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2    WHEREAS, Landmarks Illinois and the Richard H. Driehaus
3Foundation honor individuals, organizations, projects, and
4programs whose work demonstrates a commitment to excellence in
5historic preservation with the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation
6Preservation Award; and
7    WHEREAS, During the 2014-15 school year, students in
8Gibault High School's 1818 Saint Louis History course,
9participated in a research project to trace the history of some
10of Waterloo's most prized public buildings; the "Discovering
11the Buildings of Downtown Waterloo" project originated with the
12town's mayor, Thomas Smith, who wanted to install plaques
13denoting historic buildings; after the project proved to be too
14time-consuming for historians in the city, Gibault High School
15history teacher, Matthew Schweizer, volunteered his 1818 Saint
16Louis History class to complete the project; and
17    WHEREAS, The junior class, all 16 or 17 years old at the
18time, began writing historical plaques containing information
19about the buildings and people affiliated with them on
20approximately 50 of Waterloo's most prominent buildings; the
21students used municipal records, newspapers, biographies, and
22conducted oral histories with longtime residents in the course
23of their research; the project allowed the students to gain a



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1deeper appreciation for history as they engaged with members of
2the Waterloo and Monroe County communities; the students
3compiled mini-biographies on the individuals who owned the
4downtown buildings; some learning that they had either family
5members or personal connections to the buildings they were
6studying; and
7    WHEREAS, At the conclusion of the project, the students
8presented their findings before the Waterloo City Council and
9at the Monroe County History Museum as part of the bicentennial
10celebration; everyone helping to compose the biographies are
11supporting authors on a published historical work; and
12    WHEREAS, Waterloo Mayor Thomas Smith nominated Matthew
13Schweizer and his class for the 2016 Richard H. Driehaus
14Foundation Preservation Award; and
15    WHEREAS, In recognition of their extraordinary work of
16preserving stories of people and special places throughout the
17State and showing how historic restoration has a positive
18impact on communities, the environment, and the people of
19Illinois, the Gibault High School Junior American History
20Project, "Discovering the Buildings of Downtown Waterloo", was
21awarded the 2016 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation
22Award for their effective local campaign to preserve and
23protect a historic resource; therefore, be it



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3congratulate the 2014-2015 1818 Saint Louis History class from
4Gibault High School and their teacher, Matthew Schweizer, on
5winning the 2016 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation
6Award, and that we appreciate their hard work, long hours, and
7dedication to the "Discovering the Buildings of Downtown
8Waterloo" project; and be it further
9    RESOLVED, That we thank Matthew Schweizer and his students
10for their exemplary work and proud contributions to their
11community and their State, and for being examples of community
12advocacy and involvement.