs  and  maintenance and other capital improvements
from appropriations made in Section 5c of this Article  until
after  the purposes and amounts have been approved in writing
by the Governor.

    Section 13.  The sum of $300,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  22 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  for  a  grant to the
Village of Alto Pass for a new civic/community center.

    Section 14.  The sum of $180,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  23 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to  the  Historic Preservation Agency for improvements to the
Galena  State  Historic  Sites  for  the   Ulysses  S.  Grant
Visitors Center.

    Section 15.  The amount of $15,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 24  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic Preservation Agency for a one-time grant to
the City of Salem for all costs associated with  the  William
Jennings Bryan Museum.

    Section 16.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  25 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a one-time  grant  to
the Rogers Park Historical Society.

    Section 17.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  26 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a one-time  grant  to
the Edgewater Historical Facility.

    Section 18.  The amount of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  27 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to  the  City
of  Collinsville for all costs associated with renovating the
Blum House Historical Site.

    Section 19.  The amount of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 28  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the Minors
Theater  Institution in Collinsville for all costs associated
with historical sites improvements.

    Section 20.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  29 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a one-time  grant  to
the Village of Worth Historical Society.

    Section 21.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  30 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the  Villa
Improvement    League   for   all   costs   associated   with
beautification projects in the national historical community.

    Section 22.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 31  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the Irvine
Park   Historical  Society  for  all  costs  associated  with
cataloging and restoration of the photography collection.

    Section 23.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  32 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to  the  City
of  Marissa for all costs associated with improvements to the
Marissa Academy.

    Section 24.  The amount of $180,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  33 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historical Preservation Agency  for  a  grant  to  the
Canal  Corridor  Association  for  the  purpose  of all costs
associated with the production and marketing of a  film  made
by Prairie Tides Productions.

    Section  25.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 34  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historical Preservation Agency for a one time grant to
the Monroe County Historical Society.

    Section  26.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 35  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historical Preservation Agency for a one-time grant to
the Washington County Historical Society.

    Section 27.  The amount of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  36 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historical Preservation Agency  for  a  grant  to  the
Randolph  County  Historical Society for all costs associated
with improvements to Shiloh Hill College.

    Section 28.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  37 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a one-time  grant  to
the Hyde Park Historical Society for the purpose of all costs
associated with youth education programs.

    Section  29.  The  sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 38  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the Forest
Preserve  District  of DuPage County for all costs associated
with Graue Mill.

    Section 30.  The sum of $1,015,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 39  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic  Preservation Agency for grants to units of
local government, educational facilities, and  not-for-profit
organizations  for infrastructure improvements, including but
not  limited  to  planning,   construction,   reconstruction,
renovation, equipment, utilities and vehicles.

    Section  31.  The  sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 40  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the City
Edwardsville  for  the   Wildey   Theater   acquisition   and
restoration to the original state.
    Section  32.  The  sum of $260,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 41  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  for  a  grant to the
Madison County Historical Museum to repair and renovate  Weir
House and annexation.

    Section  33.  The  sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 43  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to the City
of Joliet for the Joliet Historical Society establishment  of
the Joliet Area History Museum.

    Section  34.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 44  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic  Preservation  Agency  for  a  grant to the
Village  of  Oak  Park  for   Ernest   Hemingway   birthplace

    Section  35.  The  sum  of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 45  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Fund  for Illinois'
Future to the Historical Preservation Agency for a  grant  to
the  Canal  Corridor  Association  for  Illinois and Michigan

    Section 36.  The sum of $55,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  30,  Section  46 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to the Historic Preservation Agency for a grant to Friends of
the Albany Mounds Foundation for land acquisition.

    Section 37.  The sum of $1,295,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 30, Section 47  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future
to  the  Historic  Preservation Agency for grants to units of
local  government  and   not-for-profit   organizations   for
infrastructure  improvements,  including  but  not limited to
planning,   construction,   renovation,    restoration    and

    Section 38.  The sum of $1,040,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16, Section 1240 of Public Act 91-0020, as
amended, is reappropriated from the Capital Development  Fund
to the Historic Preservation Agency for costs associated with
the acquisition of Sugar Loaf and/or Fox Mounds.

    Section  39.  The  sum of $460,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 1241 of Public  Act  91-0020,  as
amended,  is reappropriated from the Capital Development Fund
to the Historic Preservation Agency  for  support  facilities
for Sugar Loaf and/or Fox Mounds.

                         ARTICLE 33

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to  the  Human Rights Commission for the objects and purposes
hereinafter enumerated:
                       GENERAL OFFICE
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,080,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       40,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      113,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       82,600
  For Contractual Services .....................      155,600
  For Travel ...................................       34,000
  For Commodities ..............................       15,000
  For Printing .................................        5,500
  For Equipment.................................       13,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       61,400
  For Telecommunications Services...............       36,900
    Total                                          $1,639,100

                   ARTICLE 34

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
General Revenue Fund to the Industrial Commission:
                       GENERAL OFFICE
  For Personal Services:
   Regular Positions ........................... $  3,767,500
   Arbitrators .................................    2,619,200
   Court Reporters .............................      973,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      313,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      370,400
  For Arbitrators' Retirement System ...........      257,400
  For Court Reporters' Retirement System .......       95,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      544,400
  For Contractual Services .....................      420,000
  For Travel ...................................      148,000
  For Commodities ..............................       40,000
  For Printing .................................       38,000
  For Equipment ................................       30,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       82,900
    Total                                          $9,700,200
  For Personal Services ........................ $    501,200
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       49,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       38,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      234,200
  For Travel ...................................        2,500
  For Commodities ..............................        1,000
  For Equipment ................................      376,000
  For Printing .................................        3,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       40,000
    Total                                          $1,245,400
    Section   2.  In   addition  to  the  amounts  heretofore
appropriated, the following named amount, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Industrial Commission for the project hereinafter
                        PEORIA OFFICE
For rent, staffing and equipment to operate
  an office in Peoria................................ $95,400

    Section 3.  The amount of $126,800, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Industrial   Commission   for   printing   and
distribution  of  Workers'  Compensation handbooks containing
information as to the rights and obligations of employers.

    Section 4.  The amount of $281,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Industrial Commission for the implementation and
operation of an accident reporting system.

                         ARTICLE 35

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet  the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Law Enforcement
Training Standards Board:
Payable from the Traffic and Criminal
  Conviction Surcharge Fund:
For Personal Services .......................... $  1,084,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer .............................       43,400
For State Contributions to State
  Employees' Retirement System .................      110,700
For State Contributions to
  Social Security ..............................       83,000
For Group Insurance ............................      192,400
For Contractual Services .......................      376,500
For Travel .....................................       35,200
For Commodities ................................       12,000
For Printing ...................................       15,000
For Equipment ..................................       39,000
For Electronic Data Processing .................      104,000
For Telecommunications Services ................       23,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment ................       13,000
For Expenses Related to the Audit of
  Assessment Collection and Remittance To
  and Expenditures From the Traffic and
  Criminal Conviction Surcharge Fund ...........       22,000
    Total                                          $2,154,600
Payable from the Police Training Board Services Fund:
  For payment of and/or services
   related to law enforcement training
   in accordance with statutory provisions
   of the Law Enforcement Intern
   Training Act .................................. $  500,000

    Section 1a.  The  following  named  amount,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, is appropriated  to  the  Law
Enforcement Training Standards Board as follows:
Payable from the Traffic and Criminal
  Conviction Surcharge Fund:
For payment of and/or reimbursement
  of training and training services
  in accordance with statutory provisions ......$  10,000,000
                         ARTICLE 36

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are appropriated from the
Dram Shop Fund to the Liquor Control Commission:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  2,042,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       81,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      208,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      156,300
  For Group Insurance ..........................      370,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      291,900
  For Travel ...................................      104,100
  For Commodities ..............................       18,700
  For Printing .................................        9,200
  For Equipment ................................        9,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       49,200
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       74,000
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment.........       38,000
  For Refunds ..................................        2,000
    Total                                          $3,455,100

    Section 2.  The sum of $166,500, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Dram Shop Fund to
the Liquor Control Commission  for  regulation  of  alcoholic
liquor  shipments  via  express companies, common carriers or
contract carriers  to  guard  against  illegal  shipments  to

    Section 3.  The amount of $670,000, or so much thereof as
may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Dram Shop Fund to
the Liquor Control Commission to conduct a study to determine
the extent of enforcement  of  laws  relating  to  access  by
minors to tobacco products.

    Section  4.  The  sum  of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery Fund  to  the  Liquor  Control  Commission  for  the
purpose of operating the local government tobacco enforcement
grant program.

    Section  5.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery Fund to the Liquor Control Commission for grants  to
local  governmental  units  to establish enforcement programs
that will reduce youth access to tobacco products.

    Section 6.  The following amounts, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are  appropriated for the
Retailer Education Program from the Dram  Shop  Fund  to  the
Liquor  Control  Commission,  for  the  objects  and purposes
hereinafter named:
  For Personal Services ........................ $     92,200
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        3,700
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................        9,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................        7,100
  For Group Insurance ..........................       14,800
  For Contractual Services .....................       65,800
  For Travel ...................................        6,700
  For Commodities ..............................        2,400
  For Printing .................................       32,500
  For Equipment ................................        1,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       10,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        4,800
    Total                                            $250,400

    Section 7.  The sum of $141,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Dram Shop Fund to
the Liquor Control Commission for the  purpose  of  enforcing
the  Illinois  Wine  and Spirits Industry Fair Dealing Act of

    Section 8.  The sum of $630,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Dram Shop Fund to
the Liquor Control Commission for the  purpose  of  operating
the  Beverage  Alcohol  Sellers  and  Servers  Education  and
Training (BASSET) Program.

    Section 9.  In addition to any other amount appropriated,
the  sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary,
is appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Illinois
Liquor Control Commission for the continuation of a statewide
tobacco inspection program.

                         ARTICLE 37

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to  the
Illinois Medical District Commission:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $    328,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       13,100
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       32,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................       24,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      275,000
  For Operation of Chicago Technology
   Park Research Center and for
   Development and Operation of the
   Chicago Technology Park within the
   Medical Center District .....................      116,900
    Total                                            $790,300

    Section  2.  The  sum  of $162,800, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund to the Illinois Medical District Commission for repairs,
maintenance,  and site improvements within the Medical Center
District, City of Chicago.

    Section 3.  The sum of $200,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Illinois Medical  District  Commission  for  site
development  and maintenance of the Illinois Medical District
Development Area.

    Section 4.  The sum of $5,000,000, or so much thereof  as
may   be   necessary,   is   appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Illinois Medical District  Commission
for    acquisition   of   property,   demolition   and   site
improvements, and related costs  within  the  Medical  Center
District,   City   of   Chicago  for  Phase  IV  of  District
Development Initiative.

    Section 5.  The sum of $3,312,987, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from appropriations heretofore made
in Article 15, Sections 3 and  4  of  Public  Act  91-22,  is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Illinois  Medical  District  Commission  for  acquisition  of
property, demolition and site improvements, and related costs
within the Medical Center District, City of Chicago for Phase
III and IV of District Development Initiative.

    Section  6.  No  contract  shall  be  entered   into   or
obligation  incurred for any expenditures from appropriations
in Sections 2, 3 and 4 of this Article until the purposes and
amounts have been approved in writing by the Governor.

                         ARTICLE 38

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to  meet  the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of the Pollution Control
                       GENERAL OFFICE
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
For Personal Services .......................... $    706,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by Employer ..............................       28,300
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System ............................       72,100
For State Contributions to Social Security .....       54,000
For Contractual Services .......................       12,000
For Travel .....................................        1,300
For Commodities ................................        1,000
For Printing ...................................        1,000
For Electronic Data Processing .................        1,000
For Telecommunications Services ................        8,600
    Total                                            $885,600
Payable from the Pollution Control Board Fund:
For Contractual Services ....................... $     15,000
For Printing ...................................        3,000
For Telecommunications .........................        4,000
For Refunds ....................................        1,000
    Total                                             $23,000
Payable from the Environmental Protection Permit
 and Inspection Fund:
For Personal Services .......................... $    511,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by Employer ..............................       20,500
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System ............................       52,200
For State Contributions to Social Security .....       39,100
For Group Insurance ............................      111,000
For Contractual Services .......................        7,900
For Court Reporting Costs ......................        5,200
For Travel .....................................        8,000
For Electronic Data Processing .................       10,000
For Telecommunications Services ................       15,000
    Total                                            $780,200
Payable from the Clean Air Act Permit Fund:
For Personal Services .......................... $    483,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
 Paid by Employer ..............................       19,400
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System ............................       49,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .....       37,000
For Group Insurance ............................       74,000
    Total                                            $663,100

    Section 2.  The amount of $40,000, or so much thereof  as
may   be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Used  Tire
Management Fund  to  the  Pollution  Control  Board  for  the
purposes as provided for in Section 55.6 of the Environmental
Protection Act.

    Section  3.  The amount of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Clean  Air  Act
Permit  Fund  to  the  Pollution Control Board for activities
relating to the Clean Air Act Permit Program.

                         ARTICLE 39

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
General  Revenue  Fund  to  meet  the ordinary and contingent
expenses of the Prairie State 2000 Authority:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    297,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer.............................       11,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................       30,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       22,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      198,100
  For Travel ...................................       16,700
  For Commodities ..............................        3,000
  For Printing .................................        5,000
  For Equipment ................................        2,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............        9,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       11,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,100
    Total                                            $609,100

    Section 2.  The amount of $1,256,200, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Prairie  State  2000 Authority for tuition and
educational fee vouchers on behalf of individuals.

    Section 3.  The amount of $2,317,500, new  appropriation,
is  appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the Prairie
State  2000  Authority  for  training  grants  and  loans  to
eligible employers.

    Section 3a.  The amount of $1,197,600, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from the reappropriation made in
Public Act 91-23, Article 15, Section  3,  approved  June  9,
1999,  is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the
Prairie State 2000 Authority from training grants  and  loans
to  eligible  employers  entered  into during the 2000 fiscal

    Section 3b.  The amount of $325,300, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from the appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Public  Act 91-23, Article 15, Section 3b, approved
June 9, 1999, is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund
to the Prairie State 2000 Authority for training  grants  and
loans  to  eligible  employers  entered  into during the 1999
fiscal year.

    Section 3c.  The amount of $1,451,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from the reappropriation made in
Public Act 91-23, Article 15, Section 3c,  approved  June  9,
1999,  is reappropriated from the General Revenue Fund to the
Prairie State 2000 Authority from training grants  and  loans
to  eligible  employers entered into prior to the 1999 fiscal
                         ARTICLE 40

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to meet  the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Prisoner
Review Board:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    835,800
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       40,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       81,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       63,900
  For Contractual Services .....................      166,000
  For Travel ...................................      121,400
  For Commodities ..............................       25,700
  For Printing .................................        9,800
  For Equipment ................................       76,500
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       35,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       18,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       26,400
    Total                                          $1,501,700

                   ARTICLE 41

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to  meet  the
ordinary  and  contingent expenses of the Property Tax Appeal
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    903,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       36,100
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       90,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       68,700
  For Contractual Services .....................       37,500
  For Travel ...................................       40,400
  For Commodities ..............................        7,300
  For Printing .................................        5,200
  For Equipment ................................       13,600
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............        9,200
  For Telecommunication Services ...............       17,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        3,500
    Total                                          $1,233,200

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the objects and purposes hereinafter named, to  meet  the
ordinary  and  contingent expenses of the Property Tax Appeal
Board as prescribed under Public Act 89-0126:
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,185,000
  For Employee Retirement
   Contributions Paid by
   Employer ....................................       47,400
  For State Contributions to
   State Employees'
   Retirement System ...........................      120,900
  For State Contributions
   to Social Security ..........................       90,700
  For Contractual Services .....................       57,600
  For Travel ...................................       29,700
  For Commodities ..............................       10,000
  For Printing .................................       19,000
  For Equipment ................................       25,000
  For Electronic Data
   Processing ..................................       35,000
  For Telecommunications .......................       40,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       15,200
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                          $1,676,500

                   ARTICLE 42

    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  from  the
Horse Racing Fund for the ordinary and contingent expenses of
the Illinois Racing Board:
                       GENERAL OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,263,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       50,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      128,700
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       95,900
  For Group Insurance...........................      199,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      214,800
  For Contractual Services:
   Hearing Officers ............................       40,000
  For Travel ...................................       47,600
  For Commodities ..............................       12,500
  For Printing .................................       12,500
  For Equipment ................................       89,100
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       80,400
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       12,400
    Total                                          $2,247,600
                     LABORATORY PROGRAM
  For Personal Services ........................   $  708,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       28,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       72,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................       53,300
  For Group Insurance...........................      125,800
  For Contractual Services .....................      489,300
  For Travel ...................................        6,000
  For Commodities ..............................      456,000
  For Printing .................................        7,500
  For Equipment ................................      188,700
  For Telecommunications Services ..............        7,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,800
    Total                                          $2,144,100
  For Personal Services:
  For Per Diem Expenses for the Regulation
   of Race Days ................................ $  2,606,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      104,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      265,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      193,700
  For Group Insurance...........................      555,000
  For Contractual Services .....................       59,100
  For Travel ...................................       32,200
  For Commodities ..............................       20,400
  For Printing .................................          200
  For Equipment ................................       56,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............        1,100
  For Refunds ..................................        1,000
    Total                                          $3,895,900

    Section 2.  The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Horse Racing
Equity Fund to the Illinois Racing Board for grants  pursuant
to  the Illinois Racing Act of 1975, Section 54, Subparagraph

    Section 3.  The sum of $10,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Horse  Racing
Equity  Fund to the Illinois Racing Board for grants pursuant
to the  Illinois  Horse  Racing  Act  of  1975,  Section  54,
Subparagraph b(2).

                         ARTICLE 43

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  from  the
General  Revenue  Fund  to the Illinois State and Local Labor
Relations Boards for the  objects  and  purposes  hereinafter
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,431,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer.............................       57,300
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      146,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      109,500
  For Contractual Services .....................      229,400
  For Travel ...................................       34,000
  For Commodities ..............................        6,600
  For Printing .................................        6,600
  For Equipment ................................       33,000
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       69,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       63,500
    Total                                          $2,186,600

                   ARTICLE 44

    Section  5.  The  following  amounts, or so much of those
amounts as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to  the  State  Board  of  Elections  for  its  ordinary  and
contingent expenses as follows:
                          The Board
For Contractual Services........................ $     19,700
For Travel......................................       16,400
For Equipment...................................        1,179
    TOTAL.......................................      $37,279
For Personal Services........................... $    523,815
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid By Employer............................       21,729
For State Contributions to State Employees'
    Retirement System...........................       54,322
For State Contributions to
    Social Security.............................       41,556
For Contractual Services........................      356,400
For Travel......................................       12,000
For Commodities.................................       17,000
For Printing....................................       11,000
For Equipment...................................        1,000
For Telecommunications..........................       88,500
Operation of Automotive Equipment...............        3,000
    TOTAL.......................................   $1,130,322
For Personal Services........................... $  1,288,843
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid By Employer............................       51,554
For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System................      128,885
For State Contributions to
    Social Security.............................       98,597
For Contractual Services........................       22,686
For Travel......................................       52,709
For Printing....................................       31,000
For Equipment...................................        5,700
    TOTAL.......................................   $1,679,974
                       General Counsel
For Personal Services........................... $    229,852
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid By Employer............................        9,194
For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System................       22,985
For State Contributions to
    Social Security.............................       17,584
For Contractual Services........................       94,650
For Travel......................................        5,000
For Equipment...................................        2,000
    TOTAL.......................................     $381,265
                     Campaign Financing
For Personal Services........................... $    662,775
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid By Employer............................       26,511
For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System................       66,278
For State Contributions to
    Social Security.............................       50,703
For Contractual Services........................       13,600
For Travel......................................       12,250
For Printing....................................       14,400
For Equipment...................................        5,100
    TOTAL.......................................     $851,617
For Personal Services........................... $    274,292
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid By Employer............................       10,972
For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System................       27,430
For State Contributions to
    Social Security.............................       20,984
For Contractual Services........................      383,650
For Travel......................................       11,900
For Commodities.................................       14,770
For Printing....................................        1,500
For Equipment...................................      101,900
    TOTAL.......................................     $847,398
              (Total, this Section $5,477,255)

    Section  10.   The following amounts, or so much of those
amounts as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to   the  State  Board  of  Elections  for  grants  to  local
governments as follows:
For Reimbursement to Counties for increased
    Compensation to Judges and other
    Election Officials, as provided in
    Public Acts 81-850, 81-1149, and 90-672.....   $2,942,305
For Payment of Lump Sum Awards to County
    Clerks, County Recorders, and Chief Election Clerks as
    Compensation for Additional Duties required
    of such officials by consolidation of
    elections law, as provided in Public Acts
    82-691 and 90-713...........................     $752,924
For Payment to Election Authorities for expenses
    in supplying voter registration tapes to the
    State Board of Elections pursuant to
    Public Act 85-958...........................      $13,000

         (Total, this Section $3,708,229)

    Section 15. The amount of $325,000, or so  much  of  that
amount  as  may  be   necessary and remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30,  2000,  from  an  appropriation
heretofore  made  in  Section  5  of Article 38 of Public Act
91-20, is reappropriated to the State Board of Elections  for
Uniform Data File Format for Registration Records.

                         ARTICLE 45

    Section  1.1.  The  following  named  amounts, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
for  the  objects  and purposes hereinafter named to meet the
ordinary and contingent  expenses  of  the  State  Employees'
Retirement System:
                       FOR OPERATIONS
  For Personal Services......................... $     38,900
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................        1,600
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System.................        3,900
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................        3,000
  For Contractual Services......................       25,400
  For Travel....................................        2,300
  For Commodities...............................          400
  For Printing .................................          100
  For Equipment ................................          100
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............        2,700
  For Telecommunications Services...............          600
    Total                                             $79,000
                       CENTRAL OFFICE
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer for Prior Fiscal Year:
   Payable from General Revenue Fund...............$   50,000

    Section  1.2.  The  sum  of $10,490,000, minus the amount
transferred  to  the  State  Employees'   Retirement   System
pursuant  to continuing appropriation authorized by the State
Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act,  is  appropriated
from  the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the
State Employees' Retirement System pursuant to the provisions
of Section 8.12 of "An Act in  relation  to  State  finance",
approved June 10, 1919, as amended.

    Section  2.1.  The sum of $22,048,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Board  of  Trustees  of  the  Judges'  Retirement
System for the State's Contribution, as provided by law.

    Section  2.2.  The  sum  of  $2,170,000, minus the amount
transferred to the  Judges'  Retirement  System  pursuant  to
continuing  appropriation  authorized  by  the State Pensions
Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated  from  the
State  Pensions  Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Judges'
Retirement System pursuant to the provisions of Section  8.12
of  "An  Act in relation to State finance", approved June 10,
1919, as amended.

    Section 3.1.  The sum of $3,815,000, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  General Assembly
Retirement System for the State's Contribution,  as  provided
by law.

    Section  3.2.  The  sum  of  $490,000,  minus  the amount
transferred  to  the  General  Assembly   Retirement   System
pursuant  to continuing appropriation authorized by the State
Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act,  is  appropriated
from  the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the
General  Assembly  Retirement   System,   pursuant   to   the
provisions  of  Section  8.12 of "An Act in relation to State
finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended.

    Section 4.1.  The following  named  amount,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, is appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund  to  the  Teachers'  Retirement
System for the objects and purposes hereinafter named:
For additional costs due to the establishment
   of minimum retirement allowances
   pursuant to Sections 16-136.2 and
   16-136.3 of the "Illinois
   Pension Code", as amended....................   $5,500,000
    Total                                          $5,500,000

    Section  4.1a.  The  sum of $57,180,000, minus the amount
transferred to the Teachers' Retirement  System  pursuant  to
continuing  appropriation  authorized  by  the State Pensions
Fund Continuing Appropriation Act, is appropriated  from  the
State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the Teachers'
Retirement  System pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.12
of "AN ACT in relation to State finance", approved  June  10,
1919, as amended.

    Section  5.1.  The  sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Public  School
Teachers'   Pension  and  Retirement  Fund  of  Chicago,  for
supplementary payments  as  set  forth  in  Sections  17-154,
17-155  and  17-156  of the "Illinois Pension Code", approved
March 18, 1963, as amended.

    Section 6.1.  The sum of  $9,670,000,  minus  the  amount
transferred  to  the  State  Universities  Retirement  System
pursuant  to continuing appropriation authorized by the State
Pensions Fund Continuing Appropriation Act,  is  appropriated
from  the State Pensions Fund to the Board of Trustees of the
State Universities Retirement System of Illinois pursuant  to
the  provisions  of  Section  8.12  of "AN ACT in relation to
State finance", approved June 10, 1919, as amended.

                         ARTICLE 46

    Section 1.   The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of the
State Fire Marshal, as follows:

                       GENERAL OFFICE
Payable from the Fire Prevention Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $  6,082,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      243,300
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System.................      620,500
  For State Contributions to Social Security....      465,300
  For Group Insurance...........................      939,800
  For Contractual Services......................      633,100
  For Travel....................................      115,000
  For Commodities...............................       64,500
  For Printing..................................       40,900
  For Equipment.................................      180,000
  For Electronic Data Processing................      383,000
  For Telecommunications........................      160,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............      165,000
  For Refunds...................................        4,000
    Total                                         $10,096,400
Payable from the Underground Storage Tank Fund:
  For Personal Services......................... $  1,288,400
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       51,600
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      131,500
  For State Contributions to Social Security....       98,600
  For Group Insurance...........................      242,300
  For Contractual Services......................       88,800
  For Travel....................................       24,500
  For Commodities...............................        8,300
  For Printing..................................        2,600
  For Equipment.................................       96,500
  For Electronic Data Processing................      262,700
  For Telecommunications........................       34,200
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............       55,000
  For Refunds...................................      121,500
    Total                                          $2,506,500

    Section 2.  The sum of $100,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Underground
Storage Tank Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
the  purpose  of  funding expenses associated with processing
backlogged files pursuant to the Leaking Underground  Storage
Tank Program.

    Section  3.  The  sum  of $276,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Underground
Storage Tank Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
costs associated with compliance certification of underground
storage tanks.

    Section 4.  The sum of $130,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may   be   necessary,   is  appropriated  from  the  Illinois
Firefighters' Memorial Fund to the Office of the  State  Fire
Marshal for expenses related to the planning and construction
of  the  Firefighters'  Memorial  to  be located at the State
Capitol grounds.

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Office of the State Fire Marshal as follows:
Payable from the Fire Prevention Fund:
  For Fire Prevention Training.................. $     75,000
  For Expenses of Life Safety
   Code Inspection Program......................       50,000
  For Expenses of Fire Prevention
   Awareness Program............................       75,000
  For Expenses of Arson Education
   and Seminars ................................       25,000

Payable from the Fire Prevention
  Division Fund:
  For Expenses of the U.S. Resource
   Conservation and Recovery Act
   Underground Storage Program..................      186,000
    Total                                            $411,000

Payable from the Emergency Response
  Reimbursement Fund:
  For Hazardous Material Emergency
   Response Reimbursement ...........................$ 25,000
    Section 6.   The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of the
State Fire Marshal, as follows:
Payable from the Fire Prevention Fund:
  For Chicago Fire Department Training Program   $  1,144,900
  For payment to local governmental agencies
   which participate in the State Training
   Programs.....................................      430,000
  For Regional Training Grants .................      250,000
    Total                                          $1,824,900

    Section 7.   The sum of $550,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Underground
Storage Tank Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a  grant  to  the  City  of  Chicago for Administrative Costs
incurred as a  result  of  the  State's  Underground  Storage

    Section 8.   The sum of $2,000, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary,  is appropriated from the Fire Prevention Fund
to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for grants  available
for the development of new fire districts.

    Section  9.  The  sum of $440,500, or so  much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 10 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
grants  to  units  of  local  government  for  public  safety
infrastructure improvements, including, but  not  limited  to
vehicles and equipment.
    Section  10.  The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 11 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Capital
Development  Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to  the  City  of  Anna  for  the  fire  station  and

    Section  11.  The  sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 12 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Capital
Development  Fund to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to the Village of Pawnee for the fire department  for
a new fire house.

    Section 12.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 13 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a grant to the Villa Hills Fire Department for the purpose of
purchasing equipment.

    Section 13.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 15 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a  grant  to  State  Park  Fire Department for the purpose of
purchasing equipment.

    Section 14.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 17 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to French Village Fire Department for the purpose  of
purchasing equipment.

    Section 15.  The amount of $15,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 18 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a grant to Village of Swansea Fire Department for the purpose
of purchasing equipment.

    Section 16.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 26 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to the Village of DePue Fire Protection District  for
the purpose of purchasing equipment.

    Section 17.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 37 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a  grant  to  the Village of Naplate for all costs associated
with the Fire Protection District.

    Section 18.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 41 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to the Village of Magnolia Fire  Protection  District
for the purpose of purchasing equipment.

    Section 19.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 44 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a grant to the Utica Fire Protection District for the purpose
of purchasing equipment.

    Section 20.  The amount of $15,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 48 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a  grant  to the Villa Hills Fire District for the purpose of
purchasing equipment.

    Section 21.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 49 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to  Valmeyer  Fire  Department  for  the  purpose  of

    Section 22.  The amount of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 50 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a  grant  to  the  City  of  Granite  City for the purpose of
purchasing fire equipment.

    Section 23.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 55 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to the Village of Oakwood Hills for  purchasing  fire
station equipment.

    Section 24.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 59 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a  grant to the City of Spring Grove for the purchase of fire
station equipment.

    Section 25.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 61 of Public Act
91-20, as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal for
a grant to the Village of Hebron for  the  purchase  of  fire
station equipment.

    Section 26.  The amount of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 62 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
a grant to the City of Prairie Grove for the purchase of fire
station equipment.

    Section 27.  The amount of $1,990,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the close
of business on June 30, 2000, from appropriations  heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 36, Section 64 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Office of the State Fire Marshal  for
units  of  local  government for public safety infrastructure
improvements  including  but  not  limited   to   facilities,
vehicles and equipment.

                         ARTICLE 47

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
from  the  General  Revenue Fund for the objects and purposes
hereinafter  named,  to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent
expenses of the State Police Merit Board:
  For Personal Services ........................ $    290,600
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       11,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................       29,600
  For State Contribution to
   Social Security .............................       22,200
  For Contractual Services .....................      415,400
  For Travel ...................................       11,500
  For Commodities ..............................        8,000
  For Printing .................................        6,000
  For Equipment ................................        4,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       20,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       12,000
  For Operation of Automotive Equipment ........        2,700
    Total                                            $834,500

                   ARTICLE 48

    Section 1.  The amount of $298,900, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the East St. Louis Financial Advisory Authority for
the  operating  expenses  of  the  City  of  East  St.  Louis
Financial Advisory Authority.

                         ARTICLE 49

    Section 1.  The sum of $18,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Illinois  Sports
Facilities  Fund  to the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority
for its corporate purposes.

                         ARTICLE 50
    Section 1.  The amount of $270,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Illinois  Rural  Bond  Bank  for  ordinary and
contingent expenses.

                         ARTICLE 51

    Section 1.  The sum of $4,800,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Metropolitan Fair
and  Exposition  Authority   Reconstruction   Fund   to   the
Metropolitan  Pier and Exposition Authority for its corporate

    Section 2.  The sum of $31,593,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Metropolitan  Fair
and   Exposition  Authority  Improvement  Bond  Fund  to  the
Metropolitan Pier and Exposition Authority for  debt  service
on  the Authority's Dedicated State Tax Revenue Bonds, issued
pursuant to the "Metropolitan Fair and  Exposition  Authority
Act", as amended.

    Section 3.  The sum of $79,997,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the McCormick Place
Expansion  Project  Fund  to  the   Metropolitan   Pier   and
Exposition  Authority  for  debt  service  on the Authority's
McCormick Place Expansion Project Bonds, issued  pursuant  to
the  "Metropolitan  Pier  and  Exposition  Authority Act", as

                         ARTICLE 52

    Section 1.  The sum of $631,297, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Southwestern Illinois Development  Authority  for
replenishment  of  a  draw  on  the debt service reserve fund
backing bonds issued on behalf of Laclede Steel.

    Section 2.  The sum of $1,066,297, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Southwestern Illinois Development  Authority  for
payment  of  principal and interest on bonds issued on behalf
of Laclede Steel.

                         ARTICLE 53

    Section 5.  The following sums, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives
for furnishing the items provided in Section 4 of the General
Assembly Compensation Act  to  members  of  their  respective
houses   throughout   the   year  in  connection  with  their
legislative duties and responsibilities and not in connection
with any political campaign, as prescribed by law:
To the President of the Senate.................. $  3,953,000
To the Speaker of the House of
  Representatives...............................    6,726,000
    Total                                         $10,679,000

    Section 10.  Payments from the  amounts  appropriated  in
Section  5  hereof  shall be made only upon the delivery of a
voucher approved by the member to the State Comptroller.  The
voucher shall also be approved by the President of the Senate
or the Speaker of the House of Representatives  as  the  case
may be.

    Section 15.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Senate:
For  the  ordinary  and  incidental  expenses of
    legislative leadership and legislative staff
    President................................... $  4,781,000
    Minority Leader.............................    4,781,000
For the  ordinary  and  incidental  expenses  of
    committees,    the    general    staff   and
    operations, per diem employees, special  and
    standing   committees   of  the  Senate  and
    expenses incurred in transcribing and
    printing of Senate debate...................    3,744,500
For the ordinary and incidental expenses of  the
    Senate,  also  including  the  purchasing on
    contract as required  by  law  of  printing,
    binding, printing paper, stationery and
    office supplies.............................      198,700
For allowances for the particular and additional
    services  appertaining to or entailed by the
    respective officers of the Senate  named  in
    and   in   accordance   with  the  following
    President...................................       77,500
    Minority Leader.............................       77,500
For travel, including expenses to Springfield of
    members  on  official  legislative  business
    during weeks when the General Assembly is
    not in session..............................       53,500
    Total                                         $13,713,700

    Section 20.  The sum of $641,200, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated for the use of the Senate
standing committees for expert witnesses, technical services,
consulting   assistance   and   other   research   assistance
associated with  special  studies  and  long  range  research
projects which may be requested by the standing committees.

    Section 22.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  for  expenses  in
connection with the planning and preparation of redistricting
of  legislative  and  representative districts as required by
Article IV, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970:
    For the Senate President ................... $    750,000
    For the Senate Minority Leader .............      750,000
    Total                                          $1,500,000

    Section 25.  The sum of $65,800, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the General Assembly
Operations Revolving Fund to the Office of the President,  to
meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Senate.

