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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate John F. Vrba on his tenure
4as the president of the Illinois Health Care Association, a
5volunteer position wherein he sought the highest quality of
6care standards for the frail elderly who receive care in
7facilities across the State, and for his 27 years of service as
8a care provider; and
9    WHEREAS, John Vrba has embraced a life centered on
10positivity and living for the moment after the unfortunate
11passing of his father at a young age; he is the living
12embodiment of the phrase "Live, Laugh and Love"; and
13    WHEREAS, John Vrba is a lifelong Illinois resident, growing
14up in Northeastern Illinois, receiving his undergraduate
15education at the College of St. Francis in Joliet, and earning
16a master's degree in psychology from Benedictine University in
17Lisle; and
18    WHEREAS, John Vrba began his career in skilled nursing care
19in 1991, providing one-on-one direct care to residents as an
20activity aide, where he came to understand the needs of the
21frail and elderly; and



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1    WHEREAS, This early exposure to the elderly set John Vrba's
2course in life, causing him to dedicate his career to being a
3care provider for the elderly, climbing the ranks from being an
4activity aide, to an administrator, and eventually operating
5his own skilled nursing center, Burgess Square Healthcare and
6Rehabilitation Centre, where he could set the highest quality
7standards for those in his care; and
8    WHEREAS, John Vrba understood the value of working with
9like-minded individuals; he became a member of the Illinois
10Health Care Association at the outset of his career in skilled
11nursing care; and
12    WHEREAS, John Vrba used his role at the Illinois Health
13Care Association to serve as a volunteer advocate for the
14skilled nursing care profession at both the State and federal
15level; and
16    WHEREAS, John Vrba has worked diligently to assure
17appropriate physician oversight for the frail elderly happens
18throughout the State as a member of the board of directors for
19the Illinois Medical Directors Association; and
20    WHEREAS, John Vrba's humanitarian spirit could not be
21contained in the skilled nursing profession; he also serves on
22the board of the John McNicholas Pediatric Brain Tumor



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1Foundation, a group dedicated to the eradication of this
2horrible affliction; and
3    WHEREAS, John Vrba, after serving in many roles for the
4Illinois Health Care Association, eventually assumed the
5presidency in 2013, and now finds his term as such ending;
6therefore, be it
9congratulate John F. Vrba on his tenure as president of the
10Illinois Health Care Association and for his continued
11commitment to Illinois's elderly citizens; and be it further
12    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
13presented to John Vrba and his family as a symbol of our
14respect and esteem.