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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are pleased to congratulate Patricia A.
4Murphy, who is retiring from the City of Chicago after
5providing over 30 years of dedicated service, exclusively with
6the Council Division of the Office of the City Clerk; and
7    WHEREAS, She began her tenure back in 1980, when the late
8Honorable Lemuel Austin Jr., 34th Ward Alderman, took a chance
9and gave her an opportunity in city government; the only
10in-house staff person selected to serve in the then new word
11processing section, she went on to become the resident
12problem-solver for both operational and procedural
13difficulties; and
14    WHEREAS, Despite the fact that all staff members were
15trained in new system updates, she was consistently the most
16conversant with and became the resource person for new
17associated procedures; as the Index Editor who leads by
18example, she has made a personal and substantial contribution
19to the enhancement of the professionalism of her colleagues and
20instilled in them a sense of enthusiasm and teamwork that
21resulted in the consistent achievement of publication
22deadlines for the Guide to Legislation and the Index to the
23Journal of Proceedings; and



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1    WHEREAS, On her own initiative, she analyzed the document
2flow originating with the City Council, funneled through the
3Office of the City Clerk, and the various city council
4committees; as a consequence of this analysis, she developed
5procedural changes which responded to the time sensitive nature
6of the document flow by ensuring that the city council
7committees received their documents significantly sooner than
8under the previous process; and
9    WHEREAS, Pat Murphy has managed the day-to-day operations
10of the document reference and review section; she was the
11custodian of all legislation passed by the city council as well
12as being responsible for all historic documents; her
13development and implementation of specialized recordkeeping
14programs significantly enhanced the responsiveness and
15accuracy of the office vis-a-vis research requests generated by
16city officials and the public; and
17    WHEREAS, Due to her reservoir of historical information,
18breadth of technical expertise, and unwavering consistency
19under deadline pressure, she is the chief resource person, and
20as a consequence of her encyclopedic memory and the specialized
21document search tools and logs she developed, she is the
22primary legislative research specialist of the Office of the
23City Clerk; and



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1    WHEREAS, She was nominated twice for the Kathy Osterman
2Award for outstanding City Service and on August 12, 2001, was
3featured in the Chicago Tribune "Working on the Job" section
4and classified as a "Troubleshooter" for her vast amount of
5responsibilities; and
6    WHEREAS, As the Assistant Managing Editor of the Council
7Division, she is responsible for assisting in the monitoring of
8staff assignments in the reproduction of legislative documents
9for the publication of the Council Journal of Proceedings; she
10is the primary person responsible for recording all aldermanic
11votes and related notes at city council meetings with the City
12Clerks' new document management system; and
13    WHEREAS, In retirement, she can now exhale, enjoy her
14daughter, Bianca, and little Ms. Azuria, her outspoken and
15animated 3-year old granddaughter; therefore, be it
18we congratulate Patricia Murphy on her retirement and wish her
19all the best in her future endeavors; and be it further
20    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
21presented to Patricia Murphy as a symbol of our respect and



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