Sen. Iris Y. Martinez

Filed: 5/26/2004





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2     AMENDMENT NO. ______. Amend House Bill 1336 by replacing
3 everything after the enacting clause with the following:
4     "Section 5. A corrective deed, to replace one previously
5 recorded and authorized in Public Act 92-532, Section 93, is
6 necessary to remedy certain errors in the grantee's name and
7 therefore, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation is
8 authorized to convey by corrective deed all right, title, and
9 interest in and to the following described land in Coles
10 County, Illinois to Mile Stones Midwest, Inc.
11     Parcel No. 5X03913
21     STATION 470+80 OF F.A. ROUTE #17 (ILLINOIS ROUTE 16);



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13     POINT 135.00 FEET RIGHT OF STATION 469+78.26 OF SAID
20     A POINT 91.00 FEET RIGHT OF STATION 469+78.29 OF SAID
22     23.00 FEET TO A POINT 98.02 FEET RIGHT OF STATION 470+00.65
30 It is understood and agreed that there is no existing right of
31 access nor will access be permitted in the future by the State
32 of Illinois, Department of Transportation, from or over the
33 premises above described to and from FA Route 17 (IL Rte 16),



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1 previously declared a freeway.
2     Section 10. Upon the payment of the sum of $7,100.00 to
3 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
4 in Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
5 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
6 over and through the following described land in Randolph
7 County, Illinois:
8     Parcel No. 800XA33
9     Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 6
10     South, Range 7 West of the Third Principal Meridian,
11     Village of Ellis Grove, Randolph County, Illinois.
12     Commencing at the northwest corner of Section 17, Township
13     6 South, Range 7 West of the Third Principal Meridian,
14     Village of Ellis Grove, Randolph County, Illinois; thence
15     on an assumed bearing of North 83 degrees 30 minutes 01
16     second East on the north line of said Section 17, a
17     distance of 202.49 feet to the centerline of Illinois Route
18     3 (FAP Route 312) as established by a Dedication of Right
19     of Way for Public Road Purposes as recorded in Book 151,
20     Page 520 of the Randolph County records; thence
21     southeasterly on said centerline of Illinois Route 3 on a
22     curve to the left, having a radius of 6,366.26 feet, an arc
23     distance of 311.87 feet, the chord of curve bearing South
24     16 degrees 19 minutes 46 seconds East, 311.84 feet; thence
25     South 72 degrees 16 minutes 02 seconds West radial to said
26     curve, 50.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of the herein
27     described tract; thence South 76 degrees 05 minutes 30
28     seconds West, 55.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 36
29     minutes 25 seconds West, 29.20 feet to the former easterly
30     right of way line of SBI Route 3, Section 74, as



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1     established by a Dedication of Right of Way for Public Road
2     Purposes and recorded in Book 88, Page 78 of the Randolph
3     County Records; thence on said easterly line on a curve to
4     the left, having a radius of 1,072.22 feet, an arc distance
5     of 533.39 feet, the chord of said curve bearing South 21
6     degrees 30 minutes 28 seconds East. 527.91 feet; thence
7     North 67 degrees 11 minutes 34 seconds East, 62.50 feet to
8     a point 50.00 feet radially distant from said centerline of
9     Illinois Route 3; thence northwesterly along a curve to the
10     right, having a radius of 6,416.26 feet, an arc distance of
11     540.12 feet, the chord of said curve bearing North 20
12     degrees 08 minutes 40 seconds West, 539.96 feet to the
13     Point of Beginning.
14     Parcel 800XA33 herein described contains 1.079 acre or
15     46,981 square feet, more or less.
16     Section 15. Upon the payment of the sum of $7,350.00 to
17 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
18 in Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
19 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
20 over and through the following described land in Winnebago
21 County, Illinois:
22     Parcel No. 2DWIX21
23     A part of Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 as
24     designated upon the plat of Camp Grant Island, being B.A.
25     Knight's Subdivision of Island Number 3 in Rock River in
26     Section 15, Township 43 North, Range 1 East of the Third
27     Principal Meridian, Winnebago County, Illinois, described
28     as follows:
29     Beginning at the northeast corner of said Lot 15, said



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1     point being 123.55 feet normally distant westerly from the
2     centerline of pavement in place of FAU Route 5103; thence
3     South 15 degrees 29 minutes 33 seconds East, 259.17 feet
4     along the east line of said Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
5     21, 22, 23 and 24 to a point on the south line of said Lot
6     24 and the southerly bank of said Island Number 3, said
7     point being 113.61 feet normally distant westerly from said
8     centerline; thence South 79 degrees 59 minutes 35 seconds
9     West, 45.21 feet along said south line of Lot 24 to a point
10     on the westerly right of way line of FAU Route 5103, said
11     point being 158.74 feet normally distant westerly from said
12     centerline; thence North 15 degrees 29 minutes 33 seconds
13     West, 254.85 feet along said westerly right of way line to
14     a point on the north line of said Lot 15, said point being
15     168.52 feet normally distant westerly from said
16     centerline; thence North 74 degrees 30 minutes 27 seconds
17     East, 45.00 feet along said north line of Lot 15 to the
18     Point of Beginning, containing 0.266 acre [11,565 square
19     feet], more or less.
20     Section 20. Upon the payment of the sum of $1.00 to the
21 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
22 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
23 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
24 over and through the following described land in LaSalle
25 County, Illinois:
26     Parcel No. 3LR0081
27     Beginning at the northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter
28     of Section 36, Township 33 North, Range 4 East of the Third
29     Principal Meridian; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes
30     East, 300.70 feet; thence South 06 degrees 36 minutes East,
31     100 feet; thence South 06 degrees 01 minute East, 68.60



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1     feet; thence South 03 degrees 20 minutes East, 404 feet;
2     thence South 08 degrees 23 minutes West, 68.00 feet; thence
3     South 14 degrees 04 minutes West, 51.80 feet; thence South
4     15 degrees 59 minutes West, 121.56 feet to the Point of
5     Beginning; from said Point of Beginning, South 89 degrees
6     31 minutes East, 478.27 feet, the 27.50 feet lying north of
7     the centerline; thence North 02 degrees 38 minutes West,
8     315.87 feet, being the 27.5 feet west of the centerline;
9     thence North 02 degrees 48 minutes West, 28.09 feet, being
10     the 27.5 feet west of the centerline.
11     Section 25. Upon the payment of the sum of $5,500.00 to
12 the State of Illinois, the rights or easement of access,
13 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
14 described line and FA Route 5 (US 66) are restored subject to
15 permit requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
16 Transportation:
17     Parcel No. 3LR0079
19     Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 30
20     North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian,
21     Livingston County, Illinois, being more particularly
22     described as follows:
23     Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of
24     said Northwest Quarter of Section 4 with the northerly
25     right of way line of F.A. 5 (U.S. Route 66), which point of
26     intersection is 125 feet right of Transit Line Station
27     442+09; thence South 71 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West,
28     701.14 feet, along said northerly right of way line, to the
29     point of curve of a 3,706.10 foot radius curve to the left,



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1     said point being 125 feet right of Station 449+10.14;
2     thence southwesterly 1,748.85 feet, along said northerly
3     right of way line whose chord bears South 58 degrees 00
4     minutes 53 seconds West, 1,732.67 feet to a point 125 feet
5     right of Station 466+00; thence South 43 degrees 21 minutes
6     40 seconds West, 589.21 feet, along said northerly right of
7     way line to the Point of Termination of said release on the
8     south line of said Northwest Quarter of Section 4, said
9     point being 160 feet right of Station 471+58, on said
10     transit line, containing 3,039.20 lineal feet, more or
11     less, situated in Livingston County, Illinois.
13     Part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 30
14     North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian,
15     Livingston County, Illinois, being more particularly
16     described as follows:
17     Beginning at the point of intersection of the east line of
18     said Northwest Quarter of Section 4 with the southerly
19     right of way line of F.A. 5 (U.S. Route 66), which point of
20     intersection is 125 feet left of Transit Line Station
21     442+94; thence South 71 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West,
22     616.14 feet along said southerly right of way line, to the
23     point of curve of a 3,456.10 foot radius curve to the left,
24     said point being 125 feet left of Station 449+10.14; thence
25     southwesterly 1,630.88 feet, along said southerly right of
26     way line, on a 3,456.10 foot radius curve to the left whose
27     chord bears South 58 degrees 00 minutes 53 seconds West,
28     1,615.79 feet to a point 125 feet left of Station 466+00;
29     thence South 40 degrees 01 minute 15 seconds West, 330.59
30     feet, along said southerly right of way line to the Point
31     of Termination of said release on the south line of said



