State of Illinois
90th General Assembly

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 1                          HOUSE RESOLUTION
 2        WHEREAS,  The  members   of   the   Illinois   House   of
 3    Representatives  are  saddened to learn of the death of James
 4    Fletcher, Chairman and  former  Chief  Executive  Officer  of
 5    South Shore Bank in Chicago, Illinois; and
 6        WHEREAS, James Fletcher was born in Chicago, Illinois, on
 7    January 21, 1935; in 1958 he graduated from Northern Illinois
 8    University;  he  served 3 years in the Marine Corps, and then
 9    returned to Chicago and taught in the public  schools  for  3
10    years; and
11        WHEREAS,  Mr.  Fletcher  joined  the Chicago Committee on
12    Urban Opportunity in 1963 as an urban planner for the City of
13    Chicago's anti-poverty program; he went on  to  hold  several
14    other government jobs before taking a position with Hyde Park
15    Bank   and  Trust  in  1969  to  work  in  the  bank's  urban
16    redevelopment lending division; and
17        WHEREAS, The South Shore Bank was struggling  to  survive
18    in  its  changing racial environment; several executives from
19    the Hyde Park Bank made the decision to buy South Shore  Bank
20    and  devote  it  to community development; the new owners put
21    mortgage money back into the community, raised interest rates
22    on saving accounts, and included the community as advisers in
23    major bank decisions; by 1975 the bank began returning  to  a
24    profitable entity; and
25        WHEREAS, In 1978 Mr. Fletcher left Hyde Park and moved to
26    South  Shore  Bank;  in  1983 he was named president of South
27    Shore Bank, and in 1996 he was named chairman  of  the  bank;
28    and
29        WHEREAS,   The  bank  feels  the  responsibility  to  its
30    community; Milton Davis, of South Shore Bank,  remembers  the
31    commitment of Mr. Fletcher through one of his quotes: "We are
                            -2-               LRB9013096KBkbB
 1    a  development  bank  and we have an obligation to see how we
 2    can make this loan and feel very good  about  it.  We  cannot
 3    just say no."  The South Shore Bank has been and continues to
 4    be  a  major  part  of  the revitalization of the South Shore
 5    community; and
 6        WHEREAS, James Fletcher also served as president  of  the
 7    Sno-gopher's  Ski  Club for many years; he is survived by his
 8    wife,  Norma;  his  daughters,   Cheryl   Mulholland,   Maria
 9    Barksdale,  and  Kathleen  Lisciotto;  his  son,  James;  his
10    mother, Mildred Fletcher Holtz; and his two sisters, Kathleen
11    Hall and Sharon Schulz; therefore, be it
14    mourn,  along  with  his family, friends, and colleagues, the
15    death of James Fletcher of Chicago, Illinois; may  they  find
16    peace and comfort in this time of need; and be it further
17        RESOLVED,  That  a  suitable  copy  of this resolution be
18    presented to the family of James Fletcher.

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