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2    WHEREAS, The College Illinois! prepaid tuition program has
3served Illinois families successfully for more than a decade,
4encouraging parents and grandparents to pay college tuition in
5advance through the purchase of State-sponsored prepaid
6tuition contracts; and
7    WHEREAS, The financial performance of the College
8Illinois! program is critical to making certain that the plan's
955,000 participants are able to access funds when the students
10are ready to attend an institution of higher education; and
11    WHEREAS, The College Illinois! program is not backed by the
12full faith and credit of the State of Illinois, making its
13long-term investment portfolio vulnerable to risky investment
14practices; and
15    WHEREAS, In 2009, College Illinois! assets were virtually
16all stocks and bonds; as of the end of January 2011, however,
17the fund held $419 million, or 38%, in riskier alternative
18investments, such as hedge funds, real estate, and private
19equity investments; and
20    WHEREAS, Hedge funds and private equity investments often
21do not provide the level of transparency appropriate for public



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1institutional investments of this kind; and
2    WHEREAS, The Illinois Student Assistance Commission's
3strategy is to continue purchasing alternative investments
4until the College Illinois! portfolio reaches 47% hedge fund,
5real estate, and private equity investments; and
6    WHEREAS, In 2008, the Illinois Student Assistance
7Commission invested $12.7 million in ShoreBank, a privately
8held company and, in 2010, the $12.7 million was lost when
9federal regulators closed the bank; and
10    WHEREAS, The level of exposure to alternative investments
11is at best questionable, given the relatively small size of the
12College Illinois! portfolio, and could expose the program's
13investors to unnecessary financial risk; and
14    WHEREAS, As of June 30, 2007, the College Illinois! fund
15was 7% underfunded, and as of June 2010, the most recent
16figures available, its shortfall grew to 31%; therefore, be it
19in response to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission's
20questionable investment practices and the College Illinois!
21program's growing shortfall in its fund, we direct the Illinois



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1State Board of Investment to conduct an independent asset
2allocation study of College Illinois! investments to determine
3the overall level of risk associated with the program's
4investment mix and provide the results of that study to the
5General Assembly and the Governor no later than January 15,
62012; and be it further
7    RESOLVED, That we direct the Auditor General to conduct a
8special audit of College Illinois! operations to document
9growth in program administrative costs and determine the
10efficacy of program administration on behalf of participants
11and provide the results of this special audit to the General
12Assembly and the Governor no later than January 15, 2012; and
13be it further
14    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
15delivered to the Illinois State Board of Investment and the
16Auditor General.