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1     Northwest Quarter of Section 4, said point being 135 feet
2     left of Station 469+35, on said Transit Line, containing
3     2,577.61 lineal feet, more or less, situated in Livingston
4     County, Illinois.
5     Section 30. Subject to the conditions set forth in Section
6 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes acquired by
7 the People of the State of Illinois is released over and
8 through the following described land in Rock Island County,
9 Illinois:
10     Parcel No. 2DRIX97
11     A part of Lot 20 in the Assessor's Plat of 1861 located in
12     the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 17 North,
13     Range 1 West of the Fourth Principal Meridian, Rock Island
14     County, State of Illinois, described as follows:
15     Beginning at a magnetic nail at the northwest corner of Lot
16     20 of said Assessor's Plat of 1861; thence North 88 degrees
17     21 minutes 39 seconds East, 274.22 feet (Bearings assumed
18     for description purposes only) on the north line of said
19     Lot 20; thence South 1 degree 08 minutes 52 seconds West
20     306.57 feet to the top of bank of the Rock River; thence
21     South 73 degrees 01 minute 31 seconds West, 275.06 feet on
22     said top of bank, to the southerly extension of the west
23     line of said Lot 20; thence North 0 degrees 44 minutes 21
24     seconds West on said west line and southerly extension
25     379.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 2.067
26     acres, more or less.
27     The said Real Estate being also shown on the plat attached
28     hereto and made a part hereof.



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1 Except:
2 The State of Illinois reserves for itself the right to enter
3 upon the premises for purposes of maintaining the drainage
4 ditch located along the easterly boundary of said parcel.
5     Section 35. Upon the payment of the sum of $5,600.00 to the
6 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
7 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
8 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
9 over and through the following described land in Kendall
10 County, Illinois:
11     Parcel No. 3LR0072
12     Part of Section 28, Township 37 North, Range 7 East of the
13     Third Principal Meridian, described as follows:
14     Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 187 in the
15     Heartland of Yorkville, Unit 1 Subdivision; thence
16     easterly 44.38 feet along the northerly line of said Lot
17     187 along a 1,500.0 foot radius curve to the left whose
18     chord bears North 83 degrees 32 minutes 17 seconds East,
19     44.38 feet; thence South 53 degrees 06 minutes 34 seconds
20     East, 43.64 feet along the northeasterly line of said Lot
21     187; thence North 79 degrees 55 minutes 13 seconds East,
22     95.22 feet; thence North 34 degrees 18 minutes 36 seconds
23     East, 28.39 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue
24     North 34 degrees 18 minutes 36 seconds East, 2.34 feet;
25     thence easterly 390.40 feet along a 1510.0 foot radius
26     curve to the left whose chord bears North 69 degrees 42
27     minutes 17 seconds East, 389.31 feet; thence South 40
28     degrees 19 minutes 27 seconds East, 4.91 feet; thence
29     westerly 397.59 feet along a 746.8 foot radius curve to the



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1     right whose chord bears South 70 degrees 10 minutes 47
2     seconds West, 392.92 feet to the Point of Beginning,
3     containing 4,810 square feet, more or less, situated in
4     Bristol Township, Kendall County, Illinois.
5     Section 40. Upon the payment of the sum of $7,000.00 to the
6 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
7 Section 900 of this Act, the rights or easement of access,
8 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
9 described line are restored subject to permit requirements of
10 the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation:
11     Parcel No. 675X117
12     A part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section
13     16, Township 14 North, Range 5 West of the Third Principal
14     Meridian, Sangamon County, Illinois, described as follows:
15     Commencing at the southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter
16     of said Section 16; thence along the south line of said
17     Northeast Quarter, North 89 degrees 44 minutes West, 62
18     feet to a point on the west existing right of way line of
19     State Bond Issue 126 (I-55 Frontage Road) being 63 feet
20     right of centerline Station 250+80.60, also being the Point
21     of Beginning; thence along said west right of way line,
22     North 00 degrees 16 minutes East, 2081.04 feet to a point
23     63 feet right of Station 229+99.56 being the Point of
24     Termination.
25     Section 45. Upon the payment of the sum of $35,000.00 to
26 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
27 in Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
28 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
29 right, title and interest in and to the following described



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1 land in LaSalle County, Illinois, to Moss Management, Inc.
2     Parcel No. 3EX0055
3     That part of Lot 7 in Block 2 in Baker's Second Addition to
4     the City of Streator, described as follows:
5     Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot 7; thence
6     North 89 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East, 8.88 feet
7     along the south line of said Lot 7 to the Point of
8     Beginning; thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 44 seconds
9     East, 91.24 feet (90.0 feet record) to the existing right
10     of way line of F.A. 24 (Illinois Route 23); thence North 89
11     degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East, 160.54 feet along said
12     right of way line to the east line of the west 170.0 feet
13     of said Lot 7; thence South 00 degrees 09 minutes 18
14     seconds West, 91.24 feet (90.0 feet record) along said east
15     line of the west 170.0 feet of Lot 7 along said existing
16     right of way line to the south line of said Lot 7; thence
17     South 89 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds West, 161.12 feet to
18     the Point of Beginning, containing 14,474 square feet, more
19     or less, situated in the City of Streator, Illinois.
20     Section 50. Upon the payment of the sum of $165,000.00 to
21 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
22 in Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
23 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
24 over and through the following described land in Grundy County,
25 Illinois:
26     Parcel No. 3LR0076
27     That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 27, Township
28     34 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian,



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1     described as follows:
2     Commencing at the northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter
3     of said Section 27; thence North 88 degrees 07 minutes 22
4     seconds East, 70.00 feet along the north line of the
5     Southwest Quarter of said Section 27; thence South 01
6     degree 15 minutes 40 seconds East, 183.88 feet along the
7     east right of way line of Illinois Route 47 as shown on the
8     Right Of Way Plat recorded in Book 232 at Page 155; thence
9     North 88 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds East, 22.50 feet
10     along said right of way line to the Point of Beginning;
11     thence continuing North 88 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds
12     East, 121.50 feet along said right of way line; thence
13     South 01 degree 15 minutes 40 seconds East, 259.63 feet
14     along said right of way line of Illinois Route 47; thence
15     South 88 degrees 04 minutes 15 seconds West, 59.00 feet;
16     thence North 62 degrees 31 minutes 24 seconds West, 71.28
17     feet; thence North 01 degree 15 minutes 40 seconds West,
18     226.05 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 30,538
19     square feet, more or less, in Grundy County, Illinois.
20 It is understood and agreed that there is no existing right of
21 access nor will access be permitted in the future by the State
22 of Illinois, Department of Transportation, from or over the
23 premises above described to and from IL Route 47, previously
24 declared a freeway at this location.
25     Section 55. Upon the payment of the sum of $1,500.00 to the
26 State of Illinois, the rights or easement of access, crossing,
27 light, air and view from, to and over the following described
28 line and IL Route 162 are restored subject to permit
29 requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
30 Transportation:



