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2    WHEREAS, In July of 2012, United States Army 1st Lieutenant
3Clint Lorance was a 29 year old leading a new platoon in the
482nd Airborne Division in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan; and
5    WHEREAS, On his 3rd day of combat, 1st Lieutenant Clint
6Lorance was leading his paratroopers through an enemy minefield
7when 3 Afghan men rapidly approached his platoon on a
8motorcycle; and
9    WHEREAS, Believing that the men were planning an ambush,
101st Lieutenant Clint Lorance ordered his paratroopers to fire
11on the Afghans, killing 2 of the men; and
12    WHEREAS, Army officials subsequently accused 1st
13Lieutenant Clint Lorance of violating the rules of engagement;
15    WHEREAS, In August of 2013, an Army court martial convicted
161st Lieutenant Clint Lorance of 2 specifications of murder, one
17specification of attempted murder, and other crimes; and
18    WHEREAS, After 1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance began serving a
1920-year sentence at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, his defense
20lawyers uncovered evidence that the Afghan men were associated



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1with the Taliban; and
2    WHEREAS, These Afghan men were associated with terrorist
3cells that were responsible for killing 11 United States and
4Afghan coalition forces and wounding 35 others; and
5    WHEREAS, 1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance's lawyers uncovered
6the evidence of the terrorist connections after he was sent to
7prison; and
8    WHEREAS, 1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance's lawyers have filed
9post-trial appeals in his case, alleging that the Army withheld
10this and other exculpatory evidence that was vital to his
11criminal defense; and
12    WHEREAS, The people of the State of Illinois support what
13President Abraham Lincoln did in another war - granting
14clemency toward American service members; therefore, be it
17SENATE CONCURRING HEREIN, that we urge the United States Army
18and the President to grant 1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance
19clemency in his case or, in the alternative, a new trial; and
20be it further



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1    RESOLVED, That we state our belief that the elected
2officials of this nation should not turn against those young
3men and women that they send into harm's way; and be it further
4    RESOLVED, That we call for the healing of the wounds that
5have been caused by this long war in Afghanistan, just as
6President Lincoln did when he used his powers to pardon
7soldiers in the Civil War; and be it further
8    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
9delivered to 1st Lieutenant Clint Lorance, President Barack
10Obama, Senator Dick Durbin, Senator Mark Kirk, Senator John
11McCain, and Senator Lindsey Graham.