August 17, 2018


To the Honorable Members of

The Illinois House of Representatives,

100th General Assembly:


Today, I return House Bill 4469 with specific recommendations for change.


This legislation commendably increases access to voting for individuals detained in county jails through the establishment of polling places and facilitation of vote-by-mail opportunities. Every citizen eligible to vote should be able to exercise that right, and I fully support this expansion of access to the democratic process.


However, this legislation also mandates that the Department of Corrections, as well as county jails across the state, take part in voter registration and education efforts that exceed the legitimate role of law enforcement, corrections and probation personnel.


Therefore, pursuant to Section 9(e) of Article IV of the Illinois Constitution of 1970, I hereby return House Bill 4469, entitled “AN ACT concerning elections,” with the following recommendation for change:


By deleting page 3, line 5 through page 10, line 21.


With these changes, House Bill 4469 will have my approval. I respectfully request your concurrence.





Bruce Rauner