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2    WHEREAS, Research indicates that one in three women in the
3United States experience domestic violence; that means
4approximately 1.67 million women in Illinois experiences
5domestic violence at least once; and
6    WHEREAS, During the State of Illinois 2017 fiscal year, 50
7agencies funded by the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic
8Violence reported that services were provided to 41,243 adults
9who were accompanied by 8,000 children; a total of 61% of those
10adults seeking services had between one and three accompanying
11children; 3,122 children were provided overnight shelter; of
12the children served, 71% were younger than 10 years of age;
13another 3,670 children were denied shelter along with their
14accompanying adult because of lack of beds; the 41,243 adults
15received 358,774 hours of service in counseling, advocacy,
16support in the courts, and economic self-sufficiency support;
18    WHEREAS, A study of low-income preschoolers finds that
19children who have been exposed to family violence suffer
20symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, such as
21bed-wetting or nightmares, and are at greater risk than their
22peers of having allergies, asthma, gastrointestinal problems,
23headaches, and flu; children of mothers who experience prenatal



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1physical domestic violence are at an increased risk of
2exhibiting aggressive, anxious, depressed, and hyperactive
3behavior; females who are exposed to their parents' domestic
4violence as adolescents are significantly more likely to become
5victims of dating violence than daughters of nonviolent
6parents; and
7    WHEREAS, Children who experience childhood trauma,
8including witnessing incidents of domestic violence, are at a
9greater risk of having serious adult health problems including
10tobacco use, substance abuse, obesity, cancer, heart disease,
11and depression; they also have a higher risk of having an
12unintended pregnancy; and
13    WHEREAS, Physical abuse during childhood increases the
14risk of future victimization among women and the risk of future
15perpetration of abuse by men more than two-fold; and
16    WHEREAS, According to the Centers for Disease Control and
17Prevention: "in the United States, one in five women have
18experienced completed or attempted rape"; approximately one in
1915 men have experienced rape, and "most victims first
20experienced sexual violence before age 25"; that means more
21than one million women and more than 400,000 men in Illinois
22experience sexual violence in their lifetime; and



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1    WHEREAS, The FBI Crime Clock statistics in 2016 reported
2that a rape occurs every four minutes in the United States; and
3    WHEREAS, The Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
4consists of 30 rape crisis centers; during the State of
5Illinois 2017 fiscal year, the Illinois rape crisis centers
6served 19,077 survivors of sexual assault, and provided 95,038
7hours of service to survivors, including 57,056 hours of
8counseling, 13,173 hours of criminal justice advocacy and 8,028
9hours of medical advocacy; the centers also provided 22,427
10hours of prevention education to 581,350 participants; and
11    WHEREAS, The CDC has declared: "Sexual violence is a very
12serious public health problem that affects millions of women
13and men"; the National Violence Against Women Prevention
14Research Center (NVAWPRC) reports that 31% of rape victims
15develop PTSD; NVAWPRC also found that rape victims are 4.1
16times more likely than non-crime victims to have contemplated
17suicide and 13 times more likely to attempt suicide; and
18    WHEREAS, Victims of sexual assault are three times more
19likely than non-victims to experience a major depressive
20episode in their lives, and depression is a frequent symptom in
21survivors of childhood sexual abuse; and
22    WHEREAS, Research also shows that child sexual assault



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1survivors are more likely to have pelvic pain and pelvic
2inflammatory disorder, breast diseases, yeast infections,
3bladder infections, complications of pregnancy and chronic
4pain, including backaches and headaches; and
5    WHEREAS, Domestic violence has become a national emergency
6and state agencies are overwhelmed simply trying to respond to
7what is happening, which leaves almost no resources or time to
8work toward prevention; therefore, be it
11declare domestic violence and sexual assault a public health
12priority for the State of Illinois and we urge the State to
13make available all necessary resources to combat this epidemic;
14and be it further
15    RESOLVED, That suitable copies of this resolution be
16delivered to Governor Rauner and all members of the General