    Section 30.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects and
purposes hereinafter named,  are  appropriated  to  meet  the
ordinary,  incidental  and  contingent  expenses of the House
Majority and Minority Leadership Staff and Office operations:
    For the Speaker............................. $  4,281,300
    For the Minority Leader.....................    4,281,300
    Total                                          $8,562,600

    Section 35.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, are appropriated to meet  the  ordinary,
incidental  and contingent expenses of the House Majority and
Minority Leadership Staff and the general staff:
    For the Speaker............................. $    331,900
    For the Minority Leader.....................      150,500
    Total                                            $482,400
    Section 40.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter named, relating to the operation of the
House  of  Representatives,  are  appropriated  to  meet  its
ordinary and contingent expenses:
For the ordinary and incidental expenses of  the
    general  staff,  operations, and special and
    standing committees of the  House,  for  per
    diem employees and for expenses incurred in
    transcribing and printing of House debates..   $4,955,600
For  the ordinary and incidental expenses of the
    House,  also  including  the  purchasing  on
    contract as required  by  law  of  printing,
    binding,   printing  paper,  stationery  and
    office supplies, no part of which  shall  be
    expended   for   expenses   of   purchasing,
    handling  or  distributing such supplies and
    against  which  no  indebtedness  shall   be
    incurred without the written approval of the
    Speaker of the House of Representatives.....       92,600
Pursuant    to    the   Legislative   Commission
    Reorganization Act of 1984, to  the  Speaker
    of the House for
    Standing House Committees...................    2,210,100
    Total                                          $7,258,300

    Section  45.  The following named sum, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, for the objects and purposes hereinafter
named, relating to House membership, is appropriated to  meet
the ordinary and contingent expenses of the House:
For travel, including expenses to
  Springfield of members on official
  legislative business during weeks when
  the General Assembly is not in session .............$28,200
    Section 47.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  for  expenses  in
connection with the planning and preparation of redistricting
of  legislative  and  representative districts as required by
Article IV, Section 3 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970:
    For the Speaker ............................ $    750,000
    For the Minority Leader ....................      750,000
    Total                                          $1,500,000

    Section 50.  The sum of $65,800, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the General Assembly
Operations Revolving Fund to the Office of  the  Speaker,  to
meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the House.

    Section  52.  The  amount of $328,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the General Assembly to meet ordinary and  contingent
expenses.   Any  use of funds appropriated under this Section
must be approved  jointly  by  the  Clerk  of  the  House  of
Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate.

    Section 55.  As used in Sections 30 and 35 hereof, except
where   the   approval   of  the  Speaker  of  the  House  of
Representatives is expressly required for the expenditure  of
or the incurring of indebtedness against an appropriation for
certain  purchases on contract, "Speaker" means the leader of
the party having the largest number of members of  the  House
of  Representatives  as  of  January  13, 1999, and "Minority
Leader" means the leader  of  the  party  having  the  second
largest  number of members of the House of Representatives as
of January 13, 1999.

    Section 60.  The sum of $500,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  meet the ordinary,
incidental  and  contingent  expenses   of   the   House   of
Representatives  including  equipment, labor, consulting, and
EDP associated with the upgrade or replacement of  the  House
Electronic  Voting system or for any other purposes for which
other appropriations have been made under this act.

                         ARTICLE 54

    Section 5.  The following named amounts, or  so  much  of
those   amounts   as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are
appropriated to the Auditor General to meet the ordinary  and
contingent  expenses of the Office of the Auditor General, as
provided in the Illinois State Auditing Act:
For Personal Services:
  For Regular Positions.........................  $ 3,622,617
For Employee Contribution to Retirement
  System by Employer............................      144,905
For State Contribution to State
  Employees' Retirement System..................      360,233
For State Contribution to
  Social Security...............................      277,130
For Contractual Services........................      558,645
For Travel......................................      100,000
For Commodities.................................       25,000
For Printing....................................       20,000
For Equipment...................................       35,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................      120,000
For Telecommunications..........................       85,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................        5,000
    Total                                          $5,353,530

    Section 10.  The sum of $11,987,250, or so much  of  that
amount  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated to the Auditor
General from the Audit Expense Fund for audits, studies,  and

                         ARTICLE 55

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  for  the objects and purposes hereinafter named
to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the  Economic
and Fiscal Commission:
For Personal Services...........................     $541,380
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       21,655
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................       53,835
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................       41,415
For Contractual Services........................       75,505
For Travel......................................        4,000
For Commodities.................................        2,250
For Printing....................................        2,650
For Equipment...................................        9,025
For Electronic Data Processing..................       18,200
For Telecommunications Services.................        8,346
    Total                                            $778,261

                         ARTICLE 56

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  for  the objects and purposes hereinafter named
to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses   of   the
Commission   on   Intergovernmental   Cooperation   for   the
Springfield Office:
For Personal Services........................... $    529,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       21,200
For State Contribution to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................       52,700
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................       40,500
For Contractual Services........................      508,500
For Model Illinois Government Activities........       12,500
For Travel......................................       26,300
For Commodities.................................        3,200
For Printing....................................        3,800
For Equipment...................................        2,100
For Electronic Data Processing..................        6,300
For Telecommunications Services.................       11,500
    Total                                          $1,217,700

                         ARTICLE 57

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  for  the objects and purposes hereinafter named
to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses   of   the
Legislative Information System:
For Personal Services........................... $  1,579,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       63,200
For State Contribution to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................      157,100
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................      120,800
For Contractual Services........................      547,600
For Travel......................................       19,300
For Commodities.................................        5,200
For Printing....................................       25,500
For Equipment...................................        7,200
For Electronic Data Processing..................      863,500
For Purchase, Maintenance, and Rental
  of Legislative Electronic Data Processing
  Equipment, Contractual Procurement
  of Copying Equipment, and Printing ...........      675,000
For Telecommunications Services.................      151,000
For Refunds.....................................          600
    Total                                          $4,215,100

    Section  10.  The  following  amount,  or so much of that
amount  as  may  be  necessary,  is   appropriated   to   the
Legislative Information System:
For Purchase, Maintenance, and
  Rental of Electronic Data Processing
  Equipment and Software relating to the
  development and implementation of legislative
  systems, and for consulting, technical,
  and design services related thereto...........   $2,000,000

    Section  15.  The  following  amount,  or so much of that
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the  General
Assembly Computer Equipment Revolving Fund to the Legislative
Information System:
For Purchase, Maintenance, and Rental of
  General Assembly Electronic Data Processing
  Equipment and for other operational
  purposes of the General Assembly.................$1,600,000

    Section  20.  In  addition  to  any amounts previously or
elsewhere appropriated, the amount of $105,000, or so much of
that amount as may be necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the
General  Revenue  Fund  to the Legislative Information System
for repayment to the Statistical Services Revolving Fund  for
costs   associated   with   the   Illinois  General  Assembly
Automation Project.

                         ARTICLE 58

    Section 5.  The following named amounts, or  so  much  of
those   amounts   as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are
appropriated for the objects and purposes  hereinafter  named
to   meet   the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the
Legislative Audit Commission:
For Personal Services........................... $    129,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................        5,200
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................       12,900
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................        9,900
For Contractual Services........................       13,400
For Travel......................................       10,700
For Commodities.................................        1,100
For Printing....................................        3,000
For Equipment...................................        6,500
For Electronic Data Processing..................        2,500
For Telecommunications Services.................        1,900
    Total                                            $196,500

                         ARTICLE 59

    Section 5.  The following named amounts, or  so  much  of
those   amounts   as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are
appropriated for the objects and purposes  hereinafter  named
to   meet   the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the
Legislative Printing Unit:
For Personal Services........................... $  1,125,956
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       43,864
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................      108,021
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................       84,924
For Contractual Services........................      202,000
For Travel......................................            0
For Commodities.................................      182,000
For Printing....................................      101,400
For Equipment...................................      380,400
For Telecommunications Services.................        6,200
    Total                                          $2,234,765

                         ARTICLE 60

    Section 5.  The following named amounts, or  so  much  of
those   amounts   as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are
appropriated for the objects and purposes  hereinafter  named
to   meet   the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the
Legislative Research Unit:
For Personal Services........................... $    882,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       35,300
For State Contribution to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................       87,800
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................       67,500
For Contractual Services........................       59,900
For Travel......................................       12,250
For Commodities.................................       11,600
For Printing....................................       19,400
For Equipment...................................       99,500
For Telecommunications Services.................       20,000
For New Member Conference.......................       30,000
    Total                                          $1,325,850

    Section 10.  The following named amounts, or so  much  of
those   amounts   as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are
appropriated to the Illinois Legislative  Research  Unit  for
the following purposes:
For payment of expenses of the
  Legislative Staff Intern program,
  including stipends, tuition, and
  administration for 20 persons................. $    487,600
For payment of expenses of the Zeke
  Giorgi Memorial Intern Program, including
  stipends, tuition, and administration
  for 4 persons.................................       91,900
    Total                                            $579,500

                         ARTICLE 61

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  for the objects and purposes hereinafter named,
to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses   of   the
Legislative Reference Bureau:
For Personal Services........................... $  1,563,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       62,600
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................      155,400
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................      121,000
For Contractual Services........................      202,700
For Travel......................................       19,800
For Commodities.................................       13,800
For Printing....................................      210,000
For Equipment...................................      204,700
For Telecommunications Services.................       16,000
    Total                                          $2,569,100

                         ARTICLE 62

    Section  5.  The  amount  of $356,370, or so much of that
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Pension
Laws Commission for its ordinary and contingent expenses.

                         ARTICLE 63

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  for  the objects and purposes hereinafter named
to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent  expenses   of   the
Legislative Space Needs Commission:
For Personal Services...........................     $225,802
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................        9,500
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................       22,730
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................       16,932
For Contractual Services........................      121,500
For Travel......................................        3,500
For Commodities.................................        1,500
For Printing....................................          500
For Equipment...................................        2,300
For Electronic Data Processing..................        9,700
For Telecommunications Services.................        5,300
    Total                                            $419,264

                         ARTICLE 64

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  for  the objects and purposes hereinafter named
to meet the ordinary and contingent  expenses  of  the  Joint
Committee on Administrative Rules:
For Personal Services........................... $    792,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer..............................       29,000
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System.............................       70,000
For State Contribution to Social
  Security......................................       54,000
For Contractual Services........................       50,000
For Travel......................................       16,500
For Commodities.................................       15,500
For Equipment...................................       20,000
For Telecommunications Services.................       12,000
    Total                                          $1,059,000

                         ARTICLE 65

    Section  5.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, are  appropriated  to  the
Supreme  Court to pay the ordinary and contingent expenses of
certain officers of the court system of Illinois as follows:
For Personal Services:
   Judges' Salaries............................. $120,266,300
For Travel:
   Judges of the Supreme Court..................       26,300
   Judges of the Appellate Court................      132,600
   Judges of the Circuit Court..................      682,200
   Judicial Conference and
   Supreme Court Committees.....................      647,000
For State Contributions
   to Social Security...........................    1,743,600
    Total, this Section                          $123,498,000

    Section 10.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated  to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Supreme Court:
For Personal Services........................... $  5,432,900
For Extra Help..................................        7,800
For State Contributions
  to State Employees' Retirement................      544,100
For State Contributions
  to Social Security............................      416,200
For Contractual Services........................      816,700
For Travel......................................       18,500
For Commodities.................................       52,800
For Printing....................................      367,500
For Equipment...................................      705,100
For Electronic Data Processing..................      120,800
For Telecommunications..........................      125,800
For Permanent Improvements......................      112,400
For National Center
  for State Courts..............................      183,300
For Committee for Evaluation of
  Judicial Performance..........................      162,800
    Total, this Section                            $9,066,700

    Section 15.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the  objects  and
purposes  hereinafter  named, are appropriated to the Supreme
Court to meet the ordinary and  contingent  expenses  of  the
Judges  of  the  Appellate  Courts,  and  the  Clerks  of the
Appellate Courts, and the Appellate Judges Research Projects:

       Administration of the First Appellate District
For Personal Services........................... $  6,178,500
For State Contributions
  to State Employees' Retirement................      617,900
For State Contributions
  to Social Security............................      472,700
For Contractual Services........................      627,200
For Travel......................................        2,000
For Commodities.................................       53,900
For Printing....................................       38,300
For Equipment...................................       80,800
For Telecommunications..........................      117,300
    Total                                          $8,188,600
       Administration of the Second Appellate District
For Personal Services........................... $  2,398,000
For State Contributions
  to State Employees' Retirement................      239,800
For State Contributions
  to Social Security............................      183,400
For Contractual Services........................      595,100
For Travel......................................        4,600
For Commodities.................................       24,800
For Printing....................................       12,400
For Equipment...................................      153,100
For Telecommunications..........................       50,300
    Total                                          $3,661,500
       Administration of the Third Appellate District
For Personal Services........................... $  1,599,800
For Extra Help..................................        8,400
For State Contributions to
  State Employees' Retirement...................      160,800
For State contributions
  to Social Security............................      123,000
For Contractual Services........................      410,200
For Travel......................................        3,500
For Commodities.................................       20,600
For Printing....................................       17,400
For Equipment...................................      208,100
For Telecommunications..........................       48,700
    Total                                          $2,600,500
       Administration of the Fourth Appellate District
For Personal Services........................... $  1,774,100
For State Contributions
  to State Employees' Retirement................      177,400
For State Contributions
  to Social Security............................      135,700
For Contractual Services........................      360,800
For Travel......................................        5,100
For Commodities.................................       10,300
For Printing....................................        8,100
For Equipment...................................       83,300
For Telecommunications..........................       48,300
For Additional Costs Associated with
  the Waterways Building........................      700,000
    Total                                          $3,303,100
       Administration of the Fifth Appellate District
For Personal Services........................... $  1,814,900
For Extra Help..................................        4,200
For State Contributions to
  State Employees' Retirement...................      181,900
For State Contributions to
  Social Security...............................      139,200
For Contractual Services........................      407,400
For Travel......................................        5,000
For Commodities.................................       22,200
For Printing....................................       15,100
For Equipment...................................      162,100
For Telecommunications..........................       38,500
For Operation of
  Automotive Equipment..........................        1,100
    Total                                          $2,791,600
              Total, this Section  $20,545,300

    Section 20.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, are  appropriated  to  the
Supreme  Court  for  ordinary  and contingent expenses of the
Circuit Court:
For Circuit Clerks' Additional Duties........... $    663,000
For Circuit Clerks' Notification Costs..........        2,000
For Family Violence Programs....................      740,000
For Mandatory Arbitration.......................      865,000
For Grants-in-Aid...............................   50,687,800
For Payment of Juvenile and Adult
  Probation Officers' Salary Subsidies..........   16,417,600
For Pretrial Services Programs..................    4,418,800
For Personal Services:
  Official Court Reporting......................   31,539,100
  Circuit Court Personnel.......................    1,518,300
For State Contribution
  to State Employees' Retirement................    3,305,900
For State Contribution
  to Social Security............................    2,529,100
For Travel:
  Official Court Reporting......................      149,800
  Circuit Court Personnel.......................       10,900
For Contractual Services:  Transcript Fees
  for Official Court Reporting..................    3,671,800
For Contractual Services........................      250,000
For Equipment...................................      520,000
    Total, this Section                          $117,289,100

    Section 25.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated  for  the
objects  and  purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to
the Supreme Court for ordinary and contingent expenses of the
Administrative Office of the Illinois Courts:
For Personal Services........................... $  5,715,800
For Retirement - Paid by Employer...............    2,339,100
For State Contributions to
   State Employees' Retirement..................      571,600
For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................      437,300
For Contractual Services........................    1,385,800
For Travel......................................      187,500
For Commodities.................................       70,800
For Printing....................................       97,000
For Equipment...................................       78,600
For Electronic Data Processing..................    3,480,000
For Telecommunications..........................      187,100
For Operation of
   Automotive Equipment.........................       10,000
For Probation Training..........................      349,500
For Contractual Services: Judicial Conference
   and Supreme Court Committees.................      594,700
For Judges' Out-of-State
   Educational Programs.........................      104,000
For Training of Circuit Court Officers
   and Personnel................................       54,100
    Total, this Section                           $15,662,900

    Section 30.  The sum of $104,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Supreme Court for
the contingent expenses of the Illinois Courts Commission.

    Section 35.  The sum of $8,652,800, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from   the   Mandatory
Arbitration   Fund   to   the  Supreme  Court  for  Mandatory
Arbitration Programs.

    Section 40.  The sum of $104,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Foreign Language
Interpreter  Fund  to  the  Supreme  Court  for  the  Foreign
Language Interpreter Program.

                         ARTICLE 66

    Section 5.  The following amounts, or so  much  of  those
amounts  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
for the objects and purposes named, to meet the ordinary  and
contingent expenses of the Judicial Inquiry Board:

For Personal Services ..........................     $332,900
For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System ............................       33,300
For Retirement - Pension Pick-Up ...............       13,300
For State Contributions to Social Security .....       25,500
For Contractual Services .......................      153,500
For Travel .....................................       32,000
For Commodities ................................        4,500
For Printing ...................................       10,500
For Equipment ..................................        3,500
For EDP ........................................        1,500
For Telecommunications .........................       17,500
For Operation of Auto Equipment ................        2,000
    Total                                            $630,000

                         ARTICLE 67

    Section  1.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those amounts as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the
objects  and  purposes  named,  are  appropriated to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of  the  State
Appellate Defender:
For Personal Services...........................   $7,000,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer............................     $245,000
For State Contribution to State Employees'
    Retirement System...........................     $699,160
For State Contributions to Social Security......      504,000
For Contractual Services........................    1,111,697
For Travel......................................       65,590
For Commodities.................................       44,940
For Printing....................................       22,000
For Equipment...................................      147,420
For Telecommunications..........................      122,640
For Intern Program..............................       84,708
To Address Backlog of Cases in Cook County......      200,000
    Total                                         $10,247,155

    Section  5.  The  following  named amounts, or so much of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary,   respectively,   are
appropriated  to  the  Office of the State Appellate Defender
for the ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Capital
Litigation Division:
For Personal Services...........................     $890,000
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer............................       33,820
For State Contributions to State Employees'
    Retirement System...........................       87,499
For State Contributions to Social Security......       66,750
For Contractual Services........................      651,933
For Travel......................................       34,000
For Commodities.................................        8,000
For Printing....................................        5,600
For Equipment...................................       26,343
For Telecommunications..........................       45,000
    Total                                          $1,848,945

    Section  10.  The  following  named  amounts,  so much of
those amounts as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the
objects and purposes named, are appropriated to the Office of
the   State   Appellate  Defender  for  expenses  related  to
federally assisted programs  to  work  on  drug  and  violent
crimes  appeals cases to which the agency is appointed and to
provide statewide training to Illinois public defenders:
Payable from Federal Trust Fund.................      640,000
For State matching purposes:
    Payable from State Project Fund.............      215,000

    Section 15.  The amount of $1,896,189, or  such  much  of
that  amount  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the
Capital Litigation Trust Fund to  the  Office  of  the  State
Appellate   Defender   for  expenses  incurred  in  providing
assistance to trial attorneys under item (c)(5) of Section 10
of the State Appellate Defender Act.

    Section 20.  The amount of $27,900, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  State  Appellate  Defender  to  pay claims for
professional services rendered in fiscal year 1999.
                         ARTICLE 68

    Section 5. The following named amounts,  or  so  much  of
those   amounts   as  may  be  necessary,  respectively,  are
appropriated to the Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate
Prosecutor for the objects and purposes hereinafter named  to
meet its ordinary and contingent expenses for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001:

For Personal Services:
    Payable   from   General  Revenue  Fund  for
         Collective Bargaining Unit.............   $2,116,272
    Payable  from  General  Revenue   Fund   for
         Administrative Unit....................     $837,407
    Payable   from  State's  Attorney  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............     $568,239
For State Contribution to the
State Employees' Retirement System Pick Up:
    Payable  from  General  Revenue   Fund   for
         Collective Bargaining Unit.............      $84,650
    Payable   from   General  Revenue  Fund  for
         Administrative Unit....................      $33,496
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $22,729
For State Contribution to the
State Employees' Retirement System:
    Payable  from  General  Revenue   Fund   for
         Collective Bargaining Unit.............     $211,627
    Payable   from   General  Revenue  Fund  for
         Administrative Unit....................      $83,740
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $56,824
For State Contribution to Social Security:
    Payable  from  General  Revenue   Fund   for
         Collective Bargaining Unit.............     $161,893
    Payable   from   General  Revenue  Fund  for
         Administrative Unit....................      $64,061
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $43,470
For County Reimbursement to State
for Group Insurance:
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $68,933
For Contractual Services:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........     $309,000
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............     $436,180
For Contractual Services for
Rental of Real Property:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........     $222,468
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............     $111,234
For Travel:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $17,086
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $6,961
For Commodities:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $15,203
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $7,333
For Printing:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $4,690
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $2,894
For Equipment:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $21,308
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $12,810
For Electronic Data Processing:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $16,470
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $27,450
For Telecommunications:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $21,390
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $30,085
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $10,908
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $7,275
For Law Intern Program:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........           $0
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $56,428
For Continuing Legal Education:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........         $100
    Payable  from  Continuing  Legal   Education
         Trust Fund.............................     $110,000
For Legal Publications:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $3,580
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $12,475
For expenses for assisting County State's
Attorneys for services provided under the
Illinois Public Labor Relations Act:
For Personal Services:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $72,947
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............      $36,473
For State Contribution to the
State Employees' Retirement System Pick Up:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $2,918
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $1,459
For State Contribution to the
State Employees' Retirement System:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $7,295
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $3,647
For Contribution to Social Security:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $5,580
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $2,790
For County Reimbursement to State
for Group Insurance:
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $4,935
For Contractual Services:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........      $26,903
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............     $260,468
For Travel:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $1,192
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............         $963
For Commodities:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........         $595
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............         $671
For Equipment:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........         $595
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............       $1,047
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........       $1,192
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............         $920
For expenses pursuant to Narcotics Profit
Forfeiture Act:
    Payable  from  Narcotics  Profit  Forfeiture
         Fund...................................           $0
For Expenses Pursuant to Drug Asset Forfeiture
Procedure Act:
    Payable  from  Narcotics  Profit  Forfeiture
         Fund...................................   $1,250,000
For Expenses Pursuant to P.A. 84-1340, which
requires the office of the State's Attorneys
Appellate Prosecutor to conduct training
programs For Illinois State's Attorneys,
Assistant State's Attorneys and Law
Enforcement Officers on techniques and
methods of eliminating or reducing the
trauma of testifying in criminal proceedings
for children who serve as witnesses in such
proceedings; and other authorized criminal
justice training programs:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........     $120,000
For Expenses Related to federally assisted
Programs to assist local State's Attorneys
including violent crimes, drug related cases
and cases rising under the Narcotics Profit
Forfeiture Act on the request of the State's Attorney:
    Payable  from  Special Federal Grant Project
         Fund...................................   $2,800,000
For Local Matching Purposes:
    Payable  from  State's  Attorneys  Appellate
         Prosecutor's County Fund...............           $0
For State Matching Purposes:
    Payable from General Revenue Fund...........           $0
For Expenses Pursuant to Grant Agreements
For Training Grant Programs:
    Payable  from  Continuing  Legal   Education
         Trust Fund.............................     $200,000
For Expenses Pursuant to the Capital
Crimes Litigation Act:
    Payable  from  the  Capital Litigation Trust
         Fund...................................     $400,000
For Appropriation to the State Treasurer
For Expenses Incurred by State's
Attorneys other than Cook County:
    Payable from the  Capital  Litigation  Trust
         Fund...................................   $1,000,000
    (Total,  $12,019,259;  General  Revenue Fund, $4,474,566;
Office of the State's Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor's County
Fund, $1,784,693;  Continuing  Legal  Education  Trust  Fund,
$310,000;   Narcotics  Profit  Forfeiture  Fund,  $1,250,000;
Special Federal  Grant  Project  Funds,  $2,800,000;  Capital
Litigation Trust Fund, $1,400,000)

                         ARTICLE 69

    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are  appropriated for the
ordinary  and  contingent  expenses  of  the  Office  of  the
                      EXECUTIVE OFFICE
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ........................ $  7,063,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................      282,500
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System.................      706,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security..............................      506,900
  For Contractual Services......................      872,000
  For Travel....................................      265,000
  For Commodities...............................       95,000
  For Printing..................................       70,000
  For Equipment.................................       25,000
  For Electronic Data Processing................      225,000
  For Telecommunications Services...............      370,000
  For Repairs and Maintenance...................       40,000
  For Expenses Related to Ethnic Celebrations,
   Special Receptions, and Other Events ........      115,000
    Total                                         $10,636,500

    Section 2.  The sum of $100,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Governor's Grant
Fund to  the  Office  of  the  Governor  to  be  expended  in
accordance  with  the  terms  and  conditions upon which such
funds were received and in the  exercise  of  the  powers  or
performance of the duties of the Office of the Governor.

                         ARTICLE 70
    Section  1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  hereinafter  named,  are appropriated from the
General Revenue Fund to  meet  the  ordinary  and  contingent
expenses of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor:
                       GENERAL OFFICE
  For Personal Services ........................ $  1,408,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       56,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      140,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      107,000
  For Contractual Services .....................      509,000
  For Travel ...................................       85,000
  For Commodities ..............................       25,000
  For Printing .................................       30,000
  For Equipment ................................        7,800
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............       69,400
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       86,500
  For Ordinary and Contingent Expenses of the
   Rural Affairs Council .......................      307,000
    Total                                          $2,831,500
    The  amount  of  $200,000,  or  so much thereof as may be
necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Office  of  the Lieutenant Governor for the ordinary and
contingent  expenses  of  the  Illinois  River   Coordination

    Section  2.  The  sum  of $110,000, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Agricultural
Premium  Fund  to  the  Office of Lieutenant Governor for all
costs associated with the Rural Affairs Council including any
grants or administration expenses.

                         ARTICLE 71

    Section 1.  The following named sums, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, respectively, are appropriated to the
Attorney General to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses
of the following divisions of  the  Office  of  the  Attorney
                       GENERAL OFFICE
For Personal Services...........................  $26,867,600
For State Contribution to State
    Employees Retirement System.................    2,690,400
For State Contribution to Social Security.......    2,023,400
For Employees Retirement Contributions
    Paid by Employer............................    1,077,700
For Contractual Services........................    2,498,000
For Contractual Services
    Expert Witnesses............................      100,000
For Travel......................................      490,000
For Commodities.................................      190,000
For Printing....................................      120,000
For Equipment...................................      500,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................    1,625,000
For Telecommunications..........................      740,000
For Operation of Auto Equipment.................       84,000
For Expenses Incurred in Post Sentencing
    Prosecution of all Cases of
    Death Penalty...............................      175,000
For Expenses Incurred in Gang
    Crime Prevention............................    2,000,000
    Total                                         $41,181,100

    Section  2.  The sum of $1,050,000, or so much thereof as
is available for use by the Attorney General, is appropriated
to  the  Attorney  General  from  the  Illinois  Gaming   Law
Enforcement Fund for State law enforcement purposes.

    Section  3.  The following named sums, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated from  the
Asbestos  Abatement  Fund to the Attorney General to meet the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the  Asbestos  Litigation
For Personal Services...........................   $1,042,500
For State Contribution to State
    Employees Retirement System.................      104,300
For State Contribution to Social Security.......       79,300
For Employees Retirement Contributions
    Paid by the Employer........................       41,800
For Group Insurance.............................      177,600
For Contractual Services........................    1,329,200
For Travel......................................      114,400
For Operational Expenses, Asbestos
    Litigation..................................       13,200
    Total                                          $2,902,300

    Section  4.  The amount of $2,500,000, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Attorney
General   Court  Ordered  and  Voluntary  Compliance  Payment
Projects Fund to the Office of the Attorney General for  use,
subject  to  pertinent  court  order  or  agreement,  in  the
performance of any function pertaining to the exercise of the
duties   of   the   Attorney  General,  including  State  law
enforcement and public education.

    Section 5.  The amount of $900,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Illinois  Charity
Bureau  Fund to the Office of the Attorney General to enforce
the provisions of the Solicitation for  Charity  Act  and  to
gather  and disseminate information about charitable trustees
and organizations to the public.

    Section 6.  The amount of $600,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Whistleblower
Reward  and  Protection  Fund  to  the Office of the Attorney
General for State law enforcement purposes.

    Section 7.  The amount of $800,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital Litigation
Trust Fund to the  Attorney  General  for  financial  support
under the Attorney General Act for the several county State's
Attorneys outside of Cook County.

    Section 8.  The amount of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Tobacco Settlement
Recovery  Fund  to  the Attorney General for the funding of a
new  unit  responsible  for   oversight,   enforcement,   and
implementation  of the Master Settlement Agreement entered in
the case of People of the State of Illinois v. Philip Morris,
et al.  (Circuit Court of Cook  County,  No.  96L13146),  for
enforcement of the Tobacco Product Manufacturers' Escrow Act,
and for handling remaining tobacco-related litigation.

    Section  9.  The amount of $3,000,000, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Attorney
General's  State Projects and Court Ordered Distribution Fund
to  the  Attorney  General   for   payment   of   interagency
agreements, court ordered distributions to third parties and,
subject  to  pertinent  court  order,  for performance of any
function pertaining to the exercise  of  the  duties  of  the
Attorney  General, including State law enforcement and public

    Section 10.  The amount of $1,050,000, or so much thereof
as may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Attorney
General's Grant Fund to the Office of the Attorney General to
be  expended in accordance with the terms and conditions upon
which those funds were received.

    Section 11.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes named in this Section, are appropriated to  meet
the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Attorney General:
Payable from the Violent Crime Victims Assistance Fund:
For Personal Services........................... $    646,400
For State Contribution to State Employees
    Retirement System...........................       64,900
For State Contribution to Social Security.......       49,600
For Employees Retirement Contributions
    Paid by the Employer........................       25,900
For Group Insurance.............................      125,800
For Operational Expenses,
    Violent Crime Victims Assistance............      189,200
For Awards and Grants under the Violent
    Crime Victims Assistance Act................    6,150,000
    Total                                          $7,251,800

    Section 12.  The amount of $5,507,400, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Attorney
General Federal Grant Fund to  the  Office  of  the  Attorney
General for funding for federal grants.

    Section 13.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Sex Offender
Management Board Fund to the Sex  Offender  Management  Board
for  the purposes of planning and research.  Funding received
from private sources is to be expended in accordance with the
terms and conditions placed upon such funding.

                         ARTICLE 72

    Section 5.  The following named amounts, or  so  much  of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary, respectively, for the
objects and purposes hereinafter named, are  appropriated  to
the  Office  of  the Secretary of State to meet the ordinary,
contingent  and  distributive  expenses  of   the   following
organizational units of the Office of the Secretary of State:

                EXECUTIVE GROUP
For Personal Services:
For Regular Positions:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund ............. $  4,164,200
For Extra Help:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............       38,200
For Employee Contribution to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    3,882,500
  Payable from Road Fund .......................    1,706,400
  Payable from Vehicle
   Inspection Fund .............................       42,700
For State Contribution to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      420,300
For State Contribution to
 Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      336,000
For Contractual Services:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      533,900
For Travel Expenses:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      113,000
For Commodities:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............       45,300
For Printing:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............       12,700
For Equipment:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............       10,000
For Telecommunications:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............      176,500
For Personal Services:
For Regular Positions:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............  $40,730,400
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    4,594,400
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................    2,405,900
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................      477,300
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................      217,700
 Payable from Registered Limited
  Liability Partnership Fund....................       63,700
For Extra Help:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      665,400
 Payable from Road Fund.........................      372,900
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................       11,400
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................       19,800
For Employee Contribution to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from Securities Audit
   and Enforcement Fund.........................       96,200
  Payable from Division of Corporations
   Special Operations Fund......................       19,800
  Payable from Lobbyist Registration
   Fund ........................................        8,700
  Payable from Registered Limited
   Liability Partnership Fund...................        2,500
For State Contribution to
 State Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue
   Fund ........................................    4,139,600
  Payable from Road Fund........................      496,700
  Payable from Securities Audit
   and Enforcement Fund.........................      241,800
  Payable from Division of Corporations
   Special Operations Fund......................       49,700
  Payable from Lobbyist Registration
   Fund ........................................       21,800
  Payable from Registered Limited
   Liability Partnership Fund...................        6,400
For State Contribution to
 Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue
   Fund ........................................    3,154,200
  Payable from Road Fund........................      366,200
  Payable from Securities Audit
   and Enforcement Fund.........................      182,500
  Payable from Division of Corporations
   Special Operations Fund......................       60,100
  Payable from Lobbyist Registration
   Fund ........................................       22,900
  Payable from Registered Limited
   Liability Partnership Fund...................        4,900
For Group Insurance:
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................      399,600
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................       94,300
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................       37,000
 Payable from Registered Limited
  Liability Partnership Fund....................       14,800
For Contractual Services:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............   14,830,900
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    1,200,000
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................      362,700
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................      293,800
 Payable from Motor Fuel Tax Fund...............      475,700
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................       92,100
 Payable from Registered Limited
  Liability Partnership Fund....................          500
For Travel Expenses:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      273,700
 Payable from Road Fund.........................      305,300
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................      248,100
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................        3,400
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................        2,200
For Commodities:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............    1,016,400
 Payable from Road Fund.........................       31,400
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................       19,500
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................        9,700
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................        4,500
 Payable from Registered Limited
  Liability Partnership Fund....................        1,100
For Printing:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      841,300
 Payable from Road Fund.........................       33,800
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................       20,000
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................        7,600
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................        5,000
For Equipment:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............    1,302,700
 Payable from Road Fund.........................       34,000
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................       77,000
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................        8,500
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................       23,500
 Payable from Registered Limited
  Liability Partnership Fund....................            0
For Electronic Data Processing:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund..............    3,050,000
 Payable from Road Fund.........................            0
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special Services Fund.........................    4,000,000
For Telecommunications:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      469,700
 Payable from Road Fund.........................       75,500
 Payable from Securities Audit
  and Enforcement Fund..........................       92,200
 Payable from Division of Corporations
  Special Operations Fund.......................       11,000
 Payable from Lobbyist Registration
  Fund .........................................        3,000
 Payable from Registered Limited
  Liability Partnership Fund....................          800
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      372,000
For Refund of Fees and Taxes:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............       15,000
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    1,275,500
                     MOTOR VEHICLE GROUP
For Personal Services:
For Regular Positions:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund.............. $ 49,804,100
 Payable from Road Fund.........................   31,826,500
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........    1,017,900
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................      424,500
 Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
  Board Fund....................................      105,100
For Extra Help:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............    2,117,400
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    3,384,500
 Payable From Vehicle Inspection Fund...........       48,800
For Employees Contribution to
 State Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from the Secretary of State
   Special License Plate Fund...................       17,000
  Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
   Board Fund...................................        4,200
For State Contribution to
 State Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from General Revenue  Fund ...........    5,192,200
  Payable from Road Fund........................    3,521,100
  Payable From Vehicle Inspection Fund..........      106,700
  Payable from the Secretary of State
   Special License Plate Fund...................       42,400
  Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
   Board Fund...................................       10,500
For State Contribution to
 Social Security:
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............    3,868,500
  Payable from Road Fund........................    2,132,900
  Payable From Vehicle Inspection Fund..........       81,100
  Payable from the Secretary of State
   Special License Plate Fund...................       32,100
  Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
   Board Fund...................................        8,000
For Group Insurance:
 Payable From Vehicle Inspection Fund...........      267,900
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................      111,000
For Contractual Services:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............    2,011,100
 Payable from Road Fund.........................   13,161,600
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........      740,000
 Payable from CDLIS AAMVANET
  Trust Fund....................................      500,000
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................        8,500
 Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
  Board Fund....................................       85,000
For Travel Expenses:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      183,900
 Payable from Road Fund.........................      787,800
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........          500
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................        1,400
 Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
  Board Fund....................................        2,500
For Commodities:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      284,800
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    6,198,500
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........       19,000
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................      406,400
For Printing:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      328,300
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    5,197,200
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........       60,000
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................            1
For Equipment:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............       53,100
 Payable from Road Fund.........................      868,500
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........        4,000
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................       70,200
 Payable from Motor Vehicle Review
  Board Fund....................................            1
 Payable from CDLIS AAMVANET....................      400,000
For Telecommunications:
 Payable from General Revenue Fund .............      112,300
 Payable from Road Fund.........................    2,439,300
 Payable from Vehicle Inspection Fund...........        3,500
 Payable from the Secretary of State
  Special License Plate Fund....................            0
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
 Payable from Road Fund.........................      440,000

    Section  10.  The  following  amount, or so much of those
amounts as may be necessary, respectively, is appropriated to
the  Office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  for  alterations,
rehabilitation, and nonrecurring repairs and  maintenance  of
the  interior  and  exterior  of  the  various  buildings and
facilities, under the  jurisdiction  of  the  Office  of  the
Secretary  of State, including sidewalks, terrace and grounds
and all labor, materials, and other costs incidental  to  the
above work:
From General Revenue Fund.......................   $1,200,000

    Section  15.  The  following  amount,  or so much of this
amount as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Office of
the  Secretary  of  State  for  plans,  specifications,   and
continuation   of   work   pursuant   to   the   report   and
recommendations   of   the   architectural,  structural,  and
mechanical surveys of the State Capitol Building. This is for
the  continuation  of  the  rehabilitation  of  the   Capitol
From Capital Development Fund...................   $1,250,000

    Section  20.  The  following amounts, or so much of these
amounts as may be necessary, are appropriated to  the  office
of the Secretary of State for the following purposes:
    For  annual  equalization  grants,  per  capita  and area
grants, and per capita  grants  to  public  libraries,  under
Section 8 of the Illinois Library Systems Act. This amount is
in  addition  to  any  amount  otherwise  appropriated to the
Office of the Secretary of State:
From General Revenue Fund ......................  $24,284,300
From Live and Learn Fund .......................  $ 9,500,000

    Section 25.  The following amounts, or so  much  of  this
amount as may be necessary, are appropriated to the office of
the Secretary of State for library services for the blind and
physically handicapped:
From General Revenue Fund.......................   $2,427,200
From Live and Learn Fund .......................    $ 300,000

    Section  30.  The  following  amount,  or so much of this
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the office  of
the  Secretary  of  State  for  tuition and fees for Illinois
Archival Depository System Interns:
From General Revenue Fund.......................      $45,000

    Section 35.  The following amounts, or so much  of  these
amounts  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the office of the Secretary of  State  for  the  following
    For  library  services under the Federal Library Services
and Construction  Act,  P.L.  84-597  and  P.L.  104-208,  as
amended.  These  amounts  are  in  addition  to  any  amounts
otherwise  appropriated  to  the  Office  of the Secretary of
From Federal Library Services Fund:
 For LSTA Title IA..............................    8,454,500
  For LSCA .....................................      175,800

    Section 40.  The following amount, or  so  much  of  this
amount  as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office of
the Secretary of State  for  support  and  expansion  of  the
Literacy   Programs   administered   by  education  agencies,
libraries, volunteers, or community based organizations or  a
coalition of any of the above:
From General Revenue Fund.......................   $5,000,000

    Section  45.  The  amount of $286,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore  made  for  such  purposes  in
Section   45   of   Article   10  of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Secretary  of  State,  as State Librarian, for the purpose of
making grants to  the  Brainerd  Branch  Public  Library  for
construction  and  renovation as provided in Section 8 of the
Illinois Library Systems Act.

