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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Dr. David R. Schuler,
4Superintendent of High School District 214, on being named the
5National Superintendent of the Year by the American Association
6of School Administrators (AASA), the School Superintendents
7Association; and
8    WHEREAS, This is the first time in the 31-year history of
9the Association's award that a Superintendent from Illinois has
10won the honor; and
11    WHEREAS, High School District 214 serves more than 12,000
12students in six comprehensive high schools in the northwest
13suburbs of Chicago; and
14    WHEREAS, Dr. Schuler has served as Superintendent of High
15School District 214 since 2005; and
16    WHEREAS, Through his tenure at High School District 214,
17each of the high schools has been named as one of the best and
18most challenging schools in the country; and
19    WHEREAS, High School District 214 is a national leader in
20preparing students for life beyond high school; and



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1    WHEREAS, Dr. Schuler's push to make college more accessible
2and affordable has led to a comprehensive career pathways
3program that offers personalized learning experiences through
4early college credit, internships, and career credentials, and
5the passage of critical education legislation; and
6    WHEREAS, Students have earned more than 1,500 career
7certifications in areas including computer programming,
8manufacturing, and healthcare, completed nearly two million
9hours of internship experiences, and annually earn 34,000 early
10college credits; and
11    WHEREAS, The District now teaches computer science to all
1212,000 students, and its six schools were among only seven in
13the nation to pilot an iOS app development curriculum,
14initiatives which were recognized by the White House; and
15    WHEREAS, Under Dr. Schuler's leadership, District 214
16helped write, champion, and pass legislation requiring every
17public Illinois college and university to accept Advanced
18Placement scores of three or higher; and
19    WHEREAS, Dr. Schuler, with the support of a strong Board of
20Education and an excellent staff, launched Redefining Ready!, a
21national campaign that introduces multiple research-based



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1metrics to demonstrate post-secondary readiness, during his
2time as 2015-2016 President of AASA, The School Superintendents
3Association; and
4    WHEREAS, Redefining Ready! has received support from
5thousands of educators across the country, and multiple states
6adopted the framework as part of their state accountability
7plans in the federal Every Student Succeeds Act; and
8    WHEREAS, Redefining Ready! has a multiple metric approach
9that ensure students are seen as more than a single test score;
11    WHEREAS, His work on Redefining Ready! has been published
12in several publications, and he has testified about college and
13career readiness before the United States Senate Committee on
14Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and the House Committee
15on Education and the Workforce; therefore, be it
18congratulate Dr. David R. Schuler on receiving the prestigious
19recognition as National Superintendent of the Year; and be it
21    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be



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1presented to Dr. Schuler as an expression of our esteem and
2respect for his achievement.