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1     Parcel No. 800XB22
2     A line in the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 3
3     North, Range 9 West of the Third Principal Meridian,
4     Madison County, Illinois, described as follows:
5     Commencing at a tablet in concrete which marks the
6     northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 7,
7     Township 3 North, Range 8 West of the Third Principal
8     Meridian, Madison County, Illinois; thence South 89
9     degrees 36 minutes 24 seconds East on the north line of the
10     Northwest Quarter of said Section 7, a distance of 263.71
11     feet to its intersection with the centerline of FAI Route
12     255; thence North 17 degrees 59 minutes 13 seconds West on
13     said centerline, 595.61 feet to its intersection with the
14     centerline of FAP Route 586 (marked Illinois Route 162);
15     thence South 69 degrees 18 minutes 11 seconds West on the
16     centerline of FAP Route 586, a distance of 946.69 feet to a
17     point of curve; thence southwesterly 420.63 feet on said
18     centerline being a curve to the left, having a radius of
19     28,647.89 feet, the chord of said curve bears South 68
20     degrees 52 minutes 57 seconds West, 420.62 feet; thence
21     South 21 degrees 32 minutes 17 seconds East and radial to
22     the last described course, 43.38 feet to the southerly
23     access control line of said FAP Route 586 and the Point of
24     Beginning of the line described herein.
25     From said Point of Beginning; thence South 70 degrees 48
26     minutes 17 seconds West on said southerly access control
27     line, 79.96 feet to the terminus of said line.
28     Section 60. Upon the payment of the sum of $300.00 to the
29 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
30 Section 900 of this Act, the rights or easement of access,



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1 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
2 described line and SBI Route 9 (FA 10) are restored subject to
3 permit requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
4 Transportation:
5     Parcel No. 3LR0088
6     That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter
7     of Section 16, Township 25 North, Range 1 West of the Third
8     Principal Meridian, described as follows:
9     Commencing at the northeast corner of Parcel A, as recorded
10     in Plat Book 13 on Page 48, also being the intersection of
11     the west line of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of
12     said Section 16 with the south right of way line of the
13     Norfolk and Western Railroad; thence South 71 degrees 56
14     minutes 21 seconds East, 425.08 feet along said south right
15     of way line; thence South 00 degrees 45 minutes 54 seconds
16     East, 205.21 feet to the Point of Beginning of the Release
17     of Access rights on the north right of way line of U.S.
18     Route 150, said point also being 65.00 feet left of
19     centerline Station 761+48.33; thence North 89 degrees 14
20     minutes 06 seconds East, 251.67 feet to a point being 65.00
21     feet left of centerline Station 764+00; thence South 87
22     degrees 54 minutes 09 seconds East, 100.12 feet along said
23     right of way to a point 60.00 feet left of Centerline
24     Station 765+00; thence North 89 degrees 14 minutes 06
25     seconds East, 264.90 feet along said right of way line to
26     the Point of Termination of said Release, being 60.00 feet
27     left of Centerline Station 767+64.9, containing 616.69
28     lineal feet, more or less, situated in the Village of
29     Congerville, Woodford County, Illinois.
30     Section 65. Upon the payment of the sum of $350.00 to the



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1 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
2 Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
3 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
4 right, title and interest in and to the following described
5 land in Fayette County, Illinois, to Crawford Hale Foundation
6 American Legion Post No. 95.
7     Parcel No. 7510101
8     A part of Lot 7 and a part of Lot 8 in Block 54 of the City
9     of Vandalia, Fayette County, Illinois, more particularly
10     described as follows:
11     Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 8 of Block 54 in
12     the City of Vandalia, Fayette County, Illinois, as
13     referenced to a plat by Professional Land Surveyor 3031;
14     thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East on an
15     assumed bearing a distance of 160.02 feet to the northeast
16     corner of Lot 7 of said Block 54; thence North 90 degrees
17     00 minutes 00 seconds East for a distance of 5.00 feet;
18     thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a
19     distance of 160.02 feet; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes
20     00 seconds West 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning,
21     containing 800 square feet, more or less.
22     Section 70. Upon the payment of the sum of $2,600.00 to
23 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
24 in Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
25 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
26 over and through the following described land in McLean County,
27 Illinois:
28     Parcel No. 3LR0078



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1     A part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 24
2     North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal Meridian, McLean
3     County, Illinois, more particularly described as follows
4     with bearings based on datum used on Right Of Way Plans
5     recorded in Document No. 87-22332:
6     Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 4; thence
7     South 89 degrees 13 minutes 52 seconds West, 4191.67 feet
8     on the south line of said Section 4; thence North 11
9     degrees 33 minutes 57 seconds West, 30.53 feet; thence
10     North 38 degrees 59 minutes 01 second West, 106.55 feet to
11     the Point of Beginning; thence South 86 degrees 28 minutes
12     33 seconds West, 120.48 feet; thence northwesterly 336.83
13     feet on a 2788.50 foot radius non-tangential curve to the
14     right whose chord bears North 05 degrees 04 minutes 56
15     seconds West, 336.63 feet; thence North 01 degree 37
16     minutes 17 seconds West, 157.58 feet on the west right of
17     way line of U.S. Route 51; thence South 31 degrees 32
18     minutes 36 seconds East, 241.58 feet; thence southeasterly
19     281.08 feet on 2668.50 foot radius non-tangential curve to
20     the left whose chord bears South 05 degrees 45 minutes 05
21     seconds East, 280.95 feet to the Point of Beginning,
22     containing 46,573.84 square feet (1.07 acres), more or
23     less.
24     Section 75. The easement for highway purposes acquired by
25 the People of the State of Illinois is released over and
26 through the following described land in Tazewell County,
27 Illinois:
28     Parcel No. 409563V
29     All that certain parcel of ground situated in the North
30     One-Half of Section 29, Township 26 North, Range 4 West, of



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1     the 3rd Principal Meridian, in the County of Tazewell,
2     State of Illinois, described as follows, to-wit:
3     Beginning at a point, which is distant three thousand one
4     hundred thirty-three and one-tenth (3133.1) feet, measured
5     northwestwardly along the center line of the Toledo, Peoria &
6      Western Railway Company's main track, as now located and
7     constructed, from the intersection of the section line
8     dividing Sections 29 and 32 in Township 26 North, Range 4
9     West of the 3rd Principal Meridian with said center line
10     (Station 5810+20), said point also being fifty (50) feet
11     measured northeastwardly at right angles with said center
12     line; thence North thirty-eight degrees, thirty-five
13     minutes (38° - 35') West three hundred thirty eight and
14     eight-tenths (338.8); thence North 31° - 52' West, one
15     hundred twelve and two-tenths (112.2) feet; thence North
16     33° - 27' West eighty-four and nine-tenths (84.9) feet;
17     thence North 17° - 42' West one hundred twelve (112.0)
18     feet; thence in a southeastwardly direction on line with a
19     curve having a radius of 1196.28 feet two hundred two and
20     eight-tenths (202.8) feet; thence South 31° - 52' East four
21     hundred forty eight (448.0) feet to the Place of Beginning
22     and containing in all four hundred twenty five thousandths
23     (0.425) acres.
24     Section 80. For and in consideration of an
25 Intergovernmental Agreement between the Illinois Department of
26 Transportation and Metro (Bi-State Development Agency) and
27 subject to the conditions set forth in Section 900 of this Act,
28 the easement for highway purposes acquired by the People of the
29 State of Illinois is released over and through the following
30 described land in St. Clair County, Illinois:
31 Parcel No. 800XB36



09300HB1336sam002 - 18 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     From the center of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 9
2 West of the Third Principal Meridian, measure South 00 degrees
3 East, 723.5 feet to a point; thence North 27 degrees 28 minutes
4 West, 1,101.1 feet to a point; thence North 28 degrees 17
5 minutes West, 26.2 feet to the Point of Beginning.
6     Description of Tract:
7     From said Point of Beginning; thence North 58 degrees 22
8 minutes West, 51.3 feet to a point in the north right of way
9 line of the St. Louis & O'Fallon Railroad; thence North 27
10 degrees 30 minutes West along said right of way line, 262.6
11 feet to a point; thence around a curve to the left, following
12 said right of way line of radius 3,877 feet, a distance of 705
13 feet to a point; thence South 73 degrees 31 minutes East, 135.6
14 feet to a point; thence around a curve to the right of radius
15 3,951.4 feet tangent to a line whose bearing is South 37
16 degrees 20 minutes East, 617.5 feet to a point; thence South 28
17 degrees 17 minutes East, 406.7 feet to a point; thence North 58
18 degrees 22 minutes West, 86.3 feet to the Point of Beginning.
19 Said tract being a portion of the Southeast Quarter of the
20 Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 2 North, Range 9 West
21 of the Third Principal Meridian. Containing 1 and 70/100 acre,
22 more or less, situated in the County of St. Clair and State of
23 Illinois.
24     Section 85. Upon the payment of the sum of $6,500.00 to the
25 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
26 Section 900 of this Act, the easement for highway purposes
27 acquired by the People of the State of Illinois is released
28 over and through the following described land in Ford County,
29 Illinois:



09300HB1336sam002 - 19 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Parcel No. 3LR0085
2     A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 23
3     North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian, Gibson
4     City, Ford County, Illinois, more particularly described
5     as follows, with assumed bearings given for description
6     purposes only:
7         Commencing at the southwest corner of the Southeast
8     Quarter of Section 11; thence South 89 degrees 59 minutes
9     13 seconds East, 190.57 feet on the south line of said
10     Southeast Quarter of Section 11; thence North 00 degrees 04
11     minutes 08 seconds East, 80.99 feet to the Point of
12     Beginning, said point being 78.0 feet right of centerline
13     Station 749+00 on Illinois Route 9; thence North 89 degrees
14     55 minutes 52 seconds West, 90.76 feet parallel with said
15     centerline of Illinois Route 9 to a point 78.0 feet right
16     of centerline Station 749+90.76 on Illinois Route 9; thence
17     North 45 degrees 01 minute 31 seconds West, 42.50 feet to a
18     point 70.0 feet right of centerline Station 751+98.27 on
19     Sangamon Street; thence North 00 degrees 07 minutes 11
20     seconds West, 101.73 feet parallel with the centerline of
21     said Sangamon Street to a point 70.0 feet right of
22     centerline Station 753+00 on Sangamon Street; thence South
23     42 degrees 32 minutes 42 seconds East, 179.00 feet to the
24     Point of Beginning, containing 7,504 square feet, more or
25     less.
26     Section 90. Upon the payment of the sum of $12,000.00 to
27 the State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth
28 in Section 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
29 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
30 right, title and interest in and to the following described
31 land in Macon County, Illinois, to Ralph L. Bledsaw Jr.



09300HB1336sam002 - 20 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Parcel No. 5X02003
2     Part of Lot 5 of a survey for Jerome Edward Montgomery in
3     the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section
4     34, Township 17 North, Range 2 East of the Third Principal
5     Meridian, as per plat recorded in Book 335 on Page 216, in
6     the Recorder's Office of Macon County, in the State of
7     Illinois, described as follows:
8     Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot B of a re-survey
9     of a part of Lot 5 of a survey for Jerome Edward Montgomery
10     in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said
11     Section 34, recorded in Book 1270 on Page 49 in the Macon
12     County Recorder's Office, said point being on the existing
13     easterly right of way line of SBI Rte. 2 (US 51 South);
14     thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 39 seconds West
15     (Bearings are Assumed) 30.18 feet along the south line of
16     said Lot 5; thence northeasterly 202.77 feet along a curve
17     to the right being concentric with and 50.00 feet easterly
18     of the centerline of SBI Rte. 2 (US 51 South), said curve
19     having a radius of 1857.83 feet, the chord of said curve
20     bears North 9 degrees 12 minutes 09 seconds East 202.67
21     feet, to the north line of said Lot 5; thence North 89
22     degrees 53 minutes 39 seconds East 30.73 feet, to the
23     existing easterly right of way line of SBI Rte. 2 (US 51
24     South); thence southwesterly 202.86 feet along said right
25     of way line being a curve to the left, and being concentric
26     with and 80.00 feet easterly of the centerline of SBI Rte.
27     2 (US 51 South), said curve having a radius of 1827.83
28     feet, the chord of said curve bears South 9 degrees 21
29     minutes 25 seconds West 202.76 feet, to the Point of
30     Beginning, containing 6084 square feet, more or less.
31     Section 95. Upon the payment of the sum of $300.00 to the



09300HB1336sam002 - 21 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
2 Section 900 of this Act, the rights or easement of access,
3 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
4 described line and SBI Route 9 (FA 10) are restored subject to
5 permit requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
6 Transportation:
7     Parcel No. 3LR0092
8     A part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section
9     23, Township 25 North, Range 1 West of the Third Principal
10     Meridian in Woodford County, Illinois, described as
11     follows:
12     Commencing at the northeast corner of said Section 23;
13     thence South, 54.71 feet to the Point of Beginning of the
14     release of access control on the south right of way line of
15     FAS 2466 (US 150); thence West along said south right of
16     way line, 535.00 feet to the west line of Tract "M-1"
17     recorded in Plat Book 32, Page 91, in the Recorder's Office
18     of Woodford County, Illinois; also the Point of Termination
19     of said access control release, total release of access
20     control is 535.00 lineal feet.
21     Section 100. Upon the payment of the sum of $500.00 to the
22 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
23 Section 900 of this Act, the rights or easement of access,
24 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
25 described line and IL Route 116 are restored subject to permit
26 requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
27 Transportation:
28     Parcel No. 3LR0090



09300HB1336sam002 - 22 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     A part of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section
2     21, Township 27 North, Range 1 West of the Third Principal
3     Meridian, Woodford County, Illinois, more particularly
4     described as follows:
5     Commencing at the intersection of the west line of the East
6     Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 21 with the
7     south right of way line of SBI 116 as the Point Of
8     Beginning of the Release Of Access Control, said point of
9     beginning being 60.00 feet south of Survey Line Station
10     401+81; thence East along said south right of way line of
11     SBI 116, a distance of 743.62 feet, more or less, to the
12     termination of said release, said point being 60.00 feet
13     south of Survey Line Station 409+24.62, more or less,
14     situated in Roanoke Township, Woodford County, Illinois.
15     NOTE: The original right of way is recorded in the Office
16     of the Recorder of Deeds in Woodford County, Illinois, in
17     Miscellaneous Record, Book 42, Page 498.
18     Section 105. Upon the payment of the sum of $200.00 to the
19 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
20 Section 900 of this Act, the rights or easement of access,
21 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
22 described line and FA Route 49 are restored subject to permit
23 requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
24 Transportation:
25     Parcel No. 675X247
26     A part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section
27     15, Township 16 North, Range 4 West of the Third Principal
28     Meridian, Sangamon County, Illinois, described as follows:
29     Commencing at the northeast corner of the West Half of the



09300HB1336sam002 - 23 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence South 00
2     degrees 13 minutes 31 seconds West, 872.35 feet; thence
3     South 85 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds West, 145.10 feet;
4     thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 19 seconds East, 333.51
5     feet to point on the northerly existing right of way line
6     of Federal Aid Route 49 (U.S. Route 36) being 60.00 feet
7     left of centerline Station 135+35.02, being the Point of
8     Beginning; thence northeasterly along said existing right
9     of way line on a curve to the left having a radius of
10     2,955.80 feet, an arc length of 157.87 feet and a chord
11     bearing North 63 degrees 29 minutes 39 seconds East, 157.85
12     feet to a point 60.00 feet left of centerline Station
13     136+96.10 being the Point of Termination.
14     Section 110. Upon the payment of the sum of $200.00 to the
15 State of Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in
16 Section 900 of this Act, the rights or easement of access,
17 crossing, light, air and view from, to and over the following
18 described line and FA Route 49 are restored subject to permit
19 requirements of the State of Illinois, Department of
20 Transportation:
21     Parcel No. 675X259
22     A part of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of Section
23     15, Township 16 North, Range 4 West of the Third Principal
24     Meridian, Sangamon County, Illinois, described as follows:
25     Commencing at the northeast corner of the West Half of the
26     Northeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence South 00
27     degrees 13 minutes 31 seconds West, 872.35 feet; thence
28     South 85 degrees 15 minutes 44 seconds West, 145.10 feet;
29     thence South 00 degrees 23 minutes 19 seconds East, 333.51
30     feet to point on the northerly existing right of way line



