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2    WHEREAS, The members of the Illinois House of
3Representatives wish to congratulate Tim Dimke on the occasion
4of his retirement from the Rockford Park District; and
5    WHEREAS, Tim Dimke is a Rockford native and has been an
6employee of the Rockford Park District for 44 years; he began
7as a seasonal maintenance employee and has held a variety of
8leadership positions throughout his career, including Deputy
9Director, Chief Operating Office, and Executive Director; and
10    WHEREAS, During his 44 years of service to the citizens of
11Rockford, Tim Dimke is credited with the development of many
12recreation facilities, notably the Carlson Ice Arena, the
13Aldeen Golf Club, Mercyhealth Sportscore Two, and the
14acquisitions of Magic Waters and the Indoor Sports Center; and
15    WHEREAS, As Executive Director, Tim Dimke has been
16instrumental in the development of the Nicholas Conservatory
17and Gardens, restoration of the Eclipse Lagoon and other
18gardens, and Reclaiming First, which has kept Rockford at the
19forefront of amateur sports; and
20    WHEREAS, Tim Dimke has spearheaded initiatives that have
21improved services for the Rockford Park District, such as the



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1quality assurance guarantee, the Fun for All Kids program that
2made programs and facility admission accessible and affordable
3to families, and many expanded partnerships with community
4organizations; and
5    WHEREAS, Under Tim Dimke's leadership, the Rockford Park
6District has twice been awarded the prestigious National Gold
7Medal Award for Excellence in Park and Recreation Management,
8and twice has been honored with the Distinguished Agency
9accreditation from the Illinois Association of Park Districts
10and the Illinois Park and Recreation Association; and
11    WHEREAS, Tim Dimke graduated from Auburn High School; he
12received a Bachelor of Science in Parks and Recreation
13Management from Eastern Illinois University, and his master's
14degree in business administration from Rockford College; and
15    WHEREAS, Tim Dimke has been married over 34 years to his
16high school and college sweetheart, Dr. Debra Dimke; they have
17one son, Derek Dimke, who received a finance degree from the
18University of Illinois; and
19    WHEREAS, In 2012, Tim Dimke received the Alumni Lifetime
20Achievement Award from his alma mater, Eastern Illinois
21University, for attaining distinguished professional success
22and prominence, and for being a living role model in the



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1discipline represented by the College of Education and
2Professional Studies; and
3    WHEREAS, In 2017, at the annual state conference, the
4Illinois Parks and Recreation Association and the Illinois
5Association of Park Districts honored Tim Dimke with the
6prestigious Robert Artz Lifetime Achievement Award and the
7Honored Professional Award; therefore, be it
10congratulate Tim Dimke on his retirement from the Rockford Park
11District, and we wish him the best in all his future endeavors;
12and be it further
13    RESOLVED, That a suitable copy of this resolution be
14presented to Tim Dimke as an expression of our esteem and