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2    WHEREAS, The Korean War began on June 25, 1950 and raged
3for three bloody years; 1.5 million United States soldiers,
4including thousands from the State of Illinois, answered the
5call to arms during the war; and
6    WHEREAS, The President of the United States may present
7Congressional Gold Medals to Korean War veterans in recognition
8of their contributions while serving under the United Nations;
10    WHEREAS, The purpose of the medals are to express
11recognition of the exemplary contributions made by Korean War
12veterans, both U.S. and Allied Forces, who demonstrated
13selfless acts during the conflict; and
14    WHEREAS, The Empire of Japan occupied the entire country of
15Korea from 1910 until the end of World War II; prior to the
16official Japanese surrender on August 15, 1945, the U.S. and
17its allies prepared an arrangement to divide Korea horizontally
18into two regions, North and South; and
19    WHEREAS, On June 25, 1950, the North Korea Peoples' Army
20and their allies invaded South Korea; the U.N. Security Council
21adopted a resolution to send U.N. Forces into Korea; on June



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127, 1950, President Truman sent U.S. troops as aid under the
2aegis of the United Nations; in October 1950, the Peoples
3Volunteer Army of China entered the conflict by encroaching
4into North Korea; in response, China's ruling party ordered the
5immediate destruction of the entire 1st Marine Division, the
6Republic of Korea Army Divisions, and the U.S. Army's 7th
7Infantry Division, which led to the struggle to defend the
8Pusan Perimeter; and
9    WHEREAS, A series of battles against the Chinese forces
10took place throughout autumn 1950, including the Battle of
11Inchon, the Battle of Naktong breakout, the Battle of
12Seoul-Second, and the Battle of Changjin Reservoir, which
13tested the capacity of U.S. forces against both the enemy and
14the elements; and
15    WHEREAS, On November 25, 1950, Chinese communist forces
16launched an all-out assault, swiftly overtaking the U.N. forces
17and forcing U.S. and U.N. troops to withdraw south; battles
18against the communist forces continued throughout 1951,
19including the Battle of Seoul-Fourth, by far the largest
20artillery operation of the Korean conflict; during this time,
21U.N. allied forces from countries such as Australia, the U.K.,
22and the Philippines assisted in combatting the Chinese
23communist forces; and



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1    WHEREAS, By 1953, at least another dozen battles took place
2in an attempt to retake South Korea; the ground action was led
3by U.S. and U.N. forces; and
4    WHEREAS, On July 27, 1953, the United States, North Korea,
5and China signed an armistice agreement that ended the conflict
6and created the demilitarized zone (DMZ), again dividing Korea
7but failing to bring about peace; to date, the Republic of
8Korea (South Korea) and the Democratic Peoples' Republic of
9Korea (North Korea) have not signed a peace treaty that would
10officially end the war; and
11    WHEREAS, One of two principle objectives was to not lose
12the war to the aggressors and the other was to keep Seoul,
13South Korea from occupation by the Democratic Peoples' Republic
14of Korea to the north; American combat troops and allied forces
15from 16 nations helped secure this mission; today, Seoul's
16vibrancy is possible because of those who served and
17sacrificed; and
18    WHEREAS, It is the appropriate time for America to honor
19the troops, including all United Nations allied forces during
20the Korean conflict, and to award them the Congressional Gold
21Medal; it is appropriate that these medals stand as evidence
22that The Forgotten War is no longer forgotten, but forever
23remembered; therefore, be it



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3encourage Congress to authorize the President to present
4Congressional Gold Medals to Korean War Veterans in recognition
5of their service and sacrifice; and be it further
6    RESOLVED, That following the awarding of the medals, we
7urge that one Congressional Gold Medal be given to the
8Smithsonian Institution and one Congressional Silver Medal be
9given to the War Memorial of Korea, Seoul, where it shall be
10available for display as appropriate and made available for
11research; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That we recognize and honor the service and
13sacrifice of Korean War veterans, the brave men and women who
14served honorably and those who paid the ultimate price
15defending our freedom; and be it further
16    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
17delivered to President Donald Trump, U.S. Senate Majority
18Leader Mitch McConnell, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck
19Schumer, U.S. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, U.S. House of
20Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and all members
21of the Illinois Congressional Delegation.