09300HB1336sam002 - 24 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     of Federal Aid Route 49 (U.S. Route 36) being 60.00 feet
2     left of centerline Station 135+35.02, being the Point of
3     Beginning; thence southwesterly along said existing right
4     of way line on a curve to the right having a radius of
5     2,955.80 feet, an arc length of 73.09 feet and a chord
6     bearing South 65 degrees 43 minutes 58 seconds West, 73.09
7     feet to a point 60.00 feet left of centerline Station
8     134+60.45, being the Point of Termination.
9     Section 115. Upon the payment of $1.00 to the State of
10 Illinois, and subject to the conditions set forth in Section
11 900 of this Act, the Secretary of the Department of
12 Transportation is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
13 right, title and interest in and to the following described
14 land in Cook County, Illinois, to the City of Chicago.
15     Parcel No. 0ZZ0081A
16     That part of Lots 5 through 11 inclusive in Block 30 of
17     Albert Crosby and Others Subdivision, being in the East
18     Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 40
19     North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian,
20     according to the plat thereof recorded August 18, 1873 as
21     Document 116140, in Cook County, Illinois, described as
22     follows:
23     Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 11 aforesaid;
24     thence on an assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 01 minute
25     04 seconds West along the west line of said Lot 11, a
26     distance of 3.00 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence
27     continuing North 00 degrees 01 minute 04 seconds West
28     116.78 feet; thence North 84 degrees 51 minutes 34 seconds
29     East 6.13 feet; thence South 51 degrees 19 minutes 03
30     seconds East 195.85 feet to the south line of Lots 5



09300HB1336sam002 - 25 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     through 11; thence North 89 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds
2     West along said south line 65.78 feet; thence North 39
3     degrees 44 minutes 56 seconds West 3.95 feet to a line 3.00
4     feet north of and parallel with the south line of Lots 5
5     through 11; thence North 89 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds
6     West along said parallel line 90.66 feet to the Point of
7     Beginning, containing 0.222 acres of land.
8     Parcel No. 0ZZ0081C
9     That part of Lots 31 through 37 in Block 30 in Albert
10     Crosby and Others Subdivision, being a subdivision in the
11     East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township
12     40 North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian,
13     according to the plat thereof recorded August 18, 1873 as
14     Document 116140, in Cook County, Illinois, described as
15     follows:
16     Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 37 aforesaid;
17     thence on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 15 minutes
18     02 seconds East along the north line of said Lot 37, a
19     distance of 36.78 feet; thence South 51 degrees 19 minutes
20     03 seconds East 26.95 feet; thence South 00 degrees 05
21     minutes 26 seconds East 105.83 feet; thence South 34
22     degrees 38 minutes 33 seconds East 58.39 feet to the north
23     line of the south 5.00 feet of Lot 31 aforesaid; thence
24     North 89 degrees 15 minutes 04 seconds West along said
25     north line 91.04 feet to the west line of said Lots 31
26     through 37;thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds
27     West along said west line 114.92 feet; thence North 89
28     degrees 57 minutes 02 seconds East 2.74 feet; thence North
29     00 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds East 10.05 feet; thence
30     North 39 degrees 44 minutes 56 seconds West 4.36 feet to
31     the west line of said Lots 31 through 37; thence North 00



09300HB1336sam002 - 26 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds West along said west line
2     41.67 feet to the Point of Beginning, containing 0.239
3     acres of land.
4 It is understood and agreed that there is no existing right of
5     access nor will access be permitted in the future by the
6     State of Illinois, Department of Transportation, from or
7     over the premises above described to and from FAI Route 94,
8     previously declared a freeway.
9     Section 120. The Secretary of the Department of
10 Transportation, subject to the conditions set forth in Section
11 900 of this Act, is authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all
12 right, title and interest in and to the following described
13 land in Cook County, Illinois, to Village of Matteson.
14     Parcel No. 0ZZ379A
15     That part of Lot 1 in Block 2 in Dettmering's Pine Grove
16     Subdivision, being a subdivision of Lot 23 of division of
17     those parts of Section 23, Township 35 North, Range 13 East
18     of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Lots
19     3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, and 15 in County Clerk's Division
20     of Unsubdivided Lands in Section 23, Township 35 North,
21     Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook
22     County, Illinois; bounded and described as follows:
23     Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 1 in Block 2 of
24     said Dettmering's Pine Grove Subdivision; thence on an
25     assumed bearing of North 00 degrees 44 minutes 46 seconds
26     West along the west line of said Lot 1, 100.08 feet to the
27     Point of Beginning; thence continuing North 00 degrees 44
28     minutes 46 seconds West along said west line of Lot 1,
29     46.39 feet to a point on a line drawn 58 feet south of and
30     parallel with the north line of the Southeast Quarter of



09300HB1336sam002 - 27 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     said Section 23; thence North 89 degrees 27 minutes 57
2     seconds East along the last described line, 6.83 feet to a
3     point on an 80.90 foot radius curve, the center of circle
4     of said curve bears South 09 degrees 03 minutes 52 seconds
5     West from said point; thence easterly along said 80.90 foot
6     radius curve, convex to the northeast, central angle 19
7     degrees 32 minutes 55 seconds, 27.60 feet to a point of
8     tangency; thence South 61 degrees 23 minutes 13 seconds
9     East, 8.61 feet to a point of curvature; thence
10     southeasterly along a tangential curve convex to the
11     northeast, radius 19.57 feet, central angle 30 degrees 20
12     minutes 46 seconds, 10.37 feet to a point of tangency;
13     thence South 31 degrees 02 minutes 29 seconds East. 9.82
14     feet to a point of curvature; thence southeasterly along a
15     tangential curve convex to the east, radius 41.16 feet,
16     central angle 27 degrees 05 minutes 19 seconds, 19.46 feet
17     to a point on a line drawn from a point on the west line of
18     aforesaid Lot 1 in Block 2 in Dettmering's Pine Grove
19     Subdivision distant 100.08 feet north of the southwest
20     corner of said Lot 1 to a point 96.91 feet northeasterly of
21     and 24.6 feet northwesterly of the southeast corner of said
22     Lot 1 (as measured on the southeast line of said Lot 1 and
23     on a line at right angles thereto); thence North 89 degrees
24     34 minutes 23 seconds West along the last described line
25     58.04 feet to the Point of Beginning, all in Cook County,
26     Illinois.
27     Containing 0.048 acres (2101 square feet) more or less.
28     Provided however the property may only be used for public
29 purposes, or title shall revert without further action to the
30 Illinois Department of Transportation.
31     Section 900. The Secretary of Transportation shall obtain a
32 certified copy of the portion of this Act containing the title,



09300HB1336sam002 - 28 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1 enacting clause, the effective date, the appropriate Section
2 containing the land description of the property to be
3 transferred or otherwise affected under this Article within 60
4 days after its effective date and, upon receipt of payment
5 required by the Section shall record the certified document in
6 the Recorder's Office in the county which the land is located.
7     Section 910. (a) The Director of the Department of Natural
8 Resources, on behalf of the State of Illinois, for the purpose
9 of future development of a bike trail path in Will County is
10 authorized to execute and deliver to the Will County Forest
11 Preserve District for and in consideration of $1.00 paid to
12 said Department, and other valuable consideration, a Quit Claim
13 Deed to its interest to the following two railroad right of way
14 trail corridors of land located in Will County, Illinois:
15      (Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad
16     Company Segment)
17     Parcel I: The Right of Way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
18     Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, (formerly the Illinois,
19     Iowa and Minnesota Railway Company) across the following
20     described land: The South 1/2 of the South East 1/4 of the
21     South East 1/4 of Section 15; Lot 9 of Crescent Stone
22     Company's subdivision of the South East 1/4 of the South
23     East 1/4 of Section l5; the Northeast 1/4 of Section 22,
24     except that part conveyed by Document R66-18449; Lot 1 of
25     Assessor's Subdivision of the Northwest 1/4 of the South
26     East 1/4 of Section 22 lying North of the Elgin, Joliet and
27     Eastern Railway Switch Track Right of Way; Lots 1 and 2 of
28     Assessor's Subdivision of the Northwest 1/4 of The South
29     East 1/4 of Section 22 lying South of the Elgin, Joliet and
30     Eastern Railway switch track right of way and North of the
31     center of Five Mile Grove Road; the South East 1/4 of