    Section 50.  The amount of $12,500, or so  much  of  this
amount  as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the Office of  the  Secretary  of  State  for
nonsalaried expenses used in furtherance of investigative and
enforcement  activities  under the Illinois Securities Act of
1953, and which have been approved for reimbursement  by  any
entity,   governmental   or   nongovernmental,  making  funds
available for such purposes.

    Section 55.  The amount of $128,000, or so much  of  this
amount  as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Office
of the Secretary of State Grant Fund to  the  Office  of  the
Secretary  of  State  to  be  expended in accordance with the
terms and conditions upon which such funds were received.

    Section 60.  The following amounts, or so  much  of  this
amount as may be necessary, are appropriated to the Office of
the Secretary of State for the following purposes:
    For  annual  per capita grants to all school districts of
the state for the establishment and  operation  of  qualified
school  libraries  or  the  additional  support  of  existing
qualified  school libraries under Section 8.4 of the Illinois
Library Systems Act. This amount is in addition to any amount
otherwise appropriated to the  Office  of  the  Secretary  of
From General Revenue Fund ......................     $425,000
From Live and Learn Fund .......................   $1,000,000

    Section  65.  The  amount of $157,300, or so much of this
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Office  of
the   Secretary   of  State  from  the  Securities  Investors
Education Fund  for  nonsalaried  expenses  used  to  promote
public awareness of the dangers of securities fraud.

    Section  70.  The amount of $4,700, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains unexpended on  June  30,  2000,
from  appropriations  heretofore  made  for  such purposes in
Section  70  of  Article  10  of   Public   Act   91-20,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Illinois Civic Center Bond Fund to
the  Secretary  of  State  for  a  grant  under  the  amended
Metropolitan Civic Center Support Act to the  Chicago  Public
Library   for   all   cost   associated  with  the  planning,
specifications,  and  continuations  of  renovations  or  new
construction, including furnishings  and  equipment  for  the
following capital projects:
    For  completion of capital projects begun under the Build
Illinois Program in Fiscal Year 1990 ............      $4,700
    Including the following projects:
    Clearing Branch
    Near West Branch
    North Pulaski/Humboldt Branch Consolidation
    Auburn/Hamilton Park Branch Consolidation
    McKinley Park Branch
    Walker Branch
    North Austin Branch
    South Chicago Branch
    Pullman Branch

    Section 75.  The following amount, or  so  much  of  this
amount  as may be necessary, is appropriated to the office of
the Secretary of State  for  support  and  expansion  of  the
Workplace Literacy Programs administered by business.
From General Revenue Fund ......................   $1,000,000

    Section  80.  The  amount of $100,000, or so much of this
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the  Secretary
of  State  from  the Secretary of State Evidence Fund for the
purchase of evidence, for the employment of persons to obtain
evidence, and for the  payment  for  any  goods  or  services
related to obtaining evidence.

    Section  85.  The  following  amount,  or so much of this
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the  Secretary
of  State for grants to library systems for library computers
and new technologies  to  promote  and  improve  interlibrary
cooperation  and  resource  sharing  programs  among Illinois
From Live and Learn Fund........................   $2,000,000

    Section 90.  The following amounts, or so much  of  these
amounts  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Office of the  Secretary  of  State  for  support  and
expansion  of  Family  Literacy  Programs.  This amount is in
addition to any amount otherwise appropriated to  the  Office
of the Secretary of State.
From Live and Learn Fund ....................... $    500,000
From Secretary of State Special
 Services Fund..................................    1,000,000
From General Revenue Fund ......................      650,000

    Section  95.  The  following  amount,  or so much of this
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated to the  Secretary
of  State  from  the  Live  and Learn Fund for the purpose of
making grants to libraries for construction and renovation as
provided in Section 8 of the Illinois  Library  Systems  Act.
This   amount   is   in  addition  to  any  amount  otherwise
appropriated to the Office of the Secretary of State.
From Live and Learn Fund .......................   $4,900,000

    Section 100.  The following amount, or so  much  of  this
amount  as may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary
of State from the Live and Learn  Fund  for  the  purpose  of
promotion of organ and tissue donations.
From Live and Learn Fund .......................   $2,000,000

    Section  105.  The  amount  of  $5,204,100,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, and remains unexpended on June
30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore  made  for  such
purposes in Section 95 and  Section  105  of  Article  10  of
Public  Act 91-20, is reappropriated from Live and Learn Fund
to the Office of the Secretary of State for  the  purpose  of
making grants to libraries for construction and renovation as
provided by Section 8 of the Illinois Library Systems Act.

    Section  110.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore  made  for  such  purposes  in
Section   110   of   Article  10  of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated from Capital Development Fund to the Secretary
of State for making grants to the Chicago Library System  for
land  acquisition,  planning,  construction,  reconstruction,
rehabilitation,  and  all  necessary cost associated with the
establishment of a regional library.

    Section 115.  The amount of $50,000, or so much  of  this
amount as may be necessary is appropriated from the Road Fund
to the Office of the Secretary of State for expenses incurred
in  the  furtherance of enforcement activities for the Breath
Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device pilot program set forth  in
P.A. 88-238, and which have been approved by any governmental
entity making funds available for such purposes.

    Section  120.  The  amount  of  $9,300,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the
Secretary of State Special Services Fund to the Office of the
Secretary of State for office automation and technology.

    Section  125.  The following amounts, or so much of these
amounts as may be necessary, are appropriated to  the  Office
of  the  Secretary  of  State  for  annual library technology
grants and for direct purchase of equipment and services that
support library development  and  technology  advancement  in
libraries statewide.
From Secretary of State Special
 Services Fund..................................   $4,000,000
From Live and Learn Fund .......................      700,000
From General Revenue Fund ......................      814,200
    Total                                        $311,467,202

    Section  140.  The  sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the   Electronic
Commerce   Security  Certification  Fund  to  the  Office  of
Secretary  of  State  for  the  cost  of  administering   the
Electronic Commerce Security Act.

    Section  145.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Alternate  Fuels
Fund  to  the  Office  of  Secretary of State for the cost of
administering the Alternate Fuels Act.

    Section 155. The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated to the Secretary  of  State
from  the Master Mason Fund to provide grants to the Illinois
Masonic Foundation for the Prevention  of  Drug  and  Alcohol
Abuse Among Children, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, for
the purpose of providing Model Student Assistance Programs in
public and private schools in Illinois.

    Section 175. The amount of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development   Fund   to   the  Secretary  of  State  for  new
construction and alterations, rehabilitation, and maintenance
of the interior and  exterior  of  the  following  facilities
under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of State:
    Chicago West Facility - 5301 W. Lexington Ave. - Chicago,
Illinois 60644
    Roger McAuliffe Facility - 5401 N. Elston Ave. - Chicago,
Illinois 60630
    Charles Chew Jr. Facility - 9901 S. King Drive - Chicago,
Illinois 60628
    Capitol   Complex   Buildings   located  in  Springfield,

    Section 180.  The following amount, or so much thereof as
may be necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  Office  of  the
Secretary of State, for a grant to the Chicago Public Library
and   this   amount  is  in  addition  to  any  other  amount
appropriated for such purposes:
From General Revenue Fund.......................  $ 1,700,000

    Section 185.  The  amount  of  $26,500,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  maybe  necessary, is appropriated from the Motor
Vehicle License Plate Fund to the Office of the Secretary  of
State  for  the cost incident to providing new or replacement
plates for motor vehicles.

    Section  190.  The  amount  of  $9,500,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, and remains unexpended  on  June
30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore  made  for  such
purpose  in Section 170 of Article 10 of Public Act 91-20, is
reappropriated from the Motor Vehicle License Plate  Fund  to
the Office of the Secretary of State for the cost incident to
providing new or replacement plates for motor vehicles.

    Section  200.  The amount of $700,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore  made  for  such  purposes  in
Section   15   of   Article   10  of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated from the Capital  Development  Bond  Fund  for
plans,  specifications,  and continuation of work pursuant to
the  report  and  recommendations   of   the   architectural,
structural,  and  mechanical  surveys  of  the  State Capitol
Building.  This is for the continuation of the rehabilitation
of the Capitol Building.

    Section 205.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the State Parking
Facility Maintenance Fund to the Secretary of State  for  the
maintenance  of  parking  facilities owned or operated by the
Secretary of State.

    Section 210.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains unexpended on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore  made  for  such  purposes  in
Section   410   of   Article  10  of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Secretary  of State for a grant to the Chicago Public Library
for planning a new library for Grand Crossing.

    Section 215.  The sum of $25,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains unexpended on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore  made  for  such  purposes  in
Section   405   of   Article  10  of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Secretary  of  State  for  a  grant  to  York Township for an
addition to the York Township Public Library.

    Section 220.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Secretary of State for the Penny  Severns  Summer
Family Literacy Grants.
    Section  225.  The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Secretary of State
Special License Plate Fund to  the  Secretary  of  State  for
grants to benefit Illinois Veterans Home libraries.

    Section  235.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to  the  Office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  for all
expenditures and grants to libraries  for  the  Project  Next
Generation Program.

    Section  240.  The  sum of $17,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Mammogram Fund  to
the  Secretary  of  State  for  grants  to the Susan G. Komen
Foundation for breast cancer research, education,  screening,
and treatment.

    Section  245.  The amount of $900,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended on June 30, 2000,
from appropriations heretofore  made  for  such  purposes  in
Section   5   of   Article   10   of  Public  Act  91-20,  is
reappropriated from the CDLIS AAMVANET Fund to the  Secretary
of State for the purchase of equipment.

    Section  246.  The  amount of $45,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Section 190 of Article 10 of Public
Act 91-20 is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois'
Future   to   the   Secretary   of   State  for  a  grant  to
Galewood-Montclare Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

    Section 247.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Section 205 of Article 10 of Public
Act 91-20 is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois'
Future  to  the  Secretary  of  State for a grant to Brainerd
Library of the Chicago Public Library.

    Section 248.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Section 375 of Article 10 of Public
Act  91-20  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for Illinois'
Future to the Secretary of State for a one-time grant to  the
Independence Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

    Section 249.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Section 380 of Article 10 of Public
Act  91-20  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for Illinois'
Future to the Secretary of State for a grant to  the  Beverly
Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

    Section 250.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Section 385 of Article 10 of Public
Act  91-20  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund for Illinois'
Future  to  the  Secretary  of  State  for  a  grant  to  the
Wrightwood Branch of the Chicago Public Library.

    Section 255.  The amount of $6,000,000,  or  so  much  of
this amount as may be necessary and remains unexpended at the
close  of  business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation
heretofore made for such purpose in Section  420  of  Article
10,  Public  Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Office  of  the  Secretary  of  State  for the following work
pursuant to the rehabilitation of the State Capitol Building:
    Roof Replacement;
    House and Senate Chambers Ceilings Repair;
    Window replacements or repairs to existing windows.
    This also includes other related costs incident to  above

    Section  260.  The  amount  of  $1,500,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the
close of business  on  June  30,  2000,  from  appropriations
heretofore  made  for such purposes in Section 415 of Article
10 of Public Act 91-20, is reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund to the Office of the Secretary of State for
remodeling, planning, relocation,  permanent  equipment,  and
other   related   expenses,   including   architectural   and
engineering   fees  associated  with  construction,  for  the
remodeling of office space and other support areas under  the
jurisdiction  of  the  House of Representatives and Senate in
the Capitol Building.

                         ARTICLE 73

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet  the
ordinary  and  contingent expenses of the following divisions
of the State Comptroller for the Fiscal Year ending June  30,
For Personal Services...........................   $3,720,400
For Employee Retirement Contributions
    Paid by the Employer........................      148,800
For State Contribution to State
    Employees' Retirement System................      370,000
For State Contribution to
    Social Security.............................      284,600
For Contractual Services........................    1,697,900
For Travel......................................       58,100
For Commodities.................................       66,700
For Printing....................................       71,000
For Equipment...................................       12,800
For Telecommunications..........................      287,300
For Electronic Data Processing..................       31,000
For Operation of Auto
  Equipment.....................................       17,700
    Total                                          $6,766,300
                 Statewide Fiscal Operations
For Personal Services...........................   $4,783,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by the Employer..........................      191,300
For State Contribution to State
  Employees' Retirement System..................      475,700
For State Contribution to
  Social Security...............................      365,900
For Contractual Services........................      485,000
For Travel......................................        8,800
For Commodities.................................       43,200
For Printing....................................            0
For Equipment...................................        1,000
For Electronic Data Processing..................            0
    Total                                          $6,354,200
                 Electronic Data Processing
For Personal Services...........................   $4,366,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by the Employer..........................      174,700
For State Contribution to State
  Employees' Retirement System..................      434,200
For State Contribution to
  Social Security...............................      334,000
For Contractual Services........................    2,857,100
For Travel......................................        6,000
For Commodities.................................      209,900
For Printing....................................      401,000
For Equipment...................................            0
For Telecommunications..........................            0
For Electronic Data
  Processing....................................    2,433,500
    Total                                         $11,216,700
                       Special Audits
For Personal Services...........................   $1,747,300
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by the Employer..........................       69,900
For State Contribution to State
  Employees' Retirement System..................      173,800
For State Contribution to
  Social Security...............................      133,700
For Contractual Services........................       41,000
For Travel......................................       80,000
For Commodities.................................        3,000
For Printing....................................            0
For Equipment...................................            0
For Electronic Data Processing..................            0
For Expenses of Local Government
  Officials Training............................       12,500
For Contractual Services for auditing
  local governments.............................       40,000
    Total                                          $2,301,200

                      Merit Commission
For Merit Commission Expenses.........................$93,000

    Section  7.  The sum of $1,323,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated to  the  State  Comptroller
from  the Comptroller's Administrative Fund for the discharge
of duties of the office, pursuant to Public Act 89-511.

    Section 10.  The amount of $50,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated to  the  State  Comptroller
from  the  State Lottery Fund for expenses in connection with
the State Lottery.

    Section 15.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the State Comptroller to pay the elected State officers of
the Executive Branch of  the  State  Government,  at  various
rates prescribed by law:
For the Governor................................   $  145,900
For the Lieutenant Governor.....................      111,600
For the Secretary of State......................      128,800
For the Attorney General........................      128,800
For the Comptroller.............................      111,600
For the State Treasurer.........................      111,600
    Total                                            $738,300

    Section  20.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the State Comptroller to pay certain appointed officers of
the  Executive Branch of the State Government, at the various
rates prescribed by law:
                  From General Revenue Fund
                     Department on Aging
For the Director................................   $   85,900
                  Department of Agriculture
For the Director................................      103,000
For the Assistant Director......................       85,900
          Department of Central Management Services
For the Director................................      107,300
For two Assistant Directors.....................      180,300
         Department of Children and Family Services
For the Director................................      109,000
                  Department of Corrections
For the Director................................      120,300
For 2 Assistant Directors.......................      171,700
        Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
For the Director................................      103,000
For the Assistant Director......................       85,900
               Environmental Protection Agency
For the Director................................      103,000
            Department of Financial Institutions
For the Director................................       85,900
For the Assistant Director......................       73,800
                Department of Human Services
For the Secretary...............................      120,300
For 2 Assistant Secretaries.....................      188,800
                   Department of Insurance
For the Director................................       94,400
For the Assistant Director......................       77,300
                     Department of Labor
For the Director................................       94,400
For the Assistant Director......................       77,300
For the Chief Factory Inspector.................       43,000
For the Superintendent of Safety Inspection
  and Education.................................       47,200
                 Department of State Police
For the Director................................      103,000
For the Assistant Director......................       85,900
               Department of Military Affairs
For the Adjutant General........................       83,300
For two Chief Assistants to the
  Adjutant General..............................      147,600
               Department of Natural Resources
For the Director................................      103,000
For the Assistant Director......................       85,900
For six Mine Officers...........................       77,300
For four Miners' Examining Officers.............       42,500
                Department of Nuclear Safety
For the Director................................       89,300
               Illinois Labor Relations Board
For the Chairman................................       85,900
For two State Labor Relations Board
  members.......................................      151,500
For two Local Labor Relations Board
  members.......................................      154,500
                  Department of Public Aid
For the Director................................      111,600
For the Assistant Director......................       94,400
                 Department of Public Health
For the Director................................      111,600
For the Assistant Director......................       94,400
            Department of Professional Regulation
For the Director................................       94,400
                    Department of Revenue
For the Director................................      111,600
For the Assistant Director......................       94,400
                  Property Tax Appeal Board
For the Chairman................................       53,300
For four members ...............................      168,300
               Department of Veterans' Affairs
For the Director................................       83,300
For the Assistant Director......................       73,800
                  Civil Service Commission
For the Chairman................................       20,600
For two members.................................       30,300
                     Commerce Commission
For the Chairman................................      106,000
For four members................................      377,500
                       Court of Claims
For the Chief Judge.............................       53,400
For the six Judges..............................      295,700
                  State Board of Elections
For the Chairman................................       48,100
For the Vice-Chairman...........................       39,500
For six members.................................      185,400
            Illinois Emergency Management Agency
For the Director................................       83,300
                 Department of Human Rights
For the Director................................       89,300
                   Human Rights Commission
For the Chairman................................       43,000
For twelve members..............................      463,400
                    Industrial Commission
For the Chairman................................      103,000
For six members.................................      591,300
                  Liquor Control Commission
For the Chairman................................       24,000
For four members................................       80,800
For the Secretary...............................       30,900
For the Chairman and one member as
  designated by law, $100 per diem
  for work on a license appeal
  commission....................................        6,800
                   Pollution Control Board
For the Chairman................................       99,600
For six members.................................      577,500
                    Prisoner Review Board
For the Chairman................................       78,900
For eleven members of the
  Prisoner Review Board.........................      765,900
             Secretary of State Merit Commission
For the Chairman................................       14,200
For four members................................       42,100
              State Sanitary District Observer
For the State Sanitary District Observer........       25,800
              Educational Labor Relations Board
For the Chairman................................       85,900
For four members................................      300,000
                 Department of State Police
For five members of the State Police
  Merit Board, $188 or $196 per diem,
  whichever is applicable in accordance
  with law, for a maximum of 100
  days each.....................................       96,400
                Department of Transportation
For the Secretary...............................      111,600
For the Assistant Secretary.....................       94,400
    Total, General Revenue Fund                    $9,423,100
              Office of the State Fire Marshal
For the State Fire Marshal:
  From Fire Prevention Fund............................83,300
                    Illinois Racing Board
For nine members of the Illinois
  Racing Board, $300 per diem to a
  maximum 10,300 as prescribed
  by law:
From Agricultural Premium Fund.........................91,500
                  Department of the Lottery
For the Director:
  From State Lottery Fund..............................94,400
          Commissioner of Banks and Trust Companies
Payable from Bank and Trust Company Fund:
For the Commissioner............................      106,800
For the First Deputy Commissioner...............       98,600
For two Deputy Commissioners....................      180,700
    Total, Bank and Trust Company Fund..........     $386,100
              Department of Employment Security
Payable from Title III Social Security
and Employment Service Fund:
For the Director................................      111,600
For five members of the Board
  of Review.....................................       75,000
    Total                                            $186,600

  General Revenue............................... $  9,423,100
  Fire Prevention...............................       83,300
  Agricultural Premium..........................       91,500
  State Lottery.................................       94,400
  Bank and Trust Company Fund...................      386,100
  Title III Social Security and
   Employment Service Fund......................      186,600
    Total                                         $10,265,000

    Section 25.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the State Comptroller  to  pay  certain  officers  of  the
Legislative  Branch  of  the State Government, at the various
rates prescribed by law:
                  Office of Auditor General
For the Auditor General......................... $    109,000
For two Deputy Auditor Generals.................      202,600
    Total                                            $311,600
          Officers and Members of General Assembly
For salaries of the 118 members
of the House of Representatives................. $  6,693,400
For salaries of the 59 members of the Senate....    3,402,500
    Total                                         $10,095,900
For additional amounts, as prescribed
  by law, for party leaders in both
  chambers as follows:
For the Speaker of the House,
  the President of the Senate and
  Minority Leaders of both Chambers............. $     90,600
For the Majority Leader of the House............       19,200
For the eleven assistant majority and
  minority leaders in the Senate................      186,800
For the twelve assistant majority
  and minority leaders in the House.............      178,300
For the majority and minority
  caucus chairmen in the Senate.................       34,000
For the majority and minority
  conference chairmen in the House..............       29,800
For the two Deputy Majority and the two
  Deputy Minority leaders in the House..........       65,100
For chairmen and minority spokesmen of
  standing committees in the Senate
  except the Rules Committee, the Committee
  on Committees and the Committee on the
  Assignment of Bills...........................      288,700
For chairmen and minority
  spokesmen of standing and select
  committees in the House.......................      747,300
    Total                                          $1,639,800
For per diem allowances for the
  members of the Senate, as
  provided by law............................... $    401,400
For per diem allowances for the
  members of the House, as
  provided by law...............................      802,800
For mileage for all members of the
  General Assembly, as provided
  by law........................................      420,000
    Total                                          $1,624,200

    Section 30.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects
and purposes hereinafter named, are appropriated to the State
Comptroller in connection with the payment  of  salaries  for
officers  of  the Executive and Legislative Branches of State
For State Contribution to State Employees'
  Retirement System:
   From General Revenue Fund.................... $    973,500
   From Agricultural Premium Fund...............        9,200
   From Fire Prevention Fund....................        8,400
   From State Lottery Fund......................        9,500
   From Bank and Trust Company Fund.............       38,700
   From Title III Social Security
    and Employment Service Fund.................       18,700
    Total                                          $1,058,000
For State Contribution to Social Security:
  From General Revenue Fund..................... $    925,600
  From Agricultural Premium Fund................        7,000
  From Fire Prevention Fund.....................        6,400
  From State Lottery Fund.......................        7,300
  From Bank and Trust Company Fund..............       29,600
  From Title III Social Security
   and Employment Service Fund..................       14,300
    Total                                            $990,200
For Group Insurance:
  From Fire Prevention Fund..................... $      7,400
  From State Lottery Fund.......................        7,400
  From Bank and Trust Company Fund..............       29,600
  From Title III Social Security and
   Employment Service Fund......................       44,400
    Total                                             $88,800

    Section 35.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated to  the  State  Comptroller
for  contingencies in the event that any amounts appropriated
in Sections 15 through 30 are insufficient.

    Section 40.  The amount of $750,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Tobacco
Settlement Recovery Fund to the Office of the Comptroller for
one  time  expenses  related  to  the  administration  of the
Homeowners' Tax Relief rebate.

                         ARTICLE 74

    Section 5. The following named amounts,  or  so  much  of
those  amounts  as  may  be  necessary, respectively, for the
objects and purposes named in this Section, are  appropriated
to meet the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Office of
the State Treasurer:
For Personal Services
    From General Revenue Fund...................   $4,957,123
    From State Pensions Fund....................   $2,577,834
For Employee Retirement Contribution (pickup)
    From General Revenue Fund...................      200,626
    From State Pensions Fund....................      103,113
For State Contributions to State
    Employees' Retirement System
    From General Revenue Fund...................      501,565
    From State Pensions Fund....................      257,783
For State Contribution to
    Social Security
    From General Revenue Fund...................      376,736
    From State Pensions Fund....................      195,139
For Group Insurance
    From State Pensions Fund....................      488,400
For Contractual Services
    From General Revenue Fund...................    1,025,000
    From State Pensions Fund....................    3,211,931
For Travel
    From General Revenue Fund...................      102,300
    From State Pensions Fund....................      111,032
For Commodities
    From General Revenue Fund...................       31,500
    From State Pensions Fund....................       12,000
For Printing
    From General Revenue Fund...................       25,000
    From State Pensions Fund....................       20,000
For Equipment
    From General Revenue Fund...................       58,500
    From State Pensions Fund....................       20,000
For Electronic Data Processing
    From General Revenue Fund...................    1,015,000
    From State Pensions Fund....................    1,171,000
For Telecommunications Services
    From General Revenue Fund...................      168,525
    From State Pensions Fund....................       80,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment
    From General Revenue Fund...................        7,100
    Total, This Section                           $16,717,207

    Section  10. The amount of $6,000,000, or so much of that
amount as may be necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  State
Treasurer  from  the Bank Services Trust Fund for the purpose
of making payments  to  financial  institutions  for  banking
services  pursuant  to  the  State  Treasurer's Bank Services
Trust Fund Act.

    Section 15. The amount of $7,500,000, or so much of  that
amount  as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the State
Treasurer for the purpose of making refunds  of  overpayments
of  estate tax and accrued interest on those overpayments, if
any, and payment of certain statutory costs of assessment.

    Section 20. The amount of $3,000,000, or so much of  that
amount  as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the State
Treasurer for  the  purpose  of  making  refunds  of  accrued
interest on protested tax cases.

    Section 25. The amount of $19,000,000, or so much of that
amount  as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the State
Treasurer from the Transfer Tax Collection Distributive  Fund
for  the  purpose  of making payments to counties pursuant to
Section 13b of the Illinois  Estate  and  Generation-Skipping
Transfer Tax Act.

    Section  30.  The  amount of $500,000, or so much of that
amount as may be necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the  State
Treasurer  from  the Matured Bond and Coupon Fund for payment
of matured bonds and interest coupons pursuant to Section  6u
of the State Finance Act.

    Section  35.  The  following named amounts, or so much of
those amounts as may  be  necessary,  respectively,  for  the
objects  and purposes named in this Section, are appropriated
to the State Treasurer for the payment  of  interest  on  and
retirement  of  State  bonded  indebtedness:  For  payment of
principal and interest on any and all bonds  issued  pursuant
to  the Anti-Pollution Bond Act, the Transportation Bond Act,
the  Capital  Development  Bond  Act  of  1972,  the   School
Construction   Bond   Act,   the  Illinois  Coal  and  Energy
Development Bond Act, and the General Obligation Bond Act:
    From the General Bond
    Retirement and Interest Fund:
    Principal................................... $431,387,500
    Interest....................................  342,100,000
Total                                            $773,487,500

    Section 40.  The amount of $500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Litigation  Trust  Fund  to the State Treasurer for the State
Treasurer's costs to administer the Capital Litigation  Trust
Fund in accordance with the Capital Crimes Litigation Act.

    Section 45.  The amount of $2,191,200, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Litigation  Trust  Fund  to  the  State Treasurer for a block
grant to the Cook County Treasurer for the  separate  account
for  payment  of expenses of the Cook County State's Attorney
in capital cases  in  Cook  County  in  accordance  with  the
Capital Crimes Litigation Act.

    Section 50.  The amount of $1,625,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Litigation  Trust  Fund  to  the  State Treasurer for a block
grant to the Cook County Treasurer for the  separate  account
for payment of expenses of the Cook County Public Defender in
capital  cases  in Cook County in accordance with the Capital
Crimes Litigation Act.

    Section 55. The amount of $6,914,200, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Litigation  Trust  Fund  to  the  State Treasurer for a block
grant to the Cook County Treasurer for the  separate  account
for  payment  of compensation and expenses of court appointed
defense counsel, other than the Cook County Public  Defender,
in  capital  cases  in  Cook  County  in  accordance with the
Capital Crimes Litigation Act.

    Section 60.  The amount of $1,924,000, or so much of that
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated form the  Capital
Litigation Trust Fund to the State Treasurer for the separate
account   held   by   the  State  Treasurer  for  payment  of
compensation and expenses of court  appointed  counsel  other
than  the  public defender incurred in the defense of capital
cases in counties other than Cook County in  accordance  with
the Capital Crimes Litigation Act.

    Section  65.  The  amount of $424,000, or so much of that
amount as may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Capital
Litigation Trust Fund to the State Treasurer for the separate
account  held  by the State Treasurer for payment of expenses
of public defenders incurred in the defense of capital  cases
in  counties  other  than  Cook County in accordance with the
Capital Crimes Litigation Act.

