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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate State Representative
4David S. Olsen on his distinguished service to the 81st
5Legislative District and the people of Illinois; and
6    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen was a member of the Illinois House from
7mid-2016 until January of 2019 and served the body with honor
8and distinction; and
9    WHEREAS, The people of DuPage and Will Counties were very
10well-served by the leadership and bipartisanship of Rep. Olsen
11during his tenure; and
12    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen was born and raised in the 81st
13District; he graduated from Downers Grove South High School in
142007 and earned dual undergraduate degrees in finance and
15management from the University of Illinois at
16Urbana-Champaign, where he served as student body president and
17was a Rhodes Scholarship finalist; and
18    WHEREAS, Prior to taking his seat in the General Assembly,
19Rep. Olsen was employed as an ethics and compliance officer for
20BP's commodity trading division in Chicago; and



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1    WHEREAS, In 2013, Rep. Olsen was elected to the Downers
2Grove Village Council, where he served until 2016; he was
3selected by his peers to serve as mayor pro tem from 2015 to
42016; and
5    WHEREAS, In 2016, Rep. Olsen was appointed to fill a
6vacancy on the College of DuPage Board of Trustees, where he
7also served as the board's vice chairman during a tumultuous
8time for the college; and
9    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen continues to serve on the board of
10directors for the School District 58 Education Foundation and
11is an active member of the Chamber630; and
12    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen is a member of the Friendship United
13Methodist Church of Bolingbrook, where he has served as
14co-leader of the eighth grade confirmation class and is a
15member of the choir; and
16    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen is widely respected by lawmakers from
17both political parties because he always promoted honest
18dialogue on all points of view regarding legislative issues
19while remaining a fierce advocate of balanced budgets and
20responsible spending; and
21    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen's first successful bill in the House of



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1Representatives addressed the pressing need for property tax
2relief and pension reform by increasing the number of hours an
3elected official must work to become eligible for a pension
4through the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund; and
5    WHEREAS, During his tenure in the General Assembly, Rep.
6Olsen served on several influential House Committees,
7including the Community College Access & Affordability,
8Elementary & Secondary Education: Curriculum and Policies,
9Judiciary-Criminal, Public Utilities, Renewable Energy &
10Sustainability, Appropriations- General Services, Elementary &
11Secondary Education: Licensing and Administration, Financial
12Institutions, Mass Transit, Aging and Government Consolidation &
13 Modernization Committees; and
14    WHEREAS, In 2016, Rep. Olsen was appointed to serve on the
15Rare Diseases Commission, and in 2017, he was appointed to
16serve on the House Sexual Discrimination & Harassment Task
17Force; and
18    WHEREAS, In 2017, Rep. Olsen was chosen as one of 40 young
19emerging leaders in Illinois to participate in the bipartisan,
20bicameral Edgar Fellows leadership program; and
21    WHEREAS, In 2018, Representative Olsen was chosen as the
22sole Illinois representative to the Millennial Action



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1Project's 12-member bipartisan Democracy Reform Task Force,
2where he worked with representatives and senators from across
3the nation to advance legislation on fair maps, government
4accountability, and access to voting; and
5    WHEREAS, During his time as the legislative voice for the
681st District, Rep. Olsen championed dozens of bills that saved
7taxpayers money, brought fairness, transparency, and
8efficiency to state government, and improved public safety; he
9ushered several bills into law as the chief sponsor, including
10landmark consolidation legislation that simplifies the process
11to consolidate the functions of mosquito abatement districts;
13    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen always stood with taxpayers and opposed
14all efforts to move Illinois away from its flat tax system and
15toward a graduated income tax; and
16    WHEREAS, Rep. Olsen has been honored with a multitude of
17awards and recognitions during his time in the General
18Assembly, including the Young Professional of the Year Award
19from Chamber630, the Environmental Stewardship Award from the
20Illinois Environmental Council, the Friend of Agriculture
21Award from the Illinois Farm Bureau, the Friend of
22Manufacturing Award from the Illinois Technology &
23Manufacturing Association, and the Legislator of the Year Award



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1from the Illinois School Counselors Association; therefore, be
5congratulate State Representative David S. Olsen on making a
6positive difference in the lives of the people he represented
7in DuPage and Will Counties and across Illinois, and we wish
8him the best in all his future endeavors; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
10presented to Rep. Olsen as an expression of our esteem and
11respect for our colleague and friend.