09300HB1336sam002 - 29 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Section 22 lying South of the center of Five Mile Grove
2     Road; the Northeast 1/4 of Section 27; the Northwest 1/4 of
3     Section 26, lying North of Woodruff, Mack and Cowles
4     Subdivision; Lots 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of Woodruff,
5     Mack and Cowles Subdivision; a triangular piece of land
6     lying North and East of Lots 1 and 9 of Woodruff, Mack and
7     Cowles Subdivision, the Southwest 1/4 of Section 26; the
8     South East 1/4 of Section 26, the Northeast 1/4 of Section
9     35; the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36; the Southwest 1/4 of
10     Section 36; and the South East 1/4 of Section 36, all in
11     Township 35 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal
12     Meridian;
13     Parcel II: The right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
14     Paul and Pacific Railroad Company (Formerly the Illinois,
15     Iowa and Minnesota Railway Company) across the following
16     described land: a triangular tract of land in the Northeast
17     1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 1, Township 34 North,
18     Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as
19     follows: Beginning at the Northeast Corner of the Northeast
20     1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Said Section 1; thence West
21     along the North Line of the Northeast 1/4 of said Section
22     1, a distance of 198.9 feet; thence Southeasterly to a
23     point on the Easterly line of the Northeast 1/4 of said
24     Section 1 which is 182.9 feet South of the Northeast Corner
25     of said Section 1; thence North along the East Line of Said
26     Northeast 1/4 to the Point of Beginning;
27     Parcel III: The right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.
28     Paul and Pacific Railroad Company (formerly the Illinois,
29     Iowa and Minnesota Railway Company) across the following
30     described land: The Northwest 1/4 and the Southwest 1/4 of
31     Section 6; the Northwest 1/4 and the East 1/2 of Section 7;
32     the Northeast 1/4 of Section 18; the West 1/2 of Section



09300HB1336sam002 - 30 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     17; the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20;
2     that part of the East 1/2 of Section 20 and the Southwest
3     1/4 of Section 20 lying west of the Wabash Railroad right
4     of way line; the West 1/2 of Section 29; and the South East
5     1/4 of Section 30 except that part conveyed by Document No.
6     544311 and also except that part conveyed by Document No.
7     R89-7583, all in Township 34 North, Range 11 East of the
8     Third Principal Meridian, All in Will County, Illinois.
9     PINS (or part of PINS)
10     07-22-200-008
11     07-36-100-005-0010
12     07-36-100-005-0020
13     07-26-400-004
14     07-27-200-003
15     07-35-200-003
16     07-15-400-013
17     11-01-200-005
18     12-17-300-002
19     12-29-300-002
20     12-30-400-006
21     12-06-300-003
22     12-07-400-002
23     12-20-300-004
24     12-18-200-002
25     Also: That part of Section 30, Township 34 North, Range 11
26     East of the Third Principal Meridian, being a part of the
27     Southeast 1/4 of Section 30 and lying Westerly of Norfolk
28     Southern Railroad's West right of way (also known as Wabash
29     Railroad) as depicted on Joliet Army Ammunition Plant
30     Drawing No. 3115, Sheet 1 of 2 segment map, and being more
31     particularly described as follows: Commencing at the



09300HB1336sam002 - 31 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     intersection of the South line of Section 30 and Norfolk
2     Southern Railroad centerline Station 2201+50, said
3     intersection being located South 88 degrees 17 minutes 18
4     seconds West 743.38 feet, more or less, from a Section
5     corner stone common to Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32; Thence
6     with South Line of Section 30, South 88 degrees 17 minutes
7     18 seconds West, 36.77 feet, more or less to the Point of
8     Beginning, being 33.00 Feet right of and normal to Railroad
9     Centerline Station 2201+66 and lying in the West right of
10     way line of said Railroad, said point also being the
11     Southeast corner of a parcel of land as originally acquired
12     by the United States of America, said corner common to the
13     lands now or formerly owned by George Delaney; thence
14     leaving said Railroad's West right of way line and
15     continuing with said South Section Line South 88 degrees 17
16     minutes 18 seconds West 150.00 feet, more or less, to the
17     Southwest corner of said parcel being 167.61 feet right of
18     and normal to Railroad Centerline Station 2202+32; Thence
19     with West boundary of said parcel as originally acquired
20     North 40 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds East 453.52 feet,
21     more or less, to a point 53.00 feet right of and normal to
22     Railroad Centerline Station 2198+00; Thence with the arc of
23     a 1.4794 degrees railroad curve to the right, having a
24     radius of 3872.83 feet and a chord of North 29 degrees 32
25     minutes 57 seconds East 124.91 feet, more or less, thence
26     Northeasterly 124.92 feet, more or less, to a point 53.00
27     feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
28     P.C. 2196+76.8; Thence North 30 degrees 28 minutes 24
29     seconds East 234.20 feet, more or less, to a point 53.00
30     feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
31     P.T. 2194+42.6; Thence with the Arc of a 1.5211 degrees
32     railroad curve to the left, having a radius of 3766.83 Feet
33     and a chord of North 28 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds East
34     203.71 feet, more or less, thence Northeasterly 203.73



09300HB1336sam002 - 32 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     feet, more or less to a point 53.00 feet right of and
2     normal to Railroad Centerline Station 2192+36; Thence
3     South 62 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds East 6.50 feet, more
4     or less to a point 46.50 feet right of and normal to
5     Railroad Centerline Station 2192+36; Thence with the arc of
6     a 1.5186 degrees railroad curve to the left, having a
7     radius of 3773.33 feet and a chord of North 25 degrees 56
8     minutes 26 seconds East 188.86 feet, more or less; Thence
9     Northeasterly 188.88 feet, more or less, to a point 46.50
10     feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
11     P.C. 2190+44.8; Thence North 24 degrees 30 minutes 24
12     seconds East 238.80 feet, more or less, to a point 46.50
13     feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
14     2188+06; Thence South 65 degrees 29 minutes 36 seconds East
15     30.00 feet, more or less to a point 16.50 feet right of and
16     normal to Railroad Centerline Station 2188+06; Being in the
17     West right of way line for said Railroad, also said
18     Railroad Centerline Station 2188+06 being located South 24
19     degrees 30 minutes 24 seconds West 190.00 feet, more or
20     less, from the intersection of Railroad Centerline Station
21     2186+16 and the East line of Section 30; Thence along said
22     West railroad right of way line as follows: South 24
23     degrees 30 minutes 24 seconds West 238.80 feet, more or
24     less, to a point 16.50 feet right of and normal to Railroad
25     Centerline Station P.C. 2190+44.8; Thence with the arc of a
26     1.5064 degrees Railroad Curve to the right, having a radius
27     of 3803.33 feet and a chord of South 25 degrees 56 minutes
28     26 seconds West 190.36 feet, more or less, thence
29     Southwesterly 190.38 feet, more or less, to a point 16.50
30     feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
31     2192+36; Thence continuing along said West railroad right
32     of way line; North 62 degrees 37 minutes 31 seconds West
33     16.50 feet, more or less, to a point 33.00 feet right of
34     and normal to Railroad Centerline Station 2192+36; Thence



09300HB1336sam002 - 33 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     with the arc of a 1.5131 degrees Railroad Curve to the
2     right, having a radius of 3786.83 feet and a chord of South
3     28 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds West 204.79 feet, more or
4     less; Southwesterly 204.81 feet, more or less, to a point
5     33.00 feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline
6     Station P.T.2194+42.6; Thence South 30 degrees 28 minutes
7     24 seconds West 234.20 feet, more or less, to a point 33.00
8     feet right of and normal to Railroad Centerline Station
9     P.C. 2196+76.8; Thence with the arc of a 1.4872 degrees
10     Railroad Curve to the left, having a radius 3852.83 feet
11     and a chord of South 27 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds West
12     403.28 feet, more or less; Thence Southwesterly 403.47
13     feet, more or less, to a point 33.0 feet right of and
14     normal to Railroad Centerline Station P.T. 2200+76.8;
15     Thence South 24 degrees 28 minutes 24 seconds West 89.43
16     feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, in Will
17     County, Illinois
18     Part of Pin; 12-30-400-006
19     (Wabash Railroad Company Segment)
20     Parcel 1: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly
21     known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway Company (now Donor)
22     abandoned right of way as now located and extra width right
23     of way as now located in Section 29, Township 34 North,
24     Range 11 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All situated
25     in the County of Will, State of Illinois.
26     Parcel 2: A strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
27     wide on each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
28     Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway
29     Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located
30     in Sections 30 and 31, Township 34 North, Range 11 East of