                         ARTICLE 75
    Section 1.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
                      AGENCY-WIDE COSTS
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................ $  1,881,100
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................      300,700
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................    1,009,500
For Commodities:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       49,600
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       12,200
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       14,400
For Printing:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       48,600
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       40,200
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       19,500
For Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       88,000
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       67,300
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       26,100
For Electronic Data Processing:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       32,800
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       24,000
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       27,300
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       20,800
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................        5,900
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................        6,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       39,300
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       10,000
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       13,200
    Total                                          $3,736,500

    Section 2.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
For Personal Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................ $  5,312,400
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................      812,200
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................      731,200
For Extra Help:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       10,000
   Intra-Agency Services Fund...................       79,500
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      212,900
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       32,400
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       32,500
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      542,900
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       82,900
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       82,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      404,800
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       62,100
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       64,300
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from:
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................      140,600
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................      133,200
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      581,600
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       40,600
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................      352,800
For Contractual Services - Repair and
  Maintenance of EDP Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       23,500
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................        7,500
For Travel:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      155,100
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       16,900
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       18,700
For Commodities:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       13,400
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................        3,200
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................        2,600
For Printing:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       10,100
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................          500
For Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       52,100
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................        7,000
For Electronic Data Processing:
  Payable From:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      927,400
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       82,300
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................      405,300
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      151,100
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................       24,900
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................       18,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................        9,000
   Tourism Promotion Fund ......................        1,400
   Intra-Agency Services Fund ..................          400
    Total                                         $11,642,300

    Section 3.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the Tourism Promotion Fund to the Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs:
                       TOURISM OFFICE
For Personal Services .......................... $    969,600
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer .............................       38,800
For State Contributions to State
  Employees' Retirement System .................       98,900
For State Contributions to Social Security .....       74,200
For Group Insurance ............................      155,400
For Contractual Services .......................      423,700
For Contractual Services
  Relating to Reimbursement of Administrative
  Expenses of Regional Tourism Councils
  or Tourism Development Organizations .........      600,000
For Travel .....................................       90,000
For Commodities ................................       14,300
For Printing ...................................      569,600
For Equipment ..................................       19,300
For Electronic Data Processing .................       23,000
For Telecommunications Services ................       35,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment ..........          100
For Statewide Tourism Promotion ................    7,002,700
For Illinois State Fair Ethnic
  Village Expenses..............................       61,000
For Advertising and Promotion of
  Tourism throughout Illinois
  under subsection (2)
  of Section 4a of the Illinois
  Promotion Act ................................   13,941,000
For Advertising and Promotion of
  Illinois Tourism in
  International Markets ........................    4,003,900
For Sports Marketing Partnerships,
  Events and other Promotional Efforts .........    1,000,000
    Total                                         $29,120,500
Payable from the International Tourism Fund:
  For Administrative Expenses pursuant
   to 20 ILCS 605/605-707 .....................  $  2,000,000

    Section 4.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
For Personal Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................ $    754,700
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............      771,100
For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       30,200
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       30,800
For State Contributions to State
  Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       77,000
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       78,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       57,700
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       58,900
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from:
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............      133,200
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       75,600
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............      274,800
For Travel:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       33,800
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       67,900
For Commodities:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................        1,300
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       12,700
For Printing:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................          800
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       20,000
For Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................        7,000
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............      237,000
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       15,700
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............       30,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................        1,000
   Federal Industrial Services Fund ............        4,000
Payable from Federal Industrial Services Fund:
   For Other Expenses of the Occupational
   Safety and Health Administrative
   Program .....................................      130,000
Payable from the Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund:
   For Administration and Grant
   Expenses of the Marketing
   Technology Initiative .......................    2,000,000
For administration of the Job Training
  and Economic Development Grant
  Program Act of 1997, as amended,
  including prior year costs:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................    1,500,000
   Federal Workforce Development Fund...........    1,000,000
    Total                                          $7,403,800

    Section 5.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
                    BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
For Personal Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund......................... $  2,881,200
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .      824,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund.........................      115,200
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       33,000
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      293,900
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       84,100
For State Contributions to Social Security:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      220,500
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       63,000
For Group Insurance:
  Payable from:
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .      133,200
For Contractual Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      357,400
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .      236,800
For Travel:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      138,200
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       76,000
For Commodities:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       18,200
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       14,800
For Printing:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................        9,700
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       19,100
For Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................       22,500
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       15,600
For Telecommunications Services:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................      108,000
   Local Government Affairs Federal Trust Fund .       45,400
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
  Payable from:
   General Revenue Fund ........................        2,000
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Advertising and Promotion ................      970,000
  For Administrative and Related
   Support for the First-Stop
   Business Information Center
   of Illinois .................................      649,400
  For Administrative and Related
   Expenses of the Illinois
   Coalition ...................................      260,000
  For Administrative and Related
   Expenses of the Illinois
   Women's Business Ownership
   Council .....................................       25,000
Payable from Illinois Capital
 Revolving Loan Fund:
  For Administration and Related
   Support Pursuant to Public
   Act 84-0109, as amended .....................    1,160,800
Payable from Economic Research and
 Information Fund:
  For Purposes Set Forth in
   Section 605-20 of the Civil
   Administrative Code of Illinois
   (20 ILCS 605/605-20) ........................      250,000
    Total                                          $9,027,000

    Section 6.  The amount of $19,254,200, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Coal Technology
Development Assistance Fund to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for expenses under the  provisions  of  the
Illinois   Coal   Technology   Development   Assistance  Act,
including prior years costs.
    Section 7.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
Payable from Tourism Promotion Fund:
 For Personal Services ......................... $    403,700
 For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer .............................       16,100
 For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System ............................       41,200
 For State Contributions to Social Security ....       30,900
 For Group Insurance ...........................       59,200
 For Contractual Services ......................      134,800
 For Travel ....................................       32,000
 For Commodities ...............................       15,300
 For Printing ..................................       26,900
 For Equipment .................................        7,300
 For Electronic Data Processing ................       10,000
 For Telecommunications Services ...............       16,500
 For Operation of Automotive Equipment .........        5,100
    Total                                            $799,000

    Section 8.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
                    ILLINOIS TRADE OFFICE
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
 For Personal Services ......................... $    921,800
 For Employee Retirement Contributions
  Paid by Employer .............................       36,900
 For State Contributions to State Employees'
  Retirement System ............................       94,000
 For State Contributions to Social Security ....       70,500
 For Contractual Services ......................    1,339,200
 For Travel ....................................       74,300
 For Commodities ...............................        9,900
 For Printing ..................................       24,000
 For Equipment .................................       21,000
 For Telecommunications Services ...............      108,000
 For Administrative and Related Expenses
  of the NAFTA Opportunity Centers .............      206,800
 For Operating Expenses for the
  Hong Kong Office .............................      318,200
 For Expenses Relating to the Illinois
  Export and Reverse Investment
  Promotion Program ............................      200,000
 For Expenses Relating to Compliance
  with the Belgium Social Security
  System .......................................      147,600
 For all costs Associated with New
   and Expanding International Markets
   to Increase Export and Reverse
   Investment Opportunities for Illinois
   Business and Industries, Including the
   Development and Operation of two New
   Regional Foreign Trade Offices ..............    1,804,100
Payable from the International and
 Promotional Fund:
 For the Expenses of Producing
  Tourism Premiums and Promotional
  Materials and for Costs of
  International Business Program
  Development, Export Materials and
  Promotional Items as associated with
  Activities that give Rise to Revenues
  Deposited into the International and
  Promotional Fund .............................      725,000
    Total                                          $6,101,300
    Section 9.  The  following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
                    COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
For Personal Services:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund ......................... $  1,388,200
  Energy Administration Fund ...................      214,900
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................       73,300
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................    1,313,900
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........      631,800
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................      682,900
For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................       55,500
  Energy Administration Fund ...................        8,600
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        2,900
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................       52,600
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       25,300
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       27,300
For State Contributions to State
 Employees' Retirement System:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................      141,600
  Energy Administration Fund ...................       21,900
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        7,500
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................      134,000
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       64,500
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       69,600
For State Contributions to Social Security:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................      106,300
  Energy Administration Fund ...................       16,400
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        5,600
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................      100,500
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       48,400
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       52,200
For Group Insurance:
 Payable from:
  Energy Administration Fund ...................       29,600
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................       14,800
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................      185,000
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       88,800
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................      111,000
For Contractual Services:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................      105,600
  Energy Administration Fund ...................       42,900
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        5,900
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................      190,600
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       30,600
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       21,200
For Travel:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................       68,100
  Energy Administration Fund ...................       40,100
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        5,300
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................      107,400
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       43,000
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       47,900
For Commodities:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................        6,300
  Energy Administration Fund ...................        2,000
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        1,700
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................        8,100
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........        2,000
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................        4,600
For Printing:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................        3,500
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................          300
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................      115,000
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........        1,000
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................        1,300
For Equipment:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................       15,600
  Energy Administration Fund ...................        8,700
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        6,000
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................       20,000
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       12,500
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       13,500
For Telecommunications Services:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................       45,000
  Energy Administration Fund ...................        6,100
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................        4,700
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................       36,000
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........       11,500
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................       15,000
For Operation of Automotive Equipment:
 Payable from:
  General Revenue Fund .........................        3,900
  Energy Administration Fund ...................        1,000
  Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund ................................          500
  Low Income Home Energy
   Assistance Block Grant Fund .................        2,900
  Community Services Block Grant Fund ..........        1,300
  Community Development/Small Cities
   Block Grant Fund ............................        1,100
 Payable from Energy Administration Fund:
  For Administrative and Grant Expenses
   Relating to Training, Technical
   Assistance, and Administration of the
   Weatherization Programs .....................      250,000
 Payable from Rural Diversification
  Revolving Fund:
   For Administrative, Grant, and Loan
    Expenses relating to the Rural
    Diversification Program ....................      300,000
 Payable from Community Development/Small
  Cities Block Grant Fund:
   For Administrative and Grant Expenses
    Relating to Training, Technical
    Assistance, and Administration of
    the Community Development Assistance
    Programs ...................................    2,000,000
  Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
   Administration and Operational
    Expenses for the Mainstreet Program ........    1,013,600
   For Administrative and Grant Expenses
   Relating to Research, Planning, Technical
   Assistance, Technological Assistance and
   Other Financial Assistance to Assist
   Businesses, Communities, Regions and
   Other Economic Development Purposes .........      750,000
    Total                                         $11,048,200

    Section 10.  The sum of $8,072,300, or as much thereof as
may be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Solid  Waste
Management  Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for financial assistance for recycling and  reuse  in
accordance with Section 22.15 of the Environmental Protection
Act,  the  Illinois  Solid Waste Management Act and the Solid
Waste Planning and Recycling Act, including prior year costs.

    Section 11.  The sum of $4,773,100, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Used   Tire
Management  Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purposes as provided for in Section  55.6  of
the Environmental Protection Act, including prior year costs.

    Section 12.  The amount of $1,335,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the Solid Waste
Management Revolving Loan Fund to the Department of  Commerce
and Community Affairs for solid waste loans.

    Section  13.  The  sum of $10,528,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
the State's Share of State's Attorneys' and Assistant State's
Attorneys' salaries, including prior year costs.

    Section  14.  The  sum of $663,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
the annual stipend for sheriffs as provided in subsection (d)
of Section 4-6003 and Section 4-8002 of the Counties Code.

    Section 15.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof   as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for the  Tourism
Matching Grant Program pursuant to 20 ILCS 665/8-1:
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund:
 Tourism Grants --
   For Counties under 1,000,000 ................ $    937,500
   For Counties over 1,000,000 .................      562,500
    Total                                          $1,500,000

    Section  16.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, respectively,  are  appropriated
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
  Payable from Local Tourism Fund:
   For grants to Convention and Tourism Bureaus--
    Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau ...... $  2,489,400
    Chicago Tourism Council ....................    2,156,200
    Balance of State ...........................    9,292,600
    Total                                         $13,938,200

    Section  17.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for Grants and
Loans pursuant to 20 ILCS 665/8a:
Payable from the Tourism Promotion Fund ........ $  4,000,000
Payable from the Tourism Attraction
  Development Matching Grant Fund ..............      100,000
    Total                                          $4,100,000

    Section 18.  The amount of $1,500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from the Tourism Promotion
Fund for purposes pursuant to the Illinois Promotion Act,  20
ILCS  665/4a-1  to  match  funds  from sources in the private

    Section 19.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
a   grant   to  the  Illinois  Health  and  Physical  Fitness
Foundation for the State Games of America.

    Section 20.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
a   grant   to  the  Illinois  Health  and  Physical  Fitness
Foundation for the Prairie State Games.

    Section 21.  The amount of $150,000, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to the Museum of Contemporary Art.

    Section 22.  The sum of $250,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, for appropriations heretofore made
for such purpose in Article 16,  Section  74  of  Public  Act
91-20,   as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the National Vietnam Veterans Art

    Section 23.  The amount of $500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Grape and Wine
Resource Fund to the Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Grape and Wine Resources Council
for operational expenses, pursuant to 235 ILCS 5/12-4.

    Section 24.  The amount of $8,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  International
Tourism  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for grants,  contracts  and  administrative  expenses
pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/605-707.

    Section 25.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from the International
Tourism Fund from revenues received prior to January 1,  2000
to  the  Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a
grant to the City of Chicago's  Office  of  Tourism  for  the
purpose  of funding the development of an international youth
hostel facility for the American Youth Hostels-Chicago, Inc.

    Section 26.  The sum of $300,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, for appropriations heretofore made
for such purpose in Article 16,  Section  83  of  Public  Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to the Austin Cultural  Arts  Center  for  all  costs
associated with general operating expenses.

    Section  27.  The  sum  of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business on June 30, 2000, for appropriations heretofore made
for  such  purpose  in  Article  16, Section 84 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
a study of the Convention and Sports Arena in Joliet.

    Section  28.  The  sum of $417, or so much thereof as may
be necessary and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business on June 30, 2000 from appropriations heretofore made
for  such  purpose  in  Article  16, Section 81 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
the  purpose  of  a  grant  to the Warren County War Memorial
Foundation for a memorial.


    Section 29.  The following named amount of  $317,800,  or
so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the
General  Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Commerce and
Community Affairs for providing labor management  grants  and

    Section  30.  The  amount  of  $24,188,800,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  Industrial  Development  Grants  to  supplement
training   programs   to    provide    on-the-job    training
demonstration  projects  and  for  training  grants to assist
dislocated  manufacturing  workers  and   farmers   and   for
Industrial Development Grants to supplement training programs
to   provide   on-the-job   training  demonstration  projects
including prior year costs.

    Section 31.  The amount of $9,115,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and Community Affairs from the General Revenue Fund
for  technology  related  grants,  loans,  investments,   and
administrative    expenses   pursuant   to   the   Technology
Advancement and Development Act, including prior year costs.

    Section 32.  The following named amount of  $575,000,  or
so  much  thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from   the
Technology  Innovation  and Commercialization Fund for making
grants pursuant to 20 ILCS 605/605-365, including prior  year

    Section 33.  The amount of $2,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs from the General Revenue  Fund
for grants for administrative expenses associated with School
to Work Transition Programs.

    Section  34.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for grants and
administrative   expenses   for   the   Illinois   Technology
Enterprise Corporation Program, including prior year costs:
  General Revenue Fund .........................   $  500,000
  Tobacco Settlement Recovery Fund .............    1,500,000
    Total                                          $2,000,000

    Section 35.  The amount of $400,000, or so  much  thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to Roosevelt University for the Learning for  Earning

    Section 36.  The amount of $6,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant for planning, design,  construction,  and
all other costs associated with a new Ford Technical Training

    Section 37.  The amount of $6,655,400, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from  the  New  Technology
Recovery Fund for  purposes  of  technology  related  grants,
loans,  investments,  and administrative expenses pursuant to
the Technology Advancement  and  Development  Act,  including
prior year costs.

    Section 38.  The amount of $2,000,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs from the Illinois Equity  Fund
for   the  purpose  of  grants,  loans,  and  investments  in
accordance with the provisions  of  Public  Act  84-0109,  as

                    BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT
    Section  39.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for grants for
Small Business  Development  Centers,  including  prior  year
  Payable from General Revenue Fund ............ $  2,515,100
  Payable from Local Government Affairs
   Federal Trust Fund ..........................    1,800,000
    Total                                          $4,315,100

    Section  40.  The  amount  of  $13,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof   as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from   the
Illinois  Capital  Revolving  Loan  Fund  for  the purpose of
grants,  loans,  and  investments  in  accordance  with   the
provisions of Public Act 84-0109, as amended.

    Section  41.  The  following named amount of $402,100, or
so much there of as may be  necessary,  and  allowable  using
funds  from  the  U.S.  Department  of Defense or from earned
revenue, is appropriated to the Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  from  the Urban Planning Assistance Fund,
for the U.S. Department  of  Defense  Procurement  Assistance
Program, including prior year costs.

    Section 42.  The following named amount of $2,000,000, or
so  much  thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs from  the  Local
Government  Affairs Federal Trust Fund for administration and
grant  expenses  relating  to  Small   Business   Development
Management   and   Technical   Assistance,  Labor  Management
Programs for New and Expanding Businesses, and  economic  and
technological assistance to Illinois communities and units of
local government, including prior year costs.

    Section  43.  The  following named amount of $528,500, or
so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the
General Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  the  purpose  of providing grants to
existing procurement centers to expand participation  in  the
government   contracting   process   and   to   increase  the
opportunities  for  purchasing  outsourcing  among   Illinois

    Section 44.  The amount of $1,008,300, or so much thereof
as  may be necessary, is appropriated from the Small Business
Environmental Assistance Fund to the Department  of  Commerce
and  Community  Affairs  for  expenses  of the Small Business
Environmental Assistance Program.

    Section 45.  The sum of $1,400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the  Local  Government
Affairs  Federal Trust Fund to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for administration and  grant  expenses  of
the  National Institute of Standards and Technology and State
Technology Extension Program, including prior year costs.

    Section 46.  The sum of $250,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000  from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  38,  of Public Act 91-20, as
amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue  Fund  to
the  Department  of Commerce and Community Affairs for making
grants and loans through the Minority Controlled  and  Female
Controlled Business Loan Board.

    Section 47.  The amount of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
a  grant to the Lincoln Foundation for Business Excellence to
administer the Lincoln Awards for Excellence Program.

    Section 48.  The amount of $1,234,900, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and Community Affairs from the General Revenue Fund
for grants for activities associated with  the  retention  of
active Illinois Military Installations.

    Section  49.  The  sum  of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 16, Section 94 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
a  grant  to the Village of Smithboro for expenses related to
economic development programs.

    Section 50.  The sum of $3,500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 16, Section  78c  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Argonne National Laboratory for the "TRUE GRID" Program.


    Section 51.  The amount of $2,500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Institute  of
Natural  Resources Special Projects Fund to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs for the purpose of  disbursing
federal grant funds for coal related projects, including coal
desulfurization  research  and  development,  including prior
year costs.

    Section 52.  The amount of $2,950,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remain unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30, 2000 from reappropriations heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 43 of Public Act 91-20,  approved
June  7,  1999,  as  amended, is reappropriated from the Coal
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  the purpose of providing partial matching funds
for  the  design,  engineering   and   development   of   the
State-of-the-Art  Power Plant Workstation for Pulverized Coal
    No contract shall be entered into or obligation  incurred
for  any  expenditures from appropriations made in Section 52
of this Article until after the  purposes  and  amounts  have
been approved in writing by the Governor.
    Section  53.  The  amount of $405,600, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remain unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30, 2000 from reappropriations heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 44 of Public Act 91-20,  approved
June  7,  1999,  as  amended, is reappropriated from the Coal
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  the purpose of providing partial matching funds
for the design  and  demonstration  of  the  Benetech  Sodium
Enhanced   Sorbent  Injection  Process  at  Western  Illinois
    No contract shall be entered into or obligation  incurred
for any expenditures from appropriations made in this Section
of  this  Article  until  after the purposes and amounts have
been approved in writing by the Governor.

    Section 54.  The amounts of $22,000,000  and  $1,900,000,
or  so much thereof as may be necessary and remain unexpended
at  the  close  of  business  on  June  30,  2000,  from   an
appropriation  and reappropriation heretofore made in Article
16, Section 41 of Public Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999, as
amended, are reappropriated from the Coal Development Fund to
the Department of Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  for  the
purpose  of  providing  partial  funds  for planning, design,
engineering and testing, and construction of a low  emissions
boiler system for Illinois high-sulfur coals.
    No  contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred
for any expenditure from appropriations made in this  Section
of this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been
approved in writing by the Governor.

    Section 55.  The amount of $4,500,000, new appropriation,
is  appropriated,  and  the amount of $11,100,000, or so much
thereof as may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the
close  of  business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation
heretofore made in Article  16,  Section  45  of  Public  Act
91-20,  approved  June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated
from the Coal Development Fund to the Department of  Commerce
and Community Affairs for the purpose of providing a grant to
the   City   of   Springfield   for   the  planning,  design,
engineering, testing, construction and other associated costs
for a scrubber to reduce sulphur dioxide and other emissions.
    No contract shall be entered into or obligation  incurred
for  any expenditure from appropriations made in this Section
of this Article until after the purpose and amounts have been
approved in writing by the Governor.

                    COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT
    Section 56.  The following  named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may be necessary, respectively, for the purposes
named, are appropriated to the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs:
  Payable from Federal Moderate Rehabilitation
   Housing Fund:
    For housing assistance payments
     including Reimbursement of
     prior year costs .......................... $  1,600,000
  Payable from Energy Administration Fund:
   For Grants to and Technical Assistance
    Services for Nonprofit Community
    Organizations Including Reimbursement for
    costs in prior years .......................   17,500,000
    Total                                         $19,100,000

    Section 57.  The sum of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such  purpose in Article 16, Section 78f of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for all costs associated  with  the  construction  of
Vision Home.

    Section  58.  The  sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 16, Section 77 of Public Act
91-20,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the   Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  the  City  of  Savanna  to  provide
infrastructure  for  a  lodge  to  be constructed adjacent to
Mississippi Palisades State Park.

    Section 59.  The sum of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 16, Section  78g  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose  of  making  grants  to  community
organizations,    not-for-profit   corporations,   or   local
governments  linked  to  the  development  of  job   creation
projects   that   would   increase  economic  development  in
economically depressed areas within the state.

    Section 60.  The sum of $814,300, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such  purpose in Article 16, Section 149 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose  of  making  grants  to  community
organizations and units of local government.

    Section 61.  The  amount  of  $120,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof   as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the
Department of Commerce and Community  Affairs  from  the  Low
Income  Home Energy Assistance Block Grant Fund for grants to
eligible  recipients  under  the  Low  Income   Home   Energy
Assistance  Act of 1981, including reimbursement for costs in
prior years.

    Section  62.  The  amount  of  $90,015,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated   to   the
Department   of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from  the
Supplemental Low-Income Energy Assistance Fund for grants and
administrative expenses pursuant to Section 13 of the  Energy
Assistance  Act  of  1989,  as  amended, including prior year

    Section 63.  The following named amount of  $160,000,000,
or  so  much  thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to
the Department of Commerce and  Community  Affairs  from  the
Community  Development/Small  Cities  Block  Grant  Fund  for
grants  to  local  units  of  government  or  other  eligible
recipients as defined in the Community Development Amendments
of  1981  for  Illinois cities with populations under 50,000,
including reimbursement for costs in prior years.

    Section 64.  The following named amount  of  $45,000,000,
or  so  much  thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated to
the Department of Commerce and  Community  Affairs  from  the
Community  Services  Block  Grant Fund for grants to eligible
recipients as defined in the Community Services  Block  Grant
Act, including reimbursement for costs in prior years.
    No  more  than  15%  of  the funds allocated to Community
Action  Agencies  and  other  local  recipients   under   the
Community  Services  Block  Grant,  may  be  required  by the
Department to be utilized to implement  programs  established
by the Department.

    Section  65.  The  following named amount of $173,200, or
so  much  thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  and  as   remains
unexpended  at  the  close  of business on June 30, 2000 from
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 16, Section 51 of
Public Act 91-20, approved  June  7,  1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated  from  the  Illinois Civic Center Bond Fund to
the Department of Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  for  the
payment   of   grants   on   projects   certified  under  the
Metropolitan Civic Center Support  Act  for  construction  of
civic centers.

    Section  66.  The  following named amount of $20,015,200,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from
the Public Infrastructure Construction Loan Revolving Fund to
the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community Affairs for the
purpose of grants,  loans,  investments,  and  administrative
expenses  in  accordance with Article 8 of the Build Illinois

    Section 67.  The amount of $160,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary, is appropriated from the Agricultural
Premium Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs for the ordinary and contingent expenses of the Rural
Affairs Institute at Western Illinois University.

    Section  68.  The  sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission  for
projects designed to assist with regional planning issues.

    Section 69.  The amount of $2,000,000, or so much thereof
as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Energy
Assistance Contribution Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce
and  Community  Affairs  for  the  administration  and  grant
expenses for energy assistance programs, including prior year

    Section  70.  The  sum of $15,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Large  Business
Attraction  Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of grants,  loans,  investments,  and
administrative  expenses in accordance with Article 10 of the
Build Illinois Act.

    Section 71.  The sum of $814,444, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community Affairs for
a  grant   to   WTTW-TV   in   Chicago   for   digitalization

    Section  72.  The  sum of $814,444, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community Affairs for
a   grant   to   WTVP-TV   in   Peoria   for   digitalization

    Section  73.  The  sum of $814,444, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a  grant  to  WMEC-WQEC-WSEC  in  Macomb-Quincy-Jacksonville-
Springfield for digitalization infrastructure.
    Section 74.  The sum of $30,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 145 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the Village of  Sheldon
for completion of the community center.

    Section  75.  The  sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 147  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the purpose of a grant to the City of Hillsboro
for all costs associated with a sports complex.

    Section 76.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 148 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to  the  Hillsboro  School
Community Unit School District #3 for remodeling construction
of a new building.

    Section 77.  The sum of $4,000,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
the  purpose of making grants to community organizations, for
not-for-profit corporations, or local governments  linked  to
the  development of job creation projects that would increase
economic development in economically depressed  areas  within
the state.

    section  78.  The  following  named  amounts,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the
close  of  business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations
heretofore made for such purposes in  Article 16, Section 108
of Public Act 91-20, as amended, are reappropriated from  the
General  Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Commerce and
Community Affairs for grants to the following:
  Illinois Hispanic Scholarship Fund
   for General Operations and Freshman
   Educational Programs ........................ $     30,000
  Spanish Action Community of Chicago for
   General Operations and Capital
   Improvements ................................       25,000
  Humboldt Park Youth Development Program
   for General Operations and Educational
   Programs ....................................       20,000
  Puerto Rican Chamber of Commerce for
   General Operations, Training and
   Development Programs ........................       20,000
  Bethesda Human Resources for General
   Operations and Youth Programs ...............       15,000
  East Village Association for General
   Operations and Community Services ...........       15,000
  Old Wicker Park Community Council for
   General Operations and Community
   Services ....................................       15,000
  Association House of Chicago for Direct
   Support for Programs at Humboldt
   Elementary School and Related Community
   Programs at the School ......................       15,000
  Second-Generation Organization for
   Youth for General Operations and Youth
   Education Programs ..........................       30,000
  Latin United Community Housing Association
   for General Operations and Homeowners
   Insurance Programs ..........................       25,000
  Ruiz Belvis Cultural Center for General
   Operations and Youth Educational
   Programs ....................................       20,000
  World Art Expressions, Inc. for General
   Operations and Youth Community Art
   Programs ....................................       20,000
    Total                                            $250,000

    Section 79.  The sum of $700,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000 from appropriations heretofore made
for such purpose in Article 16, Section  103  of  Public  Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
the purpose of a grant to the Village of Dolton for all costs
associated with the construction of a swimming  pool  in  the
Village of Dolton.

    Section  80.  The  sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business on June 30, 2000 from appropriations heretofore made
for  such  purpose  in  Article 16, Section 106 of Public Act
91-20, as amended, is reappropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
the  purpose  of a grant to the Chicago Park District for all
costs associated with acquisition,  development,  renovation,
repair  or  construction  and equipment for a regional indoor
athletic facility.
    Section 81.  The sum of $150,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 110 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose  of  a  grant  to   the   Westside
Association for community action projects.

    Section  82.  The  sum of $396,307, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 112  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose  of various improvements for local
governments and educational facilities.

    Section 83.  The sum of $150,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 113 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the Town of Cicero  for
infrastructure relocation.

    Section  84.  The  sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 115  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose of a grant to the City of O'Fallon
for a new Conference Center.

    Section 85.  The sum of $50,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 116 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant  to  the  Village  of  St.
Joseph for a computer system park area upgrade.

    Section  86.  The  sum  of $53,042, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 118  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose of a grant to the Village of Lyons
for an elevator for the old village hall.

    Section 87.  The sum of $250,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 122 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the City of Murphysboro
for a youth recreation center.

    Section 88.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 119 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the Village of  Chatham
for recreation and play equipment.

    Section 89.  The sum of $3,800, or so much thereof as may
be  necessary  and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 120 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of  a  grant  to  Warren  County  for
infrastructure improvements at the fairgrounds.

    Section  90.  The  sum of $550,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 123  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the purpose of a grant to the Village of Dolton
for various equipment purchases.

    Section 91.  The sum of $25,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 125 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the Village of  Harwood
Heights  for  the  purchase  of  equipment and infrastructure

    Section 92.  The sum of $50,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 126 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the City of Chicago for
a median landscaping planter on Halsted Avenue between  103rd
Street and 107th Street.

    Section  93.  The  sum of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 128  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the purpose of a grant to the Village of Vernon

    Section 94.  The sum of $100,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 146 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the City of Sparta  for
all  costs  associated  with  Phase II of the Main and Market
Street Renovation Project.

    Section 95.  The sum of $625,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 143 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of an economic development  grant  to
the Cahokia Development Authority to purchase and develop the
Parks College campus site in Cahokia, Illinois.

    Section   96.  In   addition   to   any   other   amounts
appropriated,  the sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 130  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose of a grant to the City of O'Fallon
for a new conference center.

    Section 97.  The sum of $45,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 135 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of  a  grant  to  the  Summit  Public
Library District for library improvements.

    Section  99.  The  sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 132  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs  for  the  purpose of a grant to the Champaign County
Fair Association for grandstand improvements at the Champaign
County Fairgrounds.

    Section 100.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and as remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from  reappropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purpose in  Article 16, Section 140 of Public
Act 91-20, as amended, is  reappropriated  from  the  General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to the City of Carterville
for all costs  associated  with  infrastructure  improvements
including access to John A. Logan College.

    Section  101.  The  sum of $18,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and as remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from reappropriations heretofore
made for such purpose in  Article 16, Section 141  of  Public
Act  91-20,  as  amended,  is reappropriated from the General
Revenue Fund to the  Department  of  Commerce  and  Community
Affairs for the purpose of a grant to Prairie State Community
College  for  capital  improvements  and  the installation of
lights at the recreation area.

                     ENERGY CONSERVATION

    Section 102.  The following named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof   as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for expenses and
grants connected with Energy Programs, including  prior  year
  Payable from Institute of Natural
   Resources Federal Projects
   Grant Fund ..................................$   2,002,200
  Payable from Petroleum Violation
   Fund ........................................$   7,143,300

    Section  103.  The  following  named  amounts, or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to   the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for expenses and
grants  connected  with  the  State Energy Program, including
prior year costs:
  Payable from:
   Exxon Oil Overcharge
    Settlement Fund ................................$  25,000
   Federal Energy Fund ..........................$  3,420,800

    Section 104.  The  amount  of  $10,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof   as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  from   the
Renewable  Energy  Resources  Trust  Fund  for grants, loans,
investments and  administrative  expenses  of  the  Renewable
Energy Resources Program, including prior year costs.

    Section  105.  The  amount  of  $5,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof   as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs from the  Energy
Efficiency  Trust Fund for grants and administrative expenses
relating  to  projects  that   promote   energy   efficiency,
including prior year costs.

    Section  106.  The  sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is  appropriated  from  the  Alternative
Fuels  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and Community
Affairs for administration and grant expenses of the  Ethanol
Fuel Research Program, including prior year costs.

                        DEBT SERVICE

    Section  107.  The following named amount of $14,418,700,
or so much thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from
the  Illinois  Civic Center Bond Retirement and Interest Fund
to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for  the
payment  of  principal  and  interest and premium, if any, on
Limited Obligation  Revenue  Bonds  issued  pursuant  to  the
Metropolitan Civic Center Support Act.


    Section  108.  The amount of $795,195, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June   30,   2000   from   appropriations   and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 16, Section 64 of
Public  Act  91-20,  approved  June  7,  1999, as amended, is
reappropriated  from  the  Coal  Development  Fund   to   the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs for capital
development of coal resources.
    No contract shall be entered into or obligation  incurred
from  any expenditures from appropriations made in Section 65
of this Article until after the  purposes  and  amounts  have
been approved in writing by the Governor.

    Section  109.  The  amount  of  $7,039,300,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, and as remains unexpended at the
close  of  business  on June 30, 1999 from appropriations and
reappropriations heretofore made in Article 16, Section 65 of
Public Act 91-20, approved  June  7,  1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated   from   the  Coal  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs   for   the
development of other forms of energy.
    No  contract shall be entered into or obligation incurred
for any expenditures from appropriations made in  Section  66
of  this  Article  until  after the purposes and amounts have
been approved in writing by the Governor.
    Section 110.  The following named  amounts,  or  so  much
thereof   as  may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs:
  For refunds to the Federal Government and other refunds:
   Payable from Urban Planning
    Assistance Fund ............................ $     50,000
   Payable from Local Government
    Affairs Federal Trust Fund .................       50,000
   Payable from Federal Industrial
    Services Fund ..............................       50,000
   Payable from Energy Administration
    Tuition Fund ...............................      300,000
   Payable from Federal Moderate
    Rehabilitation Housing Fund ................       50,000
   Payable from Low Income Home
    Energy Assistance Block
    Grant Fund .................................      600,000
   Payable from Community Services
    Block Grant Fund ...........................      170,000
   Payable from Community Development/
    Small Cities Block Grant Fund ..............      300,000
    Payable from the International
     and Promotional Fund ......................       50,000
    Total                                          $1,620,000

    Section 111.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs from the General Revenue  Fund
for  all costs relating to The Center for Safe Food for Small
Business at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

    Section 112.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 150 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Village of Arlington Heights for land acquisition.

    Section  113.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 151  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Plainfield for a new village hall.

    Section 114.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 152 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the City of Darien for land acquisition improvements.

    Section  115.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 153  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Lemont for land acquisition and improvements.
    Section 116.  The sum of $2,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 154 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Village of Glen Ellyn to purchase/redevelop Marynoll.

    Section  117.  The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 155  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Piper City for a new community building.

    Section 118.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 156 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Elmwood Park Public Library.

    Section  119.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 157  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Leyden   Township    for    firehouse/civic    center    land

    Section  120.  The sum of $790,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 158  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Champaign Park District to renovate the Virginia Theater.

    Section 121.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 159 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City  of  Urbana  for  the  planning  and  architectural
services for the library.

    Section  122.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 162  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the  Village  of  Smithton  for  the  purpose  of  purchasing

    Section 123.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 163 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Ruma  for  the  purpose  of  infrastructure

    Section  124.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 164  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of New Athens for the purpose  of  infrastructure

    Section  125.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 165 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Irvington for the
purpose of purchasing a police car.

    Section 126.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 166 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  St.  Libory  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  127.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 167 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Village of Oakdale for the purpose of
all costs associated with constructing a sidewalk from school
to park.

    Section 128.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 168 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Baldwin  for  the purpose of infrastructure

    Section 129.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 169 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Village  of  Coulterville  for  the purpose of infrastructure

    Section 130.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 170 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Village   of   Hecker   for  the  purpose  of  infrastructure

    Section 131.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 171 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Hoyleton  for the purpose of infrastructure

    Section 132.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 172 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
City of Ashley for all costs associated with improvements for
City Hall.

    Section  133.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 173  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Village of Fayetteville for  the  purpose  of  infrastructure

    Section  134.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 174  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Addieville for the purpose  of  infrastructure

    Section  135.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 175 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to Village of Radom for the purpose of
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 136.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 176 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Village of New Minden for the  purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  137.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 178 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Village of Prairie Du Rocher for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements  and  fire  department

    Section  138.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 179 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  grant  to  Rialto  Theater  for  all  costs
associated with general repairs and maintenance.

    Section 139.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 180 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Joliet  Senior  Services  Center  for  the  purchase  of  new
equipment and all associated costs.

    Section  140.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 181  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Will/Grundy County Medical Clinic for the purpose of costs to
renovate facility.

    Section 141.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 182 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June  7,  1999,   as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the City of Ottawa for the
purpose of all costs associated with economic development.

    Section 142.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 183 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June  7,  1999,   as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Spring Valley
for  the  purpose  of  all  costs  associated  with  downtown

    Section 143.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 184 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999; as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Streator for  the  purpose
of all costs associated with economic development.

    Section  144.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 185 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of LaSalle for the purpose of
all costs associated with the construction of a new library.

    Section  145.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 186 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Streator for the purpose
of all costs associated  with  maintenance  of  the  swimming

    Section  146.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 187  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the City of Mendota for the purpose of all  costs  associated
with the industrial park development.

    Section  147.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 188 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the Greater Washington Park
Community for all costs  associated  with  the  Job  Training

    Section  148.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 189  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Village  of  Seatonville  for  the  purpose  of   all   costs
associated with the construction of a new Village Hall.

    Section  149.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 190 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Dalzell for the purpose
of  all  costs  associated  with  water  tower  painting  and

    Section  150.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 191  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Granville for the purpose of  construction  of
storage facilities and concession building at the high school

    Section  151.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 192 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the Good Shepherd Community
Services Organization.

    Section 152.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 193 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  O'Hare  Airport  for  all   costs
associated with the O'Hare Security Project.

    Section  153.  The amount of $205,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 194 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to Village of Niles for the purpose of
all costs associated with streetscaping and lighting on Touhy

    Section 154.  The amount of $80,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 195 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Cerro  Gordo Community Ambulance for the purpose of all costs
associated with the construction of a new ambulance garage.

    Section 155.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 196 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Piatt County Emergency  Telephone  for
all costs associated with a new emergency radio system.

    Section  156.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 197 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to East Nelson Township for the purpose
of all costs associated with a new township garage.

    Section 157.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 199 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City of Sullivan for the purpose of all costs to upgrade
the city pool, and renovate the Civic Center.

    Section 158.  The amount of $18,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 200 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Moultrie County  for  the  purpose  of
purchasing new computer equipment.

    Section  159.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 201 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Maeystown  Fire
Department for the purpose of purchasing equipment.

    Section  160.  The amount of $150,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 202  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Cooks Mill Fire Protection District for the  construction
of a new fire department.

    Section  161.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 204 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Sullivan Fire Protection District
for all costs associated with new fire equipment.
    Section 162.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 205 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the the Village  of  Hammond  for  all
costs associated with a water tower and lift station.

    Section  163.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 206 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Freeburg Fire Protection District
for the purpose of purchasing equipment.

    Section 164.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 207 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Marissa for the purpose
of purchasing equipment for the fire department.

    Section 165.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 208 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Chester for the purpose of
purchasing equipment and/or a thermal imaging camera for  the
fire department.

    Section  166.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 209 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Midwest Center for Labor Research for
the purpose of all costs associated  with  job  creation  and

    Section  167.  The amount of $252,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 210 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Grundy County Housing Authority.

    Section  168.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 211 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Custer Park Fire Protection District
for all costs associated with training and equipment.

    Section 169.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 212 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Coal City for the purpose of infrastructure

    Section 170.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 213 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Village   of   Essex   for   the  purpose  of  infrastructure

    Section 171.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 214 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Village of Buckingham for the
police department.

    Section 172.  The amount of $12,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 215 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Coal City Senior Citizens Club for the
purpose of roof replacement and facility improvements.
    Section 173.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 216 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Braceville  Fire  Protection  District
for the purpose of training and equipment.

    Section  174.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 217 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Village of Braceville for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 175.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 219 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  Bourbonnais  for  all
costs  associated  with the purchase and placement of warning
lights for school crossing safety.

