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2    WHEREAS, It is right and appropriate to celebrate a
3diversity of cultures and heritages; this celebration serves as
4a reminder that despite our differing backgrounds, everyone in
5Illinois is bound by a common hope for a better and more
6inclusive future for our children; and
7    WHEREAS, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are among
8the fastest growing ethnic groups in Illinois; Asian Americans
9and Pacific Islanders make up more than 5% of the population of
10the State; the community grew by over 40% between 2000 and
112010; and
12    WHEREAS, The Asian American and Pacific Islander community
13has a long and integral history in the United States; in
14recognition and celebration of that history, the United States
15Congress established Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week in
161978; that week was extended to the full month of May in 1990;
18    WHEREAS, May is an appropriate month for the observation of
19Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage, since May 7, 1843
20marked the arrival date of the first Japanese immigrant to the
21United States; May 10, 1869 is the date that the United States
22was united coast to coast by the Transcontinental Railroad with



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1the placement of the "Golden Spike"; the railroad was made
2possible by the herculean efforts of the mostly Chinese
3immigrant workers; May 6, 1882 marks the passage of the Chinese
4Exclusion Act, which shaped the course of Asian immigration for
5almost a century to come; and
6    WHEREAS, The Asian American community played a heroic role
7in the Second World War; the 442nd Infantry regiment, made
8mostly of Japanese Americans, fought for the United States
9while their families at home were facing harsh discrimination
10and internment; the 442nd became one of the most decorated
11units for its size, earning almost 10,000 Purple Hearts; and
12    WHEREAS, Despite the contributions of the different Asian
13Americans and immigrants, the Asian American community has
14faced challenges and discrimination in the United States; many
15of the Chinese laborers were treated extremely poorly during
16the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad and none of
17the Chinese Americans were allowed in the famous picture of the
18"Golden Spike"; Asian immigrants faced xenophobia and outright
19violence throughout periods of the 19th and 20th centuries; and
20    WHEREAS, Despite this inequity, brilliant leaders from
21different Asian American communities have contributed to the
22history of our country; leaders like Dalip Singh Saund, who was
23the first Asian American elected to Congress; Fred T. Korematsu



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1a the champion of civil liberties and of the Japanese Americans
2interned during the Second World War; Larry Dulay Itliong was a
3hero for the labor movement; and Grace Lee Boggs and Patsy Mink
4were both a transformative force for Title IX; all have made
5tremendous contributions in the United States; whether as
6soldiers, laborers, business owners, advocates, or community
7leaders, those in the Asian American and Pacific Islander
8community continue to rise up to the challenges they face and
9serve as a force for good in the State of Illinois and the
10United States; and
11    WHEREAS, Illinoisans and Americans of all walks of life are
12encouraged to learn about the deep history of Asian and Pacific
13Islander Americans and their contributions to our State and
14country; therefore, be it
1716 of 2018 is the date designated as Asian American Action Day,
18where community organizations and people of all creeds across
19Illinois advocate in the Capitol for legislation that is more
20inclusive of Asian and Pacific Islander Americans; and be it
22    RESOLVED, That we acknowledge May of 2018 as Asian American
23and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in honor of the people in



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1these communities in Illinois and the nation.