09300HB1336sam002 - 34 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     the Third Principal Meridian. All situated in the County of
2     Will, State of Illinois.
3     Parcel 3: A strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
4     wide on each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
5     Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway
6     Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located
7     in Section 6, Township 33 North, Range 11 East of the Third
8     Principal Meridian and Section I, Township 33 North, Range
9     10 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All situated in
10     the County of Will, State of Illinois.
11     Parcel 4: A strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
12     wide on each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
13     Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway
14     Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located
15     in the Northeast Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Section
16     12, Township 33 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal
17     Meridian. All situated in the County of Will, State of
18     Illinois.
19     Parcel 5: A strip of land 66 feet in width being 33 feet
20     wide on each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
21     Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway
22     Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located
23     in the Southwest Quarter of Section 12 and Northwest
24     Quarter of Section 13, Township 33 North, Range 10 East of
25     the Third Principal Meridian. All situated in the County of
26     Will, State of Illinois.
27     Parcel 6: A strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
28     wide on each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
29     Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway
30     Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located



09300HB1336sam002 - 35 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     in Section 14, Township 33 North, Range 10 East of the
2     Third Principal Meridian. All situated in the County of
3     Will, State of Illinois.
4     Parcel 7: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly
5     known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway Company (now Donor)
6     abandoned right of way as now located and extra width right
7     of way as now located in Section 23, Township 33 North,
8     Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All situated
9     in the County of Will, State of Illinois.
10     Parcel 8: A strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
11     wide on each side of the center track of the Wabash
12     Railroad Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn
13     Railway Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now
14     located in Section 22, Township 33 North, Range 10 East of
15     the Third Principal Meridian. All situated in the County of
16     Will, State of Illinois.
17     Parcel 9: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly
18     known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway Company (now Donor)
19     abandoned right of way as now located and extra width right
20     of way as now located in Section 27, Township 33 North,
21     Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All situated
22     in the County of Will, State of Illinois.
23     Parcel 10: A strip of land 66 feet in width, being 33 feet
24     wide on each side of the center line of the Wabash Railroad
25     Company, formerly known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway
26     Company (now Donor) abandoned right of way as now located
27     in Sections 28 and 33, Township 33 North, Range 10 East of
28     the Third Principal Meridian, excepting therefrom that
29     part of said abandoned right of way falling in the East
30     Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 33



09300HB1336sam002 - 36 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All
2     situated in the County of Will, State of Illinois.
3     Parcel 11: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly
4     known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway Company (now Donor)
5     abandoned right of way as now located and extra width right
6     of way as now located in Section 5, Township 32 North,
7     Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All situated
8     in the County of Will, State of Illinois.
9     Parcel 12: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly
10     known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway Company (now Donor)
11     abandoned right of way as now located and extra width right
12     of way as now located in Section 8, Township 32 North,
13     Range 10 East of the Third Principal Meridian. All situated
14     in the County of Will, State of Illinois.
15     Parcel 13: All of the Wabash Railroad Company, formerly
16     known as the Chicago and Strawn Railway Company (now Donor)
17     abandoned right of way as now located and extra width right
18     of way as now located in Sections 7, 18, and that part of
19     the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, lying Northeasterly of
20     the Northeasterly right of way line of Route 113, all in
21     Township 32 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal
22     Meridian, excluding that part of the Wabash Railroad
23     Company abandoned right of way, if any, as now located
24     across the Kankakee River in the Northwest Quarter of
25     Section 19, Township 32 North, Range 10 East of the Third
26     Principal Meridian. All situated in the County of Will,
27     State of Illinois. TOGETHER WITH Wabash Railroad Company's
28     (now Donor) abandoned bridge and associated support piers
29     located across the Kankakee River in the Northwest Quarter
30     of Section 19, Township 32 North, Range 10 East of the
31     Third Principal Meridian, Will County, Illinois. Said



09300HB1336sam002 - 37 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     bridge being identified as Bridge Number 1145. LESS AND
2     EXCEPT the following described property:
3     Tract 1: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18,
4     Township 32 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal
5     Meridian, Will County, Illinois, described as follows:
6     Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter
7     of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18; thence, North
8     89°17'39" East along the North line of the Southeast
9     Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18 a
10     distance of 171.53 feet to a point; thence, North 38°25'59"
11     East a distance of 132.68 feet to an iron rod; thence,
12     South 51°34'01" East a distance of 36.50 feet to a railroad
13     spike being on the southeasterly right of way line of the
14     Grantor; thence, South 38°25'59" West along last said right
15     of way line a distance of 432.00 feet to the POINT OF
16     BEGINNING; thence, continuing South 38°25'59" West along
17     said last right of way line a distance of 255.00 feet to an
18     iron rod; thence, North 51°34'01" West a distance of 38.00
19     feet to an iron rod; thence, North 38°25'59" East a
20     distance of 255.00 feet to an iron rod; thence, South
21     51°34'01" East a distance of 38.00 feet to the POINT OF
22     BEGINNING; containing 0.22 of an acre.
23     Tract 2: That part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 18,
24     Township 32 North, Range 10 East of the Third Principal
25     Meridian, Will County, Illinois, described as follows:
26     Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter
27     of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18; thence, North
28     89°17'39" East along the North line of the Southeast
29     Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 18 a
30     distance of 171.53 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence,
31     North 38°25'59" East a distance of 132.68 feet to an iron
32     rod; thence, South 51°34'01" East a distance of 36.50 feet



09300HB1336sam002 - 38 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     to a railroad spike being on the southerly right of way
2     line of the Grantor; thence, South 38°25'59" West along the
3     last said right of way line a distance of 372.00 feet to an
4     iron rod; thence, North 51°34'01" West a distance of 36.50
5     feet to an iron rod; thence, North 38°25'59" East a
6     distance of 239.32 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
7     containing 0.31 of an acre.
8     PINS (or part of PINS)
9     14-12-31-505-001
10     13-19-06-505-001
11     09-18-01-505-001
12     09-18-14-505-001
13     09-18-27-505-001
14     08-25-05-505-001
15     08-25-05-505-002
16     08-25-08-505-001
17     08-25-18-505-003
18     02-24-24-505-001 (pt)
19     (b) The above property being transferred is to be owned and
20 developed for public recreational purposes. Any conveyance of
21 the property shall state that in the event that this land is
22 sold or transferred for non-public use, the property shall
23 revert back to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
24     Section 920. (a) The Director of the Department of Natural
25 Resources, on behalf of the State of Illinois, for the purpose
26 of future development of a bike trail path in Christian County
27 is authorized to execute and deliver to the City of Pana for
28 and in consideration of $1.00 paid to said Department, and
29 other valuable consideration, a Quit Claim Deed to its interest
30 to the following parcel of land located in Christian County,



09300HB1336sam002 - 39 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1 Illinois:
2     Former Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
3     Parcel #729-02-9
4     A strip of land 20 feet in even width off of the Easterly
5     side of the following described tract of land:
6     That portion of the abandoned Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
7     right-of-way lying in the Northwest Quarter of the
8     Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 12 North, Range 1
9     West of the Third Principal Meridian, Christian County,
10     Illinois, being 50 feet on either side of the originally
11     located centerline of said railroad, more particularly
12     described as follows: Beginning at the Northerly most
13     corner of a triangular tract of land described in deed
14     recorded as Doc. No. 87-23700; thence South 41 degrees
15     45'20" East, 770.45 feet to the Southeasterly corner of
16     said triangular tract of land described in deed recorded as
17     Doc. No. 87-23700; thence South 89 degrees 44'31" East,
18     134.59 feet; thence North 41 degrees 45'20" West, 971.55
19     feet to a point on the West Section line of Section 36;
20     thence South 00 degrees 15'23" West, along said West
21     Section line, a distance of 149.41 feet to the point of
22     beginning.
23     Situated in the County of Christian, State of Illinois.
24     (b) The above property being transferred is to be owned and
25 developed for public recreational purposes. Any conveyance of
26 the property shall state that in the event that this land is
27 sold or transferred for nonpublic use, the property shall
28 revert back to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.