    Section 176.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 220 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of  Waukegan  for  all  costs
associated  with  acquiring  Genesse  Theater  as part of the
Waukegan Redevelopment Project Area.

    Section 177.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 223 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  Kell  for  all  costs
associated   with  infrastructure  improvements  and  capital

    Section 178.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 224 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Hoffman for  all  costs
associated   with  infrastructure  improvements  and  capital

    Section 179.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 225 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City  of  North  Chicago  for  all
costs associated with downtown development.

    Section  180.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 226 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to Habitat for Humanity for all costs
associated with Waukegan housing, construction or renovating.

    Section 181.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 228 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Limestone Township for the purpose of constructing a township

    Section  182.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 229 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to South Wilmington Fire Department all
costs associated with equipment and training.

    Section 183.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 230 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Minooka Fire Protection  District  for
all costs associated with training and equipment.

    Section  184.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 231 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Morris Fire Department for all
costs associated with training and equipment.

    Section 185.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 232 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Salina  Township  Fire  Department
for all costs associated with training and equipment.

    Section  186.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 233 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Marseilles Elementary School District
#150 for the purpose of paving the parking lot.

    Section 187.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 234 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for

Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Bourbonnais  Police
Department   for  all  costs  associated  with  completing  a
dispatch and communications center.

    Section 188.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 235 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Minooka for  all  costs
associated with correcting the flooding problem at Industrial

    Section  189.  The amount of $150,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 236 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the City of Salem Community

    Section 190.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 237 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of St. Elmo for all  costs
associated   with  infrastructure  improvements  and  capital
    Section 191.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 238 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Village  of  Brownstown  for  all
costs associated with infrastructure improvements and capital

    Section  192.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 239 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of St. Peter for all costs
associated   with  infrastructure  improvements  and  capital

    Section 193.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 240 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
York  Township Public Library for the purpose of construction
an addition to the Library building.

    Section 194.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 241 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of  Morrison  for  all  costs
associated with street rehabilitation project.

    Section  195.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 242 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the City of Fulton for the purpose of
redesigning, remodeling, and renovating tourist attractions.

    Section 196.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 243 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the City of Moline for all costs associated with construction
and improving the Library/Learning Center.

    Section  197.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 244 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a one-time grant to Parkview Lutheran School for
all costs associated with enhancing  after  school  programs,
sports, tutoring, and purchasing computers.

    Section  198.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 245 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Independence Park Advisors Council
for  all  costs  associated  with  historical light poles and
facade improvements.

    Section 199.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 246 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the   Kilbourne   Park   Baseball
Association   for   all   costs   associated  with  acquiring
equipment, bleachers, and fees for needy families.

    Section 200.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 247 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Greater  Northwest
Development Corporation for all costs associated with  facade
related programs, YMCA recreation space, and office space.

    Section  201.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 248 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Irving Park Garden Club for all costs
associated with  materials  for  beautification  projects  in
neighborhood and planter boxes.

    Section 202.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 249 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Mercer  County  YMCA  for  the
purchase of equipment.

    Section  203.  The amount of $118,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 250  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Joy  Community  Fire  Protection  District  for   all   costs
associated  with  replacing  the  old fire station with a new

    Section 204.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 251 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Coyne Center Fire Protection  and  EMS
District for the purpose of purchasing a pumper/tanker.
    Section  205.  The amount of $459,400, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 252  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Rock Island Fitness and Activity Center for  the  purpose
of renovating and expansion.

    Section  206.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 253 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Galewood-Montclare Garden Club for
all  costs  associated  with  beautification  of  residential
neighborhood and business area.

    Section  207.  The  amount of $45,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 254 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the Belmont Central Chamber
of  Commerce  to  enhance  business   programs   within   the

    Section  208.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 255 of Public Act 91-20, approved

June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Galewood-Montclare
Community Organization.

    Section  209.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 256 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Montclare-Elmwood Park Chamber of
Commerce  for  all  costs  allocated  with  Montclare-Elmwood
streetscaping and lamp post banners.

    Section 210.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 257 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Woodlawn East  Community  &  Neighbors
for all costs associated with the Lekotek play library.

    Section  211.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 258 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time grant to the South Shore Chamber of

    Section 212.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 259 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Lawrence Hall Youth Services  for  the
purpose of building renovation, and enhancement at 7812 South
Shore Drive.

    Section  213.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 260 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Coalition for Improved Education
in South Shore.

    Section 214.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 261 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce for
the purpose of general operating expenses, including, but not
limited to, program  expenses,  salaries,  and  miscellaneous

    Section  215.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 262 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Chicago Park District for the
purpose of landscaping and restoration of a  field  house  at
Mt. Vernon Park.

    Section 216.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 263 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Calumet Township for  the  purpose  of
purchasing  office  equipment,  a computer, and renovation of
Senior Center lounge.

    Section 217.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 264 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Mount  Greenwood  Chamber  of
Commerce  for  the purpose of making street improvements, and
installation of historic street lights.

    Section 218.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 265 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to  the  Foster  Park  Community
    Section 219.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 266 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Simpson for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 220.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 267 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Stonefort  for  the
purpose  of rehabilitating and renovating the fire department
and purchasing equipment.

    Section 221.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 268 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Carrier Mills  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 222.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 269 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of  Grand  Chain  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  223.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 270 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Eldorado for the purpose
of purchasing a fire truck and equipment.

    Section 224.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 271 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the City  of  Harrisburg  for
the purpose of developing and maintenance of a soccer field.

    Section  225.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 272 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Goreville for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 226.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 273 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Village  of  Buncombe  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  227.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 274  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Thebes for construction of a new fire building
and infrastructure improvements.

    Section 228.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 275 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Muddy for  the  purpose
of  renovating  and  remodeling  a  small  business incubator
building and a bike trail.

    Section 229.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 276 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Williamson County for infrastructure
improvements in the Village of Crab Orchard.
    Section 230.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 277 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of New Burnside for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 231.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 278 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Village of Spillertown for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 232.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 279 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City  of  Shawneetown for purchasing a new bay for truck
and other equipment.

    Section 233.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 280 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Saline County  Sheriff  Department
for   the  purpose  of  purchasing  a  15-passenger  prisoner
transport van.

    Section 234.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 281 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Old Shawneetown for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 235.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 282 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Junction for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 236.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 283 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Village of Mill Creek for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 237.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 284 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Dongola Fire Department
for equipment.

    Section 238.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 285 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Alexander  County  for  infrastructure
improvements in the Village of Olive Branch.

    Section  239.  The  amount of $55,850, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 286 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Olmstead for fire
department equipment.

    Section 240.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 285 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Mounds Fire Department for
the purchase of a pumper.

    Section 241.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 286 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  City  of  Mound  City  for  the
purchase of fire department equipment.

    Section  242.  The amount of $411,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 287 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Saline County Economic Development for
the purpose of infrastructure improvements on Veterans Drive.

    Section  243.  The  amount of $70,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 288  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Hardin County Sheriff Department for the purpose of  jail
repair and equipment.

    Section  244.  The  amount of $14,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 289  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and Community Affairs for grants to
the following organizations:
  Brookport senior Citizens for repairs
   to building .................................       $2,500
  Shawneetown Senior Citizens for repairs
   and equipment.                                       2,000
  Whistlers and Whittlers Senior group for
   repairs to meeting facility .................        2,300
  Southern Illinois Cancer Survivors
   for assistance to cancer patients ...........        2,000
  Saline Association of Retarded Children
   for providing needs for the
   developmental disabled ......................        2,000
  Harrisburg Park District to repair
   baseball field ..............................        1,500
  Brookport Volunteer Fire Department
   to purchase equipment........................        1,700

    Section 245.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 290 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Alexander County to purchase and remodel an office building.

    Section 246.  The amount of $6,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 291 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Brookport  for  all  costs
associated   with  renovation  and  remodeling  of  a  senior
citizens building and purchasing equipment.

    Section 247.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 292 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the   Village   of   Joppa  for  the  purpose  of  replacing,
renovating, and/or constructing a  senior  citizens  building
and roof.

    Section 248.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 293 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Cypress for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 249.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 294 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  Wicker  Park Chamber of
Commerce for all costs associated with business programs.

    Section 250.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 295 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Sheffield Neighbors Association.

    Section 251.  The amount of $1,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 296 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  Active  Citizens  Team/Neighbors  on
Watch (A.C.T.N.O.W.).

    Section 252.  The amount of $1,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 297 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Haas Park Advisory Council for the
purpose of park renovations.

    Section 253.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 298 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the South Lake View Neighbors.

    Section 254.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 299 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Irish  Heritage  Center  for  all
costs associated with a library project.

    Section  255.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 300  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Lawrence Hall for all costs associated  with  remodeling  and
renovation of the Avers House.

    Section 256.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 301 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Peterson Pulaski Business
and Industrial Council for the purpose of  capital  programs,
and equipment.

    Section 257.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 302 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Sauganash  Community  for
the purpose of capital programs, and equipment.

    Section  258.  The  amount of $12,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 303 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Copernicus Foundation for all
costs associated with the parking lot resurfacing project.

    Section 259.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 304 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to the Hollywood North Park
Community Organization for the purpose of capital programs.

    Section 260.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 305 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Lawrence Hall for all costs associated
with a Hi-Tech program.

    Section 261.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 306 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time grant to the Korean Park Chamber of
Commerce for the purpose of capital programs, and equipment.

    Section 262.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 307 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Kagen Homes for the Blind for
capital technical purposes.

    Section 263.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 308 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the City of Chicago for a grant to
North Park Village for the  purpose  of  a  Senior  Community
Center Sidewalk and related capital projects.

    Section 264.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 309 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Gladstone Chamber of Commerce  for
all costs associated with capital programs, and equipment.

    Section 265.  The amount of $6,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 310 of Public Act 91-20, approved

June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant  to  the  Edgebrook  Chamber  of
Commerce  for all costs associated with capital programs, and

    Section 266.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 311 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  Lincoln Bend Chamber of
Commerce for all costs associated with capital programs,  and

    Section 267.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 312 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to  the  Jeff  Park  Chamber  of
Commerce  for all costs associated with capital programs, and

    Section 268.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 313 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the 17th District C.A.P.S. Patrol for
the purpose of purchasing a Neighborhood Patrol  2-Way  Radio
(CAPS) for the Community Policing Programs.

    Section 269.  The amount of $1,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 314 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to U.N.I.T.E.

    Section 270.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 315 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the Montrose-Irving Chamber
of Commerce for all costs associated with Business Programs.

    Section 271.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 316 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Bucktown Community

    Section 272.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 317 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the West DePaul Neighbors.

    Section 273.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 318 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the West Lake View Neighbors.

    Section 274.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 319 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Lake View Citizens

    Section 275.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 320 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Hamlin Park Neighbors.

    Section 276.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 321 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Roscoe Village Neighbors.
    Section 277.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 323 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Granite  Park  District  for  the  purpose  of infrastructure

    Section 278.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 324 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  City  of  Alton  for  all  costs
associated with Streetscape improvements.

    Section  279.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 325 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Bethalto for the
purpose of purchasing a thermal imaging system.

    Section 280.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 326 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Roxana  for  all  costs
associated with office equipment upgrades.

    Section  281.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 327 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Wood River for all costs
associated with replacing the salt shed.

    Section 282.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 328 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Village of East Alton for all
costs associated with a 911 upgrade.

    Section 283.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 329 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  East  Alton  for  the
purpose of purchasing a thermal imaging unit.

    Section 284.  The amount of $4,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 330 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Oak Forest Senior Center.

    Section 285.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 331 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Worth  for  all  costs  associated  with  a
recreation complex and ball fields.

    Section  286.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 332 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the City of Markham for
equipment and maintenance expenses at Sunset Park.

    Section 287.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 333 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Midlothian  Park
District for equipment and supplies.

    Section 288.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  and  remains  unexpended at the close of business on
June 30, 2000,  from  an  appropriation  heretofore  made  in
Article 16, Section 334 of Public Act 91-20, approved June 7,
1999,  as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Sertoma Job Training.

    Section 289.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 335 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of  Chicago  Ridge  for  a
commuter parking lot.

    Section  290.  The amount of $250,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 336  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the City of Palos Heights for:
  Architectural/Engineering Costs ....................$40,000
  Renovate and/or new construction for
   the Palos Heights Recreation Center ..............$210,000

    Section 291.  The amount of $125,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 337 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Oak Forest for the purpose

of purchasing an ambulance and equipment.

    Section 292.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 338 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for  a  one-time
grant  to  the Village of Posen for all costs associated with
streets, sewers, and water meters.

    Section 293.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 339 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Midlothian  for  all  costs associated with
constructing or repairing a water tower.

    Section 294.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 340 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Worth  for  all  costs  associated with the
rehabilitation of a fire station.

    Section 295.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 341 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of Palos Park for the purpose of constructing a
police station.

    Section 296.  The amount of $90,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 342 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of Alsip for the purpose of constructing a salt

    Section 297.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 343 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the South Side YMCA.

    Section 298.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 344 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Harris YWCA.
    Section 299.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 345 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Beautiful Zion Child Care Center
for the purpose  of  interior  and  exterior  renovation  and
playground equipment.

    Section  300.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 346 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Abraham  Lincoln Centre/Hope
Presbyterian Head Start  for  the  purpose  of  interior  and
exterior renovation and playground equipment.

    Section 301.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 347 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Villa Pri  for  all  costs  associated
with  interior  and  exterior  renovation  and for playground

    Section 302.  The amount of $95,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 348 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Blue Island Police Department for  all
costs  associated  for  a  ventilation  systems in the police
department shooting ranges.

    Section 303.  The amount of $90,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 350 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the   Village   of   Alsip  for  all  costs  associated  with
construction of a storage facility for road salt.

    Section 304.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 351 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Alsip Park District for
the purpose of purchasing computer equipment.

    Section 305.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 352 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Back of the Yards  for  all  costs
associated with economic development.
    Section  306.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 353 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to El Centro Del La Casa.

    Section  307.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 354 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a    grant to the Eighteenth Street Development
Corporation  for   all   costs   associated   with   business

    Section  308.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 355 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the National Center for Latinos with
Disabilities  for   all   costs   associated   with   capital

    Section  309.  The amount of $105,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 356 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community

Affairs  for a grant to the Village of Posen for the purchase
of ambulance equipment.

    Section 310.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 357 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Hazel Crest Park District
for all costs associated with the CORPS Program.

    Section 311.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 358 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Dolton Park District  for
all costs associated with the CORPS Program.

    Section  312.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 359 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Robbins Park District for
all costs associated with the CORPS Program.

    Section  313.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 360 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Country Club Hills Park District
for all costs associated with the CORPS Program.

    Section 314.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 361 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City  of  Markham  for  all  costs
associated with purchasing a station wagon and equipment.

    Section  315.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 362 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Phoenix Park District for all
costs associated with the CORPS Program.

    Section 316.  The amount of $60,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 363 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City  of  Markham  for  all  costs
associated  with purchasing and installing computers in squad

    Section 317.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 364 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Phoenix  Police
Department  for  all   costs   associated   with   purchasing

    Section  318.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 365 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Riverdale for the
Riverdale Juvenile Intervention Program.

    Section 319.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 366 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Markham  Park  District  for  all
costs associated with the CORPS Program.

    Section  320.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 367 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Chetwyn  Rodgers Development
Committee for all costs associated with job training.

    Section 321.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 368 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Joyce's  Fine  Arts  Academy  for  all
costs associated with job training.

    Section  322.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 369 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time grant to the Village of Park Forest
for all costs associated with Americans with Disabilities Act
compliance in Freedom Hall.

    Section 323.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 370 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Rich Township for the purpose
of operating and promoting Rich Unity Day.

    Section  324.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 371  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant to
the Village of Olympia Fields Park District for  the  purpose
of  new  land  acquisition  and construction of a building at
Iron Oaks Park.

    Section 325.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 372 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Sauk  Village  for  all
costs associated with baseball lights.

    Section  326.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 373 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Park Forest Fire
Department for the purpose  of  purchasing  a  self-contained
thermal imaging system for the Park Forest Fire Department.

    Section  327.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 374 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Village of Park Forest Police
Department for the purpose of purchasing  a  new  police  car
and/or canine vehicle.

    Section  328.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 375 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Illinois Theatre for all costs
associated with improvements to be  in  compliance  with  the
Americans   with   Disabilities   Act  and  other  structural
improvements to the new theater.

    Section 329.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 376 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of South  Chicago  Heights
for the purpose of public safety improvements.

    Section  330.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 377 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Flossmoor for the
purpose of purchasing new equipment for the fire department.

    Section 331.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 378 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Chicago  Heights  for  the
purpose  of  purchasing  a  thermal  imaging  camera  for the
Chicago Heights Fire Department.

    Section 332.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 379 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Steger for the  purpose
of new fire equipment for the Miller Woods Fire Department.

    Section  333.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 380 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of South Chicago Heights
for the purpose of purchasing fire safety equipment.

    Section 334.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 381 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Sauk Village for the
purpose of purchasing police vests.
    Section 335.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 382 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Leadership Evanston.

    Section 336.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 383 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Centre East Metropolitan Exposition Auditorium and Office
Building  Authority  for all costs associated with facilities

    Section 337.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 384 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Illinois  Technology  Enterprise
Corporation   for   the   Technology   Innovation  Center  at
Northwestern University, Evanston Research Park.

    Section 338.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 385 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Spring  Grove  for  the
purchase of police vehicles.

    Section  339.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 386 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Woodstock for the
purpose of repairs to bandstand and gazebo.

    Section 340.  The amount of $1,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 387 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Spring Grove for the
purchase of bullet proof vests for police.

    Section 341.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 388 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Association of  Retarded  Citizens  of
Lansing for the purpose of expanding the facility.

    Section  342.  The  amount of $16,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 389 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Ford Heights for the
purpose of purchasing snowblowers.

    Section 343.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 390 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Chicago  Heights  for  the
purchase of playground equipment at Thornwood Apartments.

    Section  344.  The amount of $115,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 391 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Ford Heights for the
purchase of police cars.

    Section 345.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 392 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Ford  Heights  for  the
purpose  of  replacing  a heating and cooling station for the
police station.
    Section 346.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 394 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Ford  Heights  for  the
purpose  of  purchasing  airpacts, tools, personal protective
equipment, and communication devices.

    Section 347.  The amount of $24,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 395 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Ford  Heights  for  the
purchase  and  installation  of  surveillance equipment and a
dispatch work station.

    Section 348.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 396 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  one-time  grant  to  Success  Center  for  the
purchase  of office equipment, printing, and an anti-violence

    Section 349.  The amount of $84,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 397 of Public Act 91-20, approved

June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Village  of  Thornton  for  the
purchase of squad cars, a brush fire truck and equipment.

    Section  350.  The  amount of $95,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 398 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Glenwood for the
purpose of landscaping and infrastructure improvements around
the new village hall.

    Section 351.  The amount of $70,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 399 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Ford  Heights  for  the
purchase of an ambulance.

    Section  352.  The  amount of $45,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 400 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Lynwood for the purpose
of   furnishing   and   installation   of   equipment  for  a
senior/youth center.
    Section 353.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 401 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Lansing for  all  costs
associated with furnishing and installation of new carpeting,
computers,  public  announcement  system,  and  furniture for
youth center.

    Section 354.  The amount of $125,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 402 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Village of Glenwood for the purpose of constructing a new
field house and baseball diamond.

    Section  355.  The amount of $115,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 403  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Lansing Old Timers Sports  Complex  for  the  purpose  of
constructing a concession stand.

    Section  356.  The amount of $115,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 404 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of East Hazel Crest for
the purchase of a fire truck.

    Section 357.  The amount of $70,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 405 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Lynwood Fire  Department  for  the
purchase  of  a  brush fire truck and 4 wheel drive emergency

    Section 358.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 406 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Chicago Public Building Commission for the purpose of all
costs  associated with the construction of a community center
in Rogers Park.

    Section 359.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 407 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Centre   East   Metropolitan
Exposition  and  Office Building Authority for the purpose of
soundproofing and other structural improvements at Northlight

    Section 360.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 408 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City  of  Evanston  for  all  costs  associated with the
planning and construction of recreational facilities.

    Section 361.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 409 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Fairview Heights  for  the
purchase of police cameras and/or computers.

    Section  362.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 410 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Fairview Heights for the
purchase of police cars.

    Section 363.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 411 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Maryville for all costs
associated with park projects and equipment.

    Section 364.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 414 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Swansea  for  the
purchase of police cameras and/or computers.

    Section  365.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 415 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Swansea for the
purchase of turn out gear and equipment for fire departments.

    Section 366.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 416 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Swansea for  all  costs
associated  with  lighting  and  recreation equipment for the
    Section 367.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 417 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Maryville  for  the
purchase of a police car.

    Section  368.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 418 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Edwardsville Township for all
costs   associated   with   township   parks,  projects,  and

    Section 369.  The amount of $60,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 420 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  City  of  Edwardsville  for  the
purpose of emergency siren repair and additions.

    Section  370.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 421 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  City of Edwardsville for the
purchase of six police mobile data units and other equipment.

    Section 371.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 422 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Lewis and Clark Community College  for
all costs associated with environmental cleanup, preservation
of  facilities,  program  development,  and planning for N.O.
Nelson site in Edwardsville.

    Section 372.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 423 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  City  of  Collinsville  for  the
purchase of auto light bars for police vehicles.

    Section  373.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 424 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Collinsville Recreation District for
the purpose of park development and equipment purchase.

    Section 374.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of

business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 425 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Fairview Heights  for  the
purchase of emergency sirens.

    Section  375.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 426 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Fairview Heights for the
purpose of all costs  associated  with  Long  Acre  Park  and

    Section  376.  The amount of $110,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 427 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Hollywood Heights Fire Department
for the purchase of a fire truck.

    Section 377.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 429 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Collinsville  Township  Highway
Department   for  the  purchase  of  a  back  hoe  and  other

    Section 378.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 430 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to St. Clair Township for the purchase of
a tandem truck for the sewer department.

    Section 379.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 431 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Fairview Heights  Fire  Department
for the purchase of turnout gear for explorers and other fire

    Section  380.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 432 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Caseyville Township for the purchase
of a tractor and/or mower.

    Section 381.  The amount of $110,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 433 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Glen Carbon Fire Protection District for the construction
of a new facility.

    Section  382.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 434 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for grants to the following organizations:
  City of Edwardsville for renovation
   of the museum at the Historic
   LeClaire School .............................       30,000
   City of Collinsville for Blum
   House renovations ...........................       20,000

    Section  383.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 435 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to Collinsville Township for all costs
associated  with  senior  center  expansion,  equipment,  and

    Section 384.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 436 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  City  of  Collinsville  for  the
purpose of a radio system upgrade for police.

    Section  385.  The amount of $150,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 437 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the Goodman Theatre for aid
in operation for student subscription services.

    Section 386.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 438 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Gryphon Foundation.

    Section 387.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 439 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Erickson  Institute  for  research
about children.

    Section  388.  The amount of $225,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 440 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Auditorium Theater
Council for all costs associated with programs,  restoration,
and renovations.

    Section  389.  The  amount of $87,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 441 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Frank Hren Park for the development of
a memorial park.

    Section  390.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 442 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant to the Eckart Park Neighbors

    Section 391.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 443 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Duncan  YMCA  for   signage,
landscaping,    equipment,   operational   and   programmatic
    Section 392.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 444 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  New  City  YMCA  for the purpose of all costs associated
with building expansion.

    Section 393.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 445 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the  Lakefront  SRO  for  all
costs  associated  with general support of the South Loop Job
Training and Employment Center.

    Section 394.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 446 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Major  Adams  Youth  and  Family
Development  for  all  costs  associated with an academic and
music education enrichment initiative including  purchase  of
equipment, facility renovation, and contractual services.

    Section 395.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 447 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Graceland  West  Organization
for the purpose of member services and community visibility.

    Section  396.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 448 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant to Lincoln Square Chamber of
Commerce for the purpose of  member  services  and  community

    Section  397.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 449 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  Northcenter  Chamber of
Commerce for the purpose of  member  services  and  community

    Section  398.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 450 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time grant to Uptown Chamber of Commerce
for all costs associated with community projects and  general

    Section  399.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 451 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Children's Memorial Hospital for
the Joan Arai Middle School Fund for  the  development  of  a
school health clinic.

    Section  400.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 452 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the American Indian Health Service for
general operating expenses.

    Section  401.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 453 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Ravenswood Industrial Council for all
costs associated with manufacturing area  revitalization  and
community development.

    Section  402.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 454 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  Ravenswood  Chamber  of

    Section 403.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 455 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Greater Rockwell Organization
for member services and community visibility.

    Section 404.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 456 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to  the  Chicago  Area  Gay  and
Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

    Section  405.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 457 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to the Asian American Small
Business Association.

    Section 406.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 458 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to UPRAVE.

    Section  407.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 459 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Uptown  Community
Development Corporation.

    Section 408.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 460 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Cuban American Chamber of

    Section 409.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 461 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Office  of  Puerto  Rican
    Section  410.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 462 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Old  Wicker  Park

    Section 411.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 463 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Illinois  Hispanic
Scholarship Fund.

    Section 412.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 464 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Spanish Action  Community

    Section  413.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 465 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to the Near Northwest Civic

    Section 414.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 466 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Mexican American  Chamber
of Commerce.

    Section  415.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 467 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Puerto Rican Parade Committee for
all costs associated with infrastructure projects  and  civic
center programs.

    Section  416.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 468 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the North Lawndale YMCA for youth
development and career counseling.

    Section 417.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 469 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the East St.  Louis  Community  Action
Network for the purpose of planning for millennium project.

    Section 418.  The amount of $4,010, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 470 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the American Indian Heritage Festival.

    Section 419.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 471 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time  grant  to  the  Ravenswood  Community

    Section  420.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 472 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the Children's Memorial
Hospital for  the  Joan  Arai  Middle  School  Fund  for  the
development of a school health clinic.

    Section  421.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 473  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Maywood Boys and Girls Club for second floor improvements.

    Section 422.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 474 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the Southport Neighbors

    Section 423.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 475 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the East Village Association.

    Section 424.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 476 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant  to  the  Guatemala  Chamber  of

    Section  425.  The amount of $175,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 477  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated  from  Capital   Development   Fund   to   the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the  Village  of  Merrionette  Park  for   the   purpose   of
constructing a police station.

    Section  426.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 478 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to Norwood Park Garden Club for costs
associated with plantings along the Blue Star memorial.

    Section 427.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 479 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Calumet City Fire  Department  for
the  joint  task  force  on fireworks, including advertising,
personnel, printed materials, and other related costs.

    Section 428.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 480 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the African  Trade  Pavilion  for  all
costs  associated  with  opportunities for trade with African

    Section 429.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 481 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Time Dollar Computer  Program  for
all  costs  associated  with  computers in every household in

    Section 430.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 483 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Austin Chamber of Commerce for all
costs  associated  with  the   Transit   Oriented   Community
Development Project.

    Section  431.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 484 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Chetwyn Rodgers Development Committee
for all costs  associated  with  job  training,  and  general
support, and center for development enterprise.
    Section  432.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 485 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Oak Park for the
purpose of restoring the Ernest Hemingway Home.

    Section 433.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 486 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Keystone B.C. for all costs associated
with building a Keystone Community Center.

    Section 434.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 487 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of Maywood for capital improvements for village

    Section 435.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 488 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Lincoln-Belmont YMCA for all costs
associated with a preschool center.

    Section 436.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 489 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to the Lake View Chamber of
Commerce for the purpose of business programs.

    Section 437.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 490 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time grant to the Holstein Park Advisory

    Section 438.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 491 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Center for Enriched Living for all
costs associated with building a facility.

    Section 439.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 492 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Addieville Fire Department for

    Section 440.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 493 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Hoyleton Fire Department for

    Section 441.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 494 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Ashley  Fire  Department  for

    Section  442.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 495 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Nashville Fire Department for

    Section 443.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 496 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Okawville  Fire  Department  for

    Section 444.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 497 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Irvington  Fire  Department  for

    Section  445.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 498 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant to Coal City Fire Protection
District  for  all  costs  associated   with   training   and

    Section  446.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 499 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of Pontoon Beach for all
costs associated with computer equipment updates.
    Section 447.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 500 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Original Kaskaskia Area Wilderness
(OKAW)  for  all  costs associated with conservation measures
along Kaskaskia River.

    Section 448.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 501 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Smithton  Fire  Department  for

    Section  449.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 502 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Lenzburg Fire Department for

    Section 450.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 504 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  one-time  grant  to  the  United  Neighborhood

    Section  451.  The amount of $800,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 506 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Mary  Brown  Center for all costs
associated with building repairs.

    Section 452.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 507 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Steeleville  to
resurface  and  renovate  tennis  courts   and   other   park

    Section 453.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 508 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Venedy  for  all  costs
associated with infrastructure improvements.

    Section 454.  The amount of $4,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 509 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Gallatin County Tourism  Committee
for all costs associated with tourism promotion.

    Section  455.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 510 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Tiano Dance Ensemble for the purpose
of purchasing a van.

    Section 456.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 511 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Fantasia Juvenile Dance  Ensemble  for
the purpose of purchasing a van.

    Section  457.  The amount of $122,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 512 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Chicago Park District for all
costs associated with  landscaping  at  Jackson  Park  Wooded
    Section  458.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 513 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Evansville  for
infrastructure improvements and capital projects.

    Section 459.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 514 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Randolph  County  Tourism

    Section 460.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 515 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to  the  Monroe  County  Tourism

    Section 461.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 516 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Washington County Tourism

Committee for all costs associated with program expansion.

    Section 462.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 517 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Boys and Girls Club of Decatur for
purchasing computer equipment/software.

    Section 463.  The amount of $26,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 518 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Misercordia Heart  of  Mercy  for  the
purpose of building/transportation improvements.

    Section 464.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 519 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Sauganash  Park  Improvement
Association for all costs associated with landscaping.

    Section 465.  The amount of $80,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 520 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Montgomery  County  Fair  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  466.  The amount of $115,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 521 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the City of Staunton for all costs
associated with bleachers.

    Section 467.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 522 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Peotone Fire Department
for the purchase of a rescue vehicle.

    Section 468.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 523 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Will Township  Highway  Department
for equipment.

    Section  469.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 524 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the City of Momence for all costs
associated with the Admiral Boorda Memorial.

    Section 470.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 525 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Village  of  Chebanse  for  the
purpose of Civic Center repairs.

    Section 471.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 526 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Deerfield Optimists  Club
for the purpose of special projects.

    Section  472.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 527 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Family Services of South Lake County
for all costs associated with computerizing the office.

    Section 473.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 528 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Rotary Club of Highland Park for
all costs associated with special projects.

    Section 474.  The amount of $11,150, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 529 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Aptakisic-Trip School District 102 for
all costs associated with 911 compliance.

    Section 475.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 530 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Buffalo Grove  for  the
purpose  of  street lighting at Buffalo Grove Road and Dundee

    Section 476.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 531 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Village of Buffalo  Grove
for all costs associated with a senior center.

    Section  477.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 532 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Deerfield for all costs
associated with a retention basin.

    Section  478.  The  amount of $85,500, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 533 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Del Mar Woods for the purpose of all
costs associated with drainage improvements.

    Section 479.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 534 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Centralia  Cultural
Society for all costs associated with general operations.

    Section  480.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 535 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Sexual Assault and Family Emergencies
for the purpose of equipment and infrastructure improvements.

    Section 481.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 536 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Eugene Field Civil Organization
for the purpose of capital projects, and equipment.

    Section 482.  The amount of $85,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 537 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City  of  North  Chicago  for  the
purpose of a new ambulance.

    Section  483.  The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 538  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the City  of  Lake  Forest  for  all  costs  associated  with
renovation, repair, and remodeling of senior housing.

    Section  484.  The  amount of $37,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of

business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 539 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Village of Green Oaks for the
purpose of safety improvements.

    Section 485.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 540 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Rockland Fire Department  for  the
purpose of purchasing a new fire truck.

    Section  486.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 541 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Waukegan Township for the purpose of
purchasing a handicap van.

    Section 487.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 542 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Night  Ministry  for  all  costs
associated with transportation assistance.
    Section  488.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 543 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to Lake View Citizens Council for the
purpose of park rehabilitation.

    Section 489.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 544 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Beverly Area Planning Association
for all costs  associated  with  housing  and  weatherization

    Section  490.  The  amount of $80,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 545 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Kinmundy for the purpose
of water tower restoration.

    Section 491.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 546 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community

Affairs  for  a grant to North Mayfair Community Organization
for the purpose of capital programs.

    Section 492.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 547 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Albany Park Community Organization
for the purpose of all costs  associated  with  developing  a
Small Business Development Center.

    Section  493.  The amount of $300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 548 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Homewood for the
purpose of a grant to the Southgate T.I.F.

    Section 494.  The amount of $275,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 549 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Country Club Hills for all costs associated
with street lighting and construction of a municipal garage.

    Section 495.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 550 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time  grant  to  the  Sertoma  Center-Palos
Hills for the purpose of equipment and services.

    Section  496.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 551 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to Sertoma Center-Homewood for
the purpose of equipment and services.

    Section 497.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 553 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  YMCA  at  I-80  for  the  purpose  of

    Section  498.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 554 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a one-time grant to Sertoma Center-Alsip for the
purpose of equipment and services.
    Section 499.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 555 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Southwest Metro Investigators for  the
purpose  of all costs associated with a website for Southwest
Suburban Police Departments.

    Section 500.  The amount of $125,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 556 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Community Kitchen Meet and Eat for all
costs associated with facility expansion to provide meals for
elderly and needy.

    Section 501.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 557 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Shelter Care  Ministries  for  all
costs  associated  with  expansion  of  Jubilee  Center which
serves adults with mental illnesses.

    Section 502.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 558 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Pittsburg for the
purpose  of  all   costs   associated   with   infrastructure

    Section  503.  The  amount of $70,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 559 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the City of Creal Springs for the
purpose of all costs associated with sidewalks and playground

    Section 504.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 560 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Pulaski for the purpose
of purchasing a police car and equipment.

    Section 505.  The amount of $38,650, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 561 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Pope County Sheriff Department for
the  purpose  of  all  costs   associated   with   purchasing
    Section  506.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 562 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Metropolis for the purpose
of all costs associated with infrastructure improvements.

    Section  507.  The amount of $350,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 563  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Johnston County for the purpose of all costs associated  with
infrastructure improvements.

    Section  508.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 565 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of Tamms for the purpose
of all costs associated with infrastructure improvements.

    Section 509.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 566 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Marion for the purpose  of
all costs associated with infrastructure improvements.

    Section  510.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 567 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of Elizabethtown for the
purpose of all  costs  associated  with  fire  equipment  and
infrastructure improvements.

    Section  511.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 568 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the City of Rosiclare for the purpose
of all costs associated with additions onto the firehouse and
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 512.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 568a of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Illinois Delta Empowerment Zone, Inc. for the purpose of
all costs associated  with  the  office  building,  including
    Section  513.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 569 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the McClure/East Cape Fire Department
for the purpose of all costs associated  with  infrastructure

    Section  514.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 570 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Tamms Volunteer Fire District for
the purpose of all costs associated with  a  fire  truck  and

    Section  515.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 571 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Cave-in-Rock for the
purpose of all costs associated with repairing a  fire  truck
and purchasing equipment.

    Section  516.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 572 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Eddyville for the
purpose  of  all   costs   associated   with   infrastructure

    Section  517.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 573 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Loyola Park Fieldhouse for the
purpose of all costs associated with the Sensory  Garden  and
landscaping for migratory birds.

