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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives are saddened to learn of the death of Philip
4Bader Elfstrom of Batavia, who passed away on May 28, 2017; and
5    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom was born in Evanston to Philip R.
6Elfstrom and Iras (Bader) Elfstrom on July 14, 1928; he
7attended high school in Wheaton and was a star football player
8at the University of Kentucky; and
9    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom opened Bader Publishing, a print
10shop at the corner of Main Street and Batavia Avenue; he also
11operated the first art gallery in Batavia, where local artists
12could exhibit their works; and
13    WHEREAS, In 1969, Philip Elfstrom was elected Assistant
14Township Supervisor and became a member of the Kane County
15Board; he became Chairman of the Kane County Board and held
16that position from 1971 to 1982; he then moved to the Forest
17Preserve Commission and was elected Forest Preserve District
18President; he later worked for the National Association of
19Counties in Washington D.C., where he was an advisor to
20President Ronald Reagan; and
21    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom had the vision and imagination to



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1make things happen during his time in politics; he envisioned
2bike trails instead of abandoned railroad tracks along the Fox
3River; he arranged to have the Fabyan Parkway Bridge
4constructed when a new bridge over the Fox River was needed; he
5was also responsible for the development of Settler's Hill Golf
6Course and the acquisition of the Kane County Government Center
7property; Elfstrom Stadium was named after him because he was
8the person most responsible for bringing minor league baseball
9to Kane County; and
10    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom was responsible for the
11beautification of South Batavia Avenue when he planted trees
12and flowers along the Avenue and personally took the
13responsibility to water the trees and flowers; he also worked
14on the restoration of many downtown buildings by creating the
15Batavia Downtowners, an organization set up by himself and
16other downtown business owners in the 1970s to bring new life
17to the business section of Batavia; he restored five of his own
1819th century buildings along River Street, including an old
19dairy where he lived on the upper floor; his upper apartment
20became a gathering place for his annual canoe race parties on
21his large deck above the Fox River; and
22    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom was named Citizen of the Year by
23the Batavia Chamber of Commerce in 1982, and in 1985 helped to
24fund a scholarship to benefit students and further their dreams



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1of a college education; and
2    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom leaves a legacy benefitting
3everyone in Batavia and all of Kane County and will be greatly
4missed by many; and
5    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom was preceded in death by his
6parents; his brother-in-law, Frank McGuigan; his niece,
7Kathryne McGuigan Sheldon; his long time dear companion, Peg
8Bond; and many close friends; and
9    WHEREAS, Philip Elfstrom is survived by his loving sister,
10Kathryne Margaret McGuigan; his nephew, Frank "Sandy"
11McGuigan; his dear friends, Cathy Youssi Searl, Terry and Jan
12Bond, and Josh Bond, all of whom were like family; his long
13time secretary and good friend, Bobette Keasler; and his good
14friends Eldon Frydendall and Mayor Jeffery Schielke;
15therefore, be it
18mourn the passing of Philip Bader Elfstrom, and extend our
19sincere condolences to his family, friends, and all who knew
20and loved him; and be it further
21    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be



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1presented to the family of Philip Elfstrom as an expression of
2our deepest sympathy.