09300HB1336sam002 - 40 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Section 925. (a) The Director of the Department of Natural
2 Resources, on behalf of the State of Illinois, for the purpose
3 of securing access to State owned property, over and across a
4 former mine haul road owned by Consolidation Coal Company, a
5 Delaware Corporation, and for the purpose of providing improved
6 land management boundaries for both parties, is authorized to
7 exchange certain real property in Perry County, Illinois,
8 hereinafter referred to as Parcel A, for certain real property
9 in said County owned by said Consolidation Coal Company, its
10 successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to as Parcel B,
11 such Parcels being described as follows, to wit:
12     Parcel A:
13     A parcel of land being a part of the Northwest Quarter of
14     the Southwest Quarter, a part of the Northeast Quarter of
15     the Southwest Quarter, and a part of the Northwest Quarter
16     of the Southeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 6 South,
17     Range 4 West of the Third Principal Meridian, being more
18     particularly described as follows:
19     Beginning at an iron rod set at the Southwest corner of
20     said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence N
21     00°45'24" E along the West line of said Northwest Quarter
22     of the Southwest Quarter, 109.00 feet to an iron rod set;
23     thence N 89°41'30" E along the North line of the South 109
24     feet of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,
25     1322.99 feet to an iron rod set in the West line of said
26     Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence N
27     00°40'52" E along the West line of said Northeast Quarter
28     of the Southwest Quarter, 175.00 feet to the Northwest
29     corner of Tract 1 of Parcel 161, as described in that
30     Warranty Deed recorded in Book 591 at Page 79 in the
31     Recorder's Office of Perry County, Illinois; thence N
32     75°31'43" E along the Northwesterly boundary of said Tract



09300HB1336sam002 - 41 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     1 of Parcel 161, 2067.00 feet to an iron rod set; thence N
2     00°11'45" W along the Northwesterly boundary of said Tract
3     1 of Parcel 161, 514.08 feet to an iron rod set in the
4     South right-of-way line of Leopard Road; thence along said
5     South right-of-way line and along the Northerly boundary of
6     said Tract 1 of Parcel 161 the following two (2) calls:
7     thence S 67°53'44" E, 366.31 feet to an iron rod set;
8     thence S 65°41'20" E, 231.71 feet to an iron rod found in
9     the West right-of-way line of Panda Bear Road; thence along
10     the West right-of-way line of Panda Bear Road the following
11     four (4) calls: thence S 00°38'52" W, 199.88 feet to an
12     iron rod set; thence along a Curve to the Right, with Chord
13     Bearing S 18°59'14" W 459.71 feet, a Radius of 730.52 feet,
14     an Arc Length of 467.66 feet to an iron rod set; thence
15     along a Curve to the Left, with Chord Bearing S 18°38'40" W
16     345.17 feet, a Radius of 538.80 feet, an Arc Length of
17     351.37 feet to an iron rod set; thence S 00°02'16" E, 21.70
18     feet to an iron rod set in the North right-of-way line of
19     an existing park road; thence along the North right-of-way
20     line of said existing park road the following four (4)
21     calls: thence N 86°26'52" W, 388.54 feet to an iron rod
22     set; thence along a Curve to the Left, with Chord Bearing N
23     89°26'45" W 508.36 feet, a Radius of 4860.00 feet, an Arc
24     Length of 508.59 feet to an iron rod set; thence S
25     87°33'23" W, 1002.64 feet to an iron rod set; thence along
26     a Curve to the Left, with Chord Bearing S 84°39'57" W
27     937.82 feet, a Radius of 8414.38 feet, an Arc Length of
28     938.31 feet to an iron rod set in the South line of said
29     Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence S
30     89°41'30" W along the South line of said Northwest Quarter
31     of the Southwest Quarter, 782.94 feet to the Point of
32     Beginning, containing 34.441 acres, more or less, all
33     situated in the County of Perry, State of Illinois.



09300HB1336sam002 - 42 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Parcel B:
2     The West Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast
3     Quarter of Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 4 West of
4     the Third Principal Meridian, containing 20 acres, more or
5     less, all situated in the County of Perry, State of
6     Illinois.
7     (b) The Director of the Department of Natural Resources, on
8 behalf of the State of Illinois, for the purpose of clearing
9 title to a Parcel of land now owned by Consolidation Coal
10 Company, a Delaware Corporation, and hereinafter referred to as
11 Parcel 169, which was erroneously included in that Quit-Claim
12 Deed from Ark Land Company to the People of the State of
13 Illinois, recorded 9-28-01 in the Recorder's Office of Perry
14 County, Illinois, in Book 591 at Page 96, and for and in
15 consideration of $1.00, is authorized to execute and deliver a
16 Quit-Claim Deed for said Parcel 169 to said Consolidation Coal
17 Company, its successors and assigns, said Parcel 169 being
18 described as follows:
19     Parcel 169:
20     Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter
21     of the Southeast Quarter, Section 1, Township 6 South,
22     Range 4 West of the 3rd P.M., Perry County, Illinois,
23     thence Southerly along the East line of said
24     Quarter-Quarter to the Southeast corner of said
25     Quarter-Quarter, thence Westerly along the South line of
26     said Quarter-Quarter to the Southwest corner of said
27     Quarter-Quarter, thence Westerly along the South line of
28     the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said
29     Section 1 to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter
30     of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 1, thence
31     Northerly along the West line of the Northeast Quarter of
32     the Southwest Quarter of said Section 1, 284 feet to the



09300HB1336sam002 - 43 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1     Point of Beginning, thence North 75 degrees East 2067 feet,
2     thence North 441.79 feet, thence N 68°47'06" W, a distance
3     of 94.69 feet; thence S 89°22'52" W, a distance of 1898.27
4     feet, thence S 00°35'11" W, a distance of 990.58 feet to
5     the point of beginning and being a part of the Northeast
6     Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and a part of the
7     "Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter" (see Note),
8     all in Section 1, Township 6 South, Range 4 West of the 3rd
9     P.M., Perry County, Illinois; except all that part of the
10     Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter lying North of
11     the South right-of-way line of Leopard Road. (Note: The
12     part within quote marks should read "Northwest Quarter of
13     the Southeast Quarter").
14     (c) The Director of Natural Resources shall obtain a
15 certified copy of the portions of this Act containing the
16 title, the enacting clause, the effective date, the appropriate
17 Section or Sections containing the land descriptions of the
18 property to be exchanged or conveyed, and this Section within
19 60 days after its effective date and, upon receipt of the
20 payment required by the Section or Sections, if any payment is
21 required, shall record the certified document in the Recorder's
22 Office in the County in which the land is located.
23     Section 930. The Boone County Conservation District is
24 authorized to convey by quitclaim deed all of its right, title,
25 and interest in and to the following described land:
26     Part of the West Half (1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (1/4)
27 of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of Section 32, Township 46
28 North, Range 3 East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded
29 and described as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Northeast
30 corner of the West Half (1/2) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of
31 said Section 32; thence South 01°-04'-09" West, along the East
32 line of the West Half (1/2) of said Quarter (1/4) Section,



09300HB1336sam002 - 44 - LRB093 07296 LRD 51633 a

1 1830.00 feet; thence South 89°-53'-04" West, parallel with the
2 North line of said Quarter (1/4) Section, 660.79 feet to the
3 point of beginning of the following described premises, to-wit:
4 thence North 01°-07'-56" East, along the East line of the West
5 Half (1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Northwest
6 Quarter (1/4) of said Section 32, a distance of 510.31 feet to
7 the Northeast corner of the East Half (1/2) of the Southwest
8 Quarter (1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of said Section
9 32; thence South 89°-53'-57" West, along the North line of the
10 Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (1/4) of said
11 Section 32, a distance of 9.4 feet to an existing fence line;
12 thence South 2°-03'-07" West, along the existing fence line,
13 510.56 feet; thence North 89°-53'-04" East, 17.6 feet to the
14 point of beginning. Situated in the County of Boone and State
15 of Illinois. Containing 6,887 Square Feet, more or less.
16     Section 999. Effective date. This Act takes effect upon
17 becoming law.".