    Section  518.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 574 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to the Edgewater Chamber of

    Section 519.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 575 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Rogers  Park  Development Corporation for the purpose of
operational expenses, salaries,  office  equipment,  and  the
purchase  and  installation of a telephone system and network
computer system.

    Section 520.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 576 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Edgewater Development  Corporation
for the purpose of commercial revitalization projects.

    Section  521.  The amount of $250,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 577  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the  City  of  Herrin  for  the  purpose  of   infrastructure
improvements and equipment.

    Section  522.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 578 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the City of New Haven for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements and equipment.

    Section 523.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 579 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the   City  of  Benton  for  the  purpose  of  infrastructure
improvements and equipment.

    Section 524.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 580 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the 79th Street  Business  Association
for  all costs associated with development and implementation
of programs to promote commerce.

    Section 525.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 581 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the 87th Street  Business  Association
for the purpose of development and implementation of programs
to promote commerce awareness/visibility in the community.

    Section  526.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 582 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Lawrence Hall Youth Group for the
purpose of renovation of Essex Home for abused girls.

    Section 527.  The amount of $300,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 583 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Fulton   County   for  the  purpose  of  restoration  of  the
Courthouse's 100 year old clocktower.

    Section 528.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 584 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Tri  County   Regional   Planning
Commission  for  the  purpose  of  all  costs associated with
watershed  planning  and  technical   assistance   to   local

    Section  529.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 585 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a one-time grant to the Growth Task Force of the
Tri County Regional Planning Commission.

    Section 530.  The amount of $54,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 586 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Bartonville  Police
Department  for  the  purpose  of  mobile  data terminals for
police cars.

    Section 531.  The amount of $60,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 587 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Peoria Fire Department for
the purpose of purchasing IRIS helmets.

    Section 532.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 588 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Peoria Heights Police Departments  for
the purpose of purchasing laptop computers for squad cars.

    Section  533.  The amount of $125,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 589  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village  of  Hebron  for  the  purpose  of  purchasing  a

    Section  534.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 590 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Village of Bull Valley for the
purpose of the renovation of Stickney House.

    Section 535.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 591 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one time grant to the Village of Ringwood for
the purpose of all costs associated with general support.

    Section 536.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 592 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Harvard for the purpose of
sidewalk improvements.

    Section 537.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 593 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of McHenry for the purpose of
purchasing computer equipment for the Police Department.

    Section 538.  The amount of $2,300, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 594 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Village of Island Lake for the
purpose of police radios.

    Section 539.  The amount of $37,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 595 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  City  of  Woodstock   Police
Department for the purpose of equipment.

    Section  540.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 596 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of Oakwood Hills for the
purpose of purchasing police car computers.

    Section 541.  The amount of $18,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 597 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to McHenry  County  for  the  purpose  of
purchasing a six-wheel police vehicle.

    Section  542.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 598  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
McHenry County for all costs associated with  constructing  a
children's waiting room in the courthouse.

    Section  543.  The amount of $130,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 599 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Woodstock for the
purpose of  intersection  improvements,  including,  but  not
limited  to  cross  walk  installation  and  the purchase and
installation of two pedestrian crossing signs.

    Section 544.  The amount of $55,200, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 600 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Prairie Grove  for  the
purpose of police equipment.

    Section  545.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 601 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Spring Grove for the
purpose of purchasing a truck with snow plow.

    Section 546.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 602 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Village of Island Lake for the
purpose of all costs associated with  purchasing  police  car
video cameras.

    Section  547.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 603 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Fox River Valley
Gardens for the purpose of purchasing police cars.

    Section 548.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 604 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of  Bull  Valley  for  the
purpose of police vehicles.

    Section  549.  The  amount of $65,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 605 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Village of Hebron for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 550.  The amount of $24,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 606 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Johnsburg  for  the
purpose of computers for police cars.

    Section  551.  The  amount of $24,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 607 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of McCullom Lake for the
purpose  of  purchasing  computers  for  squad  cars   and/or

    Section  552.  The  amount of $80,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 608 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the City of Woodstock for the purpose
of purchasing police vehicles.

    Section 553.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 609 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Family Service  and  Community  Mental
Health  Center  for  the  purpose of capital improvements and
purchase of a van for offices in  City  of  McHenry  and  the
Village of Algonquin.

    Section 554.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 610 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Spring  Grove  for  the
purpose of improvements to the Municipal Center.

    Section  555.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 611 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Harvard for the purpose of
purchasing police vehicles.

    Section  556.  The  amount of $43,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 612  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Richmond for the  purpose  of  remodeling  and
renovating Memorial Hall.

    Section  557.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 613  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
City of Woodstock  for  the  purpose  of  City  Hall  capital

    Section  558.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 614 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Richmond for the
purpose of  street  improvements,  median  installation,  and
purchase and installation of lighting.

    Section 559.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 615 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to City of Harvard for the purpose of all
costs associated with mobile radar unit.

    Section 560.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 616 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the  Proviso  Leyden  Council
for  Community  Action,  Inc.  for  all costs associated with
general operating costs.

    Section 561.  The amount of $55,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 617 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
East  St.  Louis  Township  for  the  purpose  of  all  costs
associated   with   rehabilitation  and  renovation  for  old

    Section 562.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 618 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Learning Network Center.

    Section 563.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 619 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Little Village Chamber of Commerce
for  the  purpose  of  all  costs  associated  with  business
initiatives promotion.

    Section 564.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 620 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the 47th Street  Chamber  of  Commerce
for  the  purpose  of  all  costs  associated  with  business
initiatives promotion.

    Section  565.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 621 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a  grant  to  the  Little  Village  Community
Development Corporation Group for the purpose  of  all  costs
associated   with   Block   Club   organization  efforts  and
    Section 566.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 622 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Brighton Park  Neighborhood  Community
Council  for  the  purpose of all costs associated Block Club
organization efforts and initiatives.

    Section 567.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 623 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Agency Metropolitan  Program  Services
for  all  costs  associated  with  16th  Street Redevelopment

    Section 568.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 624 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to 24th Ward  Business  Organization  for
all  costs  associated  with  housing development in the 24th

    Section 569.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 625 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Waterloo for  the  purpose
of purchasing fire equipment.

    Section  570.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 626 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Ellis Grove for fire
department equipment.

    Section 571.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 627 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of   Lenzburg   for
infrastructure improvements.

    Section  572.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 628 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Evansville Fire
Department for equipment.

    Section 573.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 629 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Percy  Fire  Department
for equipment.

    Section  574.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 630 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to City of Red Bud for costs associated
with  the  purchase  of  fire  department  equipment  and  an
emergency warning system.

    Section 575.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 631 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City  of  Sparta  for the purpose of improvements at the
Teen Center, fire department, and senior center.

    Section 576.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 632 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Carter Woodson Library for the
purpose of silk tree replacements and interior renovations.

    Section 577.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 633 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a  grant  to  the  West  Chatham  Improvement
Association for  all  costs  associated  with  Little  League

    Section  578.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 634 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the City of Columbia for all costs
associated with park improvements and stormwater management.

    Section 579.  The amount of $80,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 635 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Tolono  Fire  Protection  District
for a new fire truck.

    Section  580.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 636 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  grant  to  City  of  Spring  Valley  Police
Department for purchasing equipment.

    Section 581.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 637 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Freeburg for all  costs
associated with community building improvements.

    Section  582.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 638 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to Marissa Township for the purpose of
building improvements.

    Section 583.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 639 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Shobonier for all costs
associated with bridge replacement.

    Section 584.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 640 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of St. Peter for all costs
associated with walking path and park improvements.

    Section  585.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 641 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of Bartelso for the
purpose of sidewalk improvements and construction.

    Section 586.  The amount of $1,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 642 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Ravenswood  Manor
Improvement Association.

    Section 587.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 643 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to the Lincoln Park Chamber of
Commerce for all costs associated with business programs.
    Section 588.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 644 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to  the  Kedzie/Elston  Business
and Industrial Council for all costs associated with business

    Section  589.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 645 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Center for Neighborhood Technology
for all costs associated with urban issues research.

    Section  590.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 646 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Albany Park Community Center.

    Section  591.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 647 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Beaucoup  Township  for equipment

    Section 592.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 648 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Ashley  Township  for   equipment

    Section  593.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 649 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  grant  to  DuBois  Township  for  equipment

    Section 594.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 650 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Bolo   Township   for   equipment

    Section  595.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 651 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Nashville  Township for equipment

    Section 596.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 652 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  Millstadt  Township  for  equipment

    Section  597.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 653 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  New Athens Township for equipment

    Section 598.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 654 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  Lenzburg  Township  for  equipment

    Section  599.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 656 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Stookey  Township  for  equipment

    Section  600.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 657 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  New Athens Fire
Department for equipment.

    Section 601.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 658 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Millstadt  Fire
Department for fire equipment.

    Section 602.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 659 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Village  of  St.  Libory  Fire
Department for equipment.

    Section  603.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 670 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Fayetteville Fire
Department for equipment.

    Section 604.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 671 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Hecker Fire  Department
for equipment.

    Section  605.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 672 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Columbia for fire fighting

    Section  606.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 673 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Baldwin Community Fire Protection
District for equipment.
    Section 607.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 674 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Steeleville  Fire
Department for equipment.

    Section  608.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 675 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Village of Tilden Fire Department
for equipment.

    Section 609.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 676 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Village  of  Coulterville  Fire
Department for equipment.

    Section  610.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 677 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Lincoln Park Trolley.
    Section  611.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 678 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Greenville College for the purpose of
all costs associated  with  infrastructure  improvements  and
telecommunications improvements.

    Section  612.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 679 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Wilberton Township for the purpose of
all costs associated with equipment.

    Section 613.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 680 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Homewood-Flossmoor  Park  District
for  all costs associated with Iron Oaks land acquisition and
construction of a building.

    Section 614.  The amount of $182,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 681 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Litchfield  Sports  Complex for the purpose of all costs
associated with renovating and construction  of  a  building,
restrooms, concession stands, and parking lot.

    Section  615.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 682 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Village of White City for the
purpose  of  all   costs   associated   with   infrastructure

    Section  616.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 683 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the City of Gillespie for the purpose
of all costs associated  with  fixing  and  upgrading  tennis

    Section  617.  The amount of $225,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 684 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the City of Gillespie for the purpose
of  all  costs  associated  with  a  fire  truck  and   other

    Section  618.  The amount of $425,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 685  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the City of Pana for the purpose of all costs associated with
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 619.  The amount of $600,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 686 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City  of  Taylorville  for  the  purpose  of  all  costs
associated with infrastructure improvements and equipment.

    Section  620.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 687 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Village of Harvel for the purpose
of all costs associated with sidewalks.

    Section 621.  The amount of $32,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 688 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Olive Fire Protection District for
the purpose of all costs associated with equipment.

    Section 622.  The amount of $200,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 689 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Staunton Fire Protection  District
for  the purpose of all costs associated with purchasing fire

    Section 623.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 690 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Hillsboro for the  purpose
of all costs associated with infrastructure improvements.

    Section  624.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 691 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the City of Staunton for the purpose
of a grant to the Soccer Association for all costs associated
with lights for the soccer field.
    Section 625.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 692 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Litchfield  Park  District
for  the purpose of all costs associated with improvements to
the park district.

    Section 626.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 693 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Litchfield for the purpose
of all costs associated with a firehouse.

    Section 627.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 694 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Macoupin-County  ESDA  for  the
purpose of purchasing equipment.

    Section  628.  The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 695  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Midland Fire Protection District for the purpose  of  all
costs associated with a firehouse.

    Section  629.  The amount of $350,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 696  of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Mt. Olive Fire Protection District for the purpose  of  a

    Section  630.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 697 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Chicago Ridge Park District for
the purpose of all costs associated with  repairs  to  public
swimming pool.

    Section 631.  The amount of $1,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 698 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant   to   Lathrop   Resident   Management
Corporation for all costs associated with Lathrop Safe Summer
Fun Day.
    Section  632.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 699 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Dolton Park District for all costs
associated  with  playground  equipment  for  the Dolton Park

    Section 633.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 700 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Dolton Park District for  the  purpose
of  a  matching  grant  for  a  bicycle  path for Dolton Park

    Section 634.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 701 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  Roseland  Little  League  Baseball
Association for all costs associated with constructing and/or
repairing  a  little league baseball field at 125th Place and
Michigan Avenue.

    Section 635.  The amount of $300,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 702 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Meyerling   Park  District  for  the  purpose  of  facilities

    Section 636.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 703 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to African Trade Pavilion Project.

    Section 637.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 704 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a one-time grant to St. Clair County Cooperative
Extension  Service  for  all  costs  associated   with   home
extension and youth programs.

    Section 638.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 705 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Washington County Cooperative
Extension  Service  for  all  costs  associated   with   home
extension and youth programs.
    Section 639.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 706 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant  to  Monroe  County  Cooperative
Extension   Service   for  all  costs  associated  with  home
extension and youth services.

    Section 640.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 707 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a one-time grant to Randolph County Cooperative
Extension  Service  for  all  costs  associated   with   home
extension and youth programs.

    Section  641.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 708 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to North Pullman Development Association
for all costs associated with a feasibility study.

    Section 642.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 709 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Village  of  Pocahontas  for  the
purpose of park improvements.

    Section  643.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 710 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to Village of Smithboro for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements and capital projects.

    Section 644.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 711 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to City of Vandalia for  the  purpose  of
infrastructure improvements and capital projects.

    Section  645.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 712 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Village of Steger for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 646.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 713 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Flossmoor  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  647.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 714 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the City of Chicago Heights for the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 648.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 715 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Sauk  Village  for  the
purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  649.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 716 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Village of Crete for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 650.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 717 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Village of Park Forest for the purpose
of infrastructure improvements.

    Section 651.  The amount of $300,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 718 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Markham Park District.

    Section 652.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 719 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Gardner for the purpose
of repairing railroad crossings.

    Section 653.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 720 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  City  of  Granite  City  Street
Department for all costs associated with equipment.
    Section  654.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 721 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Granite City Park District
for the purpose of infrastructure improvements.

    Section  655.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 722 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to Nameoki Township for the purpose of
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 656.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 723 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Infinity Cultivation  Center  for  the
purpose of job training.

    Section  657.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 734 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Hazel Crest Park District for the
purpose of a Little League program.

    Section 658.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 735 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Hazel Crest Park District.

    Section 659.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 736 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  Oak  Forest  for  the
purpose of public works.

    Section  660.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 737 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Markham Park District for the purpose
of a Little League program.

    Section 661.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 738 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Village  of  Riverdale  for  the
Riverdale Juvenile Intervention Program.

    Section  662.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 739 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a one-time grant to the Association of Community
Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) of  Little  Village  for
all   costs   associated   with   Block   Club  creation  and
Neighborhood Watch programs.

    Section 663.  The amount of $450,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 740 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Little  Village  YMCA of Pilsen for all costs associated
with construction of a new building.

    Section 664.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 741 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to Crete Township for all  costs
associated  with home owners associations' initiatives within
Crete Township.
    Section 665.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 742 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Olympia  Gardens  Volunteer  Fire
Protection District for all costs associated with equipment.

    Section  666.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 743 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Chicago Southland Chamber
of   Commerce   for   all   costs  associated  with  economic

    Section 667.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 744 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of  Percy  for  all  costs
associated   with  infrastructure  improvements  and  capital
projects and to purchase equipment.

    Section 668.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 745 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Fayette  County  Fair  Association
for  all  costs  associated with County Fair construction and

    Section 669.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 746 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Sandover Fire Protection  District
for   all   costs   associated   with   a   thermal   imaging

    Section  670.  The amount of $600,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 747 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a one-time grant to the City of Sandoval for the
purchase of equipment.

    Section 671.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 748 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the South Central Mass Transit for all
costs  associated  with   land   acquisition   and   building
    Section  672.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 749 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Clinton  County Agricultural
Association  for  all  costs  associated  with  County   Fair
construction and improvements.

    Section  673.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 750 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Bond County Fair Association for
all  costs  associated  with  County  Fair  construction  and

    Section 674.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 751 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Centralia  for  all  costs
associated with improvements to the Laura Leek Park.

    Section  675.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 752 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the City of Carlyle for all costs
associated  with  infrastructure  improvements  and   capital

    Section  676.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 753 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Marion County Fair Association for
all  costs associated with County Fair construction and other

    Section 677.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 754 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the following organizations:
  Sexual Assault and Family Emergencies
   for building acquisition .................... $    225,000
  Huey Ferrin Shattec Volunteer Fire
   Department for equipment purchase ...........       25,000

    Section 678.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 755 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Village of Roscoe Chamber
of Commerce for all costs associated with business programs.

    Section 679.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 756 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Chicago Park District for
all costs associated with staff, uniforms, and equipment  for
10 week baseball league mentoring program at Fernwood Park.

    Section 680.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 757 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant  to  the  City  of  Blue  Island
Police  Department  for  all  costs associated with community
policing services.

    Section 681.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 758 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Tinley Park Mental  Health  Center
for expenses related to refurbishment of the facility.

    Section  682.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore

made in Article 16, Section 759 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Albany Park Community Organization
for the purpose of funding improvement projects at facilities
operated by the organization.

    Section  683.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 760 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Operation Uplift Inc. for the purpose
of funding facility improvements.

    Section 684.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 761 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Rebecca Crown Center for  expenses
related to various repairs and upgrades to the center.

    Section  685.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 762 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Hegewisch Chamber of Commerce for
the purpose of providing assistance to office rehabilitation.
    Section 686.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 762 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to City of Woodstock for the  purpose  of
purchasing playground equipment.

    Section  687.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 763 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Harvard for the purpose of
all costs associated with the AYSO program.

    Section  688.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 764 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of McHenry for the purpose of
purchasing police department equipment.

    Section  689.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 765 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to McHenry County Housing Authority for
the purpose of an emergency shelter.

    Section 690.  The amount of $250,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 766 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  City  of  Harvard  for  the  purpose  of  constructing a

    Section 691.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 767 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to West Lawn Chamber of Commerce for  the
purpose of purchasing commodities and equipment.

    Section  692.  The amount of $300,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 769 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  Support  a  Child  International,  Inc. for the
purpose of an African economic and cultural exchange program.

    Section 693.  The amount of $240,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 770 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Jewish Federation of  Metropolitan
Chicago  for  the  purpose  of  all costs associated with the
transition to a single site for the EZRA Multi-Service Center
in the City of Chicago.

    Section 694.  The amount of $157,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 771 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June  7,  1999,  as amended, necessary is reappropriated from
the Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department  of  Commerce
and Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Hometown for
the  purpose  of  funding  Phase  II  of  the  renovation  of
Patterson Park.

    Section 695.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 772 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Sertoma  Center-Alsip  for  the
purpose of building and transportation improvements.

    Section  696.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 773 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Garden Center for the Handicapped for
the purpose of building and program improvements.
    Section 697.  The amount of $8,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 774 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to PARC of Westchester, Illinois for the
purpose of building and program improvements.

    Section 698.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 775 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Chicago  Youth  Centers  for  all
costs   associated   with   juvenile   justice  and  violence
protection programs.

    Section 699.  The amount of $120,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 776 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Village  of  Chicago  Ridge  Fire
Department for the purpose of a new ambulance.

    Section  700.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 777 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Mujeres Latinas en Accion for all
costs associated  with  rehabilitation  and  construction  of
facility for battered women.

    Section  701.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 778 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Village of LeMoille for all costs
associated with replacing sidewalks.

    Section 702.  The amount of $80,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 779 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Village  of  Equality  for  all  costs  associated  with
building and water line improvement.

    Section  703.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 780 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to St. Agnes for all costs associated
with   the   summer   youth   enrichment   and   recreational

    Section 704.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 781 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Howe Development  Center  to  purchase
and upgrade media equipment.

    Section  705.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 782 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the Hijos de Boriquen Dance Ensemble
for all costs associated with the purchase of a van.

    Section 706.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 783 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Country Club Hills.

    Section 707.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 784 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Ullin for  the  purpose
of sidewalks and infrastructure improvements.
    Section  708.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 785 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Riverdale for the
purpose of equipment for the police department.

    Section 709.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 786 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Village  of  Midlothian  for  all
costs associated with public works.

    Section  710.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 787 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Village of Hazel Crest for the
purpose of equipment for the police department.

    Section 711.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 788 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Village of Mulberry for all costs
associated with downtown improvements.

    Section 712.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 789 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Village of Vernon for all costs
associated with downtown improvements.

    Section 713.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 790 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to 15th Ward Crimestoppers Organization.

    Section 714.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 791 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Red  Bud  Senior  Center  for  the
purpose of purchasing a van for senior transportation.

    Section  715.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 792 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community

Affairs   for   a  grant  to  the  Japanese-American  Service
Community of Chicago.

    Section 716.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 793 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to  the  Korean-American  Senior  Center,

    Section  717.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 794 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Christian Churches Caring.

    Section  718.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 795 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Hyde Park Neighborhood Club for
the purpose of purchasing a van for senior transportation.

    Section 719.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 796 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Beverly  Morgan  Park  Seniors

    Section  720.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 797 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Mt. Greenwood Salvation Army.

    Section  721.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 798 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Phoebes Place.

    Section 722.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 799 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to St. Paul's House.

    Section 723.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 800 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Lake Forest.

    Section 724.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 801 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Homewood.

    Section 725.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 802 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Smithton  Senior  Center  for  the
purpose of building improvements and/or purchasing equipment.

    Section  726.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 803 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Sparta Senior Center for the
purpose of purchasing a van for senior transportation.

    Section 727.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 804 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Columbia  Senior  Center  for  the
purpose of purchasing a van for senior transportation.

    Section  728.  The  amount of $45,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 805 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Millstadt Senior Center for the
purpose of purchasing a bus that  has  the  ability  to  lift

    Section  729.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 806 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a grant to the New Athens Senior Center for the
purpose of purchasing a van  and/or  operating  expenses  for
senior transportation.

    Section  730.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 807 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Chester  Senior Site for the
purpose of purchasing a van for senior transportation.

    Section 731.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 808 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Washington County Senior Services  for
the purpose of purchasing kitchen and delivery equipment.

    Section  732.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 809 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for  a  grant  to  the  Western  Eqyptian  Economic
Opportunity  Council  for  expenses   related   to   building

    Section  733.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 810 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Chesterfield Community Council.

    Section  734.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 811 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Steeleville Senior Citizen Center for
the purpose of purchasing a van.
    Section 735.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 812 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Norwood Park Seniors Network.

    Section 736.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 813 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Norwood Park Seniors Network  for  the
purpose of purchasing a lift truck.

    Section  737.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 814 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the United Neighborhood Organization.

    Section  738.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 815 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Edwardsville Senior Center for the
purchase of computers, equipment, and furnishings.
    Section  739.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 816 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to Orland Township for the purpose of
purchasing two cars, and to repair existing fleet.

    Section 740.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 816 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Rich Township.

    Section 741.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 817 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Mounds City.

    Section 742.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 818 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Hardin County.

    Section 743.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 819 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Pope County.

    Section 744.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 820 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Shawnee College for the  Happy  Hearts
Senior Citizens.

    Section 745.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 821 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Harrisburg.

    Section 746.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 822 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Eldorado.

    Section 747.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 823 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Carrier Mills.

    Section 748.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 824 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Golden Diner Program.

    Section 749.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 825 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Operation Brotherhood Senior Center.

    Section 750.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 826 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Westside Ministers Conference for  the
purchase  of  computer  equipment  and  training programs for

    Section 751.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 827 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Robert Taylor Boys and Girls Club.

    Section 752.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 828 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Manhood Shelter Incorporated.

    Section 753.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 829 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Taylor Organization Youth Services.

    Section 754.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 830 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the South Side Educational Center.

    Section 755.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 831 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Southside Occupational Academy.

    Section 756.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 832 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Abbey  Foundation  for   its
scholarship fund.

    Section  757.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 833 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Introspect Youth Services.

    Section  758.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 834 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Chicago Urban League.

    Section 759.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 835 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Belwood Neighborhood Watch Scholarship

    Section 760.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 836 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the  Von  Humboldt  Community
Center  for  all  costs  associated with local school council
directed programs-parent training and support.

    Section 761.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 837 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Roberto Clemente Community Academy
for all costs associated with  local  school  council  direct
programs and student awareness projects.

    Section  762.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 838 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Northwest Neighborhood Federation
Education Advocacy.

    Section 763.  The amount of $80,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 839 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Mexican Community Committee.

    Section 764.  The amount of $70,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 840 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Le Pensuer.

    Section 765.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 841 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Hate Crime Victims Foundation.

    Section 766.  The amount of $6,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 842 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Jewish Federation of Peoria.

    Section  767.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 843 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Lawrence Hall Youth Services of Rogers

    Section  768.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 844 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Rogers Park Community Council.

    Section  769.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 845 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Chicago Women with AIDS Project.

    Section  770.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 846 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Campaign for a Drug Free West

    Section 771.  The amount of $175,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 847 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Community Human Services, Inc.

    Section 772.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 848 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Malcolm X Community College.

    Section 773.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 849 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Learning Network Center programs.

    Section 774.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 850 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Interfaith  Council  for  the

    Section  775.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 851 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Human  Resource  Development

    Section  776.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 852 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a   grant  to  the  24th  Ward  Businessman's

    Section 777.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 853 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to S.S. Health Consortium.

    Section 778.  The amount of $180,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 854 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Support a Child International.

    Section 779.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 855 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Metropolitan Family Services.

    Section 780.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 856 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the P.A.S.S. Center.

    Section 781.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 857 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Southwest Community Services.

    Section 782.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 858 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Crisis Center for South Suburbia.

    Section 783.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 859 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to South Suburban P.A.D.S.

    Section 784.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 860 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the South Suburban Family Shelter.

    Section 785.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 861 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the National Polish Alliance.

    Section  786.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 862 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a   grant   to   the  Albany  Park  Community

    Section 787.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 863 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Skokie Park District.
    Section 788.  The amount of $257,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 864 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Open Hand.

    Section 789.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 865 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Northern  Illinois  Council  on

    Section 790.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 866 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Misercordia.

    Section 791.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 867 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Haven Youth and Family Services.

    Section 792.  The amount of $85,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 868 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a  grant  to  AGAPE  Youth  Services  and  Family
Support Services.

    Section  793.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 869 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Diane's Community Shelter.

    Section  794.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 870 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the I AM ABLE Foundation.

    Section  795.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 871 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Campaign for a Drug Free Westside.

    Section  796.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 872 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to the Rogers Park Community Council for
the purpose of funding early childhood programs.

    Section 797.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 873 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Metro East Domestic Violence

    Section 798.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 874 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Neighborhood Boys and Girls Club.

    Section 799.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 875 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one time grant to the Vietnamese Association of

    Section 800.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 876 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Cambodian Association of Illinois.

    Section 801.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 877 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Asian American Institute.

    Section 802.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 878 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a one time grant to the South East Asia Center.

    Section 803.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 879 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Women's Treatment Center.

    Section 804.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 880 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Campaign for a Drug Free Westside.

    Section 805.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 881 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Campaign for a Drug Free  Westside
for DJ Kids Youth.

    Section  806.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 882 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Austin Youth League.

    Section  807.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 883 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the University of Illinois at Chicago.

    Section 808.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 884 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to M.A.D.D.

    Section 809.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 885 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Our Lady of Good Counsel Teen.

    Section 810.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 886 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Union League Boys and Girls Club.

    Section 811.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for  such purposes in Article 16, Section 887 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Chicago Public Schools for the purpose of funding school
based safety initiatives.

    Section 812.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 888 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Holy Cross Church.

    Section 813.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 889 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the St. Vincent DePaul Center.

    Section 814.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 890 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  LeClaire  Hearst   Community
Center/Hull House.

    Section  815.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 891 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Crusaders of Justice.

    Section  816.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 892 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Youth Advantage, Inc.

    Section  817.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 893 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to St. Basils.

    Section  818.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 894 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a   grant   to   the  Alliance  Logan  Square

    Section 819.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 895 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Logan Square YMCA.

    Section 820.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 896 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for grants to the following organizations:
  Guardian  Angel  for  the  renovation      of   residential
programs .........................................$    25,000
  Will  County  Child  Advocacy Center for    computer(s) and
equipment .........................................    25,000

    Section 821.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 897 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  Cornerstone  for  the  purpose  of
modifying heating, air conditioning, and sprinkler systems.

    Section  822.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 898 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Easter Seals organization.

    Section  823.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 899 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to United Cerebral Palsy (UCP).

    Section  824.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 900 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Warren Sharpe Center.

    Section  825.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 901 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Harris YWCA.

    Section 826.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 902 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Sertoma Speech & Hearing Program.

    Section 827.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 903 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Bremen Township.

    Section 828.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 904 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Yancy Boys and Girls Club.

    Section  829.  The  amount of $45,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 905 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to Shriner's Hospital for Children for
the purpose of purchasing therapeutic activity equipment  and
general medical equipment.

    Section  830.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 906 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Polish Welfare Association.

    Section  831.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 907 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a  grant  to  the  North  Avondale  Neighbors

    Section 832.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 908 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Irving Park Food Pantry.

    Section 833.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 909 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Lawson House YMCA.

    Section 834.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 910 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Mujeres Latinas En Accion.

    Section 835.  The amount of $30,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 911 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Mr. Malo Youth Center.

    Section 836.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 912 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community

Affairs for a grant to Christopher House.

    Section 837.  The amount of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 913 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one  time  grant to the Pope County "Feed My
People" Food Pantry.

    Section 838.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 914 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Village  of  Mounds  for   a
feasibility study.

    Section  839.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 915 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Genesis House.

    Section  840.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 916 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Open Hand.

    Section  841.  The  amount of $63,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 917 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Children Remembered.

    Section 842.  The amount of $7,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 918 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the SSI Coalition.

    Section 843.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 919 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Horizons.

    Section 844.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 920 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Nobel Neighbors.
    Section 845.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 921 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Blue Gargoyle.

    Section 846.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 922 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Westchesterfield   Community

    Section  847.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 923 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a   grant   to   the  Vernon  Park  Community

    Section 848.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 924 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to   the   Calumet   City   Community
    Section  849.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 925 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for a grant to Citizens in Action for the purpose of
funding a youth program.

    Section 850.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 926 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Lowden Homes LAC.

    Section 851.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 927 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the  Coalition  for  the  95th  Street

    Section  852.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 928 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Trumbull Park LAC.
    Section  853.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 929 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the South Chicago YMCA.

    Section  854.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 930 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Cottage Grove Heights Community

    Section 855.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 931 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Chess Program.

    Section 856.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 932 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the 87th Street Stoney Island  Chamber
of Commerce.
    Section  857.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 933 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Hegewisch Community Committee.

    Section  858.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 934 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Mexican Community Committee.

    Section  859.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 935 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a   grant  to  the  Jeffrey  Manor  Community
Revitalization Council.

    Section 860.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 936 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Rosemoore Community Association.

    Section 861.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof

as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 937 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Introspect Youth Services.

    Section 862.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 938 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Westside Sexual Assault program.

    Section 863.  The amount of $40,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 939 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the CHARISMA Summer Youth Academy.

    Section 864.  The amount of $120,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 940 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Elam  House  Center  for  New

    Section  865.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 941 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Coalition for Unity Community

    Section 866.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 942 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Blackwell  Memorial,  A.M.E.  Zion

    Section  867.  The  amount of $40,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 943 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Lakeside Community Committee.

    Section  868.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 944 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   a   grant   to  Hospice  of  Kankakee  Valley

    Section 869.  The amount of $31,250, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 945 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Oak Terrace Elementary School.

    Section 870.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 946 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Haven Youth and Family Services.

    Section 871.  The amount of $2,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 947 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Communities in  Partnership  (Highwood

    Section 872.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 948 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Highland  Park  Community  Nursery
and Day Care.

    Section 873.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 949 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Communities in  Partnership,  District

    Section 874.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 950 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Chicago Anti-Hunger Federation.

    Section 875.  The amount of $35,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 951 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Opportunity Medical.

    Section 876.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 952 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to A Safe Place.

    Section 877.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 953 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to SHALVA (NCHW).

    Section 878.  The amount of $3,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 954 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the YWCA of Lake and McHenry Counties.

    Section  879.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 955 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Childrens Heart Foundation.

    Section  880.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 956 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the City of Wheeling.

    Section 881.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 957 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Communities in  Partnership,  District

    Section  882.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 958 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Metamorphosis, Incorporated.

    Section  883.  The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 959 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to DMI Information Processing Center, for
youth  development  and  computer training, tutoring, and the
acquisition and/or rehabilitation of the current facility.

    Section 884.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 960 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Concerned Citizens of  East  Garfield,

    Section  885.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 961 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Austin Youth League.

    Section  886.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 962 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Chicago  Area Project/Horner
Association for Men.

    Section 887.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 963 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Boy  Scouts  of  America  "Western

    Section  888.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 964 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Mother's House.

    Section 889.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 966 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  National  Family  Partnership  of

    Section 890.  The amount of $1,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 967 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the League of Women Voters in Lake

    Section 891.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 968 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the United  Neighborhood  Organization
of Chicago.

    Section  892.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 969 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  one  time  grant  to the United Neighborhood
Association of Chicago.
    Section 893.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 970 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Support a Child Institute.

    Section 894.  The amount of $150,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 971 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Human  Resource  Development

    Section 895.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 972 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the YMCA of Lake County.

    Section 896.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 973 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Arab American Action Network.

    Section 897.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 974 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Mary Crane Head Start Center in
Lathrop Home.

    Section 898.  The amount of $230,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 975 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to Saint Bernard Hospital.

    Section 899.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 976 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the New Direction Academy.

    Section  900.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 977 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the General Wood Boys and Girls Club.

    Section  901.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 978 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Pilsen Athletic Conference.

    Section  902.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 979 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the McKinley Park Civil Association.

    Section  903.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 980 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Cathedral Shelter of Chicago.

    Section  904.  The amount of $150,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 981 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Second-Generation Organization for

    Section  905.  The  amount of $60,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 982 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Humboldt Park Youth Development.

    Section  906.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 983 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Mujeres Latinas En Accion.

    Section  907.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 984 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a one-time grant to the Ekklesia Youth Programs.

    Section  908.  The  amount of $30,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 985 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Ruiz Belvis Center.

    Section  909.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 986 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the South Shore Drill Team.

    Section  910.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 987 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Spanish Coalition Housing.

    Section  911.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 988 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Marshall Square Boys and Girls

    Section 912.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 989 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the Village of Worth.

    Section 913.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 991 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Randolph County 708 Board.

    Section  914.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 992 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Midtown Youth Center.

    Section  915.  The  amount of $10,220, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 993 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to M.A.D.D.

    Section 916.  The amount of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 994 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Mothers  Against  Drunk   Driving

    Section  917.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 995 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Uptown Learning Center.
    Section 918.  The amount of $7,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 996 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  Brainerd  Economic  Development

    Section  919.  The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 997 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to the Spirits Drum Group.

    Section  920.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 998 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Grande Prairie Services.

    Section  921.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 16, Section 999 of Public Act 91-20, approved
June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs for a grant to Horizon Community Services.

    Section  922.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1000  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Alternative, Inc.

    Section 923.  The amount of $70,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1001  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the Interfaith Leadership
Project of Cicero.

    Section 924.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1002  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to YMCA Pilsen-Little Village.

    Section  925.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1003  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  Little  Village  Community

    Section  926.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1004  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  the  San  Miguel  Community

    Section  927.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1005  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Holy Cross Youth Initiative.

    Section 928.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1006  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to Deborah's Place.

    Section  929.  The  amount of $10,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1007  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to McHenry County Youth Service

    Section 930.  The amount of $60,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1008  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to Bethesda Human Resources.

    Section  931.  The  amount of $15,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1009  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Noah's Ark.

    Section 932.  The amount of $15,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1010  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to the Park Manor Neighbors

    Section 933.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1011  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Chicago for the
Third District Police Youth Explorers youth programs.

    Section 934.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1012  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Chicago for the
Sixth District Police Youth Explorers.

    Section 935.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1013  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Chicago for the
Seventh District Police Youth Explorers.

    Section 936.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1014  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Chicago for the
Eighth District Police Youth Explorers.

    Section 937.  The amount of $450,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1015  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community   Affairs   for   a   grant   to   Southwest  Youth

    Section 938.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1016  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to the South Side YMCA for
expenses related to constructing a child development center.

    Section 939.  The amount of $80,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1017  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to Lawrence Hall Youth Services
for  all  costs associated with rehabilitating group homes in
Rogers Park.

    Section 940.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1018  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to Baby Talk of Decatur.

    Section  941.  The amount of $5,000 or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1019  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Christ Deliverance Day Care.
    Section 942.  The amount of $5,000 or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1020  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to First Presbyterian Day Care.

    Section  943.  The amount of $5,000 or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1021  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Vera Thomas Day Care.

    Section 944.  The amount of $37,500 or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1021  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Evanston.

    Section 945.  The amount of $70,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1022  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Luck Awareness Program.

    Section 946.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1023  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the McHenry County Family
Health Clinic.

    Section 947.  The amount of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1024  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  McHenry  County  Family
Health  Clinic  for  all  costs  associated with purchasing a

    Section 948.  The amount of $10,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1025  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the McHenry County Family
Health Clinic.

    Section 949.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1026  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the Fulton County Emergency
Medical   Association   for    miscellaneous    non-emergency
transportation expenses.

    Section  950.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1027  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Lesbian Community Cancer
Project for  the  purpose  of  health  promotion  and  cancer
prevention projects.

    Section  951.  The amount of $125,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1028  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Chicago-Cook  County
Health Council.

    Section  952.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1029  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Aids  Foundation  of

    Section  953.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1030  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Alternative Health Partners.

    Section 954.  The amount of $20,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1031  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to White Crane Wellness Center.

    Section  955.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, and remains unexpended at the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1032  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to AIDS care.

    Section 956.  The amount of $50,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1032  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to Westside Holistic Family

    Section 957.  The amount of $60,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1033  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the Native American Foster
Parents  Association  for  the  purpose   of   organizational
development and advocacy.

    Section  958.  The  amount of $35,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1034 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the  Fund  for  Illinois  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Test Positive Aware.

    Section 959.  The amount of $75,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1035 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Howard Brown Clinic.

    Section  960.  The amount of $700,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1036 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Chicago Park District for all costs associated with  West
Chatham Park expansion.

    Section  961.  The amount of $220,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1037  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  marketing,  advertising,  and  other
promotional efforts.

    Section 962.  The amount of $160,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1038  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the City of Hometown for a
water main replacement.

    Section 963.  The amount of $500,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1039  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to Haymarket Center for all
costs associated with the implementation  of  a  computerized

    Section  964.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1040  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  City  of  Virden  for
ambulance service.

    Section  965.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1041  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  Sawyerville
for infrastructure improvements.

    Section  966.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1042  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village of  Coffeen  for
infrastructure improvements.

    Section  967.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1043  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  Wilsonville
for infrastructure improvements.

    Section  968.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1044  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village  of  Mt.  Auburn
for infrastructure improvements.

    Section  969.  The  amount  of  $1,200,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the
close of business on June 30, 2000,  from  an   appropriation
heretofore  made  in  Article  16, Section 1045 of Public Act
91-20, approved June 7, 1999, as amended,  is  reappropriated
from  the  Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant  to  Lincoln  Land
Community  College for all costs associated with the Arts and
Technology Center in the City of Litchfield.

    Section 970.  The amount of $100,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1046  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the City of Pana for a
waterline to the new school.

    Section 971.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1047  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant to the Village of
Royal Lakes  for  a  Hot  Meals  Program  and  infrastructure

    Section  972.  The  amount of $50,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1048  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Staunton for all
costs associated with streets and sidewalks.

    Section 973.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1049  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a one-time grant to the SIDS Alliance
of Illinois for all costs associated with providing  training

    Section  974.  The  amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1050  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Westside
Association  for  Community  Action  for all costs associated
with youth development and violence prevention programs.

    Section 975.  The amount of $25,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1051  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  one-time  grant  to  the Mid-West
Community Council  for  all  costs  associated  with  program
planning, youth development and housing.

    Section  976.  The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1052  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
General  Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  City  of  Markham  Park

    Section  977.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1053 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
Concordia  University  for  all  costs  associated  with  the
track/stadium project.

    Section 978.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1054 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Grayslake Park District for all costs associated with the
Central Park soccer/football field facility.

    Section  979.  The  sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1055 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the  DuPage  County  Board  for  all  costs  associated  with
architectural design for the DuPage County Courthouse.

    Section 980.  The sum of $2,500,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1056 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  DuPage  County  Board  for all costs associated with the
expansion of the Sheriff's Administration Building in  DuPage

    Section  981.  The sum of $750,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1058  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the DuPage County Board  for
all  costs  associated  with  the  completion  of  the DuPage
Veterans' Memorial.

    Section 982.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1059  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community   Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Sequin  Services  for

    Section 983.  The sum of $40,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1059a  of  Public Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the City of Oak Forest for
all costs associated with a new senior bus.

    Section 984.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1059c  of  Public Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village of Worth for all
costs associated with the rehabilitation of the fire station.

    Section  985.  The  sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article  16,  Section  1059d  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City  of  Palos  Heights
for  all costs associated with enhancements to Lake Katherine
Nature Preserve learning center.

    Section 986.  The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1059g  of  Public Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the City of Blue Island to
promote the Western Avenue commercial district between  127th
Street and the Cal Sag Channel in Blue Island.

    Section  987.  The sum of $501,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article  16,  Section  1059h  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village of Oak Lawn  for
all  costs  associated  with  the  Town  Center redevelopment
project in Oak Lawn.

    Section 988.  The sum of $36,191,100, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1060  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  grants to units of local government,
educational facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for
infrastructure  improvements  including  but  not  limited to
planning, construction, reconstruction, equipment,  utilities
and vehicles.

    Section  989.  The sum of $12,525,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1061 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and Community Affairs for grants to
units of local government and educational facilities for  all
costs associated with infrastructure improvements and capital
projects, including equipment and vehicles.

    Section  990.  The  sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1062  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  Clyde  Jordan  Senior
Center for renovations and equipment purchases.

    Section  991.  The  sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1063  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  Pleasant  Ridge  Missionary
Baptist Church for Senior Housing.

    Section  992.  The  sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1064  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village of Brooklyn  for
costs associated with the purchase of a new van.
    Section  993.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1065  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Lake Forest for  the  Senior

    Section  994.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1066  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Threshold  Older  Adult
Program for program activities.

    Section  995.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1067  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved  June  7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated to the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the Riverdale Redevelopment
Corporation to develop senior citizen housing.

    Section 996.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1068  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated  to  the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for Buffalo Grove for a grant to the Senior

    Section 997.  The sum of $37,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1069  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Rural Peoria County
Council on Aging for remodeling projects.

    Section 998.  The sum of $30,000, or so much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1070  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the Hyde Park Neighborhood
Club to purchase a van.

    Section 999.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1071  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund of Illinois' Future to the Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the North Shore Senior
Center for relocation costs.

    Section 1000.  The sum of $65,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1072a of Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the  Capital  Development  Board  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Senior Services Center in  Joliet for a new elevator.

    Section 1001.  The sum of $84,500, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1072b  of  Public Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the Garden Center for the
Handicapped for capital repairs.

    Section 1002.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1073  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Deerfield for  a
911 Center.

    Section 1003.  The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1074  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce   and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Kankakee Valley Tactical
Rescue Team for equipment and training.

    Section  1004.  The  sum of $2,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1075  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the 17th District  CAPS  for

    Section 1005.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1076  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the City of East St. Louis
to develop a five year plan.

    Section 1006.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1077  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Christopher  for
a cultural enrichment center.

    Section 1007.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1078  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Granite City Park
District for ice rink repairs.

    Section 1008.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1079  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Institute  of  Cultural
Affairs for building improvements.

    Section 1009.  The sum of $175,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1080  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Glen Carbon for
completion of a senior community center.

    Section 1010.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1081  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Logan Square YMCA.

    Section 1011.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1082  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant   to   the   Logan   Square
Neighborhood Association.
    Section 1012.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1083  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the Greater West Community
Development project.

    Section 1013.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1084  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Latin  American  Chamber
of Commerce.

    Section 1014.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1085  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Bickerdike Redevelopment

    Section 1015.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1086  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the Chicago Park District
for new equipment and park improvements at Juniper play lot.

    Section 1016.  The sum of $93,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary, is and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1087  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Glen  Carbon  for park

    Section 1017.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1088  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to the Association House of
Chicago for the West Town Leadership Project.

    Section 1018.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1089  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Association House.

    Section  1019.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1090  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Hamilton County Economic
Development Commission  for  land  acquisition  and  economic

    Section  1020.  The sum of $70,100, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1091  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Granite  City  Park
District for Seivking Garden repairs.

    Section  1021.  The sum of $70,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1092  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Hispanic  Housing
Development Corporation.

    Section 1022.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1093  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to Artists and Children Create

    Section 1023.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1094  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the Puerto Ricans United in

    Section 1024.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1095  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to Sin Fronteras Law Program.

    Section  1025.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1096  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Greater  North  Pulaski
Development Corporation.

    Section  1026.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1097  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Center for Communication

    Section 1027.  The sum of $53,600, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1098  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Granite City Park
District for renovation of Worthen Park Softball complex.

    Section 1028.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1099  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to SIMPAC for community and
county technical planning.

    Section 1029.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1100  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Lincoln Park Campus
Trolley  for  free  trolley  shuttle  service  from   transit
stations and parking garages to various sites.

    Section  1030.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1101  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  the  Barreto  Union  League
Boys & Girls Club.
    Section  1031.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1102  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Hermosa Neighborhoods.

    Section 1032.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1103  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the North Pulaski-Armitage
Chamber of Commerce.

    Section 1033.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1104  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Union League Boys &
Girls Club.

    Section 1034.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1105  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to the Southland Chamber of
Commerce for  the  Marketing  Development  Program  or  Local

    Section  1035.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, and remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1106  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Jane Addams Resource for
computer technology skills development in collaboration  with
Ravenswood Industrial Council.

    Section  1036.  The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1107  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Organization   of
NorthEast  for community education, translation equipment and

    Section 1037.  The sum of $34,200, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1108  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Granite City Park
District for Lincoln Place Community Center repairs.

    Section 1038.  The sum of $30,800, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1109  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Granite City Park
District  for  courts  main  concession  Centennial  Pavilion

    Section 1039.  The sum of $19,800, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1110  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Granite City Park
District for resurfacing the tennis and basketball courts.

    Section 1040.  The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1111  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community   Affairs  for  a  grant  to  SIMPAC  for  Regional
Information Management System.

    Section 1041.  The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  and  remains  unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1112  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community   Affairs  for  a  grant  to  SIMPAC  for  Minority
Community Special Needs Assistance.
    Section 1042.  The sum of $10,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1113  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to SIMPAC for maintenance of
regional and county mapping database.

    Section 1043.  The sum of $600,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1114  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Carlinville  for
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 1044.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1115  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the Charles A. Hayes Family
Investment Center for job training and placement.

    Section 1045.  The sum of $375,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1116  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Country  Club  Hills
Athletic Association.

    Section 1046.  The sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1117  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the Austin Peoples Action
Center Advisory to assist in the development strategies for a
revitalization program.

    Section 1047.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1118  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Roseland  YMCA  for  the
renovation of the Life Long Learning Center.

    Section 1048.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1119  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Vernon Hills Park
District for playground restoration.

    Section 1049.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1120  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village of Dolton.

    Section 1050.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1121  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  Project  Upgrade  for  the
Coalition for United Community Action.

    Section 1051.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1122  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Waukegan  for downtown

    Section 1052.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1123  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  The  Citizenship  Education
Fund  for the LaSalle Street Project for setting up a venture
capital business for under served areas.

    Section 1053.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1124  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Chicago   Baptist
Institute   for   all   costs  associated  with  establishing
continuing education  programs  and  job  training  programs,
including construction and rehabilitation expenses.

    Section 1054.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1125  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the Duncan YMCA Center for
the Arts to complete the arts and education  and  child  care

    Section 1055.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1126  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Chatham  Business
Association for various expenses of the organization.

    Section 1056.  The sum of $156,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1127  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the Township of Proviso for
the Boys and Girls Club of Maywood, Bellwood and Hillside.

    Section 1057.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1128  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Village of Broadview for
community development projects.

    Section 1058.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1128a  of  Public Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Broadview Park District.

    Section 1059.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1129  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the Chesterfield Community

    Section 1060.  The sum of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1130  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the South Central  Community
for services and programs.

    Section 1061.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1131  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Bunker Hill for
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 1062.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1132  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Albany  Park  Community
Council for Youth Net/Team for research, violence protection.

    Section  1063.  The sum of $85,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1133  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  North  Chicago  for  nine
police data terminals.

    Section  1064.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1134  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Park  Forest   for   a
residential improvement program.

    Section  1065.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1135  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  the  Jackie  Robinson  West
baseball league.

    Section  1066.  The sum of $65,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1136  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to North Chicago for a computer
scanning system.

    Section 1067.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1137  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Austin YMCA.

    Section  1068.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1138  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Waukegan Township for a  new

    Section  1069.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1139  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Lake County Urban League
Camp S.M.A.R.T.

    Section 1070.  The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1140  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to Calumet Township for mini

    Section 1071.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1141  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to the Housing Authority of
Cook County to purchase a mini van.
    Section 1072.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1142  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the South Suburban YMCA to
purchase a mini van.

    Section 1073.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1143  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to various chambers of commerce
for street scope and community programs.

    Section  1074.  The sum of $27,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1144  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the South  Austin  Coalition
Community Council to purchase a van.

    Section  1075.  The sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1145  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Black  United  Fund  for
grant in writing services to local groups.

    Section  1076.  The sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1146  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  LADCOR  Urban  Storefront
Design project.

    Section  1077.  The  sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1147  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Northtown  Community
Council for community projects.

    Section  1078.  The  sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1148  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Northtown  Business  and
Professional Association for economic development.

    Section  1079.  The  sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1149  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Jewish Community Council
for economic development.

    Section 1080.  The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1150  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the North Park Village
Advisory  Council  for  arts  and  community   planning   and

    Section  1081.  The  sum of $5,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1151  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  Hate  Crimes  Victims
Foundation for outreach programs in Chicago Heights.

    Section 1082.  The sum of $280,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1152  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to Sesser for renovation and
improvements to the Sesser Opera House.

    Section 1083.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1153  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  I  and  M  Canal  for
administration  of  the  Canal Corridor Association Authority
for tourism projects.

    Section 1084.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1154  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  Peru  to  purchase  a  leaf
vacuum truck.

    Section  1085.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1155  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to  the  Spring  Valley  police
department for a special response vehicle.

    Section 1086.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1156  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the S.I.N. Women's Business
Center for Women's Business Development.
    Section 1087.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1157  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Brotherhood  of  Masonic
Fellowship for the Beautification Program.

    Section  1088.  The sum of $70,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1158  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  24th  Ward  Businessmen
Corporation for economic development.

    Section  1089.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1159  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  Community  in  Action  for
economic development.

    Section  1090.  The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1160  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Sankofa  Inc.  for  economic

    Section  1091.  The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1161  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Rising  Sun  Missionary
Baptist Church for economic development.

    Section  1092.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1162  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Infinity  Job  Training  for
job training.

    Section  1093.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1163  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  Near  West  Little  League
Baseball for youth baseball.

    Section 1094.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1164  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Renaissance Local
Development Corporation for the weed and seed program.

    Section 1095.  The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1165  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Major  Adams  Youth
Programs for programs.

    Section  1096.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1166  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Black  Brothers  United  for
conflict resolution.

    Section  1097.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1167  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Midwest  Community
Council for block clubs.

    Section  1098.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1168  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the South Shore  Drill  Team
and Performing Arts Ensemble for operations.

    Section 1099.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1169  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of LaSalle for all
costs  associated  with  land  acquisition   and   demolition

    Section  1100.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1170  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Coordinated  Advice  and
Referral Program for Legal Services for legal aid assistance.

    Section  1101.  The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1171  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Stickney Township to  assist
in erection and construction of a monument honoring veterans.
    Section  1102.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1172  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Will-Grundy  Medical
Clinic for renovation of a newly acquired building to be used
as a free clinic.

    Section  1103.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1173  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Lake County Urban League
for youth golf.

    Section 1104.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1174  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  Lawrence  Hall  Youth
Center  for  Avers House remodeling, arts program and Hi-Tech

    Section 1105.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1175  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  South  Side  YMCA  to
construct a Child Development Center.

    Section  1106.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1176  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Dumas School  4-H  Club  for
positive youth development.

    Section  1107.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1177  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Southwest   Youth
Collaborative Youth/Teen Activity Center.

    Section  1108.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1178  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Big  Buddies  Youth
Services for Teen Monitoring Program.

    Section 1109.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1179  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Jewish Council for youth
services for adventure education.

    Section 1110.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1180  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to Harry S. Truman College for
day care services and  to  provide  education  and  technical
support to community day care providers.

    Section  1111.  The sum of $70,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1181  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Asian  Health  Coalition
of Illinois to develop programs and health services.

    Section  1112.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1182  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Block  Club  Federation
for the Youth Service Project.
    Section  1113.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1183  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  Chicago  Project  for
Violence  Prevention  to  provide Logan Square Community with
community based youth advocacy outreach projects.

    Section 1114.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1184  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant to Lesbian Community Cancer
Project in collaboration with Alternative Health Partners  to
provide health services to women.

    Section  1115.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1185  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  SouthEast  Asia  Center
for expansion of day care services.

    Section 1116.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1186  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to Henry Booth House to provide
medical, comprehensive and social family services.

    Section 1117.  The sum of $325,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1187  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Capital Development Fund to the Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Peoria  Citizens'
Committee  for  Economic Opportunity for the Peoria Area Food

    Section 1118.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1188  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  Habilitative  System  Inc.
Projects  for domestic violence for acquisition of equipment,
installation, implementation and evaluation.

    Section 1119.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1189  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Lake  County  for  the
Childcare Coalition.

    Section 1120.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1190  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant for the Women's Wellness Health
Initiative at Illinois State University.

    Section 1121.  The sum of $97,500, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1191  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to the New Hope Center for
computers and internet access for the disabled.

    Section 1122.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1192  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to United Cerebral Palsy for
computer equipment and software capital developments.

    Section 1123.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1193  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to Cornerstone Services, Inc.
for programs and renovation for disabled adults.
    Section 1124.  The sum of $45,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1194  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Special Recreation
Association of Central Lake County for a wheelchair van.

    Section 1125.  The sum of $50,000, or so much there of as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1195  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Council  for  Jewish
Elderly for a basic nurses aide training program.

    Section  1126.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1196  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Options  Centers   for
Independent   Living  for  three  computers  for  job  skills
training and vision impairment assistance.

    Section 1127.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1197  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Will-Grundy Center for
Independent Living for capital developments.

    Section 1128.  The sum of $15,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1198  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to the Hospice of Kankakee
Valley, Inc. for continued hospice patient care.

    Section 1129.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1199  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for  a  grant  to  the  Ezra  Multi-Service
Center for relocation.

    Section 1130.  The sum of $111,500, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1200  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to L.I.N.K. for an operating
assistance grant.

    Section 1131.  The sum of $96,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1201  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to L.I.N.K. for the C.A.T.E.R.
program and the Lowden Home Community Resource Center.

    Section 1132.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1202  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  Lawrence  Hall  Youth
Center Group Home for renovation projects.

    Section  1133.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1203  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
for youth community day care.

    Section 1134.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1204  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to AGAPE for youth outreach.

    Section  1135.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1205  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Cathedral  Shelter  for
the Adult Recidivism Program.

    Section  1136.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1206  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Better Life  for  Youth  for

    Section  1137.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1207  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Campaign for a Drug Free
Westside for anti-drug education.

    Section 1138.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1208  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Baptist  Ministers
Fellowship for youth programs and economic development.

    Section 1139.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1209  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to Keshet to operate programs
for developmentally disabled children.

    Section 1140.  The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1210  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Outreach  Mission  House
of Daniel for job training and men's shelter.

    Section 1141.  The sum of $120,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1211  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of Washington Park
to purchase and renovate the Senior Center.

    Section 1142.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1212  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Jazz Museum  of  Chicago
for operations.
    Section 1143.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1213  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant to the Maternal Child Health
Care Coalition.

    Section 1144.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1214  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the Norwegian American
Hospital Community Trust Fund.

    Section 1145.  The sum of $350,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1215  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Children's  Memorial
Hospital for Childhood Safety.

    Section 1146.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1216  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the AIDS Foundation of
Chicago to provide financial assistance in the form of grants
to  community  based   agencies   for   HIV/AIDS   awareness,
education, and services.

    Section  1147.  The sum of $70,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1217  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Family Dynamics  for  health

    Section  1148.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1218  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to Roseland Community Hospital.

    Section 1149.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1219 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Manhattan for deep well projects.

    Section 1150.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1220 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the City of Joliet for continuation  of  historical  lighting
projects in CAPA and St. Pat's neighborhoods.

    Section 1151.  The sum of $110,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1221  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the Community Mental Health
Council for training State of Illinois employees on  violence

    Section 1152.  The sum of $104,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1222  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future for a grant to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and Community Affairs for a grant to the Wayne City
CU District  100  for  the  installation  of  an  interactive
education classroom and the upgrade of security at attendance

    Section  1153.  The  sum of $7,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1223  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Steger Police Department
for a new breathalyzer which is Y2K compliant.

    Section 1154.  The sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1225  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of East  St.  Louis
for  the  rehabilitation  of  the  fire  station  at 18th and

    Section 1155.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1226  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Rural Health Corporation
to expand the physical facility at the Rea Clinic.

    Section 1156.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1227  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Buckner  for  a   fire
department building.

    Section 1157.  The sum of $150,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1228  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Cave-Eastern Fire
Protection District to purchase a pumper.

    Section 1158.  The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1231  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for a grant to the City of East St. Louis
Fire Department for fire equipment.

    Section 1159.  The sum of $135,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1233  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Rockland Fire Department
for new squad trucks.

    Section 1160.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1234  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Orchardville  Fire
Protection District for the expansion of the district.

    Section 1161.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1235  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the City of East Peoria for
a fire  rescue  vessel  and  medical  utility  transportation

    Section  1162.  The sum of $85,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1236  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Carrollton   Fire
Protection District for water shuttles for Kane and Eldred.

    Section  1163.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1237  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Olney  Fire  Department
for creation of a Dive Rescue Team.

    Section  1164.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1238  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Peotone Fire  Protection
District for a fire department rescue vehicle.
    Section  1165.  The sum of $2,200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1242 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the City of Carlinville for construction of an indoor  sports

    Section 1166.  The sum of $600,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1243 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the City of Glenwood for construction of the village hall and
police department.

    Section 1167.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1244 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  for  costs
related to the construction of Joy Fire Station.

    Section 1168.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1245 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community Affairs for Dike and
Windmill Park improvements in Fulton.

    Section 1169.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1246 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the College of Lake  County  for  the  Southlake  Educational
Center Site Development.

    Section 1170.  The sum of $450,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1247 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community  Affairs  for  the  park
district  revitalization  of  Danny  Cunniff Park in Highland
Park District.

    Section 1171.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1248a of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Chicago  Park  District  for facilities' improvements at
Murray Park.
    Section 1172.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1248b of Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Chicago Park District for all costs associated  with  the
acquisition  and  development  of  property  to expand Leland
Giants Park.

    Section 1173.  The sum of $60,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1248c of Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Chicago Park District  for  facilities'  improvements  at
West Chatham Park.

    Section 1174.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1248d of Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Chicago Park District for all costs associated  with  the
acquisition  and  development  of  property  to expand Auburn

    Section 1175.  The sum of $590,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1248e of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Chicago  Park District for all costs associated with the
acquisition, design, development, and construction of  a  new
park and park enhancements at 79th and Ada.

    Section 1176.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1249 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Chicago Park District for a running track.

    Section 1177.  The sum of $600,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1250 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the  Spring  Garden  Township  for  construction  of  a water
distribution system.

    Section 1178.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1251 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Youth Farm for capital improvements.

    Section 1179.  The sum of $425,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1252 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Boys & Girls Club of Greater  Peoria,  Inc.  for  capital

    Section  1180.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1253 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Village of Dolton for construction of  a  swimming  pool,
recreation center building and equipment.

    Section  1181.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1254 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Cook County Forest Preserve for capital  improvements  at
LaBagh Woods.

    Section  1182.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1255 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Cook County Forest Preserve to restore the picnic shelter
at LaBagh Woods.

    Section 1183.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1256 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  for  costs
associated with pool reconstruction at Hegler Park in City of

    Section 1184.  The sum of $400,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1257 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated   from   Capital   Development   Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and  Community  Affairs  for  costs
associated with reconstruction of downtown street,  curb  and
gutter replacement in the City of Streator.

    Section  1185.  The sum of $80,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1258  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the

Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department on Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Hayes  Manor  Senior
Center for two vans.

    Section  1186.  The sum of $40,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1259  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department on Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  United  Neighborhood
Organization for a Senior program and neighborhood projects.

    Section  1187.  The sum of $10,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1260  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the South Shore  Chamber  of
Commerce for a program development project.

    Section  1188.  The sum of $12,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1261  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the South Shore Planning and
Preservation for a business directory to create jobs.

    Section 1189.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1262  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Back of the Yards
Community Council for economic development activities.

    Section 1190.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1263  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs for a grant to the 18th Street Development
Corporation for economic development activities.

    Section 1191.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1264  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Mujeres  Latinas  En
Accion for capital development and neighborhood services.

    Section 1192.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1265  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to El Hoga Del Nino for capital
development and youth services.

    Section  1193.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as

may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1266  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the General Woods  Boys  and
Girls Club for youth services.

    Section  1194.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1267  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the  Marshall  Squares  Boys
and Girls Clubs for youth activities.

    Section  1195.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1268  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for  a  grant  to  Mary's  Kids  for  youth

    Section  1196.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1269  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant  to  the  McKinley  Park  Civic
Association for youth and senior activities.
    Section  1197.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1271  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Pilsen   Athletic
Conference for youth activities.

    Section  1198.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1272  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Union Leagues  Boys  and
Girls Clubs for youth services.

    Section  1199.  The sum of $25,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1273  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Midtown Center for youth

    Section 1200.  The sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1274  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to City  of  Keithsburg  for  a

fire truck.

    Section  1201.  The sum of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1275  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to East Moline Library.

    Section 1202.  The sum of $75,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1276  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Capital Development Fund to the Department  of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to East Moline Library for roof

    Section  1203.  The sum of $90,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1277  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  of  Illinois'  Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the City of Golconda  for  a
dam house renovation.

    Section 1204.  The sum of $12,842,250, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1278  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  grants  to various community, civic,
not-for-profit and business development organizations.

    Section 1205.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1279  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community   Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Community  Youth
Organization for funding for after school programs.

    Section 1206.  The sum of $12,692,200, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1280  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs  for  grants  to  various  units  of  local
government,  not-for-profit  organizations,  and  educational

    Section  1207.  The sum of $1,008,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1281  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for grants to units of local government and
not-for-profit organizations for infrastructure  improvements
including   but   not   limited  to  planning,  construction,
reconstruction, renovation, equipment,  vehicles  for  senior
citizen  services, and for all costs associated with economic
development  programs,  educational  training  and  programs,
public health programs and public safety programs.

    Section 1208.  The sum of $2,532,700, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1282  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for grants to units of local government and
not-for-profit  organizations for infrastructure improvements
including  but  not  limited   to   planning,   construction,
reconstruction, renovation, equipment, supplies and all costs
associated  with  economic  development programs, educational
training and  programs,  community  services,  public  health
programs, and public safety programs.

    Section 1209.  The sum of $19,081,200, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1283  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  grants to units of local government,
educational facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for
municipal,   recreational,  educational,  and  public  safety
infrastructure improvements and other expenses, including but
not   limited   to    training,    planning,    construction,
reconstruction, renovation, utilities, and equipment, and all
costs   associated   with   economic   development  programs,
educational training and programs, community services, public
health programs, and public safety programs.

    Section 1210.  The sum of $4,900,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1284  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  grants to units of local government,
educational facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for
infrastructure  improvements  including,  but  not limited to
salaries,   miscellaneous   operational   expenses,   program
expenses, and material  and  printing  costs,  and  planning,
construction,   reconstruction,   renovation,  utilities  and

    Section 1211.  The amount of $125,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1285  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a  grant  to  the  Holy  Name  of  Mary
Elementary  School for all costs associated with establishing
a computer lab.

    Section 1212.  The amount of $125,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1286  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for a grant to the Chicago  Public  Schools
for a grant to John D. Shoop Elementary Schools for all costs
associated with establishing a computer lab.

    Section  1213.  The amount of $20,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of

business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1287  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs for  a  one-time  grant  to  the  Southland
Chamber of Commerce.

    Section  1214.  The  amount  of  $5,000,000,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the
close  of  business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation
heretofore made in Article 16, Section  1288  of  Public  Act
91-20,  approved  June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated
from the Fund for  Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and  Community  Affairs to provide grants for urban
assistance in distressed communities.

    Section 1215.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made in  Article  16,  Section  1289  of  Public  Act  91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and
Community  Affairs   for   the   purpose   of   funding   the
Atherosclerosis Advisory  Committee.

    Section 1216.  The sum of $11,329,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1290 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for  grants  to
governmental  units  and educational facilities for all costs
associated with infrastructure improvements.
    Section 1217.  The sum of $9,391,740, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1291  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  the  administrative costs associated
with  the   Department's   facilitation   of   infrastructure
improvements,   or  for  grants  to  governmental  units  and
educational facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for
all   costs   associated  with  infrastructure  improvements,
miscellaneous purchases, and operating expenses.

    Section 1218.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1292  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Will  County's State's
Attorney's Office for expenses of a coordinator to  establish
a special pilot program Drug Court in Will County.

    Section 1219.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30, 2000, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  16,  Section  1293  of  Public  Act 91-20,
approved June 7, 1999, as amended, is reappropriated from the
Fund for Illinois' Future to the Department of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for Northlight Theater Program expansion.

    Section  1220.  The sum of $9,834,100 (less the amount of
$250,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary and remains
unexpended at the close of business on June  30,  2000,  from
appropriations  heretofore  made for such purposes in Article
16, Section 1300 of Public Act 91-20, approved June 7,  1999,
as  amended,  is  reappropriated  from the Fund for Illinois'
Future to the Department of Commerce  and  Community  Affairs
for   grants   to  units  of  local  government,  educational
facilities and not-for-profit organizations for education and
training,  infrastructure  improvements  and  other   capital
projects,    including   but   not   limited   to   planning,
construction,  reconstruction,   equipment,   utilities   and
vehicles,  and all costs associated with economic development
programs, community service programs, public health programs,
public safety programs, and other programs and activities.

    Section 1221.  The amount of $25,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1301 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the South Shore Drill Team.

    Section 1222.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1303 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Hogar del Nino for operations of a day care facility.

    Section  1223.  The amount of $25,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1304 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a one-time
grant to Lawrence Hall Youth Services.

    Section 1224.  The amount of $200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1305 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and Community Affairs for grants to
local governments for infrastructure improvements.

    Section 1225.  The amount of $30,000, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1306 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for  grants  to
local   governments   and/or   educational   facilities   for
infrastructure    improvements   and/or   general   operating

    Section 1226.  The amount of $5,000, or so  much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary and remains unexpended at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1307 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Robert Lawrence School for technology improvements.
    Section  1227.  The sum of $1,200,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary and remains unexpended at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1308 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from  the  Capital  Development  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Commerce  and Community Affairs for all costs
associated with construction of a pool at Wolf  Lake  in  the
City of Chicago.

    Section  1228.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1309 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Little Village Boys and Girls Club.

    Section 1229.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1310 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Little Village Chamber of Commerce.

    Section  1230.  The sum of $50,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1311 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
the Chicago Park District for Hoyne Park.

    Section 1231.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1312 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the 47th Street Chamber of Commerce.

    Section  1232.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary and  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June  30,  2000, from appropriations heretofore
made for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1313 of  Public
Act   91-20,   approved   June   7,   1999,  as  amended,  is
reappropriated from the Fund  for  Illinois'  Future  to  the
Department  of  Commerce and Community Affairs for a grant to
El Centro de la Causa - Catholic Charities.

    Section 1233.  The sum of $35,000, or so much thereof  as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1314 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
the Lakeview Alternative High School.

    Section 1233a.  The sum of $30,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary  and  remains  unexpended  at the close of
business on June 30,  2000,  from  appropriations  heretofore
made  for such purposes in Article 16, Section 1330 of Public
Act  91-20,  approved  June   7,   1999,   as   amended,   is
reappropriated  from  the  Fund  for  Illinois' Future to the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for a  grant  to
Kenwood Academy for outdoor learning labs.

    Section  1234.  The amount of $75,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce   and  Community  Affairs  from  the  Keep  Illinois
Beautiful Fund for grants to approved communities.

    Section 1235.  The amount of $150,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and Community Affairs from the General Revenue Fund
for a grant to  Chicago  State  University  for  an  economic
development  marketing  study to determine the feasibility of
providing  distance  learning  activities  to  residents   of
Chicago's West Side.

    Section 1236.  The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs from the General Revenue  Fund
for  a  grant  to Northeastern Illinois University to support
the activities of the Institute of Positive Education.

    Section 1237.  The  amount  of  $1,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof   as   may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  to  the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs from the General
Revenue Fund for grants  to  establish  or  assist  Community
Technology Centers to help eliminate the digital divide.

    Section  1238.  The  amount  of  $1,000,000,  or  so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated   to   the
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs from the General
Revenue  Fund  for  a grant to New Start for costs associated
with the implementation of the Family Farm Assistance Act.

    Section 1239.  The amount of $250,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated  to  the  Department  of
Commerce  and Community Affairs from the General Revenue Fund
for a  grant  to  the  West  Central  Educational  Television
Consortium to support quality programming.

    Section 1240.  The amount of $250,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Commerce and Community Affairs from the General Revenue  Fund
for a grant to the Executive Service Corporation.

    Section  1241.  The  amount  of  $62,030,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Fund
for  Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce and
Community Affairs for  the  administrative  costs  associated
with   the   Department's   facilitation   of  infrastructure
improvements,  or   for   grants   to   governmental   units,
educational  facilities, and not-for-profit organizations for
all  costs  associated  with   infrastructure   improvements,
miscellaneous purchases, and operating expenses.

    Section  1242.  The  amount  of  $30,000,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   grants  to  governmental  units,  educational
facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for  all  costs
associated with infrastructure improvements.

    Section  1243.  The  amount  of  $2,000,000,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant  to  Adler  Planetarium  for all costs
associated  with  constructing  and/or   remodeling   a   sky

    Section  1246.  The  amount  of  $65,000,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Fund
for  Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce and
Community Affairs for grants to units  of  local  government,
educational  facilities  and not-for-profit organizations for
education and training, infrastructure improvements and other
capital projects, including  but  not  limited  to  planning,
construction,   reconstruction,   equipment,   utilities  and
vehicles, and all costs associated with economic  development
programs, community service programs, public health programs,
public safety programs, and other programs and activities.

    Section  1247.  The  amount  of  $31,357,900,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs   for   grants  to  units  of  local  government  and
educational  facilities  for  all   costs   associated   with
infrastructure  improvements  and capital projects, including
equipment and vehicles.

    Section 1251.  The sum of $1,000,000, or so much  thereof
as may be necessary and as remains unexpended at the close of
business  on  June 30, 2000, from an appropriation heretofore
made for such purpose in Article 16, Section 72 of Public Act
91-20, approved June 7, 1999, as amended,  is  reappropriated
from  the  General Revenue Fund to the Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs for a grant to the National  Conference
of State Legislators - Chicago 2000.

    Section 1252.  The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to the Golden Apple Foundation for the  Golden  Apple
Teacher Education program.

    Section 1253.  The amount of $500,000, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to Olive Harvey  Community  College  to  operate  the
Probation Challenge Program.

    Section  1254.  The  amount  of  $1,650,000,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Tobacco
Settlement Recovery Fund to the Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  a grant for the Argonne Rare Isotope

    Section 1255.  The  amount  of  $1,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant to the city of Freeport  to  rehabilitate
and reconstruct Freeport Municipal Library.

    Section  1256.  The  amount  of  $1,500,000,  or  so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the city of Galena for sewer system

    Section 1257.  The amount  of  $17,500,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  all  costs associated with grants to
various  units  of  local   government,   community,   civic,
not-for-profit,    educational    facilities   and   business
development organizations for the  purpose  of  grants  which
include,   but   are   not  limited  to,  one-time  operating
assistance,    construction,    rehabilitation,     equipment
purchases, and any other necessary costs.

    Section 1258.  The sum of $495,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is appropriated from the General Revenue
Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs  for
a grant to Northern Illinois University for the establishment
of the Zeke Giorgi Law Clinic.

    Section 1259.  The sum of $22,700,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs  for  grants  to  units  of  local  government,   and
educational   facilities   for   all  costs  associated  with
infrastructure improvements and capital  projects,  including
equipment and vehicles.

    Section 1260.  The sum of $63,031,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the Fund for
Illinois' Future to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for grants to units of local government, educational
facilities,    and    not-for-profit    organizations     for
infrastructure  improvements  including,  but  not limited to
planning, construction, reconstruction, equipment, utilities,
vehicles and all costs associated with economic  development,
community  programs,  educational programs, public health and
public safety.

    Section 1262.  The amount  of  $34,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  DuPage  Airport  Authority  for
planning,  design  and  access  infrastructure related to the
hi-tech business campus.

    Section 1263.  The amount  of  $10,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  grants to units of local government,
educational facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for
expenses  and  infrastructure improvements, including but not
limited   to    planning,    construction,    reconstruction,
renovation, utilities and equipment.

    Section  1264.  The  amount  of  $17,500,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Fund
for  Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce and
Community Affairs for all costs  associated  with  grants  to
various   units   of   local  government,  community,  civic,
not-for-profit,   educational   facilities    and    business
development  organizations  for  the  purpose of grants which
include,  but  are  not  limited   to,   one-time   operating
assistance,     construction,    rehabilitation,    equipment
purchases, and any other necessary costs.

    Section 1265.  The amount  of  $10,000,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  all  costs associated with grants to
various  units  of  local   government,   community,   civic,
not-for-profit,    educational    facilities   and   business
development organizations for the  purpose  of  grants  which
include,   but   are   not  limited  to,  one-time  operating
assistance,    construction,    rehabilitation,     equipment
purchases, and any other necessary costs.
    Section  1266.  The  amount  of  $10,000,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  all  costs associated with various construction
and/or rehabilitation projects, and equipment  purchases  for
various units of local government, educational facilities and
other eligible entities.

    Section  1267.  The  amount  of  $21,000,000,  or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the Capital
Development Fund to the Department of Commerce and  Community
Affairs  for  a  grant to the Cook County Forest Preserve for
infrastructure improvements.

    Section 1268.  The  amount  of  $2,300,000,  or  so  much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from the General
Revenue  Fund  to  the  Department  of Commerce and Community
Affairs for a grant  to  the  DuPage  County  Office  of  the
Sheriff  for  all  costs associated with the crime laboratory
expansion project.

                         ARTICLE 76

    Section  1.   "AN  ACT   regarding   appropriations   and
reappropriations,"  Public  Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999,
as amended, is amended by changing Section 6 of Article 13 as

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 13, Sec. 6, as amended)
    Sec. 6.  The following named amounts, or so much  thereof
as  may  be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the
ordinary and contingent expenses of the Department on Aging:
                     DISTRIBUTIVE ITEMS
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For the purchase of Illinois Community
   Care Program homemaker and Senior
   Companion Services .......    $159,277,000   $159,377,000
  For other services provided by the
   Illinois Act on the Aging ...................      386,000
  For Case Coordination
   Units .......................................   20,767,000
  For Grants for distribution to the 13 Area
   Agencies on Aging for costs for home
   delivered meals and mobile food equipment ...    5,418,500
  Grants for Community Based Services
   including information and referral
   services, transportation and delivered
   meals .......................................    3,107,200
  For Grants for Adult Day Care Services .......   10,255,100
  For Purchase of Services in connection with
   Alzheimer's Initiative and Related
   Programs ....................................      107,100
  For Grants for Retired Senior
   Volunteer Program ...........................      800,000
  For Planning and Service Grants to
   Area Agencies on Aging ......................    2,293,300
  For Grants for the Foster
   Grandparent Program .........................      350,000
  For Expenses to the Area Agencies
   on Aging for Long-Term Care Systems
   Development .................................      282,400
  For Grants for Suburban Area Agency
   on Aging for the Red
   Tape Cutter Program .........................      232,500
  For Grants for Chicago Department on Aging
   for the Red Tape Cutter Program .............      542,500
  For the Ombudsman Program ....................      400,000
  For a grant to the Jewish
   Federation of Metropolitan
   Chicago for the printing of
   publications ..................      100,000
    Total                                        $204,318,600

Payable from Services for Older Americans Fund:
  For Grants for Social Services ............... $ 18,330,100
  For Grants for Nutrition Services ............   27,380,400
  For Grants for Employment Services ...........    3,383,700
  For Grants for USDA Adult Day Care ...........    1,000,000
    Total                                         $50,094,200

    Section  2.   "AN  ACT   regarding   appropriations   and
reappropriations,"  Public  Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999,
as amended, is amended by changing Section 10 of  Article  14
as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 14, Sec. 10)
    Sec. 10.  The following named sums, or so much thereof as
may  be necessary, respectively, for the objects and purposes
hereinafter named, are appropriated to meet the ordinary  and
contingent expenses of the Department of Agriculture:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services:
   For regular positions ....................... $  1,305,700
   For regular positions-crafts ................      787,200
  For Extra Help:
   For extra help ..............................      220,100
   For extra help-crafts .......................      210,000
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ............................       82,800
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ................      217,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security .............................      186,100
  For Contractual Services .......    2,011,200     1,561,200
  For Commodities ..............................       85,000
  For Equipment ................................      222,000
  For Telecommunications Services ..............       35,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ..............       28,600
    Total                                          $4,941,400

    Section   3.    "AN   ACT  regarding  appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-20, approved June  7,  1999,
as amended, is amended by adding new Section 10 to Article 15
as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 15, Sec. 10, new)
    Sec.  10.  The  sum  of $1,198,500, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund to the Department of Central Management Services for the
settlement of Pearson, et. al., v. Gov. James Edgar, et. al.,
no. 86 C 2181 (U.D.S.C. northern district of Illinois).

    Section   4.    "AN   ACT  regarding  appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-20, approved June  7,  1999,
as  amended,  is  amended by changing Sections 180, 290, 575,
589, 699, 700, 754, 781, 914, 1061, 1290 and 1291, and adding
new Sections 1330 and 1331 to Article 16 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 180)
    Sec. 180.  The amount of $100,000, or so much thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce
and  Community  Affairs for a grant to Joliet Senior Services
Center for purchase of new equipment and all associated costs
the purpose of renovating and remodeling of a newly  acquired
building in Joliet.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 290)
    Sec.  290.  The  amount of $75,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs for a grant to Alexander County for  to
purchase  and  remodel  an  office building construction of a
government building for records storage.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 575)
    Sec. 575.  The amount of $30,000, or so much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce
and  Community  Affairs  for  a  grant  to  the  Rodgers Park
Development  Corporation  for  the  purpose  of   operational
expenses,  salaries,  office  equipment, and the purchase and
installation of  a  telephone  system  and  network  computer
system senior housing.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 589)
    Sec.  589.  The amount of $125,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future Capital Development Fund to the Department of Commerce
and Community Affairs for a grant to the  Village  of  Hebron
for  the purpose of purchasing a building the construction of
a municipal hall.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 699)
    Sec. 699.  The amount of $50,000, or so much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future  to  the  Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for a grant to the Village of Dolton Park  District  for  all
costs  associated  with  playground  equipment for the Dolton
Park District.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 700)
    Sec. 700.  The amount of $50,000, or so much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future  to  the  Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for a grant to  Village  of  Dolton  Park  District  for  the
purpose  of a matching grant for bicycle path for Dolton Park

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 754, as amended)
    Sec. 754.  The amount of $250,000 $290,000,  or  so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for a grant to the following organizations:
  Amy Center for all costs associated
   with building acquisition and
   improvements ................................ $    250,000
  Germantown Volunteer Fire Department
   for equipment ...............................       10,000
  Iuka Community Development Corp.
   for community center building ...............       20,000
  Wheatfield Township Volunteer Fire
   Department for equipment ....................        5,000
  Ramsey Volunteer Fire Department
   for equipment ...............................        5,000
  Sexual Assault and Family Emergencies
   for building acquisition ....................     $225,000
  Huey Ferrin Shattec Volunteer Fire
   Department for equipment purchase ...........       25,000

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 781)
    Sec.  781.  The  amount of $20,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future to the Department of Commerce  and  Community  Affairs
for  a  grant  to  Howe  Development  Center  to purchase and
upgrade media equipment. for all associated with refurbishing
the building.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 914)
    Sec. 914.  The amount of $10,000, or so much  thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future  to  the  Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for a grant to the Village of Mounds for a feasibility study.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 1061, as amended)
    Sec. 1061.  The sum of $12,525,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is   appropriated   from   the   Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for grants to units of  local  governments,  not  for
profit  organizations,  and  educational  facilities  for all
costs associated with infrastructure improvements and capital
projects, including equipment and vehicles.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 1290, as amended)
    Sec. 1290.  The sum of $11,659,000, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  is   appropriated   from   the   Capital
Development  Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs for grants  to  governmental  units  and  educational
facilities  and  not  for  profit organizations for all costs
associated with infrastructure improvements.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 1291, as amended)
    Sec. 1291.  The sum of $9,391,740 $9,711,740, or so  much
thereof  as  may  be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund
for Illinois'  Future  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community  Affairs  for  the  administrative costs associated
with  the   Department's   facilitation   of   infrastructure
improvements,   or  for  grants  to  governmental  units  and
educational facilities and not-for-profit  organizations  for
all   costs   associated  with  infrastructure  improvements,
miscellaneous purchases, and operating expenses.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 1330, new)
    Sec. 1330.  The amount of $30,000, or so much thereof  as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Fund for Illinois'
Future  to  the  Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for a grant to Kenwood Academy for outdoor learning labs.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 16, Sec. 1331, new)
    Sec. 1331.  The amount of $300,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  General  Revenue
Fund  to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs for
a grant to the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago  for
expenses related to security systems.

    Section  5.  "AN  ACT  making appropriations," Public Act
91-0020, approved June 7, 1999, as  amended,  is  amended  by
changing Sections 49 and 50 of Article 20 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-0020, Art. 20, Sec. 49)
    Sec.  49.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the  close  of
business  on  June 30, 1999, from an appropriation heretofore
made in Article 20, Section 49  of  Public  Act  91-0020,  is
reappropriated   from   the   General  Revenue  Fund  to  the
Department of Natural Resources, Office  of  Water  Resources
for  the  City  of Des Plaines for all activities relating to
the design and implementation of channel restoration, channel
maintenance and flood control work  on  Farmers  and  Prairie
Creeks  in  Des Plaines and Maine Township for all activities
relating to  the  development  and  institution  of  a  flood
control  plan  for Maine Township along the Des Plaines River
and its subsidiary creeks.

    (P.A. 91-0020, Art. 20, Sec. 50)
    Sec. 50.  The sum of $500,000, or so much thereof as  may
be  necessary  and  as  remains  unexpended  at  the close of
business on June 30, 1999, from an  appropriation  heretofore
made  in  Article  51,  Section 106 of Public Act 90-0585, is
reappropriated  from  the  General  Revenue   Fund   to   the
Department  of  Natural  Resources, Office of Water Resources
for the City of Des Plaines for all  activities  relating  to
the design and implementation of channel restoration, channel
maintenance  and  flood  control  work on Farmers and Prairie
Creeks in Des Plaines  and  Maine  Township   Water  Resource
Division  to  begin  the  planning  and construction of flood
control along the Des Plaines and Prairie Farmer Creek.

    Section  6.  "AN   ACT   regarding   appropriations   and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-0020, approved June 7, 1999,
as  amended  in House Bill 1534, approved by the 91st General
Assembly on April 12, 2000, is amended by changing Section  1
of Article 21 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-0020, Art. 21, Sec. 1, as amended)
    Sec.  1.  The following named sums, or so much thereof as
may be  necessary,  respectively,  are  appropriated  to  the
Department of Public Aid for the purposes hereinafter named:
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ......................   $ 22,298,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ..........................        891,900
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ..............      2,185,200
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security ...........................      1,661,200
  For Contractual Services ...................     17,753,500
  For Travel .................................        238,300
  For Commodities ............................        801,700
  For Printing ...............................      1,153,000
  For Equipment ..............................      1,288,700
  For Telecommunications Services ............      1,179,000
  For Operation of Auto Equipment ............         83,700
    Total                                         $49,534,300
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ...................... $   13,785,100
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ..........................        551,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ..............      1,351,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security ...........................      1,027,000
  For Contractual Services ...................      2,439,000
  For Travel .................................        405,900
  For Equipment ..............................         43,500
    Total                                         $19,602,900
Payable from Long Term Care Provider Fund:
  For Administrative Expenses ....................$   149,000

Payable from Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund:
  For Personal Services ......................     44,790,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ..........................      1,791,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ..............      4,389,400
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security ...........................      3,336,900
  For Group Insurance ........................      7,109,900
  For Contractual Services ...................     95,735,300
  For Travel .................................        838,300
  For Commodities ............................        921,100
  For Printing ...............................        551,100
  For Equipment ..............................      1,800,800
  For Telecommunications Services ............      4,036,300
  For Administrative Costs Related to
   Enhanced Collection Efforts including
   Paternity Adjudication Demonstration ......     14,328,800
  For Child Support Enforcement
   Demonstration Projects ....................      1,500,000
    Total                                        $178,880,000

    The amount of $74,200,000 $31,800,000, or so much thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is appropriated to the Department of
Public Aid from the General Revenue Fund for deposit into the
Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund.

    The amount of $200,000, or so  much  thereof  as  may  be
necessary,  is  appropriated  to the Department of Public Aid
from the DPA Special Purpose Trust Fund for deposit into  the
Child Support Enforcement Trust Fund.

Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ...................... $    1,459,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ..........................         58,400
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ..............        143,000
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security ...........................        108,700
  For Contractual Services ...................        168,600
  For Travel .................................         11,400
  For Equipment ..............................         20,600
    Total                                          $1,970,200
Payable from General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services ...................... $   22,339,700
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ..........................        893,600
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ..............      2,189,300
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security ...........................      1,664,300
  For Contractual Services ...................      4,953,600
  For Travel .................................        606,000
  For Equipment ..............................         77,700
  For Telecommunications Services ............      1,766,200
  For Purchase of Medical Management
   Services ..................................      9,091,900
  For Purchase of Services Relating to
   and costs associated with the develop-
   ment and implementation of an
   electronic Medicaid client eligibility
   verification system .......................      3,635,800
  For Costs Associated with the
   Development, Implementation and
   Operation of a Medical Data
   Warehouse .................................      3,000,000
  For Refunds of Premium Payments
   Received Pursuant to Section 25(a)(2)
   of the Children's Health Insurance
   Program Act ...............................        100,000
    Total                                         $50,318,100
Payable from Provider Inquiry Trust Fund:
  For expenses associated with
   providing access and utilization
   of IDPA eligibility files ..................$    7,500,000

    The  amount  of $14,290,157, or so much thereof as may be
necessary and remains unexpended at the close of business  on
June 30, 1999, from appropriations heretofore made in Article
38,  Section  1, of Public Act 90-585, approved June 4, 1998,
is reappropriated  from  the  General  Revenue  Fund  to  the
Department  of  Public  Aid  for  costs  associated  with the
development, implementation and operation of a  Medical  Data

                    PUBLIC AID RECOVERIES
Payable from Public Aid Recoveries Trust Fund:
  For Personal Services ...................... $    3,375,300
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer ..........................        135,000
  For State Contributions to State
   Employees' Retirement System ..............        330,800
  For State Contributions to
   Social Security ...........................        251,500
  For Group Insurance ........................        487,900
  For Contractual Services ...................      7,645,200
  For Travel .................................        127,400
  For Commodities ............................         37,800
  For Printing ...............................         23,300
  For Equipment ..............................        458,000
  For Telecommunications Services ............         49,500
    Total                                         $12,921,700

    Section   7.  "AN   ACT   regarding   appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-0020, approved June 7, 1999,
as amended, is amended by adding Section 20, new, to  Article
22 as follows:
    (P.A. 91-0020, Art. 22, Sec. 20, new)
    Sec.  20.  The  amount of $250,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary is appropriated from the Fund for  Illinois'
Future  to  the  Department  of  Public Health to be used for
statewide  counseling  related  to  Hepatitis   C   and   the
utilization of FDA-approved at-home test kits.

    Section   8.  "AN   ACT   regarding   appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-0020, approved June 7, 1999,
as amended, is amended by  changing  Sections  1C  and  2  of
Article 25 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-0020, Art. 25, Sec. 1C, as amended)
    Sec. 1C.  The following named sums, or so much thereof as
may  be  necessary,  are  appropriated  to  the Department of
Veterans' Affairs for the objects and  purposes  and  in  the
amounts set forth as follows:
  For Bonus Payments to War Veterans and Peacetime
   Crisis Survivors ............................ $      124,000
  For Providing Educational Opportunities for
   Children of Certain Veterans, as provided
   by law.......................................        153,500
  For Specially Adapted Housing for
   Veterans.......................        234,000     129,000
  For Cartage and Erection of Veterans'
   Headstones...................................        737,900
  For Cartage and Erection of Veterans'
   Headstones/Prior Years Claims ...............        300,000
    Total                              $1,549,400  $1,444,400

    (P.A. 91-0020, Art. 25, Sec. 2)
    Sec.  2.  The following named amounts, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, respectively, are  appropriated  to  the
Department  of  Veterans'  Affairs  for  objects and purposes
hereinafter named:
                  VETERANS' FIELD SERVICES
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
  For Personal Services...........   $  2,669,100$  2,755,500
  For Employee Retirement Contributions
   Paid by Employer...............        106,700     110,200
  For State Contributions to the State
   Employees' Retirement system...        261,500     270,000
  For State Contributions to Social
   Security.......................        204,200     210,800
  For Contractual Services......................        325,400
  For Travel....................................         56,200
  For Commodities...............................         15,300
  For Printing..................................         10,200
  For Equipment.................................         32,900
  For Electronic Data Processing ...............         32,000
  For Telecommunications Services...............         91,500
  For Operation of Auto Equipment...............         13,600
    Total                              $3,818,600  $3,923,600

    Section  9.   "AN  ACT   regarding   appropriations   and
reappropriations,"  Public  Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999,
as amended, is amended by adding Sections 5c,  new,  and  2b,
new, to Article 27 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 27, Sec. 5c, new)
    Sec. 5c.  The amount of $5,000,000, or so much thereof as
may   be   necessary,   is   appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development Fund to the Capital  Development  Board  for  the
Department  of  Human  Services  to construct a detention and
treatment facility.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 27, Sec. 2b, new)
    Sec. 2b.  The following named amount, or so much  thereof
as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the  Capital
Development  Fund  to  the  Capital Development Board for the
Department of Central Management Services for  the  following
               SPRINGFIELD - 120 W. JEFFERSON
To purchase the building ..........................$9,500,000

    Section 10. "AN ACT regarding appropriations," Public Act
91-23, approved  June 9, 1999, is amended by changing Section
5 of Article 3 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-23, Art. 3, Sec. 5)
    Sec.  5.  The  sum  of  $2,114,000 $1,314,000, or so much
thereof  as  may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated  from  the
Transportation  Regulatory  Fund  to  assist   the   Illinois
Commerce Commission in monitoring railroad crossing safety.

    Section  11.  "AN  ACT regarding appropriations,"  Public
Act 91-22, approved June 9, 1999, is amended  by  adding  new
Section 2 to Article 1 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-22, Art. 1, Sec. 2, new)
    Sec.  2.   The sum of $260,410, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is appropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund
to   the  Southwestern  Illinois  Development  Authority  for
replenishment of a draw on  the  Debt  Service  Reserve  Fund
backing bonds issued on behalf of Waste Recovery - Illinois.

    Section  12.  "AN  ACT regarding appropriations,"  Public
Act 91-22, approved June 9, 1999, is amended  by  adding  new
Article 1a as follows:
    (P.A. 91-22, Art. 1a, new, Sec. 1)
                         ARTICLE 1a

    Sec.  1.   The sum of $195,491, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is appropriated from the General  Revenue  Fund
to  the Upper Illinois River Valley Development Authority for
replenishment of a draw on  the  Debt  Service  Reserve  Fund
backing bonds issued on behalf of Waste Recovery - Illinois.

    Section   13.   "AN   ACT  regarding  appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-20, approved June  7,  1999,
is amended by changing Section 20 of Article 3 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 3, Sec. 20)
    Sec. 20.  The following named amounts, or so much thereof
as  may  be necessary, respectively, are appropriated for the
objects and purposes hereinafter named to meet  the  ordinary
and   contingent  expenses  of  the  Legislative  Information
For Personal Services.............    $ 1,316,100 $ 1,516,100
For Employee Retirement
  Contributions Paid by Employer..         52,700      60,700
For State Contribution to State
  Employees' Retirement System....        125,400     147,200
For State Contribution to Social
  Security........................        100,700     116,000
For Contractual Services..........                    547,600
For Travel........................                     12,300
For Commodities...................                      5,000
For Printing......................                     30,500
For Equipment.....................                      7,000
For Electronic Data Processing....      1,072,900     827,800
For Purchase, Maintenance, and
  Rental of Legislative Electronic
  Data Processing Equipment,
  Contractual Procurement of Copying
  Equipment and Printing .........                    642,900
For Purchase of legislative
  Software .......................                  2,000,000
For Telecommunications Services...                    100,700
For Refunds.......................                        600
    Total                                          $6,014,400

    Section  14.  "AN  ACT   regarding   appropriations   and
reappropriations,"  Public  Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999,
is amended by repealing Section 1-15, and  changing  Sections
1-9,  2-16,  2-25,  2-53,  2-57,  and  2-101 of Division I of
Article 40 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 40, Sec. 1-9)
    Sec. 1-9.  The sum of $34,000,000 $25,000,000, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, is appropriated from  the  Build
Illinois   Bond  Fund  to  the  Department  of  Commerce  and
Community Affairs for grants and loans pursuant to Article  8
or Article 10 of the Build Illinois Act.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 40, Sec. 2-16, as amended)
    Sec.  2-16.  The  sum  of $200,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Build  Illinois
Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Arlington Heights for land
acquisition and other improvements for a park.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 40, Sec. 2-25)
    Sec. 2-25.  The sum of $545,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the Build Illinois
Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for a grant to Village of Oswego  for  infrastructure  street

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 40, Sec. 2-53)
    Sec.  2-53.  The sum of $1,225,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Build  Illinois
Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for  a  grant  to  the  Village of Glendale Heights for water
system infrastructure and other community improvements.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 40, Sec. 2-57)
    Sec. 2-57.  The sum of $100,000, or so  much  thereof  as
may  be  necessary,  is  appropriated from the Build Illinois
Bond Fund to the Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
for a grant to the Rochester CUSD 3A  for  a  sports  complex
Village of Rochester for infrastructure improvements.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 40, Sec. 2-101)
    Sec.  2-101.  The  sum of $700,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated  from  the  Build  Illinois
Bond  Fund  to the Department of Natural Resources, Office of
Water Resources for  construction  of  the  Rand  Park  Flood
Control  Project  in  the  City  of Des Plaines and for costs
associated with rehabilitation of Farmers and Prairie  Creeks
for  a  grant  to  the City of Des Plaines for restoration of
Prairie Farmers Creek bank.

    Section  15.  "AN  ACT   regarding   appropriations   and
reappropriations,"  Public  Act 91-20, approved June 7, 1999,
as amended, is amended by changing  Section  25,  and  adding
Section 75, new, to Article 12 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 12, Sec. 25, as amended)
    Sec.  25.  The  amount  of $18,500,000 $18,300,000, or so
much of that amount as may be necessary, is  appropriated  to
the   State   Treasurer  from  the  Transfer  Tax  Collection
Distributive Fund for  the  purpose  of  making  payments  to
counties  pursuant  to Section 13b of the Illinois Estate and
Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Act.

    (P.A. 91-20, Art. 12, Sec. 75, new)
    Sec. 75.  The following named amount, or so much of  that
amount as may be necessary for the objects and purposes named
in  this  Section,  is  appropriated to meet the ordinary and
contingent expenses of the Office  of  the  State  Treasurer,
Division of Unclaimed Property.

  From the State Pensions Fund:
  For Contractual Services ....................  $  1,200,000

    Section   16.   "AN   ACT  regarding  appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-8, approved June 2, 1999, as
amended, is amended by changing Sections 20, 30, and  90  and
adding Section 91, new, to Article 14 as follows:

    (P.A. 91-8, Art. 14, Sec. 20)
    Sec.  20.   The  following  amounts,  or so much of those
amounts as may be necessary, respectively,  for  the  objects
and  purposes  named,  are appropriated to the State Board of
Education for Grants-In-Aid:
From the General Revenue Fund:
    For compensation of Regional Superintendents
         of Schools and assistants under Section
         18-5 of the School Code .     $7,168,600  $6,318,600
    For payment of one time employer's
         contribution to Teachers' Retirement
         System as provided in the Early Retirement
         Incentive Provision of Public Act 87-1265
         and under Section 16-133.2 of the Illinois
         Pension Code...........................     $142,900
    For the Supervisory Expense Fund under
         Section 18-6 of the School Code........     $102,000
    For orphanage tuition claims and State owned
         housing claims as provided under Section
         18-3 of the School Code................  $16,000,000
    For financial assistance to Local Education
         Agencies for the Philip J. Rock
         Center and School as provided by
         Section 14-11.02 of the School Code....   $2,760,000
    For financial assistance to Local Education
         Agencies for the purpose of maintaining
         an educational materials coordinating
         unit as provided for by Section
         14-11.01 of the School Code............   $1,062,000
    For reimbursement to school districts
         for services and materials for
         programs under Section 14A-5 of
         the School Code........................  $19,695,800
    For tuition of disabled children attending
         schools under Section 14-7.02 of
         the School Code.......... $49,235,600    $53,000,000
    For reimbursement to school districts
         for extraordinary special
         education and facilities under
         Section 14-7.02a of
         the School Code.......... $208,419,700  $213,500,000
    For reimbursement to school districts for
         services and materials used in
         programs for the use of disabled
         children under Section 14-13.01
         of the School Code....... $283,498,600  $281,500,000
    For reimbursement on a current basis
         only to school districts that
         provide for education of
         handicapped orphans from
         residential institutions as
         well as foster children who
         are mentally impaired or
         behaviorally disordered as
         provided under Section 14-7.03
         of the School Code..................... $128,500,000
    For financial assistance to Local
         Education Agencies with over
         500,000 population to meet
         the needs of those children
         who come from environments
         where the dominant language
         is other than English under
         Section 34-18.2 of the School
         Code................................... $31,833,200
    For financial assistance to Local
         Education Agencies with under
         500,000 population to meet
         the needs of those children
         who come from environments
         where the dominant language
         is other than English under
         Section 10-22.38a of the
         School Code............................ $23,718,800
    For distribution to eligible recipients
         for establishing and/or maintaining
         educational programs for Low
         Incidence Disabilities................. $1,500,000
    For reimbursement to school districts
         qualifying under Section 29-5
         of the School Code for a portion
         of the cost of transporting
         common school pupils..... $195,716,300  $186,500,000
    For reimbursement to school districts for a
         portion of the cost of transporting
         disabled students under Section
         14-13.01(b) of the
         School Code.............. $181,492,100  $181,000,000
    For reimbursement to school districts and for
         providing free lunch and breakfast
         programs under the provision of the
         School Free Lunch Program Act.......... $19,500,000
    For providing the loan of textbooks to students
         under Section 18-17 of the School Code. $24,192,100
    Total                                      $2,633,484,300

    (P.A. 91-8, Art. 14, Sec. 30)
    Sec. 30.  The following amounts,  or  so  much  of  those
amounts  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
from the General Revenue Fund to the State Board of Education
for the objects and purposes named:
    For costs associated with the Certificate
         Renewal Administrative Payment program.   $1,000,000
    For operational costs to provide services
         associated with the Regional Office
         of Education for the City of Chicago...     $870,000
    For funding the Illinois Teacher
         of the Year Program....................     $150,000
    For operational expenses and grants
         for Regional Offices of Education and
         Intermediate Service Centers...........  $12,360,000
    For independent outside evaluation of
         select programs operated by the Illinois
         State Board of Education...............     $200,000
    For operational costs and grants associated
         with the Career Awareness
         & Development Initiative...............   $1,117,800
    For costs associated with Jobs for
         Illinois Graduates Program.............   $2,800,000
    For costs associated with General Education
         Development (GED) testing..............     $210,000
    For costs associated with Teacher
         Framework Implementation...............     $400,000
    For costs associated with the Initiative
         for National Board Certification.......      $75,000
    For funding of the Regional Offices of
         Education Technology Plan..............     $500,000
    For operational costs and grants
         associated with the Summer
         Bridges Program to assist school
         districts which had one or more
         schools with a significant percentage
         of third and sixth grade students in
         the "does not meet" category on the
         1998 state reading scores to achieve
         standards in reading ..................   $8,000,000
    For operational costs and grants
         associated with the Save A Life
         Program................................     $600,000
    For Statewide Professional Development
         Block Grant, pursuant to Senate
         Bill 556...............................   $1,500,000
    For costs associated with regional
         and local Optional Education Programs
         for dropouts, those at risk of dropping
         out, and Alternative Education Programs
         for chronic truants....................  $18,660,000
    For costs associated with establishing
         and conducting the Illinois Partnership
         Academies..............................     $600,000
    For costs associated with funding Vocational
         Education Staff Development............   $1,299,800
    For administrative costs associated with
         Learning Standards.....................   $1,286,500
    For costs associated with the Minority
         Transition Program.....................     $300,000
    For funding the Golden Apple Scholars
         Program................................   $2,554,300
    For operational expenses of financial audits
         of each Regional Office of Education
         in the State as approved by Section 2-3.17a
         of the School Code.....................     $506,300
    For administrative cost associated with the
         Work-Based Learning Program............     $160,100
    For funding the Urban Education
         Partnership Grants.....................   $1,450,000
    For administrative costs associated with the
         Illinois Administrators Academy........     $234,300
    For administrative costs associated
         with the Scientific Literacy and the
         Center on Scientific Literacy..........   $2,255,000
    For costs associated with the Parental
         Involvement Campaign Program...........     $500,000
    For administrative costs associated with
         the Substance Abuse and Violence
         Prevention Programs....................     $248,000
    For administrative costs associated
         with the Learning Improvement and
         Quality Assurance......................   $2,810,000
    For administrative costs associated
         with the Vocational Education
         Technical Preparation program..........     $433,000
    For operational expenses of administering the
         Early  Childhood Block Grant...........     $559,000
    For funding the Illinois State Board of
         Education Technology Program...........     $850,000
    For operational costs and reimbursement
         to a parent or guardian under the
         Transportation provisions of Section
         29-5.2 of the School Code..............  $10,120,000
    For operational costs of the Residential
         Services Authority for Behavior Disorders
         and Severely Emotionally Disturbed
         Children and Adolescents...............     $358,800
    For funding the Teachers Academy for
         Math and Science in Chicago............   $5,500,000
    For operational costs associated with
         administering the Reading Improvement
         Block Grant............................     $389,500
    For operational costs associated with
         administering the Professional
         Development Block Grant................     $427,500
    For purposes of providing liability
         coverage to certificated persons in
         accordance with Section 2-3.124 of the
         School Code..............     $407,200    $1,000,000
    For Operational Expenses for the Illinois
         Purchase Care Review Board.............     $166,400
    For all costs, including prior year claims
      associated with Special Education
      lawsuits, including Cory H................   $1,000,000
    For operational costs and grants
         associated with the Classroom
         Teachers Program.......................   $5,000,000
    For costs associated with the Regional
         Offices of Education School Bus
         Driver Training Programs...............      $50,000
    For costs associated with education
         and related educational services to
         recipients of Public Assistance as provided
         in Section 10-22.20 and 405/1-1 of the School
         Code first and then for payment of costs
         of education and education related
         services as provided for in
         Section 10-22.20 and 405/1-1
         of the School Code.....................  $10,068,200
    For costs associated with student
         and teacher assessment programs........  $19,097,000
    For costs associated with the Reading
         Improvement Statewide Program..........   $2,500,000
         Total, this Section....................  $89,948,300

    (P.A. 91-8, Art. 14, Sec. 90)
    Sec. 90.  The following amounts,  or  so  much  of  those
amounts  as  may be necessary, respectively, are appropriated
to the State Board of Education for the following objects and
Payable from the Common School Fund:
    For general apportionment as provided by
      Section 18-8 of the
      School Code........... $2,500,630,600    $2,505,600,100
Payable from the General Revenue Fund:
    For summer school payments as provided by
      Section 18-4.3 of the School Code.           $5,600,000
    For supplementary payments to school districts
      as provided in Section 18-8.2, Section 18-8.3,
      Section 18-8.5, and Section 18-8A(5)(m) of
      of the School Code       $3,613,000       <L_  $4,463,000>¿
      Total, this Section                      $2,515,663,100

    (P.A. 91-8, Art. 14, Sec. 91, new)
    Sec. 91.  The amount of $2,700,000, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, is appropriated from the Common School Fund
to the State Board of Education for payment to Chicago Public
Schools  for  reimbursement  due  to  changes   in   mandated

    Section   17.   "AN   ACT  regarding  appropriations  and
reappropriations," Public Act 91-8, approved June 2, 1999, as
amended, is amended by adding Section 50, new, to  Article  6
as follows:

    (P.A. 91-8, Art. 6, Sec. 50, new)
    Sec.  50.  The sum of $200,000, or so much thereof as may
be necessary, is appropriated to the  Board  of  Trustees  of
Western  Illinois University from the General Revenue Fund to
pay the judgment against Western Illinois University in  Case
No. 97-1048.

                         ARTICLE 999

    Section 999.  Effective Date.  Articles 1 through 75 take
effect on July 1, 2000.  Articles 76 and 999 take effect upon
becoming law.

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